You Can Go Home Again.

I recently upgraded to ML on my late '11 MBP. I also have a previously purchased  copy of Lion available to me in the Mac App Store and would like to revert back to Lion. Would it be as simple as downloading and installing Lion, or is there something I need to know before I continue?

If you try to install Lion 10.7.x over the top of Mt Lion 10.8 more then likely it will 1) Not install 2) Install and leave you with a Non Functioning computer.
You can not install and Older version of any OS over the top of a Newer OS. That is if when you are done you want a working computer.
The only time you can install any OS over the top of another OS is if the one you are installing is NEWER then the one that is on your system. Just like you did when you installed Mt Lion over the top of Lion.
As to you using the Mac App Store to install Lion on your Mac the only way to get to the Mac App Store is from within a version of OS X that contains the MAS link, That would be Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and higher, Lion 10.7 and higher and Mt Lion 10.8. So to even start the download from the MAS you would need one of those versions of OS X installed on your system. Since you now have Mt Lion installed if you try to install Lion without first erasing the drive Like I Said Before it will either 1) Not install 2) Install and leave you with a NON Functioning computer.
But hey give it a shot as you can always use the Online (Internet) Recovery HD system to then Wipe the drive and reinstall Lion. Because that is what you will have to do if you try to install Lion over the top of Mt Lion

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    Apple TV is by it self in a category.
    With Apple TV 1 the limit was 5 Apple clearly stated that. The reason? Probably because the Apple TV 1 had a hard drive and was able to store content locally (quite a bit actually). This would make it more in line with authorized devices.
    You authorized device limit is 5 but this does not pertain to home sharing again something different.
    When you play content from an Apple TV you are streaming from an authorized device and as long as you have the same iTunes account on that Apple TV as the iTunes you are connecting to you will be ok.
    Now to the error. I have also had this error and I had it on a network with only 1 Apple TV connected and it is since iTunes 11. It seems every time Apple updates iTunes it has a bad effect on Apple TV. So I would not relate this error to the number of Apple TV's you have, every time I get this error I restart the Apple TV and its fine again.
    On a side not I used to run MANY Apple TV's off my xserver. I had my families homes networked with VPN. I would prefer to not say how many but it was quite a few. biggest problem there was multicast over VPN....whole other story.

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    Not sure if this helps:-
    The music files, were they bought from your iTunes account or did someone gift them to you after buying from the iTunes account? If they are yours you can download them again if you clear or de-authorise the ipod, it has to be done by whoever gave you the ipod to do this (the registered  owner). If they were bought for you on another itunes account I don't think Apple let you use them as they are copyrighted and they don't belong to you, they belong to the person who bought them. If the music files where ripped from music cd's then click and drag them to a new folder on your desktop and have the person who gave you the ipod to de-authorise and unregister it. Then you re register it and put your files back from your desktop folder in your iTunes folder and synch. Hopefully that would work.  Any files which you did not buy, I would not know how get around this, best bet is to take it to you nearest Apple  Store and explain that they were gifted to you and ask how you can use them.  The best way to gift music files is to buy the gift tokens and give these. Hope above helps.

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    Hey ther Rafa Guti,
    It sounds like you need to download the Digital Booklet that came with your purchase as it did not download correctly the first time. You can get it again from your purchased history with the following article. Depending on the platform you are downloading to, the instructions are a bit different so choose the correct steps from within:
    Download past purchases
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

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    Log into your itunes account on your computer and download it again for free. Once you buy an App it's yours. You can download it again as many times as you need to.
    But make sure your logged into the account that you originally downloaded it with.
    Hope this helps

  • Yet AGAIN! "You can't open your current photo library using this version of iPhoto"

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    Not sure why, but I can't open iPhoto.  Here's what I have tried.
    Original message on MBPro:  "You can’t open your current photo library using this version of iPhoto". 
    1.  Tried to rebuild library as per this thread  I get the list of checkboxes, but when I hit "okay" I get the same "you can't open your current photo library ..." message again.
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    4.  Tried to rebuild library using new version of iPhoto - guess what - same message.
    5.  Downloaded free trial version of iPhoto Library Manager as suggested in the thread referenced above.  The dmg loads to my desktop just fine but nothing happens when I click on it -- this has never happened before.  Perhaps it is looking for iPhoto, which of course I can't get to work.
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    Between this hassle -- hours of time wasted -- and recent debacle of upgrading iTunes which erased my library and all of my playlists, which also took hours and hours to restore ... my 25 year devotion to Apple products is taking a major hit.  I'm getting very weary of heart-pounding fear every time a new software upgrade arrives ... but that's a topic for another time. ;-)
    Thank you very much indeed for all suggestions.

    I'm going to start from scratch as  the link you references is very, very old.
    Try this:  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and try to create a new, test library and import some photos. If you are able to then the problem lies with your current library. If you get the same message then maybe the iPhoto application is the problem.
    Try the following again:  make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy)  of your library and apply the three fixes in order as necessary.
    Fix #1
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your HD/User/Home()/ Library/Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your HD/User/Home()/Library /Caches/ folder. 
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    Fix #2
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #3
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.
    If all of these fail there's one more option:
    Start over from scratch with new library
    Start over with a new library and import the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from your original library as follows:
    1.  Move the existing library folder to the desktop.
    2. Open the library package like this.
    Click to view full size
    3. Launch iPhoto and, when asked, select the option to create a new library.
    4. Drag the each subfolder in the Originals folder (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the entire Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from the iPhoto Library on the desktop into the open iPhoto window.
    Click to view full size
    This will create a new library with the same Events as the original library but will not keep the metadata, albums, books slideshows and other projects.

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    If you use ZoneAlarm Extreme Security then try to disable Virtualization.
    See also:

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    Known issue, our QA team working on it, See
    you can follow the bug by opening bugzilla account and add yourself to CC list :)

  • I have home sharing enabled but still can't get my library to show up on my newly authorized computer, I have a lot of songs imported from CD's, never had to use itunes match or before, please help if you can

    I cannot get my library to show up on my newly authorized computer, please help if you can.
    I have home sharing enable on old computer and new one. 
    If I try to sync --I  get the message that ipod can be synced w only one computer and if I sync with this library (which only shows new purchases from itunes)   it will replace everything that is currently on ipod

    Why can't the songs be transferred to the device?  Is it because they are not authorized?  Were these 25 tracks purchased/downloaded with the same account you have used to authorize the PC/new iTunes library?
    Have you seen this article yet?
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases


    It's a pain to have to keep thinking of new and more elaborate passwords simply because you're unable to re call one temporarily.
    I'm signed into accounts most of the time and when I'm on another interface and can't recall or have access to my password then I'm forced to chose another. After a year and several situations like this I'm forced to create yet another non repeated password that only gets forgotton again from the fact it's something totally obscure to the standard passwords I use.
    Can't passwords be returned to use after a period if so required by the account holder.

    If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so via this page (we are fellow users here on these forums) :

  • Can you still use Home Sharing?

         Can you still use Home Sharing?    I have a Mac Mini (10.6.3) a Ipad (3rd Gen.) and a 3rd Gen. Apple TV.  All on the same home network and router. All three have Home Sharing turned on. All with the same account and all with the same password but they don't see each other. Since we're talking about three devices that don't see each other, I figure it must be something in the way I have it setup or Apple did away with the function.
         Can anyone point me in the right direction or shed some light on this problem.
              Ron   (hmbgeno)

    Well I can tell you that Apple did not do away with it because I am still using home sharing. Maybe you should go through this support article.
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing

  • When I use my IPhone 4S to view the Shaw Go Movie Central App when I am at home I only use WiFi which is automatic, I start watching a show and sometimes I will get a message like "you can not use your cellular for video playback" or something close to th

    When I use my IPhone 4S to view the Shaw Go Movie Central App when I am at home I only use WiFi which is automatic, I start watching a show and sometimes I will get a message like "you can not use your cellular for video playback" or something close to that. Then I received an email from Telus saying I had used my 3G instead of Wi-Fi  using 75% of my data. How can this happen when I'm on Wi-Fi at home? If it switched to 3G for some reason I should have been disconnected and not just transferred to 3G network using up my data. What is the fix for this??

    It doesn't have to be that complicated, Verizon iPhones come unlocked, just tell VZ you're going on Holiday/Traveling and suspend the service, no need to pay for service if you're not going to be using it. Pick up local SIM cards in the countries of your choosing, pop them in, re-activate iMessage and you're set!
    I recommend getting a SIM card from the Three network in England, they have great EU roaming rates and free like-home roaming in Italy.
    Set your phone's region to match the country you're in, it'll save from some headaches when calling local/international numbers.
    To answer your questions,
    1. If you choose not to have a local SIM card, it is good to keep your phone in Airplane mode to save battery.
    2. Make sure the two iPhones have different names to reduce sync/restore issues.
    3. If husband has an iPhone also, you can chat with iMessage/Facetime, just give him heads up about the new number you'll have. Otherwise, use Whatsapp if he's got an Android. You can activate Whatsapp with your American number or the international number if you choose to get a SIM in Europe.
    Also, Get the MagicJack app and/or Google Hangouts, both of those apps provide you with free calling to the USA and Canada using any internet connection. Google Voice is another good way to SMS across the seas.
    Let me know if you need any more tips for iPhoning across the pond.

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