Xsl editing in codeview

i used to edit my xsl-files in the codeview in dreamweaver mx
2004. now i changed to dreamweaver 8, the problem is i can't edit
xsl-files correctly, every changed character gets ugly, Ex. a "g"
gets to 3 spaces.
what is this good for? or am i doing something wrong?

Try hidimg the CurrentVesrion, moving the Back Up file to the same level as the CurrentVersion; then rename the backup CurrentVersion. Open FCP and then see what shap your project is in.

Similar Messages

  • Editing BDC List Items

    I have a Business Data Connectivity List Item web part that pulls information from a database but the format it displays is boring. The font is small and doesn't match the overall site. I would like to at least increase the font size. I know this is possible
    with XSL editing and CSR but I'm new to this and don't know much about these.
    Using the XSL Editor builtin to the web part, I think I've narrowed it down to the section of code that displays this information with $DataTableSummary being the variable from the database based to this web part. I've tried adding this line <xsl:attribute name="size">14px</xsl:attribute>
    after the second line but it throws an unable to display this Web Part error. 
    Does anyone know an easy way to edit this code to add some basic formatting to this type of web part? Thanks in advance!
    <table border="0" width="100%">
    <xsl:attribute name="summary"><xsl:value-of select="$DataTableSummary" /></xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:call-template name="dvt_1.body"><xsl:with-param name="Rows" select="$Rows" />
    <xsl:with-param name="FirstRow" select="$dvt_firstrow" />
    <xsl:with-param name="LastRow" select="$LastRow" />
    Doug Summersett

    You should be able to do all of these with a long press on the item you want to edit/delete.

  • OAM customization error

    I wanted to change the font colour of user manager application to red.To get this done i followed the instructions given in the document.the steps have been done in the process are as below.
    2.5.1 Prerequisites to Customizing Styles
    Be sure to complete the following prerequisites before you start to customize a style. This enables you to keep the original Classic Style (\style0) intact for reference and in case you need to return to it as a last resort.
    To prepare to customize styles
    As an Identity Administrator, add your own named style as described in the Oracle Access Manager Identity and Common Administration Guide.
    The original style stays in effect until an Identity Administrator makes your style the new system default.
    As an Identity Administrator, select the new style as the default style so that you can see the effect of any changes you make.
    2.5.2 Customization Facts
    Style Updates and Maintenance: Default wrapper files in \style0 and default global stylesheets in \shared are periodically updated to instantiate improvements through patches and product upgrades.
    The Release Notes notify you when such updates occur so you can propagate the changes to your custom styles. Oracle recommends that you compare the new file with your custom file and propagate any changes to your custom styles. It is risky to overwrite a default style with a customized style that bears the same name.
    Be sure to record the changes you make and the files that are involved so you can more quickly update custom stylesheets when you update default styles.
    Custom Directory: Stylesheet customization should occur only within your custom directory. Customized stylesheets must reside in your custom directory and relative pointers in all files must point to the files in your custom directory, not to files in \shared.
    Registration Files: As discussed in "General Content of Registration Files", a common registration file and each application's registration file contain the names of the stylesheets and schema files needed to present pages for the application. For example, when you look at the User Manager registration file in identity\oblix\apps\userservcenter\userservcenterreg.xml, you can see the application name and the names of the stylesheets the application calls during the completion of various functions.
    Also, given the application and the program name, you can locate the corresponding schema file name in the application's registration file.
    Oracle recommends that only experienced developers using extreme care consider editing a registration file. Registration files are covered in more detail at "Registration Files".
    Pointers: All wrapper files and stylesheets contain pointers as include statements that call another file. Most of these pointers are relative pointers that indicate where within the directory structure the file is without providing an absolute path name.
    For example, when you look at the usc_profile.xsl stylesheet called by User Manager functions, you can see that it contains include statements with relative pointers that call the following files:
    When you change the location of a file (place a copy of a stylesheet in your custom directory for customization), pointers to this file (whether relative or absolute) must be changed to reflect the new location in every file that calls it. All relative pointers in a stylesheet should point to files in your custom directory.
    In addition, many stylesheets contain relative pointers to object files. If Oracle Access Manager cannot instantiate an object when the page is loaded, unexpected behavior may result. All relative pointers to object files should be absolute pointers, as discussed in "Editing Stylesheets".
    Wrapper Files: Wrapper files include pointers to actual stylesheets in \shared. However, you cannot be assured that a wrapper file is called before the stylesheet because both the common registration file and the application's own registration file call stylesheets according to an internal ordering. For this reason, all wrapper files in your custom directory must be overwritten by a copy of the corresponding default stylesheet from the \shared directory.
    Customizing stylesheets is an iterative process. Attempting to copy the entire contents of \shared into your custom directory at one time produce an error.
    Rather than copying all stylesheets at once, you start by investigating registration files to learn which functions (programs) call which stylesheets. You then selectively copy base stylesheets and a function-related stylesheet into your custom directory to overwrite their wrapper files, as discussed in "Copying Stylesheets to Your Custom Directory". You then customize and test the style for that function. When this returns satisfactory results you repeat the process to customize another function.
    2.5.3 Customization Guidelines
    The following guidelines should help ensure a successful customization.
    Retain all original files in the \style0 and \shared directories in pristine condition and store them safely for future use. Also, make a backup copy of your customized style files so that patches won't disrupt your customization.
    Record all changes you make and the files that are affected.
    Customize and test your new styles in a non-production environment before migrating them to your production environment.
    Oracle recommends that you do not modify original style files in the \shared or \style0 directories. These may be overwritten by patch updates and product upgrades or you may want to refer to them later.
    When you use only one style, consider breaking the dependence on stylesheets in the \shared directory (again, to prevent patch\release updates to \style0 and \shared from disrupting customizations). This means that no stylesheet in your custom directory should inherit from or reference a stylesheet in \shared or \style0.
    When you use multiple custom styles, consider the pros and cons of sharing customizations between multiple custom styles with implementing individual customizations for each custom style. For example:
    Two styles that share the same stylesheet: When two custom styles (custom_style1 and custom_style2) can share the same stylesheet you may be tempted to customize the stylesheet in the \shared directory despite the risk of having your custom style overwritten by an updated stylesheet in a product patch or upgrade.
    Two individual styles: When two custom styles (custom_style1 and custom_style2) require their individually customized stylesheets you use the standard methodology and overwrite the wrapper files in your custom directory with the corresponding stylesheets in \shared.
    Consider using parameter stylesheet files for a custom style collection, rather than using hard-coded values (tab id's, attribute names, table/link properties, and so on); this is similar to how program code is written using header files.
    2.5.4 Customization Methodology Checklist
    As mentioned earlier, customization is an iterative process and more of an art than a science. This Guide does not attempt to give precise instructions for getting the presentation you want. Instead, this section outlines the recommended approach for a minor change.
    Oracle recommends that you focus on stylesheets for one function at a time. Attempting to copy all stylesheets from \shared into your custom style directory results in an error.
    Table 2-28 Customization Methodology Checklist
    Check Action Description
    Add a New Style
    See the Oracle Access Manager Identity and Common Administration Guide for details about adding a style and selecting your new style as the default.
    Choose a Function to Customize
    Decide which function to customize first. Oracle recommends that you customize stylesheets related to one function at a time.
    Copy Selected Stylesheets into Your Custom Directory
    Copy selected stylesheets from \shared to your custom directory to overwrite corresponding wrapper stylesheets:
    Base stylesheets
    Stylesheets included in base stylesheets
    A function-related stylesheet identified in application registration file
    Function-related stylesheets identified in oblixbasereg.xml
    Customize Stylesheets in Your Custom Directory
    Change relative pointers in copied stylesheets to point to files in your custom directory.
    Change relative pointers to objects to absolute pointers.
    Complete other changes to implement the function's customization.
    Record Your Work
    Keep a record of the files you change and the changes you make.
    Copy Your Custom Directory Structure to WebPass
    Build a custom directory structure on WebPass and copy customized styles and images into it.
    Note: On WebPass, stylesheets are used only for client-side processing and are not required for server-side processing.
    Test Your Customized Style
    Test the customized style and make any alterations you need to the stylesheets in your custom directory.
    Record the changes.
    Customize Another Function
    Repeat this process on a function by function basis:
    Choose a function.
    Copy related stylesheets from \shared to your custom directory.
    Customize pointers and styles.
    Record and test your work.
    Propagate the Customized Style
    When you have copied and customized all stylesheets for the application, copy the custom style directory to all Identity Servers and WebPass hosts in your environment.
    2.6 Customizing the Identity System Pages
    This example shows a method for changing the way a page looks, without changing what it does. The change is a simple font color alteration for a specific page in one application. After making the change you must verify that the change is successful. When you finish this functional customization, you must create the same custom style directory structure on WebPass and copy all image files into it so WebPass can display the appropriate images in response to queries. You then test the implementation.
    The following topics demonstrate one sequence in the "Customization Methodology Checklist". You can complete the following procedures to gain first-hand experience:
    Task overview: Customizing Identity System pages includes
    Completing Prerequisites
    Choosing a Function to Customize
    Copying Stylesheets to Your Custom Directory
    Editing Stylesheets
    Copying Images and Styles to WebPass
    Testing Your Customized Style
    Propagating Styles
    See also:
    For details about localizing messages, see "Localizing XSL Files".
    2.6.1 Completing Prerequisites
    A prerequisite to customizing a style is to add a style and select the new style as the default, as described in the Oracle Access Manager Identity and Common Administration Guide. The resulting files and file structure provide the foundation for your customization.
    Suppose you added a new style named Pastel in a directory named Pastel and requested files be copied from Classic Style (in directory \style0).
    To confirm the results of adding a new style
    Add a style and select it as the default, as described in the Oracle Access Manager Identity and Common Administration Guide.
    New Custom Directory: Oracle Access Manager creates a directory that duplicates \style0 for the default language, English. If you have installed a Language Pack for French, Oracle Access Manager also creates a directory that duplicates \style0 in the French language directory.
    Locate your new custom directory.
    For example:
    Identity_install_dir \identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel
    Identity_install_dir \identity\oblix\lang\fr-fr\Pastel
    Wrapper Stylesheets: Your custom directory contains wrapper stylesheets that point to actual stylesheets in another directory. If you selected the Classic Style to copy from, your custom directory duplicates the content of the \style0 directory.
    Open a wrapper stylesheet in your new custom directory, basic.xsl, and review the files that it includes.
    For this example:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <!-- Copyright (c) 1996-2005, Oracle Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    - <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:oblix="http://www.oblix.com/">
    <xsl:include href="./style.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="../msgctlg.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="../../shared/basic.xsl" />
    The basic.xsl wrapper stylesheet includes the following three files:
    style.xsl file in your custom directory
    msgctlg.xsl, one directory up from your custom directory (in identity\oblix\lang\en-us)
    basic.xsl in identity\oblix\lang\shared
    Locate and review the content of the basic.xsl stylesheet in \shared.
    For example:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <!-- Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Oblix Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
    - <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:oblix="http://www.oblix.com/">
    <xsl:include href="obstringutil.xsl" />
    - <!-- xsl:output indent="no"/ -->
    <xsl:include href="font.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="title.xsl" />
    The basic.xsl stylesheet in the \shared directory includes additional files (font.xsl, title.xsl, obstringutil.xsl) and provides templates to define attributes and status and control display information. See "basic.xsl" for more information.
    During your customization process, you copy selected stylesheets from the \shared directory into your custom directory. This overwrites wrapper files with corresponding stylesheets you can then edit in your custom directory.
    New Custom XML Document: In addition to the custom directory structure, when you select the new custom style as the default style, Oracle Access Manager creates an XML document (a duplicate of style0.xml) named after the directory you created.
    Locate and open the custom xml document that was created when you added the new style.
    For this example:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <ParamsCtlg xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" CtlgName="style0">
    - <ValNameList ListName="">
    <NameValPair ParamName="styleReady" Value="TRUE" />
    This new file, stored with style0.xml, provides the status of your custom style and the location of the original style directory from which wrapper files were copied. For example, if your custom style directory is named Pastel and you copied from Classic Style, the Pastel.xml file is created when you select Pastel as the default style.
    You do not need to edit this file. The original style0.xml remains unchanged. Also, there is a .lck version, Pastel.xml.lck, which is a lock file. No other new files are created when you add a new style.
    Updated styles.xml: The styles.xml file is updated to include a new NameValPair that provides both the directory and style names you supplied when creating the style.
    Locate and open the styles.xml file to confirm it was updated with your new style information.
    For example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    - <ValNameList xmlns="http://www.oblix.com" ListName="styles.xml">
    <NameValPair ParamName="style0" Value="Classic Style" />
    <NameValPair ParamName="Pastel" Value="Pastel" />
    In this example, both the default Classic Style and new custom Pastel style are identified. You do not need to edit this file.
    After confirming your custom directory structure, new and updated files, you are ready to choose a function and begin your customization.
    2.6.2 Choosing a Function to Customize
    The first step in the customization process is to choose a function to customize. For this example, suppose you want to change the font color to red on a specific page of the User Manager without changing anything else.
    To identify the function and source information
    Log in to the Identity System, as usual.
    Navigate to the desired page.
    For this example, click:
    Identity System Console, User Manager, and then click My Identity
    The page appears, as shown in Figure 2-6.
    Figure 2-6 Customization Example: A User Manager Page Displays Red Text
    The following information on each Identity System application page is useful for customizing styles:
    Application Name: The application name, User Manager, appears on a highlighted tab in the top left area of the screen.
    Each application's \bin directory contains the registration file that you need to identify functions. See "Registration Files".
    Page Name: The page name, in this example it is My Profile, is the first page that you want to customize so you can see text in a red font color.
    Registration File Path: The URL for each page includes a path to the application page, for example, identity\oblix\apps\userservcenter\bin\userservcenter.cgi. You can use this to locate the relevant registration file on the Identity Server.
    Function Name: The URL for each page also includes a segment, program=view in this case, that you can use to locate the relevant stylesheet name for the function in the registration file.
    Record the required information to assist you during the customization.
    For this example:
    Application: User Manager
    Page: User Profile
    Registration File Path: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\apps\userservcenter\bin\
    Function: program=view
    2.6.3 Copying Stylesheets to Your Custom Directory
    Once you have identified the function you want to customize, your next task in any customization is to copy relevant stylesheets into your custom directory from the \shared directory. This activity overwrites wrapper files in your custom directory with copies of stylesheets you can customize. This also retains the original stylesheets in \shared as well as the original default wrappers in \style0.
    Locating and copying relevant stylesheets is an iterative process in itself. In the following procedure you must locate and copy:
    Base stylesheets
    Stylesheets included in base stylesheets
    The specific function-related stylesheet identified for the program in the application's registration file, in this case the stylesheet associated with program=view
    Stylesheets included in the function-related stylesheet
    Eventually your custom directory must contain all stylesheets, including those identified in the application's registration file and in oblixbasereg.xml. Even if you do not need to edit a stylesheet, it must be copied to your custom directory.
    Copying stylesheets is an iterative process that must be done in a selective manner. Attempting to copy all stylesheets from \shared to you custom directory at one time results in an error.
    To locate and copy relevant stylesheets
    Copy the base stylesheets to your custom style directory from \shared to overwrite the default wrappers with stylesheets you can customize.
    For example:
    Copy from: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\shared\ basic.xsl, font.xsl, searchform.xsl, navbar.xsl, title.xsl
    Copy to: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\
    This retains the original base stylesheets in \shared as well as the original default wrappers in \style0.
    Open each base stylesheet in your custom style directory and locate include statements that point to other stylesheets you must copy, as well as any style information you need to customize.
    For this example, see Table 2-29:
    Table 2-29 Base Stylesheet Pointers and Items to Customize
    Base Stylesheets in Custom Directory Pointers to Related Stylesheets and Items to Customize
    Contains implied relative include pointers to other stylesheets you need in your local custom directory:
    <xsl:include href="obstringutil.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="font.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="title.xsl" />
    Record the names of additional stylesheets you must copy into your custom directory from \shared. In this case, obstringutil.xsl.
    Does not contain include pointers to other files.
    Does contain color information you can customize:
    <xsl:variable name="subHeadingColor">#006699...
    <xsl:variable name="contentTitleColor">#000000...
    <xsl:variable name="contentTextColor">#000000...
    Does not contain include pointers to other files.
    Does not contain color information to customize. No changes needed to this stylesheet in your custom directory.
    Does not contain include pointers to other files.
    Does contain color information you may customize later.
    Does not contain include pointers to other files.
    Does contain color information you may customize later. No changes needed to this stylesheet in your custom directory.
    Copy stylesheets included in base stylesheets to your custom directory from \shared.
    For this example, obstringutil.xsl:
    Copy from: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\shared\ obstringutil.xsl
    Copy to: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\obstringutil.xsl
    Record the stylesheets you have copied from \shared to your custom directory so you can track your work.
    Locate the required registration files.
    For this example, oblixbasereg.xml and userservcenterreg.xml:
    Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\apps\common\bin\oblixbasereg.xml Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\apps\userservcenter\bin\ userservcenterreg.xml
    At some point, you typically need stylesheets included in the common registration file oblixbasereg.xml. However, stylesheets included in oblixbasereg.xml are not needed for this example.
    For this example, you must locate only the function-related stylesheet in the userservcenterreg.xml file.
    Open the application's registration file and locate the function-related stylesheet you need.
    For this example, locate ObProgram name="view":
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <ObProgramRegistry>
    - <ObApplication name="userservcenter">
    - <ObProgram name="front">
    <ObStyleSheet name="usc_profile.xsl" />
    <ObSchema name="usc_front.xsd" />
    - <ObProgram name="commonNavbar">
    <ObStyleSheet name="usc_profile.xsl" />
    <ObSchema name="usc_front.xsd" />
    - <ObProgram name="view">
    <ObStyleSheet name="usc_profile.xsl" />
    <ObButton name="initiateDeactivateUser" />
    - <!-- ObButton name="manageSubscriptions"/ -->
    <ObButton name="userreactivate" />
    <ObButton name="wfTicketDelete" />
    <ObButton name="userModify" />
    <ObSchema name="usc_profile.xsd" />
    You can see in the registration file that the usc_profile.xsl stylesheet is associated with the function you want to customize (ObProgram name="view"). The usc_profile.xsl stylesheet is also associated with a number of other functions.
    Copy the function-related stylesheet, usc_profile.xsl, to your custom style directory from \shared and record the stylesheet name.
    For this example:
    Copy From: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\shared\ usc_profile.xsl
    Copy To: Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\ usc_profile.xsl
    Open the function-related stylesheet and locate include statements that point to other stylesheets you must copy, record any information you plan to customize.
    For this example, usc_profile.xsl:
    Table 2-30 usc_profile.xsl Pointers and Items to Customize
    usc_profile.xsl in Custom Directory Pointers to Related Stylesheets and Items to Customize
    This main stylesheet for the User Manager includes stylesheets that must be copied to your custom directory:
    <xsl:include href="./basic.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="./selectorinfo.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="./usc_searchform.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="./usc_navbar.xsl" />
    Note: selectorinfo.xsl, usc_searchform.xsl and usc_navbar.xsl should be copied.
    Also record pointers to objects that should be customized:
    <object id="cenroll" classid= ...
    codebase="../../common/bin/xenroll.cab" />
    <script src="../../common/bin/installCert.vbx" ...
    Repeat steps to copy relevant stylesheets, then record their names and details you plan to change.
    For this example:
    Copy From:
    Copy To:
    Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\selectorinfo.xsl Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\usc_searchform.xsl Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\usc_navbar.xsl
    These stylesheets do not contain include statements, other stylesheet names, nor parameters you need to change.
    You have collected, copied, and recorded relevant stylesheets for this example.
    2.6.4 Editing Stylesheets
    After copying relevant stylesheets, you may need to edit them. As described in Table 2-29 the information that needs to be customized for this example includes:
    Font colors defined in the base stylesheet font.xsl should be changed to red.
    Pointers to objects defined in usc_profile.xsl should change from a relative path to an absolute path.
    To help streamline development and testing, consider implementing XSL stylesheet control parameters. See "Caching Considerations".
    To edit stylesheets for a simple font color change
    Open the font.xsl stylesheet in your custom directory in a text editor.
    For example,
    Identity_install_dir\identity\oblix\lang\en-us\Pastel\ font.xsl
    Edit the stylesheet to change all colors from the default color to red (FF0000), then save the change.
    For example,
    Change all Default Font Colors From:
    ... <xsl:variable name="pageHeaderColor">#006699</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="subHeadingColor">#006699</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="contentTitleColor">#000000</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="contentTextColor">#000000</xsl:variable>
    and others ...
    To Red (#FF0000):
    ... <xsl:variable name="pageHeaderColor">#FF0000</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="subHeadingColor">#FF0000</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="contentTitleColor">#FF0000</xsl:variable>
    <xsl:variable name="contentTextColor">#FF0000</xsl:variable>
    and others ...
    Record your changes to this file.
    If you restarted the Identity Server now you would not yet see your changes. This is because you have not yet customized the function-related stylesheet that identifies where to apply the changes.
    Edit the basic.xsl stylesheet in your custom directory as follows to add required include statements that were in the original basic.xml (but were lost when you copied over the basic.xsl from the shared folder).
    Locate the line containing the following:
    <xsl:include href="obstringutil.xsl"/>
    Add the following information so that it precedes the line identified in a):
    <xsl:include href="./style.xsl" />
    <xsl:include href="../msgctlg.xsl" />
    Edit the usc_profile.xsl stylesheet in your custom directory to change the relative path to objects, as shown in the following, then save the changes.
    For example:
    Change From a Relative Path:
    - <head>
    ...<object id="cenroll" classid="clsid:43F8F289-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1" codebase="../../common/bin/xenroll.cab" />
    ... <script src="../../common/bin/installCert.vbx" language="VBScript" />
    Change To an Absolute Path:
    - <head>
    ... <object id="cenroll" classid="clsid:43F8F289-7A20-11D0-8F06-00C04FC295E1" codebase="/identity/oblix/apps/common/bin/xenroll.cab" />
    ... <script src="/identity/oblix/apps/common/bin/installCert.vbx" language="VBScript" />
    This concludes the specific function-related change for this example.
    Ensure that file system access control for new custom style directories and files is set to match the ownership and permissions of \style0.
    Restart the Identity Server.
    If you log in to the Identity System now and view the My Identity page, you see the red font color. However, the images supplied by WebPass won't appear until they are included in a corresponding custom style directory structure on the WebPass host.
    After doing this i checked user manager application then iam being displayed the following error page.
    style shhet error report form.
    an error has occured while executing the application.
    your browser does not support sending email automatically.
    please send email to <a=" "><\a> with the following information.
    you name
    email adress
    make sure to append the trace back in the mail
    in the log file errors have been given as below
    Error: ExXSLTProcessingGeneric: Exception processing stylesheet. Root stylesheet ID: ../../../lang/en-us/pastel2/usc_profile.xsl     
    "Failed to compile XSL file."     XSL file:^../../../lang/en-us/pastel2/usc_profile.xsl     
    Error: ExXSLTProcessingGeneric: Exception processing stylesheet. Root stylesheet ID: ../../../lang/en-us/pastel2/usc_profile.xsl     
    "OIS_LOG_PASSED_ERROR"     Error^writer\obhtmlpage.cpp:276: Error: ExXSLTProcessingGeneric: Exception processing stylesheet. Root stylesheet ID: ../../../lang/en-us/pastel2/usc_profile.xsl

    Hi Matt,
    I think the page you are being redirected to is servererror.jsp, which is deployed within oam-server.ear, within its own ngsso-web.war application. You could deploy your own version of this. I assume you could also modify the ErrorPage setting in oam-config.xml to define your own page, though I have not tested this. This would be a customisation, so you would be responsible for the system behaviour when doing this.

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    I have several XSLT stylesheets to generate PDF documents for each rulebase. These XSLT all use the same templates (functions) for formatting data. I like to have these templates all in one file, to be imported / included into the rulebase specific XSLT. I can't get the path right for the import, the xsl are both located in the same folder.
    So far I have:
    *&lt;xsl:import href="file:CommonFunctions.xsl" />*
    I used the above line with and without file, path and everything else I could think of.
    The only way I can get it working is naming the full path like this:
    *&lt;xsl:import href="file:D:\projects\toolA\include\templates\CommonFunctions.xsl" />*
    but that is not portable to other servers.
    Can someone point out which path I have to use?

    <xsl:import href="CommonFunctions.xsl" />or
    <xsl:import href="file://CommonFunctions.xsl" />Edited by: frank.hampshire on Jan 18, 2011 8:59 AM

  • Adding additional tables to the extractor configuration

    Hi Experts,
    Can you please help me adding additional tables to the SAP extractor and to configure the field data in the orgstructure to show a flag against the position.
    Luke - I have tried using the option said by you from Application-wide Settings-->Data Centre --> Read SAP Table, it has properly save the added table, but not able to see it from SAP extractor configruation and not able to extract any data. Also, can you please guide me how to use the fields from this table (HRP1010) to write a small piece of logic to show a flag for a particualr position based on data.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Purandhar,
    I have tried using the option said by you from Application-wide Settings-->Data Centre
    --> Read SAP Table, it has properly save the added table, but not able to see it from
    SAP extractor configruation and not able to extract any data.
    This has probably added a data element - I would check in the dataelementconfiguration folder in your build's .delta folder. IF so then you have the first step completed. Now you need to add the necessary configurations to use the data that comes through this data element.
    Go to your orgchart/hierarchy and navigate to Views. Here select your view (or your first view if this needs to be done for more than one view - if so you'll need to repeate these steps but not the step you already did in the Data Centre), and then click the + icon next to Design Details. Here you can add a new linked detail to your view detail. Simply give it a name, select the detail to link it to (usually the top level detail which is in blue), select a link field and then select your data element that was created in the Data Centre.
    Now if you try to add a section to your view inside the Design Details view designer you will see your new detail added. You can then select it and add fields from this detail.
    Also, can you please guide me how to use the fields from this table (HRP1010) to write
    a small piece of logic to show a flag for a particualr position based on data.
    Once you have been able to add the data in the views designer you will probably need to do some XML and XSL editing because you cannot edit XSL files in the AdminConsole and you will need to do this to get your icon/flag to show.
    First of all you need to create a new XSL file and put it into a folder in your .delta\root folder. For example, My_XSL_files. Here you need to write the code to render your flag based on your variable. You can find plenty of examples in all of the pre-existing XSL files. Then you need to copy PresentationResources.xml to .delta\root\XML and add the reference to your new XSL file.
    Go to your build's .delta folder and go to detailconfiguration. Find the detail you just created and open it. You'll find a section in their that you just added with a reference to an XSL file (e.g. if you added a Simple Caption section it will probably be something like SimpleCaptionXSL). Change this to the reference in the PresentationResources.xml.
    Load your build in the AdminConsole and hit Publish. Once done you should see your icon. Sometimes if your XSL is invalid or the code doesn't work you won't see anything. This is not unusual as the whole process can be quite tricky - even for us with lots of experience!
    Good luck!

  • How to edit PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl

    How to edit PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl.
    this is EBS12.04 purchse order seeded report. i want to edit its some of contents.
    Edited by: fassi on Nov 12, 2008 3:09 AM

    May be,
    you can add a cuf when you stock your file signature path
    and you modify the PO_STANDARD_XSLFO.xsl to used this path.

  • How to customize / edit wiki theme in content_entry.xsl file to display tags for blog pages and not wiki pages?

    I am trying to customize a wiki theme by displaying the "Edited Today at… by…" for only blog pages and not wiki pages. 
    I tried editing the content_entry.xsl with an xsl if tag, but failed.
    <xsl:if test="context/link='/groups/groupname/weblog/'">
      <div id="entry_date" class="entry_date">
        <a href="{../contentEntry/historyURL}" id="history_link" title="{../../jsstrings/tooltips_history_link}" onclick="return false"><xsl:value-of select="../../strings/History"/></a>
        <span id="history_time_author"><xsl:value-of select="historyTimeAuthor" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></span>
    What is the correct <xsl:if test=""> tag, that would execute this? 
    For <xsl:if test="context/"> I believe the content after "context/" are variables like link, baseHREF, contentEntry.  What are other variables I can use?

    I also tried it this way, but does not seem to work. 
      <xsl:if test="context/link='/groups/groupname/weblog/'">
            <xsl:template match="context/entryMeta">
                <div class="metadata" id="entry_metadata">
                    <div class="start startmetadata"><span></span></div>
                        <div class="contents contentsmetadata">
                            <div id="entry_date" class="entry_date">
                                            <a href="{../contentEntry/historyURL}" id="history_link" title="{../../jsstrings/tooltips_history_link}" onclick="return false"><xsl:value-of select="../../strings/
                                            <span id="history_time_author"><xsl:value-of select="historyTimeAuthor" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></span>
                        <div class="end endmetadata"><span></span></div>

  • Finding and Editing the DynamicHomePage.xsl Style Sheet in MII 12.0

    I'd like to edit the DynamicHomePage.xsl style sheet but I'd not sure where to find it in MII 12.0.  Is it editable through the workbench?

    you can modify the Logo in the File DefaultHeader.xml. You can find it under the Web/Themens,
    in the Sample Project as Jeremy said.
    Please include this in your project as Jeremy described.

  • Errors while editing the xsl for dataview web part

    while modifying a dataview webpart in sharepoint designer, i finding the issues for the below line
    <xsl:for-each select="$Rows[substring-before(substring-after(substring-after(@FullName, '?ID='), '>'), '<') = $FullName]">
    the tag is marked invalid because it is missing quote for  '>' and '<'
    the tag is marked invalid because it has an extra quote ">

    Hi ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you edited the xsl for dataview web part.
    Please try to change
    <xsl:for-each select="$Rows[substring-before(substring-after(substring-after(@FullName, '?ID='), '>'), '<') = $FullName]">
    <xsl:for-each select="$Rows[substring-before(substring-after(substring-after(@FullName, '?ID='), '&gt;'), '&lt;') = $FullName]">
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Editing xsl:variable node

    I want to write a java class that edits the value of the playerNumber variable in player.xsl. I wrote the java class below but the line with XPathQuery.selectSingleNode returns null. I thought my query would work but now I think maybe the problem is that I'm not specifying a namespace in my query. Anyone have any helpful hints? Thanks in advance.
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import java.io.*;
    public class TransformXSL {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              File fl = new File ("player.xsl");
               DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document doc = builder.parse(fl);
              Element docElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
              String xpathQuery = "xsl:stylesheet/xsl:variable";
              Node n = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(docElement, xpathQuery); // this node returns null
              if (n == null) {
                   System.out.println("n is null");
              } else {
                   System.out.println("n is not null");
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.1">
         <xsl:variable name="playerNumber">25</xsl:variable>
         <xsl:template match="/">
                   <xsl:value-of select="firstName"/>
                   <xsl:value-of select="lastName"/>
                   <xsl:value-of select="$playerNumber"/>

    Witht the XPathAPI a namespace node is required in the selectSingleNode method for a node with a namespace prefix.
    Parse with the JDOM XPath class which has a addNamespace method to add namespace for XPath expressions.

  • XSL Map Generation Failed: JDev Studio Edition Version

    XSLT mapper will neither create nor open XSL files. Error given is "Attribute version missing from XSLT element". Below is my XSLT document. As you can see, the version element is present. Please advise.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <source type="XSD">
    <schema location="../xsd/MapGetData.xsd"/>
    <rootElement name="job" namespace="http://hanson.hansplc.com/MapGetData"/>
    <target type="XSD">
    <schema location="../xsd/geocode_request.xsd"/>
    <rootElement name="geocode_request" namespace=""/>
    <!-- GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER 061009.0802) AT [THU FEB 01 15:01:05 CST 2007]. -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xsl gd xs xp20 bpws ora ehdr orcl ids hwf">
    <xsl:template match="/">

    still it doesn't reproduce in my environment. However, I am not testing Webcenter but JDeveloper/ADF FAces. The error you see might be a dependency issue that needs to be followed up by Webcenter (forum WebCenter Portal
    I found bug 6339095 filed by Detlef Mueller against Webcenter for this problem

  • Editting in XSL FO Contract terms

    Hi Experts,
    I need to hide some of the field on the contract terms ,like this
    Buyer Supplier
    (Authorized Representative Signature) (Authorized Representative Signature)
    (Name) (Name)
    (Title) (Title)
    (Date) (Date)
    PLease advice from where in XSL FO i can commment the code.

    Try : <fo:block text-align="right">Your text here</fo:block>

  • Problem creating dynamic URI for importing xsl sub templates in rtf

    We are using xsl based sub templates in RTF. My code in RTF to import sub template is
    <?call@inlines: CustomerReportHeader?><?end call?>
    This sub template import statement is used in lot of RTF's. We require to configure host,port name in server run time properties and will get the value in RTF and will construct URI dynamically ,So we put one property in xdo.cfg.
    xdo.cfg contains as below
    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/config/">
    <property name="xdk-secure-io-mode">false</property>
              <property name="xslt.HTTP">'localhost:7001/xmlpserver'</property>
    and i changed my sub template call to
    <?call@inlines: subtemplate1?><?end call?>
    Where subtemplate1 : is one sub template in side Header.xsl
    This configuration is not working. The HTTP value is not being parsed. The BI publisher throwing exception as "Unknown host exception ${HTTP}"
    Please note that : I am able to print HTTP run time variable value in report by <?$HTTP?> adding in Form Field text.
    I have installed BI publisher (xmlpserver) in weblogic 10.3.5
    Please guide us on this above problem.

    The problem got resolved when we tried same thing in BI publisher (xmlpserver) in weblogic 10.3.5. It seems that BI publisher does not have dynamic URI support.
    Edited by: Sanjaya on Sep 4, 2012 2:09 AM

  • SharePoint 2013 List View with query string filter stops working after editing view from browser

    I have created one list definition in which I have added one list view which will filter data from query string paramater
    So when I am creating list from my list definition, view with query string filter is working fine.
    But when I am modifying view from UI(I am not changing any thing , just opening "Modify View" page and then click on "Save" button), view gets stop working means it's not filtering data based on query string
    Any suggestion what I am missing?
    Below is my list view schema
    <View BaseViewID="11" Type="HTML" TabularView="FALSE" WebPartZoneID="Main" DisplayName="$Resources:OIPLBScoreCard,viewFilterTasksByTarget;" MobileView="True" MobileDefaultView="False" Url="FilteredTasks.aspx" SetupPath="pages\viewpage.aspx" DefaultView="FALSE" ImageUrl="/_layouts/15/images/issuelst.png?rev=23">
    <Toolbar Type="Standard" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncements" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_LIST)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncementsHowTo" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_DEFAULT)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="TargetId" Location="QueryString(TargetId)" />
    <XslLink Default="TRUE">main.xsl</XslLink>
    <RowLimit Paged="TRUE">100</RowLimit>
    <FieldRef Name="Body"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="Title"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="StartDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="DueDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="PercentComplete" Type="StrikeThroughPercentComplete"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="DueDate" Type="TimelineDueDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="oipscTargetLookup" LookupId="TRUE"/>
    <Value Type="Lookup">{TargetId}</Value>
    I have one lookup field from "Target List" in my source list and I want to filter data based on that lookup field.

    Hi JayJT,
    The Miscellaneous is located in the contact list that you used for the connection.
    So , you need to edit the page, then edit the contact list that you used, in the web part properties of the contact list, you will find Miscellaneous, then expand it and select ‘Server Render’ .
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression

    In R12, in Payroll Deposit adivce/Check writer, We need to sort the earnings tag <AC_Earnings> in to two different categories as regular and other earnings. In the DB and form level of element defintiion we have a DFF which differentiates between the two kinds of earnings. But the seeded XML that is gerneated by the check writer does not have this field.
    The seeded template displays all the earnings in one column. How can we achieve this in the template without modifying the seeded XML.
    The one approach i have is to write a function and based on the return value sort the data. For this I need to know :
    1) How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression that is allowed in BI template.
    If anyone ahs faced similar requirements please share your approach.

    Thank u..
    but i'd seen that link wen i searched in google..
    Is it possible without using any 3rd party JARs and all?
    and more importantly plz tell me what should be preferred way to call a javascript function?
    Do it using addLoadEvent() or Windows.Load etc
    Call it thru Xsl? (I donno how to do dis)
    Thanks in Advance..
    Edited by: ranjjose on Jun 3, 2008 8:21 AM

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