WRT120N Router Ports not Forwarding

I've been trying to forward ports on this router for a bit, as I've had to fall back to it since my newer router is no longer functioning correctly.
When I forward the ports in single port forwarding, I'm unable to connect to my servers. However, if I enable remote management, then put the port I wish to use for the server in the port on that screen, I'm able to access my server.
Is there something I can try doing to get the ports to forward correctly? I'm running the latest firmware as well.

Are you using a DSL modem? If you do, then try any of these steps:
Set the modem to full bridge modem or;
Try double port forwarding: http://portforward.com/help/doublerouterportforwarding.htm

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    I've been really stumped when I decided to start using xbox live. When ever I try to join my friends party I am slammed with a NAT error. Before I get to far into this let me tell you the layout of my network    
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    I've read on a similar post found here "Similar post" that updating the firmware might fix the issue?
    Go to Solution.

    York88 wrote:
    Ok thanks! that makes allot of sense, would you suggest I make my path like this modem>router>vonage- device
    making vonage just another device plugged into the router?
    From what I know VOIP routers should always be the main one so that the phone connection will be prioritized. If your original setup is > Modem-Vonage-WRT610N you will be experiencing double NATting and that is the reason why your port forwarding is not working. Like mentioned above, you need to forward the ports on both routers.
    You can also do: modem>router>vonage- device setup but the quality of your phone service might be compromised since again, VOIP routers should be prioritized for the phone connection to properly work.

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    27900 (UDP)
    28910 (TCP)
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            UDP Any -> 7777 
            TCP Any -> 28900 
            UDP Any -> 27900 
            TCP Any -> 28910
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    Go through this checklist.
    Considering that you have changed the IP address of your router from to I would guess your modem is also a router and thus everything coming in from the internet ends at the modem and not at the WRT...

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    Dave Gritten
    IT Director
    Maritime Beauty
    3695 Barrington St
    Halifax NS  B3K 2Y3
    cell 902.223.9685
    phone 902.429.8510 ext231
    fax 902.422.7983
    [email protected]

    It's not just single port forwarding that has bugs, the entire router has bugs and simply does not work as advertised. I have found the following bugs/aspects of this router that just does not work correctly: 1. If you have to open ports, and who doesn’t, this router will eventually stop accepting packets from WAN>LAN. You will still have Internet access but no open ports. A reboot will fix this problem. Oh, by the way, this router has no scheduled reboot option! <--That would be a workaround but a welcome one for this router. 2. Firewall Access rules do not work!! Yep, a Cisco router and basic functionality simply does not work. I called Cisco and even though the tech saw the router not working denied it was a bug! Said we have to do port mirroring, setup a workstation with WireShark and capture packets so we can debug the issues.  That would take several hours. I told him I would have appreciated if Cisco would have debugged the issues with their router BEFORE they shipped the units. Stay away from Cisco Small Business Routers. I wish I had. And if there are any Cisco die-hards out there willing to prove me wrong, just reply to this and please, prove me wrong that the RV series and specifically the RV215W is not JUNK.

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    Hi Brickmonkey,
    thanks a lot for your answer. I did the changes you advised. In fact, here's in detail what I did:
    Router reset as described.
    Changed the following configuration options:
    PPPoE + Credentials
    Local IP
    MAC-IP Bindings for DHCP
    Time Zone
    Wireless Mode -> Mixed
    Channel Width -> Auto
    Wireless Security -> Enabled
    Encryption AES
    Port Forwarding for SSH,HTTPS
    Router Password
    Changed the options beacon interval, RTS threshold, fragmentation threshold and MTU as advised.
    Router power cycled.
    Routing and multicast are running since 5 minutes. Let's see if it lasts.
    Answering your question: I do have one wired machine directly connected to the internal switch at the WRT120N. That's the one the ports are forwarded to. It has a static IP outside the DHCP range and is actually my DHCP,DNS etc server - however DHCP is disabled at the moment. All my other machines are wireless clients with G or N connectivity.
    Can you explain the reason behind your proposed configuration changes?

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    Hello. Sucks you ran into trouble just after PSN got back online
    Try clearing your cache / cookies then re-do the settings. Also, try using a different Internet browser.

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    What is the model no of the Router...?
    Who is your ISP...?
    What firmware you are using on the router...?
    Try to reset the router and re-configure it from scratch.Now,check if that make any difference.

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    Thank you very much,
    Eddie LeFiles

    Thank you for your time. I have created and attached a Word Document discussing the Cisco Model RV016 16 port wired Router port forwarding functions for your review. I would appreciate your time in reviewing it with your comments and suggestions.
    Thank you very much,
    Eddie LeFiles

  • Port not being forwarded in WRT54GR

    As Topic says, here are the screenshots in what I did, I even did DMZ but my ports are not forwarded.

    Active Connections
      Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
      TCP                LISTENING
      TCP                LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP               LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP        ESTABLISHED
      TCP        ESTABLISHED
      TCP        ESTABLISHED
      TCP        ESTABLISHED
      TCP              LISTENING
      TCP        ESTABLISHED
      TCP         ESTABLISHED
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP    TIME_WAIT
      TCP    TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP      TIME_WAIT
      TCP    TIME_WAIT
      TCP    [::]:135               [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:445               [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:2869              [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:5357              [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49152             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49153             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49154             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49155             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49156             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49157             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      TCP    [::]:49894             [::]:0                 LISTENING
      UDP            *:*
      UDP            *:*
      UDP            *:*
      UDP            *:*
      UDP           *:*
      UDP           *:*
      UDP           *:*
      UDP           *:*
      UDP          *:*
      UDP         *:*
      UDP        *:*
      UDP        *:*
      UDP        *:*
      UDP        *:*
      UDP      *:*
      UDP      *:*
      UDP     *:*
      UDP     *:*
      UDP    *:*
      UDP    [::]:123               *:*
      UDP    [::]:500               *:*
      UDP    [::]:3702              *:*
      UDP    [::]:3702              *:*
      UDP    [::]:5355              *:*
      UDP    [::]:60920             *:*
      UDP    [::1]:1900             *:*
      UDP    [::1]:60922            *:*
      UDP    [fe80::100:7f:fffe%11]:1900  *:*
      UDP    [fe80::100:7f:fffe%11]:60923  *:*
      UDP    [fe80::31e6:cdb:363c:5305%10]:1900  *:*
      UDP    [fe80::31e6:cdb:363c:5305%10]:60921  *:*
    Yeah I also have a voip connected, but I haven't tampered with the settings in that device yet, even though I DO have access to the settings, I don't really know how to tamper with it.
    Thanks for the reply so far, got home late~

  • HT1595 cannot connect ATV to actiontec router with wired ethernet.  router does not see ATV.  is there a way to test the  ATV ethernet port on the back?

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    I think the isssue is clearly that your router is not acting as a DNS Server.  You will need to contact Verizon to see how to configure it so that it does supply the DNS addresses.  If you can configure it in your Router try using and as the DNS Server addresses.  These point it to Google's Public Domain DNS Servers.  There are others (opendns.org).  But for now these will hopefully get you up and running.

  • WRT1900 AC V1 - Linksys is aware that the router is not working properly. Help spread the word.

    I just had a conversation with Linksys' Customer Service via chat: Daphne L. J: Hello Fernando Paramo. My name is Daphne L..
    Daphne L. J: Welcome to Linksys Global Chat. Is this your initial contact or do you have a case number?
    You: Case number is 04971062
    Daphne L. J: Please give me 3-5 minutes to pull up and review your case.
    You: OK
    Daphne L. J: Thank you.
    You: I have a WRT1900 AC, V1. The router is not working properly. I have disconnections every few minutes.I already installed the new firmware version and I still have the same issues. I already reset the router to factory defaults and same issues. I have changed the settings back to my personal preferences: Changed the SSID, changed the wireless security settings, changed the DNS and deactivate WPS. That's it.I'm using 5 Ghz mode with my laptops (5 Ghz adapters) and 2-4 Ghz with a few devices (Chromecast, Nintendo 3DS).
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    Daphne L. J: Please confirm if the following information is correct:
    Name : Fernando Paramo
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address : 
    Model Number : WRT1900AC
    Serial Number : 13J10609406280
    Country : United States
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Okay. Were you able to check if the devices have stable connection wired to the router?
    You: No. I do not have devices with Ethernet ports. Well, only the cable modem.
    You: But the modem is fine. No disconnections from my ISP.
    You: It is the router.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: I tried to return the router to Wal-Mart yesterday with no luck. This is a useless device. And I have been reading comments on the community forums and a lot of people are having problems.
    Daphne L. J: We are actually aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: Ver.
    You: Latest one.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, so you reflashed the firmware, reset and then manually reconfigure it after, not using backup configuration, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: And it is intermittent on all devices connected to both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Please give ,e 3-5 minutes to verify this with my superior.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    You: I want to send you my WRT1900 AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myseld.
    You: I do not want my current hardware.
    You: It is useless for my needs.
    You: I can't believe I had an older E3000 that didn't give me any problems.
    Daphne L. J: We have already exhausted all possible troubleshooting steps for your concern. As verified with my Supervisor, we will forward your case to our Customer Assurance Team. They are highly technical and knowledgeable when it comes to advanced troubleshooting. They will contact you in the next 24 to 48 hours. By the way, who is your Internet Service Provider? And do you Cable or DSL connection?
    You: Cable connection.
    Daphne L. J: Who is your Internet Service Provider?
    You: A company called .
    You: How are they going to contact me?
    Daphne L. J: Alright. By the way, on the device itself, on its FCC ID, please check if you have WRT1900AC or WRT1900AC v2.
    You: Are you paying attention to me?
    You: I already told you it's V1.
    Daphne L. J: They will call or email you. Please double check if these informations are correct:
    Name :
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address :
    You: I told you I want to send you my WRT1900 AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myself.
    You: I want them to contact me to my email. I can't answer the phone during work hours.
    Daphne L. J: We can't assure you if we will be able to replace it with Version 2 or if you are allowed to have the EA8500 instead.
    Daphne L. J: Just in case, do you also have an alternate number?
    Daphne L. J: Also, what time zone are you in? And what is your preferred time and day for them to contact you?
    You: I have the one from my office in Mexico. Central Time. Any time is good.
    Daphne L. J: So, you are currently in Mexico?
    You: I work in Mexico but I have the house in USA. I live in the border.
    Daphne L. J: I see. Do you have any other questions or clarifications?
    You: I live 10 minutes away from the International Bridge. But that's not an issue. I bought the router at Walmart in Laredo, TX.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Would that be all for now?
    You: I want a clarification: Do you realize that there is an issue with the current WRT1900 AC? Are you aware of that?
    You: Because this is a very expensive router that is not working as it should be.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, we are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution.
    Daphne L. J: Would there be anything else you need?
    You: That would be it. I will wait for you to contact me.
    You: Thanks.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you through Linksys Live Chat. You may also visit our support site at www.linksys.com. For your reference, your case number is 04980394. Thank you for choosing Linksys and have a great day! We paid $250 for this piece of equipment. That's a lot of money for a device that doesn't work. I just want to get a V2 replacement, or better yet, an exchange for a EA8500. We should all demand this. It is not fair for us. The current WRT1900 AC is a useless device. They even should do a recall of the product. I will wait for them to contact me, but I'm thinking if I should send the information to The Consumerist or someone else. What to do?

    FernandoRocker wrote:
    Well... instead of looking into this with Engineering, I would prefer you to talk about this with the Sales department and exchange my WRT1900AC for an EA8500 (I will pay the difference if needed).  Seriously. The device is useless. Not just a paperweigt... an expensive paperweight.Actually I looking into the swap for you because I think that would be best in your case. Keep this in perspective. There is laterally millions of WRT1900AC V1 out there with very few issues with latest firmwares and of course the odd exception. In your case it could be a defective WRT1900AC.

  • WRT1900AC V1 - Linksys is aware that the router is not working properly. Help spread the word.

    I just had a conversation with Linksys' Customer Service via chat: Daphne L. J: Hello Fernando Paramo. My name is Daphne L..
    Daphne L. J: Welcome to Linksys Global Chat. Is this your initial contact or do you have a case number?
    You: Case number is 04971062
    Daphne L. J: Please give me 3-5 minutes to pull up and review your case.
    You: OK
    Daphne L. J: Thank you.
    You: I have a WRT1900AC, V1. The router is not working properly. I have disconnections every few minutes.I already installed the new firmware version and I still have the same issues. I already reset the router to factory defaults and same issues. I have changed the settings back to my personal preferences: Changed the SSID, changed the wireless security settings, changed the DNS and deactivate WPS. That's it.I'm using 5 Ghz mode with my laptops (5 Ghz adapters) and 2-4 Ghz with a few devices (Chromecast, Nintendo 3DS).
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    Daphne L. J: Please confirm if the following information is correct:
    Name : Fernando Paramo
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address : 
    Model Number : WRT1900AC
    Serial Number : 13J10609406280
    Country : United States
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Okay. Were you able to check if the devices have stable connection wired to the router?
    You: No. I do not have devices with Ethernet ports. Well, only the cable modem.
    You: But the modem is fine. No disconnections from my ISP.
    You: It is the router.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: I tried to return the router to Wal-Mart yesterday with no luck. This is a useless device. And I have been reading comments on the community forums and a lot of people are having problems.
    Daphne L. J: We are actually aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. What is the current firmware version of your router?
    You: Ver.
    You: Latest one.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, so you reflashed the firmware, reset and then manually reconfigure it after, not using backup configuration, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: And it is intermittent on all devices connected to both 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks, is that right?
    You: That's correct.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Please give ,e 3-5 minutes to verify this with my superior.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for waiting.
    You: I want to send you my WRT1900AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myseld.
    You: I do not want my current hardware.
    You: It is useless for my needs.
    You: I can't believe I had an older E3000 that didn't give me any problems.
    Daphne L. J: We have already exhausted all possible troubleshooting steps for your concern. As verified with my Supervisor, we will forward your case to our Customer Assurance Team. They are highly technical and knowledgeable when it comes to advanced troubleshooting. They will contact you in the next 24 to 48 hours. By the way, who is your Internet Service Provider? And do you Cable or DSL connection?
    You: Cable connection.
    Daphne L. J: Who is your Internet Service Provider?
    You: A company called .
    You: How are they going to contact me?
    Daphne L. J: Alright. By the way, on the device itself, on its FCC ID, please check if you have WRT1900AC or WRT1900AC v2.
    You: Are you paying attention to me?
    You: I already told you it's V1.
    Daphne L. J: They will call or email you. Please double check if these informations are correct:
    Name :
    Phone Number :
    E-Mail Address :
    You: I told you I want to send you my WRT1900AC and get a V2 or I want a EA8500 and pay the difference myself.
    You: I want them to contact me to my email. I can't answer the phone during work hours.
    Daphne L. J: We can't assure you if we will be able to replace it with Version 2 or if you are allowed to have the EA8500 instead.
    Daphne L. J: Just in case, do you also have an alternate number?
    Daphne L. J: Also, what time zone are you in? And what is your preferred time and day for them to contact you?
    You: I have the one from my office in Mexico. Central Time. Any time is good.
    Daphne L. J: So, you are currently in Mexico?
    You: I work in Mexico but I have the house in USA. I live in the border.
    Daphne L. J: I see. Do you have any other questions or clarifications?
    You: I live 10 minutes away from the International Bridge. But that's not an issue. I bought the router at Walmart in Laredo, TX.
    Daphne L. J: Thank you for the information. Would that be all for now?
    You: I want a clarification: Do you realize that there is an issue with the current WRT1900AC? Are you aware of that?
    You: Because this is a very expensive router that is not working as it should be.
    Daphne L. J: Yes, we are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution.
    Daphne L. J: Would there be anything else you need?
    You: That would be it. I will wait for you to contact me.
    You: Thanks.
    Daphne L. J: Alright. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you through Linksys Live Chat. You may also visit our support site at www.linksys.com. For your reference, your case number is 04980394. Thank you for choosing Linksys and have a great day! We paid $250 for this piece of equipment. That's a lot of money for a device that doesn't work. I just want to get a V2 replacement, or better yet, an exchange for a EA8500. We should all demand this. It is not fair for us. The current WRT1900AC is a useless device. They even should do a recall of the product. I will wait for them to contact me, but I'm thinking if I should send the information to The Consumerist or someone else. What to do?

    Hello. I sent my WRT1900AC V1 to Linksys four days ago (Monday) via UPS with a RMA. Linksys paid the shipping and everything. The router is still in route, and it should arrive to their offices tomorrow. Once they receive the WRT1900 AC V1, they are going to send me an EA8500 as a replacement. But I have been reading the comments about the EA8500 here in the forum and it seems to have the same problems. I guess the firmware is extremely flawed in both routers (maybe it is almost the same code?). Anyway, I will try the EA8500 and I hope it works. I bought a temporary router from Walmart and I paid $35 for it. It is a Belink N600 DB. I can't believe that a $35 router is working a lot, lot, lot better than my previous $250 WRT1900AC router. Unbelievable. If the EA8500 doesn't work, I'm going to try and get my money back from Linksys, or contact The Consumerist or someone to get my money back and get a Nighthawk instead.

  • 10.8.2 Server: Ports not open

    I try to configure a ML Server and want it to configured aas a mail server. So I configured DNS names, mail domains, Users and so on.
    Now when I try to configure a mail client to receive mails via IMAP the server won't respond. So I tested all open ports on/to the server. Now I noticed that port 110 and 143 is not open. So any 1 knows how to open these ports in ML?
    OS X 10.8.2 (Build 12C54) and Server 2.1.1 (Build 12S365)
    Many thanks for any informations.

    If you're connecting from outside your network, the ports have to be forwarded on your router. Note also that some ISP's block incoming traffic on well-known ports unless you have a business account.

  • Unable to Save in Port Range Forwarding

    I'm using the BEFW11S4 wireless router and am unable to save the new port range forwarding settings I have entered.  Everytime I click Save Settings, I receive a box which reads:
    "The server at Linksys BEFW11S4 V4 requires a username and password.
    Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection)."
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    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Thank you!

    try remembering the password you used for first time while installing the router .... if not then use default password admin with out any username ....
    If still not working then you need to reset the router ....

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