WWI - Include functionality

I see in WWI the INCLUDE functionality with which in a template we can call another template.
When I put this fonctionality in my template (in CG42) and I check and relaesed it, all it's OK. (for information my other template is also in released status).
But when I do a "report from template" in CG02, my variant call well my first template but the functionality INCLUDE inside don't  work.
Have you an idea ???
PS 1 : I work in WWI system since 1 year and I begin do know a lot of things
PS 2 : The SAP Note 820516 is correctly implemented (Note is nessessary for the Include Functionality)

Hello Martinez,
I hope you would have gone through all the topics related to Include of MSDS. But still listing out some of the check points for your reference if you have missed out anything:
- Do notuse included templates within repeating groups because this has a negative impact on performance.
-If you change a template or cancel the release, this can also affect the templates in which the template has been included. To inform you that the affected templates need to be checked again, the system makes the following status changes:
If you edit a template, all templates with the status In Workin which the edited template is included directly or indirectly are given the status For Checking.
If you cancel the release of a template, all templates with the status In Workor Releasedin which the no longer released template is included directly or indirectly are given the status For Checking.
-When the system expands an included template during report generation, it uses the Microsoft Word function for inserting files. The possibilities and constraints for this function therefore also apply to the inclusion of document templates. This means:
If the template into which the template is included has a header and footer, the system does not transfer the header and footer from the included template. If the template into which the template is included does not have a header and footer, the system transfers the header and footer from the included template.
-In Microsoft Word, documents cannot be inserted in other documents in certain cases. For example, a document that contains a text box or other drawing objects cannot be inserted in text boxes, legends, comments, footnotes, and endnotes. In these cases, including document templates is also not possible and errors occur during report generation.

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    the blow is the content of the review team email:
    We found that your app uses a background mode but does not include functionality that requires that mode to run persistently. This behavior is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
    We noticed your app declares support for location in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but does not include features that require persistent location.
    It would be appropriate to add features that require persistent use of real-time location updates while the app is in the background or remove the "location" setting from the UIBackgroundModes key. If your application does not require persistent, real-time location updates, we recommend using the significant-change location service or the region monitoring location service.
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    If you choose to add features that use the Location Background Mode, please include the following battery use disclaimer in your Application Description:
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    Additionally, at your earliest opportunity, please review the following question/s and provide as detailed information as you can in response. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.
    We are unable to access the app in use in "http://www.wayding.com/waydingweb/article/12/139". Please provide us a valid demo video to show your app in use.
    For discrete code-level questions, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
    - complete details of your rejection issue(s)
    - screenshots
    - steps to reproduce the issue(s)
    - symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log
    If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow as described in <https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1764/>Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce a crash or bug that only App Review or users are seeing.

    Unfortunately, these forums here are all user to user; you might try the developer forums or get in touch with the team that you are working with.

  • Using JSP include function

    Using JSP include function + collapse/expand table
    (1) I've got a page A (A.jsp) and a page B (B.jsp) which includes 3 files : the header (head.html) and the side panel of icons (icons.jsp) are the same files for both A.jsp and B.jsp
    but the 3rd file containing the contents, are different for A and B
    (2) icons.jsp
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    Hence, i've decided to pass a parameter using JSP to achieve the desired effect. as a result, i include the icons file like this
    <%@ include file="icons.jsp?item=icon1" %>, but the icons.jsp file isnt included into the page at all.
    Is the above include file method possible? And is it possible to use JSP to achieve the effect i've stated?

    sounds more like a html problem.
    Do you have a target with the <a href> of your icons? Sounds like the icon page is being refreshed as well.
    <frameset .....>
    <frame src=header.jsp name=head>
    <frameset name=bottom>
    <frame src=icons.jsp name=navigate>
    <frame src=dummy.jsp name=content>
    try <img src=niceIcon1.gif>

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 20970: Add or enhance include functionality for the following configuration elements :

    Revision: 20970
    Revision: 20970
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-03-25 14:26:37 -0700 (Fri, 25 Mar 2011)
    Log Message:
    Add or enhance include functionality for the following configuration elements:
    - Adapters
    - Channel definitions
    - Security Constraints
    - Destinations
    - Services
    The following elements are now allowed and can specify either the "file-path" attribute or the "directory-path" attribute.
    The "directory-path" attribute references a directory of XML files (names ending in .xml) that will be treated as a sequence of include files.
    Added unit tests for all the above.
    Fixed a bug in the unit test code that was terminating the verification early.
    Add the confirmation of the security constraints at the top level.
    Updated the example config file with usage examples.
    Modified Paths:
        blazeds/trunk/modules/core/test/src/flex/messaging/config/services/1e_destination_include .xml
    Added Paths:
        blazeds/trunk/modules/core/test/src/flex/messaging/config/services/1e_constraint_include. xml

    SDN is the place to discuss technical problems..
    Please avoid such weird post.

  • DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL doesn't include function parameters

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    I was going to just make a function and show the output, but that did show the parameters. Then I tried calling GET_DDL while logged in as SYS as SYSDBA on my development database, and I still did not get the parameters, so I don't think it's a permissions issue.
    Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

    It's really difficult to show you exactly what I'm doing when I can't consistently reproduce the problem, as I described.
    But here, I'll try.
         the_ddl clob;
         the_ddl := dbms_metadata.get_ddl('FUNCTION', '*****', '*****');
    /Sometimes, it produces output like this:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "*****"."*****" (
         ***** in varchar2,
         ***** in number,
    ) return *****
    ...And other times, it produces output like this:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "*****"."*****" return *****
    ...I am not able to determine any consistent reason for this. In our production database, I can log in as myself and get the parameters for a specific function, but another user (that our automated process uses) doesn't see the parameters. In my development database, I log in as myself and I do not see the parameters, but I still don't see them when I log in as SYS AS SYSDBA.
    For what it's worth, if I recreate the function on my development database, then subsequent calls do show the parameters.

  • Neccesary to include Function group in Transport Request?

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    But in the transport request the object present are only FM and nothing else.
    Once there was a big problem beacuase i had trasnsported only FM and not the Function group associated with the FM.
    So i should add the Function group to the trasport request in which the modified FM was included? Or is it OK?

    Hi Raj,
    U should also Include that F.G. along with modified F.M.
    Hope it will help u.
    pls reward if helpful.

  • Long running statement including function

    Hello expert,
    I have a long running statement and corresponding function as follows:
    hiroc_rpt_user.hiroc_get_delta_amount(pp.policy_fk, pp.policy_term_fk, pp.risk_fk, pp.coverage_fk, pp.transaction_log_fk, pp.coverage_component_code),
    from proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp
    where pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
    and pp.coverage_component_code <> 'NETPREM'
    -- and pp.premium_amount <> 0
    -- *** Following line is included for faster performance
    and hiroc_rpt_user.hiroc_get_delta_amount(pp.policy_fk, pp.policy_term_fk, pp.risk_fk, pp.coverage_fk, pp.transaction_log_fk, pp.coverage_component_code) != 0
    group by pp.policy_premium_pk,
    p_policy_fk IN NUMBER,
    p_policy_term_history_fk IN NUMBER,
    p_risk_fk IN NUMBER,
    p_coverage_fk IN NUMBER,
    p_transaction_log_fk IN NUMBER,
    p_comp_code IN VARCHAR2)
    v_prev_trlog_fk NUMBER;
    v_delta NUMBER;
    v_parm VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_msg VARCHAR2(200);
    comma VARCHAR2(1) := ',';
    v_src VARCHAR2(100) := 'Get_Delta_Amount';
    SELECT nvl(MAX(pp.transaction_log_fk), -1)
    INTO v_prev_trlog_fk
    FROM proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium pp
    WHERE pp.coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
    AND pp.policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
    AND pp.transaction_log_fk+0 < p_transaction_log_fk
    AND pp.coverage_component_code = p_comp_code
    AND pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG';
    SELECT nvl(SUM(decode(pp.transaction_log_fk, p_transaction_log_fk, premium_amount, 0)), 0) -
    nvl(SUM(decode(pp.transaction_log_fk, p_transaction_log_fk, 0, pp.premium_amount)), 0)
    INTO v_delta
    FROM proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium pp
    WHERE pp.coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
    AND pp.policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
    AND pp.transaction_log_fk+0 IN (p_transaction_log_fk, v_prev_trlog_fk)
    AND pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
    AND INSTR(p_comp_code, pp.coverage_component_code) > 0;
    RETURN v_delta;
    return 0;
    return 0;
    and it execution plan is as follows:
    Plan hash value: 319541564
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 92525 | 5511K| | 17417 (4)| 00:03:30 |
    | 1 | HASH GROUP BY | | 92525 | 5511K| 14M| 17417 (4)| 00:03:30 |
    |* 2 | MAT_VIEW ACCESS FULL| RMV_POLICY_PREMIUM | 92525 | 5511K| | 16045 (4)| 00:03:13 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

    As the first (warming up) step you could rewrite your function to do it's task with a single select
    HIROC_RPT_USER."HIROC_GET_DELTA_AMOUNT" (p_policy_fk IN NUMBER,  /* not used */
                                             p_policy_term_history_fk IN NUMBER,
                                             p_risk_fk IN NUMBER,    /* not used */
                                             p_coverage_fk IN NUMBER,
                                             p_transaction_log_fk IN NUMBER,
                                             p_comp_code IN VARCHAR2
      v_prev_trlog_fk NUMBER;
      v_delta NUMBER;
      SELECT nvl(MAX(pp.transaction_log_fk), -1)
        INTO v_prev_trlog_fk
        FROM proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium pp
       WHERE pp.coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
         AND pp.policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
         AND pp.transaction_log_fk+0 < p_transaction_log_fk
         AND pp.coverage_component_code = p_comp_code
         AND pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG';
      SELECT nvl(SUM(decode(pp.transaction_log_fk, p_transaction_log_fk, premium_amount, 0)), 0) -
             nvl(SUM(decode(pp.transaction_log_fk, p_transaction_log_fk, 0, pp.premium_amount)), 0)
        INTO v_delta
        FROM proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium pp
       WHERE pp.coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
         AND pp.policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
         AND pp.transaction_log_fk+0 IN (p_transaction_log_fk, v_prev_trlog_fk)
         AND pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
         AND INSTR(p_comp_code, pp.coverage_component_code) > 0;
      select nvl(sum(case transaction_log_fk when p_transaction_log_fk
                                             then premium_amount
                                             else -premium_amount
        into v_delta
        from proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium
       where coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
         and policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
         and instr(p_comp_code,coverage_component_code) > 0
         and rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
         and transaction_log_fk in (select p_transaction_log_fk,nvl(max(transaction_log_fk),-1)
                                       from proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium
                                      where coverage_fk = p_coverage_fk
                                        and policy_term_fk = p_policy_term_history_fk
                                        and transaction_log_fk < p_transaction_log_fk
                                        and coverage_component_code = p_comp_code
                                        and rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
      RETURN v_delta;
      WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return 0;
      WHEN OTHERS THEN return 0;
    END;in the next step you could get rid of the function call:
    something along the lines of
    select pp.policy_premium_pk,
           nvl(sum(case f.transaction_log_fk when pp.transaction_log_fk
                                             then f.premium_amount
                                             else -f.premium_amount
              ) premium_amount,
      from proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp,
           (select p.premium_amount,
              from proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium p
             where p.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
               and instr('NETPREM',coverage_component_code) > 0
           ) f
    where pp.rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
       and pp.coverage_component_code = 'NETPREM'
       and pp.policy_term_fk = f.policy_term_fk
       and pp.coverage_fk = f.coverage_fk
       and (
            pp.transaction_log_fk = f.transaction_log_fk
            pp.transaction_log_fk = (select nvl(max(transaction_log_fk),-1)
                                       from proddw_mart.rmv_Policy_Premium
                                      where rate_period_type_code = 'TERM_COVG'
                                        and coverage_component_code = 'NETPREM'
                                        and policy_term_fk = pp.policy_term_fk
                                        and coverage_fk = pp.coverage_fk
                                        and transaction_log_fk < pp.transaction_log_fk
    group by pp.policy_premium_pk,

  • WWI issue: function module with symbol doesn't work in conditional output

    I have created a function module to be used in combination with a symbol that represents the quantity of a composition item in a composition. In some cases a average quantity is not filled and the function module calculates the quantity based on the lower and upper limit of the composition item. This function works perfectly if managed in customising with a symbol or called with a symbol in WWI. When displaying the result of the symbol in a WWI word template it shows the expected value.
    However when I use the symbol with a function module (or the customised symbol with function module) in a conditional output expression, the value it represents in the expression is always equal to zero. It seems that a symbol value that is calculated using a functional module is not calculated properly when used in a conditional output expression. Setting a break in the functional module always shows the correct value, but the value as I already told, is not seen by the conditional output expression. Within the expression the value is always equal to zero.
    Does anyone know if this is a known issue in WWI? Is there any solution to handle this problem? I hope anyone can help.

    Dear Paul,
    only some add on high level ideas:
    if you look at:
    Example: Layout of an Abridged Material Safety Data Sheet - Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) - SAP Library
    you find the standard example of SAP for master and slave group:
    2  <11BRG003 (M,SAP_EHS_1012_004;*)> ¶
    3  <03EHS_L_TEXT(CED
      -SDB-01.002)> ¤
    SDB-02-07)> ¤
    SDB-02-05)> ¤
    4  <11BRG002 (S:POS;*)> ¿
    6  IUPAC,;*)> <11ERG002>¤
    <11BRG002 (S:POS; *)> ¿
    <11BRG002 (S:POS;*)> ¿
    <01GESTVCOMPL(N:" ZZ9,9")>
    <11ERG002> ¤
    10  <11ERG003>¶
    The "issue" is that you need to analyse by "line" of POS group; or precisely: it is easy to print lower, upper and average value if it exists.
    In conditional output this example is shown in SAP help:
    <15BIF001(AND:01G1013005VA GE 1)><01G1013005VA(;*/TL)[D:Value]>
    <15CIF001><03EHS_L_TEXT(CUST-100000000000031)[D:Density is less than 1]>
    I believe you need a "clever" nesting together with your customer symbol
    E.g. you need first "test" the contents of the three values and decide about result
    The easiest way could be to use a "table" structure as above.
    Just use column header "lower"; "average"; "upper" value. Then you need to ask your self in which situation what need to printed.
    If you use the table structure and you print just what is there and leave simply lower / upper limit "field" empty if it does not exists (what is bad with this?) you need only this "conditional" output topic done for average value. You could check for: if value > 0.0001 then print the value (as then there is a value); if not use the report symbol in which you calculate something. In my opinion it is worth to try it.
    It is known that you can check "numeric values by using conditional output. I belive tis cintional one des work as well with the "composition" values (lwoer, upper, average),
    May be this approach might help.
    The "stack" examples which are discussed in SAP help and in the links shown are related to "characteristic" values of classes and not for composition ones.
    PS: If this really works you can clearly extend your solution. E.g. if lower value is empty may be print "0", If upper valus is empty may be print "100" etc. (or prepare a further costumer symbol calculating something).

  • WWI  Include template

    In CG42 "Edit Report Template" or CG02 "Report from Template", the
    system issues the Microsoft Visual Basic runtime error 5941 "The
    requested member of the collection does not exist" in Microsoft Word.
    <20INCLUDE...> includes are used in the report template.
    I applied solution in note: 1496130, (i.e.: putting a non hidden paragraph mark after include symbol) but problem persists.

    Hello Martinez,
    I hope you would have gone through all the topics related to Include of MSDS. But still listing out some of the check points for your reference if you have missed out anything:
    - Do notuse included templates within repeating groups because this has a negative impact on performance.
    -If you change a template or cancel the release, this can also affect the templates in which the template has been included. To inform you that the affected templates need to be checked again, the system makes the following status changes:
    If you edit a template, all templates with the status In Workin which the edited template is included directly or indirectly are given the status For Checking.
    If you cancel the release of a template, all templates with the status In Workor Releasedin which the no longer released template is included directly or indirectly are given the status For Checking.
    -When the system expands an included template during report generation, it uses the Microsoft Word function for inserting files. The possibilities and constraints for this function therefore also apply to the inclusion of document templates. This means:
    If the template into which the template is included has a header and footer, the system does not transfer the header and footer from the included template. If the template into which the template is included does not have a header and footer, the system transfers the header and footer from the included template.
    -In Microsoft Word, documents cannot be inserted in other documents in certain cases. For example, a document that contains a text box or other drawing objects cannot be inserted in text boxes, legends, comments, footnotes, and endnotes. In these cases, including document templates is also not possible and errors occur during report generation.

  • Include function with recordset variable

    i am trying to include a content from another files with a recordset variable,but it doesn't work...
    here is the script
    can i know how to fix this?

    kyo8888888888 wrote:
    If you are including a file, the value should be a filename or path. Beginning with "proid=" makes no sense.
    Even if it did, your PHP syntax is completely wrong. Assuming $row_RW['No'] contains an expression to which you want to add _page.html, it should be this:
    include_once($row_RS['No'] . '_page.html');
    However, an include file should not be a full HTML page. It should contain only the code or HTML that you want to include at that point.

  • Why simple functions are not included in iPhone?

    My iPhone is a wonderful piece of equipment I can't leave home without (in addition of my Amex card :-)) But for the life of me, I can't understand why Apple could not include functions which are pretty much standard with all other inferior mobile phones. Simple functions such as bluetooth transfer between phone or just saving important sms from iPhone to computer. Nokia has a great Nokia PCSuite; Motorola has very useful MobileTools which allows full sync between mobile phone and computer. I got to ask the question ... WHY? WHY? WHY? Is there any apps developer out there that can develop an apps similar to Nokia PCSuite or MobileTools. I will be the first one to pay for it.

    Abbafan1972 wrote:
    1. A better camera. For the cost of the phone I would expect at least a 5mp one.
    Read about the megapixel myth. More megapixels does not mean a better camera.
    2. A camera flash.
    Let Apple know - http://apple.com/feedback
    3. The ability to use your own custom message tone.
    I hope not but see answer to number 2. People's ringtones in public can be annoying enough without giving them more choices to be annoying.
    4. The way text messages are organised are a bit ar$e about face, no folder for sent messages, they are just in a continuous thread.
    It's called a conversation.
    5. A quicker way of sending text messages to a group of people.
    Pretty quick after you create the initial group but see my answer to number 2.

  • How to include excluded function from Responsibility

    we are using oracle11i( on windows
    i want to include function from a responsibility which has been excluded .
    With Regards

    Please refer below document
    Using RBAC to Assign Responsibilities Menus and Functions [ID 788420.1]      

  • EH&S WWI for GLM print request processing

    Hi all,
    we installed EH&S WWI for GLM print request processing scenario, following the note:"1394553", but when we try to print we receive this error from WWI:
      Initializing parameters
      Receiving data from client
       calling RfcGetData returned 0
        receiving data lasted: 0.0 sec.
        Retrieving print request data from RFC interface
        Using Temp Directory E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062
       Delete files in E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062
        Creating text file E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062\r000000000062.val
        Writing data to text file 39 lines, 1009 characters
        Updating print request status from 0 to 1
        [DB time] Writing print request lasted 9 ms
      Start processing command 'Create print request' in synchronous mode
      Creating print request 000000000062
    WwiSapDms::retrieveDocument: RFC error when calling ABAP function moduleRFC connection is not Unicode
    WwiSapDms::retrieveDocument: RFC error when calling ABAP function module
    message : See RFC trace file or SAP system log for more details
    Reading SBV document IB0120510 from Cache failed
        WwiCacheRead resulted with -1
        Updating print request status from 1 to 5
        [DB time] Writing print request lasted 4 ms
      ##### Command 'Create print request' finished with status E #####
        Storing ERR file E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062\l000000000062.err into DMS succeeded
        22 lines
      Sending data to client
       calling RfcSendData returned 0
        sending data lasted: 0.0 sec.
    Elapsed time : 0.1 sec.
    We don't understand what kind of RFC or what part of customizing we have to check, could you please help us?

    Dear Pugal
    we are not using GLM + and I am not sure about the technqiue used there to handle load balancing. Regarding general WWI setup I assume you know this Note: EH&amp;amp;S: Availability and performance of WWI and Expert servers
    On the top there is a further SAP Note abvailable which might be of interest. This is referenced here:
    May be check OSS note: 1958655; OSS Note 1155294 is more related to normal WWI stuff; but may be check it as well. May be 1934253 might help better
    May be this might help.
    PS: may be check as well: consolut - EHS_MD_140_01 - EH&amp;amp;S-Management-Server einrichten
    The load balancing of synchron WWi servers is donein the "RFC" layer, therefore you have no inffluence here, for asynchron WWI servers you can do a lot to manage the WWI load balancing by using "exits" etc.

  • PHP Include not showing in design view

    One of the advantages of Dreamweaver is the ability to see
    the result of your code in the Design view. I am building a
    template set for a web site I'm starting, and will be using the
    template files in various paths and path depths. As a result, I am
    not interested in using relative paths for things like PHP
    If I use the following code for an include, the 'main.php'
    file is included in the design view:
    <?php include('/includes/templates/main.php'); ?>
    When uploaded to the Apache server, this does not display
    properly, because it is looking for the file in the user root, not
    the Apache document root.
    The portable code solutions to this would be to use the
    following code:
    This shows perfectly when uploaded to the Apache server, but
    of course does not show in the Design view of Dreamweaver.
    It is ridiculous to think that someone would want code one
    way to see in the design view, and another for the web server, so I
    am assuming that there is a way to do this so that it works both in
    the desing view and on the web server.
    I have had limited success using:
    <?php virtual('/includes/templates/main.php'); ?>
    which shows up in both the design view and on the web server.
    However, I've experienced problems using virtual calls in scripts
    called by the virtual command. I.e. nested inclusions. It would be
    important to note that PHP's own documentation states "This
    function may be used on PHP files. However, it is typically better
    to use include() or require() for PHP files.", along with other
    So, basically, what I am asking for is a solution to allow
    the following code to work and show the included file in the design
    Any suggestions?
    BTW, I have tried setting the PHP include_path to the web
    root so that the first example above would work. Doesn't work. I
    have full, unrestricted access to the server, so if there is
    another setting or configuration change I can make to have the
    include function default to the web root, I'd love to know what it

    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    It does that with all server-side includes, not just PHP. It
    only shows
    the HTML content of includes. To see dynamic output from a
    language, you need to use Live Data view.
    I'm not referencing dynamic output from PHP processing. I am
    referencing includes. When using an include, Dreamweaver shows you
    exactly what it would show you if you were looking at the included
    file itself.
    However, Dreamweaver makes the assumption that <?php
    include('/inc/test.php'); ?> is a path located in the web server
    document root. This is not the same assumption that web servers
    The Apache web server (at least the several that I use),
    treat this same include as a request for /inc/test.php off of the
    root of the server. To achieve the same include, relative to the
    web document root, the include must be <?php
    include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/test.php'); ?>.
    Unfortunately, Dreamweaver does not understand this basic syntax
    and will not show the included file in the design view.
    The bottom line is that Dreamweaver could make it much
    simpler to build portable code if it understood this syntax on the
    include. You could take place that include in any location on your
    site and it would pull the include from the proper location in both
    your design view and on the web server.
    Keep in mind that we establish a "document_root" when we set
    up a site in Dreamweaver. The information is already there. The
    handling of it just needs to be added to the include parser.

  • Format of Functional Specification

    What is the format of Functional Specification.

    Hi refer belwo
    Function Specs Format:
    Document Control
    Change History
    Issue No
    Initial Draft
    Business Process Lead (customer)
    Functional Analyst (specification author)
    Technical Lead
    Developer (if known)
    Select program type below and then use menu option tools > unprotect to
    open other fields for input
    Table of Contents
    Document Control 1
    Overview. 3
    1.1 Short Description. 3
    1.2 Business Process. 3
    1.3 Terminology. 3
    1.4 New Custom Objects Required. 3
    1.5 Impacted SAP Transactions/Tables. 4
    Process Decomposition. 5
    2.1 Process Flow. 5
    2.2 New Tables/Structures Required. 5
    2.3 Sub-Process Description. 5
    2.4 Error Handling. 5
    2.5 Security Considerations. 5
    2.6 Database Considerations. 5
    2.7 Conversion Implications. 5
    2.8 Batch Processing. 6
    2.9 Functional Test Requirements. 6
    1.1 Short Description
    1.2 Business Process
    1.3 Terminology
    1.4 New Custom Objects Required
    Include all new tables, key new fields/domains, new lock objects, new
    match-codes, new transaction codes, new authorization objects, new
    function groups, reports and module pools (transaction programs). Don't
    specify all includes, function modules, routines etc. here.
    Type (table, transaction etc.)
    Naming convention
    1.5 Impacted SAP Transactions/Tables
    List SAP objects updated/impacted by this specification (do not include
    read only impacts)
    Type (table, transaction etc.)
    Description of Impact
    Process Decomposition
    2.1 Process Flow
    2.2 New Tables/Structures Required
    Specify new tables and structures required. If appropriate, you may
    defer detailed field list/specification to the technical specification
    (e.g. for secondary tables and structures).
    Table id
    Master, transaction, customizing, staging
    Expected size
    Maint. dialog
    None, SM30, custom
    Domain/data element names
    Domain format (if new)
    2.3 Sub-Process Description
    2.4 Error Handling
    Specify what to do if a condition passes AND fails (e.g. - what happens
    if a customer record is found, or is not found). Specify messages and
    Specify any special error logging or table storage, including use of
    standard application log where appropriate.
    Message type/no.
    Message text
    2.5 Security Considerations
    2.6 Database Considerations
    2.7 Conversion Implications
    2.8 Batch Processing
    2.9 Functional Test Requirements
    Consider all the conditions that need testing for this enhancement and
    document below. For each logic branch in theory both (or more)
    conditions of the branch should be tested. For each scenario that could
    impact program execution, all situations must be tested.
    Test condition
    Expected result
    Data set-up reqt.

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