WRT120n not blocking out keywords

I've recently replaced my WRT300n with a WRT120n and got everything set up just fine. There was one feature, however, that I could not get working. The access restrictions that allowed me to block out websites by keyword doesn't seem to be working in the WRT120n, but worked perfectly in my older model. I've pasted in the computer's MAC and IP, enabled and tested it out but it still didn't work. Does anyone have this working for them?

it doesn't seem to be blocking out websites either. the only thing i've noticed that's different is that the mac addresses don't have colons now, but that shouldn't affect anything, right?

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    And is there any solution to this ios7 problem?
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    Thanks, you're my hero! :-)
    The problem wasn't about the Restricitions because they are really irrelevant. The Problem was that i didn't had this Option to turn Siri off in the Touch ID & Passcode-Menu because i had to activate Siri first.
    Here ist the way to deactivate Siri in the locked Screen:
    [1] Settings > General > Siri > turn Siri on
    [2] Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > ALLOW ACCESS WHEN LOCKED > turn Siri off

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    Take a look at HeadRoom (headphone.com). It's a fabulous resource for all types of headphones, with great guides and useful reviews.

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    Answer found. Please find below an amazon review explicitly mentioning adding third party foam tips. Sounds like they fit and work like a dream:
    "As a audio engineer, I own about a dozen different sets of earphones and in-ear 'phones. My favorite, by far, are my sure SE530s. I have some Sennheiser cx400s which are good workhorses, but lack the finesse, clarity and stunning accuracy of the Shures. For convenience, I bought the Apple's, as I wanted something I could use with the phone for calls.
    I found the sound to be quite clear and beautifully clean, but like many, no matter how I tried, the stock Apple tips never made a good seal. The seal is absolutely essential to getting bass out of a balanced armature design. For you non-engineers, just trust me that if you don't have a proper seal, you will have no bass.
    In my case, I think the trouble had to do with the largest size being a tiny bit too small, and the silicon being too rigid, yet slick, so they left small airgaps and were easy to remove. I tried using some foam tips from a third party, but their large was more of a medium, and never came close to a snug fit.
    As an experiment, I dug around in my ear-tips from my Shure's and tried their rubber tips which are about the same size as Apple's large tips, but made of a more pliant and slightly sticky rubber.
    OMG, what a transformation. Suddenly the sound blossomed, the bass became rich and well balanced, and the "top-heavy" sound was totally mellowed into a rich, well balanced and incredibly detailed presentation.
    Make no mistake, these are the best 'phones under $200 I have ever heard. The bass is deep and warm, very detailed, and totally lacking fuzz or buzz that I can hear in the Sennheiser set. Look at getting tips from a better headphone. The trick is it has to have a soft rubber base that can expand over Apple's slightly larger stub. Some tips, like the Shure foam tips, have a rigid plastic sleave in the tip to keep it's position correct, and these won't expand over the larger Apple posts."

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    it is the latest firmeware update.... and thanks on the mac info

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    I need help to resolve this issue or at least the cause of the problem.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Try below:
    Go to Central Admin ---->Operations----->outgoing email settings and verify that SMTP server is mentioned correctly 
    2) Test the connectivity with the SMTP server.
    In order to do that follow these steps:
      Open  cmd
      telnet <SMTP server name> 25 ( We connect smtp server to the port 25)  
                     you should see a response  like this 220 <servername> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 ready at date and time
                     Beware that different servers will come up with different settings but you will get something
                     If you dont get anything then there could be 2 possible reasons, either port 25 is blocked or 
                     the smtp server is not responding.
      For testing response from your server
                       For testing response say ehlo to it.
                            Type :
                                        ehlo <servername>
                                        250 <servername> Hello [IP Address]
      Now a test mail can be sent from that SharePoint server. 
                          Now we need to enter the From address of the mail.
                          Type :
                           mail from: [email protected]
                           250 2.1.0 [email protected]….Sender OK
     It's time to enter the recepient email address.
    Type : rcpt to: [email protected]
    250 2.1.5 [email protected]
     Now we are left with the data of the email. i.e. subject and body.
    Type : data
    354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
    subject: this is a test mail
    This is test mail body
    I am testing SMTP server.
    Hit Enter, then . and then Enter.
    250 2.6.0 <<servername>C8wSA00000006@<servername>> Queued mail for delivery
    Type: quit
    221 2.0.0 <servername> Service closing transmission channe
    3)  Check alerts are enabled for your web application
          verify if the windows timer service is running or not.
          Run this stsadm command to check that
          Stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL -pn alerts-enabled
         This should return <Property Exist="Yes" Value="yes" />
         If you don’t get this, Enable alerts by:
         stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn alerts-enabled -pv "true" -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL
          If its already enabled, try turn off and turn on it back.
    4)  Check the Timer job and Properties
           Go to
           MOSS 2007:  Central Administration > Operations > Timer Job Definitions (under Global Configuration)
           In SharePoint 2010: Central Administration > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions 
           Check whether the "Immediate Alerts" job is enabled for your web application. check these properties:
           stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url "http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL" -pn job-immediate-alerts
           The expected output is:
           <Property Exist="Yes" Value="every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"/>.  
           If you don’t get this, run the following command to set its value.
           stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -pv “every 5 minutes between 0 and 59" -url http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL
    5)  Check whether the account is subscribed for alerts and it has a valid email account. This should be the first thing to check if the problem persists for some users not for      all.
    6)  Then check if at all those users have at least read permission for the list. Because the first mail should go out for every user without security validation but the next ones       won't be delivered unless the user has at least read
    7)  If it is happening for one user, can also try to delete and re add the user in the site.
    8)  Most importantly , you should try this one.
          Run this SQL query to the content db < Select * from Timerlock>
          This will give you the name of the server which is locking the content database and since when.
          In order to get rid of that lock 
          Go to that server which is locking the content db and then restart the windows timer service.
          within some time it should release the lock from content db, if not then at the most stop the timer job for some time
          Once the lock will be released then try to send some alerts
          You will surely get the email alert.
    I found this is the most probable reason for alert not working most of the time. We should start troubleshooting with above steps before coming to this step for any alert email issue but from step 1 to step 7 are best for new environments or new servers.
    If the issue is like this ,alert was working before and suddenly stopped working without any environmental change then above conditions in step 1-7 should be ideally fine.
    Even after this if it is not working, then you can try these few more steps too
    9)  Try re-registering the alert template:
    stsadm -o updatealerttemplates -url http://Your-SharePoint-Web-App-URL -f  "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\alerttemplates.xml" -LCID 1033
    10)  Try to clear the configuration cache
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Sales order getting maximum doc value exceeds but not blocking.

    Hi Experts,
    My client using automatic credit control .
    And for one risk category we have activated max doc value and sen the value is -0.01. It means even though for the free of charge sales orders also should be block.
    I have created a sales order with free of charge item with value of 0.00 after getting warning message and it is blocking.
    And i have one scenario for service items , where am creating sales order with value of 0.00 for the service items and while saving the sale order getting warning message and it is not blocking.
    Why this sales order is not showing in vkm1 event though if i get warning message while saving the sales order time.
    Please any body help out form this issue

    That i already setup and maximum doc.value i have set there -0.01.
    The same functionality is working for diffrent sales document type,but it is not working for this service sales document processing.
    Is there any scenario like if there is no delivery further process it should not block
    Please revert immediately if any body knows
    Edited by: venkat s on Jun 8, 2009 1:28 PM

  • Waiting for Activation i have an iphone 3g. iphone is from my old contract and i have given it to my girlfriend. she then went to the O2 store and they gave her a new sim card which is compatable with iphone 3g. O2 have told me the phone is not blocked.

    " fault code,,,,,waiting for activation, this may take some time,,,,,"       O2 gave my gf the contract and the new sim card to go into my old iphone 3g which was with O2 previous, O2 have assured us that the phone's imei number is not blocked, they have also said the sim is activated and there is no reason why the phone should not work. the phone is out of date warranty. the sim card does work in other handsets, also my sim from my iphone 3gs does not work in the iphone 3g. i have spent hours litterally on the phone to O2 and now to apple, but because i am out of warranty apple want £25 just to even listen to me over the phone. someone please help me. i am getting very frustrated for hopefully what might be an easy fix for someone. i have done all the resets that are possibly humainly possible, i have done all the resores you can do, have sync'd on many occasions all to come up with the same fault. i am still getting O2 in the top left corner but with no bars and when trying to call it fails imediately. wifi is fine, it works as an ipod.

    ONLY AT&T can legally/legitimately unlock it.  No one else at all.

  • Internet Explorer begins blocking out-of-date ActiveX controls

    On Wednesday 6th August 2014, we announced that as part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a more secure browser, starting September 9th Internet Explorer will block out-of-date ActiveX controls. (Note: The original post stated that the ActiveX blocking
    would begin on August 12th. Please refer to the addendum for further details).
    Please take a look at this important update via the
    blog post as well as the FAQ contained therein and commence testing within your domain.
    Thanks and Regards
    Mark Feetham Senior Supportability Program Manager, Internet Explorer.

    There seems to be an entry missing in the
    versionlist.xml file.
    There is an entry missing for wsdetect.dll (isInstalled Class ActiveX Control) from Java 1.7, I believe (there is an entry for 1.6, 1.5, 1.4 but 1.7 is missing).
    Here is the relevant portion of the XML file:
    <blocklistentry key="{5852f5ed-8bf4-11d4-a245-0080c6f74284}" entrytype="2">
    <versionentries numberofelements="4">
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.6.0_81" filename="wsdetect.dll" productversion="6.0.810.0-6.65535.65535.65535" fileversion="6.0.810.0-6.65535.65535.65535" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.5.0_71" filename="JavaWebStart.dll" productversion="5.0.710.0-5.65535.65535.65535" fileversion="5.0.710.0-5.65535.65535.65535" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM) 1.4.2_43" filename="JavaWebStart.dll" productversion="" fileversion="" />
    <versionentry groupname="Java(TM)" filename="*" productversion="*" fileversion="*" />
    This causes the alert prompt to appear when using Java 1.7 update 67 even though it's allowed by XML.
    To reproduce, please go to a site that uses wsdetect.dll like Wikipedia (like here
    http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Example.ogg) and check if the prompt appears for you.

  • BPM Collect pattern is not coming out  and it is in loop.

    Hi Experts,
    We have implemented a BPM Collect Time pattern and it was working fine in Dev and QA environments perfectly. Couple of days back we have some server issue in Dev environment and Basis team has done some thing with File Storage. From that time, all our BPM's were not working in Dev. It is showing that the block is waiting for some event to trigger and it is in Process state.  We have set it for 5 min and block is not coming out from loop.   We exported the code to QA and it is working in QA.  We tried SWU3 transaction as given in the below forum and it didn't help us.
    bpm collect time infinite loop error
    Some one please help us.
    Edited by: Venkata Gupta on Nov 27, 2008 12:54 AM

    Is Your BPM having deadline branch ?
    If there is any system Exception then catch it.
    According to thread mentioned by you ,Schedule your Missed Deadline Branch.
    Also check your BPM using transaction SXMB_MONI_BPE and find out which step have error.

  • Can somebody help me in ByteArrayinputStream read(Byte[]) is not blocking.

    I am setting String "User" in inputStream now Once it is read and inputsteram is blocking for other input i want to send
    another strign in input Stream i.e "password" so first "User" will print and then it will print "Password", but ins.read(buff) method is not blocking and returning -1 after reading "User".
    Following is the program:
    package abc;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    public class InStream {
    InputStream in;
    String value;
    boolean flag=true;
    Inner inc;
    InputStream getInStream() {
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(value.getBytes());
    return bais;
    void setValue(String value) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    void execute() {
    try {
    inc = new Inner();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    class Inner extends Thread {
    InputStream ins;
    public void run() {
    try {
    int retRead = 0;
    byte[] buff = new byte[2048];
    String receivedStr=null;
    ins = getInStream();
    retRead = ins.read(buff);
    receivedStr = new String(buff, 0, retRead);
    }while (retRead>0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    InStream instream=new InStream();

    You create that byte[] input stream once and use it to read its contents into a large buffer. So it is read to the end at the first time, and the next reading will indicate the end.
    What is the problem?
    ins = getInStream();
    retRead = ins.read(buff);
    receivedStr = new String(buff, 0, retRead);
    }while (retRead>0);
    } catch (Exception e) {

  • PDF file will not print out Special Characters

    I am currently a technician for a college and, and the customer that I am attending currently has the following Problem:
    I am using Adobe PRO 9 to convert my Word files to pdfs for [a New York Printing Company].... The Greek letters used in Word are seen in Word, are seen in PDF, but do not come out in ...[the New York Printing Companies'] printing.
    What could be the stubling block for the NY printing company to not be able to print out the Special Characters in the PDF files? I clearly cannot go to the company myself and tell them to change their printer settings or something like that.

    Thank you, I have checked the font and I see all the fonts I need already installed. I am not sure if this will solve the problem, and there is a chance that the Adobe Acrobat settings on my customers PC need to be adjusted like you said.
    At least I can start looking somewhere .

  • What is the best method to block out signatures?

    Hopefully someone has some ideas on this.
    Basically my company needs to block out signatures and private information like telephone numbers in PDF documents which we publish on the web.
    We have been using the rectangle tool and 'lock' button to block out and lock the boxes so people with the Adobe reader can't read them. This isn't perfect because its like a new layer and when scrolling up and down the information behind the box is viewable for a split second. And even with the lock button ticked people with Acrobat Pro can still untick this and move the box. This can be fixed by password protecting the document but its a pain!
    Now we have a new problem. It seems these rectangle boxes don't appear on some third-party PDF viewing software. Namely the one on the iPad! People using iPads can see all private details we are publishing on the web!!
    Are there better ways to block out signature using Acrobat?? We are using Acrobat Pro 7. Since this problem arose out website has had to come down. Anyone got any ideas?
    Thanks for your help.

    Also, the version you are using is so old that 1) it's not supported anymore and 2) most readers here won't know how it works.
    Redaction could be your solution, but the latest version does this better and differently.
    You can also certify the doc and lock it.
    Try creating signature appearances without personal info in it.
    Get a trial of Acrobat 10 and see if that's the way to go.


    Local calls will not route out the local Gateway of branch1 to the PSTN or from the PSTN back to branch1, however they will route out either CorpHQ or branch2 backup gateways. When I go into the route group configuration for branch1, and remove the backup gateways, I get a fast busy tone when I dial the local number. I know the MGCP Gateway at branch1 is functioning because when I dial 911 and run debug ISDN Q931, the call routes properly through branch1, so I have a call routing problem. I ran DNA and it came back as ROUTE THIS PATTERN and all of the number translations looked accurate, so I didn't have to check for any block patterns. I'm not getting any errors on the calling party phone display. When I deleted the route pattern for the branch1 site and forced it to use the global route pattern, I received a debug output on branch1. I do not know a debug command (such as debug voip dial-peer or debug ccsip messages) to use for an MGCP Gateway to see if the call is actually reaching the Gateway.
    I have checked the following:
    the route pattern configuration
    the translation pattern configuration
    the called party transformation pattern configuration
    the route list configuration to make sure the correct route group for branch1 was selected
    the route group configuration to make sure that the branch1 Gateway was first in the order of selected devices
    the route pattern configuration to make sure the correct route list for branch1 ist selected
    the Gateway configuration to make sure it's using the device pool for branch1 and to make sure the called party transformation CSS for the branch1 Gateway is applied
    the device pool configuration to make sure it's using the route group branch1
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

    Hi Nishant:
    Please see the attachments for the Gateway pages
    The significant digits for inbound calls for all 3 gateways is '4'
    Please see the running-configs of the 3 gateways and the PSTN
    Please see the debugs for the INBOUND calls
    Many Thanks,
    The following INBOUND call from the PSTN to 2065011001 is now working, however it is supposed to be routing through CorpHQ and is instead routing through Branch1. Please see 'DEBUG VOIP CCAPI INOUT' & 'DEBUG ISDN Q931'
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x0096
            Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing
       (callID=0x16, digit_event=0x0, enable=FALSE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Call Id=22
       (vdbPtr=0x49E07FD4, callID=0x16, disp=0, digit_event=0x0, enable=FALSE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Disposition=0x0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Call Id=22
       Call Entry(Initial Digit Timeout=4000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=4000(ms))
       Stop Tone On Digit=FALSE, Tone=Null,
       Tone Direction=Network, Params=0x0, Call Id=22
       Call Stats=0x4A5346FC, Call Id=23
       Conference Id=0xC, Tag=0x0
       Conference Id=0xC, Source Interface=0x49E07FD4, Source Call Id=22,
       Destination Call Id=23, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
       Conference Id=0xC, Source Interface=0x495BABA4, Source Call Id=23,
       Destination Call Id=22, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
       Conference Id=0xC, Source Interface=0x495BABA4, Source Call Id=23,
       Destination Call Id=22, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
       Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
       Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
       Transfer Number Is Null
       Cause Value=16, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
       Cause Value=16, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=16)
       Disposition=0, Interface=0x495BABA4, Tag=0x0, Call Id=23,
       Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
       Call Disconnect Event Sent
    :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 4821DDE8
    vsacount in free is 1
       Disposition=0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Tag=0x0, Call Id=22,
       Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=16, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
       Call Disconnect Event Sent
    :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 4821DEC8
    vsacount in free is 0
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x8096
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x0096
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x0097
            Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
                    Standard = CCITT
                    Transfer Capability = Speech 
                    Transfer Mode = Circuit
                    Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
            Channel ID i = 0xA18381
                    Preferred, Channel 1
            Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN 
            Display i = 'Seattle US Phone'
            Calling Party Number i = 0x4180, '2065015111'
                    Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
            Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '2065011001'
                    Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)
       Interface=0x49E07FD4, Interface Type=6, Destination=, Mode=0x9,
       Call Params(Calling Number=,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed),
       Called Number=(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown), Calling Translated=FALSE,
       Subscriber Type Str=, FinalDestinationFlag=FALSE, Outgoing Dial-peer=0, Call Count On=FALSE,
       Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=0, Application Call Id=D000000002f5368f000000F580000097)
    :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
    cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1
    :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1210179280,feature_id:24
       SPI Call Setup Request Is Success; Interface Type=6, FlowMode=1
       Interface=0x495BABA4, Interface Type=9, Destination=, Mode=0x9,
       Call Params(Calling Number=,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed),
       Called Number=(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown), Calling Translated=FALSE,
       Subscriber Type Str=, FinalDestinationFlag=FALSE, Outgoing Dial-peer=0, Call Count On=TRUE,
       Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=0, Application Call Id=D000000002f5368f000000F580000097)
    :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
    cc_get_feature_vsa count is 2
    :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1210179056,feature_id:25
       SPI Call Setup Request Is Success; Interface Type=9, FlowMode=1
       Interface=0x495BABA4, Data Bitmask=0x0, Progress Indication=NULL(0),
       Connection Handle=0
       Call Entry(Connected=TRUE, Responsed=TRUE, Retry Count=0)
       Interface=0x49E07FD4, Progress Indication=NULL(0)
       Interface=0x49E07FD4, Data Bitmask=0x1, Progress Indication=DESTINATION IS NON ISDN(2),
       Connection Handle=0
       Call Entry(Connected=TRUE, Responsed=TRUE, Retry Count=0)
       Nominator=0x1000, Params=0x4A2E7368, Call Id=24
       (callID=0x18, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Call Id=24
       (vdbPtr=0x49E07FD4, callID=0x18, disp=0, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Disposition=0x0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Call Id=24
       Call Entry(Initial Digit Timeout=15000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=10000(ms))
       (confID=0x4A2E757C, callID1=0x18, callID2=0x19, tag=0x0)
       (confID=0x4A2E757C, callID1=0x18, gcid=0-0-0-0, tag=0x0)
       (confID=0x4A2E757C, callID2=0x19, gcid=0-0-0-0, tag=0x0)
       Conference Id=0x4A2E757C, Call Id1=24, Call Id2=25, Tag=0x0
       Conference Id=0xD, Source Interface=0x49E07FD4, Source Call Id=24,
       Destination Call Id=25, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0xFFFFFFFF
       Conference Id=0xD, Source Interface=0x495BABA4, Source Call Id=25,
       Destination Call Id=24, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
       Conference Id=0xD, Source Interface=0x495BABA4, Source Call Id=25,
       Destination Call Id=24, Disposition=0x0, Tag=0x0
       Call Entry(Conference Id=0xD, Destination Call Id=25)
       Call Entry(Conference Id=0xD, Destination Call Id=24)
       Destination Interface=0x495BABA4, Destination Call Id=25, Source Call Id=24,
       Caps(Codec=0x1, Fax Rate=0x1, Vad=0x1,
       Modem=0x2, Codec Bytes=20, Signal Type=3)
       Caps(Playout Mode=1, Playout Initial=60(ms), Playout Min=40(ms),
       Playout Max=1000(ms), Fax Nom=300(ms))
       Destination Interface=0x49E07FD4, Destination Call Id=24, Source Call Id=25,
       Caps(Codec=0x4, Fax Rate=0x2, Vad=0x1,
       Modem=0x0, Codec Bytes=20, Signal Type=2)
       Caps(Playout Mode=1, Playout Initial=60(ms), Playout Min=40(ms),
       Playout Max=1000(ms), Fax Nom=300(ms))
       Destination Interface=0x49E07FD4, Destination Call Id=24, Source Call Id=25,
       Caps(Codec=g729r8(0x4), Fax Rate=FAX_RATE_VOICE(0x2), Vad=OFF(0x1),
       Modem=OFF(0x0), Codec Bytes=20, Signal Type=2, Seq Num Start=9314)
       Destination Interface=0x495BABA4, Destination Call Id=25, Source Call Id=24,
       Caps(Codec=g729r8(0x4), Fax Rate=FAX_RATE_VOICE(0x2), Vad=OFF(0x1),
       Modem=OFF(0x0), Codec Bytes=20, Signal Type=2, Seq Num Start=9314)
       Result=0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Call Id=24
       Call Id=24
       Call Entry(Context=0x4A524790)
       Conference Id=0xD, Call Id1=24, Call Id2=25
       Initial Digit Timeout=4000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=4000(ms)
       Call Entry(Inter Digit Timeout=4000(ms), Initial Digit Timeout=4000(ms))
       Digit Timeout=0, Call Id=24
       (callID=0x18, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Call Id=24
       (vdbPtr=0x49E07FD4, callID=0x18, disp=0, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE)
       Enabled=TRUE, Disposition=0x0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Call Id=24
       Call Entry(Initial Digit Timeout=4000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=4000(ms))
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x8097
            Channel ID i = 0xA98381
                    Exclusive, Channel 1
       Nominator=0x1000, Params=0x4A2E6E68, Call Id=24
       Result=0, Interface=0x49E07FD4, Call Id=24
    ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8  callref = 0x8097
            Progress Ind i = 0x8088 - In-band info or appropriate now available
       Stop Tone On Digit=FALSE, Tone=Ring Back,
       Tone Direction=Network, Params=0x0, Call Id=24
       Generate inter-digit timeout CC_EV_CALL_DIGIT_END event
    The following INBOUND call from the PSTN to 5126022001 fails and is supposed to be routing through Branch1 and is instead routing through CorpHQ. Please see 'DEBUG VOIP CCAPI INOUT'
       ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
       cisco-redirectreason=-1   fwd_final_type =0
       final_redirectNumber =
       hunt_group_timeout =0
       Interface=0x49F42894, Call Info(
       Calling Number=5126026222,(Calling Name=)(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed),
       Called Number=5126022001(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN),
       Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE,
       Incoming Dial-peer=1, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE,
       Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1
       In: Calling Number=5126026222(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed)
       Out: Calling Number=5126026222(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed)
    :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success
    cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1
    :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1241383960,feature_id:13
       Set Up Event Sent;
       Call Info(Calling Number=5126026222(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed),
       Called Number=5126022001(TON=Subscriber, NPI=ISDN))
       Try with the demoted called number 5126022001
       >>>>CCAPI handed cid 13 with tag 1 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Default"
       Progress Indication=NULL(0)
       Cause Value=1, Tag=0x0, Call Entry(Previous Disconnect Cause=0, Disconnect Cause=0)
       Cause Value=1, Call Entry(Responsed=TRUE, Cause Value=1)
       Transfer Number Is Null
       Disposition=0, Interface=0x49F42894, Tag=0x0, Call Id=13,
       Call Entry(Disconnect Cause=1, Voice Class Cause Code=0, Retry Count=0)
       Call Disconnect Event Sent
    :cc_free_feature_vsa freeing 49FE0410
    vsacount in free is 0
    PSTN#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 13975 bytes
    ! No configuration change since last restart
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    no service timestamps debug uptime
    no service timestamps log uptime
    no service password-encryption
    hostname PSTN
    card type e1 0 0
    card type t1 0 1
    logging message-counter syslog
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone EST -5
    clock summer-time EST recurring
    network-clock-participate wic 0
    network-clock-participate wic 1
    no network-clock-participate aim 0
    dot11 syslog
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    ip domain name att.com
    ip name-server
    ip multicast-routing
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    voice service voip
    allow-connections h323 to h323
    allow-connections h323 to sip
    allow-connections sip to h323
    allow-connections sip to sip
    redirect ip2ip
    fax protocol cisco
      bind control source-interface Loopback10
      bind media source-interface Loopback10
    voice translation-rule 101
    rule 1 /^\+.*/ //
    rule 2 /^501.*/ //
    rule 3 /^1206.*/ //
    rule 4 /^00.*/ //
    rule 5 /^0011.*/ //
    rule 6 /^206/ /1206/
    rule 7 /^1512.*/ /\0/
    rule 8 /^011\(.*\)/ /\1/
    voice translation-rule 102
    rule 1 /^1\(2065015111\)$/ /\1/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^1\(2065015555\)$/ /\1/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 3 /^1\(2065015151\)$/ /\1/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 4 /^1\(5126026222\)$/ /\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 5 /^31670357575$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 6 /^31207037333$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 7 /^31107047444$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 8 /^911$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 9 /^15126022.../ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 10 /^31207033.../ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 11 /^....$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    voice translation-rule 103
    rule 1 /^206.*/ /&/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^1/ // type any national plan any isdn
    rule 3 /^00/ // type any international plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 201
    rule 1 /^\+.*/ //
    rule 2 /^602.*/ //
    rule 3 /^1512.*/ //
    rule 4 /^00.*/ //
    rule 5 /^0011.*/ //
    rule 6 /^512/ /1&/
    rule 7 /^1206.*/ /&/
    rule 8 /^011\(31.*\)/ /\1/
    voice translation-rule 202
    rule 1 /^1\(5126026222\)$/ /\1/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^1\(2065015555\)$/ /\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 3 /^1\(2065015151\)$/ /\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 4 /^1\(2065015111\)$/ /\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 5 /^31670357575$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 6 /^31207037333$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 7 /^31107047444$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 8 /^911$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 9 /^12065011.../ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 10 /^31207033.../ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 11 /^....$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    voice translation-rule 203
    rule 1 /^512.*/ /&/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^1/ // type any national plan any isdn
    rule 3 /^00/ // type any international plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 301
    rule 1 /^\+.*/ //
    rule 2 /^20.*/ //
    rule 3 /^0\([1-8].*\)/ /31\1/
    rule 4 /^011/ //
    rule 5 /^0031/ //
    rule 6 /^703..../ /3120&/
    rule 7 /^00\(1.*\)/ /\1/
    voice translation-rule 302
    rule 1 /^31207037333$/ /7037333/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^7033\(...\)$/ /0207033\1/
    rule 3 /^911$/ /112/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 4 /^31\(670357575\)$/ /0\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 5 /^31\(107047444\)$/ /0\1/ type any national plan any isdn
    rule 6 /^12065015555$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 7 /^12065015151$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 8 /^12065015111$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 9 /^15126026222$/ /&/ type any international plan any isdn
    rule 10 /^12065011...$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 11 /^15126022...$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    rule 12 /^....$/ /&/ type any unknown plan any unknown
    voice translation-rule 303
    rule 1 /^703.*/ /&/ type any subscriber plan any isdn
    rule 2 /^010/ // type any national plan any isdn
    rule 3 /^1/ // type any international plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 1000
    rule 1 /.*\(1...$\)/ /206501\1/
    rule 2 /.*\(2...$\)/ /512602\1/
    rule 3 /.*\(45..$\)/ /020757\1/
    voice translation-rule 1001
    rule 1 /^1206...5...$/ /+&/
    rule 2 /^1512...6...$/ /+&/
    rule 3 /^31.0...7...$/ /+&/
    voice translation-profile 1-HQ-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    translate called 101
    voice translation-profile 1-HQ-Proper_Types
    translate calling 102
    translate called 103
    voice translation-profile 2-BR1-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    translate called 201
    voice translation-profile 2-BR1-Proper_Types
    translate calling 202
    translate called 203
    voice translation-profile 3-BR2-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    translate called 301
    voice translation-profile 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    translate calling 302
    translate called 303
    voice translation-profile SIP-NORMALIZE-DNIS-ANI
    translate calling 1001
    translate called 1000
    voice-card 0
    log config
    controller E1 0/0/0
    clock source internal
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,16
    description == Voice Circuit to Branch2
    controller T1 0/1/0
    clock source internal
    cablelength long 0db
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,24
    description == Voice Circuit to CorpHQ
    controller T1 0/1/1
    clock source internal
    cablelength long 0db
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,24
    description == Voice Circuit to Branch1
    interface Loopback0
    ip address
    interface Loopback10
    ip address
    interface Loopback11
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    description ==TO INTERNET==
    ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    description === To HQ
    ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface Serial0/0/0:15
    description == PRI Circuit to R3-BR2
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    isdn protocol-emulate network
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup
    no isdn outgoing ie network-facility
    isdn outgoing display-ie
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/1/0:23
    description == PRI Circuit to R1-HQ
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-5ess
    isdn protocol-emulate network
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    isdn negotiate-bchan
    isdn outgoing display-ie
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/1/1:23
    description == PRI Circuit to R2-BR1
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    isdn protocol-emulate network
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    isdn supp-service name calling
    isdn negotiate-bchan resend-setup
    isdn outgoing ie network-facility
    no cdp enable
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip route
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http path flash:
    voice-port 0/0/0:15
    translation-profile incoming 3-BR2-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    description == Voice PRI to Branch2
    voice-port 0/1/0:23
    translation-profile incoming 1-HQ-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    description == Voice PRI to CorpHQ
    voice-port 0/1/1:23
    translation-profile incoming 2-BR1-Change_DNIS-Check_ANI
    description == Voice PRI to Branch1
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    description == All inbound calls from HQ BR1 BR2 into PSTN
    incoming called-number .
    dial-peer voice 101 pots
    description == Subscriber Calls from PSTN into CorpHQ
    translation-profile outgoing 1-HQ-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^2065011...$
    port 0/1/0:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 102 pots
    description == National Calls from PSTN into CorpHQ
    translation-profile outgoing 1-HQ-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^12065011...$
    port 0/1/0:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 103 pots
    description == International Calls into CorpHQ from PSTN Coming from NL Ph
    translation-profile outgoing 1-HQ-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^0012065011...$
    port 0/1/0:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 104 pots
    description == + Calls into CorpHQ from PSTN Coming from Mobiles
    translation-profile outgoing 1-HQ-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern +12065011...$
    port 0/1/0:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 201 pots
    description == Subscriber Calls from PSTN into Branch1
    translation-profile outgoing 2-BR1-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^5126022...$
    port 0/1/1:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 202 pots
    description == National Calls from PSTN into Branch1
    translation-profile outgoing 2-BR1-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^15126022...$
    port 0/1/1:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 203 pots
    description == International Calls into Branch1 from PSTN Coming from NL Ph
    translation-profile outgoing 2-BR1-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern ^0015126022...$
    port 0/1/1:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 204 pots
    description == + Calls into Branch1 from PSTN Coming from Mobiles
    translation-profile outgoing 2-BR1-Proper_Types
    preference 1
    destination-pattern +15126022...$
    port 0/1/1:23
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 301 pots
    description == Subscriber Calls from PSTN into Branch2
    translation-profile outgoing 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    destination-pattern ^7033...$
    port 0/0/0:15
    forward-digits 7
    dial-peer voice 302 pots
    description == National Calls from PSTN into Branch2
    translation-profile outgoing 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    destination-pattern ^0207033...$
    port 0/0/0:15
    forward-digits 10
    dial-peer voice 303 pots
    description == International Calls into Branch2 from PSTN Coming from US Ph
    translation-profile outgoing 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    destination-pattern ^01131207033...$
    port 0/0/0:15
    forward-digits 9
    prefix 0
    dial-peer voice 304 pots
    description == International Calls into Branch2 from PSTN Coming from US Ph
    translation-profile outgoing 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    destination-pattern ^31207033...$
    port 0/0/0:15
    forward-digits 9
    prefix 0
    dial-peer voice 305 pots
    description == + Calls into Branch2 from PSTN Coming from Mobiles
    translation-profile outgoing 3-BR2-Proper_Types
    destination-pattern +31207033...$
    port 0/0/0:15
    forward-digits 9
    prefix 0
    dial-peer voice 1000 voip
    description == Calls into AT&T SIP ITSP for VC Week1 Lab1
    rtp payload-type nse 99
    rtp payload-type nte 100
    voice-class sip localhost dns:sip1.att.com
    session protocol sipv2
    incoming called-number .
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    codec g711ulaw
    dial-peer voice 5000 voip
    service aa
    destination-pattern A5000
    session target ipv4:
    incoming called-number A5000
    dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad
    num-exp 1888....... 911
    num-exp 1900....... 911
    num-exp 1976....... 911
    num-exp 1777....... 911
    num-exp 1444....... 911
    num-exp 0800....... 911
    num-exp 0900....... 911
    no auto-reg-ephone
    max-ephones 1
    max-dn 10
    ip source-address port 2000
    caller-id block code *67
    system message You WILL PASS this Exam!
    voicemail A5000
    max-conferences 8 gain -6
    call-forward pattern .T
    transfer-system full-consult
    transfer-pattern .T
    create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 01 2012 15:29:37
    ephone-dn  1  dual-line
    number 12065015111 secondary +12065015111
    label Seattle, US +1 206 501 5111
    description INE PSTN Phone
    name Seattle US Phone
    ephone-dn  2  dual-line
    number 15126026222 secondary +15126026222
    label Austin, US +1 512 602 6222
    name Austin TX Phone
    ephone-dn  3  dual-line
    number 31207037333 secondary +31207037333
    label Amsterdam, NL +31 20 703 73 33
    name Amsterdam NL Phone
    ephone-dn  4  dual-line
    number 12065015555 secondary +12065015555
    label Hurley Mobile +1 206 501 5555
    name Hurley's Mobile
    call-forward busy A5000
    call-forward noan A5000 timeout 16
    ephone-dn  5  dual-line
    number 12065015151 secondary +12065015151
    label Hurley's Home +1 206 501 5151
    name Hurley's Home
    call-forward busy A5000
    call-forward noan A5000 timeout 12
    ephone-dn  6  dual-line
    number 31670357575 secondary +31670357575
    label Sawyer's Mobile +31 6 70357575
    name Sawyer's Mobile
    call-forward busy A5000
    call-forward noan A5000 timeout 16
    ephone-dn  7  dual-line
    number 911 secondary 112
    label US/EU Emer/FreePhone/Prem
    name Emergency Services
    ephone-dn  8  dual-line
    number 15126026262 secondary +15126026262
    label BLinus Mobile +1 512 602 6262
    name Benjamin Linus Mobile
    call-forward busy A5000
    call-forward noan A5000 timeout 16
    ephone-dn  9  dual-line
    number 31207037373 secondary +31207037373
    label DHume Home +31 20 703 73 73
    name Desmond Hume Home
    call-forward busy A5000
    call-forward noan A5000 timeout 16
    ephone-dn  10  dual-line
    number 31107047444 secondary +31107047444
    label Rotterdam, NL +31 10 704 74 44
    name Rotterdam NL Phone
    ephone  1
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address A456.3040.0DAA
    type 7975
    button  1:1 2:2 3:3 4:10
    button  5:6 6o7,8,5,4
    line con 0
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous level 0 limit 20
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    line vty 5 15
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp source Loopback0
    ntp master 10
    ntp server
    CorpHQ#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 6353 bytes
    ! No configuration change since last restart
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    no service timestamps debug uptime
    no service timestamps log uptime
    no service password-encryption
    hostname CorpHQ
    logging message-counter syslog
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone PST -8
    clock summer-time PDT recurring
    network-clock-participate wic 0
    network-clock-select 1 T1 0/0/0
    dot11 syslog
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool CorpHQ-Phones
       option 150 ip
    ip dhcp pool Branch1-Phones
       option 150 ip
    no ip domain lookup
    ip multicast-routing
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    voice service voip
    allow-connections h323 to h323
    fax protocol cisco
      bind control source-interface Loopback0
      bind media source-interface Loopback0
      no update-callerid
    voice class codec 1
    codec preference 1 g711ulaw
    codec preference 2 g711alaw
    codec preference 3 g729r8
    voice translation-rule 1
    rule 1 // // type any subscriber plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 2
    rule 1 // // type any national plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 3
    rule 1 // // type any international plan any isdn
    voice translation-rule 10
    rule 1 /^[2-9].........$/ /9&/
    rule 2 /^1[2-9].........$/ /9&/
    rule 3 /^011/ /9&/
    voice translation-profile MakeInternational
    translate called 3
    voice translation-profile MakeNational
    translate called 2
    voice translation-profile MakeSubscriber
    translate called 1
    voice translation-profile Prefix9_InFrom_CUCM
    translate called 10
    voice-card 0
    dsp services dspfarm
    log config
    controller T1 0/0/0
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,24
    description == Voice Circuit to PSTN
    interface Loopback0
    ip address
    ip pim dense-mode
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    description == To CorpHQ-Switch
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/0.10
    description == Server VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 10
    ip address
    ip pim dense-mode
    interface FastEthernet0/0.11
    description == Voice VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    ip address
    ip helper-address
    ip nbar protocol-discovery
    ip pim dense-mode
    interface FastEthernet0/0.12
    description == Data VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 12
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/0.13
    description == PSTN PHONE VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 13
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    description === To PSTN
    ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface Serial0/0/0:23
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/1/0
    description == Frame-Relay Circuit to WAN
    no ip address
    encapsulation frame-relay
    fair-queue 64 256 36
    cdp enable
    frame-relay lmi-type ansi
    ip rsvp bandwidth
    interface Serial0/1/0.1 point-to-point
    description == FR To BR1
    bandwidth 384
    ip address
    ip pim dense-mode
    snmp trap link-status
    frame-relay interface-dlci 101  
    ip rsvp bandwidth 136
    interface Serial0/1/0.2 point-to-point
    description == FR To BR2
    ip address
    snmp trap link-status
    frame-relay interface-dlci 102  
    ip rsvp bandwidth 136
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip route
    ip route FastEthernet0/0.10
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    voice-port 0/0/0:23
    voice-port 0/3/0
    voice-port 0/3/1
    ccm-manager music-on-hold
    sccp local Loopback0
    sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 2 priority 2 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 3 priority 3 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm group 1
    bind interface Loopback0
    associate ccm 2 priority 1
    associate ccm 1 priority 2
    associate ccm 3 priority 3
    associate profile 1 register CorpHQ-729-MTP
    associate profile 2 register CorpHQ-711-MTP
    associate profile 3 register CorpHQ-HW-Xcode
    dspfarm profile 3 transcode 
    codec g711ulaw
    codec g711alaw
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729abr8
    codec g729r8
    codec g729br8
    codec ilbc
    maximum sessions 2
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 1 mtp 
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729r8
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 2 mtp 
    codec g711ulaw
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    incoming called-number .
    dial-peer voice 10 pots
    translation-profile outgoing MakeSubscriber
    destination-pattern 911
    no digit-strip
    port 0/0/0:23
    dial-peer voice 11 pots
    translation-profile outgoing MakeSubscriber
    destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]......$
    port 0/0/0:23
    dial-peer voice 12 pots
    translation-profile outgoing MakeNational
    destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]......$
    port 0/0/0:23
    forward-digits 11
    dial-peer voice 13 pots
    translation-profile outgoing MakeInternational
    destination-pattern 9011T
    port 0/0/0:23
    prefix 011
    dial-peer voice 100 voip
    description == Inbound/Outbound SIP PSTN GW From/To CUCM Pub
    translation-profile incoming Prefix9_InFrom_CUCM
    destination-pattern ^2065011...$
    voice-class codec 1
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    incoming called-number .
    ip qos dscp cs3 signaling
    dial-peer hunt 1
    line con 0
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous level 0 limit 20
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    line vty 5 15
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp source Loopback0
    ntp master 2
    ntp server
    Branch1#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 3838 bytes
    ! Last configuration change at 01:19:02 CDT Thu Oct 10 2013
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    no service timestamps debug uptime
    no service timestamps log uptime
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Branch1
    logging message-counter syslog
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone CST -6
    clock summer-time CDT recurring
    network-clock-participate wic 0
    network-clock-select 1 T1 0/0/0
    dot11 syslog
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    ip multicast-routing
    no ipv6 cef
    ntp update-calendar
    ntp server
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    voice-card 0
    dsp services dspfarm
    log config
    controller T1 0/0/0
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,24 service mgcp
    interface Loopback0
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/0.11
    description == Voice VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    ip address
    ip helper-address
    ip pim dense-mode
    interface FastEthernet0/0.12
    description == Data VLAN
    encapsulation dot1Q 12
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface Serial0/0/0:23
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-ni
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    isdn supp-service name calling
    isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
    isdn outgoing ie facility
    isdn outgoing display-ie
    isdn outgoing ie redirecting-number
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/1/0
    description == Frame-Relay Circuit to WAN
    no ip address
    encapsulation frame-relay
    fair-queue 64 256 37
    cdp enable
    no frame-relay inverse-arp
    frame-relay lmi-type ansi
    ip rsvp bandwidth
    interface Serial0/1/0.1 point-to-point
    description == FR To HQ
    ip address
    ip pim dense-mode
    snmp trap link-status
    frame-relay interface-dlci 101  
    ip rsvp bandwidth 136
    interface Serial0/1/1
    no ip address
    clock rate 2000000
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    voice-port 0/0/0:23
    ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
    ccm-manager redundant-host
    ccm-manager mgcp
    no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
    ccm-manager music-on-hold
    mgcp call-agent service-type mgcp version 0.1
    mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band
    mgcp fax t38 ecm
    mgcp bind control source-interface Loopback0
    mgcp bind media source-interface Loopback0
    mgcp profile default
    sccp local Loopback0
    sccp ccm identifier 3 priority 3 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 2 priority 2 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm group 1
    bind interface Loopback0
    associate ccm 2 priority 1
    associate ccm 1 priority 2
    associate ccm 3 priority 3
    associate profile 3 register Br1-HW-Xcode
    associate profile 1 register Br1-729-MTP
    associate profile 2 register Br1-711-MTP
    dspfarm profile 3 transcode 
    codec g711ulaw
    codec g711alaw
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729abr8
    codec g729r8
    codec g729br8
    maximum sessions 2
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 1 mtp 
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729r8
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 2 mtp 
    codec g711ulaw
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    line con 0
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous level 0 limit 20
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    line vty 5 15
    exec-timeout 0 0
    privilege level 15
    logging synchronous
    no login
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    Branch2#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 5789 bytes
    ! No configuration change since last restart
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    no service timestamps debug uptime
    no service timestamps log uptime
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Branch2
    boot system flash:c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.124-24.T7.bin
    boot system flash:
    card type e1 0 0
    logging message-counter syslog
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone CEST 1
    clock summer-time CEDT recurring
    network-clock-participate wic 0
    no network-clock-participate aim 0
    dot11 syslog
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    no ip domain lookup
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    voice service voip
    no supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
    fax protocol cisco
    voice class codec 1
    codec preference 1 g711ulaw
    codec preference 2 g711alaw
    codec preference 3 g729r8
    voice class custom-cptone JOIN-TONE
    dualtone conference
      frequency 300 3600
      cadence 150 100 500
    voice class custom-cptone LEAVE-TONE
    dualtone conference
      frequency 300 3600
      cadence 500 100 150
    voice translation-rule 1
    rule 1 /^7033...$/ /020&/
    voice translation-rule 10
    rule 1 /^0/ /0&/
    voice translation-rule 200
    rule 1 /^206501...$/ /1&/
    voice translation-profile 7DigitDNIS-to-10Digit
    translate called 1
    voice translation-profile Prefix0_InFrom_CUCM
    translate called 10
    voice translation-profile Prefix1-toCorpHQ-ANI
    translate calling 200
    voice-card 0
    dsp services dspfarm
    log config
    controller E1 0/0/0
    pri-group timeslots 1-3,16
    description == Voice Circuit to PSTN
    controller E1 0/0/1
    interface Loopback0
    ip address
    h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface FastEthernet0/0.11
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    ip address
    ip helper-address
    interface FastEthernet0/0.12
    encapsulation dot1Q 12
    ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface Serial0/0/0:15
    no ip address
    encapsulation hdlc
    isdn switch-type primary-net5
    isdn incoming-voice voice
    isdn bchan-number-order ascending
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0/1/0
    description == Frame-Relay Circuit to WAN
    no ip address
    encapsulation frame-relay
    fair-queue 64 256 37
    cdp enable
    no frame-relay inverse-arp
    frame-relay lmi-type ansi
    ip rsvp bandwidth
    interface Serial0/1/0.1 point-to-point
    description == FR To HQ
    ip address
    snmp trap link-status
    frame-relay interface-dlci 102  
    ip rsvp bandwidth 136
    interface Serial0/1/1
    no ip address
    clock rate 2000000
    interface Service-Engine1/0
    no ip address
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    ip http authentication local
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http path flash:
    voice-port 0/0/0:15
    translation-profile incoming 7DigitDNIS-to-10Digit
    ccm-manager music-on-hold
    sccp local Loopback0
    sccp ccm identifier 2 priority 2 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm identifier 3 priority 3 version 5.0.1
    sccp ccm group 1
    bind interface Loopback0
    associate ccm 2 priority 1
    associate ccm 1 priority 2
    associate ccm 3 priority 3
    associate profile 4 register Br2-HW-Conf
    associate profile 3 register Br2-HW-Xcode
    associate profile 2 register Br2-711-MTP
    associate profile 1 register Br2-729-MTP
    dspfarm profile 3 transcode 
    codec g711ulaw
    codec g711alaw
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729abr8
    codec g729r8
    codec g729br8
    maximum sessions 2
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 4 conference 
    codec g711ulaw
    codec g711alaw
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729abr8
    codec g729r8
    codec g729br8
    maximum sessions 1
    conference-join custom-cptone JOIN-TONE
    conference-leave custom-cptone LEAVE-TONE
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 1 mtp 
    codec g729ar8
    codec g729r8
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    dspfarm profile 2 mtp 
    codec g711ulaw
    maximum sessions software 10
    associate application SCCP
    dial-peer voice 1 pots
    incoming called-number .
    dial-peer voice 10 pots
    destination-pattern 112
    no digit-strip
    port 0/0/0:15
    dial-peer voice 11 pots
    destination-pattern 00[1-9]T
    port 0/0/0:15
    prefix 0
    dial-peer voice 12 pots
    translation-profile outgoing Prefix1-toCorpHQ-ANI
    destination-pattern 000T
    port 0/0/0:15
    prefix 00
    dial-peer voice 100 voip
    description == Inbound/Outbound H323 PSTN GW From/To GK and CUCM Pub
    translation-profile incoming Prefix0_InFrom_CUCM
    destination-pattern 0207033...$
    voice-class codec 1
    session target ipv4:
    incoming called-number .
    ip qos dscp cs3 signaling
    dial-peer voice 101 voip
    description == Outbound H323 PSTN GW To CUCM Sub
    destination-pattern 0207033...$
    voice-class codec 1
    session target ipv4:
    ip qos dscp cs3 signaling
    dial-peer hunt 1
    max-ephones 1
    max-dn 1
    ip source-address port 2000
    max-conferences 8 gain -6
    moh test.au
    multicast moh port 16384 route
    transfer-system full-consult
    create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Sep 13 2013 18:55:27
    line con 0
    exec-timeout 0 0
    line aux 0
    line 66
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
    line vty 0 4
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp source Loopback0
    ntp update-calendar
    ntp server

  • HT4865 I am wanting to block out my iphone as i am sure it is stolen.  I have remote wiped it, deactivated it, but want to render it unusable...thx

    I am wanting to block out my iphone as i am sure it is stolen.  I have remote wiped it, deactivated it, but want to render it unusable...thx

    Contact your wireless provider to see if they provide blacklisting.
    None in the US currently do altho' it is being discussed; some
    in Europe do. I do not know about the rest of the world. Be prepared
    to document ownership if your Carrier provides blacklisting.
    Remember that even if your Carrier will block your iPhone, that
    will only apply in your area - if the iPhone is used in a different
    part of the world, the blockage probably will not apply.
    Message was edited by: imobl to add last sentence.

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