XCode: invalid host string: 'localhost'

Hey! I'm trying to compile some C++ code in XCode. I'm getting this error: invalid host string: 'localhost'
So I searched on the web. I found it was probably in error in hosts, so I checked it. But, my hosts was perfect! Nothing wrong with it! Here's my hosts file:
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
fe80::1%lo0     localhost

I was running against the same problem on a run-time of xcode debug. Are you running gas mask? If so, I was simply under the remote file rather than the local in my settings.

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  • Xcode error : invalid host string:'local host'

    I am trying to run in command line tool the following code:
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
        @autoreleasepool {
           // insert code here...
        NSLog(@"Hello, World!");
    return 0;
    and after "Build Succeeded" I am getting the following error:
    error: failed to launch '/Users/rrusnac/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/5.1_Practice-gdhkgzautnruix bnobucittithbz/Build/Products/Debug/5.1 Practice ' --invalid host string: 'localhost'
    It doesnt matter what code I enter, I get the same error. I cant figure out for the life of me why this is happening. I am running Xcode  4.3.2 and Lion 10.7.4.
    The programs build and run with no Issues, but this error always pops up. Please help me!

    J'ai le même problème depuis quelques jours et je n'arrive pas à éxécuter le programme.
    En revanche, il n'y a aucune erreur lorsque je le compile.
    Je ne peux pas éxécuter mes programmes.
    Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour résoudre ce problème ?

  • Invalide connect string

    While making a connection to OLite database i gave the url as
    " jdbc:polite4@localhost:100:orabpel" and the same is available in oc4j-ra.xml file as connection string but while testing connection it displays the error message as
    Internal error : invalid connection string. please advice

    This is the connect string I have which works:
    using driver class
    I notice you have a leading space in the url you quote in your post, is this causing the problem?

  • Where I have to give the host string name of oracle server in WSAD?

    I setup the oracle in my WSAD.But,Its giving below error.
    [3/16/06 13:25:41:332 SGT] 3e75fec4 WsServer A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business
    [3/16/06 13:25:42:535 SGT] 68bb7ec6 WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [Sample] [Sample] [Servlet.LOG]: ResultData: init
    [3/16/06 13:25:42:551 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemOut O the connection started
    [3/16/06 13:25:42:551 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemOut O no connection
    [3/16/06 13:25:43:535 SGT] 68bb7ec6 ConnectionFac I J2CA0122I: Resource reference jdbc/MyDataSource could not be located, so default values of the following are used: [Resource-ref settings]
         res-auth: 1 (APPLICATION)
         res-isolation-level: 0 (TRANSACTION_NONE)
         res-sharing-scope: true (SHAREABLE)
         res-resolution-control: 999 (undefined)
    [Other attributes]
    isCMP1_x: false (not CMP1.x)
    isJMS: false (not JMS)
    [3/16/06 13:25:44:285 SGT] 68bb7ec6 FreePool E J2CA0046E: Method createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource jdbc/MyDataSource, throwing ResourceAllocationException. Original exception: com.ibm.ws.exception.WsException: DSRA8100E: Unable to get a PooledConnection from the DataSource.
         at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.exceptions.DataStoreAdapterException.<init>(DataStoreAdapterException.java:244)
         at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.exceptions.Dat
    [3/16/06 13:25:44:426 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemErr R      at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.getPhysicalConnection(OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.java:109)
    [3/16/06 13:25:44:426 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemErr R      at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.java:77)
    [3/16/06 13:25:44:426 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemErr R [3/16/06 13:25:44:426 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemOut O Error on find the database() : java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
    The Connection descriptor used by the client was:
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.java:59)
    [3/16/06 13:25:44:426 SGT] 68bb7ec6 SystemErr R      at com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.DSConfigurationHelper$1.run(DSConfigurationHelper.java:759)
    But,I given correct URL.The URL I given is
    sggsgptp31dt197.code1.emi.philips.com -- this is my host machine.
    I think the problem with host string.
    actually when we are trying to enter into the oracle sql,it asking the username,password and host string.I mentioned the username and password in variables tab.I don't know where I have to mention the host string name.
    Please any one help on this.
    Thank you,

    I would say that, since the OP has so little info, there are no policies in use.  It there were then this question would never be asked the way it is being asked.
    I had a client call with a letter from their insurance company; an accountant with malpractice insurance.  THey asked the same question inmuch the same way.  "What computer can you users access?"  The question should be more like
    "Do you have a policy that restricts access to computers and do you audit for compliance?"
    I have had other clients whose insurance asked the question in that way.  It produces a better view of what should be happening and how to show compliance.
    I recommend that companies being asked these questions by their legal departments or insurance companies should contract with a god computer security consultant to assist with answering these very tricky questions.  Of course if it is just you boss's
    curiosity  then you may need to discuss his requirements with him in more depth.

  • Host String Problem

    Hi everyone, i searched the forum and found same problem with me but i did not work for me. The problem is i cannot connect my sql plus. i enter my username and password then it asks me gor host string but when i type it and enter "ok" it says "TNS Listener does not currentl know of service requested in connect descriptor. i looked at my tnsnames.ora file and is exactly like this.
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
    CSE348 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Canavar)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = cse348)
    So what shoul i type to connect sql plus?

    Given the tnsnames.ora content, the following needs to be entered for sqlplus in order to have it use that connection string in the file:
    sqlplus scott/tiger@CSE348As you have not qualified the alias with a domain, it will default to "+.world+" as far as I recall. If the default domain in your local sqlnet.ora differs, than that default will be used to find alias CSE348 in the local tnanmes.ora file. So make sure that you do not mix default and explicit domain names. Rather specify a default domain in sqlnet.ora and use the same domain for defining full qualified domain name TNS aliases in tnsnames.ora.
    As for the error - the Listener receives a connection request for a service called cse348 - and no such service has registered with it. You can check the known services of the listener using the "+lsnrctl services+" command on the server.
    Often in this case, it is easier to request a specific database instance using its system identifier, or SID. In which case you can change your connection string for the alias to use a SID as follows:
    CSE348 =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Canavar)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SID = cse348)
      )This assumes that the SID is cse348. The default SID is for example orcl. SIDs like dev and prod are also often used.

  • Oracle 8i Lite: logging to sql plus - uid, password, host string - whats that

    If i install "Oracle 8i Lite" (just locally, not networked). There are two important things : "Navigator", and "SQL Plus". If in navigator, I create a local database called "xxx" (tables under 'system' user). Then if i need to query - i go to SQL Plus. Fine, but how do we log in - what is the "host string" ?.
    The login needs, Userid, Password, Host String. In some docs, it said the userid, password for 'system' account is 'system, manager' respectively. Anyways, now the host string , i had read the 'host string' will be like "@databasename", so I think for me, it will be "@xxx"
    But the way, I'm understing, i cant log, and SQL Plus says something "TNS: could not resolve service name". Maybe i have to something with that tnsnames.ora file....?
    Incase, you could give ANY information, kindly inform.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mulyadi Kurniawan ([email protected]):
    Host string usually refers to the host string that is stored in your TNSNAMES.ORA file. You can open TNSNAMES.ORA with a text editor.
    If you get "TNS: could not resolve service name", it's either you have not start the database or your configuration in TNSNAMES.ORA is wrong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    iam getting the same error(the TNS thing)can you be a bit more explaining regarding how to solve the problem.

  • Changing the Host String in Oracle

    Can you please let me know how to change the Host String from ORCL to "production".
    I login now using the details below,
    UN: system
    PWD: production
    Host String: orcl
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Pravin wrote:
    I tried it but doesnt seem to work. Anyhow, i created a new database with my requirements and thus issue got resolved.
    Maybe you should have provided a bit of detail to "doesn't seem to work".
    I hope you didn't build a whole new house just because you couldn't get the key fit the front door . . .
    Thanks for your response. Appreciate it.Edited by: EdStevens on Sep 27, 2010 3:43 PM

  • Delphi 3 or Delphi XE gives Invalid class string error

    I have Delphi 3 and a runtime error occurs when I RUN this project. No build errors...
    The form appears correctly and I put the path to the GroupWise domain directory :
    I click on the CONNECT button and the error is :
    "Project admin_api.exe raised an exception class EOleSysError with message 'Invalid class string'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to Continue"
    For Delphi XE the error is only "Invalid class string".
    What am I doing wrong ?
    Thank You
    Have downloaded the same GroupWise Administrative Object API code
    unit App_obj;
    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
    StdCtrls, OleAuto, Ole2;
    TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Label6: TLabel;
    UserID: TEdit;
    Label7: TLabel;
    LastName: TEdit;
    Label8: TLabel;
    FirstName: TEdit;
    UserDistinguishedName: TEdit;
    Label10: TLabel;
    SystemInfo: TGroupBox;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Label3: TLabel;
    Label4: TLabel;
    Label5: TLabel;
    SystemDescription: TEdit;
    SystemDistinguishedName: TEdit;
    SystemLastModifiedBy: TEdit;
    ConnectedDomainName: TEdit;
    SystemObjectID: TEdit;
    PostOfficeList: TComboBox;
    Label11: TLabel;
    Label9: TLabel;
    UserContext: TEdit;
    Label12: TLabel;
    Label13: TLabel;
    Label14: TLabel;
    Label15: TLabel;
    Label16: TLabel;
    DomainPath: TEdit;
    Button2: TButton;
    procedure Initialize(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
    Form1: TForm1;
    ADMIN_NAME = 'Admin';
    sDOT = '.';
    {$R *.DFM}
    procedure TForm1.Initialize(Sender: TObject);
    //Initialize controls
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //Get Selected PostOffice
    //Get Users Object
    //Find Admin user object
    vUser:=vUsers.Item(ADMIN_NAME,SelectedPO,Connected DomainName.Text);
    If UserContext.Text = '' then begin
    //Get Admin Context and use as Default
    stemp:=Copy(sAdmin,idotpos,256); //Copy everything after first dot include dot
    end else begin
    //Use context string
    //Make Distinguished name by adding UserID and admin context
    //Display User distinguished name
    //Add user
    //Set User first name
    //Commit User first name to system
    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    //Get GroupWise Admin Object and connect to it
    if(DomainPath.Text = '') then begin
    ShowMessage('You must enter a valid Domain Path. Then press Login');
    //Get the connected Domain
    //List some Domain properties
    SystemDistinguishedName.Text:=vDomain.Distinguishe dName;
    //Initialize controls
    //Get list of PostOffices for connected Domain
    While( (NOT VarIsNULL(vPostOffice)) And (NOT varisempty(vPostOffice))) do begin
    //Set index to first item in list

    On 9/24/2013 10:46 PM, bperez wrote:
    > I have Delphi 3 and a runtime error occurs when I RUN this project. No
    > build errors...
    > The form appears correctly and I put the path to the GroupWise domain
    > directory :
    > F:\opt\novell\groupwise\mail\dom1
    > I click on the CONNECT button and the error is :
    > "Project admin_api.exe raised an exception class EOleSysError with
    > message 'Invalid class string'. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to
    > Continue"
    > For Delphi XE the error is only "Invalid class string".
    > What am I doing wrong ?
    > Thank You
    > Have downloaded the same GroupWise Administrative Object API code
    > https://www.novell.com/developer/ndk...bject_api.html
    > {/************************************************** *************************
    > ************************************************** **************************/}
    > unit App_obj;
    > interface
    > uses
    > Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
    > Dialogs,
    > StdCtrls, OleAuto, Ole2;
    > type
    > TForm1 = class(TForm)
    > Button1: TButton;
    > Label6: TLabel;
    > UserID: TEdit;
    > Label7: TLabel;
    > LastName: TEdit;
    > Label8: TLabel;
    > FirstName: TEdit;
    > UserDistinguishedName: TEdit;
    > Label10: TLabel;
    > SystemInfo: TGroupBox;
    > Label1: TLabel;
    > Label2: TLabel;
    > Label3: TLabel;
    > Label4: TLabel;
    > Label5: TLabel;
    > SystemDescription: TEdit;
    > SystemDistinguishedName: TEdit;
    > SystemLastModifiedBy: TEdit;
    > ConnectedDomainName: TEdit;
    > SystemObjectID: TEdit;
    > PostOfficeList: TComboBox;
    > Label11: TLabel;
    > Label9: TLabel;
    > UserContext: TEdit;
    > Label12: TLabel;
    > Label13: TLabel;
    > Label14: TLabel;
    > Label15: TLabel;
    > Label16: TLabel;
    > DomainPath: TEdit;
    > Button2: TButton;
    > procedure Initialize(Sender: TObject);
    > procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    > procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    > private
    > { Private declarations }
    > public
    > { Public declarations }
    > end;
    > var
    > Form1: TForm1;
    > vSystem:variant;
    > vDomain:variant;
    > const
    > ADMIN_NAME = 'Admin';
    > sDOT = '.';
    > implementation
    > {$R *.DFM}
    > procedure TForm1.Initialize(Sender: TObject);
    > begin
    > //Initialize controls
    > DomainPath.Text:='';
    > SystemDescription.Text:='';
    > SystemDistinguishedName.Text:='';
    > SystemLastModifiedBy.Text:='';
    > ConnectedDomainName.Text:='';
    > SystemObjectID.Text:='';
    > UserID.Text:='';
    > LastName.Text:='';
    > FirstName.Text:='';
    > UserDistinguishedName.Text:='';
    > UserContext.Text:='';
    > UserID.SetFocus;
    > end;
    > procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    > var
    > vUsers:variant;
    > vUser:variant;
    > stemp:string;
    > idotpos:integer;
    > SelectedPO:string;
    > sAdmin:string;
    > begin
    > //Get Selected PostOffice
    > SelectedPO:=PostOfficeList.Items[PostOfficeList.ItemIndex];
    > //Get Users Object
    > vUsers:=vDomain.Users;
    > //Find Admin user object
    > vUser:=vUsers.Item(ADMIN_NAME,SelectedPO,Connected DomainName.Text);
    > If UserContext.Text = '' then begin
    > //Get Admin Context and use as Default
    > sAdmin:=vUser.NetID;
    > idotpos:=Pos(sDOT,sAdmin);
    > stemp:=Copy(sAdmin,idotpos,256); //Copy everything after first dot
    > include dot
    > UserContext.Text:=stemp;
    > end else begin
    > //Use context string
    > stemp:=UserContext.Text;
    > end;
    > //Make Distinguished name by adding UserID and admin context
    > stemp:=UserID.Text+stemp;
    > //Display User distinguished name
    > UserDistinguishedName.Text:=stemp;
    > //Add user
    > vUser:=vUsers.Add(UserID.Text,LastName.Text,stemp,
    > '',SelectedPO);
    > //Set User first name
    > vUser.GivenName:=FirstName.Text;
    > //Commit User first name to system
    > vUser.Commit;
    > end;
    > procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    > var
    > vPostOffice:variant;
    > vPostOffices:variant;
    > vPOIterator:variant;
    > begin
    > //Get GroupWise Admin Object and connect to it
    > if(DomainPath.Text = '') then begin
    > ShowMessage('You must enter a valid Domain Path. Then press
    > Login');
    > exit;
    > end;
    > vSystem:=CreateOleObject('NovellGroupWareAdmin');
    > vSystem.Connect(DomainPath.Text);
    > //Get the connected Domain
    > vDomain:=vSystem.ConnectedDomain;
    > //List some Domain properties
    > SystemDescription.Text:=vDomain.Description;
    > SystemDistinguishedName.Text:=vDomain.Distinguishe dName;
    > SystemLastModifiedBy.Text:=vDomain.LastModifiedBy;
    > ConnectedDomainName.Text:=vDomain.Name;
    > SystemObjectID.Text:=vDomain.ObjectID;
    > //Initialize controls
    > UserID.Text:='';
    > LastName.Text:='';
    > FirstName.Text:='';
    > UserDistinguishedName.Text:='';
    > UserContext.Text:='';
    > UserID.SetFocus;
    > //Get list of PostOffices for connected Domain
    > vPostOffices:=vDomain.PostOffices;
    > vPOIterator:=vPostOffices.CreateIterator;
    > vPostOffice:=vPOIterator.Next;
    > PostOfficeList.Clear;
    > While( (NOT VarIsNULL(vPostOffice)) And (NOT
    > varisempty(vPostOffice))) do begin
    > PostOfficeList.Items.Add(vPostOffice.Name);
    > vPostOffice:=vPOIterator.Next;
    > end;
    > //Set index to first item in list
    > PostOfficeList.ItemIndex:=0;
    > end;
    > end.
    gw client installed? Novell client installed?

  • Password and host string

    Im trying to get the Oracle 8i for 2000 to run correctly. I did a download. Problem is getting pass the password screen. The host string is giving me trouble. What should go there? Any place where the password and host string info are stored for later retrieval?

    If you installed the default database then you should type in system as the user and manager for the password and ORCL as the host string (these are the defaults).
    The hoststring names (database aliases) would be in the tnsnames.ora file uder your Oracle_Home/network/admin directory
    If you login as system or a user that has DBA privileges, you can change passwords as you see fit
    alter user identified by somepassword;

  • Host String

    I've installed Oracle Forms 6i includingSQL Plus 8.0 on Win2000 server. no problem with user name and password but no Host string seems to work. Error message ORA-12203: TNS unable to connect.
    Any ideas what I should be using as the host string?

    Hi All ,
    thanks for u'r help I appreciate it,now i could install my orcale 9i properly,but now i have one more problem,after installing oracle,iam not able to install Microsoft visual studio,i got a setup error,that it can't create DCOM user account,have any one encountered such kind of problem,i've browsed the microsoft site,i could find that there would a problem installing Visual Studio when orcale is already installled,but couldn't resolve the problem.do i need to again uninstall oracle 9i???

  • [b]Listener problem while configuring host string through NET config[/b]

    I am unable to create host string through Net config. While testing with userid/password, the test does not succeed.
    The host string configured is known as PROCESS.
    Net config error message while testing the connection is as follows:
    "Connecting...ORA-12541: TNS:no listener
    The test did not succeed.
    Some of the information you provided may be incorrect.
    Press back to review the information provided for net service
    name, or Change Login to change username."
    Upon checking the status of listener from command prompt it gives following status:
    LSNRCTL> status
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produc
    Start Date 08-JAN-2003 16:25:08
    Uptime 0 days 16 hr. 9 min. 33 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security OFF
    Listener Parameter File C:\orant\network\admin\listener.ora
    Listener Log File C:\orant\network\log\listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

    Did you check that the DB is up ? If not, then check it and, eventually, start it up.
    If yes, then open a DOS window, set your ORACLE_SID, connect to Sqlplus as sysdba and type :
    SQL> show parameter service
    what is the result ?

  • Problem with host string

    i am new here
    2 days ago i was finish my database administrator course.-it mean that is the first course from 6(as much i know)
    first you should know that english is not my lang so if i will maskes i am sorry
    anyway after i am talking about me i will talk about my problem
    i am trying to connect to sqlplus
    after i click on this tool i get
    user name:
    host string:
    i know that i need to go to the file tnsnames.ora and take from there the host string
    i did that and after the parameter "host=" i saw the host string name.
    after i did that i tried to connect with sysdba but without pass cuase if i conn with sysdba i dont need pass
    in "host string " i write the host string accurding to the tnsnames.ora ang it doesn't work
    as aresult i get a line that ask me the pass what sould i do?
    tasks to all of you![b]

    "Host string" entry to connect through SQL*Plus is the SID entry from the tnsnames. Not the parameter host=...
    This is the first parameter, something else like the following :
    DEMO92 =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =...The host which you said is the hostname which is the host of the database, not thedatabase itself.

  • Database host string problem

    When I connect with an oracle database using DriverManager.getConnection() I have to use the database name for example orcl. I'd like to use the host string, the same as in SQLPlus. How can I do it?
    And what is the difference between thick driver and thin driver?

    I'd like to use the host string, the same as in SQLPlus. How can I do it?
    what is the difference between thick driver and thin driver?

  • Oracle Host String.

    I Installed oracle on my machine after my installation I forgot my 'host name' . I am able to login without host name . But I need this host name for cognos installtion.I gone through the net and and I alter my Host string to 'orcl' but I am Unable login.
    It's shows TNS Listner Error.
    And I have one more question also
    what is the diff b/w SID and Host string.
    Mohana Krishana K
    Edited by: user12275872 on Mar 1, 2010 9:52 PM

    Host is the address of the server.
    Please check your tnsnames.ora file in your oracle_home->network->admin folder.
    there you will find something as
    HOST =Twinkle

  • Report failed to parse SQL query:ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name

    We are currently upgrading from v2. to v4.
    I have copied the applications onto our test server along with the various database objects and data etc.
    When I am running a report in v4, it is failing with the following error: "failed to parse SQL query: ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name".
    When I copy the SQL that builds the report into TOAD (on out test server) it runs OK so really cant see why it would fail in APEX. It works fine when I run the query in our APEX v2 and in TOAD in our live server.
    The query is as follows:
    ,aea.assembly_name "Revised BOM"
    ,assembly.description "Revised BOM Description"
    ,assembly.INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_CODE "Revised BOM Status"
    ,flv.MEANING "Alteration Type"
    ,aea.component_name "Part No"
    ,component.description "Part No Description"
    ,component.INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_CODE "Part No Status"
    ,TO_CHAR(aea.last_update_date,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"Last Update Date"
    , fnd_lookup_values flv
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE 1=1
    AND organization_id = 26) component
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE 1=1
    AND organization_id = 26) assembly
    WHERE 1=1
    AND aea.COMPONENT_NAME = component.segment1 (+)
    AND aea.assembly_NAME = assembly.segment1 (+)
    AND flv.lookup_code = aea.acd_type
    AND aea.eco = :P13_ECO
    AND flv.lookup_type = 'ECG_ACTION'
    AND modify_flag = 'Y'
    ANy help would be great,
    Edited by: Cashy on 22-Nov-2010 04:13
    Edited by: Cashy on 22-Nov-2010 04:14

    For some reason, the updatable fields (this is a updateable report) where not connecting to the database properly. Whn I changed them to a report columns and removed the database field reference, the report rendered

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