Wifi turns off by itself

I find that often my iPhone WiFi simply shuts itself off w/o my telling it to do so. Is this some new bug (or a feature)?

This is taken from an article on the Apple support site:
If iPhone Wi-Fi connection reverts to EDGE
If you're trying to connect to Wi-Fi and it looks like you're connected, but when you access a web page, it goes back to EDGE, it may be due to a known issue if wireless router is using MAC Address Filtering and the iPhone's MAC address has not been entered into the filter list. This may also occur if the WEP password was entered incorrectly.
If you experience this and use WEP Password, on the iPhone tap Settings > Wi-Fi. Then tap More Info ( > ) next to the Wi-Fi network name and tap Forget this Network. Then try accessing the Wi-Fi network again. Alternatively, turn off WEP encryption on the wireless router.
If MAC Address Filtering is enabled on the wireless router, make sure iPhone's Wi-Fi address (in Settings > General > About) is entered into the router's filter. See the documentation that came with your wireless router for additional information.

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    Hi Go to Settings Restore iPhone back to Factory Settings. Then set backup  over your WiFi. Use same Apple ID & Password then you will get your data back. If it keeps turning off. Make an Appointment at Apple Store. Cheers Brian

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    Oh wow...that's a really ancient OS. There was one more in the 10.2.1 branch after that, then the entire 10.2.2 branch, followed by 10.3.0, 10.3.1, and now 10.3.2...so you are perhaps 25, maybe 50 updates behind now? Not surprising that you are suffering from problems that have likely been cleared up since. I cannot recall specifically if the problem you are reporting was in that specific OS version...it's been way too long since I used it (I'm on now, on all 3 of my devices). Regarding the space issue, refer:Article ID: KB36394 Unable to upgrade to BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.3.1 or later due to insufficient spaceHowever, given your ancient OS, it is rather likely that you will have trouble with updating, especially in regards to backup/restore of your data. It has been reported that some who jump too far ahead find that their data cannot be restored to the updated device OS. So, to prepare, I advise you the following:Use LINK to conduct a full backup to your PCManually copy the entire contents of Device Memory to your PCPurchase and use Ultimate Backup to backup your data to your media cardPrepare full manual documentation of all configurations, account credentials, added apps, etc. (in case, in the worst case scenario, you cannot restore from backup and have to manually reconfigure everything)Hopefully this advice is way more conservative than you require...but better safe than sorry. If the official methods don't work for you, then you can consider the unofficial AutoLoader method (which, given your ancient OS, might actually be a "cleaner" way for you to go, but will require backup/restore or manual reconfiguration as AutoLoaders are completely destructive to everything presently on the device):http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/BlackBerry-10-OS-Device-Software/Upgrading-OS10-devices-using-Autoloader/td-p/2466747#nobannerhttp://forums.crackberry.com/bb10-leaked-beta-os-f395/bb10-os-archive-943672/You will want to research carefully what OS you choose, however...be sure you choose only an officially released (by at least one carrier) version and not a true "leak". Also beware of moving into 10.3.2...the government-required "kill switch" has been added to 10.3.2, and hence also includes a block that prevents you from falling back to 10.3.1. Good luck!

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    Did you mean the Adapter is greyed out and we cannot click to turn on it? Is there a wifi switch on your laptop? If so, please turn on it first.
    Also please try the network troubleshooter to see if the issue can be fixed:
    1) Right Click network icon in taskbar and select "open network and sharing center"
    2) Highlight wifi connection then at top click "Diagnose this connection"
    The troubleshooter will discover that the WiFi connection is turned off and offer a "Apply fix" option click that and windows will enable the wifi connection.
    To make sure the driver for Network adapter is the right one, please go to manufacturer’s website to see if there is the one compatible with Windows 8.1.
    If not, we can try to install the one applied to Windows 8 in compatible mode to see what’s going on.
    Since such issue can be caused by driver bug, please also contact the manufacturer to see if they can provide more information about this issue.
    For further troubleshooting plan, please upload the event log here for further research.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Now a rant.  I can't believe in this wireless age that Apple would make a product that cant join a wireless net work.  The apple rep said i could return it and look for the previous TC that would join an existing wireless network.  Are we going backwards?

    Ok... it is getting a bit clearer but there are still some questions.
    I connect to the internet via airport only and it is pretty fast.
    I was assuming airport in this statement in your first post meant the TC or the Express.. but I now realise we are still in the mass confusion stage where apple calls everything wireless an airport. So what you mean is the airport internal card of the computer??
    Also, I didn't want to bridge TC with my new fios router that I paid 100 dollars for, to get N speed and also paying 10 dollars more a month for fast speed.  I heard that bridging slows down everything and then there can be port issues with mail etc.
    I think this is mistaken.
    Putting the TC in bridge mode plugged into your FIOS will not slow the network.. nor will it cause mail or port issues.. in bridge the TC is just a fancy WAP and switch plus the network hard drive.
    If the computer is close it will be faster than the FIOS.
    You can run both wireless networks with different names.. so it is clear which is which. But you can also setup roaming so the computers themselves pick which is the best wireless.
    I tried extending the wireless net work and tried joining wireless network, but the TC kept crashing and I had to keep resetting the TC.  the Apple support person said these, extend wireless network and joint wireless network, are no longer a connection option with the new TC because of the new AC protocol.
    Thanks again!
    You cannot extend to a non-apple wireless router.
    You cannot use join a wireless network because when you do the ethernet ports will be cut off.
    But that has not changed.. I don't think Apple support is correct.. there has been no change with the AC model.. it is simply a fact that apple routers do not work in join wireless mode other than as a dumb client. The same applies to AC as to the earlier version.. but I have asked another person to check this.
    Join in the express is the only apple router that still allows an ethernet connection.
    For now you best use of the TC is bridged to the FIOS. Wireless you can sort out between several options.

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    Try a SMC reset.
    It might be helpful if you indicated the exact model/year of your MBP.  Are you running Lion OSX?

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    The Basic Troubleshooting Steps are:
    Restart..  Reset..  Restore from Backup..  Restore as New...
    Try this First... You will Not Lose Any Data...
    Turn the iPod Off... ( if it isn’t already )
    Press and Hold the Sleep/Wake Button and the Home Button at the Same Time...
    Wait for the Apple logo to Appear and then Disappear...
    Usually takes about 15 - 20 Seconds... (But can take Longer...)
    Release the Buttons...
    Turn the iPod On...
    If that does not help... See Here:
    Backing up, Updating and Restoring

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    What OS X version are you using?
    Can you take a screenshot of the pop-up notification?
    To take a screenshot hold ⌘ Shift 4 to create a selection crosshair. Click and hold while you drag the crosshair over the area you wish to capture and then release the mouse button. You will hear a "camera shutter" sound. This will deposit a screenshot on your Desktop.
    If you can't find it on your Desktop look in your Documents or Downloads folder.
    If you want to attach a screenshot to a response here, click the "camera" icon above the text field:
    This will display a dialog box which enables you to choose the screenshot file (remember it's on your Desktop) and click the Insert Image button.
    ⌘ Shift 4 and then pressing the space bar captures the window the cursor is on.
    ⌘ Shift 3 captures the entire screen.

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    Try calling the apple customer service maybe they will hel you. 1-800-my-apple(this is the phone number) By the way this problem is very weird. You should call.

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    - Reset the iPod. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings

  • My 7th generation iPod nano keep turning off by itself

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    If you still not reached 1 year, run to apple store and change it. I have same problem, but during running and stop not often like yours but only one time.

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    You can try drying it out internally by wrapping the unit in a paper towel and putting it in a bag of dry, uncooked rice (or a bag of silica gel pellets, if you have access to those) for a few days. It's very probable that it's been permanently damaged, but it's possible that if you dry it out, it may then work. If after a few days in the bag it still has problems, then you'll need to pay to get it exchanged (by Apple) or repaired (by a third-party repair service, which voids any warranty).
    Good luck.

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