XML Training Ideas

Anybody know of or able to recommend any good XML courses?

Not aware of particular training (might check Oracle University), but if you're looking for a one-stop-shop book that will teach you what you need to know to use Oracle and XML together, my Building Oracle XML Applications is sure to please. About 800 pages of solid examples to learn from, as well as a great, simple introduction to XML and XSLT technologies, too.
I saw that it's finally available from Amazon, Fatbrain, and others online today, as well as from the publisher.

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    Since you don't have much idea of the problem space, I'd recommend experimenting with them yourself. Advice has a short shelf-life, these things are changing rapidly.

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    They are actually great.
    <img border="0" src="http://storeyourpicture.com/images/signature_electronics.jpg">

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    $Extend is a file system directory that contains several indefinite optional extension, such as $quota, $objid, $reparse, $usnjrnl, etc.
    You can see it and perform on it througn 3rd party software or PE system.
    Andy Altmann
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using Sun Web Server 6.1 from the IDE

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    SUNWS61deployment.xml is created bythe IDE to be used internally and not to be used by the developer. This file wouldn't be sent to webserver after deployment.
    The ws61-sun-web.xml is sun-web.xml only and yes it is same as it is in Appserver7 as the webcontainer for both Webserver6.1 and Appserver7 are same. After deployment to webserver, ws61-sun-web.xml is renamed to Webserver as sun-web.xml by the IDE. When opened the developer can edit in the XML editor.
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    Hope this helps

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
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    u need a parser or validate the xml file for to read the xml file from java coding u need for this
    xml4j.jar u can download this file  from here
    or we can use the SAX(simple API for XML)
    some sample applications for this
    let me know u need any other info

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    Is the file valid (per the schema)? What kind of exception/error are you
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    Thanks for answer. Points awarded.
    BUT: Still, a link to http://server/irj/portal/link added in the html editor window of an xml form only give the options of opening the link in new browser, or in the active window. The first option results in a massive amount of opened browsers, the second results in the target page being opened in the iframe (not nice!)
    Of course I could edit the xml directly adding a target=_top, but every new editing of this file would overwrite these changes.
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    Here The sample validation code snippets :
    import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEvent;
    import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEventHandler;
    import javax.xml.bind.ValidationEventLocator;
    public class MyEventHandler implements ValidationEventHandler{
         public boolean handleEvent(ValidationEvent ve) {
              if (ve.getSeverity()==ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR ||
                        ve .getSeverity()==ValidationEvent.ERROR){
                   ValidationEventLocator locator = ve.getLocator();
                   //Print message from valdation event
                   System.out.println("Invalid booking document: "
                             + locator.getURL());
                   System.out.println("Error: " + ve.getMessage());
                   //Output line and column number
                   System.out.println("Error at column " +
                             locator.getColumnNumber() +
                             ", line "
                             + locator.getLineNumber());
              return true;
    Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
    unmarshaller.setEventHandler(new MyEventHandler());

    Here is my analagous 'strange' behavior. I am jaxb processing and then marshalling generated classes to XML ( following the simple Sun 'PurchaseOrder' example )
    1. This works:
    <xsd:complextType name = "myName">
    <xsd:attribute name='name1'>
    2. This doesn't:
    <xsd:complextType name = "myName">
    <xsd:attribute name='name1'/>
    <xsd:attribute name='name2'/>
    That is, using more than one attribute line within this simple complex type causes nothing to be marshalled to XML.

  • How to convert a string-xml placed  inside an xml tag to xml format.

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    Any idea how can we do this ?
    <part name="parameters">
    <data rowId="0">*<number>C0001</number><description>Component from CDM</description>*</data>
    Request someone to please help .
    Edited by: 869283 on Jul 14, 2011 4:34 AM

    Thanks Dev for your reply ..I have tried using parsEscapedXML but it gives exception
    Fault ID     default/ProjReverseTransform!1.0*soa_6761b853-f458-4b1a-b9c3-6c060cde9350/transform/210018-BpAss3-BpSeq0.3-3
    Fault Time     Jul 15, 2011 1:23:42 PM
    Non Recoverable System Fault :
    <bpelFault><faultType>0</faultType><subLanguageExecutionFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension"><part name="summary"><summary>XPath expression failed to execute. An error occurs while processing the XPath expression; the expression is oraext:parseEscapedXML('&lt;?xml version="1.0"?>&lt;number xmlns:ns2="http://schemas.oracle.com/service/bpel/common&amp;quot;>C0001 &amp;lt;/number>&amp;lt;description xmlns:ns2=&amp;quot;http://schemas.oracle.com/service/bpel/common">Component from CDM &lt;description>'). The XPath expression failed to execute; the reason was: internal xpath error. Check the detailed root cause described in the exception message text and verify that the XPath query is correct. </summary></part><part name="code"><code>XPathExecutionError</code></part></subLanguageExecutionFault></bpelFault>
    I am using the assign activity as below
    <assign name="Assign_BpelVar">
    <from expression="oraext:parseEscapedXML('&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?>&lt;number xmlns:ns2=&quot;http://schemas.oracle.com/service/bpel/common&amp;quot;>C0001 &amp;lt;/number>&amp;lt;description xmlns:ns2=&amp;quot;http://schemas.oracle.com/service/bpel/common&quot;>Component from CDM &lt;description>')"/>
    <to variable="parameterVar"
    I have harcoded the string here so as to check the working othersie this string gets formed inside a while loop and is stored in a variable.
    parameterVar is variable of type
    <variable name="parameterVar" element="ns2:parameters"/>
    XSD for parameterVar
    <?xml version= '1.0' encoding= 'UTF-8' ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:element name="parameters">
    <xsd:element name="item" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="value">
    <xsd:any minOccurs="0"

  • LOAD FILE with xml

    I want to load an xml file into a RDBMS table, using sunopsis xml driver.
    I try to use an other xml file than the initial that is defined in the driver url.
    I cannot run this instruction in a XML treatment before the interface :
    the file doesn't change at alll and I always load the initial file ( sosmed.xml )
    any idea ?

    Make sure that you issue your LOAD FILE command
    - on the SAME Transaction (0, 1, 2, etc...) than the one used in the LKM,
    - with the SAME logical schema as the source table logical schema
    - and with the SAME Context (if you use the execution context - leave it unset).
    This should do the trick, and the connection created in the procedure will be reused in the interface, provided that you chain both in a package.

  • Posing a question to those well versed in building Flash training applications

    I would like to start an off-line communication chat with those of you who are well versed in Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex.
    I've worked with Cold Fusion but I am not up to date on all the technologies available.  This seems like the perfect forum for this question.
    I simply want to build an application (web or desktop is unknown) in which a person can learn a foreign language, in this case English.
    I need some technical advice as to whether Flash, Flex, or a combination of technologies (Cold Fusion for server side functionality) is the best choice for this application.  I do not understand the technical aspects of Flash or Flex in building applications so I need the advice of you experts.
    As with most foreign language textbooks, audio, or foreign language video training, the material is not interesting, not pertinent to daily life, and is great for late night insomnia.  I've never seen any type of foreign language training that is interesting, fun, or uses current events as part of the curriculum.
    I would like to illustrate my idea with an example.  I want to use an existing English beginners textbook (for kids), scan the images in the textbook, store the content (rules of grammar) in a database and store example sentences in a database.
    I would like to record basic audio sentences from the textbook (Do you know tomorrow's weather), incorporate some animation (baseball player hitting a home run), incorporate some basic video (purchasing an item at the grocery store), add a quiz, test question or puzzles, etc..
    In addition, since this is a classroom setting and the kids are split into groups, I would like to store a seating chart with the kids names and pictures in a database.  After the first segment is finished (e.g. purchasing a toy at the store) the kids next perform an activty.  I want to use a combination of audio, video, and animation to explain the activity, give instructions, split the class into groups,and perform the activity.
    As I mentioned before, I would like to start an off-line discusion for those of you who are willing to share some of you knowledge and experience with Flash and maybe Flex.  Since you are extremely busy, maybe you might be able to point me in the right direction.
    Hopefully, some of you can provide some sound technical advice.
    Thanks in advance

    thank you for your reply
    the best answer is email or chat.  I use Skype and google talk.
    the reason is simple.  I can probably guess that we are at least 10 time zones from each other.  I am currently in Tokyo Japan; just moved last year because of my Japanese wife.
    Meeting face to face is virtually impossible and the time zones make a telephone call impratical.
    My English training idea stems from the fact that kids in Japan study English for 6 years.  This is mandatory.  After 6 years of studying any subject matter, you certainly should know it fairly well.  In Japan, the education system stresses grammar, not conversation.  The kids can read and write English fairly well, but can't speak much English.
    This seems extremely strange; judging by the high level of science and mathematics taught in school.  The system of English education is extremely broken in Japan.  Everybody laughs when I tell them learning to read and write a foreign language is more important that speaking the foreign language.  Well, that's how it is in Japan.  I am making it my personal quest to break this broken system and give them something that is sorely needed in Japan.
    Anyway, that is too much information about what I am trying to do.
    If you can point me in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful.  I also forgot to ask how Adobe Captivate might fit into all this.  I notice Adobe carries a suite of e-learning products.  My idea is to be interactive and fun, not so much a slide presentation look and feel.

  • Create SiteCollection and assign Property to be used in onet.xml

    I need to create a SiteCollection and I want o assign during a creation a propertybag value or something similar that can be used from SiteFeatures that fire during processing of the onet.XML.
    any idea?

    You can achieve this using SharePoint Feature Stapling feature.  You can create your custom property using Feature stapling feature and attached the feature to the site template.
    Whenever you create a site collection, there will be custom property will be available.  You can set this property value using any one of the following options.
    Server-side code.
    Or use the CodePlex solution to set the property bag value.  The following is the link for codeplex solution
    SharePoint Property Bag Settings 2013
    The following two links will be helpful for your similar solution
    SharePoint Feature Stapling: Create the Feature
    SharePoint Feature Stapling: Staple the Feature
    Please mark it answered, if your problem resolved or helpful.

  • Pbm in server.XML

    i am using netbeans IDE and there i took the server.xml in tomcat4.0.6 under runtime as installed server.and i modified in tht server.xml according to my needs.
    But if i navigate in netbeans IDE and i navigate into tomcat there i went and i saw the
    tomcat/conf and i could not able to found the changes which i made the server.xml in IDE.
    My doubt is
    **) if we make changes server.xml thro netbeans it will affect or not.
    **) Isthere any settings to be made.
    plz help me to overcome the pbm........

    even though i altered the server.xml.but i got following error . i copiedriver class fils in conf/lib.but i have following error.help me
    :>) Exception creating DataSource: org.hsql.jdbcDriverroot cause // i have deleted the existed server.xml file which uses the hsql as database even though i got the error
    :>)javax.naming.NamingException: Exception creating DataSource: org.hsql.jdbcDriver
    and my server.xml is
    <Server debug="0" port="8015" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
    <Service name="Tomcat-Netbeans">
    <Connector acceptCount="10" className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector" connectionTimeout="60000" debug="0" enableLookups="true" maxProcessors="75" minProcessors="5" port="8081" redirectPort="8443"/>
    <Engine debug="0" defaultHost="localhost" name="Tomcat-Internal">
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" prefix="server_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"/>
    <Host appBase="webapps" debug="0" name="localhost" unpackWARs="true">
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" pattern="common" prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"/>
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" directory="logs" prefix="localhost_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
    <Context debug="0" docBase="manager" path="/manager" privileged="true"/> // here i have declared the context
    <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger" prefix="localhost_struts_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
    <Resource name="jdbc/oracleDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
    <ResourceParams name="jdbc/oracleDB">
    jsp page
    Context initContext = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/oracleDB");
    con = ds.getConnection();
    out.println("Database Connected: " + con);
    and also i have configured in web.xml by<res-ref>

  • Slideshow from xml - loads in wrong order

    I modified an existing slideshow script so that it would like
    to a page when you clicked the image. However, the images do not
    always load up in the correct order, but the links and descriptions
    do, so if you click an image it takes you to the wrong page.
    It changes when you refresh the browser and acts differently
    in ie to firefox - in ie it is usualy incorrect the first time,
    then goes ok once u refresh. The link to view is:
    and the actionscript is:
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    var myShowXML = new XML();
    myShowXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    +Math.random()+ new Date().getTime());
    myShowXML.onLoad = function() {
    _root.myWidth = myShowXML.firstChild.attributes.width;
    _root.myHeight = myShowXML.firstChild.attributes.height;
    _root.mySpeed = myShowXML.firstChild.attributes.speed;
    _root.myImages = myShowXML.firstChild.childNodes;
    _root.myImagesNo = myImages.length;
    function createContainer() {
    myContainer_mc._x = (Stage.width-myContainer_mc._width);
    myContainer_mc._y = (Stage.height-myContainer_mc._height);
    function callImages() {
    _root.myMCL = new MovieClipLoader();
    _root.myPreloader = new Object();
    _root.myClips_array = [];
    _root.myPreloader.onLoadStart = function(target) {
    _root.myText_txt._x =
    _root.myText_txt._y =
    _root.myText_txt.autoSize = "center";
    _root.myText_txt.text = "test";
    _root.myPreloader.onLoadProgress = function(target) {
    _root.myText_txt.text = "Loading..
    "+_root.myClips_array.length+"/"+_root.myImagesNo+" Completed";
    _root.myPreloader.onLoadComplete = function(target) {
    target._alpha = 0;
    if (_root.myClips_array.length == _root.myImagesNo) {
    _root.myText_txt._y = myContainer_mc._y +
    _root.target_mc = -1;
    myShowInt = setInterval(moveSlide,
    for (i=0; i<_root.myImagesNo; i++) {
    temp_url = _root.myImages
    temp_mc = myContainer_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(i,
    _root.myContainer_mc.Link =
    _root.myContainer_mc.onRelease = function() {
    function moveSlide() {
    current_mc = _root.myClips_array[_root.target_mc];
    new Tween(current_mc, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 100, 0, 1,
    if (_root.target_mc>=_root.myImagesNo) {
    _root.target_mc = 0;
    next_mc = _root.myClips_array[_root.target_mc];
    new Tween(next_mc, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 1,
    The XML can be viewed at
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Sorry about code - new to the forum, I will remember for
    future use.
    Thanks for identifying the problem area. I have been trying
    to fix the issue by sorting the array but my actionscript is not
    great and I have not had any success :(

Maybe you are looking for

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