ZEN Micro Power Adap

I just bought a ZEN MicroPhoto (8gb)--its great so far. I want to buy an AC charging cord/adaptor so I dont have to use my USB conect. on my computer. Can anyone tell me if I can use a standard 5 Volt Charger available at a lot of elect stores like best buy, without having to buy the ? I'm guessing as long as its a 5 volt charger, I can??

RBBrittain wrote:
You can charge the Micro thru the USB cable. You can also use chargers that connect thru 5-pin USB mini-B ports, like Blackberry and Motorola RAZR or MPx200 chargers; but to use them you'll have to either lock the player before charging (..0 firmware only) or set up a removable-disk partition (all other firmwares).
You *may* have to. I didn't need to
The Creative charger (available from this site and certain other retailers) reportedly charges faster than other chargers, and doesn't require "lock charging mode" or removable-disk setup.
It might do if it deli'vers more current, so it'll probably depend on the adapter. The RAZR v3 adapter only outputs 0.5A, whereas my Typhoon phone adapter produces A (the same as the Micro's adapter).

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    Yes, this is perfectly fine. Creative sells the same power adapter separately for the MicroPhoto. I use my Micro's. It gives more juice in a smaller period of time than the USB connection.

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    Hmm, maybe you can get a broken micro for cheap on ebay and just take the part, or send it to creative and pay for them to fix it.
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    It's best that you get an AC adapter, especially if you are not on the computer for long periods of time. Without the AC adapter, the charging may take up to 0 hours, depending on your computer. I have tried it and found that it only took 3 to 4 hours, but this reading is taken from a desktop PC.
    Most Zen Micros do not come with AC adapters and belt cli
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    F*** the store will do that! OMG ERRr
    ok ok.
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    Thanks SSR. I'll get the Slim then.
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    HI all,
    All PC's will drop down this down to the correct voltage regardless of location. Most PSU's on PC's have that little red switch switch which should never be touched that will change the PSU to accept either 0 or 22-240 Volts. So in short the PC's PSU does the work to drop this down to a standard voltage regardlesss of location.
    Also the power supply thats available for the Micro will accept any global voltage (0-240 v).
    Hope this clears it up.

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    You can purchase the standard power adapter from Creative at:
    Or if you travel to other countries, you can purchase the Uni'versal Travel Adapter from Creative at:
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    -A disgruntled former-Zen user.Message Edited by AbandonedHero on 0-30-2006:07 PM

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    kryc wrote:
    I'd also like to download OverDri've audio books from my local library if Creative is reading these messages.
    OverDri've audio books are in WMA DRM format; their "compatible players" link is to the PlaysForSure site. They should definitely work with 2.x (MTP/Janus or PlaysForSure) firmware; they probably will work with .x firmware as well, but you may have to use WMP, MediaSource, or ZMME to transfer them. (.x is not PlaysForSure because it uses a proprietary driver, so it's likely the OverDri've software won't support it directly.)

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    DerekR, I think you're referring to the so-called "super-drain" bug which appeared in the .0.02 firmware, the first firmware with standby time reduced to solve the other drain problems; it was quickly withdrawn and replaced with ..0, which solved both drain problems. 2.20.05, the 2.x-family firmware that contained the standby-time fixes, hasn't exhibited the "super-drain" problem. The latter two (..0 and 2.20.05) are the current Micro firmwares posted on this site.
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    Message Edited by RBBrittain on 0-07-2005 02:4 AM

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    The Zen Sleek player comes bundled with a power adaptor already. It's a uni'versal adaptor so you shouldn't have problem using in UK but you may have to buy converter to change the plug head.

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    SSR wrote:
    Well you take a risk buying it, although the guy has good feedback. Someone else bought a charger off eBay and it didn't work.
    i ordered exact same one and expecing it to ari've sometime next week, by tuesday hopefully...if you want i will let you know how it it

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