Workbook is not displaying the 2nd variable

Hi experts,
I have a workbook with 4 queries, 2queries are having variable1 and another 2 queries are having variable 2.
when I run a workbook , pop up is displaying only variable1. Variable 2 is not displaying.
when I run queries individually variables are working.But while running workbook variable 2 is missing.
Till last month it was good. From this month Iam facing this problem.
Suggest me your valuable points.

hi Rajesh,
Sometimes the Workbooks get corrupted,just transport them once again to PROD or send that WB to the user and save it in  his Desktop and ask him to run it.
Also try to run the query individually and check.

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    Hey Barry02,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with AirPlay. The following resource may help to resolve your issue:
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    If you are using iTunes from version 7 onwards, then when you connect the iPod the summary screen should automatically open.
    If you click on the 'music' tab, you will see the option to:
    "display album artwork on your iPod".
    Make sure it's still selected.

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    | 1 | a |
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    You can make the following query on the result page:
    "select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?"
    then you set movietitle and cinema to those which the user selected. If the resultset contains more than 0 rows, that means the movie is available.
    Below is the sample code, it assumes you have a connection to the database:
    PreparedStatement stat = myConnection.prepareStatement("select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?");
    stat.setString(1, usersMovieTitleSelection);
    stat.setString(2, usersCinemaSelection);
    ResultSet res = stat.executeQuery();
    if ( {
    out.print("The movie is available");
    } else {
    out.print("The movie is not available");
    }Now just add that to your JSP page. Enjoy ! =)

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    Hello jayanand,
    You may need to force close all open apps, then restart the phone. If necessary, you may need to reset the phone after that.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

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    The update server is down; try this temporary workaround
    App Store>Purchased>Select "All"
    Note: Look out for apps that have the word "Update" a82_zps51a6f546.jpg

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    Firstly how are you connecting to the TC.. wireless or ethernet?
    Please open a command window and ping it.. ping by name and by IP address.
    If ping succeeds at least by IP it should work.
    In windows explorer type
    \\ (or whatever the TC ip is.. that is the default).
    Having the airport utility for windows loaded can help the process. As it loads bonjour for windows.
    7.6.4 firmware on the TC is useless. It works better on 7.6.1
    If the ping does not succeed by either name or IP address yet you have internet through the TC, then your network is setup wrongly. You are have firewalls blocking local IP. Take down all the firewalls.

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    I have tried Acrobat 9, 10 and 11.
    Any advice (apart from use Windows 7! ) would be most welcome.
    Many thanks.

    If you use the same Adobe Reader versions with the same PDF on Windows 7 and XP, then I would expect the outcome to be the same.
    Is this a local or online PDF?
    If local, is the file really exactly the same?
    If online, in what browser?

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    Hi there,
    You may need to force close the Mail application when this happens. The next time this happens, use the steps in the article below to coles out of the mail application.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Hope that helps,
    - Griff W.

  • Why is RoboHelp not displaying the required data content of .chm when linked as Help in my App ?

    Gorgeous Hello All,
    Has anyone encountered the below-said show- stopper. Another BIG TIME help required, will help me in tremendous fashion.
    Am using Adobe RoboHelp, Version 10 and IE version being 10.
    In my local machine :
    1.)I have completed my technical writing courtesy Design editor
    2.)Generating chm File : View -> Pods –> Single Source Layouts -> Right Click on Microsoft HTML Help -> Tagged Set as Primary Layout
    3.)Generating Primary Layout : File -> Generate -> Primary Layout (Microsoft HTML Help)…
    4.)Viewing Primary Layout : File -> View -> Primary Layout
    Everything works FANTASTICALLY till here with the required output (as Hide, Back, Refresh, Home, Print, Options, Contents, Index, Search, Glossary and with the data contents)
    Show Stopper, At my Application Server :
    5.)I copy the entire robohelp project folder from my local machine to my application Server path
    6.)My Application has been developed in ASP .NET, Version 4.0.
    7.)Help link has been created in this application wherein here the file name of < >.chm has been linked in the code to be read from the  Server’s RoboHelp project folder\!SSL!\ Microsoft_HTML_Help\
    8.)I login into my above-said application -> click on the Help page -> Displays the required structure /buttons as Hide, Back, Refresh, Home, Print, Options, Contents, Index, Search, Glossary
    a.)Clicking on any of the Books or Topics appearing beneath Contents : The System prompts out with error cautionary message called “ Navigation to the webpage was cancelled. What you can try: Retype the address ”
    *** This is a huge SHOW-STOPPER. I spent plenty of hours on this, but unable to deciper with a solution at all) ***
    ( Note : Am able to directly open and read the required data contents by Clicking on any of the Books or Topics appearing beneath Contents from Server’s RoboHelp project folder\!SSL!\ Microsoft_HTML_Help\ < >.chm )
    Why is the RoboHelp not displaying the required data contents of <>.chm when linked as Help in my Application ?
    Cheese – Vipin Nambiar

    If you looked at the error message and searched the forum, you should find the answer as this is a problem that started in 2005. You should not run CHM files from a server and cannot without editing the users registry. See the page below.
    All along your questions have been based on webhelp, why suddenly are we going go CHMs.
    See Snippets on my site for the correct form of help to use in different scenarios.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Error in Acrobat 8: An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly...?

    We perform the e-signing on any PDF using our custom e-signature plug-in. Once that's done, when we try re-opening the PDF in Acrobat version, we get the following error:-
    "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem"
    Please note that this error occurs intermittently and is NOT observed in Acrobat 7 or 9.  Also, when a plain PDF is opened (i.e. a PDF without any signature on it) then there is NO error.
    Could you let me know what could be the issue here? I read it in Acrobat 8.1.3 release notes that such an error was a known bug in version (, but I am not sure of its cause.
    Let me know your comments/suggestions.

    I am getting the same error even in Acrobat version 8.1.3.
    Additionally, I noticed that if we click on menu ‘Advanced->Sign&Certify->Preview Document’, then we get a notification as “This document is not PDF/SigQ compliant and may display inconsistently”. On clicking  ‘View report’ on that notification, the below dialog pops up. It has errors listed as:-
    Code 4000 : Unrecognized PDF content. The document contains PDF content or custom content not supported by the current version of Acrobat.
    Code 4002: PDF content contains erros.
    However, if we sign the PDF using default adobe signature functionality and reopen that PDF, the error does NOT come and the notification also says ‘This document is PDF/SigQ compliant’.
    Can anybody please suggest what could be missing in the custom sign that we apply? Is it because of any of the missing fonts or any other resources?
    Awaiting reply!

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