Windows Defender without Mcaffee

Win 8.1 on recently bought Z50-70. Mcaffee status is now 'snoozed' after initial 3-day trial. How do I get Windows Defender to run without Mcaffee 'managing' it (I don't wish to pay for Mcaffee and I intend to uninstall that anyway) ?Alec

Welcome to the Lenovo Community Alec_t !
You can also use McAfee's Clean Up Tool to completely remove their product.  It can be downloaded at the link below......

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    Microsoft Guru

    I briefly had the same (or similar) issue. On the "Home" tab of the Defender interface, the "Turn On" button refused to work, citing the error about the Defender service being off (but both were, in fact, on.)  The "fix"
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    I've seen this issue on every Win 8 installation as well. It seems to be caused by contention; Thunderbird and Windows Defender are doing a lot of disk IO on the same files.
    The solution is simple: exclude the Thunderbird profile directory from being scanned by Defender.
    Open Windows Defender (Start -> flick up or use down button with mouse -> Look for "Windows Defender" under the "Windows system" header).
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    @dev team: this might be something you want to automate!

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    Shell: (ab)Default Type: Reg_SZ
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    Command: (ab)Default Reg_SZ
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    Dell Dimension 2300   Windows XP  
    Dell Dimension 2300   Windows XP  

    Is your User account on Vista also an Administrator account? Do you have User Access Control enabled? Certain registry & file access tasks which could be achieved by installers in earlier versions of Windows may now a different level of privilege or the use of different calls to the operating system. If you log into your computer as an Administrator, disable User Access Control, grant yourself & the SYSTEM account full access to HKLM in the registry and also to your Music folder then you should be able to complete the install.

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    Thanks for looking into this.
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    Go to Solution.

    It is turned off because of mcaffee, if you turn off mcaffee you will be able to turn on windows defender.
    See this thread for some explanations:
    S70-ABT2N22 Windows 7 Pro & 8.1Pro, C55-A5180 Windows 8.1****Click on White “Kudos” STAR to say thanks!****

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    and Here is what we use to invoke our reports.
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    Thanks in advance

    Closing the thread
    We were able to achieve by changing the browser settings in the IE 8 Browser. Disabled Tabbed browsing.

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    OrangeMarlin wrote:
    Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a junky Windows PC, and save a few bucks to pay off your credit cards that get tapped by the next malware that hits?
    Oh, I see, Windows users now realize that the MacBook Pro is a superior piece of technology, but they need their Windows on it.  I can accept that.
    Actually I just bought a new Dell Latitude E6420. Installed 8GB of RAM, a 120GB Intel SSD, moved the 750GB Seagate drive I originally installed to a optical by caddy. Nothing junky about that PC.
    But if you read this forum you will see a ton of posts about junky Apple hardware.
    There is nothing superior about the Mac. It is a computer. It reads and writes 1s & 0s. It is now based on the i386 (x86) plateform/architecture.
    Just to let you know both PCs and Macs use the Exact Same Hardware. The 8GBs of RAM and the 750GB HDD I installed in the Dell were originally in a 13" MBP I had and returned.
    About the only real difference between the 2 is the HDD format and file structure. Windows uses a registry, which is really a grouping of 3 different files. Mac's use .plist files which can number in the 10s to god knows what number. Apps on a Mac are not just one file or one group of files all in the same directory, kind of like Windows where files of different types get put in different folder all over the hard drive and OS structure.
    Ok I'm done with that subject.
    I have not had any viruses or trojans or whatever on any of my PCs for over a decade and I haven't used any anti virus software for over 3 years.
    I like the Mac for somethings and I like PCs, I'm not a Mac or a PC snob. But I do have Windows installed on my Mac computers and if I could, easily, I would have OS X installed on my Windows based hardware. But Steve Jobs has seen fit to make that almost impossible. If he hadn't no one would buy his hardware.

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    Fortunately I found a little touchkey utility on the web the lets you design your own touch keyboards. The can be transparent and you can even paint under them as long as you start the stroke  outside the keyboard area. The keyboards can be toggles on and off so you can actually use Photoshop.  The utility is small and requires not installation can be run form anywhere.  I purchased a Surface Pro 3 a week ago.  Its a full fledge PC.  Through the home group I can access all machines in my house and using network shares I can access all files on my machines and the network drive on my router,  I can print on my Epson 4800 printer. I can show slideshow on my HDTV via   Bluetooth using a Microsoft wireless display adapter.   I can plug in my Wacom Intuos Pro wireless receiver into the USB  3 port and use my Wacom tablet.  Have a very touchy machine.  Touch on the keyboard touch pad touch on the Display display and on the Wacom tablet.  Could have touch on a mouse but I prefer the Microsoft comfort bluetooth mouse that has six buttons and a four way wheel.
    As a tablet its under two pounds.  Its quite impressive cost why mor the an iPad but worth the cost to me for with windows I can get at the file system.   If you have a Surface Pro 3 you should check out  "Touchkey" its handy.

    Do a screen screen capture and post it here so we can see what you stating about a white layout...

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    On the computer you should be able to go to the network properites. Go to the TCP part and unchec the line that says obtaind DNS automatically and check the one that says use the following. Add the and Google other
    For more info see:

  • Windows Defender Beta 2 Stops iTunes 6.03 From Installing Completely

    There is a bug with Windows Defender Beta 2 and iTunes.
    I thought I would tell apple and Microsoft about it. Check microsoft beta newsgroups.
    When you install iTunes 6.03 and have Windows Defender Beta 2 running it will cause iTunes setup to error with the following:
    Clicking ok and install continues like normal and iTunes is installed ok. Have not run into any problems because of the errror in iTunes.
    Now after installing iTunes Windows Defender Beta 2 flags its install since its trying to install a service.
    So here is to hoping Apple and Microsoft work this out sooner than later.
    Take Care,
    Custom Build   Windows XP   Geforce 6800

    Katrina--Correct me if I'm wrong but there is no way to turn off the new Windows Defender software (it's the replacement for the Microsoft Anti-Spy beta software). Fortunately, I already had iTunes 6.02.23 installed before I installed Windows Defender earlier this week. I had some big problems accessing the music store yesterday, but I've resolved them. (And I really don't think Defender was causing the problems. I think the music store home page was overwhelmed by people participating in the current contest.) If there's a conflict between Defender and iTunes it helps those of us using both to know this. Then we can figure out troubleshooting solutions to resolve the problem. If we come up with workarounds, it helps everyone on this board, doesn't it?
    P.S., I understand Spybot has problems with the newest version of iTunes too. The mini-store is the culprit. I don't think these programs prevent you from using iTunes they just don't like some of the features in the mini store--so they warn you about them.

  • Error Message 0x80073afc trying to open Windows Defender

    I was working on my mother's computer and somehow Windows Defender got turned off.  There is spyware all over the computer, on every website popups, ads, highlighted words that lead to websites.  I tried turning on Windows Defender, but I get this
    message:  "An error has occurred in the program during initialization.  If this problem continues, please contact your system administrator."  Error Code: 0x80073afc
    I would like to know how to get Windows Defender to work properly and to rid my mother's computer of all of this.  I tried system restore and it only goes back a couple of weeks.  I did Microsoft Safety Scanner, and it removed at least 2 viruses.

    Hi McWeid,
    According to your description ,it seems that the machine has been injected by virus .
    I suggest to run the Microsoft Safety Scanner in safe mode .
    To get into safe mode ,restart the machine and keep pressing "Shift",troubleshoot ,advanced ,startup settings ,then restart to choose safe mode with network.
    Then we can run "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" or "sfc /scannow"to check the health of the whole system files .
    Best regards
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How to Install Windows 7 Without the Disc

    1a)  Here is very useful article from The article is entitled "How to Install Windows 7 Without the Disc" and means just what it says. The article also has links to Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder and legitimate Windows 7 ISOs from Digital River, a licensed distributor of Microsoft software. The article lists "Step 1" as;
    "Find your Windows 7 product key: Typically this 25-character alphanumeric string is printed on a sticker affixed to your PC or on documentation included with your PC. Alternatively, you can use a keyfinder program such as Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to pull your product key from the Registry. You need your product key to reinstall Windows."
    1b)  Using a key finder, however, is only useful if the Windows 7 product key was printed on a sticker (Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity) affixed to your PC, on documentation included with your PC, or sent via email by Microsoft. Assuming your computer came from one of the big brand computer manufacturers... HP, Sony, Dell, Gateway, etc... as most do, it uses a generic "mass activation" OEM SLP key. Trying to use this key by itself isn't going to work. This OEM SLP key needs to be mated with an OEM SLP certificate and an appropriate OEM BIOS with a proper SLIC table.
    1c)  Here is where ABR Beta With Windows 7 Support comes to the rescue. Follow the "How to use it" section of ABR for Windows Vista for information and instructions on how to use ABR. The steps listed for Vista apply to Windows 7 as well. Perform the "activation backup" to "backup" and save the OEM SLP key and OEM SLP certificate. Save the entire ABR folder to an external location for later use. This will allow you to pre-activate your "clean" Windows 7 install on the computer you pulled the key and certificate from.
    1d)  Now install Windows 7 from your new "Windows 7" disc or USB stick, following all prompts as needed. Don't enter a Windows 7 product key if request. Also, don't allow Windows to try to auto-activate. Once Windows is fully installed, run ABR "activation restore" to "restore" the previously backed up product key and certificate to the new Windows 7 install. Verify that Windows is activated, repeat "activation restore" if needed.
    2)  Here is another useful article, this time from This arcticle is entitled "Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7" and provides detailed steps required to backup your computer, audit current hardware and software, locate software and drivers, install and activate Windows 7, and create a Windows 7 Backup Image of your fresh install.
    Good luck.
    Links to additional Windows 7 SP1 "Editions" and "Languages" can be found HERE and HERE.
    Link to "ei.cfg Removal Utility". The "ei.cfg Removal Utility" is a simple tool that will remove the ei.cfg  from any Windows ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select an edition during setup instead of being forced to use different discs for different versions of Windows 7.
    Direct link to Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool.
    <Cross posted to Notebook Operating Systems and Software for Notebook, Laptop, and Netbook users>
    EDITED by Frank on 8/28/2013
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    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

    Before formatting the hard drive you should have been able to use the HP Recovery Manager to create your recovery discs or perform a system recovery. This is provided the recovery partition wasn't already corrupt or damaged. If the "D:" HP Recovery partition is missing or damaged and you don't have a set of HP Recovery Discs, you will need to use the information in my previous post to get your computer up and running again.
    The information in the document referred you to applies to several different "types" of installations;
    Using ABRbeta is only needed if you have an active OEM factory SLP (system locked preactivated) installation of Windows. You use ABR to pull the factory key and certificate off the computer, to reuse it on the same computer with a clean Windows install.
    If you are just installing Windows and are going to use the Windows 7 product key on the COA on the side of your computer, all you need to do is download the same version of Windows that your key is for and burn the ISO. Now install Windows answering or following all prompts as needed (except do not enter the Windows product at this time... it will be entered later). Once Windows has completely installed, enter the key and activate it. Your Windows 7 OA key should work on a SP1 install without issue.
    The only thing I see that could mess things up, is the language of the install. If you are still having trouble activating Windows, please reference the ISO you download and a post a photo of your Windows COA
    with the key erased or Xed out.
    Please send KUDOs
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    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

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