
does this standard workflow post leave data to IT2001 after the leave request is approved, or it just basically changed the request status only? Thanks.

Hi Geet
You do you want to include that report in your workflow. Its not necessary. In the workflow after final approval the status of the leave request would be in status APPROVED. The  WAIT step in the workflow will be waiting still the report Post Document is executed of that particular leave request. So my advice is dont do any thing with the workflow. Schedule the post document (RPTARQPOST )  this report program schedule for every half an hour. Which will automatically update the infotype 2001 which are in the status approved.

Similar Messages

  • WS12300111: Leave Request Approval - Multiple Approvals

    I am part of a project, trying to implement ESS/MSS at a large international NPO Customer, and have encountered a problem.
    I plan to use the WS12300111 Workflow for the approval process of Leave Requests, but since the customer in some situations require more than one approval, I have to enhance the workflow. At first glance it seems simple just to repeat the approval process, but since the request will be marked as approved at the first approval step, that will not work.
    We are required to keep the implementation as close to SAP Standard as possible, so the portal guys tell me, that it is not really an option to make changes to the approval functions.
    I have considered making the first approval a simple workflow task, that doesn't update the request itself, but since a rejection should update the request and trigger the Process Leave Request by Employee task, I really don't see that working either.
    Any thoughts on the subject, or maybe even a solution, will be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards
    Poul Steen Hansen

    Hi dude,
    Well, I might not be able to give you the coding, but I can explain it how to do this. Check the procedure.
    Create a new BOR and create a new method - CHANGESTATUS.
    Add one and only IMPORT parameter REQUEST of type PTREQ_HEADER-REQUEST_ID.
    In the coding part, firstly lock your request using the FM - ENQUEUE_EPTREQ.
    Then create an instance using the static method ca_pt_req_header=>agent->get_request which takes the REQUEST number as input and gives us the instance as OUTPUT.
    Having the instance in hand, we can use the method initiate_state_transition to change the status of this method. Pass the SEND status as INPUT and get the new updated status as OUTPUT.
    Unlock the leave request using the FM - DEQUEUE_EPTREQ.
    Implement and release this method in your BOR.
    And please make sure that your method is INSTANCE INDEPENDENT METHOD.
    In your template create a Standard background task after your first approval step which calls this method.
    <i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

  • Leave request Workflow ids Ids WS12300111 ,WS12400005

    I am on ECC 50 and Portal 7.0. I am using the copy of standard workflows
    1) WS12300111 copied to WS90100002 ( Create Leave request)
    2) WS12400005 copied to WS 90100003( Cancel leave request)
    in ESS.
    My questions are as below
    1) In Processing  process for types of leave in IMG, which worklfows do i enter in each section
    a) WF ID of New Request  ( i have entered ZWS12300111 )
    b) WF ID of Cancellation Request ( i have entered ZWS12400005 )
    c) WF ID of Change Request( i dont know what to enter here, should it be same as ZWS12300111 )
    2) Secondly the workflow ZWS12400005 does not get triggered when i delete the leave request ( approved, rejected) though i have set up the leave for approvals for cancellation.
    3) When i reject the leaves, the work item "Process requeest by employee" comes and sits in UWL. If i click, it open the leave request screen, where in the old values are not present ( like dates for which i had applied leave). If i change the dates and send for approval, the workitem goes to managers inbox, but the work item "process request by employee" still sits in employee inbox. This is happening only in case of rejected leaves when employee uses the same workitem to re apply for leave.
    Apprecaite your help

    I have the same problem how did you sort it out?

  • Is it possible to use escalation/deadline in WS12300111?

    Hi all,
    We are in ECC 6.0 and I would like to know if there is any technical limitation that prevents one to implement the 'text book' deadline/escalation (modelled)?.
    I have copied standard workflow WS12300111 as well as task TS12300097.
    Is it possible to implement escalation/deadline (i.e. using tabs Latest End / Requested End) as we usually do?
    I am having some issues and I am not sure if it is a limitation of this particular task?
    The deadline/escalation triggers without issue and sends the required emails. However, when the Manager logs on via UWL to approve the work item, and gets to the final screen to Approve Request, I get the error message that "Work Item 00000007348 cannot be executed in status COMPLETED". The message refers to the id of the step that sends the email to the Manager.
    In the workflow log I can see that the work item for approval is not completed yet.
    The workflow log shows me that the approval step has not been 'completed' yet - however, the message is complaining about work item id 7348!!
    In the ERP Employee Self Service Forum I found a thread (Leave Request Auto Approval) that mentions that
    "deadline monitoring is not yet supported for this leave request WF ie ws12300111" and "if you want this feature then you have to make the changes in workflow related exits when the work item staus is getting changed etc etc"
    I would like to know if someone has successfuly implemented deadline/escalation for the WS12300111? And if yes, how did you do it?
    I didn't quite understand what sort of changes might be required in order to be able to implement deadline/escalation i.e. what sort of exits needs to be changed, how to do it, etc.
    Can anyone please help?
    Many thanks in advance for any further help you provide!
    Edited by: Cristiana d'Agosto on Jun 11, 2008 4:31 AM
    OSS Note 1066288 solved the problem

    Hmmm, that's strange - just checked again and it is 1066288.
    Note 1066288 - ESS LEA:Workitem XXXX cannot be executed in status COMPLETED
    Perhaps you can't see it because it is a "Pilot Release"?
    Release Status: Pilot Release
    Released on: 26.02.2008  04:54:32
    Priority: Correction with high priority
    Category: Program error
    Primary Component: PT-RC-UI-XS Self Services Web Dynpro

  • ESS TM Management WS12300111 doesn't start

    we are facing the following problem regarding the Leave Request approving phase using the work flow above mentioned.
    We had configured the kind of TM request  that have to be manage via portal under back-end customization features (Personnel Management u2192 Employee Self-Service u2192 Service-Specific Settings u2192 Working Time u2192 Leave Request u2192 Processing Processes):
    -> Create Rule Groups
    -> Define Processing Processes for Each Rule Group with Next Agent = last agent, then line manager
    -> Specify Processing Processes for Types of Leave (set work flow WS12300111 as approve method).
    WS12300111 is active and configured as standard task
    TS12300097 is configured as standard task and in transaction SWFVISU is linked with approver leave web dynpro.
    The problem is that after we insert via portal the leave request, into the manager UWL task we didn't have the related approval item and we are not able to establish if the WF has been started. We are not able to understand if is a WF running failure or a approver failure because it's impossible to track the trace for this kind of WF.
    For approver determination we are implemented the badi PT_GEN_REQ and correctly see the approver into the specific leave request dynpro field.
    We also tryed to use our custom wf template linking this one with the customizing but we get the same result.
    Does anybody help us.

    We are not able to launch approval leave request associated with UWL TS12300097 decisional item because we didn't get the task into the manager portal MSS UWL interface.
    We discovered that the decisional item didn't have the actor set even if we set this value during the approver determination process launched by leave request web dynpro.

  • WS12300111 starts in status Ready

    I have a problem when triggering WS12300111.
    The workflow is created, but it goes into status 'READY', meaning that it doesn't run. I would expect it to go into status 'STARTED'.
    Customizing in SPRO looks fine, and SWU3 - Maintain Runtime Environment is all green.
    If i find the workflow in SWIA and "execute" it, it goes into status 'STARTED' and workitem for approval is created.
    What am I missing to get get the workflow started automatically?
    Thanks for your input.
    Best Regards
    Poul Steen Hansen.

    Well the workflow starts with a dialog step, so you want this to be background?
    Or what is the problem here.
    I think in one case some workflow wasnt exactly starting automatically, I solved it by changing the agent assignment of the workflow template to general.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

  • Need Help : ESS LR Workflow WS12300111

    Hi ,
    I want help related to ESS Leave Request workflow WS12300111.
    1). In our case, a Manager can also raise a Leave for an Employee (in MSS -> My Team Details -> Create Leave for Employee). I need to identify in the workflow that whether the employee has applied for the Leave or the manager has applied on behalf of the employee. If the employee is raising the leave the workflow should follow normal approval process. If manager applies for employee, NO Approval should be required and the Leave should get posted.
    Query : Do I need to add a new step in the standard workflow for this ?? Hoe can I identify when a manager is creating leave for employee and when an actual employee is creating leave for his own ?
    2). In our case, If the Manager donu2019t approve the Leave for 28 days, the workflow should get completed after sending a mail to the employee for raising a new request.
    Query : Do I need to add a new step in the standard workflow for this u2013 as a modelled deadline ??
    Do I need to write ANY code for these two things ? If so where can I write code ? Do I need to create a new CLASS or Write code in the BADI CL_PT_ARQ_REQ ??

    As, per my understanding it is not required to code anything.
    Coming about the first point: If you have noticed in the workflow, there is a container element &REQ.APPROVAL& which chooses if the request need to be sent for approval or not. Find what value is getting binded to this container element & if it is not equal to 'X' it will not be sent for approval.
    Second point: You can use deadline monitoring at Approval Process activity, In the "LatestEnd"  provide from time of the Workitem creation to 28 days & used action as Modeled. From the outcome of the step, use a process control activity to Complete the Workflow.
    Hope this helps.

  • WS12300111 :Is that necessary to schedule  report RPTARQPOST in background

    I am working on Leave request workflow WS12300111 . I am able to apply the leave from portal and my manager also able to approve the leave. But after approval it hold on at WAIT FOR STATUS CHANGE step in workflow. If I run the report RPTARQPOST manually then it post the leave .
    The following are my questions:
    1.     What is the significance of WAIT FOR STATUS CHANGE step?
    2.     Is that necessary to schedule the report RPTARQPOST in background ?
    Please clarify !
    Richard A

    Hello Richard,
    Have look at this thread there is link to the doc.
    Leave not posted in the backend.
    I work with this WF at the end of the last year. And yes, I had to schedule the job. You can probably but a custom step in you WF to post the leave request (by copying some parts of the report or probably you can submit the report in background in you step). I don't think it's a good option.
    As Chidanand said, the wait for condition, wait for the condition to happend. There is job in charge of evaluating conditions.

  • WS12300111 agent determination

    Hi Gurus,
    I am using stardard work flow WS12300111. After creating leave request.  Work flow is starting but its not fetching its agent. When i see work flow log for leave requirest task has dummy method. Could you please help how to fetch next agent do we need to do any customization? Or standard work flow gets agent determination?
    Thanks for your help.

    This configuration needs to be done on the Rule group customizing (1), or via BADI PT_GEN_REQ (2).  These are the two ways. For the rule group customizing, you should configure on IMG:
    Personnel Management
    Employee Self-Service
    Service-Specific Settings
    Working Time
    Leave Request
    Processing Processes
    Define Processing Processes for Each Rule Group
    Field, Determine Next Agent (V_PTARQ_TPROCESS-DET_NEXT_PROC)
    You have the following options for determining the next agent:
    Last Agent: The system reads from the database the last agent to have had requests or corrections from this employee.
    The system writes the last agent of a request to the HRESSAPPROVER table, regardless of whether the last agent was entered manually or determined automatically. If you use this function, you can reduce the system response times. In this case, the last agent must exist in the table.
    Line Manager: The system uses the organizational model to determine the agent.
    Last Agent, Then Line Manager: If no agent is entered in the database, the system then uses the organizational model to determine the agent.
    No Calculation/Manual Entry: The system does not determine a next agent. Employees can enter an agent manually.
    I hope I have clarified.

  • WS12300111  Workflow  Not Going to Proper Approver

    Dear Support,
    We are using WS12300111  standard SAP workflow in Leave Module.
    Workflow not Going to the Appropirate Approver while organization Chart
    is maintained properly.

    Check the task TS12300097 check the default rule for the task using tcode PFTC
    under default rules tab for Agent assign 157 rule - Immediate Manager
    This rule picks the immediate manger (from the reporting structure) as approver
    hope it helps
    Thanks & Regards,

  • ESS leave request workflow -WS12300111

    Hello Experts
    I need to develop ESS leave request workflow by making copy from WS12300111. We are using SAP 4.7 and EP 6.0. And ESS and MSS is not yet deployed in EP.I tried to open this workflow in Workflow builder. Its saying that the task 12300111 does not exist. I have seen this workflow in ECC 6.0.
    Is WS12300111 not available in SAP 4.7? or after deploying ESS,will it be available in SAP 4.7?
    Please help me out...

    hi Hemalatha
    I think in 4.7 you can't get that workflow. In ECC6 you can see the workflow. In EP you can't the visual see the workflow like that ECC6. i have developed multileve ESS workflow. take the copy of the standard workflow ws12300111 and do the customization according to your need. Check with the support pack with the portal and basis team. ESS will support only more that sp18 i guess. check with your basis team.

  • ESS Leave request workflow : ws12300111 : Customizing

    Dear experts,
    I need to customoze ESS leave request workflow WS12300111.
    Can you please tell me do I need to Copy this to a NEW workflow generating a new WF no or can I simply generate a new version for this only ? What is ideal ?
    1. Can anyone tell me step by step process(config) in ESS leave application workflow?.(SWFVISU????)
    2. Is workflow WS12300111, the only workflow that I need to look for leave application ?.
    3. If it is WS12300111 I don’t see any start event for this workflow. So how is it getting triggered?
    4. For the approval task TS12300097, agent determination is done by expression ‘&Agent_0001.Agents&’. How does it interact with Org.Structure.
    5. In my scenario, approver should be supervisor of the employee applying for leave. If it is pending with this approver for 5 days it should go to the next up level manager.
    For identifying first level approver is ‘&Agent_0001.Agents&’ enough.? For identifying 2nd level approval do I need to write a rule ?
    Kindly help.

    Hi Sourav,
    Try this step by step process(config) in ESS leave application workflow.
    ESS Scenario
    Workflow Process 20000081 u2013 Create Leave Request with HTML
    Steps for triggering the workflow:
    1) The employee logs with his user name in the ESS web page.
    2) The employee creates a leave request with an optional note and sends it to the appropriate approver (usually his supervisor). The approveru2019s name is automatically displayed in the leave request form and the employee can replace him with another if such a change is needed.
    3) The approver (us approver) logs on to sap system or to ESS
    web pages and reads his mails in the SAP Business Workplace. The employeeu2019s leave request form appears in the workflow inbox with approve and reject options.
    A) If the us approver approves the leave request, he pushes the
    button approve from his mailbox (processing status A with
    approve). A screen is appeared with a box (Table entry: 0001)
    and the approver must push the button continue in order that
    the workflow is continued. Then the form is sent to the
    employeeu2019s mailbox in Sap. When the employee opens his mails, he receives a note in his inbox that u201Cthe absence from u2026. To u2026..has been approved byu2026.u201D.After that the absence is
    automatically created in the sap system. Then the approver gets a mail (notification of completion & Return u2026u2026).
    B) When the approver cancels a leave request, he pushes the
    button reject and the processing status changes to u201CRu201D.
    Then the same form appears
    Realative OSS Notes:588262, 480103, 717560, 452841, 359197, 321439, 428394, 321439, 693368, 451998 (ITS), 197746 (ITS), 419297 (ITS)
    ITS - ESS stand-alone solution for 4.7
    This solution allows customers to schedule the 4.6C or 470
    install / upgrade independently from the Enterprise Portal or
    mySAP Workplace implementation and will be supported at least as long as SAP R/3 4.6C and R/3 Enterprise is supported.
    This ESS stand-alone menu is intended solely to allow independent scheduling of the 4.6C or 470 upgrade and the Enterprise Portal / mySAP Workplace installation. To use this solution, you have to take the following steps:
    1. If you do not already have R/3 4.6C, HR support package 8,
    please import HR support packages to at least this level. From
    HR support package 8 and above, the correct services are
    implemented. For 470, the corresponding recommended HR SP is 16 (See note 621589)
    2. Verify that the ITS you want to use does not contain a service or service-related files (HTML templates, MIME files) for the services PZLE, PZM3 or PZM3_start. If you find these files,
    delete them.
    3. Publish the services PZLE, PZM3 and PZM3_start from your R/3 4.6C system (or R/3 470 system whichever is the case) to your ITS using the SAP@Web Studio or the IACOR service.
    4. Maintain the username-employeenumber assignment in your system by customizing Infotype 0105, Subtype 0001 of those employees, who should be able to use ESS.
    5. Verify that your users have proper authorizations for
    executing RFCs (that is, authorization object S_RFC) from the
    function group EH08. If you run into problems, this is most
    likely due to missing RFC authorizations to start the service
    6. Your users should now be able to access ESS by starting the service PZM3. They can do this by entering a URL like
    http://<ITS server>:<http port>/scripts/wgate/pzm3/!
    (the ! at the end is essential).
    7. ESS 4.70 Unicode System ITS 6.10 patch level 29 and above (With IE and Netscape). ITS 6.20, patch level 6 and above (With IE only).
    The ESS development tested these ITS versions.
    8. For Release 4.6C, ESS has the same browser requirements as the HTML (see also note 178788) and the mySAP Workplace 2.11 (if ESS is accessed through the mySAP Workplace 2.11).
    Hope it helps.Do award points if found helpful.

  • Rejection of a Leave request in MSS - WS12300111

    Hi ,
    We have a implemented WF WS12300111 for leave request approvals through ESS/MSS.
    When a manager rejects a leave , notification is sent to the initiator but the WF status is not CLOSED or COMPLETED .
    Can anyone know how to make the status of the WF to COMPLETE , are we missing any step in the portal?

    Hi Pavan,
    Yes , i have checked the LOOP exit condition.
    Whenever manager rejects the leave , initiator is receiving below  notification :
    *You submitted a leave request. The request has now been processed. For more information, see the list of your leave requests.*
    *To view the list, go to the Web application for leave requests.*
    *Once you have processed the request, the work item will automatically be set to "completed."*
    Above text says ONCE initiator Process the  request workitem will automatically set to Completed.
    Do you have any idea from where we have to PROCESS the above request to set the status of the WF to COMPLETE.

  • WS12300111 - stuck at wait step

    Hi All,
    We have cloned WS12300111 and have configured our bespoke W/F against a specific absence type.
    This is triggering correctly, the approval task is working fine, but then the workflow seems to be stopping at the wait stage for the status change.
    We have ran RPTARQPOST which has created the infotype 2001 records as well as updating the status in the workflow container to POSTED (from APPROVED) .... but this hasn't triggered the restart of the workflow at the WAIT step (even though one of the conditions of this wait is REQ.STATUS = POSTED).
    Any ideas??
    Many Thanks

    .... Sorry everyone. All sorted. Should have checked that SWWCOND was actually running!!

  • Leave Request for ESS Portal WS12300111 Workflow Text

    Hello workflow experts
    I've been asked to enhance the standard Portal leave request workflow (WS12300111) so that instead of the generic text "General workflow for documents" the SWI2_FREQ transaction can show text with the requester's name to simplify any troubleshooting or auditing issues.  For example, have the text show "Carl Robinson's Leave Request".
    I've already tried doing this by copying the standard workflow and then placing a workflow container within the text, where the container should have the initiator's name.  However, generated worflows do not show any text for this container, just an empty space.  For example, current workflows show " 's Leave Request" when I would expect them to show something like "Juan Ramos's Leave Request".  When I check the container values in the workflow log, the container does indeed contain the name value.
    My suspicion is that since this workflow is not being triggered by an event, but rather through customizing and integration with the Portal, the text is being generated before the containers are populated with values.  However, I can't be sure of this since the workflow log shows the containers filled already even when the text shows empty text.  Is there a way to test this?  Also, would anyone have suggestions on how to fix this issue?  Thanks in advance.
    Regards and happy holidays,
    Juan Ramos

    Thank you all for the quick replies.
    I followed a similar approach to Maorriyan's suggestion.  I created the &NAME& container but it wasn't being populated.  Instead I found a similar container under &REQ.INITIATOR.NAME&.  This container populated the value correctly as soon as the organizational environment was refreshed.
    Thanks all!
    Points awarded.
    Message was edited by: Juan Ramos Bras

  • How to execute WS12300111 ?

    I am not able to execute Standard Leave request workflow Ws12300111.
    What all changes do I need to make to successfuly execute it .
    At TCode
    SWUS it shows Current status : Error (WZ703) .
    Is it an authorization issue ?

    Based on the error message, it looks like Workflow has started but gone to Error. I guess the reason for this is may be you did not fill in the required container elements 'Agent_0001' 'Req'.
    However, the ESS Leave Request Workflow is not a event based workflow but you have to do the required configuration for this so that this workflow will be started as soon as leave request is raised from portal. Check with Transaction PTARQ, this will have all options required for configuration and testing of ESS Leave Request Workflow.
    Moreover, all the basic questions related to ESS Leave Request WS12300111 are already been answered many times in this forum. Please be patient and search in the forum. I am sure you will get answers for most of your questions !!
    Good Luck !!
    Krishna Mohan

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