Zen Vision M 6

Hi there, I'm thinking of buying an "MP3" recorder/player and am looking at the Creative Zen Vision M with the 60 gig HDD, I am currently researching a few other ones like the "usual suspects" Apple iPod, IRi'ver and Cowon iAudio. It seems to me that the players with the best sonic audio quality are the Zen and iAudio however I am looking for one important feature which may or may not exist on any of these players... I'm looking for a DJ Mixing mode so that I can program tracks to fade in-out at certain intervals. I know there are plenty of PC base programs like Sandbox and Zara Radio that do this but I'm looking for a similar facillity on a portable player so I can use it'sto play music at gigs ie a sort of auto-pilot DJ. Does anyone in Creative have an answer to this or any of the contrbuters here. If Creative were to introduce this feature then it would become the most popular player in the world amoungst us DJs...or should that be XJs nowadays.

Are you looking for something specific for the player, like an accessory? Or are you having a problem with it's

Similar Messages

  • Zen Vision M 30GB - How to edit more than one tag at once

    I?m looking for a comfortable way to edit the tags on my player. I?ve installed ZEN Vision M Series Media Explorer, but I can only add one file at once. I?ve tried a normal tageditor, but I can't see the player in the device list.
    Does anyone know a tool for editing more than one file at once ?

    I do it in winamp, and then i copy songs back to player .)

  • MediaSource Recognition Problem? (Zen Vision:

    OK, I had a Zen 20GB for the last year and I loved it to bits. Worked great, but just before Christmas it fell in some water and died . I replaced it with a 60GB Zen Vision:M and didn't mind too much because I had less than GB of space left and would have had to replace it soon anyway.
    Now onto my question. With my Zen 20GB when I used Media Source (I think v.3 came with it but I can't remember) it would let me search my Zen and edit tracks in it. The search function was IMO fantastic, especially with a music collection as large as mine. Now when I connect my ZV:M it connects fine. I've transferred plenty of music without bother using Windows Media Player.
    However, when I open Media Source (both v.3 and v.5) it doesn't give me any option to explore my Zen like it did when I had my 20GB. I can still explore it using the Zen Explorer, but since this doesn't let you edit the properties for several tracks at a time I find it very frustrating.
    Also, if I chose to "Transfer Music", "Transfer Playlist" or "Sync Music" in Media Source I get the message "No Creative mp3 player is detected. Please connect your mp3 player and try again."
    Now, I know it's connected since I can explore the contents fine in Zen Explorer and I can transfer to it using WMP. Is there something I haven't installed correctly that is stopping Media Source from recognising my player? It just seems strange since it seems to be the only application not working for it.
    Thanks for the help (and sorry if this has been covered else where. I searched but couldn't find anything).

    You must also download and install the corresponding MediaSource plugin for your MP3 player in order for MediaSource 5 to detect your MP3 player.

  • NOT so happy CONCLUSION after all -- Installation of my ZEN Vision M (30 G

    Sunday 2/3/06
    Let's see, I had a problem with losing my AUDIO. Finally, I had to do a full re-install on my S.B. Audigy 2zs. I even moved it to a different PCI connector on the MB. After a full re-installation... sweet sound again.
    As to the Zen itself, I keep having problems.... I am trying to update all the applications (C MediaSourde and C Media explorer) and even there I am finding problems.
    When I download the upgrade file to my PC ([color="#ff3300">CMS5_PCAPP_LB_5_0_38.exe), and?try opening it, it HANGS... that's it... so I have not been able to upgrade it. And if I don't upgrade it, then I will have the same erratic behavior will all these applications. They work sometimes and sometimes they don't.
    If I really force the issue, opent the explorer and the MediaSource, where I have my "library" of songs... and WHEN the ZEN is recognized by everyone (This is ramdon condition, sometimes yes, many times no), I am able to drag and drop some songs from my "library"?to the ZEN.... but I?still don't have a clear path to do this consistently... ?
    Tuesday report 2/26/06:?
    [color="#ff0000"](I?don't want anybody to get the ideal all is well now... I thought it was... Yesterday, but not today)
    Today I?was able to?to Rip a couple of CDs and "transfer" them to the ZEN. Some of the songs?have noises?though... I don't know what causes that. But the applications are still buggy, they don't work consistently all the time. I just "sense" something is not right with my PC.
    [color="#ff0000"]No only that... This installation knocked off my Audio!... even though I have a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2zs platinum! (Audio Card)... So I have NO SOUND right now?and therefore I can not use WMP-0 to rip cd's because it tells me I have not audio and I am not in the mood to deal the WMP now. So I had to use the Creative MediaSource 5, to do the ripping and the synchronizing. It did the job ok, except for the noise...
    I tried everything to re-install my Audio. Tried the latest dri've...Nothing. Went back to my old one (before this installation) and it DID NOT work either!? Amazing how complicated this has become....
    Monday report 2/25/06: I did not do much on the Zen today. But I did notice the WPM 0, still goes crazy (crashed) when trying to find the Zen. The WMP0 crashed today once. Also, there seem to be some conflict among certain programs... It almost seems as if more than one applications is biding for the Zen when they see it. (i.e. if the WMP is open and try opening the Creative Explorer app... it will not open... but only until I close the WMP...then the apps springs up just like that. That's it. - Good night.
    I SO, IT seems like I am not out of the woods yet... I wonder if I ever will.
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#ff3300">?
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#ff3300">Quick Tips (I see people asking the same questions)
    If your ZEN seems "dead" then you need to RESET it. How? insert a "clip" (or other sharp tool. Clip works best) in the hole for RESET, located at the bottom of the ZEN (by the "dongle" connector)<?
    Connect your ZEN to a "USB-PORT" (not to a "hub")?A USB-PORT is located on your computer (the box). A "Hub" is a little box connected to one USB-PORTS and it "splits" this port into several USB-Connectors... ideally useful for "devices" that do not required lost of information or current (i.e. mouse, drawing table, keyboard, etc). Devices that required a continuous or heavy amounts of information (i.e. External Hard Dri'ves, Camcorders, Webcams sometimes, required an individual USB-PORT)<?Two things here:?- This link is for the original messagehttp://forums.creative.com/creativel...essage.id=7293?[size="+2"][color="#ff0000"]2- Happy Conclusion installing the ZEN Vision M (30 Gig)<i>(I am writing this for several reasons. Mainly, because it was a difficult installation and I wanted to summarize the 200 or 300 steps/actions I did that led me to solve the problem successfully. I always do this when I have a difficult installation and then I save it for the next time I need it (i.e. changing computers). I certainly don?t want to waste all that effort. One thing I learned about ?technology? is hard to learn it but it can be forgotten so easily, if you don?t take notes.)</i>
    <p align="center">---------------------------------------
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">What was causing the problem?
    Two things:
    First, problems with Windows and the computer itself.
    Second, the Creative applications were horrible at first, they would not open right away and when they did? sometimes 5 or 0 seconds later? they would crash just by clicking on something? and so Windows kept giving me those Error boxes and I kept sending them to Microsoft?(I must have sent at least 00 if not more!) I was also having problems with my graphics, every time an application would crash, then all kind of weird graphics would take place when dragging things around. I also had problems at one time with my Anti-virus/fire-wall Icon going dark after several re-boots, so I had to kick it to get it working?. Oh well, I just want you to get a flavor for how bad things were yesterday.
    When I first installed the software, nothing worked!... My computer was noticeably SLOWER and SLUGHISH? Actually I was worry about my computer itself because I have never seen it this bad!... I thought a virus the size of an elephant had gotten into the pc somehow, no kidding so I ran the anti-virus, anti-spy, just to make sure. Sometimes if you firewall is down, you can get viruses in an instant!... I hope you people know this by now. And if the firewall fails and viruses get in, is just at moments like these? when you are trying to get things to work and downloading stuff from the Internet and so on.
    The computer was just sloooowww? sluggish?.. and crashy (new word?)?.
    I must have rebooted my system from 40 to 50 times, and I am not exaggerating. At some point I even had trouble turning off the PC. There were like three time where it would just sit there in ?limbo? (hung/crashed), so I had to actually switch the?PC OFF on the back of the box, the only way to turn it off? And of course, when you do that, you can be sure you will have all kinds of interesting things when you try to boot up again! (like all kinds of funny displays on my screen, or Windows giving me the ?black screen and white text? asking me to choose a way to boot up, like ?boot up normally? or ?boot up using the last configuration that worked,? (I did this like?7 times all together).
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">So how did?everything go?from ?so bad? to ?so wonderful?? <i>I don?t really know exactly!</i>
    But I suspect three things happened:
    - Windows sent me a couple of upgrades (I get them automatically)? I have NO IDEA what they were, but whatever they were, helped!
    ?2 - As I read and read, things began to come back to my brain. Especially a post reply that gave me the hint (Reformatting the dri've in the Zen) would finally let me ?transfer? my stuff to the Zen
    ?3 - An lastly, after I have ?cleaned, reformatted the dri've, got rid off the ?firmware? (not a good thing to do), Then I could not make Windows see the ZEN no matter what I did!? I did what worked before (connecting and disconnecting the USB cable from the white adapter (dungle?) connected to the ZEN). Usually when you do this, Windows being a ?plug and play? OS, it usually ?sees? when a new ?device? is plugged in one of the USB ports, or disconnected from a port, as well. In other words it ?recognizes? the device (connectivity) and if the software and driver are already install, the device should come ali've and work! That is the reason you always install the software and drivers first, and usually re-boot the system once, so that when you connect the ?device? (ZEN), it should work!
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">Let me recap I what happened:
    ?- I installed the s/w and as I already said, it was horrible.
    ?2- The Windows updates, somehow were helping a little bit.
    ?3- I also downloaded the latest updates from Creative.com (downloads/upgrades). I downloaded the ?firmware? (the ?upgrade,? <i>which is the OS=Operating System for the ZEN. Just like ?Windows? is to the PC)</i> and other ?patches? for?the ?creative media source 5? and ?Zencast organizer? (3 updates). I am sure this upgrades helped some, as well.
    ?4- After trying so many times, I was finally able to open the ?Zen Media Explorer? (Icon looks like a picture of the Zen). When this opens, it shows you everything inside the Zen just like in the ?explorer? (nice). That meant I had connectivity! (good).
    ?5- Since I had ?connectivity? (access) to the ZEN, My next attempt was to ?transfer? some files down to the ZEN? but this proved impossible!... Somehow, at some?point, by accident (I?did not even notice it)? I was able to transfer ONE song to the ZEN, which gave me hope. After all, if you can do it once, you should be able to do it again. BUT, I couldn?t
    ?6- Then a nice lady?who responded to my first post, told me she had basically the same problems and the solution was to ?Clean and re-format? the ?Disk dri've?in the ZEN. She said that once she?did that, everything would sort of fall into place? and she was right!
    ?7- I unplugged the ZEN from the PC and read somewhere how ?to clean, reformat, upgrade or replace the ?firmware,? Not sure still, but it'ss something like ?resetting (with a clip) the Zen and holding the ?power? slide in the ON position? something like that, and that brings a special screen with 4 choices:
    Reformat dri've (erases everything!), <
    Replace firmware (careful here!), <
    Reboot. <
    Then it'ss pretty easy?to do a lot of ?damage? in a few seconds!... ([color="#ff3300">careful here if you are not used to the sensitivity of the "touch-pad")In my case I did not care since I had not put anything there yet. I erased EVERYTHING!... (not a good thing). I should have been more careful and simply use option 2 (reformat the dri've). Chances are this would have been enough to transfer songs to the ZEN. But since I get crazy when doing stuff like this, I went ahead a cleaned everything.
    ?8- Then I realized I had erased the ?firmware. As you already know this is the ?heart? of the Zen. (like Windows to the PC). Finally I went to Creative.com/downloads and downloaded it (the full version). But if you remember in #3, I had also downloaded the ?firmware? upgrade as well. The reason this is significant, is, that when I finally recovered ?connectivity? to the ZEN, I? tried both files, but the one that ZEN accepted was the upgrade! (I found this interesting? since I would have thought the full version would have been the correct choice? see?... little things you learn.
    ?9- As I already gave you a hint in #8, once I had the ?firmware? ready to install, the system kept telling me it could NOT see the ZEN. I connected and disconnected the USB cable several times? rebooted the pc? this helps sometimes, but nothing!... FINALLY, I read somewhere, I should go to the ?device manager? and check what was going on.. ? EUREKA ? indeed I found the ZEN with a ?Yellow mark? on the side, which always means trouble. Basically, I used the ?uninstall? option (based of the principle that simply ?un-installing and installing back something? sometimes this works. In other words, the ZEN was ?stucked. So when I ?removed? It from the ?Device Manager? list (I don?t recall if I rebooted here? but it never hurts!), then all of the sudden? a little icon in Windows (on the small tray=bottom right corner (with the clock and Date),? acknowledged?a new deviced had been connected to Windows. (connectivity back again! Yeahhh).
    ?0- Now that had ?connectivity? (Big step), I could try installing the ?firmware. And as I already explained, the ?upgrade? was the one that ZEN took. As soon as you clicked on the file, a box opened and asked if you wanted to install the ?firmware. I said yes and voila!... The Zen started accepting it's and when it ended, just like a PC, the ZEN rebooted itself and I was able to see the familiar interface (the same folders as before) but not contents at all? empty!
    ?- At this?point?I opened the ?Creative Media Source organizer,? went to my ?playlist? and from there, just click and drag some songs and dropped them on top of the Zen Icon (just like dropping files in a folder). And yes, the files were finally ?transferred? to the ZEN. Unplugged the USB cable from the Zen (or the Zen does not play anything). The songs were there and I was FINALLY able to listen to them from the ZEN!... Wonderful. Oh yes, using the same technique (drag and drop), I put a wmv video and was able to watch it as well... Now I know why people rave about the little screen... nice!
    ?2- In the mean time, without noticing? Just like the nice lady?from the post said, everything seemed to have fallen into place!
    ?In Summary: The applications ( the creative programs=icons)?were opening normally and quickly now, and many of the errors I got before when clicking on certain things, disappeared. I am sure I will still find some problems here and there, but basically the thing works now the way it is supposed to.
    ?Just a matter of clicking, dragging and dropping items?into the Zen?.yes, that simple!
    ?Good luck!
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-26-2006:39 AM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-3-20060:32 AM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-3-200602:26 PM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 0-02-200702:3 AM

    [url="http://web6.streamhoster.com/em2253/ZEN/ZenDeviceManager.wmv]See Movie[/url]?Hi, take a look at the movie... hopefully I answer to your question is there. [b]Let me know if you can NOT see it... [/b]and I will send you a picture. [color="#ff0000"]and if you can see the movie, give me feedback on it. Did it look ok in your computer? (it changes with all computers depending on your setting and player!). [color="#ff0000"]Was the sound ok?I almost wish I had not titled this post as "Happy Conclusion." It was happy but only a day or two... then I started having other problems... unbelievable. So, If I gave the wrong impression, sorry!

  • Creative Zen Vision M Media Explorer does not work on Vi

    I plugged in my device, all I can see was the name of the device under Portable Devices.
    When I access Media Explorer, it said my device is not connect but in fact it actually is.
    If I copy a file via Portable Devices, it automatically freezes up my computer.
    Any idea how to resolve this problem?
    Best regards,
    TriMessage Edited by trihhoang on 0-23-200702:32 PM

    You should be able to use WMP 2 to sync your files to the player . As long as the files have album art it will transfer. You can not add the album art to files that are already one the player .You would have to delete & then sync the files that have the art. Also You may be able to use the Zen Vision M Explorer for Vista on the Win7 just install using compatibilty mode for Vista (if Win7 has that as an option) there was one written for 64 bit systems as well as 32 bit. You can tell which is which by the file name. 64 is in the file name for a 64bit system/ 32 in the 32 bit system file name.http://support.creative.com/Products...VARSET=prodfaq:PRODFAQ_433,VARSET=CategoryID:23 Click on View all Downloads

  • Problems Please help...zen vision

    I have an Creative Zen vision and installed it and the computer detect it but I cant install it because the computer cant find the drivers? and I have sp2 and windows media player 0... HELP!!

    I also am having this issue. Where I have installed the software for the M and after doing so I plug it in and get the Driver installation that fails to find drivers. If I try to open the creative explorer or the firmware upgrade released yesterday both say no device attached.

  • Creative Zen Vision: M 30 gb - DRM information corrupt or missing.....???????

    So I just started having this problem yesterday but it seem I'm the only ever to have it. I've scanned every page I can and can't find a solution. Yesterday I started playing my music then all of the sudden it stopped. Granted I was having problems before even though I just got this unit a month..........! I sent an email and still haven't received a response.
    Here's the problem. While listening to my music yesterday I encountered a message saying - Playback Error. This error persisted after changing the track. After going home and reformatting, reinstalling firmware, downgrading -> upgrading firmware, reformatting over and over and over again, disk clean up, system restore, reboots, default restore, reformatting, again reformatting, deleting every piece of information I could delete...... you might be getting the picture so far.... After doing all of this I was unable to download tracks again onto my MP3 player. The only ones I can upload are unprotected content. I got thinking maybe there is a problem in my DRM file..... Where is my DRM file on the MP3 player and how do I delete it's You can't. At least not what I found. So again I tried everything over and over again and nothing works. I'm at my wits end trying to figure this out. I have a 30gb Creative Zen Vision: M player, Windows XP/Vista 64, Napster ToGo and now I can't use my MP3. This unit is a month old and I cannot use it. PLEASE HELP ME. This is very long winded but I'm hoping this will help a little. Thanks in advance, I'm going insane without my music.

    Well I have never used a service like that. That's all I can think of off hand.

  • There's video problems with my Zen Vision:M already (M video cable related) Please help

    Some background...
    System:Windows XP with Service Pack 2.
    Player: Brand new Creative Zen Vision: M with no firmware updates.
    My Zen Vision:M has a problem (besides the scratch and fingerprint attracting top surface): It won't play videos on a TV screen when the M Video Cable (also from Creative) is linked to it anymore. It's only been a few hours...
    I had the cable already, and got the player today. I let the player charge to /4th of a battery while I was setting up all the software. I ran the software programs just to take a peek, only changing the name of my player (to my name). I used Winamp 5.3 to put a music track on the player to test it. After that, I hooked it up to the VCR in my room through the white and yellow A/V plugs in front. It worked just fine. It to the tv a little large, but I was okay with it.
    Later on today, the new AC charger I ordered came in the mail (Player came through UPS, charger through USPS). I looked at my old charger (Creative Zen Touch) and realized it would work with the plug-in part of the sync unit at the bottom. I tested it for a minute and it did. I still took it out and tried the new one. This is where, I think, something happened. I had to press the sides to get the thing in, and it was hard to come out. Everything still fit just right, and nothing seemed to be wrong. I used my old charger as I added more of my music library. Now it was on to videos. I had to convert the first two test vids (they were .wmv), but they played on my player fine. I put a bigger .wmv file onto the player to see if it had to convert it, and it did. It still played on the player. When I go to hook it to the TV with the A/V cord again, there was nothing but a black screen with the occasional diagonal scan line. The sound is still there.
    Besides quirks with the navigational system, the player is still great for music and video. Still, I needed no video capability, and one of the things that made the ZVM a buy for me was watching my vids on the big screen. I'd return this for a second try, but I want to know if this is a recurring issue with you guys and if there's something I can do to fix it before a return. Did I mess with a setting? Should I get new firmware? Did I do wrong using my old charger? If any of you have an answer, or need more info on my situation, please let me know.
    And BTW, does anyone know of some better software for organizing files on the ZVM? I used Winamp for my Zen Touch and the music on my ZVM, but videos are another ballpark. I can't transfer a video from one folder to another folder (assuming both folders are on the ZVM). Not to mention the music I transferred using Winamp isn't even showing up in Windows Media Player. I think I need a different program altogether.

    I have got a new Creative Zen Vision W and getting the same problem....when i attach to the tv then i am able to hear the audio content and the video does not show.Are we missing something ? or is it a problem with the player. Also the software provided with the Zen converts small .vob files to .wmv when ever the size is large it gives an error 'conversion?unsucessful'.Any body facing similar problems please help.

  • Zen Vision:M files disappe

    I recently uploaded some videos to my Zen Vision:M. They all appeared on my Zen for awhile, but the last time I went to look at them all but disappeared. I plugged my Zen into the computer and used Media Explorer to browse to the video folder. Sure enough, they were all there. I browsed to a couple other folders and came back to the Video folder(s) (there are two) and...there was only one video there. The one that I could still see on my Zen. I deleted all the videos that were missing, and reuploaded them using Windows Media Player 0. I also used Creative Video Converter to add a couple more. Once again, all but the same video appeared, and once again sometimes I could see them on the computer, and sometimes I couldn't.
    Any suggestions? This makes no sense.

    I think I found the problem - since there are two video folders I deleted all the videos once I was able to see them and removed one of the video folders. This has cleared up my problem. I don't know why I had two video folders in the first place.

  • Zen Vision M & Creative Organise

    I updated my Zen Touch to a Zen Vision M last summer and successfully transferred my tracks (sort of) but I am having problems with the new, updated Creative Organiser?5.
    In the previous version I was using, I could manipulate the information on my Zen DIRECTLY, "seeing" the device and the information in exactly the same way as if it were in my computer library and I was able to alter a?WHOLE?album at a time of information eg I had a double album that automatically ripped with the artist's name spelt slightly differently for each disc, thereby creating a whole?DIFFERENT album!?to put it right, I would highlight all of the tracks of one album and change one entry of the artist's name and they would all change.
    In the current version of organiser, I can change the Album Artist, but only one track at a time and as I have made each audio book appear as ONE ALBUM (by laboriously renumbering all the tracks sequentially from disc to disc?as I ripped them - no laughing matter I can assure you!) to change 400 tracks individually isn't something I want to contemplate!
    Now with this version, although I can SEE the information on the Zen, I am not able to change anything!
    Indeed, Creative Organiser 5 appears to have?many less columns than previous versions and I have noticed some flaws in some of my old recordings of?audiobooks and would like to correct it, but cant as the columns are no longer there to change!? EG Album Artist, Contributing Artist (where I would put for example J K Rowling, Stephen Fry) But now, they only have Album Artist!
    Also, GENRE!!!!!!
    !!! What has happened to this very useful function?!? Again, in the old version of?Organiser I would highlight and change a whole album to show the same entry, but not only can I NOT seem to VIEW by genre, I cannot see how to alter those that I created in the old version.
    I have looked in the Creative Help, but it keeps talking about editing items in the Music Library, NOT on the MP3 player.
    If it is not possible to re-create the old functions in the new Creative Organiser 5, does anyone have any suggestions of other Creative-compatible programs I could try? Some time ago I was recommended to MediaMonkey, which I quite liked and indeed, in fact previously I used Microsoft Media Player, which I PREFERRED to Creative Organiser, but neither of those programmes recognise the Zen Vision M!
    Any advice, help and general wisdom would be appreciated!!

    Well if you are running the same version, the only other possibilities I could think off that might be causing problems are :A)? Bad registry EntriesB) Possibly Bad DLL'sMediasource uses MicrosoftJet/MDAC libraries for maintaining the backend database. Its possible that one of the microsoft MDAC files is bad, corrupt, or the wrong version causing the playlist database inside mediasource to misbehave. You can go to Microsoft site and try downloading and running their MDAC checker utility.http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/i...splayLang%3den?(if the above link doesn't work, go to http://download.microsoft.com and search for "mdac checker" and it will show up on the list)?Download and run the checker, and see if it finds any problems with your MDAC installation.My system is running Windows XP SP2 and has MDAC 2.8 SP installed.
    The file revisions for most all the MDAC files show as 2.8.7 on my system. At this point am just guessing, but the above is something to try to see if we can figure out what is different between your system and mine.

  • Zen Vision:M

    Hi, I dropped my Zen Vision:M in to the toilet yesterday when I walked in watching a movie (so no, it wasn't in use, thankfully) and it hit the seat then was fully submerged for about second. When I grabbed it out, it wasn't off, but the screen kept flashing and it was making some extremely strange noises like whining, clicking etc. A lot of water came out of it and the noises were quite loud. I tried to turn it off using the power button but it wouldn't, so I put it in a cupboard for the night to try and let it dry out. This morning I looked at it and there was condensation behind the screen, so I left it for another 7-8 hours while I was away at school. I came back and it looked dry, so I plugged it in and turned it on but it still makes the same clicky noises. The LED comes on and it sounds like the hard dri've is trying to work, resulting in the noises. The screen doesn't come on at all.
    So what should I do? Should I leave it to dry out more or try charging it up fully, because I thought this might explain why the screen didn't come on.
    Also, I know this isn't covered by the warranty so if it does need repairing, and it can be repaired, can someone give me an estimate of how much that would be? I can't really afford another one because I'm a student, and I really liked my Zen while I had it, so if it could be repaired for not too much that would be great.
    Thanks for your help in advance.Message Edited by alexgalgut on 09-9-200706:7 PM

    When you've left it the two weeks,?when you attach it to your computer, if it is recognised then I suggest you access the recovery utility and re-format your hard-dri've - if any sectors have been damaged by water then the formatting process will mark those sectors as bad and therefore un-usable. I'd then transfer your music across and fully charge the player. If the screen or hard-dri've are damaged and you feel brave then you could buy a replacement lcd screen/hard-dri've from somewhere like eBay and try replacing them yourself (there's instructions online and video tutorials on YouTube showing you how to take your player apart). Creative are very unlikly to repair your player and if they are interested (which I doubt)?then it will?probably be just as cheap to replace the unit. Water has a habit of getting everywhere and damaging components to the point where nothing can be done except buy a new player. Sorry I can't be more positi've, hopefully it'll dry out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  • Zen Vision M Hanging Is

    I have a new Zen Vision M I picked up in Singapore last week (June , 2006). It seems to hang quite a bit. When this happens it will repeat the last perhaps 6th second of audio over and over....kind of a long stutter and not respond to any buttons. I have had to reset the device using the hole at the bottom. I had to do this several times on the Singapore -> Melbourne flight (6+ hours). In the last week I have had to reset several more times. Once when powering it up it hung. It seems I have to keep a pin taped to the device to regularly reset it. Looking around on this site I see references to this problem happening with Firmware version .2x, but this device came with .30.02 on it when I purchased it. Just in case I tried downloading .30.02 and installing it anyway, but all I get is a message that says: Your player is not connected, please connect your player.
    I would love to see this problem go away and I look forward to any suggestions on how to fix it.

    I had similar problems with a Zen Vision M purchased less than two weeks ago.
    I was running firmware .40.x at the time, so that was not the problem.
    I did the Rescue Mode Clean up of the dri've. But the problem recurred. So that was not the problem.
    Thinking it might be some form of electronics or hard dri've problem, I just let the player play music continuously trying to exacerbate the problem and get it to reproduce the problem.
    After a week of owning it, the player became so wedged that not even a reset would resolve the problem. Literally the unit would not reboot and I had to let the battery completely run out as there was no way to do a hard power reset (i.e. pull the battery).
    Last night I returned it to BestBuy and exchanged it for a new unit. So far no problems withn the past 20 hours. (The first unit had some UI sluggishness and non responsi'veness the first day out). While the unit booted fine at the BestBuy exchange department, by the time I was signing the paperwork for the exchange, the technician on duty said the player had hung itself.
    I'm letting the player play music continously to see if player was a bum player or of player 2 is part of a manufacturing batch problem.
    I like my wife's Creative Zen Microphoto so am disappointed by the experience with this first ZVM and the fact that I only got an automated reply from Creative Customer support and no other responses after 0 days.

  • Zen Vision:M Defect!! No response from Customer Suppo

    I owned zen vision:M for only two days but it gave me hard time. the buttons does not work at all. I've contacted the creative customer support but there is no response, here is the original message that I sent to the customer support:
    <EM>This is very weird but please let me know if this is just the defect of one product or this is the common defect of Zen Vision M. The problem is like this:</EM>
    <EM>I was lying on the bad while watching video on the player, I felt tired and turn around to the right side and I accidentally pressed a button on the player. Suddenly the light on the button became very dim(usually it is bright blue but it was dim dark blue at the time) and all of the buttons stopped functioning correctly!! The verticle touch pad did not work, the buttons went crazy and totally misfunctioning!! Luckily I bought a wired remote and when I tried to use it to control the player it worked. Seemed that it was the player itself that was not working. I tried to fix it and after I put the player in different directions and shaked it and randomly pressed the buttons, it went back to normal. The bad thing is, the next day this situation happened again -- when I lied on bed watching video and turned around and pressed some buttons, the player went nuts!! The only difference was that this time it took me much more time to get it back to normal and I don't know why and how I got it bad and got it work. </EM>
    <EM>That is the description of the problem, God I owned the player for only two days and it gave me twice the weird experience, which I never want to experience again!! My guess is there might be some welds on the circuit that are not properly soldered. </EM>
    <EM>Please give me a solution on it as soon as possible, so that I have time to decide if I am going to keep this player or return it. It is 3:30 in the morning and the player made me mad.</EM>
    I do not comment on this but if anyone sees this message you can think it yourself. Anybody give me an advise, should I exchange for a new one or should I consider for an ipod.

    The same thing has happened to me. I have not called Creative yet because I wanted to check here before to see if anyone has had the same problem. I turned it on this morning and none of the buttons were working correctly. Let me know if you get a response and what the solution is.

  • Zen Vision:M unusual freez

    I know there are like 0 of these a day, but I can't find any threads with my problem. Today I had to reset my ZEN Vision:M more than 0 times. It would crash halfway through a song, while scrolling through menus, when being nudged LIGHTLY or on the LOW BATTERY or startup screens, once even the second after it rebuilt itself. I've not had this problem before today. I did drop it a couple of days ago from like a 2ft hight, but it has a rubber cover on it that hopefully absorbed most of the blow. It has frozen in the past when dropped, but vary rarely does this happen. I got it for christmas so it should still be in warrenty. However, at the join along the side of the player the two sections are coming apart VERY slightly, like a milimetre, and this was not to do with droppings. tiny parts of the paint on the back have been clipped off and there is a small scratch on one button. Is this enough to void the warenty? I really hope not, but this could be seen as misuse. maybe. Can anyone help with this problem? I'd be very appreciati've.

    Try to not switch songs too quick you know what i mean. Gi've your player like 2 seconds to reposnd and then press stuff. I noticed the player kind of lags and it had crahsed on me a few times when i was listening to a song and scrolling through a bunch of photos.

  • Zen Vision M or Zen V P

    I'm going to buy Creative mp3 player and i'm looking at these: Zen Vision M(30gb) or Zen V Plus(4gb).
    So I need advice which to buy. First I was thinking about Zen V Plus (4gb). I found that it cost 229$, but when I looked at Vision's price it was only ~70$ more than V Plus and it has ~4.5x more space than V Plus...
    And about removable disk storage... With which player I can easily store my files in removable disk storage?

    You can set aside a certain amount of the ZVMs disk space for personal storage. But one thing to consider is are you going to use the player. i.e. casual walking around or while working out in a gym. Hard dri've based players aren't the best for use in the gym you risk damage to the player due to the ZVM being a hard disk. a Flash based like Zen V Plus is better suited for the gym

  • Zen Vision:M Problem (Firmware + Recovery Mode) (please un-sti

    (apologies on the sticky, i misclicked!)
    I've had my Zen Vision:M 30GB for over a year now, and I absolutely love it! Unfortunately, while on my New Years vacation this past week I accidentally dropped it after it tangled in my headphones. Immediately afterwards, I started getting the "recovery mode" problem that seems to crop up. Unable to get past this(it booted only once every million-or-so tries), I decided to use the "MP3 recovery tool" from Creative's site
    Unfortunately, it froze up halfway through, and now is giving me a "Hard Disk error". I tried to reformat, and it seemed to wipe it clean...but now it wont even recognize it when I plug it into my USB port to put in new firmware! (The PC recognizes it, but not the Firmware installation)
    I don't know what else I can do....any ideas/help, please?
    (I looked at Creative's support pages, but they only deal with Warranty repairs, which I don't have as it was a gift.) Can they repair/replace a broken non-warranty player, and if so, for how much?
    Or is there another solution I haven't tried yet?
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!Message Edited by leova on 0-02-200805:06 PM
    Message Edited by leova on 0-02-200805:08 PM

    Customer Support can also arrange out of warranty repairs, and can advise on the price.

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