
Any FCP user deal with XL-H1 or PMW-EX1?
Canon and Sony about to release the upgrade XL-H1S & PMW-EX1 in the mid of the year...what do you think?
are the above model support by FCP...capturing thru FIREWIRE?
will you choose the media..TAPE or TAPELESS?
at last,what's your current Camera?

XL-H1 is tape based, and yes, I have shot and captured this format...via firewire.
The Sony EX-1 is SxS (Express34) card based...no capture, but rather INJEST, and I have also injested footage from this camera as well. You must be running FCP 6.0.2, and you must install the Ex1 driver and Sony transfer application. Pretty fast and slick.
New EX1? No...they just announced the EX3 at NAB, but that is a $12,000 camera, not an update. The EX1 JUST came out..no update for that soon.
I choose both...tapeless has advantages, but archiving is still an issue. Tape is in your hand, but then you need to use your camera as a deck, or have to buy or rent a deck to capture this footage. Injesting requires no deck.
My current cameras are a Canon GL1 and Panasonic HVX-200.

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    You may need to use DVdriver along with your desired USB device. It allows your computer to see the video input as a 'webcam' and thus allows Connect to see it. Free to try, $20 to buy.
    DVdriver: DV Camcorder to WebCam Converter Software by Eagletron 2014-05-27

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    I have an EX3.
    The SxS cards unload very quickly and there is NO processing before you work with it - I love that. Also the Express card slot on a MacBook Pro will read (and write) the SxS card so you do not need to carry a reader when you're on the road. The video plays perfectly and does not load the processor at all. I can also edit the video and the RUN IT BACK INTO THE SxS CARD (try that with P2) - this allows you to play it out through the SDI port on the camera and feed the video to the networks or other equipment that is not connected to a computer.
    The low light abilities of this camera blows me away. I shot our local capital rotunda from 3/4 of a mile away at night, without any gain - in fact I had to close the iris down a bit! The blacks are black without any noise.
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    Another really great thing about the EX3 is the viewfinder. People like Robert Primes (CSA) says this is the best viewfinder he has ever seen. You can actually use this camera without a large monitor. You really need to check one out in person. Mr. Primes talks about the EX in two different videos on a Sony web site at:
    https://vts.inxpo.com/scripts/InXpo.nxp?LASCmd=L:0&AI=1&ShowKey=1405&LoginType=0 &InitialDisplay=1&ClientBrowser=0&DisplayItem=NULL
    You'll have to look around in the XDCAM EX area of the "Convention Center" for the videos (I don't know why Sony hides them). It is very enlightening.
    This camera is a full raster 1920x1080 and shoots NTSC (and PAL) with native real 24 fps format not pull downs.
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    I have the same problem! And your suggested procedure doesn't work.
    Yes, I do have the latest version of XDCAM transfer (2.10) and I've installed Snow Leopard lately.
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    Talking out of not knowing anything.
    Your Camera has.
    i.Link                         IEEE 1394, 4-pin x 1, HDV stream input/output, S400
    Did You try to connect it via FireWire ?
    Did You try to put Your MemoryCard into a MC-Reader (USB2)
    and neither worked ?
    • FireWire - Log and Capture
    • USB2 - Log and Transfer
    Or am I just blabbing (only got miniDV tape Camera from 2000 - so I'm wildly guessing) - Bengt W

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    Dear Andy
    Firstly many thanks for your speedy reply and to the point information. To be honest it is as I suspected, however I was rather confused by this reply from Sony:
    Dear Mr Leahy,
    Thank you for your email.
    The PMW-EX3 is 10 bits (interlaced) or 20 bits (progressive) camera. The transfer of the material from your PMW-EX3 to your computer is without any loss. The fact that it outputs 8 bit images, might related to the specifications of your computer or your software.
    Unfortunately the operation information you are asking is related to the functionality of FCP. We, as Sony PrimeSupport, can only give you information about the functionality and operation of the PMW-EX3. For information about the export options in FCP I have to ask you to contact Apple.
    Best Regards,
    Frank Sijm
    Sony PrimeSupport Engineer
    B2B service and support
    However I shall give up trying to get 10 bits out of current footage, so thanks for info. Once we start the project we intend to film the green screen straight onto the Mac Pro. I guess it’s a little cheeky but my partner and I were wondering what codec workflow you would recommend for 10 bit HD?
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    • Mac_AvidCodecsLE.zip
    codecHowever I’m having difficulty connecting these downloaded codecs to FCP? Do they have to be dragged into Compressor and files burnt? None of the recommended Avid codec’s appear in FCP?
    Anyway any help and advice much appreciated. And thanks again for putting us straight. Yours Jeff

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    The new FCP X uses Favorites or Keywords... both approaches inferior (in my opinion) to my old workflow...  So what am I missing?  How is the new way better?  Was there a better way before that I was just missing???
    And now I'm getting the whiff of an even bigger problem...  I haven't encountered it myself but others are finding that once a project exceeds twelve minutes, things become terribly unstable.
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    Yes, I know FCP X is an upgrade in name only.  That's part of Apple's PR headache over this whole debacle.  When people launch a program and 10.0 Final Cut Pro X stares them in the face, they are justified to expect that it's a true update (upgrade) of Final Cut Pro.  And with Apple overselling the product.... oh, well, it is what it is.
    Most of us would have been happy with Final Cut Pro 8, a true 64 bit upgrade of the program that was working for us.
    Yes, Favorites and Keywords are similar to Subclips but they are still so tied to the Master Clip.. If I Favorite 10 clips and sort by favorites, I get the Master Clips and have to hit the triangle beside them to see the Favorites.  Even if all 10 Favorites are from the same Master Clip, I get ten redundant lines I have to wade through....
    The old way was better... One bin with ten uniquely named subclips.  Clear and clean....
    The new program does not seem informed by anyone who ever made a movie longer than five minutes... and evidently (from all reviews) it wasn't influenced by anyone who considers himself a professional editor.  (I do not consider myself a professional editor, just an independent movie maker who writes, directs, acts, edits, etc., and who happily used Final Cut Pro for over a decade.)
    I'm hanging around for FCP X 10.1... I've never seen Apple so mishandle a situation...  On a much smaller scale, it's Apple's Vista moment....
    Thanks for responding...

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    Memory Cards
    External Mic

    My mistake, the link should have been http://www.millcon.nl/Harm/BBC_Approved_HD_Cameras.pdf
    Interesting  (though not for the OP) to see five cameras in comparison based on  today's prices at B&H and including 3 hours worth of storage at  maximum quality:
    Base price
    Storage 3 hours
    Total cost
    Panasonic HPX-250
    $ 5300
    $ 1950 (3 x 64 GB P2)
    $ 7250
    Sony PMW-EX1/R
    $ 6300
    $ 1350 (3 x 32 GB SxS) or a Nano Flash $ 3000*
    $ 7650 / $ 9300*
    Sony PMW-EX3
    $ 8320
    $ 1350 (3 x 32 GB SxS) or a Nano Flash $ 3000*
    $ 9670 / $ 11320*
    Canon XF300
    $ 6500
    $ 390 (3 x 32 GB CF Extreme)
    $ 6890
    Canon XF305
    $ 7500
    $ 390 (3 x 32 GB CF Extreme)
    $ 7890
    If you belong to the category that needs more than 3 hours of card storage (events, weddings, trainings, etc.) then the cost differences increase even more.
    * required to meet the BBC requirements. The further assumption is that the 250 will be approved shortly, as the 371 was last year.

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    That would be neat to use the screen as a field monitor, then edit on the same machine...
    Wouldn't that save in not having to have a monitor for the director?
    If possible, how could it be done?
    R. Dale McCarver

    OnLocation from Adobe
    HD Monitor
    Google each for their capabilities.

  • Brightness Filter effecting quality and color.

    Hi, Guys.
    I could really do with your help.
    I shot a scene in low light conditions so the image is fairly grainy anyway (I shot the scene on an Sony PMW EX3).
    Some of the shots are a little bright though. I want to darken the image slightly but when I do this, using the brightness filter, it makes the whole image ridiculously grainy (blocky) and it also changes the colors to like a greeny color.
    Does anyone know what I mean and does anyone know how I could adjust the brightness without increasing the size of the grain (without losing quality and color).
    Cheers guys.

    Yes Tom, the reverse ... but steady as she goes going in the opposite direction. You might want to explore some possible denoise options too if the grain is really too distracting.
    Take a look at Mattias Sandström's Smart Noise Reduction filter which is part of his completely free and completely awesome Too Much Too Soon filter set: http://www.mattias.nu/plugins/
    On the commercial side there is the highly recommended Neat Video plugin: http://www.neatvideo.com
    Or ReVision Fx's aptly named DE Noise plugin: http://www.revisionfx.com/products/denoise/


    Camera used:-Sony Pmw Ex3
    Footage       :- XDCAM  sp(1440 * 1080i) PAL
    Edited in      :-final cut pro 7
    Error            :- failed  to import .xml file into premiere pro cs5
    I tried  to import the .xml file into premiere CS5 ,it asked for the media files  to relink .whn i linked the .mp4 files it showed the  error messege "The  selected file cannot be linked becouse it has 2 audio channel(s) and  the clip was created with 1 audio channel(s).
    then i tried to relink the .mov instead of .mp4 file (which i  used in final cut pro on apple machine)i got  the error "Codec missing  or unavailable"
    what should i do???..i almost done all the  editing in final cut pro and i bought the adobe coz i thought i can  finish all the pending FCP projects in Premier Pro..??

    What is the CODEC in your MOV file(s)? MOV is but a "wrapper," like AVI. This ARTICLE will give you some background. It could be that you just need the proper CODEC, or it could be that it is a Mac-only CODEC, and then you will need for the producer to Export in another CODEC, that is PC-compatible.
    This ARTICLE will give you some background on CODEC's, in general.
    Good luck,

  • About to purchase new Mac Pro - Need Advice

    I am about to purchase a new mac pro and have some questions
    I am planning to use final cut pro as well as Edius on Boot Camp.
    I intend to edit footage in HDV from a sony Z1 and also from the new sony - pmw -ex3 which i will be planning to edit in HD and 24p.
    1) the default config for the mac pro is dual 2.8.ghz processors, what advantage gain will i get i upgrade to 3.0 or 3.2, is the extra power worth the money? will this give me more real-time editing
    How many layers of HD 1920 x 1080 from the sony pmw-ex3, will i be able to edit in FCP 6.0 without any problems? would you advise more ram
    2) i prefer to work from RAID 5 drives and keep system drive separate, this is how i have worked on in PC/Windows environment. Can anyone confirm if i can have one JBOD drive for the system and 3 drives configured as a RAID 5 drive?
    Will i be able to use a boot to run windows and also be able to use the RAID 5 drive on windows side?
    3) Is anyone using the 3ware RAID 5 side car? what is experienece is this compatible on the windows partition from boot camp
    4) How will i be able to preview HD footage?
    5) Do i need to invest in a better Graphics
    Thanks in advance

    Here are a few answers.
    1. The Mac Pro 2.8 GHz model performs so well that it is difficult to justify paying 28% more for 7% of additional processor power in the case of the Mac Pro 3.0 GHz or 56% more for 14% additional processor power with the Mac Pro 3.2 GHz model. You might see a small 5-10% increase in performance when compressing video with the 3.2GHz model but it certainly would not be worth paying 50% more to me. In addition, Amazon has the 2.8 on sale for $2599 after an easy rebate:
    That is a $200 savings off the retail price.
    2. If you want to use boot camp I would NOT recommend the Apple RAID card. Boot camp does not work with this card which leaves you wondering why you bought the card and how to get around this HUGE limitation. Instead, I would recommend the Areca ARC-1221x, HighPoint RR 3522 or the ARC-1680x if you want a SAS card. All of these cards have new firmware available that provide awesome performance and boot capability with the Mac Pro 2008. I would also get a SeriTek/2eEN4 4-bay and 1TB Samsung HDs. This gives a solid, quiet 4-bay enclosure that can support RAID 5 with any of the cards and you can add a second enclosure later if you want to use all eight external ports with RAID 6 (for added redundancy and increased volume size). This leaves the internal bays available for Boot Camp, Mac OS X, backups or mirrors and provides RAID 5/6 capability that can be configured to perform almost twice as fast as the Apple RAID card and provide double the redundancy with RAID 6. Links with more information are found here:
    3. The 3Ware RAID 5 card is not a top pick in the Macintosh market. The options outlined above will provide much better performance and RAID 6 capabilities.
    4. You can view the the HD footage on the monitor.
    5. You may want a better graphics card but I would try the stock card first. I was surprised how well the ATI radeon HD 2600 XT card performs with Apple applications.
    Have fun!

  • Live media encoder not recognizing my camera

    I am working on a MacBook Pro with a Sony PMW-EX3 HD camera connected through iLink with a Firewire 800.  My iMovie recognizes the camera, so I know it is not the computer.  However, in Live Media Encoder 3,1, I am not allowed to choose my Sony camera for input.  It is like Live Media Encoder does not recognize the camera.
    Any ideas?

    I'm sure you checked this but just in case...
    Is the camera on or in the mode to output to firewire when you have it connected to FMLE?  I also have experienced devices not showing up when connected when the device is not on or sending out a picture.  They also don't show up usually when you connect it or turn it on when FMLE is already running (which can be fixed by closing it and restarting the program).

  • 24 FPS vs 30 FPS

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    Is it better to shoot in 30 fps unless your work is going to film?

    I think the look of film has a lot more to do with depth of field, and quiet, yet really saturated color. That, and film grain. 24fps shot correctly will exhibit less judder, but then you are constrained to slower moves with the camera... I've shot 35mm and 16 over the years too, and find that more fps = better movement... Can't help with judder if the action is fast even in a tied off shot... not as big an issue with higher fps. We used to make a lot of commercials destined for the air, and we'd shoot them at 30fps... looked much better to me and still looked like film... because it had that shallow depth of field, and the saturated color. And dynamic range of course is much better with film. But 24fps isn't the main ingredient don't think at all. I don't know, I just like smother looking motion pictures...
    Not trying to start a war or nothin' here, but 24fps video in and of itself doesn't fool my eyes into thinking it might be film.

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