Wildcard search fails

Using DS 5.2 I have noticed some anomalies in search results using wildcards.
Searching, for example, for "pager=*1" returns all the correct entries but also all the entries with NO pager number specified. The same happens for any single int after the wildcard, (but not a double int. EG "pager=*99" returns the correct anticipated result set).
This also happens with other attributes such as homephone and email.
Has anyone else come across this?
Thanks in advance for any help.

I have heard of this before but never seen it myself. I tend to use older, patched up versions of DS (e.g. 5.1SP3) for reasons just like this.
The previous cases were 1) a bug in the search algorithm was not handling wildcard searches with a small number of characters correctly if they were rooted at the beginning or the end of the string or 2) the indexes for multi-valued attributes were screwed up and the only solution was to get a patch and rebuild the indexes.
In both cases it was a bug. I think #2 implied that the entry had a previous value that matched the search, but the value had been deleted and the index was not updated properly. If this attribute is indexed you could try deleting the index and recreating it to see if the problem goes away.

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    While scheduling the report to run I used to pass mutilple parameters like CGAMSVC08,RLCSVC51
    If the pass the parameter with wildcard search like C% it works.
    When I pass two or more parameter values with wildcard search like C%,R% its not working.
    Could you please let me know how should I give the bind variable in the SQL query. Currently I'm paramater like the one shown below for passing multiple paramaters:
    Where (',' || :PRMRETRID || ',' like '%,'||RL.RETROFIT_ID|| ',%')
    Edited by: user1101445 on May 23, 2012 2:02 AM

    HI Tyler.
    Well, here's the latest.
    I found this little gem in the BIEE Release Notes Documentation...
    This issue applies to Versions,,, and
    Reports that use the BI Publisher data template as the data model may fail with the
    following error: "Data not defined."
    This error will occur if you defined a parameter in your data template but you do not
    pass a value to it via the user interface. If you do not specify this parameter in the "Parameters" section of the report definition that you created using the BI Publisher Edit Report interface, then you will receive the error.
    To work around this issue, either define the parameter in the Edit Report interface or remove the parameter from the data template.
    That bit is now working.
    Having set this up and using your guide it works if my SOAP parameters declaration passes a single value like this...
    But if I try and pass two or more like this...
    BIP states "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01722: invalid number"
    My SQL where clause is..
    <sqlStatement name="Q1">
    <![CDATA[select * from vw_invoice_summary
                   where invoice_summary_id IN (:P_INVOICE_ID)]]>
    And the BIP error records the parameter value as P_INVOICE_ID 16641,18421 (which are legit invoice IDs)
    In summary, works if I pass one invoice ID, fails if I pass two or more.
    Any ideas? Or do you reckon this is now a post for the BIP forum?
    Kind regards.

  • Wildcard Search requirement for Items description and BP Name

    Hi Friends,
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    and when the user wants to search it by say Motar 345 then all items which inclused Motar 345 should come highlighted.
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    Is there any possibilities by which this can be achieved. Its somewhat wildcard search required. I heared its possible in B1.
    Kamlesh Gupta

    Dear Sridharan,
    I have exactly put the same as 'Motar 345 after Opening the Item Master Data and in find mode pressed * Enter and put the above in Find and selected Item Description. But sorry to say that nothing is coming and the cursor goes in the last item master data.
    What might be the problem can you please tell me.
    Kamlesh Gupta

  • Database Services Engine Failed, SQL Server Replication Failed, Full Text Search Failed, Reporting Services Failed

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    I want to create a new named instance of SQL Server for some software I'm installing.
    The error is below.
    Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
    Overall summary:
      Final result:                  SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then
    rerun SQL Server Setup.
      Exit code (Decimal):           -595541211
      Exit facility code:            1152
      Exit error code:               49957
      Exit message:                  SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then
    rerun SQL Server Setup.
      Start time:                    2014-02-06 09:14:09
      End time:                      2014-02-06 11:18:16
      Requested action:              Install
      Log with failure:              C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\Detail.txt
      Exception help link:           http%3a%2f%2fgo.microsoft.com%2ffwlink%3fLinkId%3d20476%26ProdName%3dMicrosoft%2bSQL%2bServer%26EvtSrc%3dsetup.rll%26EvtID%3d50000%26ProdVer%3d10.50.2500.0%26EvtType%3d0x44D4F75E%400xDC80C325
    Machine Properties:
      Machine name:                  BAHPBZ52TY
      Machine processor count:       4
      OS version:                    Windows 7
      OS service pack:               Service Pack 1
      OS region:                     United States
      OS language:                   English (United States)
      OS architecture:               x64
      Process architecture:          64 Bit
      OS clustered:                  No
    Product features discovered:
      Product              Instance             Instance ID                   
    Feature                                  Language            
    Edition              Version         Clustered
      Sql Server 2008 R2   SQLEXPRESS           MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS          Database Engine Services                
    1033                 Express Edition      10.50.1600.1    No        
      Sql Server 2008 R2                                                      
    Management Tools - Basic                 1033                 Express Edition     
    10.50.1600.1    No        
    Package properties:
      Description:                   SQL Server Database Services 2008 R2
      ProductName:                   SQL Server 2008 R2
      Type:                          RTM
      Version:                       10
      Installation location:         c:\c7ced2c86d6b9813b28186cc831c2054\x64\setup\
      Installation edition:          EXPRESS_ADVANCED
      Slipstream:                    True
      SP Level                       1
    User Input Settings:
      ACTION:                        Install
      AGTSVCPASSWORD:                *****
      AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE:             Disabled
      ASBACKUPDIR:                   Backup
      ASCOLLATION:                   Latin1_General_CI_AS
      ASCONFIGDIR:                   Config
      ASDATADIR:                     Data
      ASDOMAINGROUP:                 <empty>
      ASLOGDIR:                      Log
      ASPROVIDERMSOLAP:              1
      ASSVCACCOUNT:                  <empty>
      ASSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      ASSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
      ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS:            <empty>
      ASTEMPDIR:                     Temp
      BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE:         Disabled
      ENABLERANU:                    True
      ENU:                           True
      ERRORREPORTING:                False
      FARMACCOUNT:                   <empty>
      FARMADMINPORT:                 0
      FARMPASSWORD:                  *****
      FILESTREAMLEVEL:               0
      FILESTREAMSHARENAME:           <empty>
      FTSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      HELP:                          False
      INDICATEPROGRESS:              False
      INSTALLSHAREDDIR:              c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
      INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR:           c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\
      INSTALLSQLDATADIR:             <empty>
      INSTANCEDIR:                   C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
      INSTANCEID:                    aedt2bSQL
      INSTANCENAME:                  AEDT2BSQL
      ISSVCACCOUNT:                  NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
      ISSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
      NPENABLED:                     0
      PASSPHRASE:                    *****
      PCUSOURCE:                     c:\c7ced2c86d6b9813b28186cc831c2054\PCUSOURCE
      PID:                           *****
      QUIET:                         False
      QUIETSIMPLE:                   False
      ROLE:                          AllFeatures_WithDefaults
      RSINSTALLMODE:                 DefaultNativeMode
      RSSVCPASSWORD:                 *****
      RSSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
      SAPWD:                         *****
      SECURITYMODE:                  SQL
      SQLBACKUPDIR:                  <empty>
      SQLCOLLATION:                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
      SQLSVCPASSWORD:                *****
      SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE:             Automatic
      SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS:           BAH\568385
      SQLTEMPDBDIR:                  <empty>
      SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR:               <empty>
      SQLUSERDBDIR:                  <empty>
      SQLUSERDBLOGDIR:               <empty>
      SQMREPORTING:                  False
      TCPENABLED:                    0
      UIMODE:                        AutoAdvance
      X86:                           False
      Configuration file:            C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\ConfigurationFile.ini
    Detailed results:
      Feature:                       Database Engine Services
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0xDC80C325
      Configuration error description: Access is denied
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\Detail.txt
      Feature:                       SQL Client Connectivity SDK
      Status:                        Passed
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Passed
      Feature:                       SQL Server Replication
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0xDC80C325
      Configuration error description: Access is denied
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\Detail.txt
      Feature:                       Full-Text Search
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0xDC80C325
      Configuration error description: Access is denied
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\Detail.txt
      Feature:                       Reporting Services
      Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Failed: see details below
      Configuration error code:      0xDC80C325
      Configuration error description: Access is denied
      Configuration log:             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\Detail.txt
      Feature:                       Management Tools - Basic
      Status:                        Passed
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Passed
      Feature:                       Microsoft Sync Framework
      Status:                        Passed
      MSI status:                    Passed
      Configuration status:          Passed
    Rules with failures:
    Global rules:
    Scenario specific rules:
    Rules report file:               C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20140206_091302\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm

    If you see error descriptioon it gives access denied so basically it is because of some access issue.I guess You must be using some domin account for installation make sure it is  added as local administrator also instead of using NT Authority network
    service  as SQL server service account use local system account .
    Below link would help
    You can also browse to setup.exe file and RK on it and select run as administrator
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

  • SharePoint 2013 Online - Default Wildcard Search

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    You can edit the Search Results Web Part. Then from the web part properties, click on Change Query.
    Now in the popup modal window, click on "Advanced Mode".
    In Query text, you can use {SearchBoxQuery}*

  • Address Book wildcard searching LDAP

    With Address Book under Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), and 10.5 (Leopard) it was possible to do a wildcard search of an LDAP server for contacts. You did this by typing *. or ** in the search box in the top right.
    Unfortunately, this no longer seems to work in Address Book in Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
    Does anyone know of an alternative way of doing this?

    Do you use iCloud? If so, try going to the System Preferences then iCloud and unchecking Contacts. It will warn you about deleting the contacts from your Mac. If you know your other devices on iCloud have the correct contacts(or icloud.com) then this should be completely safe. Once you've okayed them to be removed, immediately recheck contacts.
    Please let me know if this works. Thanks!

  • Com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException:multi-server search failed

    Hi Friends,
    I am getting the below error when i use search option in portal.
    Search Failure
    Error during search occurred - com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: multi-server search failed on some of the servers;error=1999,index=zhsea_helpdesk_doc,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zhsea_helpdesk_doc,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_io_ep,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_io_ep,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_io_ep,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_io_ep,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_bpp,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_search,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_search,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103;error=1999,index=zapcm_user_forum_database,location=hsea-pdc-s019:30103 (Errorcode 2975)
    An unexpected severe error occurred during the search call.  If the situation persists, inform your system administrator.
    I tried to create indexing but it is not happening,If i check TREX logs i found some errors please analyze the problem and advice
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:16.325 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:16.325 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00717) : open('
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header',ab) failed with error 106 (last file open failed and handle is not okay), 13 global open files
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e TREX_C_STORE FileHandle.cpp(00638) : ERROR: checkAndSetVersion(): reading index version from file failed
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00518) : could not read maxtermcounter zsccc_io_epen
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00251) : crashed in CSIndexSettings::open zsccc_io_epen
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00647) : CSIndexSettings not opened zsccc_io_epen
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e Trex_SE      FuzzyExceptions.cpp(00130) : caught ... exception in blobInfo.open() for zsccc_io_epen
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epen (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epde (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epsh (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epth (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_bppen (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_searchen (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_searchth (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zapcm_user_forum_databaseen (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zhsea_helpdesk_docen (rc = 1999)
    [6052] 2009-02-02 21:48:26.325 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zhsea_helpdesk_docth (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:12.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:12.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:12.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:12.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:22.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:22.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:22.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:22.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:32.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:32.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:32.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:32.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:42.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:42.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:42.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:42.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:52.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:52.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:52.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:52:52.922 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:02.923 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00741) : GetLastError: 5=Access is denied.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:02.923 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00324) : fopen
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header (21) failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:02.923 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00332) : GetDeviceFileName() failed.
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:02.923 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00336) : sleeping 10 seconds and trying again...
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e TREX_C_STORE CSFile.cpp(00717) : open('
    ephasapgrp\TXP_SHARE\TXP\index\zsccc_io_ep\en\settings.header',ab) failed with error 106 (last file open failed and handle is not okay), 13 global open files
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e TREX_C_STORE FileHandle.cpp(00638) : ERROR: checkAndSetVersion(): reading index version from file failed
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00518) : could not read maxtermcounter zsccc_io_epen
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00251) : crashed in CSIndexSettings::open zsccc_io_epen
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e TrexStore    IndexSettings.cpp(00647) : CSIndexSettings not opened zsccc_io_epen
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e Trex_SE      FuzzyExceptions.cpp(00130) : caught ... exception in blobInfo.open() for zsccc_io_epen
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epen (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epde (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epsh (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_io_epth (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_bppen (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_searchen (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_searchth (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zapcm_user_forum_databaseen (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zhsea_helpdesk_docen (rc = 1999)
    [5384] 2009-02-02 21:53:12.923 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(03987) : search: failed for main index zhsea_helpdesk_docth (rc = 1999)
    [2528] 2009-02-02 22:05:02.666 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiIndexDocuments.cpp(02494) : indexLocal zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_search: <zsccc_elibrary_fulltext_search> is already prepared (3=TPCS_PREPARED). Index call not allowed!
    Kind Regards

    I know this is an old thread, but in my case the problem was solved after i patched the TREX 7.10 revision 40 to revision 50...
    Cheers Michael

  • Multi-server search failed on some of the servers

    Hi All,
    i am getting below error in our portal/advance search.
    Error during search occurred - com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: multi-server search failed on some of the servers;error=2972,index=easywcmen;error=2972,index=itec_dept_indexen;error=2972,index=itec_proj_indexen (Errorcode 2975).
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:31:08.708 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'itec_proj_indexen' failed rc=4527
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:31:08.708 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_proj_indexen
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:31:08.724 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:31:08.740 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:31:08.740 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.100 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexen
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.225 e TextMining   Trace.cpp(00074) : EX: 'Unable to open input file
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.225 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02490) : getTMHandle: error in opening TM '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\en\trex' rc=9013
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.225 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03945) : rollbackOptimizeTextMining 'itec_dept_indexen' failed rc=9013
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.225 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_dept_indexen
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.241 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:06.366 e MiningAdmin  IndexManager.cpp(00866) : IndexManager::getAttributeInfos in IndexManager.cpp: Unable to read attribute infos from file '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\de\trex\FDocs'! Rollback is only possible option for index '
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:07.397 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde finished rc=0
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:07.397 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:08.538 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes finished rc=0
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:08.538 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:09.663 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr finished rc=0
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:09.663 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:10.788 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh finished rc=0
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:32:10.803 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:33:15.336 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:33:15.351 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:33:15.367 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:36:15.386 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:36:15.402 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:36:15.417 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:39:15.421 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:39:15.437 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:39:15.452 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.626 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.657 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.688 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.844 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.860 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:40:38.891 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:40:44.985 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:40:45.001 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:40:45.032 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:40:45.110 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:40:45.126 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:40:45.141 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:42:15.456 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:42:15.471 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:42:15.487 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:45:15.490 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:45:15.506 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:45:15.522 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:48:15.541 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:48:15.556 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:48:15.572 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.510 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.541 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.557 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.635 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.650 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:48:32.682 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.572 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.588 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.619 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.697 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.713 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:48:44.729 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.026 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.041 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.073 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.135 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.151 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:48:55.182 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.448 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.464 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.479 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.557 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.573 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 09:49:11.604 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.745 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.761 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.776 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.854 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.870 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 09:49:21.901 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.075 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.106 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.137 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.215 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.231 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:50:44.247 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.247 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.262 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.294 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.356 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.372 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:50:51.403 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:51:15.575 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:51:15.591 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:51:15.607 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 09:54:15.610 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 09:54:15.626 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 09:54:15.641 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 09:57:15.645 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 09:57:15.660 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 09:57:15.676 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:00:15.695 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:00:15.711 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:00:15.726 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.305 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index easywcmen
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'easywcmen' failed rc=4527
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.837 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for easywcmen
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.852 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.852 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:01:05.868 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:08.774 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_proj_indexen
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.321 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.337 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.337 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.337 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.337 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'itec_proj_indexen' failed rc=4527
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.337 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_proj_indexen
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.352 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.352 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:01:09.352 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.838 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexen
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.978 e TextMining   Trace.cpp(00074) : EX: 'Unable to open input file
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.978 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02490) : getTMHandle: error in opening TM '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\en\trex' rc=9013
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.978 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03945) : rollbackOptimizeTextMining 'itec_dept_indexen' failed rc=9013
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.978 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_dept_indexen
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:00.994 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:01.135 e MiningAdmin  IndexManager.cpp(00866) : IndexManager::getAttributeInfos in IndexManager.cpp: Unable to read attribute infos from file '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\de\trex\FDocs'! Rollback is only possible option for index '
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:02.166 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde finished rc=0
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:02.166 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:03.307 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes finished rc=0
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:03.307 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:04.432 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr finished rc=0
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:04.447 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:05.572 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh finished rc=0
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:02:05.588 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:03:15.730 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:03:15.745 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:03:15.761 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.636 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.683 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.699 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.777 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.792 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:03:20.808 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.636 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.652 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.668 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.746 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.761 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:03:29.793 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:06:15.764 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:06:15.780 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:06:15.796 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:07:22.266 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:07:22.266 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:09:15.799 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:09:15.815 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:09:15.830 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:12:15.850 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:12:15.865 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:12:15.881 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:15:15.884 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:15:15.900 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:15:15.915 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:18:15.935 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:18:15.950 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:18:15.966 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:21:07.282 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:21:07.282 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:21:12.282 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:21:12.282 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:21:16.001 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:21:16.016 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:21:16.032 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.344 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.360 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.376 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.454 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.469 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:21:27.485 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.563 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.579 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.595 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.673 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.688 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:21:38.704 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.376 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.407 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.423 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.501 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.517 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:21:50.548 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:24:16.035 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:24:16.051 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:24:16.066 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:27:12.289 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:27:12.289 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:27:16.070 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:27:16.086 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:27:16.101 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:30:16.105 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 10:30:16.105 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:30:16.136 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:30:22.292 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 10:30:22.292 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:05.902 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index easywcmen
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.418 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.418 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.434 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.434 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.434 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'easywcmen' failed rc=4527
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.434 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for easywcmen
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.449 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.449 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:31:06.449 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.387 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_proj_indexen
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.934 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.934 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.934 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.934 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.949 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'itec_proj_indexen' failed rc=4527
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.949 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_proj_indexen
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.965 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.965 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:31:09.965 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:31:12.293 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:31:12.293 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:31:17.293 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:31:17.293 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09658) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.622 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexen
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.747 e TextMining   Trace.cpp(00074) : EX: 'Unable to open input file
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.747 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02490) : getTMHandle: error in opening TM '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\en\trex' rc=9013
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.747 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03945) : rollbackOptimizeTextMining 'itec_dept_indexen' failed rc=9013
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.747 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_dept_indexen
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.747 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:05.888 e MiningAdmin  IndexManager.cpp(00866) : IndexManager::getAttributeInfos in IndexManager.cpp: Unable to read attribute infos from file '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\de\trex\FDocs'! Rollback is only possible option for index '
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:06.888 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde finished rc=0
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:06.904 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:08.029 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes finished rc=0
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:08.029 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:09.154 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr finished rc=0
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:09.154 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:10.279 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh finished rc=0
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:32:10.279 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:33:16.139 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:33:16.139 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:33:16.171 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:36:16.190 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:36:16.205 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:36:16.221 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:39:16.224 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:39:16.240 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:39:16.256 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:42:16.290 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:42:16.306 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:42:16.322 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:45:16.341 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 10:45:16.356 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 10:45:16.372 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 10:48:16.375 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:48:16.391 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:48:16.407 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [86380] 2007-12-31 10:51:16.410 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 10:51:16.426 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:51:16.441 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:54:16.460 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:54:16.460 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:54:16.492 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 10:57:16.495 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 10:57:16.495 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 10:57:16.526 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 11:00:16.545 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 11:00:16.560 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 11:00:16.576 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.413 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index easywcmen
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.929 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.929 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\easywcm\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.944 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.944 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.944 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'easywcmen' failed rc=4527
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.944 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for easywcmen
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.960 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.960 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [38716] 2007-12-31 11:01:06.960 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:09.927 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_proj_indexen
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.474 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01142) : <rollback>
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore.read.offset for fall back not availabel
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.474 e TREX_C_STORE CStoreFiler.cpp(01193) : ERROR: rollback:
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_proj_index\en\HashKeyStore failed
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.474 f TrexStore    PersistentDocStore.cpp(01753) : TrexStore error: TRexCommonObjectsException in DocKeyStore.cpp(222): 'ContentStoreOptimizeError' in function PersistentDocStore::rollback
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.474 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02259) : ERROR: m_docStore->rollback failed.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.474 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03951) : rollbackOptimizeFullText 'itec_proj_indexen' failed rc=4527
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.489 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_proj_indexen
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.489 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.505 e TrexSlice    TRexApiSystem.cpp(01248) : IndexID: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:01:10.505 e TrexSlice    TrexSlice.cpp(00502) : ERROR: snapshot creation failed with ret=2008!
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.233 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexen
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.358 e TextMining   Trace.cpp(00074) : EX: 'Unable to open input file
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.358 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(02490) : getTMHandle: error in opening TM '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\en\trex' rc=9013
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.358 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03945) : rollbackOptimizeTextMining 'itec_dept_indexen' failed rc=9013
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.358 e SERVER_TRACE DeltaIndexManager.cpp(01260) : rollback failed for itec_dept_indexen
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.358 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:00.498 e MiningAdmin  IndexManager.cpp(00866) : IndexManager::getAttributeInfos in IndexManager.cpp: Unable to read attribute infos from file '
    dcwwtrexprdfs1\i$\itec_dept_index\de\trex\FDocs'! Rollback is only possible option for index '
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:01.482 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexde finished rc=0
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:01.482 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:02.607 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexes finished rc=0
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:02.607 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:03.716 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexfr finished rc=0
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:03.731 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03907) : start rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:04.840 e Trex_SE      FuzzyOptimizer.cpp(03984) : rollbackOptimize for index itec_dept_indexsh finished rc=0
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:04.856 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [23192] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.705 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.736 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.767 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.845 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [103116] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.861 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 11:02:27.877 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [51320] 2007-12-31 11:03:16.589 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 11:03:16.605 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 11:03:16.620 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 11:06:16.682 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 11:06:16.682 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [71696] 2007-12-31 11:06:16.713 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [20892] 2007-12-31 11:09:16.785 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [96940] 2007-12-31 11:09:16.801 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 11:09:16.816 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [83108] 2007-12-31 11:10:18.345 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 11:10:18.377 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_proj_index, index is corrupt.
    [52804] 2007-12-31 11:10:18.392 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: easywcm, index is corrupt.
    [120828] 2007-12-31 11:10:18.470 e SERVER_TRACE TRexApiAdmin.cpp(09159) : Index Id: itec_dept_index, index is corrupt.

    Hi Srinivas,
    I am afraid, but it seems that the indexes of your TREX installation are corrupt. This could happen if, e.g. you use a network storage (SAN or NAS) which is temporarily not available.
    As far as I see it is necessary to perform a reindex or restore a backup of the not working indexes. For further investigation it might be useful to do a backup of the current situation.
    Kind regards,

  • Can't perform wildcard searches

    Hello world,
    We're using Portal with Patch 1949492 installed. This is on SE Database.
    When performing a search, cannot include wildcards. E.g. a search for 'test' returns only the exact word 'test'. It does not return 'testing','tester','test1','detests'.
    This is against what Portal's Own Help file states. Click 'Search Tips' on the 'Advanced Search Page' and you are told the following:
    The % character is interpreted literally, so do not include it as a wildcard. If you enter 100% as your search term, search finds content that contains the text 100%, not 1000 or 10000. Wildcards are automatically added to the beginning and end of your search term, so searching for 100 will automatically return content that contains 1000 and 10000.
    If interMedia is installed and enabled, search automatically uses the stem operator to search for words that have the same linguistic root as the specified word. For example, if you specified the word lift, the search feature will return content that contains the words lift, lifting, lifted, etc.
    Both of these statements are blatantly untrue as it does neither.
    Any thoughts Oracle? Has anyone else managed a wildcard search?

    I've just verified in 3.0.9 and wildcards are applied as specified in the documentation, when Text is not enabled. If your search term is 'test' then the SQL query will have the search term %test%. Literal % signs in your search term are escaped, so that if your search term was test% then the query would be for %test^%% escape ^.
    There are a few things to remember. When searching WITHOUT Intermedia Text enabled the search will only match terms in the title and description of the item.
    When, Intermedia Text is enabled, all of the content will be searched. However, as indicated in the documentation, the stem operator will be used. So if you search for 'test' the query is now a Text contains('$test') type query. The default operator is the '$' stem operator, which match terms that have the same linguistic root. So if your search term is 'test' it should match 'tests' or 'testing' or 'tested'. However, it will not match 'test1'. Please refer to the Intermedia Text documenation for more information on the stem operator and Text searching in general.

  • Wildcard searches for WBS element

    HI Experts,
    Can anyone give a example prgm for wildcard searches to WBS element LIPS-PS_PSR_PNR field.
    Thanks in advance.

    This is standard system behaviour. Purchase requisitions generated by MRP do not add to commitment. However, when these PRs are converted into POs, the POs add to commitment. Purchase requitions genertaed directly from PS, without the intervention of MRP always add to commitments.

  • How to do wildcard search?

    Does anyone know I can do wildcard search like *.jpg or my**.jpg? And yes, don't tell me to use the Terminal and copy and paste path.

    Spotlight searches are pretty much wildcard searches, you just don't need the wildcards.
    However, if you want to do it, look at a Raw Query. This post shows some of its capabilities using the Terminal command mdfind, but you can use a Raw Query in the Finder and he talks about how to select that from the criteria menu.
    With a Raw Query, you don't use the mdfind command, but the rest of the search is entered into the Find window.
    Also, see here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/carbon/conceptual/spotligh tquery/concepts/queryformat.html

  • Wildcard search in SharePoint 2013.

    Hi ,
    I have SharePoint 2013 farm, which is migrated from 2010 to 2013. After migrating to SharePoint 2013, wild card search is not working. Could someone please help me in activating wildcard search for already configured search service application in SharePoint

    I am trying to do a partial search without using wildcard by setting the query text of the search result source to {searchTerm}*. The search works and gives me the right results. However,
    the results look differently.
    When I do search for abcd*, the words that are started with abcd in the Title, Summary and Path parts are highlighted.
    And when I do search for abcd, I have exactly the same search results back. but the words are not highlighted. and besides that, the Summary text is different.
    I believe even if I had the right search result items back, the Title, Summary, and Path properties are created based on the searchEntry. Is there any way to make the items look exactly the same without manipulating with the searchEntry value?
    Thank you,

  • Search Failed - Address Lookup Corporate GAL

    A handful of users are randomly unable to search the corporate GAL from their iPhone (4.2 and 4.3)...  From their device, they'll open the GAL and start typing someone's name it immediately fails saying 'Search Failed'....  The user will only type 1 letter and it will fail.  It doesn't even seem the search is leaving the device because it fails instantly.
    We just upgraded to Exchange 2010 and wondering if there's some incompatibility.  if the user reboots his iPhone then they'll be able to access the GAL post reboot, but they'll run into this issue a couple days later....Any ideas as to what's causing this??

    for sure.
    have a look at the file called lookup_fs.html
    (its under server_root/html/yourpreferredlanguage/
    around line 27 you can see some (commented) JavaScript tags which enalbes you to add additional directories.

  • Move to next record / wildcard search

    Hope you can understand this explanation..
    I have searchable database for Holiday & Residential
    property here
    (search facility in the navigation menu)
    The results page for this search works fine for when you
    specify a certain
    area, certain amount of beds etc as it only shows a small
    amount of
    However when you do a search for any area / any amount of
    rooms / any type,
    the query brings up over 40 results, so a move to next record
    is used. This
    is where the problem lies. You cannot move to next record as
    the 'Next
    record' link is looking for another wildcard search (see
    status bar).
    Any ideas how to remedy this?
    Thanks for any help

    Sorry sent you the previous version that's online.
    I also tried doing a search and replace and changing all
    'Request.Form' to
    Still didn't work.
    This is how it was when it wasn't working.
    <!--#include file="Connections/YotShop6.asp" -->
    Dim rsResults__MMColParam
    rsResults__MMColParam = "1"
    If (Request("yscon") <> "") Then
    rsResults__MMColParam = Request("yscon")
    End If
    Dim rsResults__ysbed
    rsResults__ysbed = "1"
    If (Request("ysbed") <> "") Then
    rsResults__ysbed = Request("ysbed")
    End If
    Dim rsResults__MMColParam3
    rsResults__MMColParam3 = "xyz"
    If (Request("type") <> "") Then
    rsResults__MMColParam3 = Request("type")
    End If
    Dim rsResults
    Dim rsResults_numRows
    Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rsResults.ActiveConnection = MM_YotShop6_STRING
    rsResults.Source = "SELECT * FROM YotStock WHERE Area LIKE '"
    Replace(rsResults__MMColParam, "'", "''") + "' AND bedrooms
    LIKE '" +
    Replace(rsResults__ysbed, "'", "''") + "' AND type LIKE '" +
    Replace(rsResults__MMColParam3, "'", "''") + "' ORDER BY
    price ASC"
    rsResults.CursorType = 0
    rsResults.CursorLocation = 2
    rsResults.LockType = 1
    rsResults_numRows = 0
    "Julian Roberts" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:euj4if$ici$[email protected]..
    >>> Use Request instead of Request.Form for runtime
    > You haven't done it :)
    > --
    > Jules
    > Charon Cart 3
    > Shopping Cart Extension for Dreamweaver MX/MX 2004

  • Wildcard search with catsearch on Oracle 10g

    Wildcard search problem is being discussed many times, however the solutions provided did not solve the problem.
    I am using catsearch to take its advantages and return results at a faster rate. Aim is to simulate a like '%abc%' using catsearch in 10g.
    Following are the steps to reproduce the problem.
       (name VARCHAR2(60))
    INTO test VALUES ('VCL Master')
      INTO test VALUES ('VCL Master S.')
      INTO test VALUES ('VCL Master S.A. Compartment 1')
      INTO test VALUES ('VCL MasterS.A. Compartment 2')
      INTO test VALUES ('VCL Master., S.A.')
      INTO test VALUES ('KCL Master Corp.')
    ctx_ddl.create_preference('Jylex', 'basic_lexer');
        Ctx_Ddl.Create_Preference('wildcard_Jylex', 'BASIC_WORDLIST');
        ctx_ddl.set_attribute('wildcard_Jylex', 'wildcard_maxterms', 15000) ;
    CREATE INDEX test_inx ON test(NAME)
    LEXER     Jylex
    WORDLIST wildcard_Jylex')
    select * from test where catsearch(name, 'CL Mast*', NULL)>0 --- no results returned
    problem 2:
    when I run the following query on the actual column of my table with 3 million records,
    select * from XXXX where catsearch (NAME, 'VCL Master S*', NULL) > 0
    I get the following error.
    DRG-51030: wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms
    I have used () and "". Did a lot of R&D and still I am not able to a solution that resolves both of the problems.
    Suggestions will be much appreciated.

    This post has nothing to do with Oracle Objects.  Perhaps some moderator will move it to the Oracle Text sub-forum/space, where it belongs.
    Your search for 'CL Mast*' did not find any rows because there aren't any rows that match that criteria.  If you want to return rows that have that string, then you need to add a leading wildcard.  Technically CTXCAT indexes and CATSEARCH do not support leading wildcards, but you can use two asterisks as a workaround, so you can search for '**CL Mast*'.
    Your wildcard_maxterms is set to 15000, so if there are more than 15000 words that begin with 's' in your 3 million records, then it will result in an error.  If you upgrade to Oracle 11g, then you can set the wildcard_maxterms higher or to unlimited by setting it to 0, but that may cause your system to run out of memory.  Most applications trap these errors and return a simple message to the user, indicating that the search for s* is too broad and to narrow the search.
    I would use a CONTEXT index with CONTAINS instead of CTXCAT and CATSEARCH.  It supports leading wildcards and you can index substrings for faster searches.  If you want it to be like the CTXCAT index then you can make it transactional.

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