Windows 95 and NMAS Client

We're in the process of rolling in IDM2 for synchronisation of passwords and
group membership with our Active directory domain.
Unfortunately we're also still behind in our deployment of Windows XP, and
still have about 600-800 Workstations using Windows 95 and Client 3.32.
I'm under the impression that if we don't upgrade our client to include an
NMAS client we're going to have issues when the client tries to synchronise
the passwords between the AD Domain and the NetWare Universal Password.
Can anyone advise me the latest version of the NMAS client supported
(installable) under windows 95? (and where to get it)
We've tried 2.3 and that says it only supports Windows 98. and are planning
to roll out 2.10 at this stage.
We also tried to install NMAS 2.10 and then upgrade to Client 3.4 (and the
other way around), but found that it broke our client to a point we couldn't
log in any more... any clues?
Shane C

The 3.4 Client installs ok, the problem is, that you can't log into it
afterwards once the NMAS 2.10 client is installed.
We've done a bit more research, and been told that in order to support the
Universal Password the Client 3.4 is required; with NMAS client 2.20,
since NMAS 2.20 doesn't support 95 clients we seem to be up the creek.
This is a bit disappointing considering how far we are down the path, both
our integrator and the Local Novell Office here gave us the impression we
could go with what we had....
> If the 3.4 client won't install on the old 95 workstations (and I'm
> hoping these are at least OSR2 Win95), then you might be in a real
> problem here (although you don't NEED NMAS to access NW 6.5, let alone
> earlier versions of NetWare).
> It is possible that one of the 3.3x clients will support NMAS and
> install on Win95 (of course Win95 has moved very much into non-
> supported land).
> --
> Barry Schnur
> Novell Support Connection Volunteer Sysop

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    as far as launching the file goes, if teh program that runs the file exist on teh local computer, you can use teh host command in webutil to access teh program and file. CMD is what you use to open teh command line on windows, but the host command is supposed to work on the UNIX client as well.
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    Thanks for your comment.
    I am afraid to say but still there is no any Hotfix for this, but you ca try December 2014 updates might it get it work for you.
    December 2014 update rollup for Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2
    Thanks for oyur understanding and Support!
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    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Do a Network capture of the HTTP message flow.  E.g. use Fiddler4 in order to get its Enable Local Loopback utility
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    This forum deals with Connectivity solutions to non-Oracle systems. Your question would be best posted on the general iAS forum.

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    This is a mandatory step in order to configure Windows for a first use. In your case, the SCCM client will just be serialized, it's not a problem. The SCCM client has generally been prepared during the design capture.
    Hope this helps.
    Note: This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights. Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable. This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and
    recognises useful contributions.

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    No, There isn't a bug with file sharing between Mac and Pc client.
    2941640 Desktop sharing session stops in Lync 2013 when all screen data is updated
    Also you can check below links
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"
    Mai Ali | My blog: Technical | Twitter:
    Mai Ali

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    User not logged on during the MW -> Software installs and reboots straight away
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    Hi Susan.  I hope there's a better 'fix' coming to replace this "uninstall the updates, restore, then reinstall the updates after the restore".  This kind of workaround requires that all of us remember that there's a problem
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    So if I understand correctly, you have already created the oracle instance in the Linux machine. Then there is no need to install the Tools again in the Linux machine unless you want to run data mover at Linux.
    You can just install the tools and oracle client in windows and load the data by running the data mover from windows. Connection happens through Oracle Client using TNS.
    Steps involved are
    1. Creating the database using createdb10.sql or otherwise (you have already done this)
    2. Run utlspace.sql
    3. Run dbowner.sql
    4. Run ptddl.sql - considering that you are just installing a Tools database and not any application database
    5. Run psadmin.sql
    6. Run psroles.sql
    7. Run connect.sql
    Create the data load dms file by using DBSETUP in data mover
    Run the created script and load the data
    This information is available in any peopletools installation doc
    Hope this helps

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