Wireshark Dependency Issue

Having an issue getting wireshark updated.  I am receiving the following error:
resolving dependencies...
error: cannot resolve "heimdal>=1.2.1", a dependency of "wireshark"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: wireshark: requires heimdal>=1.2.1
and the version of heimdal I have installed is version 1.2-2 which meets the requirement.  Whats the deal?

Wireshark was rebuilt for both heimdal and libpcap.  Unfortunately, this was missed and libpcap and associated rebuilds was moved from [testing] and wireshark needs heimdal which is still there.   This is being fixed...

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  • Libgnome and bonono dependency issues

    There is some kind of "unresolved dependency" issues in some packages. For example see https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/22547
    This thread should help to fine the evils root. Until now it's seems to be a problem of libgnome, but may be we are wrong yet.
    First of all, here is the output of 'pacman -Qe' from a system were terminator is running fine under gnome:
    acl 2.2.49-2
    acpi 1.5-1
    alsa-utils 1.0.23-3
    android-ndk r5-1
    android-sdk r09-5
    apache-ant 1.8.2-1
    argouml 0.30.2-1
    arj 3.10.22-5
    attr 2.4.44-2
    audacity 1.3.12-3
    autoconf 2.68-1
    automake 1.11.1-2
    avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-10
    bash 4.1.009-3
    bash-completion 1.3-1
    bin86 0.16.17-5
    binutils 2.21-3
    bison 2.4.3-1
    brasero 2.32.1-1
    bzip2 1.0.6-1
    bzr 2.2.2-2
    ccrypt 1.9-1
    ccsm 0.8.4-2
    cdrkit 1.1.11-1
    cnetworkmanager 0.21.1-3
    compiz-decorator-gtk 0.8.6-2
    compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.8.6-1
    compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.8.6-1
    conky 1.8.1-2
    coreutils 8.10-1
    cpio 2.11-2
    cppcheck 1.46.1-1
    cracklib 2.8.18-1
    cryptsetup 1.2.0-1
    cups 1.4.6-1
    cups-pdf 2.5.0-1
    cxxtest 3.10.1-4
    db 5.1.19-3
    dbus 1.4.1-1
    dbus-core 1.4.1-1
    dcron 4.4-2
    device-mapper 2.02.82-2
    dhcpcd 5.2.10-1
    dialog 1.1_20110118-1
    diffutils 3.0-2
    dosbox 0.74-1
    dosfstools 3.0.10-1
    driconf 0.9.1-5
    e2fsprogs 1.41.14-1
    easytag 2.1.6-3
    eog 2.32.1-1
    evince 2.32.0-7
    faenza-icon-theme 0.8-1
    fakeroot 1.14.5-1
    fbxkb 0.6-1
    figlet 2.2.3-1
    file 5.05-1
    filesystem 2010.12-1
    findutils 4.4.2-3
    flex 2.5.35-4
    fuseiso 20070708-2
    galculator 1.3.4-2
    gamin 0.1.10-4
    gartoon-redux-icon-theme 1.10-1
    gawk 3.1.8-2
    gcc 4.5.2-6
    gcc-libs 4.5.2-6
    gdb 7.2-2
    gdbm 1.8.3-8
    gdmap 0.8.1-2
    gen-init-cpio 2.6.36-1
    gimp 2.6.11-2
    git 1.7.4-1
    glibc 2.13-1
    glproto 1.4.12-1
    glsof 0.9.16-5
    gnome-backgrounds 2.32.0-1
    gnome-control-center 2.32.1-1
    gnome-desktop 2.32.1-1
    gnome-icon-theme 2.31.0-1
    gnome-keyring 2.32.1-1
    gnome-menus 2.30.5-1
    gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-4
    gnome-panel 2.32.1-2
    gnome-power-manager 2.32.0-1
    gnome-session 2.32.1-1
    gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1-2
    gnome2-user-docs 2.32.0-1
    graphviz 2.26.3-2
    grep 2.7-1
    groff 1.21-1
    grsync 1.1.1-1
    grub2 1.98-5
    gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.32-2
    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.11-1
    gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.27-1
    gtk-engines 2.20.2-1
    gtk-theme-murrine-unity 0.7-1
    gvfs-smb 1.6.6-1
    gzip 1.4-2
    hd2u 1.0.3-1
    hdparm 9.36-1
    htop 0.9-1
    hunspell-de 20100727-1
    hunspell-en 7.0-1
    hunspell-ru 0.99g5-3
    inetutils 1.8-2
    initscripts 2010.07-2
    iperf 2.0.5-1
    iputils 20101006-1
    jfsutils 1.1.14-2
    jperf 2.0.2-2
    kbd 1.15.2-1
    ktsuss 1.4-2
    laptop-mode-tools 1.55-2
    less 436-2
    libarchive 2.8.4-2
    libdvdcss 1.2.10-2
    libfetch 2.33-1
    libgcrypt 1.4.6-1
    libgpg-error 1.9-2
    libpcap 1.1.1-2
    libsigsegv 2.6-1
    libtool 2.4-2
    libusb 1.0.8-1
    libzip 0.9.3-1
    licenses 2.6-1
    linux-api-headers 2.6.37-1
    linux-firmware 20110201-1
    logrotate 3.7.9-1
    lsdvd 0.16-4
    lvm2 2.02.82-2
    lxappearance 0.5.0-1
    lxdm 0.3.0-1
    lzo2 2.04-1
    m4 1.4.15-1
    mailx 8.1.1-7
    make 3.81-5
    man-db 2.5.9-1
    man-pages 3.32-1
    mc 4.7.4-1
    mdadm 3.1.4-1
    medit 1.0.0-1
    meld 1.4.0-3
    metacity 2.30.3-1
    midori 0.3.0-1
    mingw32-gcc 4.5.2-1
    mingw32-w32api 3.15-1
    mkinitcpio 0.6.8-1
    mlocate 0.23.1-2
    moc 2.4.4-3
    module-init-tools 3.12-2
    mp3unicode 1.2-4
    namcap 2.7-1
    nano 2.2.6-1
    ncdu 1.7-1
    ncurses 5.7-4
    net-tools 1.60-14
    netbeans 6.9.1-1
    netcfg 2.5.4-1
    network-manager-applet 0.8.2-2
    networkmanager 0.8.3-0.20110113
    nitrogen 1.5.1-1
    notification-daemon 0.4.0-4
    ntfs-3g 2011.1.15-1
    ogle 0.9.2-12
    openal 1.12.854-2
    openjdk6 6.b20_1.9.5-1
    openldap 2.4.23-4
    openntpd 3.9p1-13
    openssh 5.8p1-1
    ortp 0.16.3-1
    p7zip 9.13-2
    pacman 3.4.3-1
    pacman-mirrorlist 20101223-1
    pam 1.1.3-1
    parcellite 0.9.3-1
    patch 2.6.1-2
    pciutils 3.1.7-3
    pcmciautils 017-1
    pcre 8.12-1
    perl 5.12.3-1
    pkg-config 0.25-3
    pmtools 20101124-1
    poppler 0.16.2-2
    poppler-data 0.4.4-1
    popt 1.16-3
    powertop 1.13-2
    preload 0.6.4-2
    procinfo-ng 2.0.304-2
    procps 3.2.8-3
    psmisc 22.13-1
    pwgen 2.06-2
    pycrypto 2.3-1
    python-dateutil 1.5-2
    python-notify 0.1.1-8
    python-rsvg 2.32.0-4
    qt 4.7.1-3
    readline 6.1.002-2
    reiserfsprogs 3.6.21-3
    samba 3.5.6-1
    sdparm 1.06-1
    sed 4.2.1-3
    splix 2.0.0-7
    sshfs 2.2-3
    strace 4.5.20-1
    streamripper 1.64.6-1
    subversion 1.6.15-1
    sudo 1.7.4.p6-1
    sweethome3d 3.0-1
    sysfsutils 2.1.0-5
    syslog-ng 3.2.1-1
    system-config-printer-gnome 1.2.6-1
    sysvinit 2.88-2
    tar 1.25-1
    tcp_wrappers 7.6-12
    tcpdump 4.1.1-1
    terminator 0.95-2
    testdisk 6.11.3-3
    texinfo 4.13a-5
    thunderbird-de 3.1.7-1
    thunderbird-ru 3.1.7-1
    transcode 1.1.5-5
    transmission-gtk 2.13-1
    ttf-dejavu 2.32-2
    ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-7
    twf-unofficial 0.4-1
    tzdata 2010o-1
    ubuntulooks 0.9.12-2
    udev 165-1
    unrar 4.0.6-1
    unzip 6.0-5
    upm 1.6-1
    usbutils 001-2
    util-linux-ng 2.18-4
    valgrind 3.6.0-3
    vi 050325-3
    vim 7.3.102-1
    vlc 1.1.7-2
    vlc-plugin 1.1.7-2
    volti 0.2.3-1
    wget 1.12-2
    which 2.20-4
    wine 1.3.13-1
    wings-bin 1.2-1
    wireshark-gtk 1.4.3-1
    worldofgoo 1.41-2
    wpa_supplicant 0.7.3-1
    wxformbuilder 3.1.70-1
    xarchiver 0.5.2-1
    xcursor-neutralplus 1.2-2
    xf86-input-synaptics 1.3.0-2
    xf86-video-intel 2.14.0-1
    xfsprogs 3.1.4-1
    xinetd 2.3.14-6
    xmms2 0.7DrNo-8
    xorg-server 1.9.4-1
    xorg-xinit 1.3.0-2
    xterm 267-1
    yelp 2.30.2-1
    zim 0.49-1
    zip 3.0-1.1
    zlib 1.2.5-3

    In case anyone is interrested, here is the section of my pacman log during the "cleaning" that resulted in being able to use terminator without python2-bonobo.
    [2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs'
    [2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs squeeze'
    [2011-02-08 12:03] removed squeeze (0.2.3-4)
    [2011-02-08 12:04] removed thunar-vfs (1.2.0-2)
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs libgnome'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
    [2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
    [2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome'
    [2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome mysql-gui-tools libbonoboui'
    [2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui'
    [2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools'
    [2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools baobab gnucash'
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnucash (2.2.9-10)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed slib (3b3-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libofx (0.9.1-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed opensp (1.5.2-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed goffice (0.8.12-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] Updating Font Cache
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed baobab (2.4.2-3)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed mysql-gui-tools (5.0r14-4)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed gtkhtml (3.32.1-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed gsynaptics (0.9.16-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed rhythmbox (0.13.3-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed totem-plparser (2.32.2-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gconf (2.28.1-7)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-mako (0.3.4-4)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-markupsafe (0.9.2-2)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-beaker (1.5.4-2)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed media-player-info (12-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgpod (0.8.0-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed mutagen (1.20-3)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libdmapsharing (2.1.8-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed json-glib (0.12.2-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed gvfs-afc (1.6.6-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libimobiledevice (1.0.4-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed usbmuxd (1.0.6-2)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libplist (1.3-2)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-libgnome (2.28.1-7)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-bonobo (2.28.1-7)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed pyorbit (2.24.0-3)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomecanvas (2.28.1-7)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomeui (2.24.4-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonoboui (2.24.4-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomecanvas (2.30.3-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome (2.32.0-3)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome-data (2.32.0-3)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomevfs (2.28.1-7)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonobo (2.32.0-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnome-vfs (2.24.4-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:08] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
    [2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S ha'
    [2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S hal'
    [2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:09] installed dmidecode (2.11-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal (0.5.14-6)
    [2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
    [2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
    [2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
    [2011-02-08 12:09] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)

  • UE4 demos not running due to dependency issues after upgraded from Windows 7 x64 to Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    Hi, I posted a more in detail thread about this on the UE4 forums. 

    Are you using a Gmail account on both Outlook PC client and on the phone? Is it an IMAP account?
    Since you mentioned it also occurs to your phone, have you tried to logon the Gmail webmail to check the account status? If new emails sent to the account don't show up on the phone, it's not isolated to Outlook then, we need to contact the Gmail support
    to get this issue addressed.
    For the emails missing issue, I suggest you just open the .pst file instead of importing it. In Outlook 2013, go to FILE tab -> Open & Export -> Open Outlook Data File -> Browse to the .pst file and open it. It should then be displayed
    in the account list on left. Check if the emails are still missing.
    If you can confirm you included the emails in 2014 but they are still nowhere in sight, they may be filtered by the Outlook View. Run Outlook with the switch "/cleanviews" to check whether the emails are shown:
    Press Win + R, type "outlook.exe /cleanviews" in the blank box, press Enter. Outlook will reset default view, all custom views will be lost.
    Let me know if you have further questions.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • [Solved] Ipython Notebook Setup - zmq Dependency Issue

    I'm posting both the problem and the solution here in case this helps anyone else who is working with IPython
    I just ran into  an issue trying to run the ipython notebook on a fresh install of Arch Linux. After installation Ipython works correctly from a shell/terminal prompt, but fails to start when you try to run it in notebook mode (via the' $ ipython notebook --pylab' command ).
    This fails with an error that the incorrect version of pyzmq is installed - it's looking for version 2.1.4 (which apparently is not installed with the IPython install. FWIW I reinstalled ipython just to verify that I was not imagining things<g>)!.  You can see some more info on this link:
    http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/inst … python-zmq
    To reinstall/upgrade to the correct version use the following command:
    $ sudo pip2 install ipython[zmq]
    Notes:  1) This is the appropriate syntax to install subcomponents within a package (did not know this before as I normally install the entire pkg))
                2) I use pip2 here as I have both py2.7 and 3.3 installed and I'm trying to develop with py 3.3.
                3) AFAIK pip install is recommended over pacman for python components.
    Hope this helps someone as it's frustrating trying to solve these install dependency issues - especially if the focus is on finishing some other task. Perhaps someone could confirm where this needs to be fixed as the problem is probably due to an upstream dependency.

    ziv667 wrote:HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf encrypt lvm2 block filesystems keyboard fsck"
    Where's the keymap hook?
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf keymap encrypt lvm2 block filesystems keyboard fsck"

  • Wireshark dependency causing system upgrade problem

    Here's what is happening:
    jeff ~ | sudo pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core 31.4K 132.4K/s 00:00:00 [#####################] 100%
    extra 413.7K 558.3K/s 00:00:01 [#####################] 100%
    community 348.2K 534.8K/s 00:00:01 [#####################] 100%
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    error: cannot resolve "heimdal>=1.2.1", a dependency of "wireshark"
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: wireshark: requires heimdal>=1.2.1
    I checked to see what version of heimdal is available to install with "pacman -Si", and the current version is 1.2-2, which is lower than what wireshark requires.  Do I have to wait until heimdal 1.2.1 is pushed into the repos before I can update my system, or is there another solution?

    Xyne wrote:There's no nasty tone to this question, I'm just curious: Why do packages get moved to the official repos before their dependencies are ready? Doesn't that just create problems for upgrades and prevent users who might need to install the package in that little window of dependency hell? What's the reasoning? Is it just for the packager's convenience?
    What happened here was that in the testing repo there were packages rebuilt for libpcap and packages rebuilt against heimdal.  However, wireshark was rebuilt against both libpcap and heimdal. Because of an oversight, the libpcap rebuild was moved out of testing without realizing that wireshark depended on the heimdal wich was still in testing.  We try to avoid these missing dependency problems but sometime mistakes are made.
    Xyne wrote:Follow-up question: Would it be possible (read: reasonable) to create some pkg queue system that moves ready packages into the official repos once their dependencies are solved?
    I'm not sure if it's possible as packages are moved manually.
    When there are library soname bump, we rebuild all packages that needs it to the best of our knowledge but it can happen that we forget a few. Sometime the package that needs to be rebuilt doesn't have the dependency listed, especially when it comes to dependencies on core packages, so we miss it. In this case, a queue system would do nothing. We just need users to report them on the bug tracker

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12060: Fix dependency issues

    Revision: 12060
    Revision: 12060
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-20 12:12:21 -0800 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix dependency issues
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-24353, SDK-24354
    Reviewer: Corey
    API Change: No
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    tests: checkintests mustella/gumbo/components/DropDownList
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/components/supportClasses/SkinnableCom ponent.as
    Added Paths:

  • Why would Extension Manager CS6 report dependency issues for 29 InDesign CS6 factory plug-ins?

    Suddenly Extension Manager CS6 is reporting dependency issues for 29 InDesign CS6 factory plug-ins. I made no changes to those plugins that might have precipitated this. Anyone have any ideas about what might have happened? (This is happening with Extension Manager and InDesign 8.0.2.) Some examples of the plugins reported as not meeting dependency condition are the following:
       Book Panel (
       PDF (
       Snippet (
       XML (
       XMLParser (

    1. You only pasted one log file (log0.log?), there is another more important log file: ExtensionManager.log you dind't paste.
    2. Have you removed ALL mxi files from ALL subfolders of BOTH "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store" AND "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store" to separate folder? If yes, Extension Manager shouldn't hang.
    3. Please make sure you have "Full control" permission to ""C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Configuration\DB\ExMan.db" and "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Configuration\DB\ExManUser.db". You can check it in "Security" tab page of "Properties" dialog box.

  • How to solve a PKGBUILD dependency issue for the MinGW-w64 toolchain?

    I had the ambitious plan of creating PKGBUILDs to provide a fully functional and full-featured MinGW-w64 toolchain in Arch (starting with the AUR). For those of you not aware of MinGW-w64; it's a project that provides the more complete alternative for MinGW.org: they support a much larger set of the Win32 API and provide 64-bit support. In short: they allow you to use GCC for Windows 32 and 64-bit.
    The current list of packages is here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=rubenvb
    They work (roughly, for me, I'm working out the problems as people report them), but only if you build and install them manually.
    I would like to ask the help of the experts that reside here to resolve the issue that handy tools like yaourt and other AUR utilities cannot build/install these packages automagically, so that people are more easily persuaded to use my packages. The dependencies here are what functionally needs to be set, not per se what the current PKGBUILDs specify, due to numerous experiments and trial and error...)
    The build and install order needs to be strictly followed:
    1. build+install mingw-w64-headers-base (no makedepends)
    2. build+install mingw-w64-binutils (no makedepends)
    3. build+install mingw-w64-gcc-base (makedepends and depends: mingw-w64-binutils)
    4. build+install mingw-w64-crt (makedepends and depends: mingw-w64-gcc-base and mingw-w64-binutils)
    5. build mingw-w64-winpthreads (makedepends: mingw-w64-headers-base, mingw-w64-gcc-base and mingw-w64-binutils, conflicts mingw-w64-headers-base)
    6. build mingw-w64-headers (no makedepends, conflicts mingw-w64-headers-base)
    7. install mingw-w64-headers (replaces mingw-w64-headers-base)
    8. install mingw-w64-winpthreads
    9. build+install mingw-w64-gcc (replaces mingw-w64-gcc-base)
    I tried to enforce this as much as possible in the PLGBUILDs, but am unsure if everything is as it should be...
    The resulting binary packages that non-AUR-users
    (once mingw-w64 is in a binary repo) should install:
    - mingw-w64-headers
    - mingw-w64-crt
    - mingw-w64-winpthreads
    - mingw-w64-binutils
    - mingw-w64-gcc
    The issue is that winpthreads overwrites two dummy headers that have to be included in mingw-w64-headers-base, so I provide a mingw-w64-headers package omitting these two files, but unusable without mingw-w64-winpthreads. So winpthreads needs to be built when mingw-w64-headers-base is installed, and mingw-w64-headers cannot be installed before winpthreads is installed, due to these two headers (per architecture) being supplied by winpthreads in a complete form.
    I will try to tune the dependencies tonight, but any help or insight into the automation process is highly appreciated!
    Last edited by rubenvb (2011-11-22 21:28:12)

    Interesting problem.
    While i don't use any aur helper, i think you can simplify your approach a bit.
    Here's how i would do it (changes in red) :
    1. build+install mingw-w64-headers-base (no makedepends)
    this package DOES NOT include the dummy headers
    1a. build + install mingw-w64-headers-extra-dummy (makedepends : mingw-w64-headers-base)
    this package will include ONLY the dummy headers
    2. build+install mingw-w64-binutils (no makedepends)
    3. build+install mingw-w64-gcc-base (makedepends and depends: mingw-w64-binutils)
    4. build+install mingw-w64-crt (makedepends and depends: mingw-w64-gcc-base and mingw-w64-binutils)
    5. build mingw-w64-winpthreads
    mingw-w64-headers-base, mingw-w64-gcc-base and mingw-w64-binutils, mingw-w64-headers-extra-dummy
    conflicts with mingw-w64-headers-extra-dummy
    provides mingw-w64-headers-extra
    6. skipped
    7. skipped
    8. install mingw-w64-winpthreads
    9. build+install mingw-w64-gcc (replaces mingw-w64-gcc-base)
    makedepends : mingw-w64-headers-base, mingw-w64-headers-extra

  • Time dependent issues

    The R3 side doesn't have the FROMDATE and TODATE to record the changes, but BW has the FROMDATE and TODATE when the attributes are checked as time-dependent.
    Do the time-dependent attributes depend on the master data load to record the changes to the FROMDATE and TODATE? How does BW record the changes for the time-dependent attributes?
    What happens if the BW database that stores the master data is corrupt; this is assuming that there is no backup?
    How would you recover the FROMDATE and TODATE time-dependent attributes? If you were to reload all over again, the history of the changes to the attributes would be the most recent changes. Is this correct?

    this is how the BI handles Time dependent MD with 0costcenter
    11111- edna - 01/01/1000 - 12/31/9999 - this is the intial masterdata entry created when you are made a mgr for 11111.
    Now you are promoted and are allocated to 22222, so the entry in R/3 would be
    22222 - edna - 01/01/2007 - 12/31/999. if you still hold both the costcenters the entries will remain same. but if i was allocated to costcenter 11111, then the entry would be
    11111- edna - 01/01/1000 - 12/31/2006
    11111- voodi - 01/01/1000 - 12/31/9999
    Now thats where the key date comes into picture when somebody runs the report for costcenter 11111 in 2005, you will still be shown as the mgr of the CC, depending on the validity period of the CC under ur name. This still highlights the validity period, in plain BI lang FROM/TO dates that have to be populated from the source system that would have been created/changed when a value is entered into the system. I'm not sure or aware of any way, BI can mysteriously know the validity periods with no business logic or rule to fill in the FROM/TO dates int he masterdata.
    your reply does not really clarify my thought process.
    Not sure If I can ever clarify ur thought process.
    When the tough gets going, you would normally point me to a link
    I only point to link when people are not clear abt the basic understanding of the issue they want to discuss. FYI - the link doesnt refer to flat file loads (if thats what you could make out from the link).
    sure i didnt clarify ur thought process:)

  • Dependancy Issues - requires 'bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime [3.2.0,4.0.0)'

    I am trying to install dtp_1.10.2 into an eclipse 4.2.2 install. I am sure I previously had this working. Now when I go back to my script to get it working the install of the package just fails. Below is a copy of the error I am seeing.
    I have also tried 1.12.0 which is stated to be compatible with eclipse 4.2.2 but it also gives the same issue.
    C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Downloads\eclipse-4.2.2\eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -rep
    ository file:C:\Users\ xxxxxxx\Downloads\dtp_1.10.2 -installIU org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature.feature.group -destination C:\User
    s\xxxxxxx\Downloads\eclipse-4.2.2-BASE -p2.os win64 -p2.ws win64 -p2.arch x86 -tag BasePackage -profile SDKProfile
    Installing org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature.feature.group 1.10.2.v201209181447-7C7h9DEt1bxqP9criVgb9XdVJxM.
    Installation failed.
    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
    Software being installed: Data Tools Platform Connectivity 1.10.2.v201209181447-7C7h9DEt1bxqP9criVgb9XdVJxM (org.eclipse.datatools.connecti
    vity.feature.feature.group 1.10.2.v201209181447-7C7h9DEt1bxqP9criVgb9XdVJxM)
    Missing requirement: Data Tools Platform Connectivity Plug-in 1.2.7.v201302060508 (org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity 1.2.7.v201302060508)
    requires 'bundle org.eclipse.core.runtime [3.2.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
    Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Data Tools Platform Connectivity 1.10.2.v201209181447-7C7h9DEt1bxqP9criVgb9XdVJxM (org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature.featur
    e.group 1.10.2.v201209181447-7C7h9DEt1bxqP9criVgb9XdVJxM)
    To: org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity [1.2.7.v201302060508]
    Application failed, log file location: C:\Users\ xxxxxxx\Downloads\eclipse-4.2.2\configuration\1438095259128.log

    This is a java programming forum, not the eclipse help desk
    In any case, why don't you simply install the 3.2 runtime plug-in as instructed?!

  • How to release plugin(solve dependency issues)

    I've developed a illustrator plugin dependent on Qt library, it runs well on the develop machine.
    The libOliveLib.dylib is a shared library which developed by Qt.
    Following are the dependencies of the plugin:
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 15.0.0)
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtXml.framework/Versions/5/QtXml (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/libOliveLib.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
    /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.9.0)
    /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 125.2.0)
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation (compatibility version 150.0.0, current version 550.29.0)
    /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 227.0.0)
    And the dependencies of libOliveLib:
    @executable_path/../Frameworks/libOliveLib.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
      @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
      @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
      @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
      /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
      /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 275.0.0)
      @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtXml.framework/Versions/5/QtXml (compatibility version 5.4.0, current version 5.4.0)
      /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
      /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
      /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 104.1.0)
      /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1213.0.0)
    But when I deploy it to other machine, it crashed. I think it caused by dependency.
    Any one has this issue before, could you please give me your suggestions or your solutions
    Many hanks!

    Hi LeoTaro,
    Thanks for your response!
    This issue can be solved by adding qt.conf file to folder "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/Resources".
    But this folder is Application resources folder or Adobe Illustrator, I think add qt.conf file to this folder doesn't make sense.
    Is there any alternative ways?
    I've also tried adding "QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath()" and "QCoreApplication::libraryPaths()", but it doesn't work.
    Best Regards,
    Jae Liu

  • Oracle.DataAccess dependency issue: whats the other dll?

    My client programm complains that it cannot load the Oracle.DataAccess assembly but I the dll is within the execution/installation folder of the programm. Maybe I should mention that I removed Oracle.DataAccess from the Global Assembly Cache (because of ODT 11 and ODT 10 issues). When I did that, I remember that there were 2 dlls removed but I dont know the second one (which probably is the depending one).
    Can someone tell me the name of this dependency-dll and where to find it?
    Its kind of urgent :)
    Thanks in advance

    There's a lot of DLLs involved because ODP.NET relies on the Oracle client being installed as well.
    You can do it the hard way and download "depends.exe" (Dependency Checker) from a windows tools site, or you can just reinstall ODAC. It's probably easier and safer to just install ODAC.
    If you want to create a custom deployment, checkout the "XCopy" version of ODAC. It sort of sounds like that is what you are looking for.

  • Circumvent this pacman dependency issue

    I have recently updated my catalyst driver and everything works fine but pacman doesn't let me upgrade - see the last line below.
    I want to keep everthing as of now the way it is but I would still like to update without this dependency error.
    How do I circumvent this issue?
    [ozooha@ozoohaPC ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu update
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: catalyst-utils: requires xorg-server<1.7.0
    [ozooha@ozoohaPC ~]$

    I'm not sure IgnorePkg works here. I have the following:
    IgnorePkg = xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-utils xorg-xfs
    IgnorePkg = xf86-video-intel xf86-video-vesa xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse
    IgnorePkg = mesa libgl intel-dri dri2proto libxkbui
    But when I do pacman -Syu I get
    Targets (34): xextproto-7.1.1-1 fixesproto-4.1.1-1 inputproto-2.0-1
    libx11-1.3.2-1 libxext-1.1.1-1 libdmx-1.1.0-1 libdrm-2.4.15-1
    libxt-1.0.7-1 libxmu-1.0.5-1 libxpm-3.5.8-1 libxaw-1.0.7-1
    libxfixes-4.0.4-1 libxcomposite-0.4.1-1 libxdamage-1.1.2-1
    libxdmcp-1.0.3-1 libxfont-1.4.1-1 libxfontcache-1.0.5-1
    renderproto-0.11-1 libxrender-0.9.5-1 libxft-2.1.14-1 libxi-1.3-2
    libxinerama-1.1-1 libxkbfile-1.0.6-1 libxtst-1.1.0-1
    libxv-1.0.5-1 libxvmc-1.0.5-1 libxxf86dga-1.1.1-1
    libxxf86misc-1.0.2-1 libxxf86vm-1.1.0-1 shared-mime-info-0.70-2
    xorg-apps-7.5-2 xorg-font-utils-7.5-2 xorg-xkb-utils-7.5-1
    Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
    Total Installed Size: 21.04 MB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] n
    Wouldn't this break my system. All these packages arrived in the [extra] together with xorg-server 1.7.1, so I don't think they'll work with 1.6.*.
    Or would they?

  • Apt-get dependency issue

    Hi I am trying to install this fix for Sickbeard. - https://github.com/SiCKRAGETV/sickrage-issues/issues/1566 However, it means I need to install gcc Whenever I try and do anything with apt-get I get this: MyBookLive:~# apt-get purge
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    libc6-ppc64: Depends: libc6 (= 2.13-38+deb7u6) but 2.11.2-2 is installed
    locales: Depends: glibc-2.13-1
    E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.I have tried doing apt-get -f install but it fails like this: MyBookLive:~# apt-get -f install
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    Correcting dependencies... Done
    The following extra packages will be installed:
    libc-bin libc6
    Suggested packages:
    The following packages will be upgraded:
    libc-bin libc6
    2 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 299 not upgraded.
    2 not fully installed or removed.
    Need to get 0B/5960kB of archives.
    After this operation, 786kB of additional disk space will be used.
    Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
    WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
    libc-bin libc6
    Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y
    Preconfiguring packages ...
    (Reading database ...
    dpkg: warning: files list file for package `ramlog' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.
    dpkg: warning: files list file for package `libparted0' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.
    (Reading database ... 20411 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to replace libc-bin 2.11.2-2 (using .../libc-bin_2.13-38+deb7u6_powerpc.deb) ...
    Unpacking replacement libc-bin ...
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.13-38+deb7u6_powerpc.deb (--unpack):
    trying to overwrite '/etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf', which is also in package wd-lib 01.04.01-81092
    Processing triggers for man-db ...
    Errors were encountered while processing:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    It is not a question of WD allowing you. If you have root access, you can do anything. However, you are asking for things WD does not support. So continue under your own if you wish to do so... Most NAS devices, regardless of brand/vendor/manufacturer, are some flavor of Linux. However, it is not a full blown version but a light version. That means, not all programs for Linux will work by default. However, you can either find the ones specific to the "light version" per model, or compile the package yourself. MBL runs Debian Lenny. To compile your own packages see:http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/mybook-live

  • ABAP Server Proxy: Dependency Issue.

    -     Service Interface (Inbound_SI) // Referring MT and DT from SWCV2.
    -     Message Type (messageType)
    -     Data Type (dataType)
    Dependencies: I created dependencies in SVCW1 in ESR. I assign the SWCV2 in ESR>SWCV>(In Details Tab)
    Now when I am creating server proxy I can see the service interface in namespace1 but I am not seeing DT and MT in the same namespace. Will it creates any problem? Any chance of namespace conflicts?
    Thank you.

    Hi Farooq,
    It will be a problem if you don't generate the proxies (in SPROXY) for the dependant MT's & DT's in SWCV2 first.
    Go to SWCV2 & relevant namespace (where referenced MT's & DT's reside). If they are in a red checkered flag status then you won't be able to generate the server proxy for the service interface in SWCV1.
    Regards, Trevor

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