Xdg-open, magnets and KDE

I had a problem to open magnet files from chromium. The torrent client didn't seem to launch.
$ xdg-mime query default "x-scheme-handler/magnet"
mime type seemed to be linked to the correct application.
Trying to launch xdg-open from terminal :
$ xdg-open "magnet:?somemagnet"
QWidget: Cannot create a QWidget when no GUI is being used
/usr/bin/xdg-open: line 513: 1568 Aborted (core dumped) kde-open --noninteractive "$1"
I don't know why this doesn't work, or why I can't find any reference of other people with the same problem.
I resolved the problem by patching xdg-open. I removed the --noninteractive flag from kde-open command, and all seems to work fine now. Still it troubles me why the xdg-open script doesn't work out of the box. Any ideas?

Related bug reports in xdg-utils and KDE:
Bug 269823 - kde-open --noninteractive foo.noassoc crashes
Bug 16295 - xdg-open is inconsistent across desktop environments (also see http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-uti … bf7ce76cb3)
EDIT: I've opened a bug report at KDE: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336117
EDIT: And there's already a bug report in Arch: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/40795
Last edited by joschi (2014-06-12 12:24:56)

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    anonymous_user wrote:However since it is a terminal application, I don't know how well it would work (if at all).
    It should.  I beleive there is even an option in desktop files to open in a terminal, but I've never relied on that.  I just build it into the exec line.  For example, to open a file in vim in urxvt I'd just have
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    Version 1.2.0 has been released, with the following new features:
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    $ xdg-open foo.txt
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    I've had this bug ever since GNOME 3.14 came in to Arch but have never found anybody else reporting it so I thought it was something specific to my configuration. Glad to see some others have it!
    If you run xdg-open once then it does start nautilus but nautilus does not open the window, e.g. "xdg-open .". Nautilus will stay running for about 1 min and it you run xdg-open again within that time it will work and open the window. As soon as Nautilus stops (or after you stop it with nautlius -q), then the next invocation of xdg-open will not work.
    PS later edit: I should point out that, consistent with my description of the problem above, if you use Nautilus to manage your desktop (i.e. set "Icons on Desktop" in GNOME Tweak Tool) then you won't see this bug because Nautilus is always running.
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    Have you tried to create a ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list which contains the following?
    [Default Applications]
    This works without any problems on my system. If still no luck, try to install perl-file-mimeinfo.

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    instead of
    To fix this I added
    default=`echo $default | sed "s|[^\w]*/||"`
    below the line (line number 384)
    default=`xdg-mime query default "$filetype"`.
    Setting the default application with xdg-mime default [.desktop file] [mime-type] populates the $HOME/.local/share/applications/defaults.list file. With the fix, xdg-open now correctly uses this file and open applications as expected.

    By the way OP. If you are using pcmanfm: here is handy replacement for /usr/bin/xdg-open  - http://dumpz.org/15027/
    It handles http(s), mail and magnet links, and on all other lets pcmanfm deside

  • Fixing xdg-open

    Hi all fellow archers!
    For quite some time, those of us running without a desktop environment have been struggling to cope with xdg-open for handling file opens (especially for Chromium).
    Although xdg-open has gotten a bit better over time (it now falls back to mimeopen if it doesn't know what to do).
    Unfortunately, this solution is not a "proper" one since mimeopen currently does not work with URIs, only with files.
    To get around this, I have made two minor adjustments to my system to make it handle even URIs gracefully.
    The first is a hack, the second a (small) patch to xdg-open:
    The hack:
    ln -s /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
    this will make all applications that register MIME types using MimeType= in their .desktop files the default for their respective MIMEs.
    This is required since xdg-mime does not check mimeinfo.cache when looking up applications for mime types, only defaults.list files.
    If multiple applications happen to register for the same MIME type, I'm not sure which is chosen as the default, but this should be overridden in ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list anyway.
    The second part, the patch, can be viewed here: http://pastebin.com/EduF8GjC
    For those not used to merging patches like this, download the raw .patch file from here: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=EduF8GjC , and then run
    sudo patch /usr/bin/xdg-open <xdg-open_uri_patch.txt
    Note that you shouldn't normally just do what strangers like me tell you to, so have a look through the .patch file before patching /usr/bin/xdg-open to make sure I haven't done something naughty.
    There are also unreleased patches for this upstream here and here if you'd prefer using those, but they may not patch nicely against the current Arch version.
    Essentially, whenever a URI is being opened with the internal, generic opener, xdg-mime is queried for the default application for "x-scheme-handler/$scheme" where $scheme is the scheme part of the URI.
    That application is then started with the full URI the path to open.
    Now sit back and enjoy Chromium opening all your files correctly, even magnet:, mailto: and spotify: links (if you've got a client for each installed of course).
    PS: The patch has also been submitted to the Portland/XdgUtils team as bug #44873
    EDIT: Turns out this has already been patched after a similar bugreport, just not released, in these commits. The patch is still needed until a release with these changes comes though. Feel free to use the upstream patches instead if you want.
    Last edited by Jonhoo (2012-01-17 22:49:21)

    I tried to find out what was going on using strace. Here is the output:
    strace -f /usr/bin/gvfs-open file.pdf 2>&1 | grep exec
    Why is gvfs-open resorting to xfce's opener while I am running gnome???
    A bit earlier in the trace, gvfs loads /usr/lib/gio/modules/libexo-module-1.so which is certainly the culprit.
    My question is then: how do I make gvfs-open use gnome's facilites?
    --- edit ---
    Looks like my problem:
    --- edit 2 ---
    Some more info:
    http://penguincopter.blogspot.com/2010/ … ty-of.html
    Last edited by benob (2011-02-21 18:38:56)

  • Xdg-open / xdg-utils: a security hazard?

    I just noticed these programs after doing an update on my laptop. In particular, web browsers started suggesting I open things with "xdg-open" -- I'm suspicious of anything that "auto-decides" what program to run in order to open something. This is one of the main reasons I got away from Windows -- I open things by either:
    - Starting the program first, then using whatever load/open command it has or dragging a file onto it.
    - Explicitly opening a file with a specific program, either by "programname filename" from the terminal, or by right-click menu in a graphical file manager.
    I've gone to great lengths to cripple most of the desktop MIME functionality that comes with KDE apps, because of its insistence on associating .exe files with WINE (look -- now you can accidentally run something by double-clicking it!).
    How long before we start seeing malware that works because of xdg-open, xdg-email, an so on? Hopefully no one ever helpfully adds extensions like ".sh" to xdg-open... ("oh, it looks like you just downloaded / someone just e-mailed you a shell script. Would you like me to open it for you? Look, I'll save you the trouble of chmod +x ing it...")
    Am I just being overly paranoid?

    ngoonee wrote:
    thetrivialstuff wrote:Am I just being overly paranoid?
    Yes you are, modifying xdg-open behaviour would require access to your machine (network or physical) which means you're screwed anyway. The more serious problem is *.desktop files, I saw a blog on that a while back.
    I think the .desktop files is the problem I'm after -- I'm not assuming that a machine will be compromised by an attacker modifying xdg's behaviour; I'm assuming that some well-intentioned package maintainer will have opened up a security hole by associating some file type that shouldn't have an association (e.g. .exe's opening with WINE makes it possible to run arbitrary code if you can get the user to double-click it, or just accidentally bump "open" instead of "save" in Firefox).
    Likewise, poor defaults in web browser packages' "out of the box" configuration could set filetypes to have a default of "open" instead of "save", and then you have to pray that whoever packaged the mime defaults for that file type picked a sane default association. (For example, I've seen browser packages configured to auto-view PDF files if there's a suitable viewer on the system. Not a good idea if the PDF viewer in question supports JavaScript in PDF's.)

  • A weird xdg-open issue

    [MIME Cache]
    application/x-directory=Thunar-folder-handler.desktop; ############# I added this
    $xdg-open folderA/
    was opening folderA/ in firefox, so I added "application/x-directory=Thunar-folder-handler.desktop;" to defaults. Now
    $xdg-open folderA/
    opens the folderA in thunar,
    but the weird thing is, the moment I close thunar, firefox fires up and opens the folderA once again
    any ideas?

    OK, I have no idea but this problem ceased to exist. I did nothing but, It works fine now

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    Right now I'm using "rox", but I don't like how it comes with a file manager. I'd like to be able to have a seperate file manager and xdg opener, so I can pick and choose easily. Also rox can't open urls.

    It seems that xdg-open will always use one's browser if one does not have a major DE (that is KDE, Gnome or XFCE). This is denoted generic in xdg-utils.
    From the change log it seems that xdg-open would query mimeopen . This functionality is not present in xdg-open at the moment though. I might have something to do with this bug.
    I found a nice patch that will make query mimeopen when using xdg-open.
    The patch is located here.
    Basically one just needs to change the open_generic() function in /usr/bin/xdg-open to:
    if mimeopen -v 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
    mimeopen -n "$1"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    for browser in $BROWSER; do
    if [ x"$browser" != x"" ]; then
    browser_with_arg=`echo "$browser" | sed s#%s#"$1"#`
    if [ x"$browser_with_arg" = x"$browser" ]; then "$browser" "$1";
    else $browser_with_arg;
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then exit_success;
    exit_failure_operation_impossible "no method available for opening '$1'"
    It works well for me. I don't know why the removed this IMO essential feature. They mention something about protocols in the bug report. . . If somebody knows more please enlighten me.

  • Xdg-open preffered applications

    Hello, how can I change the preferred applications that xdg-open uses? For example on pdf files it will open them with firefox, I'd rather have them opened in evince.
    I'm using openbox standalone and pcmanfm

    Then I don't know what's wrong.  I suppose, however, that it would be possible to work through the various steps that xdg-open takes to open a file and see where it breaks.  For example, if I run "xdg-open Documents/Stuff/Stuff.pdf" then this is what happens:
    If the DE is neither gnome, kde nor xfce then xdg-open will set
    the variable $DE to "generic" and will also check $BROWSER, setting it to
    if it isn't set already.
    If $DE is "generic" then the function open_generic will be called.
    open_generic will check that the file to be opened is a file and if
    it is then it will call open_generic_xdg_mime, which will do the following:
    $ filetype=`xdg-mime query filetype Documents/Stuff/Stuff.pdf | sed "s/;.*//"`
    $ echo $filetype
    $ default='xdg-mime query default "$filetype"`
    $ echo $default
    $ xdg_user_dir="$XDG_DATA_HOME"
    $ xdg_system_dirs="$XDG_DATA_DIRS"
    $ x=`echo "$xdg_user_dir:$xdg_system_dirs" | sed 's/:/ /g'`
    We need to select the correct path manually at this point, so
    $ echo $x
    /home/david/.local/share /usr/share /usr/local/share
    evince.desktop is in /usr/share/applications, so
    $ x="/usr/share/"
    $ file="$x/applications/$default"
    $ command="`grep -E "^Exec(\[[^]=]*])?=" "$file" | cut -d= -f 2- | first_word`"
    bash: first_word: command not found
    Oops, first_word is a function
    $ command="`grep -E "^Exec(\[[^]=]*])?=" "$file" | cut -d= -f 2-`"
    $ echo $command
    evince %U
    $ command="evince"
    $ command_exec=`which $command 2>/dev/null`
    $ echo $command_exec
    $ $command_exec Documents/Stuff/Stuff.pdf
    ** (evince:26937): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name
    Evince has started at this point and opened Documents/Stuff/Stuff.pdf!

  • Gnome and KDE 4.1 without mixing?

    I'm running Gnome and love it, but wanted to give KDE 4.1 a chance so I installed it too. When logging in (GDM) I choose whether I want to run Gnome or KDE 4.1,  but when I boot KDE the kde menus are full Gnome stuff, and when I boot Gnome, the menus are full of KDE stuff. It's a mix I don't like. Either I run Gnome or KDE.
    Is there a way to stop the Gnome menus scanning the KDE apps and the KDE menus to stop scanning the Gnome apps?
    Besides that, when I'm in Gnome and open a nautilus bookmark from the "Places" menu, Konquerer starts up happily and makes me think, "What a mess. Is this the way it's supposed to work?"
    If I want to run Gnome only and KDE only, do I need to make a dual boot with two separate Arch installations?
    Last edited by thunderogg (2008-08-01 08:54:02)

    The menu "problem" is due to both desktops using the standard menu item location (Freedesktop.org, I believe defines this).  If you want completely separate, you don't have to dual boot with two separate Arch installs, just create a new user and make a shared data location that your KDE and Gnome user can access.  For example:
    /home/thunderogg could be thunderogg, your Gnome user
    /home/kthunderogg could be kthunderogg, your KDE user
    Create a new /home/shared folder with permissions for both users and save your documents there.  That's the only way that I know of to have both installed and not have a menu mess.

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    When you open up Konsole (or whatever terminal program you are using) it logs you in automatically for the terminal session. So you are logged in to KDE and also Konsole. As a test, open up more Konsoles and see how many users you have.
    Last edited by michy99 (2010-03-20 01:47:23)

  • [SOLVED] xdg-open: no method available for opening

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    Strangely, exo-open works with no problem (although the only way I've found to change file associations is by using Thunar). I would just switch to exo-open, except I've encountered a couple of programs that rely on xdg-open for opening web links and the like.
    Has anyone else seen this problem? At this point, I'm pretty confused, and I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
    Last edited by morganmay (2013-11-19 16:31:08)

    Was poking around with this again. I still haven't solved the problem, but I did notice an error that might be a clue. When I enter "xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler", I get the error "xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment". I don't have a DE installed, just openbox (although as far as I can tell, XDG doesn't require a DE).
    Does anyone know what this means? Searches for this error have only led me to threads recommending solutions that I've already tried without success (editing mimeapps.list, setting environment variables like BROWSER, etc.).

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    Click on "Browse" button at the "Open With" dialog and navigate to the location, where acrord32.exe is located. Preferebly, it should be this location "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" unless you have installed at some customized location.  I'm assuming you have installed Reader 9. Once you add Adobe Reader in the open with list, it would continue to appear next time onwards.

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