Wireless mouse battery

am I right in thinking that I can use alkaline non-rechargables with the first wireless mouse?
Can I use them with the new wireless mighty mouse?
thanks very much.

That is what the mouse is designed to take (Although I'm sure lithium-ion AAs work just as well).

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    I have recently started using a wireless mouse from Logitech, on windows it is possible to obtain the battery status using the proprietary software. I've searched the web for a standalone program that would report that on linux but I didn't find anything that worked. I have stumbled upon locomo and lmctl [1] but neither works (scanning for supported devices returns "Unknown or Unsupported Logitech device").
    KDE seems to be able to read and set some parameters of some mice [2], however I don't use KDE and there is no way of knowing if it would work with the mouse I'm using (M310). Is anyone aware of any other programs that might work? Preferably standalone programs.
    [1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=828693
    [2] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=66051

    same problem to me, except for the buttons...
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    any idea?

  • HT3079 Can the wireless mouse battery be recharged instead of purchasing a new one?

    I have a wireless mouse and the battery has lasted for 3 years since its purchase.  Just wondering if the battery can be recharged instead of spending $30+ for a new one.

    If the batteries are rechargeable, you can recharge them instead of buying new ones (the batteries that come with the Magic Mouse are not rechargeable). However, if they are not rechargeable, you will have to buy batteries for the Magic Mouse

  • Wireless mouse battery consumption

    The first set of batteries lasted 3 weeks. Now the replacement Eveready ones I'm using last 3 days!! This is ridiculous. The red light is constantly flashing when you turn it over to examine it. I've never run into this with a wireless mouse before. Why isn't there a recharging station like Dell has? I know it would mean extra wires and hardware, but I'm going to go broke buying batteries.
    Anyone else have this problem and is there a solution?
    iMac 2006   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Intel, 1 GB SDRAM, 256 MB video, AppleWorks 6.2.9

    I understand that using rechargeables will save on recurring operation costs but that really isn't much of a financial solution. The upfront cost of a suitable recharger system and the batteries is not cheap. If the mouse is using that much juice, I think there is something wrong. I could keep my Dell system's wireless mouse off the recharger stand for at least 5 days before it needed some juice. I already use the keyboard for all my scrolling as it is easier on my wrist.
    However, all that being said, if there really isn't a hardware solution, then what else can one do? I'll look into a recharger system. Meanwhile, I'll restrict my mouse movements to the minimum possible. Thanks very much for your fast response! I appreciate it.
    iMac 2006 Mac OS X (10.4.6) Intel, 1 GB SDRAM, 256 MB video, AppleWorks 6.2.9

  • Wireless Mouse Battery Life

    I am using a wireless mouse and keyboard and the new batteries I had installed in my mouse need replacing in less than a month.
    Is this normal? I would've thought that new batteries would last longer than that.

    Less than one month seems short to me. My iMac has wireless mouse & keyboard and I had to replace mouse batteries a few days ago. Keyboard still OK. This is on the iMac bought November 2005 but is not used as much as my tower I must admit. Usage must be a factor.

  • Bluetooth mouse battery life

    I got the Bluetooth mouse few months ago and do not find the battery to be very long lasting. the reseller told me that it could work for 1 year, but the first shot run like 3-4 months even if I do not use it on a daily basis.
    I then decided to leave the mouse always connected because thought that maybe the connecting operation (every time you start the mouse) was consumming more, but after one week I realised it was worse.
    Does someone know about the most efficient way to operate the mouse in order to maximise battery life?

    I had the same issue with an iMac G5 1.8GHz (first revision). The Apple Wireless Mouse battery would die rather quickly. Now I'm using the same mouse with an iMac G5 iSight and the battery lasts way longer. As a matter of fact I am still on the first set of rechargeable batteries and still have 3 green bars, and I have been using it for 25 days or so (which I believe is more than I used to get out of a charge). I guess the original iMac G5 drives bluetooth in a way that runs the batteries down rather quickly.
    Perhaps this have something to do with the bluetooth 2.0+EDR version in the iMac G5 iSight, which probably makes the mouse work less hard. That's just my guess.
    By the way, I also always leave the wireless keyboard and mouse on all the time. Keyboard has always enjoyed a long battery life.
    I should also mention that I use NiMH rechargeable batteries. For people familiar with these, they should know that they lose charge every day (slowly but surely) even when they are not being used. So, getting the battery time I'm getting out of a charge is rather remarkable.
    I understand Adam your frustration. Please consider using rechargeable batteries in your case so you don't have to go back to a corded mouse.
    My 2 cents
    iMac G5 20 250GB HD 512MB RAM BT KB & Mouse AP    

  • How do I get the apple wireless mouse open to replace the battery?

    How do I get the apple wireless mouse open to replace the battery?

    Thank you!  I am 71 also, and broke a fingernail trying to get the thing open, thought there must be a trick to it.  After many attempts, when I had your reply it opened right up.  I think Apple delights in making people look stupid.  Love the machines, but dislike the smooth surfaces with no obvious switches to run the machine itself.  Computer is still not "discovering" the mouse, so there may be some further problem to be resolved.  The whole setup worked fine until a few days ago when the computer started to lose the mouse now and then.  I thought probably the mouse needed batteries, as I just had replaced the contemporary batteries in the keyboard.
    I'm retired, too, in Portland, Oregon, USA, and write poetry (though not for advertising agencies), get lot of rejections and an acceptance about once a year. 
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

  • Wireless Keyboard & Magic Mouse - Battery Power Reporting Problem

    Problem Description: OS X Bluetooth Manager is constantly reporting that my 2009 Apple Wireless Keyboard has a low battery. For instance, Bluetooth Manager reports my Wireless Keyboard Battery Level is 18%. At the same time Bluetooth Manager reports my Mouse Battery Level is 65%. Because the Keyboard Battery Level is low I am being constantly nagged by the Bluetooth Manager about Battery Level and the possibility of the Keyboard disconnecting.
    I decided to swap batteries between the keyboard and mouse as part of a test to see if there is a problem with the way the keyboard or mouse reports available battery power. Sure enough it appears there is a problem with battery power level reporting.
    The batteries that were in the Wireless Keyboard, and that are now in the Magic Mous,e are now reported as having a Mouse Battery Level of 65%, compared to a Keyboard Battery Level of 18%. The batteries that were in the Magic Mouse, and that are now in the Wireless Keyboard, are now reported as having a Keyboard Battery Level of 18%, compared to a Mouse Battery Level of 65%.
    Conclusion, either the Wireless Keyboard, or the Magic Mouse, or both devices are incorrectly reporting the Battery Power Level. It may also be that the OS X Bluetooth Manager is incorrectly reporting the battery level of one or both devices as well.
    This needs Apple to investigate & fix the issue through updates to either the Magic Mouse, 2009 Wireless Keyboard or the OS X Bluetooth Stack.
    I am using Duracell NiMH 1.2V 2000MAh "Stay Charged" Batteries (same as the Apple Store battery version)
    I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.4 + Apple 2009 Wireless Keyboard Firmware Update 1.0 + Bluetooth 2.0.1. Firmware Update.
    So Apple Support Techs... there is the challenge; are you up for investigating and fixing this problem??
    Cheers Pete

    Thanks for the link David. I used the Community Forums because I've found in the past that Apple Support do monitor them and do pick up problems with Apple gear and pass the info back to their developers. Mostly I used the Community Forums because I just couldn't find the link you provided, so thanks again.
    ps Apple & Macintosh are one in the same. My Apple Wireless Keyboard & Apple Magi Mouse are actually performing as per the descriptions in their respective user manuals, especially in terms of how they report battery state through their built in LED lights. So I deduced this as a problem with the Mac-mini Bluetooth Stack, so beleive it is appropriate to this forum.
    I'm sure other users have noticed this, or similar problems, so perhaps they will add their experience of this issue to my original post. When I did a search of the Community Forums using the search term "Keyboard OR Mouse AND Battery" I found plenty of similar issues.
    Thanks again for the link I'll chase Apple through that channel.

  • Battery indicator of a wireless mouse stays at 100%

    Hi. After updating to 10.6.7 I noticed that the battery indicator of my wireless mouse is 100%, while I am sure it is not,as it was 62% yesterday.
    Any fix to display the correct value?

    OK, I tried your suggestions and also booting from safe mode in the following order:
    1. Booted from safe mode and noticed - no change
    2. Reset PRAM per your instructions - no change
    3. Reset SMC per Apple's instructions - no change
    Problem still follows 10.6.6 (works) drive Vs. 10.6.7 drive (always showing 100%).
    I believe my initial troubleshooting logic correct in that with no changes to the Mac HW/FW and just changing the OS that the error is related to the 10.6.7 OS. But I did follow your advice since as you said "might be a little time wasted".
    btw: no issues with basic bluetooth connectivity and your suggestions may prove valuable to those who experience basic connectivity issues.
    Thanks for trying to help!.

  • TS3048 My wireless mouse often loses connection. I replace batteries and it works for a few days before becoming problematic again. Battery currently shows 100% and connection is lost intermittently. Bluetooth is on and wireless keyboard works. Any sugges

    My wireless mouse often loses connection. I replace batteries and it works for a few days before becoming problematic again. Battery currently shows 100% and connection is lost intermittently. Bluetooth is on and wireless keyboard works. Any suggestions?

    Is it possible that you have a bad bunch of batteries?
    My Magic Mouse on one computer and the Mighty Mouse on another use batteries I bought through the Apple store (with a charger). They last a long time.
    Another possiblity is that the mouse is defective. Since the keyboard connects, it has to be the mouse or the batteries.

  • Why is my boot camp setup stuck at Apple Wireless Mouse?

    Well I finally got Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro and when I try to put Bootcamp on the Windows side it gets stuck at the instalation. It's been on Apple Wireless Mouse for a good bit now. Did I mess up somehow?

    The wireless mice you're buying.... are they 2.4GHz wireless ones (the ones that come with their own micro-dongle) or Bluetooth?  If they're the 2.4GHz wireless ones, go buy yourself a good bluetooth one.  Your Mac has bluetooth in it and can connect to one of these mice without the need to use the dongle that comes with them.  I've seen a quite a bit of issues (jerky movement due to low battery too far away or other movement problems) with the non-bluetooth wireless ones.
    Also, be aware that if the mice you're using are laser based, the movement will be laggy and jerky if they're not used on the proper surface.  Only the more expensive ones have better laser systems in them that can be used on multiple surfaces, but still not all.

  • Wireless mouse doesn't work after installing iTunes

    New 30Gb iPod, installed iTunes v6 on 6-mos old HP laptop with docking station/wireless keyboard/mouse. All is well, updated iTunes with latest from web, loaded songs on iPod BUT now wireless mouse will not work. Reset mouse, works for a few clicks, then dies. Reset mouse again, few more clicks, then dies. Reboot without iPod connected, no iTunes up, still mouse only works for a couple clicks. Touchpad on laptop works, also so does wireless keyboard so I know transmitter is working (not battery problem). All worked fine until I started playing with options in iTunes today. I didn't uninstall iTunes yet, is that next step? Anyone else have this problem? Suggestions???

    I'm pretty sure it's probably just your mouse/computer, however I would recommend uninstalling iTunes just to make sure though.

  • HT3078 When I opened up my Apple Wireless Mouse to replace the batteries, there was a metallic "strip" inside. I have no idea how it goes back in and it isn't shown in the instructions here. Where does it go?

    I have an Apple Wireless Mouse (model A1015 EMC No. 1938).
    I metal "strip" fell out. I can not figure out how to put the strip back in.
    Leaving it out, the mouse doesn't work (no light, no nothing).
    Does the strip actually belong and if so, where does it go?
    I went to the Apple site and looked up how to replace the batteries and started off saying to turn off the mouse. I have no idea how to turn off the mouse. It also did not show a metal strip on the inside.
    When I opened the mouse, the battery cover popped off. Without the metal strip, the cover does not pop off and is very hard to remove.

    See: https://discussions.apple.com/message/1958068#1958068

  • Wireless mouse does not work

    my wireless mouse batteries formed buildup around them. Now my mouse does not work, is there a way to make it work after this happens?

    When checking your mouse or keyboard batteries, assuming the mouse is paired.
    Turn off the device.
    Remove the batteries,
    Thoroughly clean the terminals both inside the battery compartment and on the batteries themselves.
    Replace or renew the batteries.
    Turn on the device.   You should get a steady green light if the devices are paired.
    Click the mouse twice to activate it.
    Whether you use regular or rechargeable batteries you should buy the best. Discounted or unbranded batteries are likely to give a depleted performance and may be of irregular size, often leading to connection problems.   Apple’s own brand, Duracell, Energiser and appear to be the best.

  • Wireless mouse does not work after installing new batteries

    I have a PowerBook G4 and have been using a wireless mouse and keyboard. The batteries needed to be replaced in my mouse. I successfully installed new batteries. The mouse will turn on. The LED blinks. But the mouse is not functioning. I must use the finger pad on the machine. I double checked the battery installation and even set-up the mouse as a device again. When I turn the mouse off, I get a "connection" lost window on the screen. I have tried
    clicking the mouse to re-establish connection with no luck.
    Any suggestions?

    I had the same problem today - go to the above URL and follw precisely the instructions - after you delete the current mouse settings from your bluetooth preferences - apparently you have to sometimes reinstall the mouse after changing batteries - however I changed them before and did not need to do this
    hope this helps

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