Window to Virtual World Coords

I'm new to j3d and java in general. I've got an application that creates objects in a SimpleUniverse and then navigates around them using my own behavior similar to OrbitBehavior.
I need to be able to take some given display window coordinates (like the center of the window, regardless of its current size) and compute where those window coords intersect a plane in virtual space where my object lives. I know how to get the window size and do the math, but I need to somehow obtain the transform(s) that convert from virtual world coords to display window coords. I've looked through the j3d tutorial and API spec, but couldn't find what I think I'm looking for.
Can anybody tell me how to obtain the necessary transform(s)?
Contrary to what's listed in my profile, my email is [email protected]

I've never done that... But maybe there's something in the Locale object of the Universe you can use...

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    Hi, ya i got it after so if anybodys looking for the solution to this question, here it is :
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              return getPosition;
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     Operating System      : Windows NT 6.1 Service Pack 1
     Dialer Version        : 7.2.7600.16385
     Connection Name       : 84810c9d-721a-4e79-abca-29ad922735c2
     All Users/Single User : Single User
     Start Date/Time       : 11/8/2013, 13:50:17
     Module Name, Time, Log ID, Log Item Name, Other Info
     For Connection Type, 0=dial-up, 1=VPN, 2=VPN over dial-up
    [cmdial32] 13:50:17 03 Pre-Init Event CallingProcess = C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
    [cmdial32] 13:50:25 04 Pre-Connect Event ConnectionType = 1
    [cmdial32] 13:50:25 06 Pre-Tunnel Event UserName =  Domain =  DUNSetting = 84810c9d-721a-4e79-abca-29ad922735c2 Tunnel DeviceName =  TunnelAddress =
    [cmdial32] 13:50:29 21 On-Error Event ErrorCode = -2147024891 ErrorSource = RAS
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    Still more:691
    Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.
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    Thanks for your response.
    Did you configure the Point-to-Site virtual network using this article?
    Configure a Point-to-Site VPN in the Management Portal
    After the virtual network is created, you may create the gateway as the link mentioned.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    public Point3d getCanvasPtToVworldPt(int x, int y) {
    Point3d VworldPt = new Point3d();
    Point3d centerEyePt = new Point3d();
    // convert the canvas point to ImagePlate coords
    cv.getPixelLocationInImagePlate(x, y, VworldPt);
    // transform the point from an imageplate coordinate to a Vworld
    // coordinate
    Transform3D imagePlateToVworld = new Transform3D();
    double alpha = 0.0;
    if (VworldPt.z != centerEyePt.z) {
    alpha = centerEyePt.z / (VworldPt.z - centerEyePt.z);
    Point3d planePt = new Point3d(
    centerEyePt.x - alpha * (VworldPt.x - centerEyePt.x),
    centerEyePt.y - alpha * (VworldPt.y - centerEyePt.y),
    0.0); //centerEyePt.z - beta * (VworldPt.z - centerEyePt.z )
    return planePt;

    I am unsure of what you mean by perspective and parallell projection. I am relatively new to Java3D and am unfamiliar with these terms.
    I think I am trying to solve a similar problem to you so maybe we can help each other as I suspect both our answers relate to [Transform3D|].
    In my case, I am simply trying to move a point in the scene. I am able to get this to work when in top down view and the default zoom. However, when the scene is rotated or scaled the coordinates do not match up. Is this the same issue you are dealing with?
    The Transform3D has a 4x4 matrix that I believe stores the current views "translations, rotations, and scaling and shear effects". If we are able to understand this matrix then we should be able to perform some math to match up the coordinates.
    If this isn't the issue you are dealing with, I apologise for the response but things seem to move slowly on this forum.

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    thanks in advance for input...

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              my problem, common to other colleagues who use Windows machines 7 Professional is this:
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    Workaround: Use local virtual machine with xp or windos 2003 and access form this operating system but I consider absurd to use a local   
                        virtual machine to access a service which should be directed
    Note: This problem does not occur if the VPN session to the virtual machine Windows 7 is launched from a host machine running Vista Home Premium with RDP Client 6.0. My previous PC had this OS and I was working in an absolutely stable by performing the same type of connection.
    Host Operating System: OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    OS virtual machine accessed via ssl web vpn: OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    Can you help?Thank you.
    Carmelo Orlando

    The same problem here as well.
    I am using a Win7 PC to connect to an Win Vista PC via SSLVPN. Once i logged into the remote PC, the session is disconnected.
    Do we have any corrections from Cisco for the moment?

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