Will I have to uninstall iLife 04

Hi, I have just bought iLife 08 will I have to un-install the earlier iLife 04 applications before I install the newer version?
Will it affect my iTunes? I have the latest version installed already.
Thanks for any advice.

No and No.
But - as always before any upgrade - back up.

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    Checked VMware Fusion Community Forum?
    Most install Windows (natively) and then 'attach' the (Boot Camp) partition to Fusion.
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    But.... and I don't know about Calyx, doing things like save pdf and email should work fine same as usual.
    Maybe there is something you didn't or need to do to Fusion (Tools or install Acrobat) or in configuring.
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    Lightroom Trial uninstall wrote:
    Very frustrating you already took my money and no results, and very difficult to get help.
    Just for clarity, "we" haven't taken your money - this is a user-to-user forum, and you're not talking to Adobe.
    Like Rob I'm a Windows user, and - like him - I thought "uninstalling" on Macs was simply a case of trashing the application. Google would seem to concur.
    Not really a Lightroom/Adobe issue, then?

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    Hi Danicaaa93,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Try the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article first:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    If the issue is not resolved, you may need to uninstall iTunes and all of it's components, and reinstall the latest version as explained in this article:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

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    I ran a iTunes Diagnostics/ Under "Which Tests do you want to run" I check only "Network Connections" and the results that I receive is...
    Network connectivity:
         Network interfaces, verified
    iTunes Store connectivity:
         Internet connection, verified
         Secure link to iTunes Store, FAILED
    Does this help?

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    You shouldn't... But Backup your iTunes Library before doing anything.
    Details Here  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1751

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    Start with the further information section of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for a backup tip.

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