XSL feed error

Anyone know why my feed is not showing online? It works
locally and it used to work online. I didn't change any code and
all of sudden its giving me this error.
MM_XSLTransform error.
Transformation Error.
access denied (coldfusion.runtime.FunctionPermission
my code:
<span class="resheader">Adobe Flash Design
<!--- XSL Transformation --->
<cfinvokeargument name="xml" value="
<cfinvokeargument name="xsl" value="headlines.xsl">
<cfinvokeargument name="ItemsPerPage" value="3">

Bloke wrote:
> Anyone know why my feed is not showing online? It works
locally and it used to
> work online. I didn't change any code and all of sudden
its giving me this
> error.
> MM_XSLTransform error.
> Transformation Error.
> Security
> access denied (coldfusion.runtime.FunctionPermission
> my code:
> <span class="resheader">Adobe Flash Design
> <cfinvoke
> component="includes/MM_XSLTransform.MM_XSLTransform"
> method="transform"
> returnvariable="mm_xsl_output">
> <!--- XSL Transformation --->
> <cfinvokeargument name="xml"
> value="
> <cfinvokeargument name="xsl"
> <cfinvokeargument name="ItemsPerPage" value="3">
> </cfinvoke>
Looks like the security settings have changed and your being
access to either the feed or the component that pulls in the

Similar Messages

  • Xsl variable error not explained in earlier thread

    Thank you so much for your response to my earlier thread, it is difficult to focus on what I am supposed to be doing today, with all the sad news from the east coast.
    Re-visiting this variable issue one more time to try understand what is going wrong with this file.
    Below is a shortened version of the file plus the output from parsing it with xalan, saxon and oracle's two latest versions. As you see it parses fine with xalan and saxon but errors out with oracle's latest version. Should this be looked at again perhaps?
    xml file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="UtilDataForm.xsl"?>
    <dataform target="News.xsql" submit="SubmitButtonTitle">
    <item type="checkboxlist" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" label="CheckBoxList">
    xsl file
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
    | UtilDataForm.xsl: Transform <dataform> structural info
    | into a data-bound HTML Form
    <xsl:template match="dataform">
    <xsl:variable name="form-target">
    <xsl:when test="@target">
    <xsl:value-of select="@target"/>
    <xsl:when test="./target">
    <xsl:value-of select="./target"/>
    <xsl:if test="*">?</xsl:if>
    <xsl:for-each select="*">
    <xsl:value-of select="name(.)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <xsl:if test="position() != last()">
    <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
    <form method="POST" action="{$form-target}">
    <xsl:for-each select="item[@type='hidden']">
    <input type="hidden" name="{@name}" value="{normalize-space(.)}"/>
    <xsl:for-each select="item[@type != 'hidden']">
    <th align="right"><xsl:value-of select="@label"/></th>
    <xsl:when test="@type='text'">
    <input type="text" name="{@name}"
    <xsl:if test="@size">
    <xsl:attribute name="size">
    <xsl:value-of select="@size"/>
    <xsl:when test="@type='password'">
    <input type="password" name="{@name}"
    <xsl:if test="@size">
    <xsl:attribute name="size">
    <xsl:value-of select="@size"/>
    <xsl:when test="@type='textarea'">
    <textarea class="code" rows="5" name="{@name}">
    <xsl:if test="@size">
    <xsl:attribute name="cols">
    <xsl:value-of select="@size"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
    <xsl:when test="@type='list'">
    <xsl:variable name="default" select="default"/>
    <select name="{@name}">
    <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET/ROW">
    <option value="{VALUE}">
    <xsl:if test="VALUE=$default">
    <xsl:attribute name="selected"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="DISPLAY"/>
    <xsl:when test="@ty pe='checkboxlist'">
    <xsl:variable name="name" select="@name"/>
    <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET/ROW">
    <input type="checkbox" name="{$name}" value="{VALUE}">
    <xsl:if test="SELECTED='Y'">
    <xsl:attribute name="checked"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="DISPLAY"/>
    <input type="submit" value="{@submit}"/>
    xalan output
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <center><form action="News.xsql" method="POST"><table><tr><th align="right">CheckBoxList</th><td><input value="4"
    name="nameOfCheckBoxList" type="checkbox"/>This
    <input value="5" name="nameOfCheckBoxList"
    <input value="6" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" type="checkbox"/>The Other
    value="SubmitButtonTitle" type="submit"/></form></center>
    saxon output
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <center><form method="POST" action="News.xsql"><table><tr><th align="right">CheckBoxList</th><td><input type="checkbox"
    name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="4"/>This
    <input type="checkbox" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="5"/>That
    type="checkbox" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="6"/>The Other
    </td></tr></table><input type="submit"
    oraxsl with xmlparserv2.jar dated 06/19/01 10:09
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <center><form method="POST" action="News.xsql"><table><tr><th align="right">CheckBoxList</th><td><input type="checkbox"
    name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="4"/>This
    <input type="checkbox" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="5"/>That
    type="checkbox" name="nameOfCheckBoxList" value="6"/>The Other
    </td></tr></table><input type="submit"
    oraxsl with xmlparserv2.jar dated 08/04/01 20:24
    file:/W:/workorders/util/UtilDataForm.xsl: XSL-1031: (Error) Variable not defined: 'name'.
    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathException: Variable not defined: 'name'.
    Error occurred while processing W:\workorders\util\FormTest.xsql: file:/W:/workorders/util/UtilDataForm.xsl: XSL-1031:
    (Error) Variable not defined: 'name'.
    Thank you again for your help!
    Ola Kvalvaag
    IS Administrator
    CT&E Environmental Services Inc.

    Yeah!!! It works. Turned out to be a combination of DrKlap's and Martisan's suggestions -- had to change var frame's declaration from JFrame to MyFrame:
        MyFrame frame;Next, created the external class -- but again changed JFrame references to MyFrame:
    public class ShowOnExit extends WindowAdapter {
    //   JFrame aFrame;
       MyFrame aFrame;
       public ShowOnExit(MyFrame f) {
          aFrame = f;
       public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
          System.out.println("Why me???" + aFrame.textArea.getText()); // aFrame here not frame !!!
    }This worked. So looks like even though the original code added a WindowListener to 'frame', the listener didn't couldn't access frame's methods unless it was explicitly passed in as a parameter. Let me know if that's wrong.
    Thanks again, all.

  • XSL-1047: (Error) Invalid instantiation of 'xsl:output' in 'INSERT' context

    Following is my development environment:
    JDeveloper 9i Release Candidate
    JDeveloper JVM 1.3.1
    Oracle XML Parser v2
    I'm using the Oracle XML Parser V2 library to apply a stylesheet to an XML document. However when I invoke the call to processor.processXSL() an XSLException is thrown with the following details:
    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLException: <Line 1, Column 116>: XSL-1047: (Error) Invalid instantiation of 'xsl:output' in 'INSERT' context.
    Below is the sequence of events:
    // Create an instance of XSLProcessor to perform the transformation
    XSLProcessor processor = new XSLProcessor();
    // create a Reader from a String object that contains the stylesheet text
    StringReader r = new StringReader( stylesheet );
    // create a new XSL stylesheet, passing it the Reader object reference
    XSLStylesheet sheet = processor.newXSLStylesheet(r);
    // apply the stylesheet
    // the variable sheet represents the XSLStylesheet object
    // the variable source represents the XMLDocument object
    // this call throws the exception
    DocumentFragment df =
    I've included the Stylesheet and source XML file I'm processing below.
    Note: My application works fine when I use the Oracle XML Parser v2 9.0.1 library. (although I have to use new XSLStylesheet() in place of XSLProcessor.newXSLStylesheet())
    Any ideas on what has changed between the two releases? I do have a reproducible test case that I can send on if required?
    thanks in advance
    private String stylesheet =
    "<INSERT xsl:version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\"> "+
    "<xsl:output method=\"xml\" indent=\"yes\"/> "+
    "<ROWSET table_name=\"acc_database\"> "+
    " <xsl:for-each select=\"DATABASES/DATABASE\"> "+
    " <ROW> "+
    " <DBID><xsl:value-of select=\"DBID\"/></DBID> "+
    " <DBNAME><xsl:value-of select=\"DBNAME\"/></DBNAME> "+
    " <DBSIZE><xsl:value-of select=\"DBSIZE\"/></DBSIZE> "+
    " <DBPATHNAME><xsl:value-of select=\"DBPATHNAME\"/></DBPATHNAME> "+
    " <DBUSER><xsl:value-of select=\"DBUSER\"/></DBUSER> "+
    " <DBPASSWORD><xsl:value-of select=\"DBPASSWORD\"/></DBPASSWORD> "+
    " <ISAPPDB><xsl:value-of select=\"ISAPPDB\"/></ISAPPDB> "+
    " <ISATTACHEDDB><xsl:value-of select=\"ISATTACHEDDB\"/></ISATTACHEDDB> "+
    " <CONVERTDB><xsl:value-of select=\"CONVERTDB\"/></CONVERTDB> "+
    " <VERSION><xsl:value-of select=\"VERSION\"/></VERSION> "+
    " </ROW> "+
    " </xsl:for-each> "+
    "</ROWSET> "+
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!-- this file was generated by the Oracle Migration Workbench Exporter for MS Access on 13/02/02 15:16:52 -->
    <!-- Do not modify this file as any modification will invalidate the export and subsequent migration of your MS Access database -->

    Your problem is that your stylesheet is illegal.
    You're using the "simple form" of the stylesheet which
    is equivalent to having a single root template.
    If you use the simple form, you cannot use: <xsl:include>,
    <xsl:import>, <xsl:output>, <xsl:param>
    or any other <xsl:XXX> element which must be at the "top-level"
    of the stylesheet.
    The solution is to change from:
    <INPUT xsl:version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="...">
    which is illegal to:
      <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="...">
        <xsl:template match="/">

  • XSL-1009: (Error) Attribute 'version' not found in 'HTML'

    I've got the following problem: oracle.xml.parserv2.XSLException
    <Line 1, Column 7>: XSL-1009: (Error) Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform}:version' not found in 'HTML'.
    and I wanted to know what are its origins and what to do to go around, knowing that:
    - we run a java application on an oracle 9iAS and it works fine !
    - we run the same application on an oracle web-to-go server and it gives this message on the client when trying to put
    - the mobile server 'java environment' is a little bit never (version) than the online environment, both servers (9ias an mobile) run on the same machine (mobile is never -> impact on client environment? Installs run under jre 1.3.01)
    - we have an xml document (DOM) and an .fo stylesheet (file/url), so no html for output! Where comes it from? The <xsl:output method="html"> has even been removed and tried with method="application/pdf", no change.
    - the function XSLProcessor.newXSLStylesheet raises this exception; to make it at least run on online environment, we used the .jar file from JDevelopper (this .jar is used in JDev, on 9ias and mobile client)
    - the output file (via apache's fop) shows correctly in the online version, but fails the create/use of the stylesheet (tried stylesheet with xml data for output and a generique 'Hello World' .fo for pdf output, both fail)
    - the .fo starts with <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" version="1.0">
    - we even tried xsl:version="1.0" and no version at all
    - the same XML parsed with an .xsl for html output works fine, in mobile, the attribute "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" does not show up as an error
    I guess we have a version or configuration conflict, but what exactly could it be? If you need some more version numbers, just let me know.
    Thanx very much for any help!

    as I wrote in the inital message, we even left out the output method or used "application/pdf". The result is unfortunately always the same. And I still claim this is not a problem with the stylesheet itself, it has to do something with the mobile's environment.
    Something I didn't tell: we have 2 servlets in our application, 1 responsible for output in html and 1 in pdf. The .fo stylesheet passed to the 'html servlet' is parsed correctly (and shows the source code, because it does not know about fo and conversion to pdf), the .xsl stylesheet passed to the 'pdf servlet' raises same exception/same line. You might tell us that there is a problem with the 'pdf servlet', but once again: why in online it is working?
    Greetings and thanx very much for your precious time!

  • XSL-1009 error

    Ok, I'm driving myself nuts with this and hoping someone can help! I've reviewed the other posts and re-checked things but it still doesn't work. Here's a simple test case:
    I have two tables. One of them is the SCOTT.EMP table. The other table is one I created; very simple two column table as follows (also in the scott schema):
    CREATE TABLE sjh_test
    sales_brand_bsnss_id VARCHAR2(10),
    xml_doc XMLTYPE
    In the xml_doc column I've stored an XSL style sheet. Here's the insert statement used, with the actual style sheet:
    insert into scott.sjh_test
    VALUES(100, sys.XMLType.createXML
    ('<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    Hello there.
    <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET">
    <table border="1" cellspacing="0">
    <xsl:for-each select="ROW">
    <td><xsl:value-of select="EMPNO"/></td>
    <td><xsl:value-of select="ENAME"/></td>
    All I want to do I create a simple proof of concept which grabs some data from the EMP table as an XML document, then apply the XSL style sheet and get a result--the HTML output. Here is my code. The line of code "dbms_xmlquery.setXSLT(queryCtx, theStyleSheet);" throws the XSL-1009 error. The actual error text is "ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: XSL-1009: Attribute 'xsl:version' not found in 'ROWSET'."
    queryCtx dbms_xmlquery.ctxType;
    queryCtx2 dbms_xmlquery.ctxType;
    result clob;
    theStyleSheet clob;
    errorNum NUMBER;
    errorMsg VARCHAR2(200);
    v_more BOOLEAN := TRUE;
    queryCtx := dbms_xmlquery.newContext('SELECT empno, ename, deptno FROM emp WHERE deptno = 7369');
    queryCtx2 := dbms_xmlquery.newContext('select s.xml_doc.getClobVal() as stylesheet from scott.sjh_test s');
    theStyleSheet := dbms_xmlquery.getXML(queryCtx2);
    dbms_xmlquery.setXSLT(queryCtx, theStyleSheet); -- ERROR HAPPENS HERE!
    result := dbms_xmlquery.getXML(queryCtx);
    WHILE v_more LOOP
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Substr(theStyleSheet, 1, 255));
    IF Length(theStyleSheet) > 32767 THEN
    theStyleSheet := Substr(theStyleSheet, 32768);
    v_more := FALSE;
    END IF;
    Any ideas??
    Thanks very much, in advance.

    Thanks for the suggestion. That gets me past that problem. It is now throwing a NullPointerException on this line:
    result := dbms_xmlquery.getXML(queryCtx);
    Here's the full code:
    queryCtx := dbms_xmlquery.newContext('SELECT empno, ename, deptno FROM emp WHERE deptno = 7369');
    select s.xml_doc.getClobVal() into theStylesheet from scott.sjh_test s;
    dbms_xmlquery.setXSLT(queryCtx, theStyleSheet);
    result := dbms_xmlquery.getXML(queryCtx); -- *** NullPointerException occurs here ***
    WHILE v_more LOOP
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Substr(theStyleSheet, 1, 255));
    IF Length(theStyleSheet) > 32767 THEN
    theStyleSheet := Substr(theStyleSheet, 32768);
    v_more := FALSE;
    END IF;
    Thanks again for the suggestion. It looks like I'm close now.

  • I keep getting a "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error.

    I've been trying to post a podcast, but I keep getting a "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed"  Error message.  The RSS feed I created is http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/mjBrW.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Your feed is now OK and can be subscribed to in iTunes, so that's a start. However your media file itself is not accessible. The URL for it in the feed is
    http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/InTheFace/~5/B6E3DAcZCXU/InTheFaceEpisode1BadGran dpa.mp3
    This redirects to
    http://a1.podbean.com/646726/InTheFaceEpisode1BadGrandpa.mp3?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA JLA6NPUL6BLALQ2A&Expires=1385103002&Signature=l4iImb8F5UB%2FZzo9gAmzyXwM%2FBc%3D
    And this brings up
    <Message>Request has expired</Message>
    <HostId> /vxmBjlZGuT2p5gdqXe51JV90o9Ep08YLQWJVW10bn17PUBcRyX85n/FL0K0qqnc</HostId>
    Basically the file is requiring authorization to access, so you have to turn that off.
    As to https, the iTunes Store cannot access media files with this prefix, and many podcast creation services will not create the enclosure tag if it's in use.

  • The infamous "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to submit a podcast to iTS, but it's failing with the infamous "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error.
    The feed validates (here and here); all the tags that are suppossed to be there are there; the enclosures are there and readable; the server accepts byte-range requests.
    Could someone smarter than I have a glance over and see if they can spot anything?
    A sample feed can be seen here.
    Many thanks.

    I would ask one simple question - Why are you not just releasing your episodes as .mp3 format?
    The recommended encoding for audio podcasts is:
    .MP3 - format
    64 kbpb - Bit Rate
    44.1 khz - sample rate
    mono or joint stereo
    This gives good audio quality at the size of 0.5 mb per minute.  It is used by most of the big shows in iTunes and it compatible with all players and aggregators.
    Trying to trick the system to use a non-standard format is likely going to cause you issues - it is best to go with the settings above if you want the least amount of issues for you and your potenital listeners.
    Rob W

  • How to fix the 'We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed' error

    I'm getting the error 'we had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed' error but I can subscribe directly to the rss feed via File>Subscribe to Podcast.
    The rss feed is: http://ithinkyouthink.libsyn.com/rss
    I've used feedvalidator and it says everything is good except for some minor suggestions. How do I fix this? I'm waiting on Libsyn to contact me directly, but I figured I'd try this to see if anyone could help.

    This is a bug in the iTunes submission system where it gives a false negative.  Libsyn servers are 100% compliant with iTunes.
    Please submit again - it usually will go through the second time.  If not wait 10 minutes and submit again.
    Apple is aware of this issue - but it has been around for a while.

  • "Difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error

    There seem to be a lot fo threads like this, but none of the problems are quite the same. I've got a self-hosted wordpress site, and a soundcloud account.
    I applied for the podcasting beta from soundcloud, and the RSS they provide is here. If I add that feed to itunes, it says "The feed has no episodes."
    So I said fine, I'll host the .mp3s on archive.org, so I did that, and got the wordpress plugin "Seriously Simple Podcasting," set it up including links to the mp3 files hosted on archive put at the top, the RSS feed for that is here. When I punch that in to itunes, it gives me the "we had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error. So I tried to use feedburner, (feed here) either to syndicate the seriously simple podcasting feed, or to syndicate the feed from my wordpress site directly (without the plugin). I've also tried plugging that last feed directly into itunes w/o feedburner, in all cases, I get the "difficulty downloading episodes..." error.
    Very confused. I'm guessing there's something wrong with the way that the services (the SSP wordpress plugin or feedburner) is trying to make enclosures out of the mp3 hosted at archive, but I have no idea how to fix that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    DO NOT use the souncloud RSS feed - if you ever decide to leave them you will loose all your audience.
    They do not provide the tools needs to change your feed to a new host.
    You can't add in the iTunes new feed tag nor can you add in a redirect.
    What ever your do - do NOT use the soundcloud RSS feed.
    Rob W

  • Trying to upload my podcast RSS to iTunes, but getting the "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error

    Hello everyone. I know this is an often asked question, but I still can't get this to work.
    Can you tell me why I'm getting the "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed" error when I submit

    The Store checks only the latest episode of your feed when you submit your podcast. The media file URL for your latest episode, Day 21, is
    and there is no file at this address. This is because you've mistyped it: the actual URL is

  • Multiple-feed error

    unable to resolve Multiple-feed error, printer picks-up large stacks of paper & jams. Difficulty opening rear cover (sticks), however, once open the bunch-up paper requires pliers to remove.  In an earlier warranty calls to tech. support in India,  I was instructed to return the printer for replacement. But I was diagnosed with cancer, in 2009 unable to follow through & comply due to medical complications, was discharged from Memphis Hospital in 2014 . What are my present options? Is there a manual paper feed option, bypassing paper tray? Thank You!

    Hi , I understand that you are having issues with the printer pulling in multiple pages at the same time. I will certainly do my best to help you. I am very happy to see that you are doing better. Best of luck with your recovery. Unfortunately this model doesn't have a priority tray for single sheets. Please try these solutions:
    1. Remove the stack of paper from the tray and flex it, rotate it 180 degrees, and flip it over. Do not fan the paper. Return the stack of paper to the tray.
    2. Use only paper that meets HP specifications for this product.
    3. Use paper that is not wrinkled, folded, or damaged. If necessary, use paper from a different package.
    4. Make sure the tray is not overfilled. If it is, remove the entire stack of paper from the tray, straighten
    the stack, and then return some of the paper to the tray.
    5. Make sure the paper guides in the tray are adjusted correctly for the size of paper. Adjust the guides
    so they are touching the paper stack without bending. I checked out the Laserjet Color Pro CM1415fnw printer in our lab. Try these steps to see if it may help.Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cable. Remove the paper tray and flip up the jam access door. Look inside where the paper tray was, at the back area, in the middle. You will see two little white rollers. Make sure they are moving freely and I would clean them with a damp cloth and then dry them off again. Open the back access door and check for any rollers also need to be cleaned. Try running a cleaning page through the printer.From the Home screen, touch the Setup icon.
    Touch Service.
    Touch Cleaning Page. What type of paper are you using? You may Contact HP Support to inquire about the trade in options or service. Fill in the model number and the form to receive a case number for quicker assistance. If you appreciate my efforts, please click the 'Thumbs up' button below. Please let me know the outcome. Thank You.

  • CP1518ni, manual feed error

    My Laserjet CP1518ni gives me a manual feed error message with every print job.  This started when I manually fed using Paper Tray 1 to complete a print job.  I must have changed a setting somewhere and have no idea how to change it back.  I've printed the Configuration page and it shows the Manual Feed is ON under the Paper Settings, but when I go into Paper Settings, there are no options to change the Manual Feed.
    Any suggestions or help on where to make that change would be appreciated.

    jackt2 hope you are doing well and sorry to learn that you are having this issue;
    If you still facing this issue i will do my best to help you
    Have you update the firmware of the printer GO HERE 
    what operating system are you using  if you are using windows HP designed a quick and easy tool that diagnoses and resolves many printing, scanning, and connectivity problems HP print and scan doctor
    Hope this helps let me know the outcome will do my best to help you if you need furhter asistance
    You can say THANKS by clicking the KUDOS STAR. If my suggestion resolves your issue Mark as a "SOLUTION" this way others can benefit Thanks in Advance!

  • XSL-1900 error

    I am investigating an XSL-1900 error which only seems to occur when the server is under load. I've managed to reproduce this with a threaded test-bed and caught a TransformerException thrown from JXTransformer.reportException() called from JXTransformer.transform. The parameters passed in were java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
    Unfortunately without the source code this was not much help.
    Is it possible that this class is not threadsafe ? Or any other suggestions ?

    Using your code, compiled with JDK 1.4.2_05, I got this on stdout:
    Yep, it worked!
    There is something rotten somewhere. I compiled directly from command line (javac): try it to see if it is not some kind of unexpected feature from your IDE.

  • Refresh Data feed error in Excel Workbook

    I am getting the error 
    Errors in the high-level relational engine. The following exception occurred while the managed IDbConnection interface was being used The payload kind 'BinaryValue' of the given data
    feed is not supported.. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID ...
    The excel workbook was earlier configured using the data feed which was not stored in a data feed library. I then created the data feed library, placed the data feed in it and edited the connection
    to the new path.
    I am getting the above error now. Please help

    According to your description, my understanding is that the error occurred when you configured the workbook to use the data feed in a data feed library.
    Did this issue occur with all the Excel workbooks which use the data feeds in the data feed library?
    I recommend to create a new workbook to use the data feeds in the data feed library following the steps in the link below to see if the issue still occurs:
    Please also check if the data feed is created correctly referring to the link below:
    If still no help, for quick and accurate answers to your questions, it is recommended that you initial a new thread in our SQL server forum.
    SQL server forum
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Paper feed error j6480

    When the printer takes paper from the tray, it crumples it up and gets jammed in the printer. I have tried two dozen times to just print the cartridge alignment page. It worked three times, but each time I got an error that the alignment didn't work. I just bought this thing yesterday and I am incredibly frustrated.
    I have:
    1. Cleaned the rollers with a slightly damp cloth towel and allowed them to dry for one hour.
    2. Made sure the paper is laying flat and is not pushed too far into the printer.
    3. Adjusted the arm in the paper tray so that it's snug against the paper but not squeezing or smashing it in any way.
    4. Unplugged and rebooted the printer (four times)
    5. Made sure the tray wasn't too full (there are about 50 sheets in it now).
    I am using plain paper, HP brand. The error that comes up is "Out of paper," as opposed to "paper jam," which would be accurate. The only other function I have tried is the scanning, and it works fine. The top feeder works fine. Every single time (with three exceptions - the failed cartridge alignments) the printer takes the paper, it seems like one roller is maybe not moving as fast or as forcefully as the others. The paper gets crumpled. I pull the paper out, take the duplexer off to remove all the shreds of paper that didn't come out before, replace the duplexer, and try again. It fails. Please tell me how to fix this.

    My Brother just had the same problem today and he called me. What we found after checking and comparing his printer with mine (same one J6480) that there is a box attached to the back of the printer. The two squeeze type butotns open the door so you can see the paper rollers. All looked good in there.
    Then we discovered that the two white buttons on the side of the box let you take the box out, so we did and when we reinserted the box there was a definite click heard and we tried to print and all was well. Suggest you make sure that the box on the backo the printer is securely in place. Good Luck hope this helps you out.    Chip

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