Writing textfile with spaces

please help me following writng text file with spaces.
leghts of the fields
char1 = 5
char2 =  10
char3 = 11
char4 = 5
if any field short of lenghth should be show as spaces
for example char1 is 5 spaces.
8114 (1 space)
8114 123456    30         8113

If u use the Function Module     <b> GUI_DOWNLOAD</b>
<b>Short Text</b>
     Do not Write Blank at the End of Char Fields
<b> Description</b>
     By default, possible blanks at the end of the column are not transferred
     for text columns. This parameter allows you to change this behavior, so
     that the blanks are kept, except for the blanks at the end of the last
     column. If you want to keep these as well, use parameter
<b>Value range</b>
     'X': Blanks are removed.
     SPACE: Blanks are transferred.
<b> Default</b>
try this:::
itab like standard table of spfli.
select * from spfli into table itab.
  BIN_FILESIZE                    =
    filename                        = 'D:\test\123.txt'
   FILETYPE                        = 'ASC'
  APPEND                          = ' '
   <b>WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR</b>           = 'X'
  HEADER                          = '00'
*<b>   TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS</b>           = ' '
    data_tab                        = itab
IF sy-subrc <> 0.

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    Musaafir wrote:
    I've no idea how i can even start using arabic vowels on Microsoft Word for Apple
    You can't do Arabic on MS Word for Mac.  This app has never supported RTL scripts, so you need to use something else.  Mellel is best, but Pages 5, TextEdit, Nisus Writer, Open/LibreOffice should work OK.
    You switch between languages by using the "flag" menu at the top right of the screen or by using the keyboard shortcuts apple/command plus space.  Go to system prefs/keyboard/shortcuts to make sure that is activated.
    To see which key does what, you use Keyboard  Viewer.
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    write: var1.

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    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi Subhasish,
    Thanks for the reply, glad that its something that is reproducible!
    Do you have any idea of timescale? Or is it likely that I will have to modify the registry as above to get this working?
    If I am going to have to modify the registry, please can you let me know if the resolution I have tested above is safe and viable? Or are there other settings that I will need to change to make the cluster fully aware of the proper path to the CSVs for its
    Also, is there a known procedure for renaming the reparse point whilst VMs are running on it? This would allow me to negate the issue before copying the roles to the new cluster :-)
    Thanks again,

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    } catch (Exception errorea){ }
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    Hint: use the variant Runtime.exec(String[] args).
    Create a command array, with each token in a separate argument. The entire filename with spaces goes into one argument.

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    for file in $(find "$HOMEDIR" -type f)
    if [ "$(dateDiff -d $(ls -lh "$file" | awk '{ print $6 }') "$(date +%F)")" -gt 30 ];
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    for file in $(find "$HOMEDIR" -type f)
    ls -lh "$file"
    Last edited by panosk (2009-11-08 21:55:31)

    oops, brain fart. *flushes with embarrassment*
    -- Edit --
    BTW, for this kind of thing, I usually do something like:
    find "$HOMEDIR" -type f | while read file ; do something with "$file" ; done
    Or put those in an array:
    IFS=$'\n' ; files=($(find "$HOMEDIR" -type f)) ; unset IFS
    for file in "${files[@]}" ; do something with "$file" ; done
    The later method is useful when elements of "${files[@]}" will be used multiple times across the script.
    Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-11-09 08:13:07)

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    filename = "/" 0003.agt/""
    But this didnt work either, please could someone tell what I need.

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    while (file.lastIndexOf(" ") >0)
    String temp;
    int num = file.lastIndexOf(" ");
    temp = file.substring(0, num) + "%20" + file.substring(num+1, file.length());
    file = temp;

  • How to access a url in file receiver CC with space in the folder name?

    PI 7.11 sp4:
    In a file receiver channel I would like to send the message to this folder:
    de-prod.dk\bu\something\something\PTI eventstanden\archive\"
    But I get this error message:
    "Target directory 'F:\usr\sap\XP7\DVEBMGS02\j2ee\cluster\server0\"\de-prod.dk\bu\something\something\PTI eventstanden\archive"' does not exist"
    My question is: where the f.... does it get the 'F:\usr\sap\XP7\DVEBMGS02\j2ee\cluster\server0\  from, and how can I fix it?
    One issue is the space in the folder name. I have tried to replace the space with %20 and then remove the "" s around the whole url, but without any luck.
    When I log on the server on which Pi is running I can access the folder using the mentioned url including the ""s.
    All suggestions would be highly appreciated!

    > But I get this error message:
    > "Target directory 'F:\usr\sap\XP7\DVEBMGS02\j2ee\cluster\server0\"\de-prod.dk\bu\something\something\PTI eventstanden\archive"' does not exist"
    > My question is: where the f.... does it get the 'F:\usr\sap\XP7\DVEBMGS02\j2ee\cluster\server0\  from, and how can I fix it?
    It comes from the "
    Anything else but \ is treated as local folder under working directory of PI
    > One issue is the space in the folder name. I have tried to replace the space with %20 and then remove the "" s around the whole url, but without any luck.
    It works for me just to copy the folder from Windows explorer into channel config. With space and without ".

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    i run the following command in command prompt.i can delete the file successfully.
    /bin/rm -f /mnt/"test ex.txt"
    I want to run the command from java.So i am using the following code
    String cmd = "/bin/rm -f /mnt/\"test ex.txt\"";
         Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    process = rt.exec(cmd);
    The file was not deleted.
    How to delete the file with space in name?
    Help me

    Use the form of exec that takes an array of command + args.
    arr[0] = "/bin/rm"
    arr[1] = "-f"
    arr[2] = "/home/me/some directory with spaces";Or use ProcessBuilder, which is the preferred replacement for Runtime.exec, and which Runtime.exec calls.

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    System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form RSRDR;SRRK0F30-01-
    This error is occuring in Production system only, the report is running fine in Development environment.
    The error is also visible when I execute it in RSRT, I am not able to find the cause of error through RSRT.
    Can anyone please help me with the possible solutions.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Juergen,
    thanks for the input, I tried to run the report after loading the master data but still there was no improvement.
    I am not sure why this kind of problem is rising, some of the similar reports on same infoprovider are running fine.
    Please let me know if you know anything about the cause of error.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Handling flat file conversion with spaces inbetween  at sender side

       I am facing some problem in configuring the sender JMS adapter file content conversion. Please find the structure of my file below
    010AG  07/17/2007 000130800 TOZ07/17/200710:48:46
    010AU  07/17/2007 006682800 TOZ07/17/200710:48:46
    010-Record key
    AG-Metal code
    07/17/2007 -price Date
    000130800 -pricevalue
    there are 2spaces inbeween 1and 2nd fields and one space beween 2nd and 3rd ,one space between 3rd and 4th fileds
    I declared my source data strucute like below
         <Metal code>
          <price Date>
    I am using this PDF to configure my serder communication channel https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/50061bd9-e56e-2910-3495-c5faa652b7
    . but i got struck up in declaring these two fields as i need deal with spaces.
    It would be great if sombody tell me how ican decalre content conversion rules for the file

    Please check some links on FCC.
    Introduction to simple(File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part1)
    Introduction to simple (File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part2)
    File Receiver with Content Conversion
    Content Conversion (Pattern/Random content in input file)
    NAB the TAB (File Adapter)
    Introduction to simple(File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part1)
    Introduction to simple (File-XI-File)scenario and complete walk through for starters(Part2)
    How to send a flat file with various field lengths and variable substructures to XI 3.0
    Content Conversion (Pattern/Random content in input file)
    NAB the TAB (File Adapter)
    File Content Conversion for Unequal Number of Columns
    Content Conversion ( The Key Field Problem )
    The specified item was not found.
    File Receiver with Content Conversion

  • Export Excel Table in .txt File with space delimited text in UNICODE Format

    Hi all
    I've a big unsolved problem: I would like to convert an Excel table with some laboratory data in it (descriptions as text, numbers, variables with some GREEK LETTERS, ...). The output should be a formatted text with a clear structure. A very good solution is
    given by the converter in Excel "Save As" .prn File. All works fine, the formattation is perfect (it does not matter if some parts are cutted because are too long), but unfortunately the greek letters are converted into "?"!!!
    I've tried to convert my .xlsx File in .txt File with formatting Unicode and the greek letters are still there! But in this case the format is not good, the structure of a table is gone!
    Do you know how to save an Excel file in .prn but with Unicode formatting instead of ANSI or a .txt with space delimited text?
    Thanks a lot to everyone that can help me!

    This solution works in Excel/Access 2013.
    Link the Excel table into Access.
    In Access, right-click the linked table in the Navigation Pane, point your mouse cursor to "Export", and then choose "Text File" in the sub-menu.
    Name the file, and then under "Specify export options", check "Export data with formatting and layout".  Click "OK".
    Choose either Unicode or Unicode (UTF-8) encoding.  Click "OK".
    Click "Close" to complete the export operation.

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