Z-5550 Sound like crap in Vi

I have no idea what the problem is with these speakers. Its also very comforting having such great customer service from Creative, they basically say e-mail us or search the forums, awesome Creative! I just installed the X-FI Xtrememusic card into my PC and setup my speakers. When i run the static test on the Z-5550's sound comes out of all of them, but when i run it on my PC, the rear speakers and the subwoofer play through the center speaker. Also the overall soun dis just aweful, a chorus will come in loud as hell through the surround speakers, and the main singing/rapping only comes from the center speaker and is drowned out by the chorus. I cant pinpoint whats wrong with the sound but i know its terrible. Ive got Vista 32 and have tried getting the latest drivers but that doesnt help. Also the software that came with the soundcard doesnt work, i try to use the functions in the Creative volume panel and whenever i click something it says, "The console for the current mode of your audio device cannot be launched. The console may not be installed, or may not be installed properly. You may need to re-install the console." I tried re-installing the software twice now and no difference.

I just purchased the Logitech Z5500 for christmas. My current sound card is: Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatalty Professional Series.And everything sounds Crystal clear and perfect to me. I have everything set up in analong right now waiting for my digital I/O to arri've..But even in analog is sounds great I do not have any of these issues you speak of.
Maybe try to re install all the drivers and see if that helps,and remember to set the option to 5. in the Console,and if you do not enable CMSS-3D, remember to move the slider to your listening pref... I Personally Use CMSS-3D Makes the Bass sound better,but thats my personal opinion.

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    Certainly GB is not the culprit in your case!
    - Putting one mic in front of a band will always sound like crap. For a good vocal track, e.g., the singer has to be close to the mic, and that is true for picking up guitar apms too. In order to put each instrument and voice on their own channel, you either need a multi-channel interface and several mics (and good acoustic isolation so the tracks don't bleed into each other), or you'll have to record them one at a time. You could use the low quality one-mic recording as a "base" track, let everyone play their part over it, and erase the base track in the end. Don't expect a good drum sound with one mic.
    For your horrible screw-up problem with the multi-track recording, you'll have to tell us more: Do the vocals on their own sound bad? Do you have clipping? If you have clean recordings on your tracks, GB doesn't have a problem to mix them.

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    Quote from: Svet on 24-April-13, 22:17:52
    remove them in Safe Mode with >>Driver Fusion<<
    then reboot to normal mode and install MSI VGA drivers for your card:
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    amerabritt wrote:
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    Hi Grizzly Shrew,
    If you are having audio playback issues in iTunes on your Windows machine, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes and QuickTime for Windows: Audio does not play or plays incorrectly
    - Brenden

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    while it's certainly a possibility that there is a manufacturing defect at play here which could be further investigated, i'm going to go out on a limb and say that it seems unlikely if other audio, ie: calls sound ok, and only voicemail has quality issues. especially since there seem to be at least a handful of us experiencing it. (it's like my calls are 256k encoded mp3s, but voicemails are only 64k or something)
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    okay, let's start by working through this document. since you've got an itunes 6.0.x, you'll need to check on your QT 7 sound out settings.
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    love, b

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    Anyone know what the problem could be?

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    Hello ashliz17,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like the phone makes a cracking noise when it vibrates. I would recommend that you read these articles, they may be helpful in troubleshooting your issue.
    iPhone Other Repair Options - Apple Support
    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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