Xfce preferred applications

Hi All,
When I'm in the Thunderbird email program, clicking on a link does not open firefox. These programs are both selected in the preferred applications section of xfce settings. Does anyone here know of any tricks that I might be missing?

Yes, Thunderbird ignores any preferred apps you might have set in Xfce (or Gnome and KDE, for that matter). You need to go to Edit --> Preferences --> Advanced --> Config Editor (it's the same thing as Firefox's "about:config"), and add a string key "network.protocol-handler.app.http". Setting it to "xdg-open" should make it behave and use your preferred app, but if that doesn't work you can just set it to "/usr/bin/firefox" or whatever.
You can set a similar key, "network.protocol-handler.app.mailto" in Firefox to "xdg-email" to use your preferred app for mailto: URLs.

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    (further reading)
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    tesjo wrote:It uses *.desktop entries of either /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share applications/ just edit these file with a text editor, look at a few and you'll see how to get the group, title or icon you want in the menu.
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    It can be difficult getting items to launch in a particular order using ~/.config/autostart, and even more difficult having them wait until network manager has brought the network up.
    May I suggest trying network manager's dispatcher.d directory. Here scripts are executed in number/alpha order upon the netowrk coming up and in reverse numerical/alpha order prior to the network going down.
    This way you can launch/mount/start and terminate/unmount/stop apps/filesystems/services based on the state of the network.
    For example, I start/stop ntpd, netfs and mount/unmount my NAS as follows:
    The scripts must be executable and owned by root, and they are executed as root, so ensure you include the necessary code to launch apps as your user where required.
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    #! /bin/bash
    INTERFACE=$1 # The interface which is brought up or down
    STATUS=$2 # The new state of the interface
    case "$STATUS" in
    'up') # $INTERFACE is up
    # your code here
    'down') # $INTERFACE is down
    # your code here

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    http://www.mail-archive.com/epiphany-li … 03090.html
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    Kind Regards,

    I had this same problem but it's gone. I did many things that I don' know what they mean, but I guess solve was pavucontrol or alsa-utils + weird systemctl commands i found with help of search engines. Volume is mute on login screen but goes on after login.
    pacman -S pavucontrol
    and put volume up. If this doesn't help also try installing alsa-utils and
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      Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/37/23/041-5058/lr5tynbldi18zcrqo8a8uq88 rnjushqliu/Safari6Lion.pkg 
    Here you go.....

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    I seem to be going around in circles for the last few weeks, can someone point me in the right direction?
    Last edited by weedfreak (2012-09-23 09:43:11)

    Well I had also tried using XFCE Preferred application to set it and that also did not work, there was also an anomaly with the menu entry for Web Browser, it always claimed there was no preference set and I needed to select the session browser from the list.
    The link provided was not really a lot of help directly, but it did point out that xdg-open is broken and gave me some directions to search in, eventually I found the ~/.local/applications/mimeapp.list contained a lot of references to firefox that stayed in place even if preferences were changed, they were listed before the chrome entries. I deleted every line with firefox in then when I tried a link from Thunderbird I was asked to choose a browser and the change stuck, the web browser menu link also works correctly.
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    maybe this will help:

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