Working with Flash documents

This question was posted in response to the following article:

It is not clear to me here how you move your window frame over a stage that is larger than what I want to display.  I am not looking to move the window dynamically (though that would be interesting too).  It seems possible from the statement about "Adjust 3D perspective..." that this may be possible, but there are no links that tell me where to go to find out more about that.  I'm only really interested in moving the viewing window as an orthographic camera over a 2D background that is larger than the window I want to 'render' to.

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    You said it is not working with Flash 11, so does that mean you tested with previous version and that worked?
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    It's best to place any text.
    You can have all of your text in one file and use auto-flow to add threaded text frames and pages as required (Hold down the Shift key when you click the loaded text cursor), but it's a little non-standard to have the thread only on one side of the spread from the auto-flow perspective, so you'll have to set up properly.
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    Windows XP SP3 32bit, latest updates applied
    Firefox 3.6.6 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E))
    IE 8.0.6001.18702
    Flash Player 10,1,53,64
    HP EliteBook 8530w with built-in HP camera (brand spankin' new).
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    Victory is mine.
    Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg
    Restart your browser. Done. Camera works now.
    I really want to shout this solution from the rooftops, because try Googling the solution sometime. I did. I failed. You will too. Hopefully if I use some more 18-point bold font, Google will index it faster, because that's the way it works right?
    I actually had no idea that Flash Player has a folder in Windows\system32 at all, and I definitely had no idea that this file existed. I am guessing some stinking app I installed decided I needed AVHardwareDisable set to 1 for some reason (effers). I found out about the location by just lazily searching through the windows registry for "Flash Player" and eventually saw it pointing to that directory. A little more poking around and I found this file.
    Those of you who actively support this forum: please keep this in the back of your mind, next time someone has audio/video input problems with Flash Player. I've found an awful lot of forum posts from people with cameras not working, and I bet a good portion of them need this fix. Reinstalling Flash Player will not fix it. Here's hoping the solution comes up in Google for the next unlucky soul.

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    I was getting this intermittently.   Not a super problem.   A remove and install in iTunes gets it loaded (after you tell ITunes where it is).

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    Thanks for your help.
    Toni Rexrode

    I doubt that Flash 11.4 is the cause of these issues.  Having Flash 11.4 installed on your box doesn't mean your end users will need it..  Captivate 5.5 and 6 will only publish as high as Flash 10.2.  So all your end users would need is that version or above.
    I assume when you say you have check the settings on your click boxes, you made sure you have them configured to show the hand cursor?  If this is not turned on then the normal mouse pointer is all that will be visible.  But I'm betting you've checked that already.
    What you may not realise is that sometimes Captivate will APPEAR to show your click boxes are on the top layer of the timeline when you look at it in Edit mode, but in fact they may be buried down under other objects in the layers and NOT be clickable at runtime.  This has caught me out a few times.
    To ensure that your clickboxes ARE on the top layers, select each click box in the timeline and then click the icon on the main toolbar to Bring Selected Objects to the Front.  Then publish and test again.

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    BTW "loose" is not a verb. You probably mean "lose".

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    Just unzip and check out the various files in a text editor. It's ordinary XML so you can use your favorite XML parser to parse it.
    - Marcus Sundman

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    == User Agent ==
    Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.10

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    10.9.4 Combo Update

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    Thank you

    I have a button in the frame 1 of my proyector file in order
    to go to the frame 2.
    the code:
    function aller1(e:MouseEvent){gotoAndPlay(2),trace("dd")};
    it works.
    next I have a buton in my frame 2 in order to go to the frame
    1 like this:
    function allersommaire(e:MouseEvent){gotoAndPlay(1)};
    When I return to the frame 1 , this button doesn't work and I
    have this message:
    TypeError: Error #1009
    With flash 9, I don´t have this problem.
    Sorry with my english, I m french.
    Thank you.

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    Hallo Russell,<br /><br />I'm a beginner with Flex and Flash, and I already succeeded calling the remote object with Flex. But my company requires me to use Flash (AS3).<br /><br />So, could you please give me an example of ActionScript code to call a RemoteObject in BlazeDs? The url? and call string?<br /><br />I also use Spring behind.<br /><br />I tried to use the url: "http://localhost:8080/myAppName"<br />and then the call string is "myService.getList"<br /><br />myService is the destination in the service-config.xml<br />getList is the method from the remote object which is a Java class.<br /><br />Here is the snippet from remoting-config<br />  <destination id="clasificationService"><br />    <properties><br />      <factory>spring</factory><br />      <source>clasificationManager</source><br />    </properties><br />  </destination><br /><br />and Here is the snippet from services-config:<br /><br />    <!-- Spring factory registration --><br />    <factories><br />        <factory id="spring" class="" /><br />    </factories><br />    <channels><br />        <channel-definition id="channel-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"><br />            <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf"<br />                class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint" /><br />            <properties><br />                <polling-enabled>false</polling-enabled><br />            </properties><br />        </channel-definition><br />        <br />        <channel-definition id="my-secure-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel"><br />            <endpoint url="https://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfsecure" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint"/><br />            <properties><br />                <add-no-cache-headers>false</add-no-cache-headers><br />            </properties><br />        </channel-definition><br /><br />        <channel-definition id="my-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"><br />            <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfpolling" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/><br />            <properties><br />                <polling-enabled>true</polling-enabled><br />                <polling-interval-seconds>4</polling-interval-seconds><br />            </properties><br />        </channel-definition><br /><br />    </channels><br /><br />Best regards,<br />Raymond.

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