WRT54G Port Forwarding

Hi. I recently called linksys and set my router up to have an open NAT on my xbox 360. They had me manually enter my network settings on my xbox. I accidently erased the settings and i cant figure out what they were or how to set them up again. I have noticed a considerable loss of speed when playing online. I called linksys again but my warranty ran out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Here are the settings which you can set on your XBOX as well as on your Router and this will open the NAT on your XBOX. 
Open an Internet Explorer browser page.In the address bar type - Leave the username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
Click on "Applications and Gaming" tab and then click on "Port Range Forwarding" subtab...
1) On the first line in Application box type in ABC, in the start box type in 53 and End box type in 53, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box...
2) On the second line in Application box type in PQR, in the start box type in 88 and End box type in 88, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box...
3) On the third line in Application box type in XYZ, in the start box type in 3074 and End box type in 3074, leave the protocol as both and under ip address type in and check the enable box and click on Save Settings...
4) Once you return to the set up page click on the Security tab and uncheck Block Anonymous Internet Requests and click on Save Settings...
5) Click on set-up and change the MTU Size to 1452 and click Save Settings...
6) Goto the XBox Network Settings and IP Address Settings and select manual IP Settings and assign the following on your Xbox IP Address :-, Subnet Mask :-, Default Gateway :-
7) Also assign the DNS Addresses on the Xbox Primary dns :- dns :-
8) Turn off your modem, router, and Xbox...Wait for a minute...
9) Plug the modem power first, wait for another minute and plug the router power cable, wait another minute and turn on the Xbox and test it...it will connect...

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    Access router setup page ...uncheck block WAN request under security tab .... also check the updated firmware on the router ....

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    PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN <3<3 thanks
    Message Edited by Curtman on 09-07-2007 12:04 PM

    Yes that happens if you write replies to your own posts. Many regulars here only answer their "own" topics (i.e. to which they have answered before) and new ones which don't have replies, yet. If you write a reply to your own topic chances are your are not read unless during some random browsing...
    Regarding your problem it is impossible to say anything unless you give the exact settings you have on your router. Please post the full settings you have for port forwardings, port triggering and DMZ. If you have UPnP forwarding in your router (I don't think you have) post those settings, too.
    Otherwise I suggest this checklist for troubleshooting port forwardings.

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    Message Edited by aaronman12345 on 06-06-2008 05:49 AM

    Sorry i did not get your issue ... please reply in detail ......

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    normally there is no colour coding involved in Port Forwarding....may be what you are thinking is correct....

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    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : launchmodem.com
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::40a9:a76e:61b3:6435%11
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
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    Generally: NAT behind NAT is a bad idea. There is usually no need for double NAT. Either configure the ADSL router as bridge and use the WRT for your internet connection or set up the WRT as simple access point behind the ADSL router.
    It's also unclear to me what is working or not. First I thought you can't set up forwarding at all because you get that error message. Then, in your PS you write you tried to use and that seemed to be possible. The IP address to forward to must be the IP address of the computer to which you want to forward. Thus is exactly the IP address you have to set up. Does this work or not?
    Also remember: with double NAT you must set up two forwardings: first on the ADSL router then on the WRT. Port forwarding is necessary to allow incoming traffic through NAT. All incoming traffic arrives on the ADSL router. Thus setting up port forwarding on the WRT only won't do a thing.
    It's also not recommend to use dynamic IPs for forwarding destinations. Dynamic IP addresses may change over time and that requires you to adjust forwardings accordingly. It's better to reserve fixed IP addresses (if your WRT supports this) or set a static IP address on the computer outside the DHCP address pool.

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    Application    Start   End   Protocol  IP Address       Enable
    openvpn           1194    1194  Both    check
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    When your Computer is behind the Linksys Router and you are trying to access your Office network using VPN? or from the Remote Location you are trying to access your Router using VPN?
    The Router which you have it will act like a VPN Client. The Computers which are connected to the Router can Connect to a Remote VPN Server. But if you want to access your Computer from a Remote location using VPN then it will not support. 

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    IIt;s usually to set the static IP outside the DHCP range like you said. You can use the router's DHCP reservation feature to set a "static IP", and as for your last question, you can find different methods on how to do that by searching the web. 
    I don't work for Cisco. I'm just here to help.

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    you can set the same port number on the port range...
    as for the assigning a specific port for a specific machine, I doubt if it's possible with the a Linksys router...you may need a hacked firmware for this. Or you can DMZ just on the Linux..

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    Message Edited by DaLink on 02-07-2008 03:30 PM

    Checking back after 1 month, I still have this problem, no workaround found. Can anyone lend a hand?

  • WRT54G Delete Port Forwarding Entries

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    While updating my network I decided to delete old entries from the port forwarding table. Every time I try to delete a port entry or the IP address the error checking routines warn me that a blank entry is out of range then replace it with the old entry. This error check does not depend on the Enable check.
    I CAN overwrite the old entries with new and things work OK but I would just like to delete old entries. I have searched the forums here and cannot seem to find anything related to this problem. This is probable trivial since disabling the entry works but I would just like to have the table cleared.
    I have NOT reset the router yet although I'm sure that would work.
    Thank you
    Carmine Prestia

    Have you tried leaving the box with the number "0", instead of leaving it "blank", then save the settings?
    *just a thought*
    Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.

  • WRT54GS Not saving port forwarding info.

    I gave up on an older router, and had the wrt54gs sitting in my closet. I  had to set it up for the PSN and COD4, but everytime I enter the port forwarding info, it says its saved, but erases it.
    The info is:
    TCP 80
    TCP 443
    TCP 5223
    UDP 3478 - 3479
    UDP 3658
    All enabled on PS3s IP
    It opens a black window that says settings saved
    I click OK
    and everything has been erased. 
    Im on firmware 7.50.2.
    Ive tried both firefox 3 and internet explorer. (ff3 error console gave me no errors)
    DMZ is enabled for my PS3.
    Ive tried both a wired and wireless connection.
    I can use my PS3s browser (if that matters)
    Any suggestions?

    You need to Upgrade the Firmware on your router...Download the Firmware from here , Follow these steps to upgrade the firmware on the device: -
    Open an Internet Explorer browser page.In the address bar type -
    Leave the username blank & in password use admin in lower case...
    Click on the 'Administration' tab- Then click on the 'Firmware Upgrade' sub tab- Here click on 'Browse' and browse the .bin firmware file and click on "Upgrade"...
    Wait for few seconds until it shows that "Upgrade is successful"  After the firmware upgrade, click on "Reboot" and you will be returned back to the same page OR it will say "Page cannot be displayed".
    Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 30 seconds and re-connect the power cable...Now re-configure your router and do the port forwarding and check if it saves the settings...

  • RTSP steaming Port Forward (?) problems with 4 (four) WVC54GCA cameras on WRT54G v2 router.

    I am having difficulties correctly setting up my four (4) WVC54GCA cameras on a WRT54G v2 router to make them stream RTSP videos that I can view on my BlackBerry Bold. I can access the cameras from the internet, through  
    so that part works fine.
    All the 4 cameras are set up with static IP addresses.
    The default RTSP port 554 and RTP Data port at 5000 are forwarded to CAM1 IP address. I can access CAM1 RTSP feed on my Blackberry Bold (and also on a good old Samsung SGH-A706 cell phone).  
    CAM 1 Settings:
    Alternate HTTP Port: 1024 à Forwarded to
    RTSP Port: 554 à Forwarded to
    RTSP Data Port: 5000 à Forwarded to
    RTSP access on cell phone WORKS only with the following format: rtsp://CAM1_SubDomain.Linksys-Cam.com/1111, where 1111 is the access code. 
    CAM 2 Settings:
    Alternate HTTP Port: 1025 à Forwarded to
    RTSP Port: 1029 à Forwarded to
    Despite I have a dedicated subdomain for each camera from TZO, the following link DOESN’T WORK 
    rtsp://CAM2_SubDomain.Linksys-Cam.com/1111, where 1111 is the access code.
    Actually, when I enter the above link, the cellphone brings in the feed from CAM1, I guess due to the identical access code with CAM2. Once I change the access code for CAM2, it doesn’t’t show any feed. 
    CAM 3 Settings:
    Alternate HTTP Port: 1026 à Forwarded to
    RTSP Port: 1030 à Forwarded to
    Despite I have a dedicated subdomain for each camera from TZO, the following link DOESN’T WORK 
    rtsp://CAM3_SubDomain.Linksys-Cam.com/1111, where 1111 is the access code. This feed also brings in CAM1.  
    CAM 4 Settings:
    Alternate HTTP Port: 1027 à Forwarded to
    RTSP Port: 1031 à Forwarded to
    Despite I have a dedicated subdomain for each camera from TZO, the following link DOESN’T WORK 
    rtsp://CAM4_SubDomain.Linksys-Cam.com/1111, where 1111 is the access code. This feed also brings in CAM1
    DMZ could probably fix the problem for a second camera, but not for all four CAMs
    OS: XP SP2  
    Question 1: Any idea how can I get all the four cameras RTSP feed on my cell/BlackBerry?
    Question 2: I am running out of Port Range forwards. Should I add more port forwards, I have only one more shot. Any workaround? 
    Each and every help idea is greatly appreciated!

    I have six of these cams and used the tutorial and review at http://www.Myhomserver.com for help.  First thing, set ALL the RTSP access codes the SAME, so all you need to do is increment the port for each cam
    Cam 1 - - set at port 80 TCP - RTSP port default at 554, forward port 5000 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    Cam 2 - - set at port 1024 TCP - RTSP port at 1029, forward port 5001 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    Cam 3 - - set at port 1025 TCP - RTSP port at 1030, forward port 5002 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    Cam 4 - - set at port 1026 TCP - RTSP port at 1031, forward port 5003 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    Cam 5 - - set at port 1027 TCP - RTSP port at 1032, forward port 5004 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    Cam 6 - - set at port 1028 TCP - RTSP port at 1033, forward port 5005 UDP/TCP and the RTSP access code 12345
    This worked for me using the above settings....take your time, plan out the ports, all RTSP ports must be different on each cam
    Accessing CAMS can be done via your cell phone below:
    Camera 1---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:554/12345
    Camera 2---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:1029/12345
    Camera 3---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:1030/12345
    Camera 4---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:1031/12345
    Camera 5---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:1032/12345
    Camera 6---> RTSP://<your TZO camera domain>:1033/12345
    Linksys IP camera reviews, Tutorials and How-To's on Web & Mobile Streaming

  • WRT54GS utorrent port forwarding (HELP PLEASE)

    Hey everyone, I bought my WRT54GS router yesterday and cant forward utorrent ports. I have a static IP set up and am trying to use port 32069. I am sure all of my settings are correct in the port forwarding section, nad have tried checking/unchecking "enable". I think i've tried everything so far and it still wont work. If anyone can help me with this, it'd be greatly appriciated.
    Message Edited by SinInSpira on 06-28-2007 09:28 PM

    if the ports are not getting forwarded , try upgrading / reflashing the router's firmware ..

  • WRT54G v6 Port Forwarding Fails

    Replaced a dead WRT54G v1.1 witrh a much newer unused v6, and it works fine, except the same settings for port forwarding, for smtp, port 2525, for pop3, port 995, to my mailserver at static address, do not seem to work.
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    A lot of new settings on the v6, not sure what they all are. Like Port Triggering for a forwarded range.  ???
    Are there some other settings that need changing, too?  Help! 

    The only change you need to do is the static IP Address...It should be should be out of the range of the router's DHCP)...

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