XNV-770BT AV Navigation in my truck

I just had the new XNV-770BT head unit in my truck. Is there nayone out there that might have some info on it? I have a lot of questions that I can not fnd answers to in he manual.
For example, can you put a custom background picture on the screen?

Instructions on how to set the background screen is in the product user guide linked below, page 51:
If you have any other questions or issues not covered in the product documentation please give Sony Support a call and they will be happy to help:
http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/suppor ... l=XNV770BT

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    Go to Solution.

    You're welcome Big_Rondo!

  • XNV-770BT Playing CD's

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    Thanks, Rondo
    Go to Solution.

    Hello and thank you for your post.
    What is the CD you are attempting to get album info from?
    The XNV-770BT is not internet capable so it cannot pull album art/ info from Gracenote etc. Here is a Wiki list of all Enhanced CD's which have all the album art/ info encoded on the disc where it is able to display that information on the unit:
    http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?tit ... y#mw-pages

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    Thanks - Rondo

    I think this is for when the satellite reception is poor, like in a tunnel, the device can continue to estimate your position on the map based on the vehicle's speed. I can tell you that it is NOT for auto-attenuation of the head unit's sound based on speed, which is a feature you would expect the unit to have.

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    Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Chistucky,
    FM stations frequency in the United States is always an odd number. As this unit is designed to be used in the U.S, the presetting system on the unit only stores odd number FM radio frequencies (e.g. 95.7 Mhz, 100.1 Mhz, etc) and it will not save any even number radio frequency. There is no option to change the area or country.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution."

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    I completely agree. Integration of 2 products from the same family should fully compliment each other!

  • Help! sony xnv 770bt

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  • XNV-770BT

    I recently installed the 770BT into my Honda. I was expecting a lot, but in return I got a pretty poor system. I also purchased the Sirius add-on. Here are my issues:
    - I, like others are seeing the radio seek issue after powering off the unit. Pretty annoying.
    - speaking of powering off, why is that after I switch off my car and then come back and switch the car back on, the unit starts off in a powered off mode? I then have to power it back on, select my source, etc.
    - Also related to the above, why is it that the unit never remembers what Sirius channel I was listening when I switched off the car?
    - It definately seems like this unit is several different devices that are not integrated very well. Like if I want to make a call and I'm listening to another source, I have to go to the top menu and then drill down to the phone, etc. It would be better if there was some sort of voice activation button on all screens so i can make a voice activated call from any source. At least some sort of effect was put into overlaying a sound source over the NAV. Even better would have been to fully integrate all devices, audio, NAV, BT.
    - The fact that the Sirius source only shows about 10 characters of 1 line of data when there is all that space on the screen is beyond me. You have to hit the display button numerous times to get channel, song title, artist, etc. Just nuts.
    Some of these are somewhat nit-picky, but some really need to be addressed (radio seek issue, power on to last source after the car is turned back on) and others like better integration could be feature requests. If i had not spent so much time, effort into installing this unit, I'd rip it out and toss it up on eBay and buy something else. Maybe what I'm looking for doesn't exsist. I'd like a unit that is like the factory installed units in some more expedite vehicles like the Infinity or others.
    When can we expect a firmware update?

    Correction - in terms of the powering back on after switching on the car instead of staying in a powered off state, this only seems to be an issue if I'm using the Sirius source when I shut off the car. If I have the iPod going when I switch off the car, the iPod will resume playing when I switch the car back on.
    However it will start the song over from the beginning which isn't a big deal for music, but what if I were listening to an audiobook? Would it jump back to the beginning of the track and lose my place? I'll have to try that sometime.
    Also if I have the radio turner as a source then that comes back on as well, but like I mentioned before it'll come back to the wrong station.

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    Try testing the Units internal tuner, run scan function on FM tuner to see if it will lock on to one channel. If it does, then the issue is with the Serius receiver/brain. If it doesn’t, then the main unit is defective.

  • Touchscreen for XNV-770BT not sensitive enough

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    Thank you in advance

    Try to calibrate the touch panel of the display by following the steps below.
    Touch panel calibration is required if the touching position does not correspond with the proper item.
    1 Touch “Source List” then  .
    2 Touch “General.” The general setting menu appears.
    3 Touch   to scroll, then touch “Touch Panel Adjust.”
       The setting display appears.
    4 Touch the targets in sequence.  The calibration is complete.
       To cancel calibration, touch “Cancel.”
    If this post answers your question, please click on "Accept as Solution"

  • Sony XNV-770BT no sound periodically

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    I've asked other members of PriusChat whether they've seen this or the radio station issue I reported earlier and they haven't. Could this at all be related the the HD Radio Tuner? or could I have a faulty unit.
    When it works the Sony Unit is great. But these are rather annoying bugs.

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    Are there any planned firmware fixes for the HU that might fix this?

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    How much would an installation like this cost, provided I have the parts that the Best buy tech needed including the dash kit, antenna, harness?  I've also purchased a "PAC SWI-PS Pioneer and Sony Universal Steering Wheel Radio Interface" to retain the steering wheel controls and want the USB/Ipod connector ran through to the glove compartment.
    Given that this seems to me like a more advanced install, the 99.99 install would definitely be required, however the guy( a sales associate keep in mine)  I spoke to at best buy said an install like this would cost 99.99 for the steering wheel controls alone, and an additional 200$ for the head unit. This doesn't make sense to me at all, considering the "advanced install" is 99.99, and that seems to include everything I wanted other than the steering wheel controls.
    Anyone have a better estimate? Does the SA know what he's talking about or was he speaking out of his ...butt?

    Given what I know about the vehicle, the install charges would be as follows:
    Video Install: 99.99
    Steering Wheel Controls Install:59.99
    Custom Labor Charge for running cable to glove compartment
    and running bluetooth mic: 39.98
    There may be additional charges based on any added equipment and/or parts needed.
    The prices above do not include products.
    (this is also pricing based on a nevada store prices may differ elsewhere)
    Best Buy Certified Installer.

  • Looking to buy a new audio head for my truck.

    I have a Pioneer audio unit in my Truck and it runs Windows CE.  It takes ages to boot, (typically I am a 1/4 mile down the road before it completes), crashes and prematurely ends music files while playing them.  I am looking for an upgrade.  I don't like aging navigation maps.  I do like listening to music and carrying with me a significant library.  I usually determine where a destiation is while at home, then get in the truck and have to find the same location in that navigation system (after it has booted.......).  This is cumbersome.
    I would like a audio head that also mirrors the content of my phone.  To use my phone to find a location on an (updatable) map and then transfer it to the vehicle display when I get in the truck.  Have the truck head play music and also voice guide me to my destination.  A number of audio heads claim to be able to do all that, including many 2013 models at reasonable prices. The problem is, they offer Android compatibility and iPhone compatibility, but when you wade your way through the specifications, none of them support iPhone 5s.  Of course I have an iPhone 5.
    Every unit I have found support iPhone 4s only.  What am I missing - this seems like too big a hole to not be filled.
    How can I get the desired setup using my iPhone 5?

    Sure, you can mulitiple accounts on the iPod and on a computer.  It will require that the login be changed on the computer and iPod to do various actions like updating apps.  When apps from more than one account need to be update, you have to update them one at a time since you can only be signed inot one account at a time.  Also see:
    iTunes: How to share music between different accounts on a single computer

  • Pub sur mes navigateur

    hello tous le monde depuis quelle que jours j'essais de résoudre se problème de pub sur mes navigateur qui sont google chrome ou safari.
    j'ai télécharger des logiciel que j'ai supprimé part la suite et depuis j'ai plein de pub qui s'ouvre quand je vais cliqué sur un lien, ou meme quand je vais faire une rechercher sur google il va y avoir des proposition qui ne sont pas de google et qui sont très envahissante
    voici une photo " http://hpics.li/a75c159 " comme on peu le remarque sur la photo tous les lien on a point commun qui est ce AB en jaune, j'ai essaie de cherche un logiciel qui pourrais être la cause de tous sa quand j'aurais telecharger les logiciel qui on été supprime, j'ai aussi essaie de recherche un truck qui pourrais correspondre a AB qui réunie tous les lien de la photo mais la aussi toujours rien. si quelle qu'un aurait la solution, merci d'avance.
    pour information je suis sous MAC os x version 10.9.5 le mac a seulement 2 semaine...

    D'accord, je peux expliquer. C'est probablement parce que beaucoup de personnes ici, parle l'anglais (et possiblement des autre langues). Si vouz trouvez une personne qui peut ecriver et lire le francais et  l'anglais, vous avez de la fortune.  C'est pas mandatoire ici.  En retournant de votre demande, M. Marin, une chose .pub est une document fait par Microsoft Publisher. Essayez ici de convertir ceux d'une forme plus sympa de Mac.
    http://macintoshhowto.com/pages-and-publishing/how-to-open-a-microsoft-publisher -file-on-your-macintosh.html
    Bonne Chance
    John B

  • No Way to Update Location Status on FaceBook via VZ Navigator on Droid X?!!

    I just upgraded to a Droid X from an HTC Imagio and have a question regarding the VZ Navigator software on the Droid X. On my Imagio, the VZ Navigator had an option to update your location status on FaceBook so that after you arrived at your destination, you could post the address where you were on your FaceBook page. I cannot find any such option in the VZ Navigator software I installed on my Droid X (yes, it was specifically listed as being only for the Droid X!); I can only find the option to share your location with someone else by sending it to their e-mail address. Am I missing something here? Is that just not possible on the Droid X? I liked to do that as I drive a tractor-trailer for a living and my family members on FaceBook could see where I was most of the time!
    Please correct me if I am wrong!

    dmw4814 wrote:
    I just upgraded to a Droid X from an HTC Imagio and have a question regarding the VZ Navigator software on the Droid X. On my Imagio, the VZ Navigator had an option to update your location status on FaceBook so that after you arrived at your destination, you could post the address where you were on your FaceBook page. I cannot find any such option in the VZ Navigator software I installed on my Droid X (yes, it was specifically listed as being only for the Droid X!); I can only find the option to share your location with someone else by sending it to their e-mail address. Am I missing something here? Is that just not possible on the Droid X? I liked to do that as I drive a tractor-trailer for a living and my family members on FaceBook could see where I was most of the time!
    Please correct me if I am wrong!
    I was wondering if you have looked at Google Latitude (preloaded on the Droid X - App name is 'Latitude') This will give your family more real time updates on where you are located, instead of having to wait for you to update your facebook page. You can control which people have access to your information.
    My dad drove truck for a living for 27 years, and retired about 9 years ago, so I know what its like for your family to wonder where you at at different times.
    I know that this doesn't answer your question, but just wanted to let you know that there are alternatives to help solve your problem.
    Have a good day, and bless you for helping our country move goods to where they need to be. Be safe out there.

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