(ZEN 2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB) video form

After two frustrating days with e-mail to support, may I recommend the following to those who wish add video to there zen without having to go through the conversion program. (If you open the video converter program and select a file to convert, in the next step of selecting the output quality you can see the file type and parameters the converter outputs to the zen.) I have been using wmv extensions using the following: video settings-- encoder wmv3, framerate 30, size 320x240, bit rate 768 audio settings-- encoder wma7 sample 4400 hz, two channel stereo, bitrate 64 However, if you experience popping or static in your audio like I have, you might want to reduce your settings to eliminate this problem video settings-- encoder wmv3, framerate 30, size 320x240, BIT RATE 384KPSaudio settings-- encoder wma7,SAMPLE 22050 HZ, two channel stero, bit rate 64 I don't know if the audio distortion is due to the limitations of my computers cpu, the codecs, or the zen. I have pentium 4 (no mmx) processor at .8 ghz and meg memory. By using these settings for the output of third party software your video will simply transfer without having to recode for hours. If you have found better working settings, let me know. jecal Message Edited by jecal on 0-30-20082:33 AM

jecal wrote:
By using these settings for the output of third party software your video will simply transfer without having to recode for hours. If you have found better working settings, let me know.jecalMessage Edited by jecal on 0-30-20082:33 AM
Wich third party software do you have that doesn't recode and just transfers?

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    What sort of retarded response is that? With libnjp you can connect to the Creative Zen in Linux. Instead of spouting nonsense, why don't you try helping the guy?
    Frantzse, your udev rules are probably misconfigured. Try adding the udev rules as per this page : http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:NJB It should let you connect to you Zen.

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    Micktarheel wrote:
    Excellent, thanks for the replies and I read about the lock function online but it said for 4GB and up I think, but not 2GB. I thought, even with the screen at the lowest, 0% that it was too much lcd and a battery drainer...thanks!
    Yes, I have the 2G ZEN player and it does have the "lock function" (often on the Creative's web site they neglect to mention the 2G) - I "lock it" every time I listen to my audio books. By using this function it "closes" (blackens) ?the LCD screen and saves the battery considerably.
    When I first bought this player it was the first time I had an internal battery, all the other ones I had used -AAA battery. I was hesitant about using the type of battery in the ZEN player but I can listen ALL day and ALL night and still have battery life left. Then I recharge the battery in the wee hours of the morning, ready to listen to more books and music that day.
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    I am new to Photoshop & Photoshop Plugins.  I have reviewed the sdk photoshop documentation & searched web on this subject.
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    void PluginMain (const int16 selector,
                                                                             FormatRecordPtr formatParamBlock,
                                                                             intptr_t * data,
                                                                             int16 * result)
        gFormatRecord = reinterpret_cast<FormatRecordPtr>(formatParamBlock);
              gPluginRef = reinterpret_cast<SPPluginRef>(gFormatRecord->plugInRef);
              gResult = result;
              gDataHandle = data;
    sSPBasic = ((FormatRecordPtr)formatParamBlock)->sSPBasic;
    if (gCountResources == NULL ||
                gGetResources == NULL ||
                gAddResource == NULL ||
    gFormatRecord->advanceState == NULL)
    *gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient;
    // new for Photoshop 8, big documents, rows and columns are now > 30000 pixels
    if (gFormatRecord->HostSupports32BitCoordinates)
            gFormatRecord->PluginUsing32BitCoordinates = true;
    static void DoReadPrepare()
         gFormatRecord->maxData = 0
    static void DoReadContinue (void)
              int32 done;
              int32 total;
              int32 row;
              VPoint imageSize = GetFormatImageSize();
              /* Set up the buffer & progress variables. */
              done = 0;
              total = imageSize.v;
        Ptr pixelData        = NULL;
        Ptr rawData          = NULL;
        Ptr uncompressedData = NULL;
        int64* offsetTable   = NULL;
    /* allocate the pixel buffer. */
              unsigned32 bufferSize = gFormatRecord->planes * imageSize.v * imageSize.h;
              pixelData = sPSBuffer->New( &bufferSize, bufferSize );            <======   This allocation fails for file sizes > 2GB & < 4GB.
              if (pixelData == NULL)
                        *gResult = memFullErr;
                        if(*gResult == memFullErr) { goto ReadContinueCleanUp; }

    Some examples of files that are successfully read and files that are not successfully read are shown below:
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    in the ReadContinue method, shown in an earlier post on this thread.
    hdots * vdots
    hdots  + vdots
    filesize (MB)
    filesize (GB)

  • Zen 2gb and audio book chapters and bookma

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    I can tell you that the Zen 2gb is not as great with audio books as it ought to be.
    Audible?format audio books have chapter markings that the Zen can see. Overdri've?Media files?do not.
    Yes, you can bookmark. However, when you go to the bookmark, the player does not remember that the bookmarked file was part of a playlist. Therefore, it loads only the one file and stops playing when it gets to the end. At that point you have to go back through the main menu to reload your playlist.
    The "resume" function would make the bookmark problem less annoying, if it worked properly. The player will remember where you stopped and begin there the next time you turn the player on, unless you wait more than 2 hours. In that case, it starts at the beginning of the track and you have to FF till you find your place (hopefully you remembered to note the timer position before shutting down). This is the method I've settled on, because although I have to FF to my place every morning and evening, at least I don't have to keep reloading playlist.
    Interestingly, although you can't bookmark videos on the Zen, you don't need to, because it remembers where you left off playing it no matter how long you wait, and even after synching.

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    I can tell you that the Zen 2gb is not as great with audio books as it ought to be.
    Audible?format audio books have chapter markings that the Zen can see. Overdri've?Media files?do not.
    Yes, you can bookmark. However, when you go to the bookmark, the player does not remember that the bookmarked file was part of a playlist. Therefore, it loads only the one file and stops playing when it gets to the end. At that point you have to go back through the main menu to reload your playlist.
    The "resume" function would make the bookmark problem less annoying, if it worked properly. The player will remember where you stopped and begin there the next time you turn the player on, unless you wait more than 2 hours. In that case, it starts at the beginning of the track and you have to FF till you find your place (hopefully you remembered to note the timer position before shutting down). This is the method I've settled on, because although I have to FF to my place every morning and evening, at least I don't have to keep reloading playlist.
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    you know its becuase they make these products so fast theseday that EVERYPLAYER comes with atleast2 glitches. they dont even bother to check them before they send them. so basicly it doesnt matter what price u pay. i hate it. mine has the earphone jack its too tight to its a tad bit hard to plug in my earphones. then the play/pause button is like weird.everything else is perfectMessage Edited by kickenchicken on 08-0-2006 0:38 AM

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    Went to mess with it this morning and all seems well except... I have no sound at all from the speaker. I set the speaker to on, through the menu while playing a song... no sound. I crank the volume all the way up, still nothing. I unplug the headphones, the speaker icon comes on, play an MP3 or a video... no sound.
    So, do I have a bad speaker or is there another setting somewhere I can enabe the speaker ? :/

    Thanks so much for answering!
    Well, the player has never worked properly. This problem is since the first time I tried to use the player two days ago!!
    Once the player is on, the keypad does just not respond, any of the keys. When I reset it, the player starts up again (the creative logo, the zen logo) and then the main menu displays, once there (where I am supposed to navigate through the menus and submenus) i just cannot do anything because of the keypad not responding.
    I already tried this sequence: reset + pressing play/pause at the same time while I turn it on, and nothing happens, I mean, it is everything all over again, no response from the keypad, so i can't even select the option i want from the recovery mode display.
    I have already connected the player through the usb cable to my PC and I can perfectly see the content of the player, all the music i previously saved, and even play it in my PC but doing nothing at all with the device!!
    does that mean that my new player is just faulty!?!? what a disappointment, I thought what a great present was!
    I would appreciate any new ideas! regards!

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    If you honestly think you're going to put a lot of music and movies on your iPod I would definitely recommend the 32GB.
    The standard song is about 3mb
    Movie is about 300mb depending on format
    And photos are pretty small about 1mb
    1000mb = 1GB
    I actually regret getting a 16GB iPad because I also have a lot of media to store. Just be safe and get the 32GB.
    I asked you how you're doing today sir, "No I don't need any help" isn't a proper response.

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    From the specs for the 2G iPod. Later specs do not specify songs:
    8GB, 16GB, or 32GB flash drive2
    Holds up to 1,750, 3,500, or 7,000 songs in 128-Kbps AAC format
    I expect the number for the 4H iPod will be a little less since the later iOSs take up more storage.

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    I would like to retain control of the computer using the monitor. I tried to set the monitor up as the primary display source using the monitor configuration menu,but it won't allow me to save the dvi connection as the primary display source. The documentation that came with the computer and what I was able to find on the Hp site is lacking....to say the least.
    Any assistance with this problem will be greatly appreciated.

    First I would disconnect the TV HDMI cable from the computer.  That should return the PC screen to normal.  May have to reboot to get normal.  Then reconnect the TV HDMI and go into the screen setup routine, paying attention to which screen is supposed to display what information.
    {---------- Please click the "Thumbs Up" to say thanks for helping.
    Please click "Accept As Solution" if my help has solved your problem. ----------}
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I do not work for HP.

  • My Zen 2gb wont even start up anymore

    Hello,?When i inserted my Creative Zen 2GB and was planning on removing some music from it..i picked out the music folders and pressed <delete>, so it started deleting, but at some point it didn't go on for 0 minutes so i did?<ctrl> + <alt> + <delete> and i closed down the process manually. Then i pulled out my Creative Zen and it did NOT go to its menu's again it kept saying? <Connected> (with the PC). Then i tried to plug it back in and again and again but it had no result, it kept saying <connected>.After i while i quited trying and was looking at my Zen when i saw the <reset> button on the side. I pressed this with a blunt needle and the sreen went black...and now i cant Boot it up or do anything with it, when i plug it into my PC i DO here a sound that something got connected but my Zen's sreen doesn't light up. So please, does anyone have ANY suggesting on how to solve this problem?Should i get it repaired or...
    Please help,?Mark

    I Tried now, but it seems my Zen doesn't work anymore, because if i try to turn it on, on the side, the blue light doesn't pop on :S..and there is no-way i can get to the battery because this Zen doesn't contain any screws..so i cant check if that is the problem.

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    I can't transfer video form my computer to my ipod. How can I solve this problem?

    Aw, come on, please... ):

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    Please help! I have a Apple MacBook Pro "Core i7" 2.8 13" Late 2011. i want to upgrade its RAM from 4GB to 16GB. But OWC sells two kinds of RAM, the DDR3 and the DDR3L.What is the different and which one would work better for my mac. Thanks!!!

    I don't see any DDR3L on the page for the RAM that would fit your model -> http://eshop.macsales.com/shop/memory/Apple_MacBook_MacBook_Pro/Upgrade/DDR3_133 3MHz_SDRAM.
    But the answer is that it doesn't really matter - just make certain to get 1333MHz.
    Good luck,
    MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), OS X 10.??, 16GB Crucial RAM, Crucial M500 960GB SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

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