X failing after 2 or 3 hours of using

hi, i've been using linux for some time now, i've used ubuntu, suse, fedora and now, arch. and sorry for my english by the way, but i'm not a native english speaker.
With the help from some tutorials i managed to setup my system nicely in my eeepc 1000HE, all works fine but one thing. It doesn't really interferes that much with my work but it's still anoying.
I have my system completely up-to-date and the latest stable release with slim login manager and lxde by the way.
The issue now:
After about 2 hours using my computer, i start getting some flashes. The screen just goes black for some miliseconds and when that happens i already now what's coming next. 10 minutes later the X just stops. The screen goes completely black and i'm able to do nothing. It also happens if i turn on the computer and come back a couple of hours later and start using it, even if the computer is just turned on doing nothing during that time.
I tried ctrl+alt+f2, login and restart x.. No can do! i reboot the computer on the terminal and i have another 2 hours without any problems at all... strange -.-'
I browsed for a solution and i found nothing, do any of you guys have a clue on what's happening?
thank you in advance.
Filipe Morais

Oct  3 15:46:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:48:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:50:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:52:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:54:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:56:05 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 87
Oct  3 15:57:29 DoomsdayDevice shutdown[4084]: shutting down for system reboot
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice init: Switching to runlevel: 6
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): device state change: 8 -> 3
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): deactivating device (reason: 38).
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice dhcpcd: received SIGTERM, stopping
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice dhcpcd: ra0: removing interface
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice kernel: mtrr: no MTRR for d0000000,10000000 found
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  ra0: canceled DHCP transaction, dhcp client pid 1630
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice kernel: ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize!
Oct  3 15:57:31 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_dhcp_manager_handle_event(): Received DHCP event from unexpected PID 1630 (expected 0)
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_signal_handler(): Caught signal 15, shutting down normally.
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): now unmanaged
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): device state change: 2 -> 1
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): cleaning up...
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (eth0): taking down device.
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): now unmanaged
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): device state change: 3 -> 1
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): cleaning up...
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  (ra0): taking down device.
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice NetworkManager: <info>  exiting (success)
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice nm-system-settings: disconnected from the system bus, exiting.
Oct  3 15:57:32 DoomsdayDevice nm-dispatcher.action: Disconnected from the system bus, exiting.
Oct  3 15:57:33 DoomsdayDevice syslog-ng[1244]: Termination requested via signal, terminating;
Oct  3 15:57:33 DoomsdayDevice syslog-ng[1244]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.0.4'
Oct  3 15:58:12 DoomsdayDevice syslog-ng[1245]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.0.4'
x stoped at 15.57 some seconds before reboot.
no clue on what's happeing. xorg.0.log provides no usefull info also
I tried both ubuntu and fedora for a while before arch on this computer without any problems at all (except a driver not working in fedora and ubuntu beeing slow as hell). Also windows xp worked fine. it's not hardware, but just to be sure i tried backtrack (which was the only image i had avaliable) for a while today without problems. any other guesses?
if you want i can paste more logs

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    v_nb_etats_cr NUMBER := 0;
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    r_evaluation c_evaluation%ROWTYPE;
    INTO v_personne_id
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    dbms_output.put_line('===== Creation des feuilles ==========================');
    INTO v_entretien
    OPEN c_evaluation;
         FETCH c_evaluation INTO r_evaluation;
         EXIT WHEN c_evaluation%NOTFOUND;
    IF r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'T'
    INTO v_rm_id
    WHERE ANNEE = v_annee
    AND CODE = 'V1';
    END IF;
    IF r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'F' OR r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'V'
    INTO v_rm_id
    WHERE ANNEE = v_annee
    AND CODE = 'R1';
    END IF;
    VALUES (S_FEUILLE.NEXTVAL , v_entretien , r_evaluation.E_ID, r_evaluation.WF_ID);
    v_nb_feuilles_cr := v_nb_feuilles_cr + 1;
    CLOSE c_evaluation;
    dbms_output.put_line(' -> '||v_nb_feuilles_cr||' feuilles crees');
    set serveroutput off
    What is the bester choice ? drop the indexes on the table before insert, start the insert without fetching the data in cursor ?
    nb: sorry for my bad english
    Best regards
    Catherine Andre
    @mail: [email protected]

    user4443606 wrote:
    Thanks for your reply !
    I'll try to grow the undo tbs space but i stay convinced that the problem is in the query.You can be convinced & wrong at the same time.
    row by row INSERT is slow by slow.
    It can be done as single INSERT; but that won't change the amount of UNDO that is required.

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    8-doing a factory reset, then repeating steps 1 through 6
    Do you mean a restore to factory settings?. If so did you set up as new or restore from back up afterwards?

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    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Any change?
    See how fast Pageouts build up again.

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    Title: Test Report
    Document Type: Microsoft Excel
    Status Failed
    External Destination: None
    Owner: SLuo
    Server Used: BOETEST.CrystalReportsJobServer
    PID: 14496
    Folder Path: Reporting
    Remote Instance: No
    Creation Time: 6/27/2014 10:21 AM
    Expiry: 6/27/2024 10:21 AM
    Start Time: 6/27/2014 10:22 AM
    End Time: 6/27/2014 10:32 AM
    Printer: None
    Formats: Microsoft Excel
    Parameters: 1/6/14; 1/6/14
    Error Message: Error in File ~tmp38a08076f722e00.rpt: Failed to retrieve data from the database.
    I added -crpetrace 7 - trace to the command line params to view the details of the log, however not much luck in getting a meaningful message.
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    2014/06/30 14:03:50.063|==| | | 3900|4308|
    CRPE FAILED: GetLastPEErrorInfo(1) returns crpe error code [723] with
    extended error string [Failed to retrieve data from the database.
    Failed to retrieve data from the database.
    Error in File ~tmpf3c80895162f60.rpt:
    I have looked the configuration of Crystal Job Server, Reports Cache Server and Processing Server, nothing obvious that has limited the connection to 10 mins. I have extended the time in CRConfig.xml still no luck.
    There are other reports on the server using direct db connection and run fine for 2 hours+.
    Anyone has experienced this before and aware of any configuration that might cause the report to fail in 10 mins?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Shan,
    You can refer to the following SAP KBA for the issue:
    1204347 - Error: "Failed to retrieve data from the database" when using Javabeans as a datasource
    The SAP Note is for BO XI R2; however, you can try the same resolution for BO XI 3.1.
    Hope this helps.

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    Today a dark streak showed up on my display right in the middle. It is shaped like a zebra stripe but is dark grey and wont go away.
    I too have a mid 2011 27" 3.4GHz i7 iMac with a 2GB Graphics card . Im about 50 days out of warranty.
    Seems like its perfect coincidence  for apple that 50 days after my warranty runs out, the most expensive thing to repair breaks.
    After doing some research it seems like there is a lot of people with this model experiencing this problem.
    Pretty sad that my 2005 iMac is holding up better than my brand new iMac.
    Been saving up for it for like 4 years and I dont have the money to repair it.
    I tried everything, I knew none of the stuff i tried would work but i still tried resetting the PRAM repairing disk permissions all that good stuff. I even have an air purifer/dehumidifier in my room so i dont know what caused it.
    I didnt think i needed applcare because ive had my other imac since 2005  without a hiccup.
    Ive rendered out 3d animations using the cpu at 100% for days and it still runs fine.
    Havent even used my new imac for anything that would put stress on it.
    What i do notice is that it runs hot all the time. ever since I got it. Sometimes just doing basic stuff such as browsing safari it can get so hot where i cant touch it. my GPU normally stays at around 70C and the hottest its been was 80C which is still safe. The alluminum is supposed to transfer heat better but all it does is retain heat more and get super hot. the old plastic one i have is 10x cooler.
    What i did notice today tho when my screen problem happened, is that the GPU temperatue is at 50C and wont go above it. I monitor the temperature with istat  and never have seen it at 50C and below unless i am just doing a fresh boot.
    What really concerns me tho is how the screen went out so close to when my warranty expired.

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    I finally realized that the migrations were failing because I was opening and clicking through Migration Assistant on both the source and target machines at around the same time.
    The eventual solution was to open Migration Assistant on the source machine first, and click through as far as I could until the source machine was actively looking for other machines on the network.
    As long as I waited until then to open Migration Assistant on the target machine, it would correctly calculate the size of the files to be transferred and the migration would succeed.
    So, the order in which you open Migration Assistant seems to make a big difference: source first, then target.
    My problem is solved, but only after several days of hassle, so I wanted to post this in case other people had a similar issue.
    (I tried many suggested fixes that did not work, included reinstalling OS X on the target machine, running disk repair and fixing permissions on both source and target, changing file sharing on the source machine to include the whole drive, trying to migrate Applications and Documents & Data separately, turning off wifi before the transfer, etc.)

    Thanks for posting this.  I was having the same problem.  You saved me hours, maybe days, of frustration!

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    DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO dev2 UNTIL TIME '2006-09-16 04:30:00';It actually goes through the 8-hour task of restoring datafiles and recovering from archive logs. It then creates the control file and then executes the SET NEWNAME commands when it fails with this error
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 09/18/2006 08:17:07
    RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
    ORA-01861: literal does not match format stringThe only possible cause I can think of is that, as of 16 Sep 2006, I hadn't yet set my NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter. It is now set (to YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) so that I can specify the date format for my PITR duplication.
    Does my diagnosis make any sense? If I unset NLS_DATE_FORMAT and say UNTIL TIME '16-SEP-06' does that mean '16-SEP-06 00:00:00'? That would work for me as well. However since each failed attempt means 8 hours lost I'd like to know that kind of thing ahead of time, and if my diagnosis is even correct.

    Normally we do have two senarios while cloning. One, you clone to an existing instance by removing the control and datafiles. Two, take a copy of spfile from target DB and clone to auxiliary DB. In the first case there can be chances that NLS is different than your target. But in second case it will be same because you are cloning from one parent setting.
    In your case if I am not wrong it was the first scenario ( This scenario I normally face in my UAT database clones when cloning from production). Its always better to keep same NLS but some situations u cant do that. In that case you can use “to_date” and it’s a very well proven method.
    And your question why your clone failed after all the restore operation. I personally think the database when tried to reset your logs after restoration it found format difference and shouted about that. As simple as that.

  • Stack Underflow and Archive Install fail after 10.4.9 upgrade

    After performing the 10.4.9 upgrade on my Black MacBook Core Duo, each of the Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel, Entourage, Power Point, and Office Updater and Office Installer) all abort on activation. The System Log indicates a stack underflow:
    Mar 24 11:36:38 Arakis /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Word: CGGStackRestore: gstack underflow.
    Attempts to reinstall office fail. Drag and Drop method and Using Office Installer App both fail. The Installer App also aborts with the same error.
    After speaking with Microsoft Support and trying their suggestions for removing prefrence files and MS user directory, all fail with the same results. Last Microsoft reccomendation is to perform Archive and Install, and upgrade only to 10.4.8 using combo update.
    So I Cloned my boot disk before performing Archive and Install (and it's a good thing too).
    I started the Archive and install, and all went well until disk 2, specifically while it was installing iLife demo. When it said two minutes remaining, it froze. Last log entry indicates "specified processes cannot be found". I left it to continue overnight (about 8 hours). It was in the same state in the morning. So I forced a Power down and restarted. It requested disk 1 and began the Archive and Install again, with the same results.
    I was able to boot off my external clone and restore my boot disk. I am now back to 10.4.9, and Office apps still abort with stack underflow.
    One other point. I have a G4 iMac, A Dual G5 Power Mac, and a G5 Mac Mini, all with 10.4.9 and MS Office, and they all work fine. Problem only seems to be on DualCore MacBook, and only Microsoft Office Apps. MS messenger and MS Remote Desktop Client for MAC work. All other apps (apple and 3rd party) also work OK.
    One last thing. After 10.4.9 upgrade, Finder quite often crashes when right clicking or Cotrol-clicking on files or folders in finder windows. Looking at crash dump indicates that this is an unrelated issue, which I will address later, in another rpost.
    Are there any suggestions on how to sucessfully perform an archive and Install? Is it possible to disable the install of optional software like iLife demo? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
    Jeff Cameron
    DualCore MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    After spending a bit of time, researching this problem, it seems I have been bit by the dyldupdateprebinding bug while updating to 10.4.9. This is outlined in the article located at:
    However I am still unable to repair my problem by performing an Archive and install (possibly because of the dyldupdateprebinding). So if anyone can help me do the Archive & install without installing the iLife demo, or any of the optional software, I would be most appreciative.

  • RPC Remote calls fail after loading sibling.

    Hi All,
    Main loads an app compiled in 3.2. Cannot recompile legacy SWF with version of Main.
    Main and Client are on the same domain. Debugging on localhost.
    Sibling has RemoteObject code but never makes RemoteObject calls.
    Main apps remote calls start failing after sibling is loaded.
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
    mx.messaging.messages::AcknowledgeMessage@c7ab831 to mx.messaging.messages.IMessage.
    <mx:SWFLoader id="swfLoader"
            width="100%" height="100%"
    What I have done to try to fix it.
    trustContent = "False" to put it in its own security domain.
    I thought loadForCompatability good enough to make them use their own class definitions?
    Document I found says RPC special case for multiversion Sandbox or Bootstrap.
    loadForCompatibiity means sandboxing or new security domain for the sibling?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. Remove the WinrmIIS Extension from "Programs and Features"
    2. Reboot the server
    3. Execute the cmd "winrm quickconfig". This adds an exception for the remote management in the Windows firewall.
    4. Install "Winrm IIS extension
    5. Try open Exchange Management Console
    Let me know what happens :)
    Thanks for your guide;
     "WinRM IIS Extension" is not installed.and firewall is off.
    When I open up the Exchange Management Console ,after these message : 
    <Initializing ...
    Setting up Remote Powershell session to: ServerName.MyDomain.net ...>
     I'm seeing these errors:
    <The following error occurred when setting up Remote Powershell session to 'ServerName.MyDomain.net':
    Closing remote server shell instance failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified. Check if the machine name is valid and is reachable over the network and firewall exception for Windows Remote Management service is enabled. For more information, see the about Remote Troubleshooting Help topic. >
    also When I open up the Exchange Management Shell,After several hours the below message remain:
    <VERBOSE:Connecting to  ServerName.MyDomain.net >

  • First Time Capsule HD fail, after exchange, 2nd TC Wifi Failed.

    I'm very upset with Apple that such a product with obvious defects would be released to the market. I purchased a TC 500GB last Thursday, setup it up on Friday morning, after 1 hour of use, I plugged in a NTFS HD drive. Obvious, the TC was not compatible with this, so I unplugged it and rebooted the TC. After that, the internal 500 GB drive was no recognized and nothing I did could restore it. I tried restoring factory settings, and power cycling it. Nothing worked. So I returned the unit and exchanged for another one.
    The second time around, I was able to get everything set up that way I wanted. All ethernet ports were connected, a USB hub was use to connect to a canon printer and external HD drive. I transferred about 250 GB of windows data to my external HD overnight and use Time machine to back up my mac book pro. The next day, I ran a virus scanner on my external HD from windows vista. After a few minutes, my network went down completely and I had to reboot TC, but this time, I can't get any wireless device to connect to TC. Wired connection worked, but Wireless became useless. I tried everything I could think of to get it to work. I rebooted, check for updated software and firmware from a wire connection, restore factory settings, enable/disable wireless security and I still couldn't get my Macbook Pro to connect.
    After much frustration, it became obvious that Wifi is broken. So within 4 days after purchase, I had 2 Time Capsule 500GB fail on me. The first one had a Hard drive failure and the second one had a Wifi failure. I'm an IT admin guy so I have a good idea if the problem is software or hardware, and it is very clear to me the TC has hardware issues.
    In the end I returned my TC today to the apple store for a refund. I'm going to wait another month to buy the TC again. It is really a great product with great features for the price, but the initial production of TC is flawed. Please correct this Apple ASAP.

    There is a bug in Lion and made worse rather than fixed in Mountain Lion that causes the disk in the TC to disappear.. exactly what you found.. worse by wireless than ethernet.
    Apple have not yet acknowledged there even is an issue.
    I don't even have a work around.. it simply doesn't happen on Snow Leopard.. which is rock solid network wise.
    A few things I can suggest.. clean install much better than upgrade install of the OS.. certainly problems on laptop wireless can be partly attributed to upgrade install.. if that is what you did.
    I would reset the TC full factory settings.
    Use all SMB compatible names.. short, no spaces, pure alphanumeric.
    That is for TC name.. wireless names.. put a different name for 5ghz.. and hard disk name.. which should be data but has sometimes default to Time Capsule.
    Lock the radio channels. So use manual settings and try 1, 6 or 11. And using different name for 5ghz you can set the laptop to prefer 5ghz if it is in range.
    Use WPA2 personal security only.
    Use very short lease time for DHCP.. 20min is good value and will cause almost no extra network traffic but should keep things updated. You can also use dhcp reservation to keep everyything using the same IP.

  • SQL Azure sync service-- absurdly slow and fails after a few days

    Hello. We have been trying to use Azure Data Sync to replicate an on-premise MSSQL database to an SQL Azure database for read-only access by a customer. This was working for a while, but stopped syncing after a couple months(12hr auto-sync schedule) with
    no errors in the log. I had to re-create the sync group, but now it takes even longer than originally to try to sync, and never actually completes, as it gets interrupted by bi-weekly server restarts... It used to take a few hours to sync the new data in our
    database(which is appended to daily)-- but this time it fails after 4+ days... It was unacceptably slow initially(IMO), but now it's clearly unusable.  The original initialization of the data when I first set it up was less than 2 days of syncing. 
    It seems there is a throttle on the Azure sync service. Is this true?  Would it be best to clear the SQL Azure database now and re-sync? Is there a way to pre-load the SQL Azure database with MSSQL on-premise data via a SQL backup file or something?
    Please advise. Thank you.

    when you re-created the sync group, does the member databases/hub database have pre-existing data?
    when synching a sync group for the first time, make sure databases don't contain the same set of data, otherwise, you will run into conflicts which will completely slow down your sync...
    I deleted the initial sync group because it wasn't syncing(auto or on-demand), nor creating a log entry with an error indicating why.
    So, I simply deleted the sync group and re-created it with the same exact databases and settings. I did not delete all data in the SQL Azure database-- I was under the assumption that the sync service, with the tracking tables were smart enough to not get
    confused with pre-existing data, but apparently that's not how this works?
    I obviously can't delete the data in the source database(MSSQL on-premise), but I could delete the tables in the SQL Azure database if that's supposed to fix the problem-- then we'll just have to wait multiple days for it to be completely re-initialized,
    hopefully without error... Is there a way to seed the data in some way to prevent this extremely log first sync?
    Thank you for your help.

  • Unit test fails after upgrading to Kodo 4.0.0 from 4.0.0-EA4

    I have a group of 6 unit tests failing after upgrading to the new Kodo
    4.0.0 (with BEA) from Kodo-4.0.0-EA4 (with Solarmetric). I'm getting
    exceptions like the one at the bottom of this email. It seems to be an
    interaction with the PostgreSQL driver, though I can't be sure. I
    haven't changed my JDO configuration or the related classes in months
    since I've been focusing on using the objects that have already been
    defined. The .jdo, .jdoquery, and .java code are below the exception,
    just in case there's something wrong in there. Does anyone have advice
    as to how I might debug this?
    Testsuite: edu.ucsc.whisper.test.integration.UserManagerQueryIntegrationTest
    Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 6, Time elapsed: 23.308 sec
    Caused an ERROR
    The column index is out of range: 2, number of columns: 1.
    <2|false|4.0.0> kodo.jdo.DataStoreException: The column index is out of
    range: 2, number of columns: 1.
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:82)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:66)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLExceptions.getStore(SQLExceptions.java:46)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1445)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:1136)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:901)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:865)
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:787)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.executeWithArray(QueryImpl.java:210)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:137)
    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 2,
    number of columns: 1.
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.setInt(DBDictionary.java:980)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.setUnknown(DBDictionary.java:1299)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.setParameters(SQLBuffer.java:638)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.prepareStatement(SQLBuffer.java:539)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer.prepareStatement(SQLBuffer.java:512)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl.execute(SelectImpl.java:332)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.SelectImpl.execute(SelectImpl.java:301)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union$UnionSelect.execute(Union.java:642)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union.execute(Union.java:326)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.Union.execute(Union.java:313)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.toResult(QueryImpl.java:1445)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:1136)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:901)
    at kodo.kernel.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:865)
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingQuery.execute(DelegatingQuery.java:787)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.executeWithArray(QueryImpl.java:210)
    at kodo.jdo.QueryImpl.execute(QueryImpl.java:137)
    --- DefaultUser.java -------------------------------------------------
    public class DefaultUser
    implements User
    /** The account username. */
    private String username;
    /** The account password. */
    private String password;
    /** A flag indicating whether or not the account is enabled. */
    private boolean enabled;
    /** The authorities granted to this account. */
    private Set<Authority> authorities;
    /** Information about the user, including their name and text that
    describes them. */
    private UserInfo userInfo;
    /** The set of organizations where this user works. */
    private Set<Organization> organizations;
    --- DefaultUser.jdo --------------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Java Data Objects Metadata 2.0//EN"
    <package name="edu.ucsc.whisper.core">
    <sequence name="user_id_seq"
    <class name="DefaultUser" detachable="true"
    table="whisper_user" identity-type="datastore">
    <datastore-identity sequence="user_id_seq" column="userId"/>
    <field name="username">
    <column name="username" length="80" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
    <field name="password">
    <column name="password" length="40" jdbc-type="CHAR" />
    <field name="enabled">
    <column name="enabled" />
    <field name="userInfo" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    default-fetch-group="true" dependent="true">
    <extension vendor-name="jpox"
    value="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUserInfo" />
    <extension vendor-name="kodo"
    value="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUserInfo" />
    <field name="authorities" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    element-type="edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultAuthority" />
    <join column="userId" delete-action="cascade"/>
    <element column="authorityId" delete-action="cascade"/>
    <field name="organizations" persistence-modifier="persistent"
    table="user_organizations" mapped-by="user"
    default-fetch-group="true" dependent="true">
    <join column="userId"/>
    <!--<element column="organizationId"/>-->
    --- DefaultUser.jdoquery ---------------------------------------------
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Java Data Objects Metadata 2.0//EN"
    <package name="edu.ucsc.whisper.core">
    <class name="DefaultUser">
    <query name="UserByUsername"
    SELECT UNIQUE FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser
    WHERE username==searchName
    PARAMETERS java.lang.String searchName
    <query name="DisabledUsers"
    SELECT FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser WHERE
    <query name="EnabledUsers"
    SELECT FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser WHERE
    <query name="CountUsers"
    SELECT count( this ) FROM edu.ucsc.whisper.core.DefaultUser

    I'm sorry, I have no idea. I suggest sending a test case that
    reproduces the problem to support.

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