XML Feeds / XSLT

Hi, I need to embed an XML feed in a website and understand that I need to learn XSLT ...which is completely new to me.  The feed looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <WholeBodyList>
- <WholeBody>
- <WholeBody>
I had hoped that using a standard RSS reader (such as Google gAjax RSS Feeds) and CSS would be sufficient ....but this failed!
I would be very grateful if someone could put me in the right direction ....even if I need to climb a sharp learning curve to learn XSLT.
Many thanks

I was going to post a bunch of code, and thought this link would help you more than anything....
It shows an xml data example, the XSLT that was used to use it in html, and a sample results below the two.  Hope that helps!
How do you need to display the XML in the site?

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    i work in publication, besides our magazines we produce yearbooks with lots of repetative information fields in them. we get the data in xml fromat which we flow in to InDesign. the xml files are very simple, here's an example:
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          <Country> Afganistan </Country>
       <Company_Name> Kam Air </Company_Name>
       <Company_Code> 1 </Company_Code>
       <Address_text> 1205 Qalla Fatuha </Address_text>
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    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="Company_ID">
          <xsl:value-of select="Company_Name"/>
          <xsl:value-of select="Address"/>
          <xsl:value-of select="Telephone_text"/>
          <xsl:values-of select="Fax_tex"/>
          <xsl:value-of select=Email_text"/>
          <xsl:value-of select="Website_text"/>
          <xsl:value-of select="Personel_text"/>
          <xsl:value-of select="Pesronelmail_text"/>
    but it doesn't work. could someone tell me what's wrong with the xslt file? or what would the correct xslt file look like?
    Thanks everyone!

    Here's the sort of thing I mean in more detail.
    First, the XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="transform2.xsl"?>
       <Company_Name> Kam Air </Company_Name>
       <Company_Code> 1 </Company_Code>
       <Address_text> 1205 Qalla Fatuha </Address_text>
       <Address_text> P.O.Box 456 </Address_text>
       <Address_text> Kabul </Address_text>
       <Address_text> 22004 </Address_text>
       <Address_text> Afganistan </Address_text>
       <Telephone_text> Telephone: +93 20 2200 108 </Telephone_text>
       <Fax_text> Fax: +93 20 2200 110 </Fax_text>
       <Email_text> E-mail: [email protected] </Email_text>
       <Website_text> Website: www.flykamair.com </Website_text>
       <Personel_text> Abdul Raquib, chief Executive </Personel_text>
       <Personelmail_text> ([email protected]) </Personelmail_text>
       <Job_code> A1 </Job_code>
       <Company_Name> Another Company </Company_Name>
       <Company_Code> 2 </Company_Code>
       <Address_text> Elswhere</Address_text>
       <Address_text> P.O.Box 123</Address_text>
       <Address_text>Another City</Address_text>
       <Address_text> 22005 </Address_text>
       <Address_text> Afganistan </Address_text>
       <Telephone_text> Telephone: +12345678 </Telephone_text>
       <Fax_text> Fax: +12345678 </Fax_text>
       <Email_text> E-mail: [email protected] </Email_text>
       <Website_text> Website: www.dfhdfh.com </Website_text>
       <Personel_text> dfhdfhdfhdfhdfh</Personel_text>
       <Job_code> A2 </Job_code>
       <Company_Name> Number 3 </Company_Name>
       <Address_text>Somewhere in Albania</Address_text>
       <Address_text>Freedonia Avenue</Address_text>
       <Address_text>Whatever the captial of Albania is called</Address_text>
       <Address_text> 88888</Address_text>
       <Address_text> Albania </Address_text>
       <Telephone_text> Telephone: + 666 666 666 666 </Telephone_text>
       <Fax_text> Fax: + 777 777 777 777</Fax_text>
       <Email_text> E-mail: [email protected] </Email_text>
       <Website_text> Website: www.albaniar.com </Website_text>
       <Personel_text>Ludwig Wittgenstein, chief Executive </Personel_text>
       <Personelmail_text> ([email protected]) </Personelmail_text>
       <Job_code> A1 </Job_code>
    Note that I have renamed the XSL file "transform2.xsl". I have got rid of the "Story" tag, and I have nested the tags more appropriately, with a new tag "Country_name". Here's the XSL:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="/Root/Country">
    <Country_name><xsl:value-of select="Country_name"/></Country_name>
    <xsl:for-each select="Company_ID">
    <Company_Name><xsl:value-of select="Company_Name"/></Company_Name>
    <Address_text><xsl:value-of select="Address_text"/></Address_text>
    <Telephone_text><xsl:value-of select="Telephone_text"/></Telephone_text>
    <Fax_text><xsl:value-of select="Fax_text"/></Fax_text>
    <Email_text><xsl:value-of select="Email_text"/></Email_text>
    <Website_text><xsl:value-of select="Website_text"/></Website_text>
    <Personel_text><xsl:value-of select="Personel_text"/></Personel_text>
    <Personelmail_text><xsl:value-of select="Personelmail_text"/></Personelmail_text>
    (That file should be saved as "transform2.xsl" to match the link on line 2 of the XML.)
    Hope that works -- Jeremy

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    Chk this thread.
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    iView : com.ust.weather.display
    Component Name : com.ust.weather.display
    Exception id: 04:16_03/03/07_0773_1198650
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
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    I also, added the foll. jars :
    I request you all gurus.....plz provide me with solution where I went wrong.
    Appreciate your time and valuable inputs.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ravi Kumar.

    Hi Swathi,
    Thanks for your valuable inputs and reply.
    I checked in Javadeveloper >> Tools >>> Logviewer.
    I don;t find logviewer option under Tools of Java developer role.
    I am rightnow logged in to server via remote server desktop...checking for the logfiles.
    Please, let me know any other options/suggestions.
    Ravi Kumar.

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    Thanks for the support


  • Transforming XML through XSLT

    Hi Folks,
    I just need to transform a basic xml using xslt. I have built and xsl file which works fine on the given xml input. I have test through AltovaXMLSpy tool.
    Now I want to do the same through my java class with xml as input string and xsl file.
    I have seen this example:
    package com.ibn.util;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
    import java.net.URL;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.apache.xalan.*;
    * A simple demo of Xalan 1. This code was originally written using
    * Xalan 1.2.2.  It will not work with Xalan 2.
    public class SimpleXalan1 {
         * Accept two command line arguments: the name of an XML file, and
         * the name of an XSLT stylesheet. The result of the transformation
         * is written to stdout.
        public static void main(String[] args)
                throws MalformedURLException, SAXException {
            if (args.length != 2) {
                System.err.println("  java " + SimpleXalan1.class.getName(  )
                        + " xmlFileName xsltFileName");
            String xmlFileName = args[0];
            String xsltFileName = args[1];
            String xmlSystemId = new File(xmlFileName).toURL().toExternalForm(  );
            String xsltSystemId = new File(xsltFileName).toURL().toExternalForm(  );
            org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor processor = org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor();
            org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource xmlInputSource =
                    new org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource(xmlSystemId);
            org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource xsltInputSource =
                    new org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTInputSource(xsltSystemId);
            org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTResultTarget resultTree =
                    new org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTResultTarget(System.out);
            processor.process(xmlInputSource, xsltInputSource, resultTree);
    }but on compilation it gives errors as org.apache.xalan.xslt is not in the class path. Could anybody suggest which jars i need to resolve this problem and where I can get that? or is there any other better solution provided by the core java api?

    thanks dude.
    Did it the following was as i wanted to read the transformation output as well.
    public String doTransform(String xmlString){
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        //Result output = new StreamResult(result);
          DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
          Document document = parser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlString)));
          Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(new StreamSource(new FileInputStream("/IBNSubscriberServlet/src/com/ibn/util/g7.xsl")));
          Source source = new DOMSource(document);
          //output = new StreamResult(System.out);
          transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(result));
          return result.toString();
        }catch (Exception e){
        return result.toString();
      }Edited by: buttsp on Sep 16, 2009 4:18 AM
    Edited by: buttsp on Sep 16, 2009 4:18 AM

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    So this is the information that I'm using which leads me to believe I can use the xml feed to populate the slider.
    . You can now style this using your own CSS or use one of the many free, jQuery-based Gallery/Slideshow plugins available on the web, such as Galleria, the jQuery Cycle plugin, or InnerFade.
    When using a seperate jQuery plugin on top of this set up, make sure you place and execute the plugin script after the code we just inserted, so that our LI items are generated before it attempts to process and manipulate them.
    Am I right and it just takes the proper coding?

  • Webservice returning string (but I need XML for XSLT Tranformation)

    Hello everybody,
    I have configured an ip with a webservice. So far so good - everything works fine.
    Now I want to transform the output of the webservice with xslt. The webservice returns the data as a String in form of XML.
    <!String> </b>
    </Bill> <!XML>
    But XSLT don't find e.g the node , because it is a String. I think the right way is first to transform the String into XML. I tried this step with Java with the method
    public void execute(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
            throws StreamTransformationException {
    but it doesn't work. I am not sure, if this is the right way.I have searched for a code sample, but I didn't find anything.
    What do you think?
    Do you have a code sample?
    This would be great!
    Best regards,

    Hello Bhavesh,
    thx very much for your help.
    Here is my Java Mapping:
    public class ModusLebenTransformation implements StreamTransformation
    public static byte[] readStream(InputStream in, boolean close)
        throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        int c = in.read();
        while (c > -1)
            c = in.read();
        byte[] result = out.toByteArray();
        if (close)
        return result;
    public void setParameter(Map map) {
    public void execute(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
            throws StreamTransformationException {
       try {
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(outputStream);
    String input = new String(readStream(inputStream,true));
    transformer.transform(new StreamSource(input), result);      
      } catch (Exception e) {
                 throw new StreamTransformationException("Mapping failed", e);
    But I don't know if this code is enough to convert the String( from the webservice) into XML.
    And then I would like to use XSLT for transformation in a new mapping step.
    Do you think this is possible?
    Do you have a code sample, that will tranform the String (from the webservice) into XML?
    This would be very helpful!

  • Need to get rss/xml feed from itunes

    I need to get an rss/xml feed of the albums I am selling on itunes -- to insert into an iphone app I am working on.
    Any one know how to get this feed?

    If you had iTunes Match before all this happened, yes. Just log in, activate iTM and download the music. If you did not have iTunes Match prior to these incidents, no, it can not help you.
    You should also be doing regular backups of your personal data to an extnal HDD. If you had a backup hue could simply restore it.

  • Query on sorting  XML using XSLT and getting the same XML as output !

    Looking for one information regarding sorting XML using XSLT , with the sorted XML as output. For eg. my XML is :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sort1.xsl"?>
         <child ID="1" sort="5">
         <child ID="2" sort="1">
         <child ID="3" sort="2">
    and XSL :
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="/levelone">
              <xsl:sort select="@sort"/>
         <xsl:template match="child">
              <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
    This does the sort based on Name. But I want to get the same xml as output with the name sorted. Eg.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sort1.xsl"?>
         <child ID="2" sort="1">
         <child ID="1" sort="5">
         <child ID="3" sort="2">
    Any pointers will be highly appreciated.
    - Thanks

    Don't you want <xsl:sort select="name"/> rather than <xsl:sort select="@sort"/>?

  • No Preview or Download With My XML feed

    I have created an XML feed for my podcasts per the Apple specs and everything is working great EXCEPT my mp3's are uploaded to a streaming server. My feed reflects the URL of the mp3 file on the streaming server.
    The itunes store will not play these podcasts. No preview or anything. So, I moved the mp3 off from the streaming server to a regular web server. Updated the feed....and all is good!
    So, the problem is now I will have to have these files in two locations. One on my streaming server and one on my web server. Not good joo joo. So, is it possible for itunes to use the streaming server URL? Do I need to change something in my feed or will I be stuck with having the files in two locations?

    iTunes does not stream podcast files. So I think you are stuck unless you can make one server do both.
    Message was edited by: camoracer

  • [svn] 3663: Dita xml and xslt support for SkinStates

    Revision: 3663
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-15 13:04:27 -0700 (Wed, 15 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Dita xml and xslt support for SkinStates
    Bugs: SDK-17166
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Tests: checkintests
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/modules/compiler/src/java/flex2/compiler/asdoc/TopLevelClassesGenerator.ja va


  • Disabling the xml feed as a canonical workaround

    Hi I have a question and wondered if anyone can advise.
    I am working on a jewellery site with 150ish products and multiple catalogs - 4 main ones (necklaces, earrings, bracelets & rings) and then many less important ones (beaded necklace, stretch bracelet etc)
    Each product resides in many catalogs (eg 'Necklace A' can be found in catalog 'necklace' and 'beaded necklace' and 'sale jewellery). I want the main catalogs and subsequent products in these catalogs (eg necklace) to be the ones that google use (to avoid duplocate content etc).
    I would have liked to use a Canonical tag but dont think BC supports these. My workaround was to disable the xml feed of all the 'less important' catalogs so that google only sees the 4 main catalogs.
    Is this a good idea? Does anyone have any other suggestions? etc
    Suggestions will be warmly recieved.

    For example, run the following
    <cffeed action="read"
    <cfdump var="#rssQuery#">

  • RSS/XML Feed Portlet

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    I have been reading various posts referring to sample RSS feed portlets but cannot appear to find them either in these discussions or in the CodeSample area.
    Can anybody provide a clearer pointer where we can get some sample/shared code to do this as we would rather not start from scratch. Ideally code that allowed for multiple feeds into the same portlet.
    Ross Ellard

    Thank you Eric. Flattery will get you everywhere. ;-)
    <marketing>Maybe we can discuss this further at BEAWorld. Are you going? If so, stop by our booth.</marketing>
    If your time frame is more urgent, then let's talk on the phone soon. You have my number, I'm sure.
    I like the idea of a general XML/Web crawler that uses XSTL to convert to some intermediate format and then crawls it into ALUI. That could work with almost any data source because you could go DB->XML+XST->Crawler->ALUI. If we insist upon the intermediate format being standard RSS (RDF), then we actually kill two birds with one stone. We just implement an RSS crawler and then tell clients of the service that if their XML is not in RDF, then they must provide an XST that transforms their XML to RDF and then we're good . . . .
    I already have some nice RDF parsing code in C# -- you cool with that for our language/platform?
    Chris Bucchere | bdg | [email protected] | http://www.bdg-online.com
    Message was edited by:
    bucchere (I changed XSD to XST -- got my acronyms confused.)

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