XML/XSD question (using ODI)

Hi all.
I have posted this in the ODI forum as well, but this may be a more proper place to ask for help.
I'm working on a new dwh solution where the main source of data will come from XML-files. The problem is that we are having difficulties with the use of abstract types in the xsd-file. We currently use ODI to read the XML-files and to store the data in our database, but all fields from the XML-files are not visible in the target tables.
The problem can be simplified like this example:
We have a main element, testElement, which can contain one or more publications.
Publication is of type PublicationType, and PublicationType is an abstract that contains title, author and date.
We have four other types which extends PublicationType; BookType, MagazineType, NewspaperType and AdsType. They all contain additional fields.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
<element name="testElement" type="tns:TestElementType" xdb:defaultTable="TEST_TAB" />
<complexType name="TestElementType">
<element name="publication" type="tns:PublicationType" minOccurs="1"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<complexType name="PublicationType" abstract="true">
<element name="title" type="string"/>
<element name="author" type="string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<element name="date" type="string"/>
<complexType name="BookType">
<extension base="tns:PublicationType">
<element name="ISBN" type="string"/>
<element name="publisher" type="string"/>
<complexType name="MagazineType">
<extension base="tns:PublicationType">
<element name="editor" type="string"/>
<element name="period" type="string" minOccurs="0"
<complexType name="NewspaperType">
<extension base="tns:PublicationType">
<element name="daily" type="boolean"/>
<element name="owner" type="string" minOccurs="0"
<complexType name="AdsType">
<extension base="tns:PublicationType">
<element name="company" type="string"/>
<element name="article" type="string" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:testElement xmlns:tns="urn:testing:kontroll:example:oppgave:v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:testing:kontroll:example:oppgave:v1 ExampleXMLSchema.xsd ">
<tns:publication xsi:type="tns:BookType">
<tns:author>Arne Svendsen</tns:author>
<tns:publisher>The Company Ltd</tns:publisher>
<tns:publication xsi:type="tns:MagazineType">
<tns:title>Fancy Magazine</tns:title>
<tns:author>Mads Madsen</tns:author>
<tns:editor>Svante Svantesen</tns:editor>
When tables are generated in the database through ODI I'm not getting all the attributes present in the xml-file.
Can anybody tell me if this should work (and, if yes, why it doesn`t)? Or if the XSD/XML looks wrong in some way?
Is this a known limitation in Oracle or ODI etc.?
Any pointers to documentation describing similar problems would also be helpful.

Hi, Bjørn,
When tables are generated in the database through ODI I'm not getting all the attributes present in the xml-file.I don't know ODI, so I'm just curious here : what tables are generated? Is there one table per extented type (+ child tables for repeating elements), or just one Publication table with missing columns?
I've looked at the other thread you mentioned on the ODI forum, and saw that you'd also want to store XML files in an XMLType table.
I tested the schema registration in the database to see how Oracle reacts to the structure, and it looks OK, type extensions are supported.
SQL> begin
  2   dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(
  3     schemaURL => 'ExampleXMLSchema.xsd'
  4   , schemaDoc => bfilename('TEST_DIR', 'ExampleXMLSchema.xsd')
  5   , local => true
  6   , genTypes => true
  7   , genTables => true
  8   , enableHierarchy => dbms_xmlschema.ENABLE_HIERARCHY_NONE
  9   );
10  end;
11  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> insert into test_tab
  2  values (xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3  <tns:testElement xmlns:tns="urn:testing:kontroll:example:oppgave:v1"
  4                   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  5                   xsi:schemaLocation="urn:testing:kontroll:example:oppgave:v1 ExampleXMLSchema.xsd ">
  6    <tns:publication xsi:type="tns:BookType">
  7      <tns:title>Boken</tns:title>
  8      <tns:author>Arne Svendsen</tns:author>
  9      <tns:date>2001</tns:date>
10      <tns:ISBN>78979797</tns:ISBN>
11      <tns:publisher>The Company Ltd</tns:publisher>
12    </tns:publication>
13    <tns:publication xsi:type="tns:MagazineType">
14      <tns:title>Fancy Magazine</tns:title>
15      <tns:author>Mads Madsen</tns:author>
16      <tns:author>Arne Svendsen</tns:author>
17      <tns:date>2011</tns:date>
18      <tns:editor>Svante Svantesen</tns:editor>
19      <tns:period>weekly</tns:period>
20    </tns:publication>
21  </tns:testElement>'))
22  ;
1 row inserted
Querying as relational data :
SQL> select x.*
  2  from test_tab t
  3     , xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'urn:testing:kontroll:example:oppgave:v1'),
  4       'for $i in /testElement/publication
  5        return element r {
  6          $i/child::*
  7        , element pubtype {
  8            typeswitch($i)
  9              case element(publication, BookType)      return "Book"
10              case element(publication, MagazineType)  return "Magazine"
11              case element(publication, AdsType)       return "Ads"
12              case element(publication, NewspaperType) return "Newspaper"
13              default return "Publication"
14          }
15        }'
16       passing t.object_value
17       columns title   varchar2(500) path 'title'
18             , authors varchar2(500) path 'string-join(author,",")'
19             , pubdate number(4)     path 'date'
20             , isbn    number(13)    path 'ISBN'
21             , editor  varchar2(500) path 'editor'
22             , period  varchar2(500) path 'period'
23             , pubtype varchar2(30)  path 'pubtype'
24       ) x
25  ;
TITLE                 AUTHORS                        PUBDATE           ISBN EDITOR                PERIOD      PUBTYPE
Boken                 Arne Svendsen                     2001       78979797                                   Book
Fancy Magazine        Mads Madsen,Arne Svendsen         2011                Svante Svantesen      weekly      Magazine

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    When you do the reverse, you should be able to do a "Standard Reverse". No KM is needed for that.
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    Hi Scott,
    Using xs or xsd depends on how you declare the namespace prefix.
      <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <xs:element name="item">
    I've posted a very good link in your last question, just in case you might have missed it, please see the below link.
    Understanding XML Namespaces
    In an XML document we use a namespace prefix to qualify the local names of both elements and attributes . A prefix is really just an abbreviation for the namespace identifier (URI), which is typically quite long. The prefix is first mapped to a namespace
    identifier through a namespace declaration. The syntax for a namespace declaration is:
    xmlns:<prefix>='<namespace identifier>'
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Am I correct in assuming that you want to load the XML string into your database and not the values contained within the XML structure?
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    XSD (XML Schema Definition), is an abstract representation of a XML characteristics.
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    Since you are using the Variable ,when you right click and view datastore its missing the required path of the file, as value of the variable is not determined , to do so you need to either refresh or set the variable and call the interface or other ODI objects and in loop keep reading XML files one by one and that should work.

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    Message was edited by:
    Divya Padmanabhan

    For empty xml try to use:
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    as jdbc connect string:
    and try again...

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    Hi John,
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    This doubt came to me, becouse I found a lot of references that makes me think that this two solutions are codependents.
    Thanks for your reply!

    This might help. Note that ODI and EDQ are normally sold together for Data Warehousing scenarios, though arguably data profiling, at least, is important in nearly all new projects that use ETL/E-LT technology.
    Some customers, especially MDM customers, do use EDQ for their ETL requirements, as these tend to be simpler than data warehousing scenarios where load plans and data aggregations are important. ODI also has more comprehensive connectivity than EDQ, for example for Mainframe systems.
    We are also seeing a trend for ETL/EL-T to be done strategically in such a way that it rarely needs revisiting for new projects; for example when a new system is onboarded, the key data is replicated or ETL'd into a standard holding area which is then used for any projects which require data from many source systems. This means that EDQ very often takes data output from ETL/EL-T without necessarily being embedded in the ETL or data replication flows.
    Very often both ETL and DQ are required
    It’s not the size or complexity of the transformation that is different, it’s the nature of the transformations – syntax or meaning?
    ODI will do all sorts of denormalisation/normalisation for populating star schemas that would be complex and slow in EDQ
    EDQ will do all sorts of things that improve the business value of the data that ODI would never do
    Data volumes are unlikely to be a guide as to which toolset would be used for a particular task
    Data Quality tools (e.g. OEDQ)
    ETL tools (e.g. ODI)
    Extraction of data from common types of modern database / common file types
    Native extraction of data from antiquated systems using specific APIs, and data from complex file types, e.g. XML, EBCDIC, EDI, IDoc
    Complex extraction rules
    Syntactic low-level transformations
    Data profiling
    Basic or none
    Semantic understanding of data
    Complex transformations using semantic rules
    Complex transformations using non-semantic rules (aggregation, analytical, etc.)
    Possible, but ETL usually preferred
    Complex matching and merging
    Limited (ETL-type matching/merging) such as exact ID match
    Processing as native SQL on database for optimal performance wherever possible
    Advanced performance parallelisation / distribution / control
    Multiple source/target mapping
    Writing of data to target systems / staging areas / files
    Advanced load capability, e.g. single/packet/bulk, load plans etc.
    Typical users
    Business Users, Consultants, or IT Professionals
    IT Professionals

  • Parsing .xsd files using DOM

    I am trying to parse a xsd file using DOM. The xsd has several nodes like
    <xsd:complexType name="AccountLocate">
    I want to extract the strings AccountLocate and AccountCategory and use them for further processing.
    The hierarchy of the nodes is created without issues, but when I try to view the name and value of each node using getNodeName() and getNodeValue() method the node name I get and node value is as follows:
    xsd:complexType null 1 //corresponds to the xsd:complexType node
    #text 3 //corresponds to the AccountLocate node
    Is there anyway (any DOM method for example) by which I can isolate the name AccountLocate?
    Thanks and regards,

    Which parser is used for parsig?
    With the DocumentBuilder parser set:
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory
    = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    factory.setNamespaceAware(true);For parsing with the javax.xml.xpath.XPath class set the NamespaceContext on the XPath object.

  • Is this Possible using ODI / ODQ ?

    Hi ALL,
    Is the below requirement possible with ODI / ODQ?
    (right now I am doing it mannually, and its like a monthly/weekly process)
    If we can do the same using ODQ how I need to start and proceed?
    My requirement is some thing like this. I have two columns
    Address1 (street address)
    Address2 (additional Information)
    In some cases the address is not in the proper format. So I need to do some data cleansing (data scrubbing) before loading using ODI
    Use Address2 if Address1 is PO Box, building name, or any info aside from a street address. Only one address column is needed in the output (Address1)
    For example :
    HIGHWAY # ------------------------------------------------5010944 MARSH RD
    PO BOX 40964---------------------------------------------1100 AA CORP PARKWAY
    DBA VANTAGE PP---------------------------------------11031 PERRY HIGHWAY
    7275 BUFFALO ROAD----------------------------------(WAS 6855 BUFFALO ROAD)
    7601 N FEDERAL HWY---------------------------------#2506
    MCAS ---------------------------------------------------------(MARINE CORPS AIR STATION)
    212 BRADDOCK AVENUE------------------------------
    212 NINTH STREET----------------------------------------
    2138 JONATHON DRIVE---------------------------------
    OUTPUT (Note : we don&rsquo;t need the Address2 column in the output)
    10944 MARSH RD------------------------10944 MARSH RD
    1100 AA CORP PARKWAY-----------1100 AA CORP PARKWAY
    11031 PERRY HIGHWAY-------------11031 PERRY HIGHWAY
    11031 PERRY HIGHWAY-------------11031 PERRY HIGHWAY
    7275 BUFFALO ROAD------------------(WAS 6855 BUFFALO ROAD)
    7601 N FEDERAL HWY----------------#2506
    MCAS-----------------------------------------(MARINE CORPS AIR STATION)
    212 BRADDOCK AVENUE------------
    212 NINTH STREET----------------------
    2138 JONATHON DRIVE---------------
    I have posted a similar kind of question in DATA Quality (ODQ) forum
    Forum Home &raquo; Master Data Management (MDM) &raquo; Data Quality
    if any body is working on address cleansing using ODQ, Please guide me to start working on it.
    IS there any specific documents for ADDRESS CLEANING which gives more information about the process flows such as
    Transformer, Customer Data Parser, Sort for Postal Matcher, Postal Matcher, Window Key Generator,Sort for Linking, Relationship Linker, Commonizer, and Data Reconstructor.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Rathish,
    I was building the java code but I got other idea to make more simple.
    1) load the values into a temp table with one column for each address (means 2 columns per line) plus 2 other columns to control.
    Something like:
    table temp_data
    columns: add_1 , control_1, add_2, control_2
    You can do that thru an interface. Let the fields "control" with no value when loaded
    2) create a table to storage the values you sent to me (Avenue, street...)
    table street_names
    columns: street_name, country (to your future use)
    3) Create an ODI procedure (or you can customize a KM with the same technique)
    3.1) Step 1 at target Tab, technology javaScript
    <@String vU=" ";@>
    3.2.1) step 2 - Tab Source - technology "your database" and the Logical Schema where the "street_names" table as created
    select street_name
    from street_names
    where country = 'US'
    3.2.2) step 3 - Tab Target - tecnology javaScript
    <@vU+="or instr(upper(add_1),upper('#street_name'))>0 ";@>
    3.3) step 3 - Target Tab - technology "your database" and the Logical Schema where the "temp_data" table as created
    update temp_data
    set control_1 = 'Y'
    where <@=vU@>
    3.4) step 4 step 3 - Target Tab - technology "your database" and the Logical Schema where the "temp_data" table as created
    update temp_data
    set control_2 = 'Y'
    where <@=vU@>
    4) Now you have a table (temp_data) with a flag "Y" where there is a street name and "null" where doesn't exist. Just generate your file by a interface or odiSqlUnload Toll.
    Put all together into a package and you will have your process.
    I create in this way to minimize the access to the temp_table, just 2 updates.
    can be used some alternatives to tunning the hole process if the time doesn't match what you need.
    That is a fast solution. Something more elaborated can be done if necessary.
    Does it help you?
    Cezar Santos

  • Use ODI with JMS Queue

    I'm new user in ODI and also JMS. I successfuly use odi to integrate data from two oracle database applications. I'm trying to integrate applications using JMS Queues (or Topics) and I failed to create odi "data server" for this technology. Can someone help me to do this or give me a sample to follow it?

    Hi there,
    You can actually create 2 different types of connections to a JMS Queue or Topic. Flat or XML. The simplest to start with is flat. This will basically cause ODI to view the contents of the queue as simple flat file data. Note, this is a bit advanced use of ODI, so I would perhaps go through connecting to an RDBMS first before walking through this. It will make more sense.
    To set this up, you will need to:
    1. Copy the necessary client files from OC4J, place them in the <ODI_HOME>/oracledi/drivers directory and restart ODI. The files you need are:
    - <OC4J_HOME>/j2ee/home/oc4jclient.jar
    - <OC4J_HOME>/j2ee/home/lib/javax77.jar
    - <OC4J_HOME>/j2ee/home/lib/jta.jar
    Sop copy those files and restart ODI.
    2. Create a physical connection (Topology Application/Physical Architecture/Technologies -> right click JMS Queues and select "Insert Data Server")
    3. In the Description tab, simpl fill in the Name field.
    4. In the JNDI tab , fille in the following:
    - JNDI Authentication - Simple
    - JNDI User: application user - this is the equivalent of javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL
    - Password: application password - this is the equivalent of javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS
    - JNDI Driver: This is the equivalent of javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, so enter com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory
    - JNDI Url: This is the equivalent of javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, so put in ormi://<hostname>[:<port>]/<application>. For instance, with the basic OC4J install, I put in ormi://localhost/default.
    - JNDI Resource: This is the JNDI lookup key for your Queue Connection factory. For example, for the default OC4J installation, I put in jms/QueueConnectionFactory
    5. Click the Test button and click OK in the window that pops up. You should get a message box saying that your connection was successful.
    6. Click Apply or OK and a new window will pop up. In this window, go to the Context tab and click the Add button and in the row that appears, click on the right most field (it says <Undefined> and replace <undefined> with a logical name for your connection. Hit Enter and click OK)
    7. You've now connected to the Queue, to create the Queue object in ODI, go to the Designer window, go to models and create a new model.
    8. Set the name to whatever makes sense to you. Set the technology to JMS Queue and the Logical Schema to the logical connection name you created in step 6. In the Reverse tab, select Global from the Context dropdown menu.
    9. Click OK. You now have a container for any Queues that are in this connection.
    10. To point to the queue, right click your new model and select Insert Datastore.
    11. In the new window, name your datastore whatever you'd like. Set the resource name to the JNDI resource name for the queue (for example, with the default OC4J configuration, you could set this to jms/demoQueue.
    12. In the Files tab, set the File Format to fixed, and set the record separator to Windows or Unix (it doesn't really matter which one you pick)
    13. In the Columns tab, click the add button to add a column. Name the column something like DATA and set is to a String of size 1000.
    14. Click OK. You'll now be able to right click this new datastore and view data, granted in a very simple format. You can create a more complex flat file structure if you' like but this gives you a quick and easy to view the contents of the queue.
    I'd suggest trying to connect this way, post if you were successful and I will then post how to connect to an XML structured queue (it's a little teenie bit different)

  • How to use ODI sequences ??

    I have an interface which need an ODI sequence.
    When I execute it the value of the sequence is always the same.
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    How can I do ??
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    This is not the first time I have problem with the ODI Sequence but this time I can't create an RDBMS one ...
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi guys,
    I have some questions, I am trying to create a dimension and it should use a sequence, but I am getting the same issue as you guys. I can't not generate a unique key because my sequence is the same value for all rows.
    So if I really understood there are two ways to use a sequence in ODI. One is using ODI sequence (creating it inside ODI) and other is using a RDBMS sequence.
    First: What I have to do to use a RDBMS sequence? (Step by step please)
    Second: I can't use an IKM SQL to SQL append in my interface. This interface is pretty simple - source is a flat file target is an Oracle table, I just need to move all flat files columns to Oracle table adding a sequence. I understood that my Staging area should be different than my Target area based on posts above. I already created a new datastore to be my new staging area, but I don't know how to make an association between interface and new stage area.
    Can you please provide me the easiest solution?

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