Workaround BB Link

After months of working my way through the innumerable suggestions in these forums and elsewhere, I've given up on BB Link. It just won't sync my Outlook Contacts with my Q10 and I've now spend quite long enough trying. Right now, I'm using BB Desktop to back up my Contacts to my old Torch which I'm using effectively as a standalone address book. (For security reasons, I cannot sync my Contacts OTA with my Q10.) But this is a cumbersome arrangement. Is there any way I can simply copy over my .pst Outlook contacts file (I mean the backup .pst file on my laptop of all my Outlook Contacts) to my Q10 and then import those Contacts into my Q10?   
Go to Solution.

I have tried two workarounds that i Know that it work!! One of them that is the most time consuming is the following:;jsessionid=0CFBE4A2561994FC92DAFDD0374FBAFC?...
Depending on the amount of contacts it can take lots of time to get in to the solution!!
ANd the other one is wiping the Phone and making a 1 way sync from the computer to device and after that there is no going to be a problem anymore!!

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    Leslie8120 wrote:
    donallen wrote:
    Well, I tried a workaround: use Link to sync the phone to Outlook. I just want a way to edit contacts with a computer and sync them with the phone, and very occasionally go the other way when circumstances require. You know, like we did with Palms 20 years ago?
    What I found was that sync-ing contacts 1 way from device to computer produced no contacts in Outlook. Just utterly frustrated, I called the place where I bought it to try to get some help, they were clueless (and trying to call Blackberry is a waste of time; they won't talk to you unless you have a paid support contract), and so I asked for and got an RMA # and return label.
    But still thinking about this, I poked around in the phone and noticed the BBLink accounts for calendar and contacts and thought "can it be that this system, which provides a nicety like Hub, which gives you an integrated, chronological view of *all* your communications -- calls, texts, emails, etc. -- be only sync-ing the BBLink accounts, not the Google accounts?". This is correct, difficult as it is to believe. So I exported my contacts from Google, imported them to Outlook, and did a 1-way sync from the computer to the device, and, mirabile dictu, the contacts showed up in the phone. After about an hour and half. Further synchronizations, done after some cleanup of my contacts were also very slow, though not this slow, since few contacts were actually being transferred in these incremental synchs.
    Whoever wrote the synchronization part of Link clearly doesn't understand the concept of complexity of algorithms. (S)he also clearly didn't test this code on a contact data set of any significant size. I have about 1800 contacts. I had about the same number many years ago when I had a Palm that would sync an order of magnitude faster than this Blackberry setup and do so on much slower hardware with a slower communications channel (a serial port). 
    I also found that two-way synchronization produced some very odd messages, such as telling me that essentially all the contacts were in conflict. I abandoned the idea very quickly of ever trying a two-way sync (again, standard practice with Palms).
    Link is clearly a crock, but I think I've coerced it into doing what I need. I have until the end of January to decide whether to keep the Z10, and as I said in my original post, there's a lot I like about this phone. So I will use that time to see if I really have found a workaround for this ridiculous synchronization weak spot.
    I`m glad you figured out a way to do what you need to do. I have red before some other people having issues with BB Link and Outlook. I never used Outlook - I prefer Google account, which for me has worked very well, regardless what phone I use. It is true, it can take some time to sync in everything but for me it never took days as others have said. 
    However, once the huge amount of data is synched to your phone, you don`t need to worry about further time consuming synching. 
    Are you saying that synching with Google *contacts* works for you? In the sense that after you have the phone loaded up with all your Google contacts, if you make a change to the contacts with a web browser that the change appears in the phone? And vice-versa? Neither of those cases work for me. One wrinkle: I use two-step verification on my Google account. Do you? I am very suspicious that two-step verification is the cause of my issue with contacts synchronization (though, as I said in my original post, email and calendar synch do work).

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    Close any Explorer/Internet Explorer/Firefox windows you have
    Close any anti virus soft you might have running:
    1: download r_active_x.msi
    2: Click Start>Run and enter
    3: Run the file you just downloaded
    4: Go to Start>Run and type in regsvr32
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    Error 1904
    failed to register HRESUIT - 2147220473
    contact your support personel
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    Thanks for your answers so far.
    No I have win 7 clean install (instead of Vista), which is the reason I tried the workaround I linked to.
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    as html" menu choice under Edit menu.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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    Known bug. See for workaround and link to add your vote to the bug report.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

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    Send a huge chunk of data using http on port 80 using post method.
    Due to some restrictions I have to use Plain Sockets.
    I am trying to read this data and send it part by part to teh server. I cannat know the length of the data which I am sending untill I completely send my data.
    In http post I have to specify the content-length.
    What can I do to solve the problem.
    I have to use the http post method no other go.
    Hints Workarounds or links please to solve the issue

    This may not be possbile:
    "The most common problem people run into with multipart uploads is that the length of the data must be known before hand. If the length of the data can not be determined in advance, it needs to be cached either in memory or to a file and then uploaded using either ByteArrayPartSource or FilePartSource. The HTTP specification does not allow for POST data to be of an unknown length."

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    Thanks for your answers so far.
    No I have win 7 clean install (instead of Vista), which is the reason I tried the workaround I linked to.
    No yellow bangs in the device manager, and, even more important only one entry called something like "Toshiba virtual modem" under "modem" in the device managaer (I thinkthat the four entrys for the 3g moduldrivers should be under "modem" in the device manager)
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    @xardas: I think it has, at least the guy who sold me the (used) notebook said so. The model Number begins with ppm70e, which I believe is the specific model of m700. There also is a sticker with a "wireless WAN IMEI" and a number at the backside and a slot for the sim-card behind battery-pack, which both would be very suspicious for a notebook not having a 3G modul.

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    But meantime, just in case, does anyone have a solid suggestion? Thanks!

    re: ''but your boilerplate reply doesn't recognize''
    This facetious remark is uncalled for and not polite to people trying to offer assistance.
    McAfee needs to keep up to date if it intends to offer what it claims without causing aggrivation and issues to the user, but obviously informing them helps and this you are doing, which is good.
    You ask for a workaround:
    The link offers some advise from a Thunderbird perspective.
    I've also done some internet searching on your behalf and located that this issue seems to occur regardless of email client.
    On this McAfee forum, there is a similar question albeit a year old, with some advise on what to try.
    Try this:

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    One of my employers sent me a .jpg logo that I want to use in a form.  It looks good when I upload it, but it's too big.  When I resize the logo in Photoshop, it still looks good.  But when I upload it to FormsCentral, then the logo becomes blurry.  Yet it looks fine in Photoshop.
    Does anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I appreciate your help.

    Hello Gen,
    did you receive the mail I send on this topic? I've never heared back from the Feedback-Team.
    We're about to release some questionaires to customers and would linke to use non compressed images - How is the investigation coming along?
    Here's the testimage I sent.
    And the result in formscentral.
    A workaround like linking images doesn't work eighter, because formcentral embedds all images.
    Thanks a lot.

  • HTMLPanel: evalScripts - Do I have this right?

    After much fooling about with the HTMLPanel, digging through
    this forum and other Google results on the topic, my understanding
    is that enabling the 'evalScripts' option will result in
    <script> blocks being executed when loading an HTML fragment
    into the panel BUT IT WILL NOT (for the sake of discussion)
    "include" a block of Javascript(s) that has, for example, a defined
    function used to handle an onClick event for a button within the
    HTML fragment?
    Gary Gilbert
    on this topic nearly a year ago.
    So, first, is my understanding correct? And second, Is the
    workaround to link the script(s) to the primary page rather than
    within the HTML fragment?

    The HTML panel evals the found <script> in to the page
    where the panel has been found. If u include the functions in the
    script block of the page that the HTML panel is loading. There
    should not be any problem.
    And yes, u can also include the scripts in the primary page.
    Both should work.

Maybe you are looking for

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