XML cannot contain results of queries?

I have a small excel file with raw data. from this raw data I calculate for example an average of a few cells.
I want to display the result of this query in a gauge in Xcelsius Engage 2008 and export it to an HTML file. It should update dynamically using XML when the raw data changes.
The problem is that I can't export the result of a query into the XML file. It just wont show in the xml file.
For static data there is no problem.
What should I do?
Edwin Wortel.

i think if we can just have authorization for the query it will take care of security.
I too am not expert with portal so cant guide expertly.
What i will suggest is execute the report with particular selection -> save as bookmark -> copy the link and sent to users.
now if user is not authorized to the query he will not be able to execute the bookmark.
You need to try this option thou.

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    We are using the following code to serialize the itab "z_table" in system A:
      DATA: g_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
            g_stream_factory TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
            g_encoding TYPE REF TO if_ixml_encoding,
            ostream TYPE REF TO if_ixml_ostream.
      CONSTANTS: encoding TYPE string VALUE 'utf-8'.
      g_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
      g_stream_factory = g_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
      g_encoding = g_ixml->create_encoding(
        character_set = encoding
        byte_order = 0 ).
      ostream = g_stream_factory->create_ostream_xstring( string = ex_xml_string ).
      ostream->set_encoding( encoding = g_encoding ).
        SOURCE z_table = z_table
        RESULT XML xml_string
        OPTIONS data_refs = 'heap'
                xml_header = 'full'.
    And the following code to deserialize the itab in system B:
        SOURCE XML xml_string
        RESULT z_table = z_table.
    The serialization in System A creates an XML document containing <dic:z_structure> tags. If you now try to deserialize this document ("z_table")
    in System B, the deserialization fails in case z_table contains DDIC structures which are not known in system B.
    Is there any way to have the definition (e.g. type + length) of those ddic structures included in the XML document, so that
    a deserialization is possible even if the ddic structure is not known in system B? e.g. Rendered into a XML scheme, or directly as an
    attribute into the <dic:..> tag for instance?
    Any ideas are appreciated..
    Best regards,

    Hello Raja,
    many thanks first for your answer. I tried the FM and got a table with the definition details I want.
    Unfortunately, I'm not really sure, how to continue working with the definition details. There are still some questions open:
    - How do I proficient include these table details into my xml with my original table z_table? Would it be possible to include the table details in a way, that a "call transformation" can easily deserialize my z_table with this table details?
    - How do I convert the lt_dfies table definition details back to a ddic object that I can use? Can this be done in memory only, so that I don't have to create real ddic objects on the target system?
    Many thanks and kind regards, Oliver<b></b><b></b>

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         <td> WITH tree AS (select dCollectionId, CASE WHEN level > 1 then dCollectionQuota END AS EFFECTIVE_QUOTA, dParentCollectionId from collections start with dCollectionId = ? connect by nocycle dCollectionId = prior dParentCollectionId) SELECT max(level) AS PARENTLEVEL from tree t start with dCollectionId = ? connect by dCollectionId = prior dParentCollectionId and prior EFFECTIVE_QUOTA IS NULL
         <td>dCollectionIdStored varchar
              dCollectionIdStored varchar</td>
    I added a new column to the table Collections. This column is called dCollectionQuota.
    This query takes one entry parameter, dCollectionId of a folder, and returns LEVEL of the parent folder whose quota is not NULL
         <td> WITH tree AS (select dCollectionId, dCollectionQuota, CASE WHEN level > 1 then dCollectionQuota END AS EFFECTIVE_QUOTA, dParentCollectionId from collections start with dCollectionId = ? connect by nocycle dCollectionId = prior dParentCollectionId) SELECT dCollectionId AS FOUNDPARENTID, dCollectionQuota as PARENTQUOTA from tree t where level = ? start with dCollectionId = ? connect by dCollectionId = prior dParentCollectionId and prior EFFECTIVE_QUOTA IS NULL
         <td>dCollectionIdStored varchar
              PARENTLEVEL int
              dCollectionIdStored varchar</td>
    This query searches the same recursive tree as Q1. Only this time it returns dCollectionId and dCollectionQuota of the parent item - it will be the root or the first parent with a set quota.
    I use the PARENTLEVEL parameter found in the first query - I believe these two queries could be united into one - I just need the node with max level
         <td>WITH tree AS (select dCollectionId, case when level>1 then dCollectionQuota end as effective_quota from collections start with dCollectionId = ? connect by dParentCollectionId = prior dCollectionId and (prior dCollectionQuota IS NULL or level = 2)) SELECT SUM(NVL(t.effective_quota, NVL(docs.dFileSize, 0))) as PARENTQUOTABLOCKED from tree t LEFT OUTER JOIN DOCMETA meta ON t.dCollectionId = meta.xCollectionId and t.effective_quota IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN DOCUMENTS docs ON meta.dId = docs.dId and docs.dIsPrimary = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN REVISIONS rev ON rev.dId = docs.dId</td>
         <td>FOUNDPARENTID int</td>
    This is a quite complex query which takes the parameter FOUNDPARENTID from the query 2. Its logic is to calculate portion of the quota already used (either by assignment of quotas to subfolders or storing documents to folders with no quota assigned).
         <td>WITH tree AS (select dCollectionId, case when level>1 then dCollectionQuota end as effective_quota from collections start with dCollectionId = ? connect by dParentCollectionId = prior dCollectionId and (prior dCollectionQuota IS NULL or level = 2)) SELECT SUM(NVL(t.effective_quota, NVL(docs.dFileSize, 0))) as TOTALDOCUMENTSIZE from tree t LEFT OUTER JOIN DOCMETA meta ON t.dCollectionId = meta.xCollectionId and t.effective_quota IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN DOCUMENTS docs ON meta.dId = docs.dId and docs.dIsPrimary = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN REVISIONS rev ON rev.dId = docs.dId</td>
         <td>dCollectionId int</td>
    This is the same query as Q3, only for the starting folder.
         <td>select ? - ? + ? as MAXPOSSIBLEQUOTA from DUAL</td>
         <td>PARENTQUOTA int
              PARENTQUOTABLOCKED int
              TOTALDOCUMENTSIZE int
    This query combines results from Q2, Q3 and Q4, so all the parameters PARENTQUOTA, PARENTQUOTABLOCKED, and TOTALDOCUMENTSIZE are used.
         <td>select * from dual where ? - ? < 0</td>
         <td>MAXPOSSIBLEQUOTA int
              dCollectionQuotaEntry varchar
    The final query is the check if entered new quota is below the calculated maximum.

    I was thinking about something similar - though, do it in Java. However, both ways seems to me a bit overkill. Fortunately, I was advised another way on a different forum:
    turn on "systemdatabase" tracing from the System Audit Information page (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10316_01/cs/cs_doc_10/documentation/admin/troubleshooting_10en.pdf manual for more details)
    This tracks all the queries, so I'm able to see results of queries in entries of the succeeding ones.
    I prefer this way, because it requires no changes in the component.
    Yet, thanks for your effort.

  • In ColdFusion 10 Java integration, app-context.xml cannot be found in the classpath

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    Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [META-INF/spring/app-context.xml]; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [META-INF/spring/app-context.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBean DefinitionReader.java:341)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBean DefinitionReader.java:302)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinition s(AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.java:143)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinition s(AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.java:178)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinition s(AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.java:149)
            at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinition s(AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.java:212)
            at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractXmlApplicationContext.loadBeanDefinitions(Abs tractXmlApplicationContext.java:126)
            at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractXmlApplicationContext.loadBeanDefinitions(Abs tractXmlApplicationContext.java:92)
            at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext.refreshBeanFact ory(AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext.java:130)
            at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.obtainFreshBeanFactory(Abs tractApplicationContext.java:467)
            at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicatio nContext.java:397)
            at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApp licationContext.java:139)
            at org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.<init>(ClassPathXmlApp licationContext.java:83)
    Can anyone shed some light on why CF can't find this resource?

    ReadPDF rPDF = new ReadPDF();
    Class myClass = rPDF.getClass();
    ClassLoader loader = myClass.getClassLoader();
    URL myURL = loader.getResource("PreviewForm1210.pdf");
    String path = myURL.getPath();
    path = path.replaceAll("%20", " ");
    // Create a PdfReader instance
    PdfReader r = PdfReader.fileReader(path);
    // Create a PdfDocument instance with the reader
    PdfDocument d = new PdfDocument(r);
    // Get page count and display on console
    System.out.println("Number of pages in PreviewForm1210.pdf is " + d.getPageCount());

  • VLD-1141, Template cannot contain escape characters.

    Hi All,
    I need help about mapping deployment. I am working on a mapping. I can deploy it before to 9i target location. But after upgrading target database to 10g, I get the error VLD-1141 when I deploy it. The detail is Template cannot contain escape characters.
    And the full error message is as following:
    VLD-1141: Internal error during mapping generation.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Template cannot contain escape characters.
    at oracle.wh.util.expr.WBLiteralExpression.<init>(WBLiteralExpression.java:34)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.addContextExpressionsForGroups(GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.java:345)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.prepareOutputContextPlSql(GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.java:1433)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformPlSqlDelegate.prepareOutputContext(GenericTransformPlSqlDelegate.java:147)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:239)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleCursorLoopInternal(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3206)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleCursorLoop(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3190)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleRowBased(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3115)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assemble(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:538)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:770)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:316)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBDeployableMappingGenerator.generate(WBDeployableMappingGenerator.java:99)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.common.WBGenerationService.generateCode(WBGenerationService.java:433)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.common.WBGenerationService.generateCode(WBGenerationService.java:311)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.service.WhValidationGenerationTransaction.run(WhValidationGenerationTransaction.java:241)

    There are to bugs:
    against OWB
    but these bugs are fixed from
    The bug is related to pre/post mapping operators...
    If you are on or your mapping does not have these operators then have no clue...

  • ESB/File Adapter - XML files containing multiple messages

    In all the examples on file adapters I read, if files contain multiple messages, it always concerns non-XML files, such as CSV files.
    In our case, we have an XML file containing multiple messages, which we want to process separately (not in a batch). We selected "Files contain Multiple Messages" and set "Publish Messages in Batches of" to 1.
    However, the OC4J log files show the following error:
    Payload Record Element is not DOM source.
    The Resource Adapter sent a Message to the Adapter Framework which could not be converted to a org.w3c.dom.Element.
    Anyone knows whether it's possible to do this for XML files?
    Regards, Ronald

    Maybe I need to give a little bit more background info.
    Ideally, one would only read/pick-up small XML documents in which every XML document forms a single message. In that way they can be processed individually.
    However, in our case an external party supplies multiple messages in a single batch-file, which is in XML format. I want to "work" on individual messages as soon as possible and not put a huge batch file through our ESB and BPEL processes. Unfortunately we can not influence the way the XML file is supplied, since we are not the only subscriber to it.
    So yes, we can use XPath to extract all individual messages from the XML batch-file and start a ESB process instance for each individual message. But that would require the creation of another ESB or BPEL process which only task is to "chop up" the batch file and start the original ESB process for each message.
    I was hoping that the batch option in the File adapter could also do this for XML content and not only for e.g. CSV content. That way it will not require an additional process and manual coding.
    Can anyone confirm this is not supported in ESB?
    Message was edited by:
    Ronald van Luttikhuizen

  • XML cannot fully get all metadata with "getItemRequest"

    Hi All,
    My client is using GroupWise 7.0.3.
    We want to get the dropdown list custom field data of document, but the XML file cannot fully record all corresponding custom field data by using "getItemRequest".
    For example:
    GroupWise Client - Document 1 :
    Dropdown list custom field 1: aaa
    Sub dropdown list custom field 1-1 of custom field 1: aab
    Sub dropdown list custom field 1-2 of custom field 1: aac
    Dropdown list custom field 2: bbb
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-1 of custom field 2: bbc
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-2 of custom field 2: bbd
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-3 of custom field 2: (Empty data)
    XML recording - Document 1:
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 1</field>
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 1-1</field>
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 2-1</field>
    <custom type="Numeric">
    <field>custom field 2-3</field>
    In my program, i just call "getItemRequest" and export the response to XML
    WebReference.getItemRequest req = new WebReference.getItemRequest();
    WebReference.getItemResponse resp;
    string outPath = @"c:\GW\"
    string FileName = filename.toString();
    req.id = doc.ID;
    req.view = "View";
    resp = ws.getItemRequest(req);
    if (0 == resp.status.code)
    if (null != resp.item)
    ObjectToXml(resp, outPath + FileName + ".xml");
    Am i missing something or step?
    Or what i need to do?
    Could anyone to give me some suggestion?
    Thank you very much.

    Hi Preston,
    But client doesn't update GW, therefore we will find another ways.
    However, thank you for your advice.
    Originally Posted by Preston Stephenson
    Sorry, there is no support for 7.0.x.
    The only place you will get support (with some exceptions) is GW 2012.
    (There will be some changes made to 8.0.x, but this would not qualify.)
    You can try GW 2012.
    There is little support for Document Management in the SOAP API.
    When you try GW 2012 and you still have a problem, let me know.
    Hi All,
    My client is using GroupWise 7.0.3.
    We want to get the dropdown list custom field data of document, but the
    XML file cannot fully record all corresponding custom field data by
    using "getItemRequest".
    For example:
    GroupWise Client - Document 1 :
    Dropdown list custom field 1: aaa
    Sub dropdown list custom field 1-1 of custom field 1: aab
    Sub dropdown list custom field 1-2 of custom field 1: aac
    Dropdown list custom field 2: bbb
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-1 of custom field 2: bbc
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-2 of custom field 2: bbd
    Sub dropdown list custom field 2-3 of custom field 2: (Empty data)
    XML recording - Document 1:
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 1</field>
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 1-1</field>
    <custom type="String">
    <field>custom field 2-1</field>
    <custom type="Numeric">
    <field>custom field 2-3</field>
    In my program, i just call "getItemRequest" and export the response to
    WebReference.getItemRequest req = new WebReference.getItemRequest();
    WebReference.getItemResponse resp;
    string outPath = @"c:\GW\"
    string FileName = filename.toString();
    req.id = doc.ID;
    req.view = "View";
    resp = ws.getItemRequest(req);
    if (0 == resp.status.code)
    if (null != resp.item)
    ObjectToXml(resp, outPath + FileName + ".xml");
    Am i missing something or step?
    Or what i need to do?
    Could anyone to give me some suggestion?
    Thank you very much.
    jimmyng25's Profile: View Profile: jimmyng25 - Novell Forums
    View this thread: XML cannot fully get all metadata with "getItemRequest"

  • [Application Update Error] - The element 'Field' in namespace 'urn:deployment-manifest-schema' cannot contain text.

    I developed a custom SharePoint 2013 Application (SharePoint hosted) and everything works fine. If I tried to update the application and I ran into the following error:
    The element 'Field' in namespace 'urn:deployment-manifest-schema' cannot contain text. List
    of possible elements expected: any element in namespace '##any'.
    If I redeploy the application (without update, just a new instance) everything works fine. Only the update scenario throws the exception above. 
    I tried different things to solve that issue:
    I recreated the feature
    I checked all the custom field definitions, content types and lists inside the app. 
    I tried different O365 tenants and a SharePoint 2013 On Premise Development Server (Same problem on all systems)
    Can anybody give me a tip to solve that problem?
    Thanks in advance

    According to your description, when you try to update your SharePoint Hosted App, an error occurs.
    To narrow down the issue, I would suggest you create a simple app without other components in it, deploy it and then update it to see if this error will still occur.
    Once you get a workable app without the update issue, then you can add other customizations one after one in this app and perform the update. By doing this, it would
    be easier to find out the root cause.
    Anyway, you can take a look at the link below about updating app for more information:
    Feel free to reply if there any progress.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Register iPhone "Password cannot contain spaces"

    I want to register my iPhone but cannot login to my existing Apple ID because the screen shows an error saying my password cannot contain spaces...
    However, my actual password does contain space(s), and I have never experienced issues with logging in elsewhere. (appleid.apple.com, iTunes Store, developer.apple.com, ...)
    Is this some kind of bug in the register form?
    Screenshot: http://cl.ly/U8bO
    Mavericks 10.9.2
    iTunes 11.1.4
    iPhone5 w/ iOS 7.0.6

    What happens when you change your password to one without spaces?
    Apple ID: Changing your password

  • Using Query Results in Queries

    I understand how to "Using Query Results in Queries" through
    this link:
    http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/coldfusion/5.0/Developing_ColdFusion_Applications/queryDB11. htm;
    However, does anyone know how to do this inside a component?
    note: the first query gets parameters through a form and the second
    query is called through a grid bind.

    I didn't read the link, but there are two ways to use query
    results in other queries. At least two that I know about.
    One is to use valuelists. Since your link was for Cold Fusion
    5, that's probably what they mentioned.
    The other is with Query of Queries.
    You do it in a component the same way you do it in a

  • TimesTen Error :5126: A system managed cache group cannot contain non-stand

    I have created few cache groups in TimesTen.
    And when i fired script to create fillowing cache group its gives me error.
    please see the details mentioned below.
    then error occurs like==>
    5121: Non-standard type mapping for column JISPRATCORBILLINGDEV501.TBLSSTPACCOUNTINGSUMMARY.ACCOUNTINGSUMMARYID, cache operations are restricted
    5126: A system managed cache group cannot contain non-standard column type mapping
    The command failed.

    If you have access to Oracle Metalink, Please take a look at the Note:367431.1
    Sabdar Syed.

  • Inspection Lot Created but not shown in QE72, and cannot input result or UD

    Hi Exports,
    I have  Inspection Lot Created by 04-production goods receive, but not shown in QE72, and cannot input result or UD
    Inspection Lot status: CRTD CHCR SPRQ,
      in Business Process of inspection lot showing:
    *Cancel inspection lot
    Assign RMA proc. to insp. lot
    Assign notification to lot RMA
    Batch log indicator required
    Certificate missing
    Change inspection lot
    Change planned lot quantity
    Choose task list for insp. lot
    Confirm Receipt of Certificate
    Create part. lot for insp. lot
    Flag cancellation
    Inventory posting required
    Lot for process documentation
    Lot reset allowed
    What is going wrong? 
    BTW, the sampling procedure in Inspection Plan is a read-only field, but empty inside.

    Dear in your case there is no Inspection plan was attached to the lot so attach the plan and make lot status to REL then only you can do Results Recording.
    Inspection plan gets auto assigned to availble inspection plan on respective date if you enabled the inspction with tasklist and automatic assignment boxes in relevant inspection types in MM QM view for this Inspction plant should be made avaialble in stsyem before any lot created which can be created QP01.
    If it is not getting assiged automatically then you can assign it manually by QA02 here go to inspection specification tab click on Task list assignment the go to sample tab and click on sample and SAVE Inspection plan will be attached to inspection plan.
    Once inspection plan is the lot status you can see REL before assignment of a plant it would be CRTD.

  • WB_OLAP_AW_PRECOMPUTE: Template cannot contain escape parameters

    I tried to use the WB_OLAP_AW_PRECOMPUTE transformation as a Post-Mapping-Process (OWB10gR2). When validating the mapping I get the error message "Template cannot contain escape parameters". Does anybody have an idea what that could be??

    Please find below part of the mapping code generated by OWB. There you can see the content of the parameters.
    "TRUNCATE_LOAD$2" VARCHAR2(32767);
    -- Post-Model triggers
    IF NOT get_abort THEN
    get_trigger_success := FALSE;
    END IF;
    -- Assign the Mapping Output Parameters

  • Validation - template cannot contain escape characters

    Hi all, im new to Warehouse builder, i find the documentation lacking, the tutorials lacking and i can't find any books on warehouse builder either. Am I stupid ? :-)
    Anyway, i've set up 3 constants (varchar2) to pass as parameter values to a function im calling and when i try to validate the mapping im getting 'Template cannot contain escape characters'.
    Then im getting validation completed successfully..however, when i try to deploy im getting this:
    VLD-1141: Internal error during mapping generation.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Template cannot contain escape characters.
    at oracle.wh.util.expr.WBLiteralExpression.<init>(WBLiteralExpression.java:34)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.addContextExpressionsForGroups(GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.java:345)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.prepareOutputContextPlSql(GenericTransformGenerationDelegate.java:1433)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.component.transforms.GenericTransformPlSqlDelegate.prepareOutputContext(GenericTransformPlSqlDelegate.java:147)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:239)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleCursorLoopInternal(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3206)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleCursorLoop(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3190)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assembleRowBased(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:3115)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.PlSqlGenerationMediator.assemble(PlSqlGenerationMediator.java:538)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:770)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBMappingGenerator.generate(WBMappingGenerator.java:316)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.mapping.generation.WBDeployableMappingGenerator.generate(WBDeployableMappingGenerator.java:99)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.common.WBGenerationService.generateCode(WBGenerationService.java:433)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.common.WBGenerationService.generateCode(WBGenerationService.java:311)
    at oracle.wh.service.impl.generation.service.WhValidationGenerationTransaction.run(WhValidationGenerationTransaction.java:241)
    I have no clue whatsoever what this is about, can anyone tell ?

    hi ,
    I also got the same error when i migrated MDL from owb 9.2 version.
    I was using OWB 10.2.01, and heard that it is a bug which is fixed in owb
    So i applied the patch and this error gone.
    In case if it help u.

  • Template cannot contain escape characters

    I created a database function which takes a varchar2 variable as input and passes back a number as output.
    I am using pre mapping process to call this function and I created a constant with the value I want to pass to this function. When I try to validate my mapping I am getting this error
    Template cannot contain escape characters.
    Why am i gettign this error any ideas as to how to fix this. I know for sure the join of the constant to the input mapping process is causing this error but my constant variable just has
    'xxxxx_xxxx' no other characters.

    Are you using the production release, I think this is bug 5403652. It should be fixed in a patch after ( onwards), you could also try set based only code generation and see if this bypasses the problem (there is a comment in the bug indicating it is a row based code gen bug).

Maybe you are looking for

  • HP Color LaserJet 2605dn Network Printing

    Here we go again. I just upgraded the Windows 7 and I am still having the same network printing issues I encountered in Vista. 1. It doesn't appear that there is a Windows 7 32-bit driver for this printer, am I wrong? I found the drivers page for thi

  • IPhone 5 Freezes after upgrading to IOS 8

    I have been experiencing performance issues on my iPhone 5 since upgrading to IOS 5. I searched the internet and performed all the recovery suggestions offered by other users. The problem seems to persist regardless of various reboots, restores and o

  • ADF 11g  Date input

    I am using date input component in ADF 11g. This component let u select only date. but I want the user be able to select date and time as well. which date component should I drop on page ? thx p

  • Hdmi cable problems

    So about a 2 months ago I bought an hdmi cable, along with the cable adapters to hook up your macbook to the tv. It worked very well initially but lately when I've been hooking it up (I use it to watch netflix on the tv) it will disconnect and give m

  • Can you turn off autosave and versions in mountain lion?

    Is this possible?