Word search image

Hi guys,
This one's quite advanced...
I'm working on a online book project that takes a .pdf,
converts each page into a JPEG and stores them to a unique folder.
I have created a flash file that the user is directed to upon the
.pdf's upload which detects via a querystring, the folder location,
and total number of pages. This, as you have probibly guessed, is
the online book, which has all the bells and whistles of page turn
animations, a goto page function etc...
My problem is this:
I need the application to have a word search function. I know
that ideally the .pdf would have been converted to text, but I
couldn't as the layout of test to images was nowhere near perfect
on the tests I ran.
Is there any OCR styled approach that I could use in flash? I
have created JAVA applets which have performed this task before,
but never within a .swf.
An option is to install an OCR program on the server which
will run dynamically after the .pdfs upload, and store the text
into a database, however, at best (I assume), this will only allow
the user to be taken to the page, and not the line, let alone
creating a transulcent highlight, for example, over the top of the
I don't expect an answer, but any feedback would be geatly
Thanks in advance,
Peter McConnell
[email protected]

I don't know the answer for OCR. I would be inclined to try
investigagate ways to avoid it that would involve loading the the
content into a swf format...e.g. like flashpaper... or search for
some other way to convert the pdf to swf whilst retaining the
The flashpaper API has for example text searching capability
built in - I'm just not sure how much of the interface you can hide
(or may not be permitted to via the licencing agreement). And if
necessary then its also possible to use bitmapData copies of a swf
format if you need to manipulate it as an image once the swf has
Of course if the original source is bitmap you would still
need to adress the OCR problem. Don't know if that helps.

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    Hello Mr. Werner
    Thank you for your reply.
    Can I ask you which Version of InDesign do you use?
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    Kind regards Alex

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    No, you cannot filter or search images before importing them.
    But immediatley after import the images are automatically displayed in <Previous Import>.
    They will be displayed there until you import another set of images.
    While displayed in <Previous Import> they can be searched and filtered.

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    Hi Rossco
    I saw your replies only now as I am in India. Glad that you figured out a way.
    To answer your question on how to assign an image to smartshape, you can go to Fill and Stroke accordion and click the Fill dropdown list. Here you have an option to browse and select a custom image.

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    I am using 10G DB + 10G Form Builder.
    I've 'database_item' where I am storing multiline text data.
    I want to do MULTIPLE WORD OR SINGLE WORD SEARCH at this item through FORM.
    I've tried by creating the following NON Database Items on the form:
    - multiline_search_text_item, and
    - multiline_result__text_item
    And then writing execute_query in KEY-NEXT-ITEM trigger.
    I've also tried using this in the POST-TEXT-ITEM at multiline_search_text_item:
    select table.database_item into :multiline_result__text_item from table where multiline_search_text_item = :multiline_search_text_item;
    Pl help me asap.

    What you want to do is not clear.
    The query you wrote will select records where the table contains exactly what has been written in the search item. You can use LIKE and a wildcard search to find records which contain the search text:
    select table.database_item into :multiline_result__text_item
    from table
    where multiline_search_text_item LIKE '%'||:multiline_search_text_item||'%';
    You can use UPPER to make this case insensitive:
    select table.database_item into :multiline_result__text_item
    from table
    where Upper(multiline_search_text_item) LIKE Upper('%'||:multiline_search_text_item||'%');
    But I suspect you want either to match the individual words in the search text to individual words in the database multiline field, or find records where the search words appear (not necessarily as whole words). In that case, check out the following:
    -- set up a table (multiline and various whitespaces)
      ROWNUM rn,
      owner||Chr(9)||object_name||Chr(160)||subobject_name||'    '||object_id||' '||
      data_object_id||Chr(10)||object_type||' '||created||' '||last_ddl_time||' '||
      timestamp||' '||status||' '||temporary||' '||generated||' '||secondary AS col
    FROM all_objects;
    -- check the format of the multiline text item (col)
    -- a type for the function below
    CREATE TYPE string_tab AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(255);
    -- this function takes a string and cuts out each word, idetifying words
    -- as being separated by any whitespace.  it returns a collection
      p_string IN VARCHAR2) RETURN string_tab IS
      l_string LONG DEFAULT
        RTrim(regexp_replace(p_string,'[[:space:]]+',' ')) || ' ';
      l_data string_tab := string_tab();
      n NUMBER;
        EXIT WHEN l_string IS NULL;
        n := InStr(l_string, ' ');
        l_data(l_data.Count) := LTrim(RTrim(SubStr(l_string, 1, n - 1)));
        l_string := SubStr(l_string, n + 1);
      END LOOP;
      RETURN l_data;
    END string_to_tab;
    -- selecting from t where ANY of the words in the search text has
    -- a match in the multiline field (as a word or part of a word), so SYS
    -- matches to MDSYS and SYSTEM
      t.rn, t.col
      (SELECT column_value
       FROM TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab('SYS   INDEX') AS string_tab))) x
    WHERE InStr(t.col,x.column_value) > 0;
    -- selecting from t where ALL of the words in the search text has
    -- a match in the multiline field (as a word or part of a word), so SYS
    -- matches to MDSYS and SYSTEM
    SELECT rn, col FROM(
      t.rn, t.col, cnt_x, Count(*) cnt
      (SELECT column_value , Count(1) over(PARTITION BY 1)cnt_x
       FROM TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab('SYS   INDEX') AS string_tab))) x
    WHERE InStr(t.col,x.column_value) > 0
    GROUP BY t.rn, t.col, cnt_x
    WHERE cnt = cnt_x;
    -- selecting from t where ANY of the words in the search text
    -- match a word in the multiline field, so SYS matches only to SYS
      t.rn, t.col
      (TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab(t.col) AS string_tab))) t2,
      (SELECT column_value
       FROM TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab('SYS   INDEX') AS string_tab))) x
    WHERE t2.column_value = x.column_value;
    -- selecting from t where ALL of the words in the search text
    -- match a word in the multiline field, so SYS matches only to SYS
    SELECT rn, col FROM(
      t.rn, t.col, cnt_x, Count(*) cnt
      (TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab(t.col) AS string_tab))) t2,
      (SELECT column_value , Count(1) over(PARTITION BY 1)cnt_x
       FROM TABLE(CAST(string_to_tab('SYS   INDEX') AS string_tab))) x
    WHERE t2.column_value = x.column_value
    GROUP BY t.rn, t.col, cnt_x
    WHERE cnt = cnt_x;For your application you would replace 'SYS INDEX' with a variable (the search field). You can use upper() and wildcards for case insensitive & 'fuzzy' searches. You might need to modify the function so it removes other delimiters such as commas and colons.

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    [email protected] writes:
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    a b c a b c d e f
    h e l l o w o r l d
    a b c a b c d e f
    a b c a b c d e f
    I want each grid square to have a specific x and y co-ordinate so say h in the grid above would be at co-ordinate [1,1] and e would be [1,2], etc.
    If someone could give me a bit of advice on how to get started on this, i would be most grateful!

    Use a JPanel with a GridLayout and add JLabels to each grid.

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    I have an important Topic that I need to show in my word
    search results, but it does not. As well, the Topic does not come
    up when I click on it in the Index.
    I have verified that the Key word is in the title of the
    Topic I wat to show up. Any ideas what is causing this or how it
    can be fixed?

    Welcome to the forum.
    Can you access the topic in any way? I am wondering if you
    have excluded it with a build tag.

Maybe you are looking for

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