Zen Sleek Photo - battery quest

I'm a new Sleek Photo owner and I love this product. But questions arise from time to time so I thought I'd register on this Creative forum. Usually the forums give much better advise than the manufacturer.
Question ) Has anyone had to have the battery replaced yet?
Message Edited by Catherina-CL on 06-27-2006 03:09 PM

nylenny wrote:
But questions arise from time to time so I thought I'd register on this Creative forum. Usually the forums give much better advise than the manufacturer.
That's true. These forums are more help from what I have seen. As to the battery being replaced, most of the time, under normal use, the battery lasts 2-3 years. The player hasnt been out that long, so it would be rare to find someone who has replaced it.
Does yours show any signs of battery problems?

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    font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif">
    The only time it totally unlocks is when you either:
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    font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif">
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    To A clean up, if that doesnt work do a firmware reinstall, IF that doesnt work, so a reformat, you can do all of this using the rescue mode, by the way, use rescue mode to reinstall the firmware.
    For your battery issue, have you drained your battery down to 0% a lot? if so thats whats causing the issue with battery life, its really unhealthy for li-ion batterys to be drained to 0%. if you havent drained it much only once in a while like say once a month, then something else is wrong, make sure bass boost and custom eq are off along with smart volume. if there all off Drain the battery once more completely down to 0% and recharge it completely. tell me if that works, i dont visit this forum much now. you can email me or PM me here if its still bad so i dont have to go on looking and searching for this thread.

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    You can give firmware update a try but I'm afraid what coachop said is true. I don't have personal experience with screen replacements but sounds like this is the path where you're heading.

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    Taral88 wrote:
    I just bought a used ZenSleek photo 20G for my dad (67 year old guy who wants to listed to audiobooks), but I cannot get the device to connect to my Vista-run 32bit HP laptop.
    Here's the strange thing: I have a ZenSleek Photo of my own (at least 2 years old) that works perfectly. I plug it into my laptop with the same cable, in the same USB port, and the computer automatically opens the organizer for me to put stuff on the player.
    Both players show a Firmware of .0.0.
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    I've been reading about Vista/Creative incompatibility a lot, and am wondering if I need to find a computer with XP and Window's Media Player 0 to play around with firmware on the new player. But why would my Zen work great and this other player that is exactly the same model not?
    Have I just bought a piece of junk? or is there something I need to do?
    Any suggestions are welcome.
    What does Device Manager report on the device? I would not mess with the firmware just yet. Did you have the Creative software on the computer before or did you install it trying to get recognized? It should be recognized on Vista without any other software installed. Does the player turn on when you connect it or does the battery icon just flash for charging?

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    Thank you for your response. 4 to 6 hours and more for a full charge? Wow, I'm not going to forget to bring my power adapter then if I need to charge it in the future. That's basically a full work day. I have Zen Micro and it always charged from the USB fairly quickly. I was wrong to assume the Zen Sleek Photo would be similar.Message Edited by py258 on 08-03-2006 07:3 AM

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    Thanks, Sarah

    shoutingsteve wrote:
    The title says ti all. I am on Vista 64, but have tried the well known (or at least well published) solution of trying to reinstall the firmware using XP. I was playing music, then the playlist ended, I switched to a different playlist and the player wouldn't play. I restarted my zen, and it froze at the logo screen. I didn't worry, figured I would flash it when I got home. Plugged it in, let is charge a while just incase. Tried to update it by just downloading the firmware and double clicking. Said the player was not attached, so I detached and reattached it... and found it stuck in recovery mode. Scanned it (clean up), formatted it (tears...), and then finally said screw it and removed the firmware. This was all on the Vista machine.
    Why did you erase the firmware?The only thing you may have needed to do was to cleanup>reboot the player. The firmware updater file was written to be used on Xp with WMP0 ONLY so you will have to go back to a XP computer to reload the firmware. If the device completed the scan disc & format successfully then your hardri've should be fine. Charge the battery or have it connected to a wall charger so you don't have a dead battery while doing the firmware reload.

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    Or can somebody say it is still possible with the on/off button lit, that the battery is too low to display the message that it needs to be charged? But still, how can it be that the player is empty, if it automatically switches off when nothing happens? Sure, it's possible I left it on while playing, but it plays album time and then sto
    And if it doesn't detect any user-activity, it automatically switches off after 5 minutes.
    Has anyone got the same problem and knows the sollution for it's
    Please help, thanks!!
    Best regards,
    Maarten (Holland)

    Hi Maarten,
    If it's already charged, try resetting the player to see if it will start up then. If it hasn't been charged or you're not sure, leave it charging for a while first and then try the reset.
    If this does not help, then I would advise contacting Customer Support directly for assistance, as there could be a problem with the unit.

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    I have never used or owned an MP3 player before, but as I now travel a lot I intend to buy one.
    I have spent quite some time reading various reviews of MP3 players on the internet and the Zen Sleek Photo seems to suit my requirements.
    However the most important requirements to me, are that the player is mechanically robust and the software reliable. Is this the case with this player?

    The Zen Sleek Photo is a great player. I wish they'd give it an Audible update though.
    The player is fairly robust but I would advise purchasing a protecti've case rather than just using the pouch provided. This will prevent the screen getting scratched etc.
    Creative MediaSource Organiser and MediaExplorer are very easy to use (very much like Windows Explorer with a lot more features), and you can also use Windows Media Player 0 or Windows Explorer if you are used to these programs. If you are transferring photos you can get them to fit the screen better with MediaExplorer (select to resize for screen).
    -Sound quality is the best (as with all Creative players) and you can eliminate sreechy treble using customisable EQ
    -FM radio is powerful and not just a gimmick
    -Displays thousands of colours for photos
    -genuinely sleek and compact design
    -intuiti've navigation and software
    -good voice recorder (don't shout too loud very close up as this causes sound ripples in the display!)
    -can download music from just about anywhere, purchase or subscription
    -great 9-hour battery life
    -no Audible support
    -can't browse photos whilst listening to music, and no album art facility
    -plays aritsts/genres in normal play mode by alphabetical track title, not alphabetical album (recently discovered this)
    -can get display errors (probably a one off but my friend has a contrasting vertical line on his screen)
    -touchpad takes some getting used to
    -proprietary dongle for USB and charging, so you can't use any old USB cable or power supply
    Message Edited by joshua32 on <SPAN class=date_text>06-22-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>08:24 PM
    Message Edited by joshua32 on 06-22-2006 08:25 PM

  • Zen Sleek Photo, Connection/software prob

    I bought a Zen Sleek Photo 20 GB, installed the software, recharged the battery and connected it properly to my pc. Now my PC gives me a message that it can install the driver, wich I thought i already had by installing the software. anyways, I click OK, but it doesn't seem to find anything, and it also says this, so I click [X]
    I register online, all the codes and whatsoever, click Creative Zen Sleek Photo Media Explorer and... nothing 'Your creative Zen sleek photo isn't connected to your PC' it says, but it totally is!
    So my pc seems to recignise my Sleek Photo as being a 'Zen Creative' but the software doesn't! something's odd here, since I properly installed, registered and connected it. On 3 different USB's, both direct ports as Hubs.
    Now I might also include that although my pc seems to recognise the Sleek Photo, on-screen of my Sleek Photo, there is no indication whatsoever that it notices it's connected to the PC.
    I read something about the Firmware ( which I can't install since I don't have Service Pack ).
    The MediaSource Organiser seems to be working fine though.
    I re-installed the Software TWICE, reseted and disk-cleared the Zen Sleek Photo, but nothing seems to work. can someone help me? I'm really desperate for help
    And i totally don't want to have spent ?99.95 ( Plus ?9.95 for some kick-ass headphones ) for nothing here
    I think I posted about everything hee now. any ideas or comments? thanx in advance.

    I have Windows 2000 so this means I "can't" buy Zen Sleek Photo because it requires Windows XP?
    Or is it possible to use Zen sleek photo in Windows 2000 somehow. I don?t need WMediaplayer (0) or Creative MediaSource, they are not so important in use I think.
    Can I install drivers to W2000?
    (I?m from Finland, sorry for bad english. Hard Rock Halleluja!)

  • Using Zen Micro and Zen Sleek Photo software on one compu

    I have had a Zen Micro for a while. No problems using it. I just bought a Zen Sleek Photo. I am going to let my daughter use the Micro and I will be using the Sleek Photo but haven't set it up yet. Can I use the software that I loaded for the Zen Micro for the Zen Sleek Photo to load music and recharge the battery? I checked on the Zen Micro- system information it is version 2..02. But I am assuming the Zen Micro software will not work on the Sleek Photo. I have only one computer and want to be able to use both MP3 players. So do I have to delete the Micro software before loading the Sleek photo software? Will the Sleek photo software work with the Micro to load music into the Micro and let me recharge the battery? I have windows XP and windows media player 0.

    The Zen Micro Photo uses MTP for accessing the unit. If it is detected in WMP0 properly, then that is all you REALLY need. You may find the Micro Photo Media Explorer software usefull if you intend to use the contacts / tasks items, but that is the only program I would say is "needed" to get full function.

Maybe you are looking for