XML file path in jdeveloper

I have some custom xml files that needs to be shipped along with the application. In my programs I dont want to use the absolute file path for these xml files because the directory in which the application will be installed will vary. How do I configure the project to use these xml files using a relative path ?

Can someone please help me with this.

Similar Messages

  • How to RUN a XML file directly in JDeveloper

    Can any one please suggest me for running a XML file directly in Jdeveloper?
    I need the step how to do it

    actually I am calling xsl inside my xml....
    the XMl code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="SfATranslation.xsl"?>
    <Name>ACM Maintain Code Table</Name>
    <HeaderText>ACM Maintain Transaction Code Table</HeaderText>
    <Title>Account Management</Title>
    <Name>ACM - Maintain Transaction Code Table</Name>
    <Notes>ACM Maintain Transaction Code Table</Notes>
    <ItemID>TX Code</ItemID>
    <Name>Code Table Information</Name>
    <Name>Scheme Code</Name>
    <Information>Select Scheme</Information>
    <Name>Transaction Code</Name>
    <Information>Enter Transaction Code</Information>
    <Name>Reason Code</Name>
    <Information>Enter Reason</Information>
    <Name>Error Test</Name>
    <Message>Please enter valid data . . .</Message>
    <Information>Enter Description</Information>
    <Name>Interest Computation</Name>
    <Name>Interest Information</Name>
    <BeginText>For information</BeginText>
    <EndText>or look up admin manual</EndText>
    <LinkLabel>see sss</LinkLabel>
    <Name>Interest Calculation Applicable Dates</Name>
    <Name>Effective Start Date</Name>
    <Name>Effective End Date</Name>
    <Name>Account Management</Name>
    <Name>Asset Enhancement</Name>
    <Name>Common Biz Services</Name>
    <Name>Common Sys Services</Name>
    <Name>System Messages</Name>
    The Xsl code
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="SfAForm">
    <title>HP Smart Forms Demo</title>
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="../shared/css/useragentmanExample.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="../shared/css/visibleIf.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="../shared/css/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
              <script type="text/javascript" src="../shared/js/EventHelpers.js"></script>
              <script type="text/javascript" src="../shared/js/visibleIf.js"></script>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAFormHeader"/>
    <xsl:template match="SfAFormHeader">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpformID"><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpformName"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpformAction"><xsl:value-of select="SubmitTo"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpformImage"><xsl:value-of select="LogoImage"/></xsl:variable>
    <div id="stylized" class="myform">
    <form id="{$tmpformID}" name="{$tmpformName}" method="post" action="{$tmpformAction}" class="visibleIf-disableIfInvisible">
    <td valign="top"><IMG src="{$tmpformImage}" ALT=""/></td>
    <td valign="top" rowspan="1">
         <h1> <xsl:value-of select="Title"/> </h1>
    <xsl:call-template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
    <xsl:with-param name="text" select="Notes"/>
         <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="//SfASection"/> -->
         <td valign="top">
         <xsl:apply-templates select="//SfAMenuHeader"/>
         <td valign="top">
         <xsl:apply-templates select="//SfASection"/>
    <td></td> <!--Blank cell below the menu-->
         <xsl:apply-templates select="//SfAButtonHeader"/>
    <xsl:template match="SfAMenuHeader">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="MenuItem"/>
    <xsl:template match="MenuItem">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpappMenuHref"><xsl:value-of select="Href"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpappMenuTarget"><xsl:value-of select="Target"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpappMenuImage"><xsl:value-of select="Image"/></xsl:variable>
    <a class="menulink" href="{$tmpappMenuHref}" target="{$tmpappMenuTarget}"> <xsl:value-of select="Name"/> </a>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpappMenuImage=''">
    <IMG src="{$tmpappMenuImage}" ALT=""/>
    <xsl:template match="SfAButtonHeader">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="ButtonItem"/>
    <xsl:template match="ButtonItem">
    <button type="submit"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></button>
    <xsl:template match="SfASection">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpSectionVisibleRule"><xsl:value-of select="VisibilityRule"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpSectionVisibleRule=''">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfASectionHeader"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAComponent"/>
    <span class="visibleIf" data-visibleif-rule="{$tmpSectionVisibleRule}"> <!--&&=AND ||==OR -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfASectionHeader"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAComponent"/>
    <xsl:template match="SfAComponent">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpComponentVisibleRule"><xsl:value-of select="VisibilityRule"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpComponentVisibleRule=''">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAComponentHeader"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAItem"/>
    <span class="visibleIf" data-visibleif-rule="{$tmpComponentVisibleRule}"> <!--&&=AND ||==OR -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAComponentHeader"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfAItem"/>
    <xsl:template match="SfASectionHeader">
    <h3 class="sectionID"> <xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/> </h3>
    <h2 class ="sectionTitle"> <xsl:value-of select="Name"/> </h2>
    <!-- <p> <xsl:value-of select="Notes"/></p> -->
    <xsl:call-template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
    <xsl:with-param name="text" select="Notes"/>
    <xsl:template match="SfAComponentHeader">
    <h3 class="questionCode"> <xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/> </h3>
    <h3 class ="questionTitle"> <xsl:value-of select="Name"/> </h3>
    <xsl:template match="SfAItem">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemVisibleRule"><xsl:value-of select="VisibilityRule"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemVisibleRule=''">
    <xsl:call-template name="processItem">
    <span class="visibleIf" data-visibleif-rule="{$tmpItemVisibleRule}"> <!--&&=AND ||==OR -->
    <xsl:call-template name="processItem">
    <xsl:template name="processItem">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpID"><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemValue"><xsl:value-of select="Value"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemType"><xsl:value-of select="Type"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="ItemError"/>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemType='SfA_Select'">
    <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><b><font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="Required"/></font></b>
    <span class="small"> <xsl:value-of select="Information"/> </span>
              <select class="dropdown" name="{$tmpID}" value="{$tmpItemValue}">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="SfA_SelectOptions"/>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemType='SfA_Checkbox'">
    <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><b><font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="Required"/></font></b>
    <span class="small"> <xsl:value-of select="Information"/> </span>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfA_CheckboxOptions"/>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemType='SfA_Radio'">
    <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><b><font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="Required"/></font></b>
    <span class="small"> <xsl:value-of select="Information"/> </span>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="SfA_RadioOptions"/>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemType='SfA_Information'">
              <xsl:variable name="tmpLink"><xsl:value-of select="Link"/></xsl:variable>
              <span class="para">
              <xsl:value-of select="BeginText"/>
              <xsl:if test="$tmpLink!=''">
                   <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
         <xsl:value-of select="LinkLabel"/>
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
              <xsl:value-of select="EndText"/>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemType='SfA_Textarea'">
         <xsl:variable name="tmpRows"><xsl:value-of select="Rows"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpCols"><xsl:value-of select="Cols"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><b><font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="Required"/></font></b>
    <span class="small"> <xsl:value-of select="Information"/> </span>
    <textarea class="text" rows="{$tmpRows}" cols="{$tmpCols}" name="{$tmpID}"><xsl:value-of select="Value"/></textarea>
    <xsl:value-of select="Name"/><b><font color="red"><xsl:value-of select="Required"/></font></b>
    <span class="small"> <xsl:value-of select="Information"/> </span>
              <input class="text" type="text" name="{$tmpID}" id="{$tmpID}" value="{$tmpItemValue}"/>
    <xsl:template match="ItemError">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpSupportLink"><xsl:value-of select="SupportLink"/></xsl:variable>
    <!--Add error message if it exists. Add below the data entry -->
    <!-- <label><xsl:text>Error: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></label> -->
    <xsl:when test="$tmpSupportLink=''">
    <span class="error"><xsl:value-of select="Message"/></span>
    <a class="error" href="{$tmpSupportLink}" target="_blank"><xsl:value-of select="Message"/></a>
    <xsl:template match="SfA_CheckboxOptions">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionID"><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionValue"><xsl:value-of select="Value"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionSelected"><xsl:value-of select="Selected"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionMultiple"><xsl:value-of select="Multiple"/></xsl:variable>
    <input type="checkbox" name="{$tmpItemOptionID}" value="{$tmpItemOptionID}">
    <xsl:if test="$tmpItemOptionSelected='Y'">
    <xsl:attribute name="checked">checked</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemOptionMultiple='Y'">
    <span class="checklabelMultiple"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></span>
    <span class="checklabelSingle"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></span>
    <xsl:template match="SfA_RadioOptions">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionID"><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionValue"><xsl:value-of select="Value"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionSelected"><xsl:value-of select="Selected"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionMultiple"><xsl:value-of select="Multiple"/></xsl:variable>
    <input type="radio" name="{$tmpItemOptionID}" value="{$tmpItemOptionValue}">
    <xsl:if test="$tmpItemOptionSelected='Y'">
    <xsl:attribute name="checked">checked</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemOptionMultiple='Y'">
    <span class="checklabelMultiple"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></span>
    <span class="checklabelSingle"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></span>
    <xsl:template match="SfA_SelectOptions">
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionValue"><xsl:value-of select="ItemID"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="tmpItemOptionSelected"><xsl:value-of select="Selected"/></xsl:variable>
    <xsl:when test="$tmpItemOptionSelected=''">
              <option value="{$tmpItemOptionValue}"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></option>
    <option value="{$tmpItemOptionValue}" selected="{$tmpItemOptionSelected}"><xsl:value-of select="Name"/></option>
    <xsl:template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
    <xsl:param name="text"/>
    <xsl:when test="contains($text,'&#xA;')">
    <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text,'&#xA;')"/>
    <xsl:call-template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
    <xsl:with-param name="text">
    <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($text,'&#xA;')"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$text"/>

  • Conditional XML file path?

    I author and test my Flex project locally, then upload it to
    a server for others to test and for deployment.
    So my initial path is:
    <mx:HTTPService id="getData" url="xml/mydata.xml"
    result="dataHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x"/>
    But then I need to change it to:
    Is there a way to handle this switch in code automatically?

    Hi Leroy/jigg,
    You are correct that the expression itself is evaluated before the Macro strings are resolved, so this approach won't work.  The macros are evaluated using modelsupport2.dll (DetermineReportFilePathNameExprEx function), which first evaluates the expression before resolving the macros. For implementing a custom report file path expression for a particular client file, I would recommend overriding the ReportOptions callback, then programatically setting the report path expression, using an expression such as:
    Parameters.ReportOptions.ReportFileSequentialModelExpression = "\"MyCustomLocation\\<ClientFileName>_Report[<FileTime>][<FileDate>].<FileExtension>\""
    Note the use of double quotes since the field is an expression field.  This approach will also allow you to use logic in the callback to change the report file path string using TestStand flow control steps.
    Al B.
    Staff Software Engineer - TestStand

  • DAS Pipeline xml file path

    Hi Guys
    please tell me the das pipeline xml file path

    There is no das pipeline.xml.
    The pipeline chain configuration is managed in every pipeline servlet component.
    Refer the doc to insert new pipeline servlet in the chain.

  • 1.5.3 - Default connection xml file path??  + Error + hanging.

    If anyone can tell me how to change (and save) the default path that SQL Dev. uses to access the correct .xml connections file - I'd really like to know!!
    Also - why does version 1.5.3 HANG WHEN EXITING - generating errors in the trace file :
         ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [18110], [0x65904038], [2], [46], [], [], [], [] ??
    We are talking about hanging to the extent of having to killing it with task manager at the end of any SQL Developer session over an hour or so.
    In my view this version - 1.5.3 - is simply * RUBBISH * !!
    Install a previous version, (1.2.1 :) ) we have, and you'll do more work without the frustration of 'things' hanging all the time.

    Please note that if you have an Oracle Database Support license, then you can log all your issues with Metalink and we can get to them and address them. This forum is full of users who regular respond and are very helpful to other posters with queries and problems. I see that this is your first post on the forum and recommend you take a different approach.
    If you can tell us what you're doing before you exit, and provide more detail about why the product is rubbish, we'd be able to respond and even address some of the issues.
    If you want to share connections with other users, there are export & import menu options that allow you to export the xml to a file that you can place on a server and other users can import this. You don't say why you need to change the path, so I can only guess at the reason.
    With no further detail in your posting we can't help you.

  • How to format XML file as in JDeveloper's style?

    I'm trying to output XML by using oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLOutputStream. There are three possible output styles: COMPACT, DEFAULT, PRETTY. I tried all of them, but none of them can give me the exact fromatting style as in JDeveloper. What output style JDeveloper is using? If there's a special XSL is being used by JDeveloper, can anyone give me a link?
    Much thanks

    You mean you want to see the XML source?
    You need to replace the characters '<' and '&' with corresponding entities '&lt;' and '&amp;'. You can use replaceAll, but do the ampersands first.
    Then I suggest you probably want to put them in a <PRE> block.

  • Configuring the config.xml file path

    Hi All,
    I am calling a startWebLogic script from another script as 'root'.When the other script calls the startWebLogic script it is reading config.xml path as /opt/bea/./config.xml and is giving errors.
    It is taking the default path as /opt/bea .Where should I specify the correct path.

    Better post this question at a Struts related forum. There is a mailinglist at their own homepage and a forum at Nabble.com.

  • XCM configuration path in web.xml file

    Here is a requirement that all the XCM configuration files are stored at local desktop(like QAT, PRD..), and need to use them by modifying web.xml.
    Please let me know at
    1)which web.xml tag the path of XCM confiuration files to be specified.
    2) specify the names of the XCM files for configuration to be put in that folder.
    Devender V

    1)which web.xml tag the path of XCM confiuration files to be specified.
    Try to find below lines in your web.xml
            <description>Turns the Extended Configuration Management on if a
                path to the configuration file is specified. It is a
                relative path, with context-root of web application as root</description>
    bootstrap-config.xml file contains XCM configuration related XML file path. You can modify or extend this file and give your user Define path.
    Also you can find below line in web.xml file.
    <!-- Action Servlet Configuration -->
    I hope this will help you.
    eCommerce Developer

  • Import Command for importing XML files to server

    Hi All,
    Please help me in importing the files to MDS repository.
    i am trying to import a xml file from my C:\JDeveloper903\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\oracle\apps\ar\irec\webui to the server. i have a confusion like from where(location) i should run the command ?? is that is from $JAVA_TOP or $APPL_TOP/mds??? or local drive?
    and also i have moved my XML files from local Jdeveloper to server using FileZilla to the location /oraweb/u09/appldev2/oadev2comn/java/oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui in ASCII mode. and then i was using following command to import , from $JAVA_TOP,it says import completed , but when i check from TOAD by jdr_utils.printDocument('/oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui/DownloadPG'); it throws an error - Could not find document /oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui/DownloadPG.
    java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter /oraweb/u09/appldev2/oadev2comn/java/oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui/DownloadPG.xml -username "apps" -password apps -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(address=(community=tcp.world)(protocol=tcp)(host=utx001dod008.uson.usoncology.int)(port=1540)))(connect_data=(sid=OADEV2)))" -rootdir  /oraweb/u09/appldev2/oadev2comn/java/oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui
    Please suggest me the correct way of doing it..
    Your help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
    Praveen Reddy

    I believe all your questions are answered in [Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide|http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/cd/B25516_14/current/acrobat/115fwkpg.pdf], Chapter 9.
    To use the import tool, copy the XML file to the server. It is recommended you copy it to $APPL_TOP/<directory> (for example, $APPL_TOP/personalizations), and run the import command from this directory. For the path, you need to give the full path of the XML file you want to import (for example, if you have copied the file to $APPL_TOP/personalizations, then the path according to your first post should be $APPL_TOP/personalizations/oracle/apps/ar/irec/webui/DownloadPG.xml).
    BTW, you can import from your local PC using import.bat file.
    I would also suggest you review the following thread for similar topic.
    Deploy a custom buid OA page
    Deploy a custom buid OA page

  • Reading a XML file in JBoss

    I have the code below to read a xml file into a DOM, as a standalone class it works fine, but now I want to have this class as a bean, and I don't know how to get the xml file path. I'm using JBoss.
    package meuPacote;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    public class LerConstantes {
        public void leConstantes() {
            Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename", false);
    System.out.println("doc " + doc);
            Element element = doc.getElementById("primeira");
            String primeira ="";
            if(element != null) primeira = doc.getElementById("primeira").hasAttribute("valorConstante")?element.getAttribute("valorConstante"):"";
            System.out.println("valor -->" + primeira);
    //    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //        Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename.xml", false);
    //        Element element = doc.getElementById("primeira");
    //        String primeira ="";
    //        if(element != null) primeira = doc.getElementById("primeira").hasAttribute("valorConstante")?element.getAttribute("valorConstante"):"";
    //        System.out.println("valor -->" + primeira);
        // Parses an XML file and returns a DOM document.
        // If validating is true, the contents is validated against the DTD
        // specified in the file.
        public static Document parseXmlFile(String filename, boolean validating) {
            try {
                // Create a builder factory
                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                // Create the builder and parse the file
                Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(filename));
                return doc;
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                // A parsing error occurred; the xml input is not valid
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;
    }thanks, V

    This is an XQuery forum. XDK has an XSU (XML SQL Utility) component that may help here. You can post your question to the XDK forum.

  • AIR application request a xml file from a server (but only legal users)

    Hello guys
    I am conceptualizing a project at the moment and I am thinking of using Adobe AIR to develop the application related to that project.
    But it depends on the ability of AIR to fulfill my project requirements.
    I want your ideas, please...
    Imagine, I finished developing my application and compiled the distributed version using Adobe AIR.
    And I am going to distribute the installation files of the intended application by burning on to a CD.
    Imagine, the user who got that CD, installed it it on his computer and launched the application.
    When the application is running, it needs to load a XML file which is saved in our company server.
    Since it is an important data file I don't want to dispatch it with the installation CD.
    So I am thinking of using URLRequest and URLLoader classes to load this XML file from server dynamically.
    Lets imagine I did codes like this....
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.mycompany.com/sereverfolder/blabla.xml");
    request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    But my question is, how safe hardcoding the path for the xml file in the class file as shown above.
    Can anyone get access to xml file path by looking into installation files dispatched via CD?
    Or is there any other safer way to do this?
    Thank you for taking time to read my question and please add your input if you would like to share your knowledge.

    wrong forum.

  • How to upload XML file into the internal table in Webdynpro  ABAP ?

    Hi Friends,
    I am not able to upload the XML file into ABAP,can you please help me in solving this issue with the help of source code.

    Hi Dinesh,
    Try go through this program which I had developed earlier. It takes as input an XML file and then breaks it down into name-value pairs of an intrnal table. You need to pass an XML file as input to this program. (I had hard coded the path for my XML file in it. You need to replace it with 1 of your own or you can just delete it and use the browse button to selet the file on your PC)
    REPORT  ZUDAY_XML no standard page heading.
    " Internal table to store the XML file in binary mode
    data: begin of it_xml occurs 1,
            c(255) type x,
          end of it_xml,
    " Name-value pairs table rturned by FM SMUM_XML_PARSE
          it_SMUM_XMLTB type SMUM_XMLTB occurs 0 with header line,
    " Table returned by FM SMUM_XML_PARSE for error handling
          it_bapiret2 type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
    " XSTRING variable to be used by FM SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING to hold the XML file in XSTRING format
    data: I_xstring type xstring, 
    " String variable to hold XML file path to pass to GUI_UPLOAD
          I_file_path type string,
    " Variable to store the size of the uploaded binary XML file
          I_LENGTH TYPE I VALUE 0.
    parameters: P_path type IBIPPARMS-PATH default 'C:\Documents and Settings\c5104398\Desktop\flights.xml'.
    " Get the XML file path from the user
    at selection-screen on value-request for P_path.
          FILE_NAME = P_PATH.

  • Runtime loading of XML file off a ComboBox selection

    I need to load an XML file at runtime based on a ComboBox
    selection that has the XML file path as its data.
    I figured out how to load an XML file at runtime by defining
    an HTTPService
    <mx:HTTPService id="stocksXML" url="xml/StockList.xml"
    and setting the <mx:Application
    But when I now try to set the HTTPService url dynamically in
    the ComboBox change event handler
    private function loadData_changeHandler(event:ListEvent):void
    stocksXML.url = event.target.selectedItem.path;
    no data gets retrieved and the stocksXML.lastResult is null.
    What am I missing here? Why doesn't that work?
    Thanks in advance for any pointers

    I suggest adding a resultHandler to the HTTPService and check
    the results there. Also add a faultHandler so that you will know
    what the error was.

  • Dynamic file path problem....

    Hello & thanks for your attention
    I am trying to modify the action script(2) of a XML photo slideshow
    I want to make it pull the photo array from a dynamic XML file
    Yet nothing I try seems to be working - I was hoping someone could look at these snippets and tell me if I'm doing something incorrectly
    To make the swf file - pull its photo array - from a dynamic XML file path
    When that URL is called by a browser
    An XML file called 2092.xml is created in a /tmp/ directory
    viewTour.php passes the ‘dynamic’ file path to the swf via the params
    <param name="movie" value="slideshow.swf?file=tmp/<?php echo $tourID; ?>.xml">
    <param name="flashvars" value="&file=tmp/<?php echo $tourID; ?>.xml">
    The original AS2:
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    _root.xmlPath == undefined ? xml.load("settings.xml") : xml.load(_root.xmlPath);
    The modified AS2 - I've done:
    var filePath:String = new String();
    filePath =_root.file;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    _root.xmlPath == undefined ? xml.load(new URLRequest(filePath)) : xml.load(_root.xmlPath);
    Can you see anything I'm doing incorrectly?
    Thank you very much for your time and attention

    Thanks to webqa - I've gotten a little closer to resolving this
    my debugging tells me that i have an undefined error
    I'm thinking - xml.load(filePath)
    is not recognizing the string as a file path to the XML
    Does anyone have any suggestions? thank you
    var filePath:String = new String();
    filePath =_root.file;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    _root.xmlPath == undefined ? xml.load(filePath) : xml.load(_root.xmlPath);

  • SSIS - Change Config File Path LOCATION in SQL Agent Job Step (NOT USING DTEXEC)

    I am not new to ssis but am trying to deal with promoting of ssis config files differently for a specific project. We are using SQL 2008 R2.
    As a standared pattern used for years, we just use SQL Agent, build a job step for the ssis package, add the ssis package as SQL Integration Services Package type from fileshare (not using Integration Services), and add the necessary production
    config files in the configutation tab of the job step. Easy.  We do not execute our packages with DTEXEC command line.
    A new project has the developers leaving the config files in the package - not removing the config files for deployment. Is there a way to override JUST THE CONFIG FILE PATH LOCATION in the job step for ssis package? Remember, we are NOT using dtexec. 
    I was told that /SET might do it but I do not see a good example anywhere of hooking this in and how it works for a CONFIG FILE PATH LOCATION - I see variable overrides but not CONFIG FILE PATH LOCATION. The packages were written with Absolute config file
    path and not Relative path.
    Please understand that my goal is to let them leave the packages as is, we move the config files to the production sever and all we have to do is flip the location of where the config files are sitting for the ssis pacakge to look for them.  We would
    rather NOT have to use DTEXEC command  line with the job step for reasons that I do no need to get into on this forum.
    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Hi mg30,
    There is no way to overwrite the XML configurations file just through modifying the SQL Server Agent job steps.  The Dtexec utility will apply the default package configurations for the second time after applying the options specified in the command
    lines or other package configurations configured in the job step.
    If the package is not deployed/installed, the Dtexec utility looks for the XML configurations file according to the file path defined in the Package Configurations Organizer window. In this situation, you need to either disable the package configurations
    or modify the XML file path in the BIDS.
    If the package is already deployed/installed, you need to modify the package as above or re-specify the install folder for the package configurations file. 
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

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