XMPTextInput control height ignored in Flex 3 Properties

I need to set my XMPTextInput controls so that they have a height of 32.  I have tried this in many different ways and none of them work.  In Flex 3 in "Design" mode I select the control, open the properties tab and set the height to 32.  The control changes to the correct height.  When I run the panel the control height of 32 is ignored and a small height is used.
I even tried starting from scratch with a form that contains only one XMPTextInput field and I am still unable to increase the height.
Any ideas??

Thanks for the info.  Will this be addressed in Flash Builder 4?.  I am using  the canvas form layout.  What would be the best way to incorporate the xmpRead and xmpWrite events.  Does this have to be done for every instance of an TextInput control?  If so what would be the code to do this.
This is the code that I am currently using. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        xmlns:fi="com.adobe.xmp.components.*" width="1386" height="1000"
        label="Image Info" fontSize="14">
        <!-- Each namespace prefix that is used within an xmpPath-attribute,
         MUST BE registered at the top of EACH panel where it is referenced -->
            <fi:XMPNamespace prefix="dc" value="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"/>
            <fi:XMPNamespace prefix="xmp" value="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/"/>
            <fi:XMPNamespace prefix="xmpRights" value="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/rights/"/>
            <fi:XMPNamespace prefix="my" value="http://ns.adobe.com/MyNamespace/"/>
            <!-- Create namespace for Fisher Fotos specific metadata information -->           
            <fi:XMPNamespace prefix="FileInfoPanel" value="http://ns.fisherfotoshots.com/FileInfoPanel/"/>
            <mx:Canvas fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="14" cornerRadius="1" id="sep01" height="974" width="1362" fontStyle="normal" textAlign="left">
            <mx:Label paddingLeft="10" paddingTop="10" text="Image Information" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" toolTip="This section contains general image information." width="50%" x="0" y="0"/>   
                <mx:Label text="Image Type" id="ImageType" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select the image type." width="93" x="128" y="39.5"/>   
                    <fi:XMPComboBox width="396" id="cboImageType" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:ImageType" fontSize="14" x="239" y="32" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayImageType">
                        <mx:Object label="Select Image Type" data="Select Image Type"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Single" data="Single"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Panorama" data="Panorama"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Collage" data="Collage"/>
                        <mx:Object label="High Dynamic Range" data="High Dynamic Range"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Other" data="Other"/>
                <mx:Label text="# Of Images" width="136" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="NumberImages" toolTip="Select the number of images or use the default 01." top="44" left="756"/>       
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="900" y="32" width="219" id="cboNumberImages" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:NumberImages" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayImageNumber">
                        <mx:Object label="Select Number Of Images" data="Select Number Of Images"/>
                        <mx:Object label="01" data="01"/>
                        <mx:Object label="02" data="02"/>
                        <mx:Object label="03" data="03"/>
                        <mx:Object label="04" data="04"/>
                        <mx:Object label="05" data="05"/>
                        <mx:Object label="06" data="06"/>
                        <mx:Object label="07" data="07"/>
                        <mx:Object label="08" data="08"/>
                        <mx:Object label="09" data="09"/>
                        <mx:Object label="10" data="10"/>
                        <mx:Object label="11" data="11"/>
                        <mx:Object label="12" data="12"/>
                        <mx:Object label="13" data="13"/>
                        <mx:Object label="14" data="14"/>
                        <mx:Object label="15" data="15"/>
                        <mx:Object label="16" data="16"/>
                        <mx:Object label="17" data="17"/>
                        <mx:Object label="18" data="18"/>
                        <mx:Object label="19" data="19"/>
                        <mx:Object label="20 Or More" data="20 Or More"/>
                <mx:Label x="67" y="86.75" text="Orientation" width="154" id="Orientation" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select the image orientation.  Horizontal=Landscape and Vertical=Portrait"/>       
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="79.25" width="396" id="cboOrientation" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:Orientation" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayOrientation">
                        <mx:Object label="Select Image Orientation" data="Select Image Orientation"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Horizontal" data="Horizontal"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Vertical" data="Vertical"/>
                <mx:Label x="767.5" y="86.75" text="Calendar Usage" width="126" textAlign="right" fontStyle="italic" id="CalendarUsage" toolTip="Enter the month and year (ie. 10/2009) image was used in the calendar."/>
                <fi:XMPTextInput x="901.5" width="395" height="27" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:CalendarUsage" id="txtCalendarUsage" fontSize="14" allowCommas="true" xmpType="Text" fontFamily="Verdana" y="86"/>
                <mx:Label x="76" y="133.5" text="Category" width="145" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="Category" toolTip="Select the primary image cateogry"/>   
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="126" width="396" id="cboCategory" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:Catagory" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayCategory">
                        <mx:Object label="Select Primary Category" data="Select Primary Catagory"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Landscape" data="Landscape"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Wildlife" data="Wildlife"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Underwater" data="Underwater"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Architecture" data="Architecture"/>
                        <mx:Object label="People" data="People"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Other" data="Other"/>
                <mx:Label x="746" y="133.5" text="Sub-Category" width="144" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="SubCategory" toolTip="Select the secondary image category or use the default None."/>
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="900.5" y="126" width="396" id="cboSubCategory" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:SubCategory" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arraySubCategory">
                        <mx:Object label="Select Secondary Category" data="Select Secondary Catagory"/>
                        <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Landscape" data="Landscape"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Wildlife" data="Wildlife"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Underwater" data="Underwater"/>
                        <mx:Object label="People" data="People"/>
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="10" y="180" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <mx:Text x="10" y="200" text="Copyright And Release Information" id="txtCopyrightReleaseInfo" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" toolTip="Items in the section deal with copyright filing and releases."/>   
            <mx:Label x="48" y="231" text="© Registration Number" width="173" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="CopyrightNumber" toolTip="Enter the number provided by the Copyright Office."/>
                <fi:XMPTextInput y="227" width="250" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:CopyrightNumber" id="txtCopyrightNumber" height="27" x="239" borderThickness="1" cornerRadius="0" alpha="1.0" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="710" y="224" text="© Registration Name" width="180" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="CopyrightName" toolTip="Enter the name that you used to file this copyright application"/>
                <fi:XMPTextInput  x="898" y="220" width="398.5" height="27" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:CopyrightName" id="txtCopyrightName" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="97" y="274.95" text="Model Release" width="124" id="ModelRelease" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If a model release was necessary for this image and was obtained select Yes.  Otherwise leave this option set to No"/>   
                    <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="267.45" width="107" id="cboModelRelease" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:ModelRelease" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayModelRelease">
                        <mx:Object label="Release?" data="Release?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="746" y="267.4" text="Property Release" width="144" id="PropertyRelease" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If a property release was necessary for this image and was obtained select Yes.  Otherwise leave this option set to No"/>
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="898" y="259.85" id="cboPropertyRelease" width="107" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PropertyRelease" height="36.1">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayPropertyRelease">
                        <mx:Object label="Release?" data="Release?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="27" y="319" text="Date Of First Publication" width="194" id="DateOfFirstPublication" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select Date of First Publication."/>
                <fi:XMPDateField x="239" y="318.95" width="250" id="datDateOfFirstPublication" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:DateOfFirstPublication" height="27" showToday="true" dateFormatString="MM/DD/YYYY"/>
            <mx:Label x="647" y="319" text="Country Of First Publication" width="243" id="CountryOfFirstPublication" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select or enter the Date of First Publication."/>
                <fi:XMPTextInput x="898" y="318" width="250" id="txtCountryOfFirstPublication" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:CountryOfFirstPublication" height="27" fontSize="14"/>
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="10" y="354" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <mx:Text x="10" y="374" text="Stock Agency and Website Information" width="712" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" id="txtStockAgencyWebsiteInfo" toolTip="Items in this section are for Stock Agency and Website information"/>
            <mx:Label x="77" y="421.5" text="Stock Agency" width="151" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="StockAgency" toolTip="If the image has been uploaded to a stock agency, select the stock agency name.  Otherwise leave the option set to None."/>
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="414" width="250" id="cboStockAgency" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:StockAgency" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayStockAgency">
                        <mx:Object label="Stock Agency" data="Stock Agency"/>
                        <mx:Object label="None" data="None"/>                           
                        <mx:Object label="Alamy" data="Alamy"/>
            <mx:Label x="710" y="421.5" text="Agency Upload Date" width="182.5" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="AgencyUploadDate" toolTip="Enter the date when the image was uploaded."/>
            <fi:XMPDateField x="902" y="422" width="267" id="datAgencyUploadDate" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:AgencyUploadDate" height="27" dateFormatString="MM/DD/YYYY"/>
            <mx:Label x="129" y="466.75" text="Website" width="95" id="lblWebsite" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If the image has been uploaded to the company website select Yes.  Otherwise select No."/>   
                <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="459" width="132" id="cboWebsite" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:Website" height="36.5">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayWebsite">
                        <mx:Object label="Uploaded?" data="Uploaded?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="710" y="466.75" text="Website Upload Date" width="182.5" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="WebsiteUploadDate0" toolTip="Enter the date when the image was uploaded."/>
            <fi:XMPDateField x="902" y="466.75" width="267" id="datWebsiteUploadDate" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:WebsiteUploadDate" height="27" dateFormatString="MM/DD/YYYY"/>              
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="10" y="512.5" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <mx:Text x="10" y="532.5" text="Art Print Information" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" id="txtArtPrintInfo"/>
            <mx:Label x="129" y="563.5" text="Art Print" width="102" id="ArtPrint" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If the image is to be sold as an Art Print select Yes, otherwise leave the default No selected."/>
            <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="556" width="107" id="cboArtPrint" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:ArtPrint" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayArtPrint">
                        <mx:Object label="ArtPrint?" data="ArtPrint?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="77" y="607.5" text="Limited Edition" width="148" id="LimitedEdition" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If this is a limited edition select Yes, otherwise leave the default No selected."/>
            <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="600" width="107" id="cboLimitedEdition" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:LimitedEdition" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayLimitedEdition">
                        <mx:Object label="Limited?" data="Limited?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="459" y="607.5" text="Edition Size" width="101" id="EditionSize" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select the edition size."/>
            <fi:XMPComboBox x="568" y="600" width="140" id="cboEditionSize" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:EditionSize" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayEditionSize">
                        <mx:Object label="Edition Size" data="Edition Size"/>
                        <mx:Object label="N/A" data="N/A"/>
                        <mx:Object label="100" data="100"/>
                        <mx:Object label="250" data="250"/>
                        <mx:Object label="500" data="500"/>
                        <mx:Object label="1000" data="1000"/>
                        <mx:Object label="2500" data="2500"/>
            <mx:Label x="733" y="607.5" text="Sold Out" width="154" id="SoldOut" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="If print is sold out, select Yes, if not leave it selected to No."/>
            <fi:XMPComboBox x="902.5" y="600" width="120" id="cboSoldOut" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:SoldOut" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arraySoldOut">
                        <mx:Object label="Sold Out?" data="Sold Out?"/>
                        <mx:Object label="No" data="No"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Yes" data="Yes"/>
            <mx:Label x="77" y="654.5" text="Finish Options" width="151" id="FinishOptions" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Select the print finish type."/>
            <fi:XMPComboBox x="239" y="647" width="107" id="cboFinishOptions" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:FinishOptions" height="36">
                    <mx:ArrayCollection id="arrayFinishOptions">
                        <mx:Object label="Options?" data="Options"/>
                        <mx:Object label="N/A" data="N/A"/>                       
                        <mx:Object label="Gloss" data="Gloss"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Satin" data="Satin"/>
                        <mx:Object label="Matte" data="Matte"/>
            <mx:Label x="768.5" y="654.5" text="Paper Options" width="126" textAlign="right" fontStyle="italic" id="PaperOptions" toolTip="Enter the print paper options for the image."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="902.5" y="653.5" width="426" id="txtPaperOptions" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PaperOptions" height="27" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
            <mx:Label x="77" y="700" text="Printer Profile" width="151" id="PrinterProfile" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Enter the printer profile(s) used to print image."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="239" y="699" width="469" id="txtPrinterProfile" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PrinterProfile"  allowCommas="True" height="27" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
            <mx:Label x="752.5" y="701" text="Release Date" width="142" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" id="ReleaseDate" toolTip="Enter the original release date for the image."/>
            <fi:XMPDateField x="902.5" y="696" width="266.5" id="datReleaseDate" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:ReleaseDate" height="27" dateFormatString="MM/DD/YYYY"/>
            <mx:Label x="86.5" y="741" text="Print Size Options" width="142" textAlign="right" fontStyle="italic" id="PrintSize" toolTip="Enter available print sizes."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="239.5" y="740" width="468.5" id="txtPrintSize" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PrintSize" allowCommas="True" height="27" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
            <mx:Label x="705.5" y="741" text="Print Framing Options" width="188" id="FramingOptions" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Enter available framing options."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="901.5" y="740" width="395" id="TxtPrintFrame" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:FramingOptions" allowCommas="True" height="27" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Verdana"/>
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="10" y="782" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <mx:Text x="10" y="802" text="Price Information" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" id="txtPriceInfo"/>
            <mx:Label x="115" y="830" text="Wholesale Price" id="PrintWholesalePrice" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" toolTip="Enter the print Wholesale price."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="238" y="829" width="138" id="txtWholesalePrice" xmpType="Text" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PrintWholesalePrice" height="27" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="115" text="Retail Price" y="865" width="113" textAlign="right" fontStyle="italic" id="PrintRetailPrice" toolTip="Enter the print Retail price."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="239" y="864" width="137" id="txtRetailPrice" xmpType="Text" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:PrintRetailPrice" height="27" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="736" y="862" text="Retail Framed Price" id="RetailFramePrice" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="right" width="158" toolTip="Enter retail framed print price."/>
            <fi:XMPTextInput x="902" y="861" width="159" id="txtRetailFramedPrice" xmpType="Text" xmpPath="FileInfoPanel:RetailFramePrice" height="27" fontSize="14"/>
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="5" y="1022" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <mx:Label x="10" y="921" text="Image Info Panel © 2009 Fisher Fotos.  Version 9.3.5.  Last Modified 02/04/2010." id="txtPanelInfo" fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="center" width="1363"/>
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="0" y="901" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">
            <fi:XMPSeparator x="0" y="952" width="1373" themeColor="#11110F" borderStyle="none" cornerRadius="2">

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    line, and here's a list of .cpl files for your reference that you can print out:
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    and dropping the folder containing the jsp's onto a portal within Workshop. I
    respond "yes" to the question whether I want it to create a portlet. The problem
    is that it doesn't recognize this to be a JSR 168 portlet (or it doesn't support
    I have also tried to deploy a portlet within a WAR file, but no such luck.
    Support for JSR 168 implies that one would expect support for deploying JSR 168
    portlets developed on other platforms.
    I am hoping for a step-by-step set of instructions on how this can be accomplished.
    Thanks a bunch!
    Andre Ranvik

  • Control Height&Width of pages in Acrobat doc

    I want to reduce the size of some pages in a pdf document.
    The document contains both searcheable text and pictures.
    But right now some of the pictures have ended up being to large.
    I don't understand how to control this.

    Sorry I used the wrong word in the first post, and there is no Edit option.
    The sentence should read:
    But right now some of the pages have ended up being to large.
    I am sure that Adobe would not overlook something basic like this!
    If I compile a number of existing pdfs into one pdf, surely I can then standardise their size, so that one page isn't twice the size of the next?

  • Controlling height of JPanels?

    I've got 3 panels on top of each other (like this GridLayout(3,1)).
    I want to scale the panel's height, so that their heights are 3:1:3. How do I do that? I loked at Dimension but I'm not sure if thats the way to do it?

    I think this is what you want. It uses GridBagLayout.
    Constructing GUI like this (just one column) was very simple.
    But if you add more columns and rows you will have to learn to manage Constraints on a larger scale.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Test extends JFrame
      public Test()
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
        GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
        GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.blue, 5));
        p.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 150));
        gbc.gridx = 0;
        gbc.gridy = 0;
        gbc.gridwidth = 1;
        gbc.gridheight = 1;
        gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
        gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
        gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
        gbc.weightx = 0;
        gbc.weighty = 1;
        getContentPane().add(p, gbc);
        JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
        p2.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.green.darker(), 5));
        p2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 50));
        gbc.gridy = 1;
        getContentPane().add(p2, gbc);
        JPanel p3 = new JPanel();
        p3.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.red.darker(), 5));
        p3.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 150));
        gbc.gridy = 2;
        getContentPane().add(p3, gbc);
      public static void main(String args[])
        Test mainFrame = new Test();
    }Hope this helps,

  • Control height on form tag?

    Can I make this code be only 25 px high? It seems to be
    naturally about 30-35 px high which is causing me design drama.
    <form action="/search/search.php" method="get">
    <input type="text" name="query" id="query" size="40">
    <input type="submit" value="Search">
    <input type="hidden" name="search" value="1">

    With CSS:
    form {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-color: #CC6666;
    input {
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing

  • Flex properties file

    Hi. I've got some URL's in my Flex app that I'd like to pull
    into a properties file; the values will differ between our
    development and production systems. How do you get/set a properties
    file in Flex? Thanks.

    The Flex project properties files do not exist at run-time.
    Are you speaking in general, of needing to initialize your
    application at run time with some values?
    The simplest way to do this is to pass the values into the
    Flex app from the html wrapper, via flashvars. You just need a
    different version of the wrapper for each different deployment.
    This is the way I do it. It also makes it easy to have different
    launch configurations in FlexBuilder.
    Another solution is to use HTTPService to load an xml file
    containing your initialization data. Of course that way you have to
    have an URL for the HTTPService...

  • Is it possible to embed an external control (eg ActiveX) into a Flex app?

    I'd like to build an app, and Flex seems to be a good option.
    The Flex stuff would be hosted in an application within the Adobe
    ActiveX Flash Player. The communication between the hosting
    application and the Flex application would be possible via the
    ExternalInterface. However, I'd need to embed a special control (in
    fact a word processor) in one of the panels of the Flex
    application. Is there a way to do it? It could be a browser window
    as well.

    I am new to flex myself but as musch as i know and if i have
    rightly understood your problem than if the control is compatible
    to flex ie: written in action script version supported by the flex
    version you are using than you can create a library project and add
    the action script code to it. now add the flex library project or
    the resulting .SWC file to your original project's library build
    path. your new control will apear in the custom controls

  • Need Example how to use Tab Control properties...pls?

    Hi all,
    I would like to request for an example on using the Tab control and how to use its properties.
    Thanks in advance,

    Searching for Tab Control on NI Home yields several results. I find the following relevant to your request. I'll suggest you repeat the search for more examples.

  • How to access properties of swf created with pdf2swf

    Hi all-
    I am new to flex, I have been using pdf2swf to convert
    multi-page pdfs to swf files and then load them in adobe flex. I am
    able to load the files correctly with SWFLoader but not access the
    properties to advance the frames (play, stop). I have been scouring
    the internet for a way to do this that I understand.
    I have tried doing something like:
    var mymovie:MovieClip = MovieClip(myloader.content);
    and then using
    which I can't seem to get to work.
    Has anyone here done this successfully. If so, could you give
    me an example of how this is done?
    Cameron Bracken

    Adobe Newsbot hopes that the following resources helps you.
    NewsBot is experimental and any feedback (reply to this post) on
    its utility will be appreciated:
    Flex 3 - Embedding asset types:
    You can embed Button and MovieClip symbols in a Flex
    application, but you cannot embed ... Alternatively, if you use the
    SWFLoader control to load the Flex
    BrideL.OrG Blog Archive Importing a SWF into Flex with AS3:
    Jul 4, 2006 ... Just to say thanks for posting the SWFLoader
    example, the ONLY one on the ... controlling frames using the
    movieclip details via SWFLoader.
    All Classes (Flex 3):
    mx.skins.halo, The skin for the border of a SWFLoader or
    Image component when ..... mx.core, FlexMovieClip is a subclass of
    the Player's MovieClip class.
    Cannot load the SWFLoader content in a movieclip - Flex
    May 17, 2007 ... implementation of movieClip class in as2 is
    different from as3. ... Im just trying to load a .swf in flex. Im
    using SWFLoader
    S (Flex 3):
    SWFLoader. A flag that indicates whether to scale the content
    to fit the ..... for the content in the browser, such as
    'www.adobe.com' or 'www.example.org'.
    SWFLoader gotoAndStop [Archive] - ActionScript.org Forums:
    Jun 27, 2006 ... [Archive] SWFLoader gotoAndStop Flex 2 &
    3. ... Is there any way that it is possible to cast the movieclip
    to flash 9 movieclip?
    Disclaimer: This response is generated automatically by the
    Adobe NewsBot based on Adobe

  • Flex Builder 3 forgets valid serial number, constant prompt

    Hi all,
    I installed Flex Builder 3 on a Windows XP 32 bit machine under one user account. It came up and worked great for several days. Later on, I made another user account and tried to use Flex Builder 3. Each time it starts up it says my trial period is expired and I need to enter a serial number. At that point I re-enter my serial and it accepts it as valid. However, as soon as I move to build a project or do practically anything, the program re-prompts that my trial period is expired and I need to re-enter a valid serial.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Flex Builder a number of times, but that does not help this issue. I have deleted the file c:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flex\license.properties, but that does not fix the issue. Deleting this file gives me a new trial period and the same behavior of accepting and "forgetting"/"ignoring" my valid serial number. One note, this file does contain my serial number and the date and time that the program most recently accepted it as a valid serial number.
    Are there registry keys that perhaps did not get unset or other "magic files" that I need to delete to completely reset the serialization process? It is very frustrating that it is not accepting and "remembering" the valid license key.
    Thanks for any guidance!

    Maybe you could try this -> http://forums.adobe.com/message/2650236#2650236
    I have the same problem, but it's unsolved, cause I'm working on a mac…

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