WRT300N Xbox 360 issue

I just bought the WRT300N and set it up. I was able to get my laptop and PS3 working on it just fine but my Xbox 360 can't even see the SSID. manually entering it didn't help. Any suggestions?

Got the same problem here. It looks like the xbox wireless adapter isn't finding the ssid broadcasting signal. I tried to set up the xbox manually (perhaps the xbox is looking the wrong way) But even that didn't work. For once I can't believe that a router isn't capable of sending a SSID to the wireless adapter of (in this case) the xbox360. I think the linksys WRT300N is sending over the G and N networks. While the Xbox 360 is on the A and G networks. But the router should sent a broadcast over the G networks also.
Second Linksys is announcing they are glad they are teaming up with Microsoft on the Vista project. But one thing is wrong, it looks like both parties didn't even look at the possibilities. And Vista is the newest system on the market especially developed for a better experience and linkage with the XBox360!!
So I think that Linksys is sending us a firmware upgrade soon (I hope)  for what I read on the net is that there is no sollution yet than just plug it in and lay a cable through your house. And if not than we can just accept the losses of our money and fun.
Message Edited by zerocool on 02-15-200701:50 PM

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    Do you recall if you received a double NAT warning when you configured the new AirPort Extreme (AEBS)?

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    As you have already forwarded the ports,
    Click on set-up and change the MTU Size to 1452 and click Save Settings...
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    Hey Dizzle,
    The XBox 360 wireless network device won't work with 'N' mode, you you need to set your Time Capsule to b/g mode so that your Xbox can connect.
    Because I prefer to have my network in 'N' mode (it's faster), the way I've done it is to purchase an Airport Express in addition to the Time Capsule.
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    I hope that helps!

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    For Firmware Upgrade try this : 
    Download TFTP Utility
    Download Firmware 314 KB
     Double click the tftp.exe file and click run :
    For Server- Enter the IP Address of the router that you assigned.  By default, the router is
    For Password- Enter the password you assigned the router. By default, the router’s password is “admin”.
    For File- Click the triple “…” button and browse for the .bin firmware file...
    Click Upgrade button to start upgrading.  A progress bar should show up to show the progress.
    Once the Upgrade is done press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 30 seconds and re-connect the power cable...Now re-configure your router... 
    You should also open the Ports on your router...
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page.In the address bar type -
    Leave the username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    Click on "Applications and Gaming" tab and then click on "Port Range Forwarding" subtab...
    1) On the first line in Application box type in ABC, in the start box type in 53 and End box type in 53, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box...
    2) On the second line in Application box type in PQR, in the start box type in 88 and End box type in 88, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box...
    3) On the third line in Application box type in XYZ, in the start box type in 3074 and End box type in 3074, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box and click on Save Settings...
    4) Once you return to the set up page click on the Security tab and uncheck Block Anonymous Internet Requests and click on Save Settings...
    5) Click on set-up and change the MTU Size to 1452 and click Save Settings...
    6) Goto the XBox Network Settings and IP Address Settings and select manual IP Settings and assign the following on your Xbox
    IP Address :-, Subnet Mask :-, Default Gateway :-
    7) Also assign the DNS Addresses on the Xbox
    Primary dns :- dns :-
    8) Turn off your modem, router, and Xbox...Wait for a minute...
    9) Plug the modem power first, wait for another minute and plug the router power cable, wait another minute and turn on the Xbox and test it...it will connect...

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  • Time Capsule, hardwired to TWO xbox 360's, and NAT issues.

    Hello All,
    I currently have an older Linksys WRT54G (version 1.0 LOL) which has been working fine for years. I recently bought my son an XBOX 360 for Christmas and we went through the issues of NAT and Call of Duty, and basically I have become quite knowledgeable on this topic. I recently added a SECOND XBOX 360, as it became apparent that one would not do with three boys in the house (Plus COD is a blast on line).
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    What am I interested in? I'd like to upgrade to a Time Capsule for several reasons. One Newer wifi, faster, two frequencies, backup space for growing Mac branch of our network, and as the internet sharing router. AND to be able to access the TC from the internet for file access anywhere! LOVE THAT FEATURE. This requires the TC to be the first device after the cable modem as far as I can tell at this point. (any input on this specific feature would be great).
    So I want to configure the TC with the input from the Cable modem as the main distribution of the internet. Then from the other NETWORK ports connect to my 20 port router for the rest of the house, as well as to the other items currently connected at the site of the current LinkSys Router (Mac Mini, Sony TV).
    Also I need to maintain the current XBOX set up with (as well as Wii) with full open NAT on both XBOXs.
    My question: Anyone here currently using the TC for hardwired connectivity for an XBOX with XBOX live running with open NAT for TWO XBOXs?
    The issues with NAT and TWO XBOXs is that you cannot simply use PORT FORWARDing or PORT Triggering to make sure that the traffic goes to the correct xbox. The XBOX uses specific communication ports and the ROUTER needs to keep the traffic flowing properly or you get disconnected or never get open NAT (must have for XBOX live and internet gaming). There are many write ups on using Port Forwarding for one XBOX and setting the second one in the DMZ, but this does not work all the time.
    The "Tomato" firmware on the LINKSYS allows fooling the router into giving a 'pseudo static' ip address to the XBOX's by doing MAC address based reservation of an IP number and then letting the DHCP give the xbox an IP address. The MAC address based reservation makes sure that the XBOX always gets the same IP address which for some GD reason must be in order for the traffic to be routed to the correct device. (you can of course use the same MAC address reservation for any device on the network).
    Second Question: For those using the TC AND a second WiFi Router to do WIRELESS connection to the XBOX - which device do you have configured as the main INTERNET sharing router? I have read hear what appears to state that the TC is the main router and the other WiFi the secondary. Thus the ROUTING is still being done by the TC and the other wifi device is being used simply as a WiFi Access point/switch. If this is the case would the firmware on the TC allow the proper routing for TWO XBOXs on the network?
    Thank you,

    The ports are 53, 80, 88, and 3074. Since you are trying to make two Xbox consoles use those ports and you are trying to connect to a server, what you need to do is to use Port Range Triggering. You can't use Port Range Forwarding since it will only set those ports into listening mode to the IP address you set it. So if you use Port Range Forwarding it will only be open/available to one console(the one using the IP address).
    You need to use PORT RANGE TRIGGERING. Disable Port Range Forwarding and DMZ. You need to enable UPnP as well if your Linksys router have this option (other model doesn't have this option but it is said to be enabled in default settings according to their tech support).
    To solve the lag problem set your MTU size to 1364. This settings will work even if you have one or multiple consoles running behind the router.

  • Xbox 360 and WRT300N

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    1st, open up the router user interface. To do this, open up a web browser and on the address bar type the numbers (username just leave it blank, password as a default is admin).
    Then go to the Applications and Gaming Subtab. Input the following values:
    Application: XBOX
    Start: 3074
    End: 3074
    Protocol: Both
    IP Address:
    - Save Settings
    2nd, assign a MANUAL IP Address value to your XBOX:
    Subnet Mask:
    Then save the settings and go ahead , have fun.

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  • Xbox 360 Trade-In Issue

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    "In store only. Trade in any working Xbox 360 or PS3 console and receive a $50 coupon toward an Xbox One. Trade in a working Xbox 360 250GB or Sony PlayStation 3 Slim and receive a minimum $100 gift card"
    I had a mis-matched console, admittedly; it was a black elite with a 250 GB final Fantasy XIII hard drive. Since it didn't specify models, I thought I would still be eligible.
    When I got to the line, there were two other people being helped. About 5-10 minutes go by and I still hadn't been recognized by staff, but they were busy so that's fine. The bag was fairly heavy and I kept having to shift around but I wasn't even asked if I would like to place it on the counter or anything. I thought that was lame, but maybe that's not their policy.
    Eventually the girl at the counter finished helping her customer then said (either on her radio or to another coworker) that she couldn't help "this guy" (I'm guessing me) because she had to go on her lunch break. It was at this time someone did say someone would be with me shortly. I waited a bit until I was told to go around the counter to Geek Squad. Then we moved to another station because the first one didn't work. Then that one had a pad problem so I had to go back around to where I started. A little annoying, but nothing too bad.
    We finally started examining the system. The lady pulled it all out and verified that it worked and had a 250 GB hard drive. Unfortunately, my console was not in their system at all. My console was refurbished by GameStop but still had the seals, but because it wasn't the color white (since the Final Fantasy version what white) I couldn't trade it in. Despite the fact it was still an Xbox 360 Elite. It was just the wrong color.
    I politely asked if there was anything we could do. Any sort of trade. She said "nope" and shook her head. Feeling a little miffed I asked if I apologized for being a bother and asked if I could speak to the supervisor. She curtly informed me that she was the supervisor. Her tone agitated me but I was aware I was on the verge of being one of "those" customers, but I asked to speak to a manager nonetheless. I wanted to get something for this console because I really wanted to spend my money at Best Buy and not have to go elsewhere. So she goes to the manager and explains everything to him. He comes out and asks how he could help. I explain that I really wanted to trade in the system towards an Xbox One like it was advertised in the ad online. This is where I completely lose it in my head.
    He looks me in the eye and asks if I would like to recycle it.
    Really? Out of all of the possible things you could tell me, you offer to take my item and destroy it for me? I was so surprised, I bet my jaw dropped. I don't really remember because of the rage I was thrown into. No, I didn't yell at him or get too bent out of shape. I politely (as much as I could) say no thanks and ask for my console back. Astonished, I remarked that if this is the way they treat customers then I should return the Galaxy phones my wife and I just got four days prior. I don't know if it was his Commonwealth accent or what, but that way he said "You certainly have that choice" only seemed to enrage me further. I left and of course the girl gives me a sickly-sweet "have a nice day" which only made me more disgusted.
    I really wanted that system and I will buy it next, but certainly not from Best Buy. We are even thinking about returning the phones we bought and going to Verizon direct (I already set some of that up), and we may close out our Best Buy Credit Cards. We were even planning on buying a laptop later this month because the Geek Squad protection ran out on our last one and its about to break. I won't be doing that again, I can assure you. I'm so upset that mere words cannot describe them. All I wanted was something for my old console so it wouldn't have to collect dust and all I received from their management staff was insults. Good job. Hope it works out for you. I doubt my words mean anything to you, but maybe some one will hear them and take heed. I hope so, at least, because I don't want anyone to go through what I had to today.
    Go to Solution.

    Hello guiltl3ss,
    There is never a circumstance where it is appropriate for our associates and managers to be anything but respectful of you and our other customers. I apologize for your having to cope with such unprofessional behavior.
    I was glad to read that your concerns have been taken care of, however. Please know that I'm grateful that you took the time to share your experience. If I can be of further help, please let me know.
    John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • WRT300N support for multiple XBOX 360's

    Hi! I need to go pre-N for greater wireless speeds, and went for the Belkin Pre-N v2000; however it's uPNP implementation isn't that great, meaning I need to rely on DMZ to allow my XBOX 360 to work on LIVE.
    What I would like to know is does the WRT300N support mutlple simulatneous XBOX 360's, all connecting to Live (I think the max is 4)? Since Linksys have some certified routers, I'm hoping it will but I don't want to make the same mistake again!

    yes, i think it does...
    use port triggering instead to open the ports for the Live instead of forwarding or DMZ....
    the quick and the dead

  • Connecting XBOX 360 Wirelessly to WRT300N V1.1

    If you suffer from a slow connection when using your Xbox 360 usb wireless adapter and the wrt300n router, then fret no more! I called both xbox and linksys and below is what I came up with, which made my connection to Xbox Live work properly. This may even work with other routers as well  
    Setup for WRT300N V1.1 connected wirelessly to an XBOX 360 USB Wireless Adapter.
    Connection Type: High Speed Cable Internet.
    Select Setup
     Select Basic Setup
    Change the MTU setting to manual, edit size to be 1365.
    Select Security
    Deselect the “Filter Anonymous Internet Requests”
    Select Applications & Gaming
    Select PortRange Forwarding
    For the first port input the following:
    Start ~ EndPort: 88 to 88
    Protocol: UDP
    To IP Address: 100
    Check Enable
    Application Name: xbox1
    For the second port input the following:
    Start ~ EndPort: 3074 to 3074
    Protocol: Both
    To IP Address: 100
    Check Enable
    Application Name: xbox2
    Select Administration
    Disable Upnp
    This should allow for a smooth connection.

    wxman61 wrote:
    Thank you for your reply.  However, there is still some confusion on my part.
    How does setting up a static IP on the PC help me connect to the Xbox 360 wirelessly?   Please explain.
    The static IP Doesn't help you connect wirelessly, it helps you set up port forwarding properly.   So that is step 1
    Step 2 would be for you connecting wirelessly, and I am pretty sure the actiontec is already security enabled, so if it is then you would look on the router itself for a silverish sticker that has an ESSID and a WEP KEY   When going through your xbox set up you will have a list of networks to choose from, make sure what you try to connect to matches the ESSID found physically on the router, and then it will ask you for a password or a network key and that is when you put in your WEP key.   That would get you on wirelessly.
    the static ip is exclusively for your port forwarding and should only really be used if once your connected to the xbox wirelessly - if it's still having trouble.   that would be when you would set up the port forwarding as I kinda described earlier.  so you put in your xbox the static ip address, and then your router will route traffic to and from it based on that ip.   mine didn't need the static ip it would connect wirelessly automatically or via dhcp, but when the network dragged or i got bad performance, that is when I went to port forwarding. 

  • E2000 Xbox 360 wireless connection issues

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    What model is the xbox? 1st gen or Slim? 
    There are known issues with Slims WIFi adapter on this console.
    Try setting single mode N, WPA2 only, Auto 20/40Mhz and manual channel 11 with Enable WMM turned ON. 
    Any other WiFi routers in the area? Link> Use http://www.metageek.net/support/metageek-software-archives/ to find out. Use v3. How many? 
    jjcanes19 wrote:
    i can't get my E2000 linksys router to pick up my xbox 360.  I've typed in the the name and password to get it to pick it up but it won't.  what is   WPA2 and WA?  what is PPPoE settings? What is ISP? What is PPPoE user name? Please help

  • Time Capsule & Xbox 360 over ethernet issues

    I have a Time Capsule connected to my modem, I can access the internet over WiFi on my mac without issues, however when I connect my Xbox 360 to the router via ethernet it will not allow me to connect to Xbox live. What's highly frustrating is that it passes all test apart from the ICMP one. According to some forums, if your receive this then your router is not compatible with xbox live. However this contradicts people being able to connect through their TC on other posts. I can connect to xbox live if I directly plug it into my modem, so it is not anything todo with that side of things.
    Is there any reason why this might be on my TC and how might I go about sorting this problem out?
    Any help much appreciated

    Although I also haven't been able to get it working over Wi-Fi yet, I've got it working pretty happily over what is ostensibly ethernet (powerline networking ftw).
    My guess is that the problem you're having is due to your Time Capsule ignoring stuff (as a security measure) that Xbox Live is sending the Xbox, so what I think you need to do is tell your Time Capsule to stop doing that for the Xbox. You do that by getting your Time Capsule to give the Xbox the same IP address every time it connects, and to not block anything sent to that IP address.
    First we need to get the Xbox's MAC address, which you can find either on the back of the Xbox itself, or by going to the System blade on the Xbox Dashboard, selecting Network Settings, Edit Settings, Additional Settings (push the left thumbstick to the right), Advanced Settings, then the MAC address should be displayed.
    Just to be clear, a MAC address has nothing to do with Apple's computers, standing for Media Access Control, and is a quasi-unique code that nearly every network adapter has. We're using it here so your Time Capsule can recognise the Xbox.
    Now you've got the MAC address, open AirPort Utility, select your Time Capsule and click Manual Settings, the Internet toolbar icon, then the DHCP tab. Click the plus button under the DHCP Reservations box, type Xbox 360 (or whatever you want) as the description, and click Continue. Now type the Xbox's MAC address into the MAC Address box, then click the IPv4 box, change the last number from 2 to 35 (so it's something like, and click Done.
    Now we have the Xbox getting the same IP from the Time Capsule, we need to tell the Time Capsule to stop filtering stuff that's sent to that IP, to do that, click the NAT tab (inside the Internet section), then "Enable default host at:" and enter 35 as the last two digits (so it matches up with the IP address we put in the IPv4 box earlier). Finally, click Update, and when your Time Capsule has finished restarting, try the connection test on the Xbox again.

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