Z Transaction Creation Date

Please let me know how to find Z Transaction Code Creation Date.

Hi Vinay,
Try with these steps but i am not sure it will give us right result.
I think whenever we create an object in R/3 it will ask for request so transaction is also associated with request.
1) Goto SE03
2) Click on Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks under Objects in Requests
3) Give TRAN in empty box and give the ztransaction code against this box and check the box
4) Execute it
5) It will display more information include DATE of creation.
Plz reward points if it solves your problem.

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    Doesn't seem to be a creation date field for tcodes, huh?  Well, lets look at it this way.  The tcodes are usually created around the same time as the corresponding report or module pool program, right?  So if that is the case, you can join the TSTC and the TRDIR table and get the creation date of the report program.
    Rich Heilman

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    You can try with MB5B. It wont give batch creation date, but it will give posting date (most of the cases posting date may be batch creation date)
    Otherwise you can try to pull the information at table level MCHA-ERSDA and develop query.

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    Point will be rewarded.
    Thank you.

    Do you mean by the date on which a particular document is created. If it is so it would be available in the header data of that document. For example if you are looking for sales order creation date, then u will get it in VBAK. If you r looking for deli doc creation date then u can get it in LIKP and for billing in VBRK.
    Hope I am answering to ur query.
    Kind Regards

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    Thanks and Kind Regards,
    Daniel Carvalho.

    Hello "The Wirtschaftsmann",
    Thanks for the reply. However, I need the Creation Date and Creation by of the Proposal / Payment Run steps.
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    Dear all,
    As per our client business process, for a sales product warranty starts once after creation of Invoice in ECC system. in that case, how to perform warranty check in CRM Complaints based on ECC Invoice creation date.
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    Raghu ram
    Edited by: Raghu Ram on Jan 11, 2010 7:24 AM

    Hi Raghu,
    This is pure development. But it is possible.
    You need to use a function module to create warranty contract in CRM against to ECC invoice with the following prerequisites
    1. Same SLA should be available in both ECC and CRM (In ECC there is no SLA concept, in that case u need to maintain SLA as text component in delivery/sales order or any Z transaction document, the same can be pulled into CRM warranty contract)
    2. All the products sold in ECC should be having serial number during delivery process. Then the combination of product and serial number will be created an equipment master in ECC. This equipment master should be replicated to CRM as and when it is created in ECC.
    3. The partners in equipment master should be same as in invoice or sales order document in ECC
    4.  Addiitionally, all the products in the ECC invoice to be replaced as service material with SCN item category (We used this logic), so you can use any other logic to get service line item. You can use any common service material also as line item.
    5. Male the status profile settings to release the contract once it is created and saved in CRM
    6. In the complaint or service request document, set the contract determination as Unique number (I think "D")
    As standard, You can create wrranty contract and assign warranty master as and when ECC invoice is created by manual method.
    Hope this development logic will be useful.

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    2.  Delivery creation batch jobs create deliveries which aren't really due yet
    I really need the Delivery creation date to be a true material availability date  ie the date the goods are required to be available in the supplying plant.  For us this would be 3 days (transit time between plants) before the delivery date. 
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    true lead time.
    is a bit ambiguous.  The system does exactly what you tell it to do.  'True Lead time" is not defined in SAP.  What do you mean by this term?  Are you talking about "Total replenishment lead time" in the material master?
    Anyhow, you are telling me you want the delivery creation date to be "three days prior to Delivery date".  No problem, set PDT to 3 days.  So, if you today created an STO with a delivery date of July 30, and the PDT was 3 days, the delivery creation date would be July 27.  If you also want cushion, then today convert the STPRs with a delivery date of July 30.  Don't wait until July 27 to convert these PRs.
    How are you creating STOs today?  You mentioned delivery dates being populated by the system.  How? What transaction/what program?  If your current process is to automatically convert all existing STPRs into STOs, then you probably need to consider adding some time to Purchase Req processing time.  OMEW in config.

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    Thank you,

    Dear Liat,
    Plant Data for Material is stored in table MARC. Not sure, if date on which material has been extended to a particular plant will be stored in it.
    If you cannot get the date from MARC, you will have to implement a proper BAdi/Enhancement so that you can store date on which material is extended to a particular plant for the combination of Material, Plant. You can fetch the same to be displayed in the reports.
    You may also be interested in below transactions:
    MM50                 List Extendable Materials
    MM60                 Materials List          

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    Dear Manish,
    As per my understanding from your question, you can use 'MD04-Stock/Requirement List' transaction for checking all the dates for planned order generated from MRP run.
    Hiren Ramani

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    Aisha Ishrat
    ICI Pakistan Ltd.

    Check OV50 transaction,there you get creation date in the last column.
    Reward if it helpful.

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    It is regarding material posting through QA11 transaction. in QA11 transaction we can change the document date and posting date. This allows me to post the material prior to GR creation date, which logically should not allow.
    If anybody has work on this aspect.
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    You guys input are required.

    None of the available User Exits will assist in this case. There is no standard tool to perform this check.
    Have you considered a field exit? The field you need to look at in this particular case is RQEVA-BUDAT.
    In the coding of 'MQEVAF20' the form 'HOLE_ZUSATZDATEN_QALS' actually
    does change the date set by QALS with the current date.              
    ...this is not much, but I´m afraid there is not much option in this case.

  • Very urgent : shipping point and delivery creation date

    Hi :
    I have a custom table with fields :
    belnr, posnr, btyp, aufnr, ebeln, ebelp, livbeln, liposnr,matnr,wadat,kunnr,werks,bmeinh,getri,inaktiv,wabukz,erdat,aedat,loekz.
    Custom Transaction with fields :
    vbeln (field name belnr) , aufnr, delivery vbeln ( field name livbeln ),werks, mat .avail.dat ( mbdat ), transport.plan date(tddat),
    matnr, and sales order item (posnr).
    I have to select sales order , item from custom table based on plant (werks) shipping point , and delivery creation date.
    how can i relate shipping point and delivery creation date to my query.
    For delivery creation date, it should be selected based on current date+-2 and should choose MBDAT OR TDDAT which ever is earlier based on current date.
    I would appreciate if anyone can give me som idea and full points r rewarded.

    Try this:
    select a1belnr a1posnr vbep~etenr into corresponding fields of table itab from a1 inner join vbap
    on a1belnr = vbapvbeln
    inner join vbep
    <b>on vbapvbeln = vbepvbeln and vbapposnr = vbepposnr</b>
    where a1~werks = p_werks
    AND vbap~vstel = p_vstel
    AND vbep~edatu = p_edatu
    AND (vbep~mbdat <= p_edatu OR
    vbep~tddat <= p_edatu ).

  • Shipping point , delivery creation date

    Hi :
      I have a custom table with fields :
    belnr, posnr, btyp, aufnr, ebeln, ebelp, livbeln, liposnr,matnr,wadat,kunnr,werks,bmeinh,getri,inaktiv,wabukz,erdat,aedat,loekz.
    Custom Transaction with fields :
    vbeln (field name belnr) , aufnr, delivery vbeln ( field name livbeln ),werks, mat .avail.dat (  mbdat ), transport.plan date(tddat),
    matnr, and sales order item (posnr).
    I have to select sales order , item from custom table based on plant (werks) shipping point , and delivery creation date.
    how can i relate shipping point and delivery creation date to my query.
    For delivery creation date, it should be selected based on current date+-2 and should choose MBDAT OR TDDAT which ever is earlier based on current date.
    I would appreciate if anyone can give me som idea and full points r rewarded.

    Hi Pankaj,
    Please try to use BAPI 'BAPI_DELIVERYPROCESSING_EXEC' for creating delivery form sales order , you can pass value and create delivery.
    you can refer below code, it may be helpfull for you to create delivery.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_vbap OCCURS 0,
            vbeln LIKE vbap-vbeln,
            posnr LIKE vbap-posnr,
      zmeng LIKE vbap-kwmeng,
            matnr  LIKE vbap-matnr,
            werks  LIKE vbap-werks,
          END OF t_vbap.
    DATA: t_request TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapideliciousrequest
    DATA: t_created TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapideliciouscreateditems
    SELECT vbeln posnr zmeng matnr werks
           INTO TABLE t_vbap
           FROM vbap
           WHERE vbeln = v_vbeln.
    LOOP AT t_vbap.
      t_request-document_numb = t_vbap-vbeln.
      t_request-document_item = t_vbap-posnr.
      t_request-quantity_sales_uom = t_vbap-zmeng.
      t_request-quantity_base__uom  = t_vbap-zmeng.
      t_request-id = 1.
      t_request-document_type = 'A'.
      t_request-delivery_date      = sy-datum.
      t_request-material = t_vbap-matnr.
      t_request-plant = t_vbap-werks.
      t_request-date = sy-datum.
      t_request-goods_issue_date = sy-datum.
      t_request-goods_issue_time = sy-uzeit.
      APPEND t_request.
              request      = t_request
              createditems = t_created
              return       = t_return.
    READ TABLE t_return WITH KEY type = 'E'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      MESSAGE e208(00) WITH 'Delivery creation error'.

  • Delivery creation date

    Hi Gurus,
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    Thanks for your reply.I have an STO whose delivery creation date exists before creating the delivery from the STO but after running VL10B delivery is getting created and when I go to STO line item in the shipping tab the delivery creation date is dissappearing.
    I am wondering if this is an SAP stanndard????????

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    I have one requirement from our users.
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    Is it advisable to do that?
    Please give your suggestions.

    Check with Transaction code MBC2.

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