WSDL access from Jdev v11.4,

We are trying to consume WSDL service ,and are giving url with ipadress something like this
we are getting the following error
oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebServiceException: Error creating model from wsdl "": WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from HTTP connection error code is 407
     at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebService.createServiceFromWSDL(
     at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.WebService.createServiceFromWSDL(
     at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy$ProxyJavaWebService.<init>(
     at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.updateServiceModel(
     at oracle.jdeveloper.webservices.model.proxy.WebServiceProxy.setDescription(
     at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.proxy.ProxyJaxWsSpecifyWSDLPanel.setDescription(
     at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.SpecifyWsdlPanel.buildModel(
     at oracle.jdevimpl.webservices.wizard.jaxrpc.common.SpecifyWsdlPanel$
Caused by: Error creating model from wsdl "": WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from HTTP connection error code is 407
     ... 12 more
Caused by: Error creating model from wsdl "": WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from HTTP connection error code is 407
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
     at $Proxy108.getJaxWsSeiInfo(Unknown Source)
     ... 15 more
Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Error reading import of WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from HTTP connection error code is 407
     ... 24 more
Caused by: WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from HTTP connection error code is 407
     ... 30 more
we followed below mentioned steps but 3rd step is missing for us while generating class.instead we have an option of entering wsdl url.
we entered then we click next.Then we got error as mentioned above
1.In the Application Navigator, right-click the project in which you want to create the web service proxy, and choose New.
2.In the New Gallery, expand Business Tier, select Web Services and then Web Service Proxy, and click OK.
3.On the Select Web Service Description page of the wizard, enter or choose a Java package name for the generated web service proxy class.
4.Enter the URL for the WSDL of the service you want to call in your application, and then tab out of the field.
If the Next button does not enable, click Why Not? to understand what problem JDeveloper encountered when trying to read the WSDL document. If necessary, fix the problem after verifying the URL and repeat this step.
5.When the wizard displays Next enabled, then JDeveloper has recognized and validated the WSDL document. You can click Next and continue.
6.Continue through the pages of the wizard to specify details about the web service proxy. For more information about each page of the wizard, press F1 or click Help.
7.Click Finish.
Please help us on this issue.

Until you the ODM Client 10.1 is released, you will need to access the ODM functionality via the ODM Java API directly.
Optionally you can use the ODM PL/SQL API but you should understand that this api is not currently interoperable with the ODM Java API. So if you want to use the ODM Client you would want to stay with the ODM Java API.
So for general investigation of features, either API will work.
Thanks, Mark

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    Until you the ODM Client 10.1 is released, you will need to access the ODM functionality via the ODM Java API directly.
    Optionally you can use the ODM PL/SQL API but you should understand that this api is not currently interoperable with the ODM Java API. So if you want to use the ODM Client you would want to stay with the ODM Java API.
    So for general investigation of features, either API will work.
    Thanks, Mark

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    Sorry for the delayed response.
    Yet, my one query is not answered.
    Q:Are you ABLE to get the Desired path in Endpoint URL(https) as well?
    What I mean is, When the external users access the WSDL (I am assuming External Users are able to access WSDL through Firewall),
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        <wsdl:port name="site_pt" binding="tns:site_pttBinding">
            <soap:address location=""/>    ---> is this HTTP or HTTPS?
    BTW, did you set, HTTP Transport Configuration --> HTTPS required parameter to "YES"? (This is a prerequisite).
    We had a similar issue, where we had HTTP instead of HTTPS when WSDL accessed from Firewall.
    However, after lot of struggle, we got it worked after changing Firewall (MS TMG) settings to support for "text/xml".
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    Nagaraj Ganapa

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         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
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    A simple test case would be:
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    2. define a database connection (e.g. scott)
    3. generate business components from tables (e.g. scott.emp), make a entity, a view object and an applicationmodule
    4. define a connection to an application server (in our case it is ias 10.1.2 on solaris)
    5. right click the appmodule and select "business components deployment"
    6. select EJB session beans (not simple archive)
    7. in the next step select the application module and create new local configuration
    8. deploy to appserver (using enterprise manager, I think direct deployment from JDev 10.1.3. to ias 10.1.2 is not possible)
    9. right click the EJB (in JDev) that was created after step 7 and select "new sample java client"
    10. uncomment the line where create is called.
    11. run the sample client

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    this should work and you need to download the rmi library
    # String queueName = "jms/MyJMSQueue";
    # String queueConnectionFactoryName = "jms/MyJMSQCF";
    # Context ctx;
    # try { 
    # Properties parm = new Properties();
    # parm.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial","com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory");
    # parm.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url","ormi://localhost:23791/");
    # parm.setProperty("","oc4jadmin");
    # parm.setProperty("","welcome");
    # ctx = new InitialContext(parm);
    # QueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
    # (QueueConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup(queueConnectionFactoryName);
    # connection = connectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
    # connection.start();
    # session = connection.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    # queue = (Queue)ctx.lookup(queueName);
    # sender = session.createSender(queue);
    # receiver = session.createReceiver(queue);
    # } catch (JMSException je) { 
    # throw new RuntimeException("Fout opgetreden bij het starten ",
    # je);
    # } catch (Throwable t) { 
    # throw new RuntimeException("Fout opgetreden bij het starten ",
    # t);
    # }

  • Failed to read wsdl file from url

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    I am struggling with WL 9.2, consuming a WSRP enabled portlet at the following point:
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    com.bea.wsrp.faults.TransportException: Failed to read wsdl file from url due to -- Tried all: '8' addresses, but could not connect over HTTP to server: '', port: '80';
    The WSDL includes a schema ( The URL is definetely accessible by the server.
    I am open for any kind of support ;) Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    Yes, they are all local schemas. The way ALSB works, even if the import path in the wsdl or parent schema doesn't exist, relative to the current directory, you can specify which schema resolves that reference. My WSDL imports several schemas, all of which import others. When I was done importing all the schemas and resolving references, all the references in WSDLs and XSDs were assigned and valid. However, after all of those imports and reference resolution, it still says the WSDL is invalid, with the following odd error message:
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  • Not able to read the wsdl file from server Premature EOF encounter

    Hi All,
    I am facing issue while accessing a web Service from server. Here is the clear view about it.
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    I checked the in Jdeveloper where webproxy is uncheck and the server is also up but still I am facing issue of reading the error.
    Can someone please help in resolving the issue.
    I am using SOA 11g and Jdeveloper
    Many thanks.
    Edited by: user11896572 on Jan 17, 2012 5:22 PM

    Setting default from the jdeveloper -
    During composite deployment from Jdeveloper (wizard driven), you will be given an option to choose the version of the composite and there will also be an option for you to choose if the composite needs to be deployed as default.
    Setting default from the em console -
    After deploying a composite, login to the em console and click on the composite that you want to set as default, and you will find a tab - "Set as Default". please note that this tab will not be seen, if the composite is already set as default.
    Refer -
    8.2 Managing the State of Deployed SOA Composite Applications

  • Clear wsdl cache from java

    hi ,
    I am trying to clear wsdl cache from java , some errors are coming,
    Please any one help me
    this is my code
    package bpeltest;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class UnDeployBPELProcess {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ServerException {
    UnDeployBPELProcess unDeployBPELProcess = new UnDeployBPELProcess();
    //Properties with BPEL server connection information
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("orabpel.platform", "ias_10g");
    props.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory");
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "opmn:ormi://EC3-VEDARRA:6005:home");
    props.put("", "oc4jadmin");
    props.put("", "oracle1");
    //Get a locator in default domain
    Locator locator = new Locator("default","oracle1",props);
    //Get a handle to the domain
    IBPELDomainHandle iBPELDomainHandle = locator.lookupDomain();
    iBPELDomainHandle.undeployProcess(new BPELProcessId("default","MyUndeployedBPELProcess"));
    System.out.println("iBPELDomainHandle" + iBPELDomainHandle);
    compilation errors:
    C:\jdevstudio10131\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:\jdevstudio10131\jdev\mywork\javatest\BPELTest\classes;C:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\lib\orabpel.jar;C:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\lib\orabpel-common.jar;C:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-internal.jar;C:\product\\OracleAS_1\opmn\lib\optic.jar;C:\jdevstudio10131\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*|32.85.*|chipsndip|157.204.*|localhost||*|EC3-VEDARRA|tigger -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=*|32.85.*|chipsndip|157.204.*|localhost||*|EC3-VEDARRA|tigger bpeltest.UnDeployBPELProcess
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: Failed to create "ejb/collaxa/system/FinderBean" bean; exception reported is: "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/collaxa/system/FinderBean not found
         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientContext.lookup(
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
         at bpeltest.UnDeployBPELProcess.main(
         at bpeltest.UnDeployBPELProcess.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Failed to create "ejb/collaxa/system/FinderBean" bean; exception reported is: "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/collaxa/system/FinderBean not found
         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIClientContext.lookup(
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
         at bpeltest.UnDeployBPELProcess.main(
         ... 2 more
    Process exited with exit code 1.
    and one more
    where we find thiis value
    "java.naming.factory.initial"= "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory"

    I think there is error with this line in code
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "opmn:ormi://EC3-VEDARRA:6005:home");
    Please see the post for details
    The value should be
    props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "opmn:ormi://EC3-VEDARRA:6005:home/orabpel");
    Every Little Helps
    Kalidass Mookkaiah

  • How to use Connection Pool in ADF ear file creaion from jDev 10.1.3

    We are developing big application in ADF with 10 different modules. We are creating ear file with data source setting.
    How to use connection pool while creating ear file from jDev. Connection pool is alreday created in Application Server 10g.
    What all the setting we need do to make use of connection pool while creating ear file jDev.

    If you are using ADF Business Components, you can right-click each application module, select "configurations" and edit the configuration you are using. On the initial page of the configuration dialog, you can specify to use either a JDBC URL or a Datasource - you just need to choose Datasource and then provide the name by which to access it.

  • WSDL Access User in SOAMANAGER

    Hi All,
    While I am setting up Logical port in SOAMANAGER, I am not sure of what I need to enter in the below fields:
    WSDL Access User:
    WSDL Access User Password:
    When I enter the SAP logon User name and Password, I'm getting the below error:
    Error: HTTP: Error in interface for management of HTTP destinations;
    In the [Help.Sap.Com|], it is simply given as below:
    WSDL access user: the same user as in the provider system
    WSDL access user password: the same password as in the provider system
    Can anybody please let me know what should I be entering in WSDL Username and Password fields?
    Edited by: G Raghavendra Sharma on Mar 27, 2011 1:22 AM

    I think issue is not with user/password of wsdl.
    Is your wsdl is on same SAP system on another SAP system?
    Download wsdl and then create LP from local file, issue could be due to missing proxy settings (if you are using internet address in wsdl). Ask BASIS team to look for patch/notes as I have seen this error before here: Error in Logical Port Creation, You can also read this blog to see if it helps: /people/vineet.gupta/blog/2010/01/29/manual-setup-of-logical-port-in-soamanager

  • Error while running from JDev

    I am trying to run standard page from JDev and i am getting below error from
    " cannot access class javax.jms.TextMessage; file javax\jms\TextMessage.class not found "
    I tried to import javax/jms dir to my local machine but i could not find jms directory under javax in OS(unix).
    Code which is causing that error..
    BusinessEvent businessevent = new BusinessEvent(s1, s2);
    businessevent.setData("Opportunity " + s2 + "updated");
    ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(1);
    businessevent.setStringProperty("pLeadId", getLeadId().toString());
    java.sql.Connection connection1 = oadbtransaction.getJdbcConnection();
    Can you guys pls help me to resolve this.

    I cross checked all the versions and I have the correct one installed....
    it was working before the patch . Patch is only the upgrade of POS. I got all teh class files again on my local machine , but this error comees up in jdev console. and rest all works fine. I have no clue why.

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    Ok.. since the TWC modem is also a router.. all configuration takes place on this box.. NONE whatsoever takes place on the TC.
    There is no airport utility 7.7.3 but there is a firmware of that number for the latest AC model TC..
    Is it tall like this.
    Then it is Gen5.
    otherwise it will have a firmware.. 7.6.4 or earlier and the airport utility must be 6.3 or earlier.
    Open the Airport utility and give us a screenshot of the summary page.
    That will also help us determine that you have the TC, which version and how it is setup.
    You might want to press the edit and also give us the Internet and Network tab as they should be set correctly as well.
    I have created a DDNS through although I am not sure how to implement this into the TC.
    You do not do anything in the TC.. set it up in the Ubee router.
    Port forward 548 to the TC in the Ubee router.
    And make sure the TC has a static IP in the Ubee router.
    Overall if you find this too hard I strongly recommend you buy a product designed for remote access .. eg WD MyCloud.. they are cheap and easy peasy to setup for remote access.. by PC or Mac and since it is built outside of Apple you not bound up in Apple limitations built into all their equipment to prevent you using it the way you want.. rather than apple want you too.. eg BTMM and iCloud being the only way apple provide for access to the TC and only when it is the main router of the network.
    You are fighting hard because Apple made this hard.. not easy.

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    "Your account has been accessed from a new device, and you must verify your payment information before you can make purchases."
    and it asks for the security code of the card I had lost and replaced! I am not able to change my billing info to my new card thus because I can't get past this.
    Can anyone please help?

    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact Us

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    I have an iTunes account where I have downloaded Digital movies & I am able to see the list on the desktop of the original downloads. When I log on another device with my login I do not see my list to access them. Why can't I access from another device

    Hey GingCarv,
    Great question. You'll want to download the movies from your purchase history. The following article explains how to do so:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Note: At this time, movies are not available for automatic downloads.
    Matt M.

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    As descibed in the last post of the client have the same share name of the server. Renomming it resolved the error!

    right then, as it looks like I'm talking to myself....
    I have just wiped clean the Macbook Pro.
    I installed Leopard from scratch, then installed Office 2008.
    Logged back onto the network share, and the read-only error came up again, ONLY in Excel.
    Did the same thing with my Macbook and all is fine.
    Copy the file to the local hard drive, opens ok.
    I then copied the file to another Mac on the network.
    mmmm, opens fine.
    what's the difference....
    mmmm, the machine it opens fine from is running 10.4
    the machine which hosts all the data is running 10.3.9
    could this be the problem.
    Just done a software update check on the 10.3 machine and there are some security updates that need doing.
    Going to run that now and see what happens, otherwise I think the iMac running 10.3.9 is going to need to come up to 10.4 and fingers crossed this will solve it.

Maybe you are looking for