Xmonad and dbus

So I can start Xmonad with dbus but then the keyboard doesn't work (mouse works fine however), and xmobar doesn't show up. If I start it without dbus started, everything works fine. I can then start dbus and things continue to work fine. Any ideas on getting xmonad to start with dbus started?

mreschke wrote:Explicitly starting dbus before Hal works, must have both
No - hal has been deprecated. From Xorg 1.8 it is no longer necessary.
News wrote:After upgrading to this release, configuration for input devices in hal is ignored.

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  • Xmonad and Xmobar: avoidStruts no longer exposes Xmobar

    I've been using Xmonad with the same config for months now. I reinstalled Arch recently, and ever since then avoidStruts no longer keeps Xmobar from being hidden behind windows.
    I have installed the xmonad and xmonad-contrib packages; my config compiles without errors. I'm at a loss here because I can't identify any changes that may have been made to either of the aforementioned packages that might cause this issue.
    import XMonad
    import Data.Monoid
    import Data.Ratio ((%))
    import System.Exit
    import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
    import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
    import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
    import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
    import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
    import XMonad.Layout.Named
    import XMonad.Layout.Grid
    import XMonad.Layout.IM
    import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
    import System.IO
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import qualified Data.Map as M
    -- The preferred terminal program, which is used in a binding below and by
    -- certain contrib modules.
    myTerminal = "urxvt"
    -- Whether focus follows the mouse pointer.
    myFocusFollowsMouse :: Bool
    myFocusFollowsMouse = True
    -- Width of the window border in pixels.
    myBorderWidth = 2
    -- modMask lets you specify which modkey you want to use. The default
    -- is mod1Mask ("left alt"). You may also consider using mod3Mask
    -- ("right alt"), which does not conflict with emacs keybindings. The
    -- "windows key" is usually mod4Mask.
    myModMask = mod4Mask
    -- The default number of workspaces (virtual screens) and their names.
    -- By default we use numeric strings, but any string may be used as a
    -- workspace name. The number of workspaces is determined by the length
    -- of this list.
    -- A tagging example:
    -- > workspaces = ["web", "irc", "code" ] ++ map show [4..9]
    myWorkspaces = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
    -- Border colors for unfocused and focused windows, respectively.
    myNormalBorderColor = "#404040"
    -- myFocusedBorderColor = "#0080ff"
    myFocusedBorderColor = "#ff0000"
    -- Key bindings. Add, modify or remove key bindings here.
    myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
    -- launch a terminal
    [ ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn $ XMonad.terminal conf)
    -- launch dmenu
    , ((modm, xK_p ), spawn "dmenu_run")
    -- launch gmrun
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_p ), spawn "gmrun")
    -- close focused window
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), kill)
    -- close focused window (2)
    , ((modm, xK_z ), kill)
    -- close focused window (3)
    , ((modm, xK_Escape), kill)
    -- Rotate through the available layout algorithms
    , ((modm, xK_space ), sendMessage NextLayout)
    -- Reset the layouts on the current workspace to default
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_space ), setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
    -- Resize viewed windows to the correct size
    , ((modm, xK_n ), refresh)
    -- Move focus to the next window
    , ((modm, xK_Tab ), windows W.focusDown)
    -- Move focus to the next window
    , ((modm, xK_j ), windows W.focusDown)
    -- Move focus to the previous window
    , ((modm, xK_k ), windows W.focusUp )
    -- Move focus to the master window
    , ((modm, xK_m ), windows W.focusMaster )
    -- Swap the focused window and the master window
    , ((modm, xK_Return), windows W.swapMaster)
    -- Swap the focused window with the next window
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_j ), windows W.swapDown )
    -- Swap the focused window with the previous window
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_k ), windows W.swapUp )
    -- Shrink the master area
    , ((modm, xK_h ), sendMessage Shrink)
    -- Expand the master area
    , ((modm, xK_l ), sendMessage Expand)
    -- Push window back into tiling
    , ((modm, xK_t ), withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
    -- Increment the number of windows in the master area
    , ((modm , xK_comma ), sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
    -- Deincrement the number of windows in the master area
    , ((modm , xK_period), sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
    -- Toggle the status bar gap
    -- Use this binding with avoidStruts from Hooks.ManageDocks.
    -- See also the statusBar function from Hooks.DynamicLog.
    -- , ((modm , xK_b ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    -- Quit xmonad
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
    -- Restart xmonad
    , ((modm , xK_q ), spawn "xmonad --recompile; xmonad --restart")
    -- Start Opera
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_i ), spawn "chromium")
    -- Start Thunar
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_f ), spawn "pcmanfm")
    -- Start networking gui
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_o ), spawn "wicd-gtk --no-tray")
    -- Video Settings
    , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_v ), spawn "nvidia-settings")
    -- mod-[1..9], Switch to workspace N
    -- mod-shift-[1..9], Move client to workspace N
    [((m .|. modm, k), windows $ f i)
    | (i, k) <- zip (XMonad.workspaces conf) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.greedyView, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- mod-{w,e,r}, Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3
    -- mod-shift-{w,e,r}, Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3
    [((m .|. modm, key), screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
    | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e, xK_r] [0..]
    , (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
    -- Mouse bindings: default actions bound to mouse events
    myMouseBindings (XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
    -- mod-button1, Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging
    [ ((modm, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w
    >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    -- mod-button2, Raise the window to the top of the stack
    , ((modm, button2), (\w -> focus w >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    -- mod-button3, Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging
    , ((modm, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w
    >> windows W.shiftMaster))
    -- you may also bind events to the mouse scroll wheel (button4 and button5)
    -- Layouts:
    -- You can specify and transform your layouts by modifying these values.
    -- If you change layout bindings be sure to use 'mod-shift-space' after
    -- restarting (with 'mod-q') to reset your layout state to the new
    -- defaults, as xmonad preserves your old layout settings by default.
    -- The available layouts. Note that each layout is separated by |||,
    -- which denotes layout choice.
    myLayout = tall ||| grid ||| full
    -- default tiling algorithm partitions the screen into two panes
    tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
    -- The default number of windows in the master pane
    nmaster = 1
    -- Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane
    ratio = 65/100
    -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
    delta = 5/100
    tall = named "Tall"
    $ avoidStruts
    $ Tall nmaster delta ratio
    grid = named "Grid"
    $ avoidStruts
    $ withIM (1%7) (Role "buddy_list") (GridRatio (4/3))
    full = named "Full"
    $ noBorders
    $ Full
    -- Window rules:
    -- Execute arbitrary actions and WindowSet manipulations when managing
    -- a new window. You can use this to, for example, always float a
    -- particular program, or have a client always appear on a particular
    -- workspace.
    -- To find the property name associated with a program, use
    -- > xprop | grep WM_CLASS
    -- and click on the client you're interested in.
    -- To match on the WM_NAME, you can use 'title' in the same way that
    -- 'className' and 'resource' are used below.
    myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat
    , className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat
    -- , className =? "Nm-connection-editor" --> doFloat
    -- , className =? "Wicd-client.py" --> doFloat
    , resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
    , resource =? "kdesktop" --> doIgnore
    -- , className =? "Xfce4-notifyd" --> doIgnore
    -- Event handling
    -- * EwmhDesktops users should change this to ewmhDesktopsEventHook
    -- Defines a custom handler function for X Events. The function should
    -- return (All True) if the default handler is to be run afterwards. To
    -- combine event hooks use mappend or mconcat from Data.Monoid.
    -- myEventHook = mempty
    myEventHook = fullscreenEventHook
    -- Status bars and logging
    -- Perform an arbitrary action on each internal state change or X event.
    -- See the 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog' extension for examples.
    myLogHook h = dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP
    { ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
    , ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 200
    , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "white" "red" . wrap "" ""
    -- Startup hook
    -- Perform an arbitrary action each time xmonad starts or is restarted
    -- with mod-q. Used by, e.g., XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace to initialize
    -- per-workspace layout choices.
    -- By default, do nothing.
    myStartupHook = return ()
    -- Run xmonad with the settings you specify.
    main = do
    xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/bin/xmobar /home/chris/.xmonad/xmobarrc"
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
    { terminal = myTerminal
    , focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse
    , borderWidth = myBorderWidth
    , modMask = myModMask
    , workspaces = myWorkspaces
    , normalBorderColor = myNormalBorderColor
    , focusedBorderColor = myFocusedBorderColor
    , keys = myKeys
    , mouseBindings = myMouseBindings
    , layoutHook = myLayout
    , manageHook = myManageHook
    , handleEventHook = myEventHook
    , logHook = myLogHook xmproc
    , startupHook = myStartupHook
    { font = "xft:ProFont:pixelsize=12"
    , bgColor = "#000000"
    -- used to make the bar appear correctly after Mod-q in older xmonad implementations (0.9.x)
    -- doesn't seem to do anything anymore (0.10, darcs)
    -- , lowerOnStart = False
    , commands =
    [ Run Wireless "wlan0" ["-t", "<essid> <quality>%"] 10
    , Run CommandReader "/home/chris/.xmonad/volume-listener.sh" "vol"
    , Run CommandReader "/home/chris/.xmonad/hdaps-listener.sh" "hdaps"
    , Run Battery
    [ "-t", "<acstatus> <left>%"
    , "-f", "AC/online"
    , "-o", "Bat"
    , "-O", "AC"
    , Run Date "%a %b %_d %H:%M" "date" 10
    , Run StdinReader
    , sepChar = "%"
    , alignSep = "}{"
    , template = "%StdinReader% }{ <fc=#ff0000>%hdaps%</fc> %wlan0wi% Vol %vol% %battery% <fc=#ee9a00>%date%</fc> "
    Last edited by cheese, lol (2012-10-26 03:15:39)

    Downgrade to xmobar-0.15. See here.

  • Archiso build failing due to dbus and dbus-core conflict

    I am trying to build an ISO with archiso (releng), and even after running
    pacman -R dbus
    pacman -Syu
    the build fails with the following error:
    [root@sados releng]# ./build.sh -N SadOS -V 1.0 -L SADOS_1.0 -v build single
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Configuration settings
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Command: init
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Architecture: i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Working directory: work/i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Installation directory: arch
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Pacman config file: work/i686/pacman.conf
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Configuration settings
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Command: install
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Architecture: i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Working directory: work/i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Installation directory: arch
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Pacman config file: work/i686/pacman.conf
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Packages: memtest86+ mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd
    [mkarchiso] INFO: These packages are already installed, skipping.
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Configuration settings
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Command: install
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Architecture: i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Working directory: work/i686
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Installation directory: arch
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Pacman config file: work/i686/pacman.conf
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Packages: arch-install-scripts b43-fwcutter btrfs-progs crda darkhttpd ddrescue dhclient dialog dmraid dnsmasq dnsutils dosfstools elinks ethtool fsarchiver gnu-netcat gptfdisk grml-zsh-config grub-bios haveged hdparm ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw irssi lftp lilo linux-atm mc mtools nfs-utils nilfs-utils nmap ntfs-3g ntfsprogs ntp openconnect openssh openvpn partclone parted partimage pptpclient rfkill rp-pppoe rsync smartmontools speedtouch sudo tcpdump testdisk usb_modeswitch vpnc wget wireless_tools wpa_actiond wvdial xl2tpd zd1211-firmware zsh abiword abiword-plugins aircrack-ng alsaplayer arch-firefox-search archiso ario audacious audacity aurphan autoconf automake autotrace avogadro-git bash binutils bison bittwist bleachbit blender bluez burp bzip2 ccd2iso ccsm cdrtools chaosreader cheese clonezilla compiz-decorator-gtk compiz-manager compizconfig-backend-gconf conky coreutils cowpatty crashtest cronie cryptsetup dbus ddrescue device-mapper dhcpcd dia dictd diffutils dosbox dosfstools driftnet e2fsprogs ekiga electricsheep elinks emerald-themes ettercap exo fakeroot fcgi festival festival-english festival-us file filesystem filezilla findutils firefox flamerobin flashplugin flex fluidsynth font-bh-ttf foremost fortune-mod frei0r-plugins ftplib fwknop fyre garcon gawk gcc gcc-libs gdm geany geany-plugins gedit gedit-plugins gerix-wifi-cracker-ng gettext ghex gimp gimp-dbp gimp-gap gksu glibc gnofract4d gparted grep grsync grub-bios gthumb gtk-aurora-engine gtk-recordmydesktop gtk2-xfce-engine gtk3-xfce-engine guake gucharmap guifications gvfs-afc gzip hasciicam heirloom-mailx hexcurse htop idesk inetutils inkscape iproute2 iputils irssi java3d jfsutils johnny-git jre7-openjdk kismet less libdvdcss libgoom2 libmysqlclient libtool licenses lighttpd links linux logrotate lvm2 lynx m4 macchanger make makehuman man-db man-pages mandelbulber mdadm menumaker meshlab mktorrent mlocate mpd mplayer mypaint nano ncdu ncftp ncmpcpp netcfg network-manager-applet networkmanager nmap nss-myhostname obconf obkey oblogout obmenu openbox openbox-themes openssh orage os-prober oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-icons p7zip pacman paraview pastebinit patch pciutils pcmciautils perl php php-cgi pidgin pidgin-encryption pidgin-gfire pidgin-hotkeys pidgin-musictracker pidgin-otr pkg-config povray ppp procps-ng projectm psmisc pyqt python-distribute python2-distribute qwt reiserfsprogs ristretto rrdtool rsnapshot rtorrent safecopy screen sed shadow sitecopy skype slim slim-themes smbclient sox spideroak sslsniff sslsniffer steghide stress structuresynth sudo sweethome3d sysfsutils syslinux systemd-sysvcompat tar tcpdump tcpick terminal terminator testdisk texinfo thc-hydra thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-volman tightvnc tk tmux tomboy traceroute transmission-cli transmission-gtk ttf-cheapskate ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-freefont ttf-gentium ttf-inconsolata ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine tumbler unetbootin unionfs-fuse usbutils util-linux vi videosnarf vim vlc vte3 wget which wicd wireshark-cli wireshark-gtk wtf x11vnc xaos xcursor-bluecurve xcursor-themes xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-joystick xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-void xf86-input-wacom xf86-video-ark xf86-video-ast xf86-video-ati xf86-video-cirrus xf86-video-dummy xf86-video-fbdev xf86-video-geode xf86-video-glint xf86-video-i128 xf86-video-intel xf86-video-mach64 xf86-video-mga xf86-video-modesetting xf86-video-neomagic xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-nv xf86-video-openchrome xf86-video-r128 xf86-video-savage xf86-video-siliconmotion xf86-video-sis xf86-video-tdfx xf86-video-trident xf86-video-v4l xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-vmware xf86-video-voodoo xfburn xfce4-appfinder xfce4-artwork xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpufreq-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-diskperf-plugin xfce4-eyes-plugin xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-mixer xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-mpc-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-notifyd xfce4-panel xfce4-power-manager xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-time-out-plugin xfce4-timer-plugin xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-wavelan-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-xkb-plugin xfconf xfdesktop xfsprogs xfwm4 xfwm4-themes xorg-bdftopcf xorg-docs xorg-font-util xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-fonts-75dpi xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-iceauth xorg-luit xorg-mkfontdir xorg-mkfontscale xorg-server xorg-sessreg xorg-setxkbmap xorg-smproxy xorg-x11perf xorg-xauth xorg-xbacklight xorg-xcmsdb xorg-xcursorgen xorg-xdpyinfo xorg-xdriinfo xorg-xev xorg-xgamma xorg-xhost xorg-xinput xorg-xkbcomp xorg-xkbevd xorg-xkbutils xorg-xkill xorg-xlsatoms xorg-xlsclients xorg-xmodmap xorg-xpr xorg-xprop xorg-xrandr xorg-xrdb xorg-xrefresh xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xvinfo xorg-xwd xorg-xwininfo xorg-xwud xosd xprobe2 xsane xscreensaver youtube-dl
    [mkarchiso] INFO: Installing packages to 'work/i686/root-image/'...
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    testing is up to date
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community-testing is up to date
    community is up to date
    custom is up to date
    warning: bash-4.2.039-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: bzip2-1.0.6-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: coreutils-8.20-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: cronie-1.4.9-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: cryptsetup-1.5.1-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: ddrescue
    warning: device-mapper-2.02.98-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: diffutils-3.2-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: dosfstools
    warning: e2fsprogs-1.42.6-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: elinks
    warning: file-5.11-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: filesystem-2012.12-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: findutils-4.4.2-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: gawk-4.0.1-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: gcc-libs-4.7.2-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: gettext- is up to date -- skipping
    warning: glibc-2.16.0-5 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: grep-2.14-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: grub-bios
    warning: gzip-1.5-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: heirloom-mailx-12.5-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: inetutils-1.9.1-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: iproute2-3.6.0-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: iputils-20121126-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: irssi
    warning: jfsutils-1.1.15-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: less-451-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: licenses-2.9-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: linux-3.6.9-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: logrotate-3.8.2-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: lvm2-2.02.98-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: man-db-2.6.3-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: man-pages-3.44-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: mdadm-3.2.6-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: nano-2.2.6-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: netcfg-3.0-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: nmap
    warning: nss-myhostname-0.3-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: openssh
    warning: pacman-4.0.3-5 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: pciutils-3.1.10-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: pcmciautils-018-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: perl-5.16.2-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: ppp-2.4.5-5 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: procps-ng-3.3.5-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: psmisc-22.19-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: sed-4.2.1-4 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: shadow- is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: sudo
    warning: sysfsutils-2.1.0-8 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: syslinux-4.06-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: systemd-sysvcompat-196-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: tar-1.26-2 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: tcpdump
    warning: skipping target: testdisk
    warning: texinfo-4.13a-7 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: usbutils-006-1 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: util-linux-2.22.1-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: vi-1:050325-3 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: skipping target: wget
    warning: which-2.20-5 is up to date -- skipping
    warning: xfsprogs-3.1.8-2 is up to date -- skipping
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: dbus and dbus-core are in conflict. Remove dbus-core? [y/N]
    error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
    error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
    :: dbus and dbus-core are in conflict
    Help, please? Thanks.

    aesiris wrote:Did you add dbus-core inside releng/packages.* ?
    If yes, remove it and leave only dbus
    No, neither of them were in packages.i686. I even tried adding dbus to that file to see if it would help, but it didn't change the error message.
    It seems like archiso is installing some core files before it installs my custom packages, and maybe that is where the problem lies, but I really have no idea.

  • Xmonad and focus follows mouse issue

    I've been fiddling around with xmonad, and I notice that with focus follows mouse turned on, when I create a new window the window under the mouse gets selected instead of the window that I have just created. Pretty irritating, Anyone know how to solve that?
    Thanks for any help provided,

    Yes, disabling the focus follows mouse behaviour makes it so the correct window is always chosen.
    I kind of like having focus follows mouse for when I need to copy and paste in applications that don't provide good methods for doing that purely with the keyboard (firefox and most terminals when not using screen). I would therefore like to have focus follows mouse.
    Sidenote: What is this updatePointer thing you use and what does it do?

  • I need a little help with xmonad and stuff

    Hi all. I recently changed from fluxbox to xmonad, and I find it fantastic. I have some minor? problems.
    In fluxbox I was using xterm as a terminal emulator, but I couldnt use irssi with it, the Alt + w/e keys weren't working. They worked however in aterm and urxvt but those two support only 16 colors, and I wish to use 256 colors, mainly because of my vim color scheme. Is there a solution to be able to run both irssi and vim from the same terminal, or should I run different terminals for them?
    Also where can I read up on setting my .Xdefaults and xmonad.hs file? I ripped someones from this forum, and it works nice, but I want to make my onw, but cant find any decent documentation. Thanks.
    I found the solution to using the Alt key in xterm. I had to add theese two lines in my .Xdefaults
    XTerm*eightBitInput: false
    XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
    Last edited by tch (2007-12-28 11:00:33)

    Also where can I read up on setting my .Xdefaults and xmonad.hs file? I ripped someones from this forum, and it works nice, but I want to make my onw, but cant find any decent documentation. Thanks.
    At the moment, the best source for configs are those posted in the screenshots thread (for both Xdefaults and xmonad.hs), the xmonad config archive (and the available docs from the root page on that site), and our own thread.  Unfortunately you'll have to sort of scrounge for good docs on the xmonad.hs at the moment, since most of the information was written for the 0.4 version of xmonad.  The configuration has since been made MUCH simpler.
    Hope that helps some.

  • Kde authorization (polkit and dbus driving me insane)

    apologies if this is complete newbie territory, but it's been a long time since i last used linux as a desktop OS so polkit and dbus are all new to me.
    the problem, basically, is that KDE won't let me do anything i would consider privileged. network manager applet won't let me change wifi connections, package manager doesn't work and usb disks won't mount.
    let's start with usb disks. i added a polkit rule as per the wiki:
    [root@mjollnir rules.d]# cat 10-enable-mount.rules
    polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system" && subject.isInGroup("storage")) {
    return polkit.Result.YES;
    and i am in the storage group:
    $ groups
    wheel network audio storage power
    but i get the following error when i try to open a newly inserted usb disk in dolphin:
    Error checking authorization: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Action org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount is not registered (polkit-error-quark, 0)
    and now for network manager -
    running nm-applet from a terminal and trying to change wifi connection gives me this:
    ** (nm-applet:1369): WARNING **: Could not create object for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/0: No session found for uid 1000 (unknown)
    ** (nm-applet:1369): WARNING **: Could not create object for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/3: No session found for uid 1000 (unknown)
    ** (nm-applet:1369): WARNING **: handle_property_changed: failed to update property 'available-connections' of object type NMDeviceWifi.
    (nm-applet:1369): nm-applet-WARNING **: Error connecting to ModemManager: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.ModemManager1: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.systemd1.LoadFailed: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
    (nm-applet:1369): nm-applet-WARNING **: Failed to register as an agent: (32) Session not found
    (nm-applet:1369): nm-applet-WARNING **: Failed to register as an agent: (32) Session not found
    (nm-applet:1369): nm-applet-WARNING **: Failed to add/activate connection: (32) No session found for uid 1000 (unknown)
    finally, launching apper from the terminal:
    QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
    QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
    i do have dbus processes running under my userid, so i think i have a session but i'm not really sure what i'm looking for, and learning the complete ins and outs of dbus is more than a little daunting for what should be a relatively simple task!
    can anyone point me in the right direction to start figuring this out? i'm currently seriously considering a complete reinstall but i'm not sure i have the time for that, especially since i don't know if it would necessarily solve the problem
    fwiw, i booted a mint livecd and all this stuff worked fine so it's not my hardware

    Sorry for being vague - i understand it's not easy dealing with newbies i'll try to be clearer!
    I was running kdm as root, then logging in as a regular user. I've now enabled the kdm systemctl service as per mariusmeyer's instructions, but it didn't change what happens when i insert a USB disk - same error as before.
    command output below (username redacted)
    $ loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID
    Timestamp=Mon 2014-04-14 20:06:49 BST
    and systemctl output
    proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount loaded active waiting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:02.0-backlight-acpi_video0.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/backlight/acpi_video0
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:02.0-drm-card1-card1\x2deDP\x2d1-intel_backlight.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card1/card1-eDP-1/intel_backlight
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d1-1\x2d1:1.0-host3-target3:0:0-3:0:0:0-block-sdb-sdb1.device loaded active plugged micro_USB Linux_Mint_16_Cinnamon_64-bit
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d1-1\x2d1:1.0-host3-target3:0:0-3:0:0:0-block-sdb-sdb2.device loaded active plugged micro_USB Linux_Mint_16_Cinnamon_64-bit
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d1-1\x2d1:1.0-host3-target3:0:0-3:0:0:0-block-sdb-sdb3.device loaded active plugged micro_USB Linux_Mint_16_Cinnamon_64-bit
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d1-1\x2d1:1.0-host3-target3:0:0-3:0:0:0-block-sdb.device loaded active plugged micro_USB Linux_Mint_16_Cinnamon_64-bit
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d7-1\x2d7:1.0-bluetooth-hci0-rfkill2.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-7/1-7:1.0/bluetooth/hci0/rfkill2
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb1-1\x2d7-1\x2d7:1.0-bluetooth-hci0.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-7/1-7:1.0/bluetooth/hci0
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:16.3-tty-ttyS0.device loaded active plugged Lynx Point-LP HECI KT
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:19.0-net-enp0s25.device loaded active plugged Ethernet Connection I218-LM
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1b.0-sound-card0.device loaded active plugged Lynx Point-LP HD Audio Controller
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1c.1-0000:03:00.0-ieee80211-phy0-rfkill1.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:03:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill1
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1c.1-0000:03:00.0-net-wlp3s0.device loaded active plugged Dual Band Wireless-N 7260
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1c.4-0000:04:00.0-backlight-acpi_video1.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:04:00.0/backlight/acpi_video1
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1f.2-ata1-host0-target0:0:0-0:0:0:0-block-sda-sda1.device loaded active plugged Crucial_CT480M500SSD1 1
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1f.2-ata1-host0-target0:0:0-0:0:0:0-block-sda-sda2.device loaded active plugged Crucial_CT480M500SSD1 2
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1f.2-ata1-host0-target0:0:0-0:0:0:0-block-sda-sda3.device loaded active plugged Crucial_CT480M500SSD1 3
    sys-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:1f.2-ata1-host0-target0:0:0-0:0:0:0-block-sda.device loaded active plugged Crucial_CT480M500SSD1
    sys-devices-platform-serial8250-tty-ttyS1.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS1
    sys-devices-platform-serial8250-tty-ttyS2.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS2
    sys-devices-platform-serial8250-tty-ttyS3.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS3
    sys-devices-platform-thinkpad_acpi-rfkill-rfkill0.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/rfkill/rfkill0
    sys-devices-platform-thinkpad_acpi-sound-card1.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/sound/card1
    sys-module-configfs.device loaded active plugged /sys/module/configfs
    sys-module-fuse.device loaded active plugged /sys/module/fuse
    sys-subsystem-bluetooth-devices-hci0.device loaded active plugged /sys/subsystem/bluetooth/devices/hci0
    sys-subsystem-net-devices-enp0s25.device loaded active plugged Ethernet Connection I218-LM
    sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlp3s0.device loaded active plugged Dual Band Wireless-N 7260
    -.mount loaded active mounted /
    boot-efi.mount loaded active mounted /boot/efi
    dev-hugepages.mount loaded active mounted Huge Pages File System
    dev-mqueue.mount loaded active mounted POSIX Message Queue File System
    run-user-0.mount loaded active mounted /run/user/0
    run-user-1000-gvfs.mount loaded active mounted /run/user/1000/gvfs
    run-user-1000.mount loaded active mounted /run/user/1000
    sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount loaded active mounted FUSE Control File System
    sys-kernel-config.mount loaded active mounted Configuration File System
    sys-kernel-debug.mount loaded active mounted Debug File System
    tmp.mount loaded active mounted Temporary Directory
    systemd-ask-password-console.path loaded active waiting Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch
    systemd-ask-password-wall.path loaded active waiting Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch
    session-c1.scope loaded active running Session c1 of user root
    session-c2.scope loaded active running Session c2 of user mcgoldrickm
    bluetooth.service loaded active running Bluetooth service
    dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
    [email protected] loaded active running Getty on tty1
    kdm.service loaded active running K Display Manager
    kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel
    NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager
    ntpd.service loaded active running Network Time Service
    pdnsd.service loaded active running proxy name server
    polkit.service loaded active running Authorization Manager
    rtkit-daemon.service loaded active running RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service
    systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service loaded active exited Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:acpi_video0
    systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video1.service loaded active exited Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:acpi_video1
    systemd-backlight@backlight:intel_backlight.service loaded active exited Load/Save Screen Backlight Brightness of backlight:intel_backlight
    systemd-hostnamed.service loaded active running Hostname Service
    systemd-journald.service loaded active running Journal Service
    systemd-logind.service loaded active running Login Service
    systemd-random-seed.service loaded active exited Load/Save Random Seed
    systemd-remount-fs.service loaded active exited Remount Root and Kernel File Systems
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill0
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill1
    [email protected] loaded active exited Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status of rfkill2
    systemd-sysctl.service loaded active exited Apply Kernel Variables
    systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service loaded active exited Create Static Device Nodes in /dev
    systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service loaded active exited Create Volatile Files and Directories
    systemd-udev-trigger.service loaded active exited udev Coldplug all Devices
    systemd-udevd.service loaded active running udev Kernel Device Manager
    systemd-update-utmp.service loaded active exited Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown
    systemd-user-sessions.service loaded active exited Permit User Sessions
    systemd-vconsole-setup.service loaded active exited Setup Virtual Console
    udisks2.service loaded active running Disk Manager
    upower.service loaded active running Daemon for power management
    [email protected] loaded active running User Manager for UID 0
    [email protected] loaded active running User Manager for UID 1000
    wpa_supplicant.service loaded active running WPA supplicant
    -.slice loaded active active Root Slice
    system-getty.slice loaded active active system-getty.slice
    system-systemd\x2dbacklight.slice loaded active active system-systemd\x2dbacklight.slice
    system-systemd\x2drfkill.slice loaded active active system-systemd\x2drfkill.slice
    system.slice loaded active active System Slice
    user-0.slice loaded active active user-0.slice
    user-1000.slice loaded active active user-1000.slice
    user.slice loaded active active User and Session Slice
    dbus.socket loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus Socket
    dmeventd.socket loaded active listening Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs
    lvmetad.socket loaded active listening LVM2 metadata daemon socket
    systemd-initctl.socket loaded active listening /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe
    systemd-journald.socket loaded active running Journal Socket
    systemd-shutdownd.socket loaded active listening Delayed Shutdown Socket
    systemd-udevd-control.socket loaded active running udev Control Socket
    systemd-udevd-kernel.socket loaded active running udev Kernel Socket
    dev-sda3.swap loaded active active /dev/sda3
    basic.target loaded active active Basic System
    bluetooth.target loaded active active Bluetooth
    cryptsetup.target loaded active active Encrypted Volumes
    getty.target loaded active active Login Prompts
    graphical.target loaded active active Graphical Interface
    local-fs-pre.target loaded active active Local File Systems (Pre)
    local-fs.target loaded active active Local File Systems
    multi-user.target loaded active active Multi-User System
    network.target loaded active active Network
    paths.target loaded active active Paths
    remote-fs.target loaded active active Remote File Systems
    slices.target loaded active active Slices
    sockets.target loaded active active Sockets
    sound.target loaded active active Sound Card
    swap.target loaded active active Swap
    sysinit.target loaded active active System Initialization
    timers.target loaded active active Timers
    systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer loaded active waiting Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories
    LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
    113 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
    To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

  • [SOLVED] Trouble installing Xmonad and Xmonad-contrib

    I am new to Arch Linux. After using awesome for a month I decided to shift to xmonad.I installed xmonad and xmonad-contrib from official arch repositories by using
    pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib
    and then installed GHC. I was able to start session using
    exec xmonad
    in my ~/.xsession file. I copied the default xmonad.hs template to my home.
    cp /usr/share/xmonad-0.11/man/xmonad.hs ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
    . However while recompiling I am getting this error -
    Could not find module `XMonad.StackSet'
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
    So I checked the modules in my ghc
    [mangat@Noahas_Arch ~]$ ghc-pkg list
    I am now missing xmonad and xmonad-contrib modules, so I tried to reinstall it but I am now getting following error messages :-
    [mangat@Noahas_Arch ~]$ su -c "pacman -Sv xmonad xmonad-contrib"
    Root : /
    Conf File : /etc/pacman.conf
    DB Path : /var/lib/pacman/
    Cache Dirs: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    Lock File : /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
    Log File : /var/log/pacman.log
    GPG Dir : /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
    Targets : xmonad xmonad-contrib
    warning: xmonad-0.11-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
    warning: xmonad-contrib-0.11-6 is up to date -- reinstalling
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (2): xmonad-0.11-5 xmonad-contrib-0.11-6
    Total Installed Size: 34.13 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
    (2/2) checking keys in keyring [###########################################################] 100%
    (2/2) checking package integrity [###########################################################] 100%
    (2/2) loading package files [###########################################################] 100%
    (2/2) checking for file conflicts [###########################################################] 100%
    (2/2) checking available disk space [###########################################################] 100%
    ghc-pkg: cannot find package xmonad-0.11
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    (1/2) reinstalling xmonad [###########################################################] 100%
    Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    xmonad-0.11: Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/xmonad-0.11/html/xmonad.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file
    xmonad-0.11: Warning: haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/xmonad-0.11/html doesn't exist or isn't a directory
    xmonad-0.11: dependency "X11-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-0.11: dependency "extensible-exceptions-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-0.11: dependency "mtl-2.1.2-36ff22533b21e2182d8d4647bfd2b3e7" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-0.11: dependency "utf8-string-0.3.7-89a3d8cf53390a43809e108bcfba69ef" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    ghc-pkg: cannot find package xmonad-contrib-0.11
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    (2/2) reinstalling xmonad-contrib [###########################################################] 100%
    Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: Warning: haddock-interfaces: /usr/share/doc/xmonad-contrib-0.11/html/xmonad-contrib.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: Warning: haddock-html: /usr/share/doc/xmonad-contrib-0.11/html doesn't exist or isn't a directory
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "X11-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "X11-xft-0.3.1-af5f924091c4d4d0e7fd0f1ef1e3e1c5" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "extensible-exceptions-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "mtl-2.1.2-36ff22533b21e2182d8d4647bfd2b3e7" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "random-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "utf8-string-0.3.7-89a3d8cf53390a43809e108bcfba69ef" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    xmonad-contrib-0.11: dependency "xmonad-0.11-b1caf0967c016228684d4fbe995fb8d7" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    Any Idea why pacman is unable to resolve the dependency. Are they availiable in AUR?
    PS: I have just updated by installation and I am not using AUR right now.
    Last edited by mangatmodi (2013-04-23 09:26:14)

    My pacman.conf was really in a very bad shape at the time of installation of Xmonad. I think I must be careless to notice and removed dependency check.
    When I compiled my xmonad.hs I found errors related to GHC. I was too surprised, however installed it further. Now since GHC was installed later, it missed some modules which were previously installed.
    I tried reinstalling xmonad, xmonad-contrib before but there was no use. However recursively removing and installing, as suggested by you, seems to have fixed have problem. I am now getting following modules in GHC.
    I will test my system and mark the thread solved. Thank you for the help

  • [solved]xorg server 1.6 and dbus (???)

    hello everyone
    first of all, i'm fairly new to arch, however, i do have experience with linux. i've been using gentoo for about 4 years and a few other distributions before that.
    secondly, i'd like to apologize  if this is the wrong place to post this, but i couldn't really find a place where it'd fit in.
    today i've installed arch on my macbook (one of the late 2008 models) and so far, quite a few things work. there is, however, one thing i noticed as soon as i started dbus, keyboard events in xorg got repeated. to be more precise, if i hit the letter a, it would print an a on key press and another one on key release. i have xorg server
    did anyone else have a similar problem and/or knows how this can be fixed?
    thanks in advance for anything that might help
    edit: quite oddly, a reboot (which did not help previously) fixed it this time...
    Last edited by MrDStar (2009-10-25 20:44:42)

    from testing is the solution - more or less .
    testing disabled again:
    # pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    kdemod-core is up to date
    kdemod-extragear is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: intel-dri: local (7.3-1) is newer than extra (7.2-2)
    warning: libgl: local (7.3-1) is newer than extra (7.2-1)
    warning: xf86-input-evdev: local (2.2.0-1) is newer than extra (2.1.2-1)
    warning: xf86-input-synaptics: local (1.1.0-1) is newer than extra (1.0.0-1)
    warning: xorg-server: local (1.6.0-1) is newer than extra (1.5.3-4)
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: intel-dri: requires libdrm>=2.4.4
    :: libgl: requires libdrm>=2.4.5
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by Llama (2009-03-31 19:15:25)

  • Run process in xmonad and capturing output

    For my xmonad config, I need something like spawn, but that will return any output from the process spawned.
    I was thinking of using runProcessWithInput from Xmonad.Utils.Run.
    Is there a better way to do this?

    You may find runProcess from System.Process to be of some help. It takes several options, including handles for STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR.

  • Find a window in XMonad and apply some actions to it

    Hi everyone, I think this should be really easy for someone who's good at Haskell but I just couldn't figure it out as I'm bad at it.
    Basically I want to search through the list of windows in the current workspace, find one matching some condition and apply some action to it; if not found then create this window.
    I had a skeleton code like this
    import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
    import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
    findWindow condition actionIfFound actionIfNotFound =
    ifWindow (condition <&&> member W.current) windowFound actionIfNotFound
    where windowFound = ask >>= w -> do actionIfFound w

    Hi guymatsuda,
    If you are having an issue locating a previously purchased song, you may find the following articles useful:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    Apple Support: Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    - Brenden

  • Hal and dbus not starting

    They are both in daemons...and for /etc/rc.d/hal restart it faisl same with dbus and with using 'start' instead of 'restart'.
    /usr/sbin/hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes gives me this:
    /usr/sbin/hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes
    14:31:01.105 [i] hald.c:532: hal 0.5.9
    14:31:01.106 [i] hald.c:597: Will not daemonize
    14:31:01.106 [i] hald_dbus.c:4806: local server is listening at unix:abstract=/var/run/hald/dbus-JQyZPmcfA6,guid=4867547682ff4e78d054ad0046608205
    Runner started - allowed paths are '/usr/lib/hal:/usr/lib/hal/scripts:/usr/bin'
    14:31:01.112 [i] hald_runner.c:299: Runner has pid 5829
    14:31:01.113 [W] ci-tracker.c:200: Could not get uid for connection: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner Could not get UID of name 'org.freedesktop.DBus': no such name
    14:31:01.116 [E] hald_dbus.c:4461: Cannot get caller info for org.freedesktop.DBus
    14:31:01.116 [i] hald_runner.c:180: runner connection is 0x8091888
    14:31:01.117 [i] mmap_cache.c:251: cache mtime is 1180561064
    Error binding udev_event socket: Address already in use
    And when trying to start dbus with /etc/rc.d/dbus restart i get this when it fails:
    Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket": Address already in use
    Any suggestions?

    If you think it's a common problem how about filing a bug report.  Would likely help more people than just posting in the forum.  Just a suggestion.

  • (SOLVED) Hal and dbus, do I need dbus?

    I read the wiki and it says if I don't use hal in my daemons then I need to add dbus.
    I haven't been using hal, and I haven't added dbus either. My system seems to be working right, but I guess something could be wrong. Reading the wiki brings me here to ask if I need dbus and why?
    My daemons,
    DAEMONS=(@syslog-ng @network !netfs @alsa @mpd @crond)
    Last edited by Google (2010-07-03 11:21:11)

    sudo pacman -R dbus
    checking dependencies...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: avahi: requires dbus>=1.1.20-1
    :: awesome: requires dbus
    :: gconf: requires dbus
    :: qt: requires dbus
    I assume I should add it to daemons?
    Last edited by Google (2010-07-03 10:08:18)

  • XMonad and Compiz (source)

    I inquired and finally received back information on this project and figured you guys might be interested.
    Here is the email's text:
    Follow the instructions to compile from:
    replace the src direction from the git clone of core with the attached tar
    before compiling compiz
    things that use the mouse or workspace management generally dont work.
    everything else should work ok.
    you'll need to compile extra plugins etc.
    All credit goes to tux_mark_5 from #xmonad
    I've thrown up the necessary data at my github, so feel free to play with it. Enjoy :>

    Square wrote:
    I inquired and finally received back information on this project and figured you guys might be interested.
    Here is the email's text:
    Follow the instructions to compile from:
    replace the src direction from the git clone of core with the attached tar
    before compiling compiz
    things that use the mouse or workspace management generally dont work.
    everything else should work ok.
    you'll need to compile extra plugins etc.
    All credit goes to tux_mark_5 from #xmonad
    I've thrown up the necessary data at my github, so feel free to play with it. Enjoy :>
    Thanks for this, I saw that vid a while back and did wonder.
    How are you finding it? Did you run into any issues?

  • Xmonad and dmenu options

    I've been using xmonad for a while now, and just started playing with Xmonad.Actions.WindowBringer.
    It uses dmenu for the menu, and I can't for the life of me figure out where to put the options that I want to use for dmenu.   Things like different, and bigger font, different colors, etc....
    I looked at the windowbringer.hs file, and found something about  dmenu opts = menu dmenu opts or something like that.   So I thought that if I could modify that in my ~/.xmonad.hs file, I would be good, but on recompile, I kept getting an error message about that line, so was I on the right track or is there an easier way to do it? 

    I did not know that, but then again, I only tried dwm (which dmenu came from, if I remember right) for a little while, as I got tired or recompiling it all the time. 
    I'll give it a shot, though, when it's updated thru pacman.... but I'll try it.  Thanks.

  • Detective support: what is going on with pcmanfm and dbus?

    Hello again,
    thanks for reading and sorry for spamming the forum but I prefer to open one topic per question for simplicity.
    I noticed that pcmanfm is putting debug messages into my terminal when I launch it from there which look like this:
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda1
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda2
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda3
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda4
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda5
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sda6
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdc
    ** (pcmanfm:3426): DEBUG: device_added: /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdc1
    that notation looks familiar to me, looks like pcmanfm is sending messages to dbus?
    How could I have noticed that pcmanfm is using dbus without stumbling across these debug messages by accident as each program author may or may not provide these? How do I find out from there (meaning: once I have identified what is going to dbus) what is being done with these messages, i.e. how do I follow the sequence of events up until the mounting of my devices? Ideally, I am imagining that there is a command to look at what messages were sent to dbus, then a config file to look at to see what dbus did based on these messages, such that I could deduce pcmanfm -> message to dbus -> look in config file /path/to/config -> mount /dev/sdc1 /media -t vfat
    Is this something that can be deduced without having to guess around from merely having experience with linux?
    thanks a lot for reading this and thanks for your kind replies!

    i don't get it, what is your question?  i don't see a problem with this.  if everything is functioning i wouldn't worry about it.  for example, i can start something like kwrite from terminal and i get a bajillion different notes showing up just from typing or clicking on something like "find" (some of them are debug messages, some are warnings, most of it is disorganized and scrambled info) yet it works perfectly fine.

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