XML Document initialization.

I need to parse an XML document that I read Externally.
Presently for testing I need to simulate this by hardcoding the xml from Web Dynpro :
eg: Document xmlSimulate =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
- <DecisionTree>
Please let me know how I can do this ???
Awaiting your kind responses.

to parse a xml document in java you can either use SAX or DOM. If you want to generate java objects by xml JAXB is a good choice. You can find very much tutorials on the web (try google).

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    Good day,
    I have a problem with a project I am busy with. I am creating an XML document from a predefined schema. I am able to this with no problem for one level using this method:
    XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UKFATCASubmissionFIReport));
    TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(destinationPath);
    UKFATCASubmissionFIReport fatcaSub = new UKFATCASubmissionFIReport();
    fatcaSub.SchemaVersion = schemaVersion;
    //Initialize classes and objects
    #region classes and objects
    AccountDataType accountData = new AccountDataType();
    AccountHolderCodeType accountHolderType = new AccountHolderCodeType();
    MessageDataType messageData = new MessageDataType();
    MonetaryType moneyType = new MonetaryType();
    SubmissionType submissionData = new SubmissionType();
    FIReturnActionType fireturnActionData = new FIReturnActionType();
    AccountActionType accountActionData = new AccountActionType();
    TINCodeType tinCode = new TINCodeType();
    HolderTaxInfoType holderInfo = new HolderTaxInfoType();
    //PaymentDataType paymentData = paymentDetails();
    //Monetary type
    moneyType.Value = moneyTypeValue;
    moneyType.currCode = currCode_Type.GBP;
    //Create message data
    messageData.FATCAUserId = FatcaUserID;
    messageData.XMLTimeStamp = timeStamp;
    messageData.MessageCategory = MessageType.NewSubmission;
    fatcaSub.MessageData = messageData;
    //Create submission data object
    submissionData.ReportingPeriod = reportingPeriod;
    submissionData.Item = messageRef;
    fatcaSub.Item = submissionData;
    //FI Return Action
    fireturnActionData.Action = ActionType.New;
    fireturnActionData.FIReturnRef = returnRef;
    //FIReturnActionType[] fireturnItems = new FIReturnActionType[] { fireturnActionData };
    //TIN Code Type
    tinCode.TINCountryCode = countryCode;
    tinCode.Value = tinCodeValue;
    tinCode.TINCountryCodeSpecified = itemSpecified;
    //TIN Information
    holderInfo.ReportableJurisdiction = countryCode;
    holderInfo.TIN = holderTIN;
    holderInfo.TINCode = tinCode;
    //ContactPersonInformation contactInfo = ContactInformation(holderInfo);
    //Contact address
    ContactAddressType contactAddress = new ContactAddressType();
    contactAddress.StreetName = streetName;
    contactAddress.City = contactCity;
    contactAddress.CountryCode = holderInfo.ReportableJurisdiction;
    //Person Details
    ContactPersonInformation contactInfo = new ContactPersonInformation();
    contactInfo.FirstName = firstName;
    contactInfo.LastName = lastName;
    contactInfo.Address = contactAddress;
    contactInfo.HolderTaxInfo = holderInfo;
    contactInfo.BirthDateSpecified = itemSpecified;
    contactInfo.BirthDate = dateOfBirth;
    PaymentMonetaryType paymentMonetary = new PaymentMonetaryType();
    paymentMonetary.currCode = currCode_Type.GBP;
    paymentMonetary.Value = paymentValue;
    //Payment data object
    PaymentDataType paymentData = new PaymentDataType();
    paymentData.PaymentCode = PaymentCodeType.Item20;
    paymentData.PaymentAmount = paymentMonetary;
    //return paymentData;
    //Account action
    accountActionData.AccountRef = accountRef;
    accountActionData.Action = ActionType.New;
    //Account information array
    //AccountData(paymentData, contactInfo, accountActionData, accountData, accountHolderType);
    object[] accountItems = new object[] { accountActionData, accountNumber, paymentData, accountHolderType, contactInfo };
    accountData.Items = accountItems;
    ItemsChoiceType[] accountFieldNames = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.AccountAction, ItemsChoiceType.AccountNumber, ItemsChoiceType.PaymentData, ItemsChoiceType.AccountHolderType, ItemsChoiceType.Person };
    accountData.ItemsElementName = accountFieldNames;
    //Financial Information Return main array
    //FIReturn(submissionData, fireturnActionData, accountData);
    FIReturnType fireturn = new FIReturnType();
    object[] fiItems = new object[] { fireturnActionData, fiRegisterID, dueDilligenceInd, thresholdInd, accountData };
    fireturn.Items = fiItems;
    ItemsChoiceType1[] fiFieldnames = new ItemsChoiceType1[] { ItemsChoiceType1.FIReturnAction, ItemsChoiceType1.FIRegisterId, ItemsChoiceType1.DueDiligenceInd, ItemsChoiceType1.ThresholdInd, ItemsChoiceType1.AccountData };
    fireturn.ItemsElementName = fiFieldnames;
    FIReturnType[] fiData = new FIReturnType[] { fireturn };
    //Map FI return data to submissionData
    submissionData.FIReturn = fiData;
    //Serialize the submission close the TextWriter
    serializer.Serialize(writer, fatcaSub);
    Process.Visible = false;
    MessageBox.Show("Processing Complete!", "Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
    The problem is that I would like fireturn to appear in the document more than once from a dataset. If I changed my code to this:
    FIReturnType[] fiData = new FIReturnType[] { fireturn, fireturn, fireturn };
    //Map FI return data to submissionData
    submissionData.FIReturn = fiData;
    I am able to get the three elements as required. How can I change my code to allow for a foreach statement for example?

    I managed to change FIReturnType into a list as below. I have a sample datatable also. My code now creates the nodes as expected but the all contain the last item only. What do I need to change so that I get the correct values written?
    DataTable dtTable = new DataTable();
    dtTable.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
    dtTable.Columns.Add("Surname", typeof(string));
    // Here we add five DataRows.
    dtTable.Rows.Add("Test", "Test");
    dtTable.Rows.Add("Two", "Three");
    dtTable.Rows.Add("Four", "Five");
    dtTable.Rows.Add("Six", "Seven");
    dtTable.Rows.Add("Eight", "Nine");
    List<FIReturnType> fiRetList = new List<FIReturnType>();
    foreach (DataRow row in dtTable.Rows)
    object fName = row["FirstName"];
    object sName = row["Surname"];
    contactInfo.FirstName = fName.ToString();
    contactInfo.LastName = sName.ToString();
    FIReturnType fireturn = new FIReturnType();
    object[] fiItems = new object[] { fireturnActionData, fiRegisterID, dueDilligenceInd, thresholdInd, accountData };
    fireturn.Items = fiItems;
    ItemsChoiceType1[] fiFieldnames = new ItemsChoiceType1[] { ItemsChoiceType1.FIReturnAction, ItemsChoiceType1.FIRegisterId, ItemsChoiceType1.DueDiligenceInd, ItemsChoiceType1.ThresholdInd, ItemsChoiceType1.AccountData };
    fireturn.ItemsElementName = fiFieldnames;
    fiRetList.Add(new FIReturnType { Items = fiItems, ItemsElementName = fiFieldnames });
    FIReturnType[] fiData = fiRetList.ToArray();
    submissionData.FIReturn = fiData;

  • Creating a node in an XML Document

    i need to insert a new element in an existing xml document. for example,
    In this document if i want to insert another element using Xpath, say,<publisher> in <book> node, how to insert it.
    I'm using DOM parser for parsing the xml file.
    Any help to solve this issue appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    final class Foo {
        private static final String MARKUP =
            "<bookinfo>\n" +
              "<book isbn='1234'>\n" +
              "<bookname>A</bookname>\n" +
              "<author>B</author>\n" +
              "</book>\n" +
              "<book isbn='5678'>\n" +
              "<bookname>C</bookname>\n" +
              "<author>D</author>\n" +
              "</book>\n" +
        private Foo() {
        public static final void main(final String[] args)
            throws XPathExpressionException {
            String isbn = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "1234";
            String publisher = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "Sample Publisher";
            Document document = ...  // Initialize somehow
            XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
            String expression = "//bookinfo/book[@isbn=" + isbn + "]";
            Element book = (Element) xpath.evaluate(expression, document.getDocumentElement(), XPathConstants.NODE);
            if (book == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find ISBN " + isbn);
            Element newPublisher = document.createElement("publisher");
            newPublisher.setAttribute("name", publisher);
    }- Saish

  • XML document structures must start and end within the same entity

    Hi there,
    I'm working with a client/server application and using SaxParser for reading in xml. I get the SaxParserException: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. I understand what that means, but it isn't applicable! The xml data being used is well-formed. I checked the well-formedness with Stylus Studio to make sure. Here's the data:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    </vcmessage>The parser generally stops around the </bgcolor> tag.
    I'm using Eclypse as my IDE. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with it? Or maybe there's something wrong with the class I'm using for reading in the XML? Followng is the class.
    Please advise,
    package vcclient;
    import java.io.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    public class XMLDocumentReader extends DefaultHandler
      private VCClient client = null;
      private Writer out;
      private String lineEnd =  System.getProperty("line.separator");
      private boolean haveSourceType = false;
      private boolean haveUserName = false;
      private boolean haveMessage = false;
      private boolean haveProcessEvent = false;
      private boolean haveLinkedListIndex = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeType = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
      private boolean haveShapeLocation = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsWidth = false;
      private boolean haveBoundsHeight = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private boolean haveFGRed = false;
      private boolean haveFGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveFGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveBGRed = false;
      private boolean haveBGGreen = false;
      private boolean haveBGBlue = false;
      private boolean haveThickness = false;
      private boolean haveIsFilled = false;
      private boolean haveImageData = false;
      private boolean haveTextData = false;
      private VCMessage vcmessage = null;
      public XMLDocumentReader(VCClient value)
           client = value;
           vcmessage = new VCMessage();
      public VCMessage getVCMessage()
           return vcmessage;
      public boolean haveSourceType()
         return haveSourceType; 
      public boolean ParseXML(InputStream stream)
         boolean success = false;
         // Use the default (non-validating) parser
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
             // Set up output stream
            out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8");
            // Parse the input
            SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
            saxParser.parse( stream, this );
            success = true;
        catch (SAXParseException spe)
            // Error generated by the parser
            System.out.println("\n** Parsing error"
               + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber()
               + ", uri " + spe.getSystemId());
            System.out.println("   " + spe.getMessage() );
            // Unpack the delivered exception to get the exception it contains
            Exception  x = spe;
            if (spe.getException() != null)
                x = spe.getException();
            return success;
        catch (SAXException sxe)
             // Error generated by this application
             // (or a parser-initialization error)
             Exception  x = sxe;
             if (sxe.getException() != null)
                 x = sxe.getException();
             return success;
        catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
            // Parser with specified options can't be built
            return success;
        catch (Throwable t)
             return success;
        return success;
      public void startDocument()throws SAXException
          emit("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");
      public void endDocument()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      public void startElement(String namespaceURI,
                               String lName, // local name
                               String qName, // qualified name
                               Attributes attrs)throws SAXException
          String eName = lName; // element name
          if (eName.equals(""))
             eName = qName; // namespaceAware = false
          if (attrs != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
                  String aName = attrs.getLocalName(i); // Attr name
                  if (aName.equals("")) aName = attrs.getQName(i);
                  emit(" ");
                  emit(aName + "=\"" + attrs.getValue(i) + "\"");
                haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_SHAPELOCATION))
              haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_FGCOLOR))
                 haveOpeningFGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGCOLOR))
              haveOpeningBGColorTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGGREEN))
               System.out.println("See BGGreen");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See BGBlue");
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_THICKNESS))
              haveOpeningThicknessTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_ISFILLED))
              haveOpeningIsFilledTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_IMAGEDATA))
              haveOpeningImageDataTag = true;
          else if(makeStartTag(eName).equals(Constants.OPENING_TEXTDATA))
              haveOpeningTextDataTag = true;
      public void endElement(String namespaceURI,
                             String sName, // simple name
                             String qName  // qualified name
                            )throws SAXException
           if(sName.equals("") && !qName.equals(""))
              sName = qName;
              haveSourceType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_USER))
              haveUserName = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_MESSAGE))
              haveMessage = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_PROCESSEVENT))
               haveProcessEvent = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_LINKEDLISTINDEX))
               haveLinkedListIndex = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPETYPE))
               haveShapeType = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_SHAPELOCATION))
                haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_WIDTH))
               haveBoundsWidth = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_HEIGHT))
               haveBoundsHeight = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BOUNDS))
                haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGRED))
               haveFGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGGREEN))
               haveFGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGBLUE))
               haveFGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_FGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGRED))
               haveBGRed = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGGREEN))
             haveBGGreen = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGBLUE))
               System.out.println("See closing BGBlue");
               haveBGBlue = true;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_BGCOLOR))
                haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_THICKNESS))
               System.out.println("XMLDocumentReader: Step2");
                haveOpeningThicknessTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_ISFILLED))
               haveOpeningIsFilledTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_IMAGEDATA))
               haveOpeningImageDataTag = false;
           else if(makeEndTag(sName).equals(Constants.CLOSING_TEXTDATA))
               haveOpeningTextDataTag = false;
      private String makeStartTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "<";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      private String makeEndTag(String tag_name)
           String start = "</";
           String end = ">";
           return start.concat(tag_name).concat(end);
      public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len)throws SAXException
           String s = new String(buf, offset, len);
          if(haveSourceType == false)
               if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == null)
                   int sourcetype = Integer.parseInt(s);
                  catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE)
            if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveUserName == false)
            else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.CHAT_SOURCE && haveMessage == false)
               //When the parser encounters interpreted characters like: & or <,
               //then this method gets invoked more than once for the whole message.
               //Therefore, we need to concatonate each portion of the message.  The
               //following method call automatically concatonates.
          else if(vcmessage.getSourceType() == SourceType.WHITEBOARD_SOURCE)
               if(haveProcessEvent == false)
                 catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveLinkedListIndex == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
               else if(haveShapeType == false)
                     catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveOpeningYCoordTag)
                                //reset all flags for ShapeLocation, X and Y coordinates
                                haveOpeningXCoordTag = false;
                                haveOpeningYCoordTag = false;
                                //haveOpeningShapeLocationTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBoundsTag)
                         if(haveBoundsWidth == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBoundsHeight == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBoundsTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningFGColorTag)
                         if(haveFGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveFGBlue == false)
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningFGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningBGColorTag)
                         if(haveBGRed == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGGreen == false)
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                         else if(haveBGBlue == false)
                         {   System.out.println("getting BGBlue data");
                                //reset flag
                                //haveOpeningBGColorTag = false;
                              catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningThicknessTag)
                          catch(NumberFormatException nfe){}
                    else if(haveOpeningIsFilledTag)
                    else if(haveOpeningImageDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    else if(haveOpeningTextDataTag && vcmessage.getProcessEvent() == org.jcanvas.comm.ProcessEvent.MODIFY)
                    haveOpeningShapePropertiesTag = false;
      // Utility Methods ...
      // Wrap I/O exceptions in SAX exceptions, to
      // suit handler signature requirements
      private void emit(String s)throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      // Start a new line
      private void nl()throws SAXException
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
              throw new SAXException("I/O error", e);
      //treat validation errors as fatal
      public void error(SAXParseException e)
      throws SAXParseException
        throw e;
      // dump warnings too
      public void warning(SAXParseException err)
      throws SAXParseException
        System.out.println("** Warning"
            + ", line " + err.getLineNumber()
            + ", uri " + err.getSystemId());
        System.out.println("   " + err.getMessage());

    Just out of curiosity what happens if you append a space to the end of the XML document?

  • Problem in digitally signing a particular element of an XML Document

    hi all!!
    I was trying to sign a particular element of an XML document using JSR105 (XML Digital Signatures) API.
    For which i used +#xpointer(id('idvalue'))+ and +#idvalue+ as the URI for the reference i create as below :
    Reference ref = fac.newReference("#xpointer(id('123')) ", fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED,(TransformParameterSpec) null)), null, null);
    NOTE: Here 123 is the value of the attribute 'id' of the element i wish to sign in the input XML document.
    But when i try to digest and sign the the above created reference, i get the following exception (which is strange! atleast for me!)
    Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureException: javax.xml.crypto.URIReferenceException: Can't resolve ID: '123' in ''
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.ReferenceImpl.calculateDigestValue(ReferenceImpl.java:327)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.ReferenceImpl.sign(ReferenceImpl.java:237)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.XMLSignatureImpl.sign(XMLSignatureImpl.java:158)
    at sent.Generate.main(Generate.java:103)
    Caused by: javax.xml.crypto.URIReferenceException: Can't resolve ID: '123' in ''
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.URIDereferencerImpl.dereference(URIDereferencerImpl.java:193)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.ReferenceImpl.calculateDigestValue(ReferenceImpl.java:285)
    +... 3 more+
    javax.xml.crypto.URIReferenceException: Can't resolve ID: '123' in ''
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.URIDereferencerImpl.dereference(URIDereferencerImpl.java:193)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.ReferenceImpl.calculateDigestValue(ReferenceImpl.java:285)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.ReferenceImpl.sign(ReferenceImpl.java:237)
    at com.ibm.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.XMLSignatureImpl.sign(XMLSignatureImpl.java:158)
    at sent.Generate.main(Generate.java:103)
    I've given the whole Java code i used to generate the signature and the XML i used below for you to get a clear picture of what i tried...
    Any suggestions are very much welcome..
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException;
    import java.security.KeyException;
    import java.security.KeyPair;
    import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
    import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.crypto.MarshalException;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.CanonicalizationMethod;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.DigestMethod;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.Reference;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignatureMethod;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.SignedInfo;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.Transform;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignature;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureException;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureFactory;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMSignContext;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyInfo;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyInfoFactory;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyValue;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.C14NMethodParameterSpec;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.TransformParameterSpec;
    import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.XPathFilterParameterSpec;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class Generate {
          * @param args
          * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
          * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
          * @throws KeyException
          * @throws ParserConfigurationException
          * @throws IOException
          * @throws SAXException
          * @throws FileNotFoundException
          * @throws XMLSignatureException
          * @throws MarshalException
          * @throws TransformerException
         public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
                   InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, KeyException,
                   FileNotFoundException, SAXException, IOException,
                   ParserConfigurationException, MarshalException,
                   XMLSignatureException, TransformerException {
                        .addProvider(new com.ibm.xml.crypto.IBMXMLCryptoProvider());
              XMLSignatureFactory fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM",
                        new com.ibm.xml.crypto.IBMXMLCryptoProvider());
              //reference generation
              //its here where I point the URI to the element i want to digest
              Reference ref = fac.newReference("#xpointer(id('123'))", fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED,(TransformParameterSpec) null)), null, null);
              //signedinfo element generation
              SignedInfo si = fac
                                  (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null), fac
                                  .newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1, null),
              KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory();
              //Create a DSA KeyPair
              KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
              KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
              KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(kp.getPublic());
              // Create a KeyInfo and add the KeyValue to it
              KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));
              // Instantiate the document to be signed
              DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              Document doc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().parse(
                        new FileInputStream(new File("shippedPedigree.xml")));
              // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the DSA PrivateKey and
              // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element
              DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(kp.getPrivate(), doc
              //Create the XMLSignature (but don't sign it yet)
              XMLSignature signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);
              // Marshal, generate (and sign) the enveloped signature
              //writing the signed document back to the file
              OutputStream os;
              os = new FileOutputStream(new File("shippedpedigree.xml"));
              TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
              Transformer trans = tf.newTransformer();
              trans.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(os));
    the "shippedPedigree.xml" i used to sign:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ped:pedigree xmlns:ped="urn:epcGlobal:Pedigree:xsd:1" xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
    <ped:shippedPedigree id="123">
    <ped:name>Joe Doe</ped:name>
    <ped:email>[email protected]</ped:email>

    Sabarisri N wrote:
    Hi All,
    my xml is like below.
    If i try retrieving the value of the root element of this xml document,
    Node myroot=doc.getDocumentElement();
    String result=myroot.getNodeName();
    My output is ns1:abcd .. i want only "abcd"...
    The parser is returning the correct rootNodeName i.e ns1:abcd. rootNodeName always goes with the given input and returns the root element as is.
    My xml will not always have same namespaces.. from the incoming xml i should first check, for the namespaces..Please give me some idea.
    I guess.. I need some namespace evaluation to be set..
    Refer below link it'll give idea of identifying XML-NAMESPACE-PREFIX
    Please help me in this regard.
    Sabarisri. N

  • Parsing String XML Document

    I didn't find a method that parses a XML document when it's not a file. I have a String that I want to parse and the method DocumentBuilder.parse only accepts a String that is a uri to a file.
    I write this code:
    String strXML = "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root><node>anything</node></root>";
    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    domDoc = docBuilder.parse(strXML);
    Please gimme a light!!

    I have a similar problem, I'm trying to do the same BUT in a servlet, it compiles and it actually works if I use it outside my servlet, but, when I mount the servlet with the code similar to this one here it doesn't read the string (at least that's what appears to be, because it doesn't writes to my DB as it should and it doesn't display anything as I'm specifying as my servlet response). Any help? I'm posting my code here:
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
    import java.net.URLDecoder;
    import java.sql.*;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import java.io.StringReader;
    public class SMSConnector extends HttpServlet
    //Public variables we will need
    public String Stringid;
    public String Stringpath;
    public String st;
    public int nid;
    //Servlet service method, which permits listening of events
    public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    throws ServletException, IOException
    //Initialization for the servlet
    ServletOutputStream salida = res.getOutputStream();
    ServletInputStream entrada = req.getInputStream();
    //Reading of the entering string
    BufferedReader lector = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader (entrada));
    try {
    //Database handler
    //DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    //DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    InputSource inStream = new InputSource();
    inStream.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(lector.readLine()));
    DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc1 = docBuilder.parse(inStream);
    NodeList listasms = doc1.getElementsByTagName("sms");
    for(int s=0; s<listasms.getLength() ; s++)
    Connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/smsdb","root", "");
    Node nodosms = listasms.item(s);
    if(nodosms.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
    Element elementosms = (Element)nodosms;
    NodeList listatelf = elementosms.getElementsByTagName("tlf");
    Element elementotelf = (Element)listatelf.item(0);
    NodeList textTelfList = elementotelf.getChildNodes();
    String telefono = ((Node)textTelfList.item(0)).getNodeValue();
    //String SendingAddress = ((Node)textAddressList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
    NodeList listaop = elementosms.getElementsByTagName("op");
    Element elementoop = (Element)listaop.item(0);
    NodeList textOpList = elementoop.getChildNodes();
    String operadora = ((Node)textOpList.item(0)).getNodeValue();
    NodeList listasc = elementosms.getElementsByTagName("sc");
    Element elementosc = (Element)listasc.item(0);
    NodeList textSCList = elementosc.getChildNodes();
    String shortcode = ((Node)textSCList.item(0)).getNodeValue();
    NodeList listabody = elementosms.getElementsByTagName("body");
    Element elementobody = (Element)listabody.item(0);
    NodeList textBodyList = elementobody.getChildNodes();
    String body = ((Node)textBodyList.item(0)).getNodeValue();
    Statement sta = Conn.createStatement();
    sta.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO smstable (telf,op,sc,body) VALUES ('" + telefono + "','" + operadora + "','" + shortcode + "','" + body + "')");
    Conn.close(); }
    //Catching errors for the SAX and XML parsing
    catch (SAXParseException err)
    System.out.println ("** Parsing error" + ", line " + err.getLineNumber () + ", uri " + err.getSystemId ());
    System.out.println(" " + err.getMessage ());
    catch (SAXException e)
    Exception x = e.getException ();
    ((x == null) ? e : x).printStackTrace ();
    catch (Throwable t)
    t.printStackTrace ();

  • ABAP XML Document generation

    Hi All,
    I am using DOM Api for generating an xml document in Abap.
    I am facing problems while generating a CDATA section in my xml file.Can anyone please provide me a sample code for generating a CDATA section using the IF_XML_DOCUMENT interface in ABAP.

    HI raja,
    The interface is actually IF_IXML.
    Created an instance of cl_ixml class.
    I have initialized as below
    initialize iXML
        type-pools: ixml.
        class cl_ixml definition load.
        data irc type i.
    create main factory
        data: ixmlfactory type ref to if_ixml.
        ixmlfactory = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    create stream factory
        data: streamfactory type ref to if_ixml_stream_factory.
        streamfactory = ixmlfactory->create_stream_factory( ).
    Any help appreciated.

  • Writing contents of XML-documents with SAX

    I have the following problem: I use the SAX-API for parsing an XML- document and to write the contents of several tags into field variables.
    For that, I use the method 'characters(char cbuf[], int start, int len' and read the interesting string part
    'new String(cbuf,start,len) where cbuf is the character buffer, start the offset in the file and len the length of the string within the tag.
    I registered the following problem if I load my application from a jar-file (with a 13kb long xml-file):
    The offset runs till 8192 bytes and then resets to 1 and runs up again. If it reaches the offset 8192 bytes (8Kbyte) within a string as content of a tag, the string is split into two: the first till this offset and the second after it.
    I have already tried to solve this problem by setting some features of the SAX-parser but I had no success.
    The problem does not occur if I start my application from the Oracle-JDeveloper.
    Is there anyone who has an idea? I am glad about any information or hint which might a help for me.
    Thank you.

    From the javadocs for org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.characters(char[] ch,
    int start,
    int length)
    The Parser will call this method to report each chunk of character data. SAX parsers may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk, or they may split it into several chunks; however, all of the characters in any single event must come from the same external entity so that the Locator provides useful information.
    To get around this.
    - Initialize a StringBuffer field in startElement().
    characters = new StringBuffer();- Each time characters() is called, append the section of the char[] to the StringBuffer.
    characters.append(buf, offset, len);- Work with the entire resulting value in endElement().

  • XML document does not appear to contain a properly formed DOCTYPE header

    I've created an ejb which uses the studio API to start/execute etc the workflow
    tasks in a generic way. The same ejb contain certain method which I want to use
    as business operations in my workflows. However, when I deploy this ejb as a separate
    application by putting the required jar files in class path it works fine, but
    when I deploy it as a part of WLI application for accessing the business operations
    in workflow I'm getting the following error. I'm entering ejbcomponent entry under
    the wli application tag of config.xml and putting the jar file in the lib directory
    where other jar files are placed. I couldn't understand the reason why it is failing
    when I deploy it as a part of WLI application and not when I deploy it independently.
    Module Name: TestWLPI, Error: The XML parser encountered an error in your deployment
    descriptor. Please ensure that your DOCTYPE is correct. You may wish to compa
    re your deployment descriptors with the WebLogic Server examples to ensure the
    format is correct. The error was:
    weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorFactoryException: XML document does not appear to
    contain a properly formed DOCTYPE header
    at weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorFactory.getProcessor(ProcessorFactory.java:281)
    at weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorFactory.getProcessor(ProcessorFactory.java:224)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processXML(DDUtils.java:267)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processXML(DDUtils.java:242)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processAltDD(DDUtils.java:220)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.java:102)
    at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.loadEJBDescriptor(EJBModule.java:500)
    at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.loadDescriptor(EJBModule.java:207)
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.prepare(J2EEApplicationContainer.java:714)
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.prepare(J2EEApplicationContainer.java:555)
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.prepare(J2EEApplicationContainer.java:458)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer.prepareAllStagedApplications(SlaveDeployer.java:490)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.slave.SlaveDeployer.initialize(SlaveDeployer.java:253)
    at weblogic.management.deploy.DeploymentManagerServerLifeCycleImpl.initialize(DeploymentManagerServerLifeCycleImpl.java:150)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.initialize(ServerLifeCycleList.java:54)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize1(T3Srvr.java:782)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:594)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:282)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:32)

    javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: Premature end of file encountered
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.prime(XMLStreamReaderBase.java:80)
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamReaderBase.setInput(XMLStreamReaderBase.java:99)
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(XMLStreamInputFactory.java:316)
    at weblogic.xml.stax.XMLStreamInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(XMLStreamInputFactory.java:49)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.BasicMunger2.<init>(BasicMunger2.java:110)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.BasicMunger2.<init>(BasicMunger2.java:128)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.VersionMunger.<init>(VersionMunger.java:74)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.VersionMunger.<init>(VersionMunger.java:63)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WlsWebAppReader2.<init>(WlsWebAppReader2.java:59)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppDescriptor$MyWlsWebAppDescriptor.createXMLStreamReader(WebAppDescriptor.java:316)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.createDescriptorBean(AbstractDescriptorLoader2.java:402)
    at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.loadDescriptorBeanWithoutPlan(AbstractDescriptorLoader2.java:759)
    Any Suggestions plz???

  • Error while loading an XML document using a structured application

    I try to load an XML document using a structured application defined in the default structapps.fm
    My code is shown down, extracted from the FDK API code sample.
    Problem, I always have the same message :
    "Cannot find the file named e:\xml\AdobeFrameMaker10\file. Make sure that the file exists. "
    Where "e:\xml\AdobeFrameMaker10\" is my install directory.
    So I assume that frame try to find the structapps.fm file but does not find it.
    What else can it be ?
    Does anyone knowns how to achieve this simple task using extendScript ?
    Thanks for any comments, Pierre
    function openXMLFile(myLastFile) {
        var filename = myLastFile.openDlg("Choose XML file ...", "*.xml", false);
        if (filename != null) {
            /* Get default open properties. Return if it can’t be allocated. */
            var params = GetOpenDefaultParams();
            /* Set properties to open an XML document*/
            /*Specify XML as file type to open*/
            var i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_OpenAsType)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_TYPE_XML;
            /* Specify the XML application to be used when opening the document.*/
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_StructuredOpenApplication)
            params[i].propVal.sval = "myApp";
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FileIsOldVersion)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FontNotFoundInDoc)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FileIsInUse)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoCancel
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_AlertUserAboutFailure)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoCancel
            /*The structapps.fm file containing the specified application must have
            already been read. The default structapps.fm file is read when FrameMaker is
            opened so this shouldn't be a problem if the application to be used is
            listed in the structapps.fm file.*/
            var retParm = new PropVals()
            var fileObj = Open(filename, params, retParm);
            return fileObj
        } else {
            return null;

    Depending on the object "myLastFile", the method openDlg might not even exist (if the myLastFile object is not a File object, for instance). And I do not see any need for the myLastFile anyhow, as you are presenting a dialog to select a file to open. I recommend using the global ChooseFile( ) method instead. This will give you a filename as string in full path notation, or null when no file was selected in the dialog. I am not sure what your ExtendScript documentation states about the return value for ChooseFile, but if that differs from what I am telling you here, the documentation is wrong. So, if you replace the first lines of your code with the following it should work:
    function openXMLFile ( ) {
        var filename = ChooseFile ( "Choose XML file ...", "", "*.xml", Constants.FV_ChooseSelect );
    While writing this, I see that Russ has already given you the same advice. Use the symbolic constant value I indicated to use the ChooseFile dialog to select a single file (it can also be used to select a directory or open a file - but you want to control the opening process yourself). Note that this method allows you to set a start directory for the dialog (second parameter). The ESTK autocompletion also gives you a fifth parameter "helplink" which is undocumented and can safely be ignored.
    Good luck

  • Problem replacing Null nodes with real values in XML documents...

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Our friends in Java land are insisting on passing data between Java and PL/SQL using fairly small XML documents (don't ask). I then need to extract the input parameter values and pass them, on to the stored procedures that actually do the work. These return a result which needs to be returned to the java layer in the output XML document.
    Here is a cut down version of the input XML...
    <ParameterList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Result xsi:nil="true"/>
    <Result xsi:nil="true"/>
    and this is an example of what I am expected to return...
    <ParameterList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    i.e. I am expected to replace the value of the Result node with a string indicating the succes or otherwise of the underlying PL/SQL process.
    I am extracting the input values using the DBMS_XMLDOM functions and naively assumed that DBMS_XMLDOM.SETNODEVALUE could be used to update the value in the Result node - It didn't work so I resorted to reading the documentation which revealed that it will not work for a null node.
    Am I going to have to use XSLT to generate the output XML from the Input and incorprate the result? Or is there a simpler way?
    I have used XSLT in Oracle before and still have the nervous tick...

    Thanks A Non,
    With your suggestion and a bit of help from the w3schools.com xml dom tutorial I eventually managed to work out how to do this.
    Here is the code (with all my debug stuff in so it looks worse than it is...)
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE ExtractXMLValues (p_inXml IN CLOB ) IS
    l_string VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_value VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_DOM_doc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
    l_DOM_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_new_DOM_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_new_element dbms_xmldom.DOMElement;
    l_new_DOM_nodevalue dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_value_Node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_parameter_Node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    --l_DOM_nodelist    dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    l_Result_DOM_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
    l_DOM_doc := dbms_xmldom.newDomDocument(p_inXml);
    l_DOM_node := dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_DOM_doc);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('1 ' || l_string);
    l_parameter_node := dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode(l_DOM_node,'//Parameter');
    -- get the current values in the XML document for Id and Result
    l_Result_DOM_node := dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode(l_DOM_node,'//Id');
    l_value_Node := dbms_xmldom.getFirstChild(l_Result_DOM_node);
    l_value := dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(l_value_Node);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_Result_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('2 ' || l_string || ' : ' || l_value);
    l_Result_DOM_node := dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode(l_DOM_node,'//Result');
    l_value_Node := dbms_xmldom.getFirstChild(l_Result_DOM_node);
    l_value := dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(l_value_Node);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_Result_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('3 ' || l_string || ' : ' || l_value);
    -- create new Result node
    l_new_DOM_node      := dbms_xmldom.makenode(dbms_xmldom.createElement(l_DOM_doc, 'Result'));
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_new_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('4 New node : ' || l_string);
    -- create a value for it
    l_new_DOM_nodevalue := dbms_xmldom.makenode(dbms_xmldom.createtextnode(l_DOM_doc, 'SUCCESS'));
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_new_DOM_nodevalue, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('5 New node value : ' || l_string);
    -- add the value to the new Result node
    l_new_DOM_nodevalue := dbms_xmldom.appendchild(l_new_DOM_node,  l_new_DOM_nodevalue);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_new_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('6 New node : ' || l_string);
    -- replace the old node with the new one
    l_Result_DOM_node := dbms_xmldom.replaceChild(l_parameter_node, l_new_DOM_node, l_Result_DOM_node);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_parameter_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('6 parameter node : ' || l_string);
    dbms_xmldom.writeToBuffer(l_DOM_node, l_string);
    dbms_output.put_line('7 Updated document ' || l_string);
    END ExtractXMLValues;
    and the output...
    1 <ParameterList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Result xsi:nil="true"/>
    2 <Id>1</Id> : 1
    3 <Result xsi:nil="true"/> :
    4 New node : <Result/>
    5 New node value : SUCCESS
    6 New node : <Result>SUCCESS</Result>
    6 parameter node : <Parameter>
    7 Updated document <ParameterList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    One question, why do the dbms_xmldom functions return the Old value? I was expecting the returned value to be the updated node.
    Edited by: Lone voice on May 14, 2009 11:24 AM

  • Performance issues with FDK in large XML documents

    In my current project with FrameMaker 8 I'm experiencing severe performance issues with some FDK API calls.
    The documents are about 3-8 MBytes in size. Fortmatted they cover 150-250 pages.
    When importing such an XML document I do some extensive "post-processing" using FDK. This processing happens in Sr_EventHandler() during the SR_EVT_END_READER event. I noticed that some FDK functions calls which modify the document's structure, like F_ApiSetAttribute() or F_ApiNewElementInHierarchy(), take several seconds, for the larger documents even minutes, to complete one single function call. I tried to move some of these calls to earlier events, mostly to SR_EVT_END_ELEM. There the calls work without a delay. Unfortunately I can't rewrite the FDK client to move all the calls that are lagging to earlier events.
    Does anybody have a clue why such delays happen, and possibly can make a suggestion, how to solve this issue? Thank you in advance.
    PS: I already thought of splitting such a document in smaller pieces by using the FrameMaker book function. But I don't think, the structure of the documents will permit such an automatic split, and it definitely isn't an option to change the document structure (the project is about migrating documents from Interleaf to XML with the constraint of keeping the document layout identical).

    FP_ApplyFormatRules sounds really good--I'll give it a try on Monday. Wonder how I could miss it, as I already tried FP_Reformatting and FP_Displaying at no avail?! By the way, what is actually meant with FP_Reformatting (when I used it I assumed it would do exactly what FP_ApplyFormatRules sounds to do), or is that one another of Lynne's well-kept secrets?
    Thank's for all the helpful suggestions, guys. On Friday I already had my first improvements in a test version of my client: I did some (not all necessary) structural changes using XSLT pre-processing, and processing went down from 8 hours(!) to 1 hour--Yeappie! I was also playing with the idea of writing a wrapper to F_ApiNewElementInHierarchy() which actually pastes an appropriate element created in a small flow on the reference pages at the intended insertion location. But now, with FP_ApplyFormatRules on the horizon, I'm quite confident to get even the complicated stuff under control, which cannot be handled by the XSLT pre-processing, as it is based on the actual formatting of the document at run-time and cannot be anticipated in pre-processing.

  • Parse and output XML document while preserving attribute order

    QUESTION: How can I take in an element with attributes from an XML and output the same element and attributes while preserving the order of those attributes?
    The following code will parse and XML document and generate (practically) unchanged output. However, all attributes are ordered a-z
    Example: The following element
    <work_item_type work_item_db_site="0000000000000000" work_item_db_id="0" work_item_type_code="3" user_tag_ident="Step" name="Work Step" gmt_last_updated="2008-12-31T18:00:00.000000000" last_upd_db_site="0000000000000000" last_upd_db_id="0" rstat_type_code="1">
    </work_item_type>is output as:
    <work_item_type gmt_last_updated="2008-12-31T18:00:00.000000000" last_upd_db_id="0" last_upd_db_site="0000000000000000" name="Work Step" rstat_type_code="1" user_tag_ident="Step" work_item_db_id="0" work_item_db_site="0000000000000000" work_item_type_code="3">
    </work_item_type>As you may notice, there is no difference in these besides order of the attributes!
    I am convened that the problem is not in the stylesheet.xslt but if you are not then it is posted bellow.
    Please, someone help me out with this! I have a feeling the solution is simple
    The following take the XML from source.xml and outputs it to DEST_filename with attributes in a-z order
    private void OutputFile(String DEST_filename, String style_filename){
         //StreamSource stylesheet = new StreamSource(style_filename);
              File dest_file = new File(DEST_filename);
              TransformerFactory tranFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
              Transformer aTransformer = tranFactory.newTransformer();
              aTransformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
              Source src = new DOMSource("source.xml");
              Result dest = new StreamResult(dest_file);
              aTransformer.transform(src, dest);
         catch(Exception e){

    You can't. The reason is, the XML Recommendation explicitly says the order of attributes is not significant. Therefore conforming XML serializers won't treat it as if it were significant.
    If you have an environment where you think that the order of attributes is significant, your first step should be to reconsider. Possibly it isn't really significant and you are over-reaching in some way. Or possibly someone writing requirements is ignorant of this fact and the requirement can be discarded.
    Or possibly your output is being given to somebody else who has a defective parser which expects the attributes to be in a particular order. You could quote the XML Recommendation to those people but often XML bozos are resistant to change. If you're stuck writing for that parser then you'll have to apply some non-XML processing to your output to fix it up on their behalf.

  • Display xml documents - how to submit a feature request?

    Safari is useless when it comes to render raw xml documents. You have to view the actual source to see the xml.
    Is there an official way to submit a feature request for safari to apple? I would love to see something similar to what firefox does with xml. Safari is such a fast and nice browser, if it only could handle text/xml better...

    As you said Safari simply shows all xml element content concatenated together. But no tags or attribute values. If the ContentType in the http header is set to text/xml Firefox shows an xml tree that you can nicely browse. I think IE5+ and Opera do that too. It is important to set the right content type though. Here is an example that shows nice in FF, but is unreadable in Safari:
    Sure you can look at the source code, but the xml might not be pretty printed.

  • Displaying XML Document in new browser window

    I have a hyperlink on my page. When I click on it, it will open a new IE window and display xml document.
    The new window is displaying some of the xml and at the end displaying the following:
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    End element was missing the character '>'. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:28080/benchmark/faces/displayXMLDocu...
    However, I cut and paste the xml String where I write it to the HTTPServletResponse to XMLSPY and it displays correctly.
    Please let me know.

    Here are the steps:
    1. I created page1 that has a hyperlink.
    2. Hyperlink property are set to display page2 in a new window. (popup).
    3. page2.prerender() method, I set the response to the following:
    public void prerender() {
    javax.faces.context.ExternalContext ec = this.getExternalContext();
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)ec.getResponse();
    String xmlString = getRequestBean1().getBookingPnrDetailsXML();
    xmlString="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><root><test1>this is a test</test1><victor>Hello Victor</victor></root>";
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream());
    }catch(IOException io){
    System.out.println("" + io.getMessage());
    4.page2.jsp code is the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" xmlns:ui="http://www.sun.com/web/ui">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/xml;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
    <ui:page binding="#{displayXMLDocument.page1}" id="page1"/>
    <ui:html binding="#{displayXMLDocument.html1}" id="html1"/>
    <ui:head binding="#{displayXMLDocument.head1}" id="head1"/>
    <ui:link binding="#{displayXMLDocument.link1}" id="link1"/>
    <ui:body binding="#{displayXMLDocument.body1}" id="body1"/>
    <ui:form binding="#{displayXMLDocument.form1}" id="form1"/>
    please let me know.

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