Will you vote for some XE stuff on Oracle World?

I see many topic about apex on voting,
someone votes for xe?

Thanks Carl.  I haven't tried Twitter yet as I don't really have any followers that are fellow developers.  I've been looking for other people with relevant problems though on forums (this one, stackoverflow, etc...) and when I encounter them I pass along my bugbase submissions.

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    < Japanese translation is below.>
    Dear Experts (Especially for Responsible for Japan pay roll),
    Please le me know how you will deal with November pay roll before releasing note:2082383.
    (The legal change of non-taxable amount of Commuting Allowance for Car.)
    Note 2082383 is going to be released by SAP on November 30.
    However, Japanese low has effected since October 20 2014.
    How will you deal for November pay roll for Japan before note releasing ?
    Will you change V_T5J64 table by your self according to Cabinet Order #338?
    Or will you just wait until SAP releasing this note ?
    Do you think that SAP will provide any report for this recovery way for November pay roll if we wait SAP note releasing ?
    < Japanese version >
    先日、官報#338が出され、10/20 より施行されていると存じます。

    Ask SAP directly with regards to the way they will handle this and whether they will produce a report to recover. Speak to the Japanese revenue and explain to them that you are in this predicament and I am sure they will be able to give you a leeway till November, but still be able to report on the Oct figures.
    Off course you can try the config changes yourself. Pilot the note in Dev and see if the figures make any sense. But this will be dual work as when the note gets released in Nov you will have to revisit your configs and undergo a complete check. Get in touch with SAP in my opinion! 

  • Adobe ColdFusion Builder Bugbase: Vote for Some of these Bugs to be Fixed

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    Below please find the name and link to each bug/feature request. To vote for the bug please click the "my vote" button at the bottom right corner of the page.
    Bug 1:Code Coloring Breaks When Comments Used Within Function with Named Arguments
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    Bug 2: ColdFusion Builder 3.0 Hangs When Using Code Assist on Large Files
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    Note: Adobe has asked for code samples on this one. If you have a large CFM or CFC file that hangs when trying to provide suggestions please upload your file to the bug report.
    Feature Request 1: Code Suggest Enhancement: Ability to disable code suggest for variables / tags independantly
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    Bug 3: ColdFusion Builder Ignores CFELSEIF/CFELSE Tags in Outline

    Thanks Carl.  I haven't tried Twitter yet as I don't really have any followers that are fellow developers.  I've been looking for other people with relevant problems though on forums (this one, stackoverflow, etc...) and when I encounter them I pass along my bugbase submissions.

  • I've set the download settings to always ask where to save a file, and it will do that for some file extensions, but not for others. How can I fix this?

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    You can check for problems with preferences.
    Rename or delete the prefs.js file and possible numbered prefs-##.js and user.js files to reset all prefs to the default value.

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  • Looking for some help with using Oracle stored procedures in vb2010

    First off thank you to whoever lends me a hand with my problem. A little background first I am in a software development class and we are currently building our program using VB (I have no experience in this), and Oracle(currently in a Oracle class so I know how to use Oracle itself just not with VB).
    I am using vb2010 express edition if that helps. Currently I have a stored procedure that takes a 4char "ID" that returns a position (ie, salesperson,manager ect). I want to use the position returned to determine what vb form is displayed (this is acting as a login as you dont want a salesperson accessing the accountants page for payroll ect).
    Here is the code I have currently on the login page of my VB form
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
    Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Types
    Public Class Login
    Dim conn As New OracleConnection
    Private Sub empID_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles empID.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub LoginBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoginBtn.Click
    conn.ConnectionString = "User ID = Auto" & _
    ";Password = ********" & _
    ";Data Source = XE"
    Dim sq1 As String = "Return_Position" 'name of procedure
    Dim cmd As New OracleCommand(sq1, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    cmd.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("I_EmpID", OracleDbType.Char, 4)).Value = Emp_ID.Text
    Dim dataReader As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
    Dim position As New ListBox
    position.Items.Add(dataReader.GetString(0)) 'were I am getting an error, I also tried using the dataReader.getstring(0) to store its value in a string but its a no go
    If position.FindStringExact("MANAGER") = "MANAGER" Then
    Dim CallMenu As New Menu()
    End If
    LoginBtn.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    I have read the oracle.net developer guide for using oracle in vb2010 and have successfully gotten through the document however they never use a stored procedure, since the teacher wants this program to user a layered architecture I cannot directly store sql queries like the document does, thus the reason I want to use stored procedures.
    This is getting frustrating getting stuck with this having no background in VB, I could easily do this in c++ using file i/o even through it would be a pain in the rear....

    I am calling Oracle 11g stored procedures from VB.Net 2010. Here is a code sample (based on your code) you should be able to successfully implement in your application.
    Please note that you may have to modify your stored procedure to include an OUT parameter (the employee position) if it doesn't have it yet.
    Private Sub LoginBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoginBtn.Click
    Dim sProcedureName As String = "Return_Position" 'name of stored procedure
    Dim ORConn as OracleConnection, sConn as String
    Dim sPosition as String, sDataSource as String, sSchema as String, sPWD as String
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand
    'please provide below sDataSource, sSchema and sPWD in order to connect to your Oracle DB
    sConn = "Data Source=" & sDataSource & ";User Id=" & sSchema & ";Password=" & sPWD & ";"
    ORConn = New OracleConnection(sConn)
    cmd = New OracleCommand(sProcedureName, ORConn)
    With cmd
    .CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
    'input parameter in your stored procedure is EmpId
    .Parameters.Add("EmpID", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = Emp_ID.Text
    .Parameters.Item("EmpID").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
    'output parameter in your stored procedure is Emp_Position
    .Parameters.Add("Emp_Position", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    .Parameters.Item("Emp_Position").Size = 50 'max number of characters for employee position
    Catch ex As Exception
    Exit sub
    End Try
    End With
    sPosition = cmd.Parameters.Item("Emp_Position").Value.ToString
    'close Oracle command
    If Not Cmd Is Nothing Then Cmd.Dispose()
    Cmd = Nothing
    'close Oracle connection
    If Not ORConn Is Nothing Then
    If not ORConn.State = 0 Then
    End If
    End If
    ORConn = Nothing
    If UCase(sPosition) = "MANAGER" Then
    Dim CallMenu As New Menu()
    End If
    LoginBtn.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    If you need further assistance with the code, please let me know.
    M. R.

  • Looking for some shortcut's in Oracle SQL developer

    1- How to view a table's script. ( without going on the table in schema)
    2- Single record view , from the output of select query result. ( without rightclick on the result and selecting single record view....too much cumbersome)

    1- You can't, but you can request to add the DDL tab to the popup describe dialog (Shift-F4 on the table's name in the worksheet). Look on the Exchange if it's requested already. If it is, cast your vote, else add it yourself.
    2- Don't think so, but it could be added to the accelerators. See the Exchange again...

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    Hey guys, I'm really in a bind here and need some urgent help tonite. I would even be willing to pay for some actual help and not some vague information that i may not be able to understand if we could do something via skype or some other way that would be much quicker than a message board. Of course I have to have the project done by tomorow . so I'm new to fcpx, but have succesfully exported 2 other projects. I've also ran into this predicament before (error message not allowing me complete export) and have been able to solve that by converting the files i imported off my camera (canon g20) to a different file type (prores).
    so where I'm at now: i have a 13 min short, all shot on my canon g20, imported and converted to prores422 with the brorsoft video converter with all the shots in a single event in fcpx. i'm using fcpx version 10.0.08. I have one main video track in my timeline that is completely full of very fast edits. (all quick 2-5 second clips, sped up shots in 2x, 4x, or 8x, tons of transitions, titles, and a little fx. theres 2 audio tracks, one is narration/speech and the other is an ongoing music track that constantly ducks everytime the subject speaks (tons of ducks/edits). Have you seen mtv cribs? Well i filmed an EXACT replica. So If you've seen one of those episodes, its literally the same exact same thing. I have all of my work completed, everything has been fully rendered, and i have it exactly as I want it.
    I'm including all this information in case it may help. my successful projects ive exported in the past were rather simple, and this one is very complex and full of edits. here is what it looks like in the timeline:
    Ive tried exporting the master file using almost all the different ways with no luck. My primary objective is to get it on youtube by any means by tommorow for a showing to a potential buyer (long story) and so I've been told using the h.264 is the best format for that. This, along with the other methods give me the same error message:
    It think it gives this error message when i reach 24% everytime during export.
    So first of all, what is that error message? Do i need to be concerned about the specifics of it, or is there something major that I'm missing? Like i said, i dont care how, but I need to get this video up on youtube tonite for an important viewing tomorrow. Conceptually, I think if i can figure this one out I shouldnt have any more trouble in the future doing something so basic, yet critical, such as exporting my 40+ hours of work for someone to see.
    anyway, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge with this software, and for my extremely long winded question which will probably have the opposite effect for me as most wont want to take the time to read all this, BUT i figured if i was as thorough as possible it might help actually getting a concrete answer, instead of a "read the manual, exporting is on page 37." or "use the share button on the right of the timeline then just click export master file and it will work everytime."
    Cheers everybody, and thank you. Like i said if someone is up, and willing to talk via skype, phone, messanger or any other method that works for you I would be totally down and will compensate you generously for your time. thanks again.

    boom! that advice was correct and worked. i was able to export the full project as a quicktime movie and it can be uploaded to youtube.
    NOTE, theres is definately quite a few noticeable audio glitches/lags/pops that werent there before doing this. I believe, and will test to make sure, that having a project such as this one needs to render before exporting. I'm not sure if the advice requires the project to be unrendered before exporting for a specific reason, because if it will export fine after rendering the project that's the way to go. like i said the edited version i have in my timeline plays back perfectly but this exported version has quite a few noticeable audio glitches (a few video glitches too). I'm going to retry doing the first few steps of your advice, but then at the end render, then export and compare the results...
    OK, so this leads to a big question, Is this something that is standard for everyone when trying to export? If its not, what causes this error?
    is there any way of preemptively avoiding it in future projects?
    thanks again, and hopefully this information will help others as exporting seem to be one of the biggest problems in fcpx. any word on a new patch or firmware update?

  • BDC to tick checkbox for some date range?

    Hi experts.
    I want to write one BDC which will mark checkbox for some field..
    I have some date range from 1.4.2004-1.4.2008,
    I want to check in my transaction that if document date falls in this range then tick PR field checkbox..
    Can you plz help me? How can I do this?
    Thanks & Regards

          Check the document date for your date range and according to that condition execute the BDC recording.
    If doc_date gt 20040104 and doc_date lt 20080104.
    perform bdc_field       using 'your_check_box_name'
    Hope this will help you.

  • Will you give up your Droid X to get the Bionic when it is released?

    I am wondering if you will get the Droid Bionic when it comes out, or will you wait for another phone that is reported to be on the horizon?

    dirkbonn wrote:
    I found out last month that Verizon will let me upgrade early. (Before my 20th month) But I do have to sign a new 2 year contract. If I wait until my 20th month upgrade, I will receive an additional "loyalty" discount.  I'm assuming this loyalty discount is what is replacing the NE2 program.  It'd be nice if it was "in addition to".
    Anyway my 20th month upgrade is in March of 2012 because I got my "X" on launch day, so I'm hoping the Dinara or something better will be available by then. i.e. 2nd generation LTE radio etc.
    Until then because my Droid X has been serving me superbly.  The absolute best phone I've ever had.
    Dirk i got my X  the day after you got yours so maybee i can get some of that early " loyalty " you described. will be rubbed off on me. you think    heck with the two smartphone i got from Verizon i should get alott of
    Love from em i get a bill for $163.00    a month an it payed on time. so i think alittle loyalty should come this way.    Just kidden alittle an i'm happy with what i got as well.  But i cant wait to see the Bionic it looks
    really cool even if its only pictures for now.   

  • When will will be available for Solaris (SPARC) (32-bit)?

    Does any of you know when for "Solaris Operating System (SPARC) (32-bit)" will be available for download on http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/oci/instantclient/index.html ?
    The reason for my question is that contains a bug (at least on Solaris) causing it to reserve approx 180M swap for each client started!

    Just became available on http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/oci/instantclient/htdocs/solsoft.html

  • Vote for APEX!

    If you didn't know this year at Oracle World there have been a number of slots saved for community suggested and voted on topics. In the last couple days two APEX ones have been posted that look very interesting.
    Rapid Development and Validation of ApEx Applications at an FDA Regulated Medical Device Company
    (Re)Developing a logistic application in APEX in the real world.
    You probably have to register to vote but lets get those APEX numbers up!
    blog : http://carlback.blogspot.com/
    apex examples : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:5

    A couple more Apex sessions to vote for.
    blog : http://carlback.blogspot.com/
    apex examples : http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11933:5

  • How much will you charge to fix a iPod cracked screen

    How much will you charge for my iPod screen to get fixed

    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price              
    A third-party place like the following maybe less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the screen yourself if you are up to it
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

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