Yosemite redemption key already used

Today when i tried to download OS X yosemite, when i opened Mac App Store by clicking the link in the osx yosemite beta guide sent by mail - the redemption key were automaticly filled in, but already used? I can't proceed to download because my key is already used... Does anyone else have similar problems or a way to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

I just bought a new MBP to take on the road. I already have an iMac, with Yosemite PB2 on it (runs great.) I need to put Yosemite on the MBP too but am getting the "redemption code already used" error. I've tried the so-called "fix" of refreshing the redemption code page and logging out of the App Store etc. but it does not work. When I do the refresh I get a white screen for appleseed.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/redemption (everything after .com is grayed out.)
The MBP is virgin, brand new, top of the line. I have done almost nothing with it except open Safari and try to download Yosemite. This should not be happening! Have left a trouble ticket with Apple Support but I fly on Thursday (today is Tuesday) and I need to get this fixed -- I can't restore files from my LaCie backup onto the MBP because the OSs are different. As a last resort I suppose I could restore Mavericks on the iMac then do another full backup to the Lacie then restore to the MBP, but I don't want (and shouldn't have) to do that.

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    Thanks for being an OS X Yosemite Beta tester! At this point in time, chat and phone support is not available for this pre-release OS. I definitely do apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing. In finding these issues, you are helping us make this the best version of OS X to date! You may find useful information on communities.apple.com(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window) and additionally on the beta program website,  https://appleseed.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/faq(Opens in new window)(Opens in new window). Thanks again for your assistance and I will make note of this on case number .
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    we can assign the same G/Ll with different modifier under same transaction event key, but we cannt assign same G/L for different transaction event key.
    If u have not assigned this G/L to any other transaction event key then there should be some open document, that is why it is not allowing u to change the G/L.

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    Account 8201100 already used in transaction BSX
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    This is the Inventory GL account (assigned in BSX)
    You can not assign this GL account to FRN
    FRN use for ncidental costs of external activities, how can this be the Inventory account.
    Check the nature of Account.
    Create separate GL account for Expenses and assign in FRN
    Edited by: Shayam_210 on Sep 27, 2011 9:22 AM

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    I want to change the GL Accounts of  Transaction Key " AUM - Expense/revenue from stock transfer " in Tcode OBYC with same as GL Account of Transaction Key "BSX - Inventory Posting".
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    ""  Account 790000 already used in transaction BSX 
         Message no. F4803
        Accounts used in transaction BSX (posting to asset balance sheet
        account) cannot be used in any other account determination. Account
        790000 (chart of accounts 3335) is already being used in transaction
    System Response
        You cannot use account 790000 here.
        Correct your entry. ""
    Is there any solution for assigning the same GL Accounts for "AUM" Transaction Key in OBYC.
    Any Input is highly appreciated.
    Selvakumar. M

    Check the link, which relates to similar issue;
    Error in OBYC: Account *** already used in transaction ***
    Cannot change the GL account in OBYC, BSX

  • Account 790000 already used in transaction BSX  Message no. F4803 in  OBYC

    Hi Experts,
    I want to change the GL Accounts of Transaction Key " AUM - Expense/revenue from stock transfer " in Tcode OBYC with same as GL Account of Transaction Key "BSX - Inventory Posting".
    When trying to change GL accounts for "AUM" Transaction Key, I am getting the below error.
    "" Account 790000 already used in transaction BSX
    Message no. F4803
    Accounts used in transaction BSX (posting to asset balance sheet
    account) cannot be used in any other account determination. Account
    790000 (chart of accounts 3335) is already being used in transaction
    System Response
    You cannot use account 790000 here.
    Correct your entry. ""
    Is there any solution for assigning the same GL Accounts for "AUM" Transaction Key in OBYC.
    Any Input is highly appreciated.
    Selvakumar. M

    This is specifically for BSX Account. You cannot use the BSX account for any other account key. Purpose is to have reconciliation control on the inventory posting. Reconciliation would be an issue if you have expense/revenue also getting posting to same account.
    I think you need a new account.

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    Problem Statement :-
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    in reconciliation field mappings.
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    Have anybody faced this ?? Any workarounds ?
    Surendra Singh

    Hey Surendra,
    This is what you can do to get rid of this problem. I kow you cannot use the 'createDeleetReconciliationEvent' API, but just to let you know that this works absolutely fine. Now The approach which you might be using has the following flow-
    - provideDeletionDetectionData()
    - getMissingAccounts()
    - deleteDetectedAccounts()
    Now you must be aware that getMissingAccounts() returns a ResultSet for all the instances which needs to be revoked in OIM. If you see the contents of this ResultSet, here is what it contains (4 columns):
    Objects.Key, Objects.Name, Structure Utility.Table Name, Process Instance.Key
    Now what I suggest is do not use the deleteDetectedAccounts API as of now. And Revoke the object instance using API call. Follow the following steps:
    1) Just iterate through the ResultSet *(deletedUsers)* obtained from 'getMissingAccounts()' to fetch the value 'Process Instance.Key' and store it in an Array.
    2) You must be passing the Object Name as a Task Attribute. Use this attribute to fetch the 'Object Key'. Once you get this value, use the 'getAssociatedUsers' API of objectOperationsIntf to find all the users associated with this object. This API will return a ResultSet. Let's name it as *'AssoUsers'*.
    3) Iterate the above ResultSet(AssoUsers) and fetch the *'Process Instance.Key'* column from its rows. Compare this value to the already created Array in step-1. If there is a match then you will know that this resource instance needs to be revoked.
    4) Now fetch the following two values from the ResultSet(AssoUsers):
    - Users.Key
    - Object Instance.Key
    5) Once you get the User Key, you will have to find its corresponding resources. Do it by using *'getObjects'* API of userOperationsIntf. This will again return a resultSet *(userObjects)*.
    6) Iterate through all the rows and check the value of column *'Objects.Name'*. If this value equals to your resource, then fetch the value of column- Users-Object Instance For User.Key from this row.
    7) This will give you the 'Object instnace for User key'.
    8) Call the revokeObject API of userOperationsIntf interface.
    Below is a sample code snippet for your reference.
              Array DeletedUsers = {Your Deleted User List Array};
              String ObjectName = "Your Object Name as it comes from Task Attribute";
              long ObjectKey = 1; // Fetch it from Object Name above using API
              HashMap dummy = new HashMap();
              tcResultSet AssoUsers = objectOperationsIntf.getAssociatedUsers(ObjectKey, dummy);
              for (int i=0 ; i<AssoUsers.getRowCount() ; i++) {
                   String piKey = AssoUsers.getStringValue("Process Instance.Key");
                   if("Your Array DeletedUsers contains piKey"){
                        long userKey = AssoUsers.getLongValue("Users.Key");
                        long obiKey = AssoUsers.getLongValue("Object Instance.Key");
                        logger.debug("userKey extracted is : " + userKey);
                        logger.debug("obiKey extracted is : " + obiKey);                    
                        tcResultSet userObjects = userOperationsIntf.getObjects(userKey);
                        for(int j=0 ; j<userObjects.getRowCount() ; j++) {
                             if(ObjectName.equalsIgnoreCase(userObjects.getStringValue("Objects.Name"))) {                              
                                  long obiuKey = userObjects.getLongValue("Users-Object Instance For User.Key");
                                  userOperationsIntf.revokeObject(userKey, obiuKey);
                                  logger.debug("Resource has been revoked");
    This should work. I know this looks quiet complex but have to do it. Give it a try.

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    I encountered exactly the same problem. At first I though someone had claimed my code using the serial number of my newly purchased Macbook Pro that is eligible for the redemption. I had e-mailed to Apple Up-To-Date Progarm buy has yet to get any reply. Instead of waiting, I purchased and downloaded Mountain Lion from the App Store. I have writtend another mail to Apple asking for a refund.

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    I am trying to generate a primary key without using a sequence number or row count. What the user wants is the maximum value of the highest primary key already in the row set plus 1.
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    I would appreciate any assistance.
    U o Windsor

    Mary you're in luck, 'cause, I've been playing with the same thing, these days and found that..
    You can do that in two ways (that I know):
    - by calling a stored function that does max+1 (you can look it up in Dev's guide for Forms&4GLDevs 10g chapter 25.5 Invoking Stored Procedures and Functions)
    - by calling hardcoded or dinamicaly written statement, that does the same
    public Number callStatement(String stmt)
    Number id = new Number(0);
    Row idRow = getDBTransaction().createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(stmt).next();
    if(idRow != null)
    Object o = idRow.getAttribute(0);
    if(o != null)
    if(o instanceof Number)
    id = (Number)o;
    throw new JboException("Conversion error!");
    return id;
    You should call it in
    protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent transactionEvent)
    switch (operation)
    case DML_INSERT:
    // call here
    super.doDML(operation, transactionEvent);
    case DML_UPDATE:
    super.doDML(operation, transactionEvent);
    case DML_DELETE:
    super.doDML(operation, transactionEvent);
    S. Julijan

  • This serial number has already been activated on 2 computers." Can i trace which computer is already used???

    This serial number has already been activated on 2 computers." Can i trace which computer is already used???
    Please help how to trace used license key?

    Just call up tech support.  Have proof that you are the legitimate owner handy, and they will invalidate the other serial activations. Not need to track people down yourself.  And no, you can't do that anyway.
    Did you buy your copy from a legitimate source, or from eBay?

  • Error: Key already added to dictionary " domain \ username "

    Hello Community
        In Sharepoint 2013 Server I created a managed account.
        But when I try to create the Search Service application
    with that managed account as the configurable an error message
    appears stating some to the effect that:
         Key already added to dictionary "<domain>\<username>" : ... "<domain>\<username>"
        Since I couldn't use that same "<domain>\<username>", I created
    another new managed account and used that new managed account to create
    the Search Service and it worked.
        The question is why do I get that error stating:
            Key already added to dictionary "<domain>\<username>" : ... "<domain>\<username>" ?
        Thank you

    Is it specific to some particular managed account or for all the managed accounts ?
    Does that managed account exists twice ?
    Have a look at the following links if it gives you any pointers.
    Geetanjali Arora | My blogs |

  • Note 947091 - Persistance Exception on Client-"Entity key already exists."

    Persistance Exception on Client-"Entity key already exists."
    I am using SP18.
    Tell me what is the <b>correction steps</b> for this PROGRAM ERROR.
    did SP19 already solve this problem??
    Message was edited by:
            yzme yzme
    Message was edited by:
            yzme yzme

    <b>step 1) when i sync the application , i will get this </b>
    Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    <b>step 2)i modify on the values 1st time, and sync</b>
    Persistance Exception on Client-"Entity key already exists."
    <b>step 3)after that i modify same row with different values</b>
    Creation on Field cZFLIGHT2_010_PAYMENTSUM with value 1600 is not allowed because SyncBo of Row 0001213668 is CHANGED_GLOBAL_INSYNC and CreateInputQualifyType is FORBIDDEN
    b)step 4) try to check the merep_mon, consequtive row with action "M" and no "D"</b>
    try to check the worklist with seq no 8
    msg: No download data from R/3 found in downloader
    <b>step 5) try to sync again</b>
    • Synchronization started 
    • Connection set up (without proxy) to: http://emi-sap:50100/meSync/servlet/meSync?~sysid=N01& 
    • Successfully connected with server. 
    • Processing of inbound data began. 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E : No Context available for ConversationId 47AF7ABD0FEF894BBF49E61E6732223E 
    • Exception while proccessing method SMARTSYNC : java.lang.RuntimeException: Inbound processing of container with index 7 failed: Cannot insert as entity already exists for IClassDescriptor/Key: sZFLIGHT2_010/1213683 : r0001213682 : Inbound processing of container with index 7 failed: Cannot insert as entity already exists for IClassDescriptor/Key: sZFLIGHT2_010/1213683 : r0001213682
    anyone can pls tell me if my coding got problem, i just have to modify the row values, and upload it, or do i need to do anything on the uploader/or SyncBoDelta
    my code for modifying values,
    i have change the values of "STREET" to <b>"ANG MO KIO"</b>
    but the data in server still <b>"HEAVEN ST"</b>
    public String modifyRecordAmt(String eventName,boolean didNavigate){
                             String syncBoName="ZFLIGHT2";
                             String syncKey="0001213682";
                             tableViewBean.setString(syncBoName +" "+syncKey);
                             System.out.println("SyncBoName: " +syncBoName + " syncKey: " +syncKey);
                             tcp = TableContentProvider.instance(syncBoName);
                             tcp.modifyTable(syncBoName,syncKey);                                   return JSP_DETAIL_SYNCBOINSTANCE;
    public void modifyRecordAmt(String syncBoName,String syncKey){
                SyncBoDescriptor sbd=null;
                System.out.println("bp 1");
                SyncBo sb=null;
                SyncBo sb2=null;
                   System.out.println("bp 2");
                   System.out.println("bp 3");
                }catch(PersistenceException pex){
                     System.out.println("Exception in modifyRecordLoc:" +pex.getMessage());
                SmartSyncTransactionManager transactionManager;
                   System.out.println("bp 4");
                   System.out.println("bp 5");
                        System.out.println("bp 6");
                        System.out.println("bp 7");
                          boolean b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8;
                          //b5=setHeaderFieldValue2(sb2,"CITYFROM","NEW YORK");
                         // b6=setHeaderFieldValue2(sb2,"AIRPFROM","JFK");
                         // b7=setHeaderFieldValue2(sb2,"SEATSOCC","375");
                        System.out.println("bp 8");
                        System.out.println("b8=" +b8);
                        //System.out.println(b3 +" " +" "+b4 +" "+b5 +" " +b6 +" "+b7 +" " +b8);
                        System.out.println("bp 9");
                }catch(Exception e){
                     System.out.println("Exception in modifyRecordAmt2:" +e.getMessage());
         public boolean setHeaderFieldValue2(
              SyncBo sb,
              String headerFieldName,
              Object value) {
              SyncBoDescriptor sbd = sb.getSyncBoDescriptor();
              //RowDescriptor trd = sbd.getTopRowDescriptor();
              System.out.println("bp 10");
              RowDescriptor trd=sbd.getRowDescriptor("010");
              System.out.println("bp 11");
              FieldDescriptor fd = trd.getFieldDescriptor(headerFieldName);
              System.out.println("fd:" +fd.getFieldName());
              if (fd != null) {
              BasisFieldType bft = fd.getFieldType();
              //Row header = sb.getTopRow();
              System.out.println("bp 12");
              //Row header = null;
              Row[] header=null;
              //try {
                   //header = sb.getRow("0001211181");
                        System.out.println("is null");
                        System.out.println("not null");
              //} catch (PersistenceException e1) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              //     System.out.println("Exception getRow:" +e1.getMessage());
              //     e1.printStackTrace();
              System.out.println("bp 13");
              try {
    //             Integer operator
              if (bft == BasisFieldType.N) {
              NumericField nf = header[0].getNumericField(fd);
              if (nf != null) {
              BigInteger ii = new BigInteger(value.toString());
              return true;
              } else {
              return false;
    //             Character operator
              if (bft == BasisFieldType.C) {
              CharacterField cf = header[0].getCharacterField(fd);
              if (cf != null) {
              return true;
              } else {
              return false;
    //             Decimal operator
              if (bft == BasisFieldType.P) {
              DecimalField df = header[0].getDecimalField(fd);
              System.out.println("bp 1.1");
              if (df != null) {
                   System.out.println("bp 1.2");
              BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(value.toString());
              System.out.println("bp 1.3");
              System.out.println("bp 1.4");
              return true;
              } else {
                   System.out.println("bp 1.5");
              return false;
    //             Similar operation for time and date operator fields
              if (bft == BasisFieldType.D) {
              DateField df = header[0].getDateField(fd);
              if (df != null) {
              if (value.toString().equals("0")) {
              Date dat = Date.valueOf("0000-00-00");
              } else if (!value.toString().equals("")) {
              Date dat = Date.valueOf(value.toString());
              } else {
              Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
              java.sql.Date bd =
              new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime());
              return true;
              } else {
              return false;
    //             Similar operation for time and date operator fields
              } catch (SmartSyncException ex) {
              } catch (PersistenceException e) {
              return false;
    how to check in the table if the data is uploaded to the Middleware RDB ??

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