Xsd, wsdl locations in SOA11G Server?

What is the location/path on SOA 11G server, where I can place XSD, WSDL(of external system) and import into my Composite or BPEL process.

Thanks a lot Brannigan okie. my question on wsdl was :
I have external system WCF WSDL http://IP:Port/ABC/XYZSyncService.Wcf/XYZSyncService/?wsdl
(I guess I can change this to any IP and Port (on my network). All I need to do is change the IP and Port in a config file and then run that config file - this way IP and Port could be changed and it could still work on browser. I haven't tried it though)
Now I want invoke this WSDL in my bpel/composite PL. This WSDL works in my browser and i can also test in SOAP UI. But I cannot use it in Jdeveloper BPEL PL.
So, I opened this WSDL in browser-copied source code in file and placed it locally on my desktop(say external.wsdl) and when I browse external.wsdl from Partner Link a prompt says(There are no Partner Link Types defined in your current WSDL......create a PL for you). I click "Yes" . I selected a Partner Role, when i click ok. I get Exception: java.lang.StackOverflowError.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.StackOverflowError at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.modules.sca.ide.JDevScaProcessListener.modelChanged(JDevScaProcessListener.java:78)
     at oracle.tip.tools.ide.common.bpelparser.implementations.xmlef.ProcessImpl.fireModelChanged(ProcessImpl.java:130)
     at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.bpelgraph.editors.partnerlink.PartnerLinkEditPage.firePartnerLinkCreated(PartnerLinkEditPage.java:1426)
     at oracle.tip.tools.ide.pm.bpelgraph.editors.partnerlink.PartnerLinkEditPage.saveToModel(PartnerLinkEditPage.java:360)
This WCF WSDL has only one operation, and has 3 import schema xsd=xsd0, xsd=xsd1,xsd=xsd2

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    In SOA 11G.
    What is the location/path on SOA 11G server, where I can place XSD, WSDL(of external system) and import into my Composite or BPEL process.
    Edited by: user13326981 on Oct 7, 2010 12:07 PM

    Deploying a static web application is one option and the other option is to use an apache to host all the xsd and wsdl.
    The advantage of apache is during development you can have the files hosted on a lighter server that is always running in the background.
    These urls can then be replaced during deployment using the Config plan and build scripts.

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    yes you need to configre the jvm for jdev/and later bpel with the keystore and certificate ..
    if you want to have it easier - use your browser, download the wsdl and save it locally .. into the project ..
    for the runtime, you will still need to add the certificate into the keystore of the jvm used..
    hth clemens

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    You can try with GUI_DELETE_FILE and give http location in FILE_NAME
    I am not getting any CNDP function module for your purpose.
    Hope you will get sucess..
    Chetan Shah

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    1             Fizzz           5000
    2             Albert        8000
    3             John          6500
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    1             Fizzz           5000
    2             Albert        8000
    3             John          6500
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    1             Albert        8000
    2             John          7000
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    Fizzz. Edited by: Fizzz on Sep 22, 2011 4:36 PM

    I would not consider doing it myself with triggers. It will practically be guaranteed that at some point in time your data in B will by out of sync with A.
    There are several methods of doing replication. At least two technologies can be chosen from:
    [url http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10706/toc.htm]Advanced replication
    [url http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10705/toc.htm]Streams replication
    Both can be setup in various ways ranging from simple two-database one-way replication that refreshes periodically (for example a fast refreshable materialized view) to multi-database multi-way replication of complete schemas.
    We have had success with relatively simple materialized views for one-way replication of tables from one database to another. Read chapter 3 in the Advanced replication guide ;-)

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    Look at OSS <a href="https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/133381">Note 133381 - Database-Hints in Open SQL for MS SQL Server</a> (Basic note is <a href="https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/129385">Note 129385 - Database hints in Open SQL</a>
    Index selection is controlled using the table hint "INDEX(index_val [,...n])" as described in Books-On-Line.
    In addition the MSSQL db interface provides another way to specify which index to use. This feature allows a hint syntax like this:
              o %_HINTS MSSQLNT 'TABLE <tablename> INDEX(<suffix>)'.

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              I am using weblogic server 7.0 trail version.I am setting the context path also.
              Can any help me in this regard.
              Thank And Regards
              Anand Mohan

              Thank you.Is there a way to read a file which is existing in the war file.
              Anand Mohan
              "Wenjin Zhang" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >In Weblogic, if your files are archived in a WAR, you cannot get an entry
              >as individual
              >file since it is only bytes in a large archive file. So getRealPath will
              >you null result. If you only want the path, try to use other getXXXPath,
              >or getURI method. If you want to read the content, use getResource.
              >"Anand" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>I am having problem while accessing the file located in the server from
              >>a JSP
              >>page. I am not getting the RealPath from a JSP page using getRealPath(request.getServletpath()).
              >>The same code is working if the jsp placd under defaultwebApp directory
              >>and not
              >>working if i create a war and deploy the same.
              >>I am using weblogic server 7.0 trail version.I am setting the context
              >>path also.
              >>Can any help me in this regard.
              >>Thank And Regards
              >>Anand Mohan

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    I am getting a null-pointer exception when I run the task extractESBDeploymentPlan:
    E:\workdir\soa-blueprint\trunk\soa-tickets\ticket-esb\build.xml:67: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:373)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.AntLauncher.launch(AntLauncher.java:321)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter.runAnt(InProcessAntStarter.java:295)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter.mav$runAnt(InProcessAntStarter.java:43)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter$1.run(InProcessAntStarter.java:71)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.hasValidDeploymentPlanFilename(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:101)
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.performSemanticValidation(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:137)
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.execute(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:524)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
         ... 14 more
    --- Nested Exception ---
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.hasValidDeploymentPlanFilename(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:101)
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.performSemanticValidation(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:137)
         at oracle.tip.esb.client.anttasks.ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.execute(ExtractESBDeploymentPlanTask.java:524)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1216)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1185)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.helper.DefaultExecutor.executeTargets(DefaultExecutor.java:40)
         at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1068)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.AntLauncher.launch(AntLauncher.java:321)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter.runAnt(InProcessAntStarter.java:295)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter.mav$runAnt(InProcessAntStarter.java:43)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.ant.runner.InProcessAntStarter$1.run(InProcessAntStarter.java:71)
    Total time: 0 seconds
    I have made sure that all the needed libraries are found. I assume that the deployment file doen't need to exist yet.
    Looking at the error-trace, i can see that the ant raises an error during the the validation of the deploymentplanfilename
    I think i'm missing some essential initialization step..Do you know which?

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  • ORA-15077: could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup

    My cluster is gone...
    due to restart of the network, the cluster fenced node2 from my configuration. Since the evicting, the cluster is not starting any more.
    PROT-602: Failed to retrieve data from the cluster registry
    PROC-26: Error while accessing the physical storage
    ORA-15077: could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup
    The OCR Disks are within ASM.
    Oracleasm does see the disks
    crsctl query css votedisk is also giving the correct information about the votingsdisks which are also in the same OCR diskgroup
    crsctl query css votedisk
    ## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
    1. ONLINE 0eb6aaa85e5c4fd6bf9d0481cfd7d517 (ORCL:VOTE1) [OCR]
    2. ONLINE 5a66449fbada4f34bf0c3be4574f03bc (ORCL:VOTE2) [OCR]
    3. ONLINE 76ad295ebc054f07bfea124fb08da432 (ORCL:VOTE3) [OCR]
    Located 3 voting disk(s).
    Any ideas why the cluster is not starting anymore ? I am afraid of restarting node 1...

    Really would help to know what operating system you are using...
    When you set up the disks for use with ASM, did you stamp them with ASMLIB? If not, did you configure device persistance with udev? Without using one of these methods, the disk identification can change when a node is restarted, and ASM is then unable to locate the disks.

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    Any clues?

    It was my bad. I linked to a php file to avoid any connection lags, which was absolutely fine on the android, but didn't seem to work on the ios 7. So all I did is change the php extension to xml and it worked without any problems.

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    As u told i have stopped and started the adopmnctl.sh script, but the status is showing down...y.???
    [oravis@MSFTORA3 scripts]$ sh adopmnctl.sh start
    You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6.12010000.3
    Starting Oracle Process Manager (OPMN) ...
    adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
    adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u03/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_msftora3/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...
    The following is the status o/p
    [oravis@MSFTORA3 scripts]$ sh adopmnctl.sh status
    You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6.12010000.3
    Checking status of OPMN managed processes...
    Processes in Instance: VIS_msftora3.msftora3.msftpnq.com
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oafm | N/A | Down
    OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:forms | N/A | Down
    OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oacore | N/A | Down
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | N/A | Down
    adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0
    adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /u03/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_msftora3/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...

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    How xml will send message to XSD then how wsdl interaction then to composite ?

    XSD (XML Schema Definition), is an abstract representation of a XML characteristics.
    The WSDL (Web Services Description Language), describes the functionality offered by your web service.
    You can say what operations your services offers, and describe the messages used for this operations in your XSD.

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    thanks for the quick reply but...
    I have not actually ripped a song so this info can not be in the song file.
    Here is what i have going :
    I put in the CD and I have titled each track to give it a descriptive name and
    further added comments to the comments fields.
    I eject the CD.
    When I insert the CD again, all this info shows there again, it's like
    iTunes just knows it's this CD and what the song titles are etc.
    So this song title and commments info couldn't be part of the song file because the songs are still on the CD and iTunes can't make a change on the CD, it's a commercial write protected CD, know what I mean?
    Also, the song title and comments info isn't kept in the "iTunes Music Library.xml" because iTunes shows song titles and comments that are
    not in this file when I search in it with TextEdit. This is making me nuts!

Maybe you are looking for