ZIDOC From Ztable. ?

Hi Experts,
    I have some Requirement i which i Need to create an Outbound IDOC From Z table. ( Any New Insertion / Updation of record in this Z table ).
    There is no standard IDOC which I can use for this functionality.
    Can Anybody tell me is it possible ? if Yes how to Do it.
    Can anybody give me steps how to configure this.
    Any Sample Program / FM to do this. ?
    I am Already having a Partner Profile & distribution Model Rady.
    Pl. Note that I want this to happend as soon as record is getting added in this table. I dont want to execute any program in Background & then push this data.
   it should be real time.

Data Creation in Idoc
IDocs are text encoded documents with a rigid structure that are used to exchange data between R/3 and a foreign system. Instead of calling a program in the destination system directly, the data is first packed into an IDoc and then sent to the receiving system, where it is analyzed and properly processed. Therefore an IDoc data exchange is always an
asynchronous process. The significant difference between simple RFC-calls and IDoc data exchange is the fact, that every action performed on IDocs are protocolled by R/3 and IDocs can be reprocessed if an error occurred in one of the message steps.
While IDocs have to be understood as a data exchange protocol, EDI and ALE are typical use cases for IDocs. R/3 uses IDocs for both EDI and ALE to deliver data to the receiving system. ALE is basically the scheduling mechanism that defines when and between which partners and what kind of data will be exchanged on a regular or event triggered basis. Such a set-up is called an ALE-scenario.
IDoc is a intermediate document to exchange data between two SAP Systems.
*IDocs are structured ASCII files (or a virtual equivalent).
*Electronic Interchange Document
*They are the file format used by SAP R/3 to exchange data with foreign systems.
*Data Is transmitted in ASCII format, i.e. human readable form
*IDocs exchange messages
*IDocs are used like classical interface files
IDOC types are templates for specific message types depending on what is the business document, you want to exchange.
WE30 - you can create a IDOC type.
An IDOC with data, will have to be triggered by the application that is trying to send out the data.
FOr testing you can use WE19.
How to create idoc?
*WE30 - you can create a IDOC type
For more information in details on the same along with the examples can be viewed on:
To Create Idoc we need to follow these steps:
Create Segment ( WE31)
Create Idoc Type ( WE30 )
Create Message Type ( WE81 )
Assign Idoc Type to Message Type ( WE82 )
Creating a Segment
Go to transaction code WE31
Enter the name for your segment type and click on the Create icon
Type the short text
Enter the variable names and data elements
Save it and go back
Go to Edit -> Set Release
Follow steps to create more number of segments
Create IDOC Type
Go to transaction code WE30
Enter the Object Name, select Basic type and click Create icon
Select the create new option and enter a description for your basic IDOC type and press enter
Select the IDOC Name and click Create icon
The system prompts us to enter a segment type and its attributes
Choose the appropriate values and press Enter
The system transfers the name of the segment type to the IDOC editor.
Follow these steps to add more number of segments to Parent or as Parent-child relation
Save it and go back
Go to Edit -> Set release
Create Message Type
Go to transaction code WE81
Change the details from Display mode to Change mode
After selection, the system will give this message “The table is cross-client (see Help for further info)”. Press Enter
Click New Entries to create new Message Type
Fill details
Save it and go back
Assign Message Type to IDoc Type
Go to transaction code WE82
Change the details from Display mode to Change mode
After selection, the system will give this message “The table is cross-client (see Help for further info)”. Press Enter.
Click New Entries to create new Message Type.
Fill details
Save it and go back
Check these out..
Re: How to create IDOC
Check below link. It will give the step by step procedure for IDOC creation.
go trough these links.
An IDoc is simply a data container that is used to exchange information between any two processes that can understand the syntax and semantics of the data...
1.IDOCs are stored in the database. In the SAP system, IDOCs are stored in database tables.
2.IDOCs are independent of the sending and receiving systems.
3.IDOCs are independent of the direction of data exchange.
The two available process for IDOCs are
Outbound Process
Inbound Process
AND There are basically two types of IDOCs.
Basic IDOCs
Basic IDOC type defines the structure and format of the business document that is to be exchanged between two systems.
Extended IDOCs
Extending the functionality by adding more segments to existing Basic IDOCs.
To Create Idoc we need to follow these steps:
Create Segment ( WE31)
Create Idoc Type ( WE30)
Create Message Type ( WE81)
Assign Idoc Type to Message Type ( WE82)
imp links
--here u can find the ppts and basic seetings for ALE
Reward points if useful

Similar Messages

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    I have created a Infoset query with LDB (PNPCE) .
    In infoset query has one field called description is filling from standard LDB PNPCE under orgnizational unit(it001).
    This description field from Standard LDB pnpce ---infotype0001and now i want to fill this field based on Ztable .
    How to achive this .Please help me.
    Thank you
    best regadrs

    Change in standard field is not the best practice.
    You can write program in adhoc query
    instead of changing logic in that , create a new field and write a small code and fetch data from  Ztable which u r planing.
    steps to create that are given below.
    Go to Sq02 - enter your infoset and click on change
    Select additional fields of particular infotype where you want to create additional field
    Select extras button in the menu and click on create
    Select the option and Enter the name of the field,  Select Additional field and click on Continue
    Enter the data required data.Click on Continue.
    New field created .
    Select the field and click on  code button
    enter code and generate program.

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    How can I transport an ZIDOC from DEV system to QA system? Didn't find a way of putting an IDOC in a transport request... we can transport ZIDOC's by this way or there is another way?
    thank you,

    Make a simple dummy change in the IDOC Segment (we31) and put it in a transport request.

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    How to fetch the records.Please suggest me.

    Fetch all the records whose status is equal to 'X' as whatever data is sent to third party system is marked as 'X' in status field of table after sending.
    You need to first fetch the data into internal table using the select statement where status EQ space. You get the data which is not yet transmitted to third part. And later in the program after trasmitting the data to third party modify the Records in the DB table which are transmitted with Staus eq 'X'.

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    Hello Experts,
    we have configurable material and and creating sales order. from sales order line item if we goto configuration we can maintain variant configurations. My requirement is that when i click on configuration after selecting a line item i need to check ztable where i have material no and and relable text. if an entry exists i have to populate this relable text in one of the configuration filed. Can any one help how can i read and update configuration in sales order level and where to do this coding so that when i click on configuration the value from ztable populated in a field.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Hi Senthil,
    It is simple.
    When you create a characteristic which should have the value maintained in the Z table, go to the tab values. Here you have a push button called "Other Value check". Here you click this button and select the function module option. Now, in the window, you will have a place where you can mention the name of teh function module.
    You create a function module with the help of your developer to find out the text maintained in the Z table using teh rules you have in your mind and update that logic in the characteristic. In the earlier screen, you just have to mention the name of the function module, thats all, your work is done.
    Now when you configure, for this characteristic, the value will be automatically determined using teh function module. You have to create such characteristics as "Not ready for input" ones in additional data for which you cannot enter values manually.
    Hope this helps.

  • Hierarchy from Ztable

    Hi Experts
    Does any one have idea how to load the hierarchy to BW from Ztable in R3. The one way I know is to import the Ztable data into Flat file and load it in to BW.
    If you know any other best solution using which I can eliminate flat file load , please let me know.

    Hi Raj,
      Even though if your data in your Z-table in tree structure you have to download the data into flat file and then you have upload the same. I think you cannot create Generic datasource for Hierarchy.
    If you have your data in Flat structure in the table then this same code may help you.
    * Program name           : GL hierarchy
    * Program Description    : Report
    * Technical Object No    :
    * Developer              : N.S.Balaji
    * Level2 Analyst/FC      :
    * Company                :
    * Start Date             :
    * End Date               :
    * Initial CTS            :
    * Description            :
    * Transaction            : NA
    * External References    : NA
    * Logical Database       : NA
    * Function Modules       : NA
    * Includes               : NA
    *                    MODIFICATIONS lOG
    * Developer              :
    * Level2   Analyst       :
    * Start Date             :
    * End Date               :
    * CCP/PQR/TDL No.        :
    * CM No:                     DATE:               CTS:
    * Description            :
    report zbiw_glacc_hier line-size 250.
    data :
         begin of itab occurs 0,
    *      cust(8),
    *      custname(60),
          end of itab.
    data : itab_all like itab occurs 0 with header line,
             itab_root like itab occurs 0 with header line.
    data : begin of i_hier occurs 0.    " BIW Structure to hold hirearchy
    data:   nodeid like e1rshnd-nodeid,           "NODE ID
            infoobject like e1rshnd-infoobject,   "infoobjectNAME
            nodename like e1rshnd-nodename,       "nodename year
            link(5), "   LIKE E1RSHND-LINK,              "linkname
            parentid like e1rshnd-parentid.       "parent id
    data:   leafto(32),                           "Interval - to
            leaffrom(32).                         "Interval - from
            include structure e1rsrlt.
            include structure rstxtsml.
    data : end of i_hier.
    data : sr(8) type n value '00000000'.
    data : begin of itab1 occurs 0, " Node Level1 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level1 like itab-seg,
           z_ah_level2 like itab-spu,
           z_ah_desc_level2 like itab-spuname,
           end of itab1.
    data : begin of itab2 occurs 0, " Node Level1 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level2 like itab-spu,
           z_ah_level3 like itab-bu,
           z_ah_desc_level3 like itab-buname,
           end of itab2.
    data : begin of itab3 occurs 0,   " Node Level3 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level3 like itab-bu,
           z_ah_level4 like itab-pu,
           z_ah_desc_level4 like itab-puname,
           end of itab3.
    data wa like itab.
    data : begin of itab_first occurs 0, " Node Level2 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level1 like ITAB-SEG,
           end of itab_first.
    data : begin of itab_sec occurs 0, " Node Level2 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level2 like ITAB-SPU,
           end of itab_sec.
    data : begin of itab_third occurs 0, " Node Level2 of Hierarchy
           z_ah_level3 like ITAB-BU,
           end of itab_third.
    data : begin of i_download occurs 0,
           end of i_download.
    data : v_pid like e1rshnd-nodeid,
    *   CODEPAGE                      = ' '
       FILENAME                      = 'C:/'
       FILETYPE                      = 'DAT'
        DATA_TAB                      = itab .
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    itab_all[] = itab[].
      itab_root[] = itab_all[].
      sort itab_all by seg spu bu pu .
      sort itab_root by seg.
      delete adjacent duplicates from itab_root comparing seg.
    * Appending Root level of node
    *  sr = 00000001.
    *  move : sr to i_hier-nodeid,
    *        '0HIER_NODE' to i_hier-infoobject,
    *        'SHA HIERARCHY' to i_hier-nodename,
    *        '00000000' to i_hier-parentid,
    *        'EN' to i_hier-langu,
    *        'SHA HIERARCHY' to i_hier-txtmd.
    *  append i_hier.
    *  clear i_hier.
    v_pid  = '00000000'.
    loop at itab_root.
    if itab_root-seg = itab_root-spu.
      delete itab_root.
      loop at itab_root.
    * Appending first level of the node
        sr = sr + 1.
        move : sr to i_hier-nodeid,
              '0HIER_NODE' to i_hier-infoobject,
               itab_root-seg to i_hier-nodename,
               v_pid to i_hier-parentid,
              'EN' to i_hier-langu,
              itab_root-segname to i_hier-txtsh,
              itab_root-segname to i_hier-txtmd,
              itab_root-segname to i_hier-TXTLG.
        append i_hier.
        clear i_hier.
      loop at itab_all.
        move itab_all to wa.
    * Separation of level 3 of the node
        at new spu.
          if not wa-spu is initial.
            move : wa-seg to itab1-z_ah_level1,
                   wa-spu to itab1-z_ah_level2,
                   wa-spuname to itab1-z_ah_desc_level2.
            append itab1.
            clear itab1.
    * Separation of level 3 of the node
        at new bu.
          if not wa-bu is initial.
            move : wa-spu to itab2-z_ah_level2,
                   wa-bu to itab2-z_ah_level3,
                   wa-buname to itab2-z_ah_desc_level3.
            append itab2.
            clear itab2.
    * Separation of level 2 of the node
        at new pu.
          if not wa-pu  is initial.
            move : wa-bu to itab3-z_ah_level3,
                   wa-pu to itab3-z_ah_level4,
                   wa-puname to itab3-z_ah_desc_level4.
            append itab3.
            clear itab3.
        clear wa.
      sort itab1 by z_ah_level1 z_ah_level2.
      delete adjacent duplicates from itab1 comparing z_ah_level1
      sort itab2 by z_ah_level2 z_ah_level3.
      delete adjacent duplicates from itab2 comparing z_ah_level2
      sort itab3 by z_ah_level3 z_ah_level4.
      delete adjacent duplicates from itab3 comparing z_ah_level3
    loop at itab_root.
    move itab_root-SEG to itab_first-z_ah_level1.
    append itab_first.
    clear itab_first.
    itab_sec[] = itab2[].
    itab_third[] = itab3[].
    sort itab_first by z_ah_level1.
    delete adjacent duplicates from itab_first.
    sort itab_sec by z_ah_level2.
    delete adjacent duplicates from itab_sec.
    sort itab_third by z_ah_level3.
    delete adjacent duplicates from itab_third.
    data : indx like sy-tabix.
    clear indx.
    loop at itab_first.
    indx = sy-tabix.
    read table itab_sec with key z_ah_level2 = itab_first-z_ah_level1
                            binary search.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    delete itab_first index indx.
    clear indx.
    loop at itab_sec.
    indx = sy-tabix.
    read table itab_third with  key z_ah_level3 = itab_sec-z_ah_level2
                            binary search.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    delete itab_sec index indx.
    clear indx.
    clear indx.
    loop at itab1.
    If itab1-z_ah_level1 = itab1-z_ah_level2.
      delete itab1.
    loop at itab2.
    If itab2-z_ah_level2 = itab2-z_ah_level3.
      delete itab2.
    loop at itab3.
    If itab3-z_ah_level3 = itab3-z_ah_level4.
      delete itab3.
    * Appending First level node to Hierarchy table
      loop at itab_root.
        loop at itab1 where z_ah_level1 = itab_root-SEG.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab1-z_ah_level2.
           if sy-subrc ne 0.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab1-z_ah_level1.
          if sy-subrc eq 0.
          move i_hier-nodeid to i_hier-parentid.
    * Appending First level node to Hierarchy table
          sr = sr + 1.
          move  : sr to i_hier-nodeid,
                  '0HIER_NODE' to i_hier-infoobject,
                  itab1-z_ah_level2 to i_hier-nodename,
                  'EN' to i_hier-langu,
                  itab1-z_ah_desc_level2 to i_hier-txtsh,
                  itab1-z_ah_desc_level2 to i_hier-txtmd,
                  itab1-z_ah_desc_level2 to i_hier-txtlg.
          append i_hier.
          clear i_hier.
    * Appending second level node to Hierarchy table
      loop at itab_sec.
        loop at itab2 where z_ah_level2 = itab_sec-z_ah_level2.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab2-z_ah_level3.
           if sy-subrc ne 0.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab2-z_ah_level2.
           if sy-subrc eq 0.
          move i_hier-nodeid to i_hier-parentid.
    * Appending second level node to Hierarchy table
          sr = sr + 1.
          move : sr to i_hier-nodeid,
                '0HIER_NODE' to i_hier-infoobject,
                itab2-z_ah_level3 to i_hier-nodename,
                'EN' to i_hier-langu,
                itab2-z_ah_desc_level3  to i_hier-txtsh,
                itab2-z_ah_desc_level3 to i_hier-txtmd,
                itab2-z_ah_desc_level3 to i_hier-txtlg.
          append i_hier.
          clear i_hier.
    * Appending third level node to Hierarchy table
      loop at itab_third.
        loop at itab3 where z_ah_level3 = itab_third-z_ah_level3.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab3-z_ah_level4.
        if sy-subrc ne 0.
          read table i_hier with key nodename = itab3-z_ah_level3.
           if sy-subrc eq 0.
          move i_hier-nodeid to i_hier-parentid.
    * Appending third level node to Hierarchy table
          sr = sr + 1.
          move : sr to i_hier-nodeid,
    *            'ZGL_AC_CD' to i_hier-infoobject,
                '0GL_ACCOUNT' to i_hier-infoobject,
                itab3-z_ah_level4 to i_hier-nodename,
                'EN' to i_hier-langu,
                itab3-z_ah_desc_level4 to i_hier-txtsh,
                itab3-z_ah_desc_level4 to i_hier-txtmd,
                itab3-z_ah_desc_level4 to i_hier-txtlg.
          append i_hier.
          clear i_hier.
      loop at i_hier.
        concatenate i_hier-nodeid i_hier-infoobject i_hier-nodename
                    i_hier-link i_hier-parentid i_hier-leafto
                    i_hier-leaffrom i_hier-langu i_hier-txtsh
                    i_hier-txtmd i_hier-txtlg into v_line
                    separated by ','.
        move  v_line to i_download-record.
        append i_download.
        write : / i_hier.
      perform f_download.
    **&      Form  f_download
    **       text
    **  -->  p1        text
    **  <--  p2        text
    form f_download.
      call function 'DOWNLOAD'
    *   BIN_FILESIZE                  = ' '
    *   CODEPAGE                      = ' '
    *   FILENAME                      = ' '
          filetype                      = 'DAT'
    *   ITEM                          = ' '
    *   MODE                          = ' '
    *   WK1_N_FORMAT                  = ' '
    *   WK1_N_SIZE                    = ' '
    *   WK1_T_FORMAT                  = ' '
    *   WK1_T_SIZE                    = ' '
    *   FILEMASK_MASK                 = ' '
    *   FILEMASK_TEXT                 = ' '
    *   FILETYPE_NO_CHANGE            = ' '
    *   FILEMASK_ALL                  = ' '
    *   FILETYPE_NO_SHOW              = ' '
    *   SILENT                        = 'S'
    *   COL_SELECT                    = ' '
    *   COL_SELECTMASK                = ' '
    *   NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
    *   ACT_FILENAME                  =
    *   ACT_FILETYPE                  =
    *   FILESIZE                      =
    *   CANCEL                        =
          data_tab                      = i_download
    *   FIELDNAMES                    =
    *   INVALID_FILESIZE              = 1
    *   INVALID_TABLE_WIDTH           = 2
    *   INVALID_TYPE                  = 3
    *   NO_BATCH                      = 4
    *   UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 5
    *   CUSTOMER_ERROR                = 7
    *   OTHERS                        = 8
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
    endform.                    " f_download
    this code may need modification as your requirement and this may be the optimized one.
    First you have to read data from you Z-table into internal table then need to separate a each node level.
    hope this helps.



    Check this syntax :
    1. DELETE FROM  dbtab. or
    DELETE FROM (dbtabname).
    2. DELETE  dbtab      FROM wa. or
    DELETE (dbtabname) FROM wa.
    3. DELETE  dbtab      FROM TABLE itab. or
    DELETE (dbtabname) FROM TABLE itab.
    4. DELETE  dbtab. or
    DELETE *dbtab.
    5. DELETE  dbtab VERSION vers. or
    DELETE *dbtab VERSION vers.
    Deletes a set of lines in a database table (see relational database). You can specify the name of the database table either directly in the program in the form DELETE FROM dbtab ... or at runtime as the contents of the variable dbtabname in the form DELETE FROM (dbtabname) .... In both cases, the database table must be known to the ABAP Dictionary. By default, the system deletes only data from the current client. You can only use a view to delete data, if the view refers to a single table and was created in the ABAP Dictionary with the maintenance status "no restriction".
    DELETE is part of the OPEN SQL command set.
    In some cases, the syntax rules that apply to Unicode programs are different than those for non-Unicode programs.See Open SQL and Unicode.
    Authorization checks are not supported by the DELETE statement and must be carried out at program level.
    When you delete lines using the DELETE command, the process is only complete after a database commit (see LUW). Before the commit, any database change can be reset using a database rollback (see Programming Transactions).
    In dialog systems, synchronizing parallel user access to a single dataset cannot be handled by the locking mechanism of the database system alone. In many cases, you therefore have to use the SAP locking mechanism.
    Variant 1
    DELETE FROM  dbtab. or
    DELETE FROM (dbtabname).
    1. ... WHERE condition
    3. ... CONNECTION con
    Deletes lines in a database table. If you do not specify a WHERE clause, the system deletes all lines (in the current client). If you specify a WHERE clause, the system deletes all lines that fulfill the WHERE condition.
    After the statement is executed, the system field SY-DBCNT contains the number of lines that were deleted.
    The Return Code is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    At least one line was deleted.
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    No line was deleted since no lines were selected.
    Delete all flight bookings (in the current client):
    Addition 1
    ... WHERE condition
    The system deletes only those lines that fullfill the
    condition specified in the WHERE Clause.
    Delete all bookings of Lufthansa flight 0400 on 02/28/2001 (in the current client):
                            CONNID = '0400'     AND
                            FLDATE = '20010228'.
    Addition 2
    Switches off automatic client handling. This allows you
    to delete data across all clients in case of client-specific tables. The client field is then handled like a normal table field for which you can specify appropriate conditions in the WHERE clause.
    The addition CLIENT SPECIFIED must be specified directly after the name of the database table.
    Addition 3
    ... CONNECTION con
    The Open SQL command is not executed on the
    standard database but on the Secondary Database Connection specified using con. con is the name of the database connection as it was specified in the table DBCON in the column CON_NAME. The database connection con can als be specified dynamically in the form (source_text) - the field source_text contains the name of the database connection and must be type C or STRING.
    The CONNECTION con addition must be specified directly after the name of the database table or after the CLIENT SPECIFIED addition.
    Variant 2
    DELETE  dbtab      FROM wa. or
    DELETE (dbtabname) FROM wa.
    2. ... CONNECTION con
    These are SAP-specific short forms to delete a single line from a database table. The primary key for the line to be deleted is taken from the explicitly specified work area wa. The key values are read from left to right according to the structure of the primary key of the database table. The structure of wa is not considered. This is why the work area wa must be at least as wide (DATA) as the primary key of the database table dbtab, and the alignment of the work area wa must correspond to that of the database table. Otherwise, a runtime error occurs.
    If the database table dbtab or the work area wa contain strings, wa must be compatible with the line structure of dbtab.
    After the statement is executed, the sytem field SY-DBCNT contains the number of lines that were deleted (0 or 1).
    The Return Code is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    The line was deleted.
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    No line could be deleted since there was no line with the primary key specified.
    Delete the booking with the booking number 3 of Lufthansa flight 0400 on 02/28/2001 (in the current client):
    DATA wa TYPE sbook.
    wa-carrid = 'LH'.
    wa-connid = '0400'.
    wa-fldate = '20010228'.
    wa-bookid = '00000003'.
    DELETE sbook FROM wa.
    Addition 1
    As in variant 1.
    Addition 2
    ... CONNECTION con
    As in variant 1.
    Variant 3
    DELETE  dbtab      FROM TABLE itab.
    DELETE (dbtabname) FROM TABLE itab.
    2. ... CONNECTION con
    Deletes sets: All lines of the database table for which the internal table itab contains values for the fields of the primary key are deleted. The lines of the internal table itab must fulfill the same conditions as the work area wa in variant 2.
    The system field SY-DBCNT contains the number of lines that were deleted, that is, the number of lines in the internal table itab for whose key values lines existed in the database table dbtab.
    The Return Code is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    All lines in itab could be used for deleting lines in dbtab.
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    For at least one line of the internal table, the database table did not contain a line with the same primary key. All lines found were deleted.
    If the internal table itab is empty, SY-SUBRC and SY-DBCNT are set to 0.
    Addition 1
    As in variant 1.
    Addition 2
    ... CONNECTION con
    As in variant 1.
    Variant 4
    DELETE  dbtab. or
    DELETE *dbtab.
    The syntax check performed in an ABAP Objects context is stricter than in other ABAP areas.See Cannot Use Short Forms and Cannot Use * Work Areas.
    This variant is obsolete.
    These are the SAP-specific short forms of variant 2. They work like variant 2 but the work area is not specified explicitly. Instead, the table work area dbtab or *dbtab is implicitly used which is declared with a TABLES statement.
    DELETE  dbtab. or
    DELETE *dbtab.
    is also equivalent to
    DELETE dbtab FROM  dbtab. or
    DELETE dbtab FROM *dbtab.
    After the statement is executed, the system field SY-DBCNT contains the number of lines that were deleted (0 or 1).
    The Return Code is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    The line was deleted.
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    No line could be deleted since no line with the primary key specified existed.
    Delete the booking with the booking number 3 of Lufthansa flight 0400 on 02/28/2001 (in the current client):
    TABLES sbook.
    sbook-carrid = 'LH'.
    sbook-connid = '0400'.
    sbook-fldate = '20010228'.
    sbook-bookid = '00000003'.
    DELETE sbook.
    If you do not explicitly specify a work area, the values for the line to be deleted are taken from the table work area dbtab even if the statement occurs in a subroutine (FORM) or function module (FUNCTION), in which the table work area is obscured by an identically named formal parameter or local variable.
    As in variant 1.
    Variant 5
    DELETE  dbtab VERSION vers.
    DELETE *dbtab VERSION vers.
    This variant is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context.See Cannot use the VERSION Addition.
    This variant has become obsolete since the variants 1 - 3 allow you to specify the database table name dynamically.
    Deletes a line in a database table whose name is taken from the field vers at runtime. The database table must be known to the ABAP Dictionary, and its name must comply with the following naming convention: The name must begin with a 'T' and may contain at most five characters, including the leading 'T'. The field vers must contain the table name without the leading 'T'. The system deletes only lines in the current client. The line to be deleted is taken from the statically specified table work area dbtab or *dbtab.
    The Return Code is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0:
    The line was deleted.
    SY-SUBRC = 4:
    No line could be deleted since no line with the primary key specified existed.
    Additional help
    Deleting Table Lines

  • Recover deleted entries from ztable

    is there any best method to recover the deleted entries from ztable?

    Hi Vahi,
    1. Find out the exact time when the data has been deleted.        
    2. Restore THE WHOLE DATABASE on any other server with MSSQL server
    running on that. You should not restore the database completely,  
    rather using "Point-in-time" recovery method. Appoint the time from
    the p.1 minus 5 minutes as the end point of the database recovery.
    Please refer to the note 193816 for more information.             
    3. Now the old content of the table ZRATE is there. You can       
    export the data and then import them into the produtive system.   
    Afterwards you can delete the restored database, it is not needed 

  • Send sample prg for alv editable from ztable

    Hi ,
    Need of prg for alv editable . get data from ztable in standard tool bar i need to create record insert ,delete ,modify existing records .
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Anil,
    > Try like this code i wrote this code for fetch some records from database table and approve/ reject
    > the records by clicking buttons.
    REPORT  zcl_timesheet_approval MESSAGE-ID zcl_msg.
    CLASS L_CL_EVENTS DEFINITION                                        *
    Class for inserting buttons on the toolbar                          *
    CLASS l_cl_events DEFINITION.
          toolbar FOR EVENT toolbar
                  OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                  IMPORTING e_object
          user_command FOR EVENT user_command
                       OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                       IMPORTING e_ucomm .
    ENDCLASS.                              " L_CL_EVENTS DEFINITION
    CLASS L_CL_EVENTS IMPLEMENTATION                                    *
    Implementation of class L_CL_EVENTS                                 *
      METHOD toolbar.
        PERFORM event_toolbar USING e_object.
      ENDMETHOD.                           " TOOLBAR
      METHOD user_command.
        PERFORM event_ucomm USING e_ucomm.
      ENDMETHOD.                           " USER_COMMAND
    ENDCLASS.                              " L_CL_EVENTS IMPLEMENTATION
    Tables decalration..................................................
        zcl_timesheet.                     " Employee master table
       c_boolean_yes(1)     TYPE c         " Boolean - yes
                           VALUE 'X',
       c_approve_status(1)  TYPE c         " Approval status
                           VALUE 'A',
       c_rej_status(1)      TYPE c         " Rejected status
                           VALUE 'R',
       c_save_status(1)     TYPE c         " Save status
                           VALUE 'S',
       c_fcode_approve(7)   TYPE c         " Function code - APPROVE
                           VALUE 'APPROVE',
       c_fcode_rej(6)       TYPE c         " Function code - REJECT
                           VALUE 'REJECT',
       c_fcode_back(4)      TYPE c         " Function code - BACK
                           VALUE 'BACK',
       c_fcode_onli(4)      TYPE c         " Function code - EXECUTE
                           VALUE 'ONLI',
       c_fcode_exit(4)      TYPE c         " Function code - EXIT
                           VALUE 'EXIT',
       c_fcode_cancel(6)    TYPE c         " Function code - CANCEL
                           VALUE 'CANCEL',
       c_zero(1)            TYPE c         " Constant value 0
                           VALUE '0',
       c_alv_scr(7)         TYPE c         " GUI status : ALV screen
                           VALUE 'ALV_SCR'.
    Type definition...................................................
    Type definition of the structure to hold  data from table            *
    zcl_timesheet.                                                      *
      BEGIN OF type_s_time,
        empid        TYPE zcl_timesheet-empid,
                                           " Employee ID
        workdate     TYPE zcl_timesheet-workdate,
                                           " Date
        groupid      TYPE zcl_timesheet-groupid,
                                           " Group ID
        projectid    TYPE zcl_timesheet-projectid,
                                           " Project ID
        projectname  TYPE zcl_timesheet-projectname,
                                           " Project name
        objectid     TYPE zcl_timesheet-objectid,
                                           " Object ID
        objectname   TYPE zcl_timesheet-objectname,
                                           " Object name
        activityid   TYPE zcl_timesheet-activityid,
                                           " Activity ID
        activityname TYPE zcl_timesheet-activityname,
                                           " Activity name
        timeworked   TYPE zcl_timesheet-timeworked,
                                           " Time spent on work
        description  TYPE zcl_timesheet-description,
                                           " Description
        taskstatus   TYPE zcl_timesheet-taskstatus,
                                           " Status of the proj
        billstatus   TYPE zcl_timesheet-billstatus,
                                           " Billing status
        appstatus    TYPE zcl_timesheet-appstatus,
                                           " Staus of the record
        wstatus      TYPE zcl_timesheet-wstatus,
                                           " Working status
        mngcomment   TYPE zcl_timesheet-mngcomment,
                                           " Managers comment
      END OF type_s_time.
    Field-string declarations...........................................
    Field-string to build fieldcat.
       fs_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,
    Field-string for t_timesheet
       fs_timesheet TYPE zcl_timesheet.
    Working variables...................................................
       w_valid(1)   TYPE c,                " To get the flag from check_data
       w_display(1) TYPE c,                " Flag to display all records
       ok_code      TYPE syst-ucomm,       " Function code on dialog screens
       w_okcode     TYPE syst-ucomm,       " Temporary function code
       w_first(1)   TYPE c,                " To place buttons for first time
       w_submit(1)  TYPE c,                " Flag to display submitted records
       w_empid      TYPE zcl_emprecord-empid.
    " Employee ID for GET parameter
    Internal table declarations........................................
    Internal table to build fieldcat.
       t_fcat      TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
    Internal table to display data.
       t_time      TYPE TABLE OF type_s_time,
    Internal table to hold submitted data.
       t_timesheet TYPE TABLE OF zcl_timesheet.
    For ALV ...........................................................
    To create instance for cl_gui_custom_container
      g_grid      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
    To create instance for cl_gui_alv_grid
      g_alv       TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    To create instance for l_cl_events
      g_events    TYPE REF TO l_cl_events,
    To assign name for custom container
      g_container TYPE scrfname VALUE 'CONTAINER',
    To assign layout
      g_fcatlayo  TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    Selection screen elements............................................
      s_group FOR zcl_timesheet-groupid    " Group ID
                             NO INTERVALS,
      s_prjid FOR zcl_timesheet-projectid, " Project ID
      s_empid FOR zcl_timesheet-empid,     " Employee ID
      s_date  FOR zcl_timesheet-workdate.  " Date
                                           " To approve timesheet
      p_disp RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1.         " To display timesheet
               AT SELECTION-SCREEN EVENT                                 *
    To perform user actions on the selection screen
      PERFORM user_command.
    MODULE  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT                                         *
    This module will create the objects for the instance and display    *
    the records                                                         *
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS c_alv_scr.
      PERFORM set_titlebar USING w_display.
    If program executed in foreground.
      IF sy-batch IS INITIAL.
    If g_grid is empty.
        IF g_grid IS INITIAL.
    To create object for instance grid
          CREATE OBJECT g_grid
              container_name = g_container.
    To create object for object grid
          CREATE OBJECT g_alv
              i_parent = g_grid.
          CALL METHOD g_alv->refresh_table_display.
        ENDIF.                             " IF G_GRID IS INITIAL
      ENDIF.                               " IF SY-BATCH IS INITIAL
      REFRESH t_fcat.
    If w_display eq 'X' .
      IF w_display EQ c_boolean_yes.
    To display all records except saved data
        PERFORM display_allrecords.
      ENDIF.                               " IF W_FLAG EQ C_BOOLEAN_YES
      IF w_submit EQ c_boolean_yes.
    To display submitted records
        PERFORM submitted_records.
      ENDIF.                               " IF W_SUBMIT EQ C_BOOLEAN_YES
    ENDMODULE.                             " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT                                     *
    To perform user actions in the screen 100                           *
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
    To update the data in the ALV grid
      PERFORM check_changed_data.
      w_okcode = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      CASE w_okcode.
        WHEN c_fcode_back.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN c_fcode_exit OR c_fcode_cancel.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
      ENDCASE.                             " CASE W_OKCODE
    ENDMODULE.                             " USER_COMMAND_0100
    FORM GET_DATA                                                       *
    To get the submitted data from zcl_timesheet                        *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM get_data .
      SELECT *
        FROM zcl_timesheet
        INTO TABLE t_timesheet
       WHERE empid     IN s_empid
         AND workdate  IN s_date
         AND groupid   IN s_group
         AND projectid IN s_prjid
         AND appstatus EQ c_boolean_yes.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE e000 .
        CALL SCREEN 100.
      ENDIF.                               " IF SY-SUBRC NE 0
    ENDFORM.                               " GET_DATA
    FORM BUILD_FCAT                                                     *
    To build the field catalog giving managers comment in editable mode *
    -->PR_Tabname   type lvc_tname                                      *
    -->PR_Fieldname type lvc_fname                                      *
    -->PR_Coltext   type lvc_txtcol                                     *
    -->PR_Colpos    type lvc_colpos                                     *
    FORM build_fcat USING pr_tabname   TYPE lvc_tname
                          pr_fieldname TYPE lvc_fname
                          pr_coltext   TYPE lvc_txtcol
                          pr_colpos    TYPE lvc_colpos.
      CLEAR fs_fcat.
      fs_fcat-tabname   = pr_tabname.
      fs_fcat-fieldname = pr_fieldname.
      fs_fcat-coltext   = pr_coltext.
      fs_fcat-col_pos   = pr_colpos.
      IF fs_fcat-fieldname EQ 'MNGCOMMENT'.
        fs_fcat-edit      = c_boolean_yes.
        fs_fcat-lowercase = c_boolean_yes.
        fs_fcat-dd_outlen = 60.
        fs_fcat-edit      = space.
      ENDIF.                               " IF FS_FCAT-FIELDNAME...
      APPEND fs_fcat TO t_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_FCAT
      FORM BUILD_FCATD                                                   *
    To build fieldcatalog in the display mode                           *
    -->pr_Tabname   type lvc_tname                                      *
    -->pr_Fieldname type lvc_fname                                      *
    -->pr_Coltext   type lvc_txtcol                                     *
    -->pr_Colpos    type lvc_colpos                                     *
    FORM build_fcatd USING pr_tabname   TYPE lvc_tname
                           pr_fieldname TYPE lvc_fname
                           pr_coltext   TYPE lvc_txtcol
                           pr_colpos    TYPE lvc_colpos .
      CLEAR fs_fcat.
      fs_fcat-tabname   = pr_tabname.
      fs_fcat-fieldname = pr_fieldname.
      fs_fcat-coltext   = pr_coltext.
      fs_fcat-col_pos   = pr_colpos.
      fs_fcat-edit      = space.
      APPEND fs_fcat TO t_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                               " BUILD_FCATD
    FORM ALV_DISPLAY                                                    *
    To display data in ALV                                              *
    --> pr_table type standard table                                    *
    --> pr_fcat  type lvc_t_fcat                                        *
    FORM alv_display USING pr_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE
                           pr_fcat  TYPE lvc_t_fcat .
    Local data declaration....
      DATA: lt_exclude TYPE ui_functions.
    To exclude buttons on the ALV grid
      PERFORM exclude_tb_functions CHANGING lt_exclude.
    To display ALV
      CALL METHOD g_alv->set_table_for_first_display
          i_default            = space
          is_layout            = g_fcatlayo
          it_toolbar_excluding = lt_exclude
          it_outtab            = pr_table[]
          it_fieldcatalog      = pr_fcat[].
    ENDFORM.                               " ALV_DISPLAY
    FORM EVENT_TOOLBAR                                                  *
    Setting toolbar in the alv grid                                     *
    -->E_OBJECT TYPE REF TO CL_ALV_EVENT_TOOLBAR_SET                    *
    FORM event_toolbar USING e_object
                             TYPE REF TO cl_alv_event_toolbar_set.
    Local declaration for the button.
      DATA: ls_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
    To add Approve button
      ls_toolbar-function  = c_fcode_approve.
      ls_toolbar-butn_type = c_zero.
      ls_toolbar-text      = text-001.
      APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    To add Reject button
      CLEAR ls_toolbar.
      ls_toolbar-function  = c_fcode_rej.
      ls_toolbar-butn_type = c_zero.
      ls_toolbar-text      = text-013.
      APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    ENDFORM.                               " EVENT_TOOLBAR
    FORM EXCLUDE_TB_FUNCTIONS                                           *
    To exclude buttons from ALV grid                                    *
    <--> PR_EXCLUDE TYPE UI_FUNCTIONS                                   *
    FORM exclude_tb_functions  CHANGING pr_exclude TYPE ui_functions.
    Local data declaration...
      DATA ls_exclude TYPE ui_func.
    To remove the buttons on the ALV grid.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy_row.
      APPEND ls_exclude TO pr_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_delete_row.
      APPEND ls_exclude TO pr_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_append_row.
      APPEND ls_exclude TO pr_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_insert_row.
      APPEND ls_exclude TO pr_exclude.
      ls_exclude = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_move_row.
      APPEND ls_exclude TO pr_exclude.
    ENDFORM.                               " EXCLUDE_TB_FUNCTIONS
    FORM EVENT_UCOMM                                                    *
    After Input in the ALV grid,if user select record and press         *
    approve or reject then the record will get updated                  *
    --> PR_ucomm type sy-ucomm                                          *
    FORM event_ucomm USING pr_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm.
      CASE pr_ucomm.
    If e_ucomm contains 'APP' i.e.function code for Approve button
        WHEN c_fcode_approve.              " To approve selected record
          PERFORM app_timesheet USING c_approve_status.
    If e_ucomm contains 'REJ' i.e. function code for Reject
        WHEN c_fcode_rej.                  " To reject selected record
          PERFORM app_timesheet USING c_rej_status.
      ENDCASE.                             " CASE E_UCOMM
    ENDFORM.                               " EVENT_UCOMM
    FORM APP_TIMESHEET                                                  *
    To get the selected records and update the records in database      *
      --> pr_status type char01                                          *
    FORM app_timesheet USING pr_status TYPE char01 .
    Local data declaration......
       lt_marked_rows TYPE lvc_t_roid,     " Table to get rowid
       l_fs_marked_row LIKE LINE OF lt_marked_rows.
      " Field-string for lt_marked_rows
    To get all the selected rows in the table lt_marked_rows
      CALL METHOD g_alv->get_selected_rows
          et_row_no = lt_marked_rows.
    Reading each row id and updating the database.
      LOOP AT lt_marked_rows INTO l_fs_marked_row.
    Reading the table t_timesheet with rowid
        READ TABLE t_timesheet INTO fs_timesheet INDEX
    If record is there in the table.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          CLEAR fs_timesheet-appstatus.
          GET PARAMETER ID 'ZEMPID' FIELD w_empid.
    Changing the appstatus.
          fs_timesheet-appstatus = pr_status.
          fs_timesheet-approvedby = w_empid.
    Updating the database table.
          UPDATE zcl_timesheet FROM fs_timesheet.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            DELETE t_timesheet INDEX l_fs_marked_row-row_id.
            PERFORM refresh_table USING pr_status.
          ENDIF.                           " IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
        ENDIF.                             " IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0
      ENDLOOP.                             " LOOP AT LT_MARKED_ROWS...
    ENDFORM.                               " APP_TIMESHEET
    FORM CHECK_CHANGED_DATA                                             *
    To change the data                                                  *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM check_changed_data .
    To change the data.
      CALL METHOD g_alv->check_changed_data.
    ENDFORM.                               " CHECK_CHANGED_DATA
    FORM  DISPLAY_ALL                                                   *
    To display all the records                                          *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM display_all .
      SELECT empid                         " Employee ID
             workdate                      " Workdate
             groupid                       " Groupid
             projectid                     " Project ID
             projectname                   " Project name
             objectid                      " Object ID
             objectname                    " Object name
             activityid                    " Activity ID
             activityname                  " Activity name
             timeworked                    " Time worked
             description                   " Description
             taskstatus                    " Task status
             billstatus                    " Bill status
             appstatus                     " Approved status
             wstatus                       " Working status
             mngcomment                    " Manager comment
        FROM zcl_timesheet
        INTO TABLE t_time
       WHERE empid     IN s_empid
         AND workdate  IN s_date
         AND groupid   IN s_group
         AND projectid IN s_prjid
         AND appstatus NE c_save_status.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE e000.
        CALL SCREEN 100.
      ENDIF.                               " IF SY-SUBRC NE 0
    ENDFORM.                               " DISPLAY_ALL
    FORM REFFRESH_TABLE                                                 *
    To refresh output table and  issue message according p_status       *
    -->PR_STATUS TYPE CHAR01                                            *
    FORM refresh_table  USING pr_status TYPE char01.
    To refresh output table.
      CALL METHOD g_alv->refresh_table_display.
    Depending upon pr_status message is given.
      IF pr_status EQ c_approve_status.
        MESSAGE s001.
        MESSAGE s002.
      ENDIF.                               " IF P_STATUS EQ C_APPROVE_STATUS
    ENDFORM.                               " REFRESH_TABLE
    FORM SET_TITLEBAR                                                   *
    To set titlebar on the screen 100.                                  *
    -->PR_STATUS TYPE CHAR01                                            *
    FORM set_titlebar USING pr_status TYPE char01.
    If pr_status eq 'X'.
      IF pr_status EQ c_boolean_yes.
        SET TITLEBAR c_alv_scr WITH text-017.
        SET TITLEBAR c_alv_scr WITH text-018.
      ENDIF.                               " IF P_STATUS EQ C_BOOLEAN_YES
    ENDFORM.                               " SET_TITLEBAR
    FORM USER_COMMAND                                                   *
    According to sy-ucomm the action is performed in the screen 100     *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM user_command .
      CASE sy-ucomm.
    If p_app is selected, submitted data will be displayed for approval
        WHEN c_fcode_onli OR c_fcode_approve.
          CLEAR sy-ucomm.
    To display the submitted records.
          IF p_app EQ c_boolean_yes.
            w_submit = c_boolean_yes.
    To get submitted records
            PERFORM get_data.
          ENDIF.                           " IF P_APP EQ C_BOOLEAN_YES
    To display all records according to selection.
          IF p_disp EQ c_boolean_yes.
            w_display = c_boolean_yes.
    To display
            PERFORM display_all.
            CLEAR w_display.
          ENDIF.                           " IF P_DISP EQ C_BOOLEAN_YES
      ENDCASE.                             " CASE SY-UCOMM
    ENDFORM.                               " USER_COMMAND
    FORM  DISPLAY_ALLRECORDS                                            *
    To display all the records in the display mode                      *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM display_allrecords .
      CLEAR w_display.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'WORKDATE'     text-002 '1'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'EMPID'        text-009 '2'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'PROJECTID'    text-003 '3'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'PROJECTNAME'  text-004 '4'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'OBJECTID'     text-005 '5'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'OBJECTNAME'   text-006 '6'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'ACTIVITYID'   text-007 '7'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'ACTIVITYNAME' text-008 '8'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'TIMEWORKED'   text-010 '9'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'DESCRIPTION'  text-011 '10'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'APPSTATUS'    text-012 '11'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'BILLSTATUS'   text-016 '12'.
      PERFORM build_fcatd USING 'T_TIME' 'MNGCOMMENT'   text-014 '13'.
      PERFORM alv_display USING t_time t_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                               " DISPLAY_ALLRECORDS
    FORM SUBMITTED_RECORDS                                              *
    To display submitted records for the manager to approve             *
    No parameters are passsed to this subroutine                        *
    FORM submitted_records .
      CLEAR w_submit.
    To create object for instance g_events
      CREATE OBJECT g_events.
    If w_first equal to space
      IF w_first IS INITIAL.
        SET HANDLER g_events->toolbar
                FOR g_alv.
        w_first = c_boolean_yes.
      ENDIF.                               " IF W_FIRST IS INITIAL..
      SET HANDLER g_events->user_command
              FOR g_alv.
      g_fcatlayo-sel_mode = c_approve_status.
      REFRESH t_fcat.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'WORKDATE'     text-002 '1'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'EMPID'        text-009 '2'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'PROJECTID'    text-003 '3'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'PROJECTNAME'  text-004 '4'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'OBJECTID'     text-005 '5'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'OBJECTNAME'   text-006 '6'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'ACTIVITYID'   text-007 '7'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'ACTIVITYNAME' text-008 '8'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'TIMEWORKED'   text-010 '9'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'DESCRIPTION'  text-011 '10'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'APPSTATUS'    text-012 '11'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'BILLSTATUS'   text-016 '12'.
      PERFORM build_fcat USING 'T_TIMESHEET' 'MNGCOMMENT'   text-014 '13'.
      PERFORM alv_display USING t_timesheet t_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                               " SUBMITTED_RECORDS
    Plzz Reward if it is useful,

  • Copy po price from ztable

    We have a Ztable with below structure where the approved purchase prices are stored. We have created a routine which checks whether the PO price is matching to the prices in this table w.r.t. the validity date.
    Can we copy the price from this table to PO directly. i.e, no user will enter the price in PO or info record but the PO will adopt the price from below table.
    MANDT     MANDT     CLNT     3     0     Client
    KSCHL     KSCHA     CHAR     4     0     Condition type
    LIFNR     ELIFN     CHAR     10     0     Vendor Account Number
    MATNR     MATNR     CHAR     18     0     Material Number
    EKORG     EKORG     CHAR     4     0     Purchasing Organization
    WERKS     WERKS_D     CHAR     4     0     Plant
    SEQU          NUMC     13     0     Sequence Number
    DATAB     KODATAB     DATS     8     0     Validity start date of the condition record
    DATBI     KODATBI     DATS     8     0     Validity end date of the condition record
    KBETR     KBETR_KOND     CURR     11     2     Rate (condition amount or percentage) where no scale exists
    KONWA     KONWA     CUKY     5     0     Rate unit (currency or percentage)
    KPEIN     KPEIN     DEC     5     0     Condition pricing unit
    kindly revert.
    thanks in advance.

    You need set a price with standard tools if you want that a VOFM subroutine works, ie: you can do a substitution if the system set a price before.
    I hope this helps you

  • Deleting records from ztable??

    hi there....
    i have arequirement to delete records from a ztable using coding .....
    i hav tried the delete command but its not working properly.
    can anyone suggest a proper method for this....
    urgent requirement.... useful ans wil be rewarded.

    DELETE { {FROM target [WHERE sql_cond]}
           | {target FROM source} }.
    PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid.
    DELETE FROM sflight
    WHERE  carrid = p_carrid AND
           fldate = sy-datum AND
           seatsocc = 0.
    PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF sflight_key,
             mandt  TYPE sflight-mandt,
             carrid TYPE sflight-carrid,
             connid TYPE sflight-connid,
             fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,
          END OF sflight_key.
    DATA sflight_key_tab TYPE TABLE OF sflight_key.
    SELECT carrid connid fldate
           FROM sflight
           INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE sflight_key_tab
           WHERE carrid = p_carrid AND
                 fldate = sy-datum AND
                 seatsocc = 0.
    DELETE sflight FROM TABLE sflight_key_tab.

  • Delete rows from Ztable

    I have a ztable in which there r 5,000 records in production system. User entered some wrong entries. Now i have to delete those rows physically. How can this be done with out effecting other rows. My Ztable is having maintenance sm30. how can i solve this problem. I can't write code for using delete statement as the rows r placed at different places so tht i can't put table index & proceed. thanks in advance

    I have a solution that might work for you too.
    Go to SE11. enter your table name and press display(F7).
    Then press (CntrlShiftF10) for contents of table.
    enter the fields that might help you select your records else leave them empty and press F8.
    Now the records are displayed in list.
    Checkmark the records you want to delete.
    Then press Display(F7).
    Now in Command Bar enter '/h' and press ENTER. the system wud give a msg that debugging has been started.... Now press ENTER once again it will go into debugging.
    In debugging mode there is a variable CODE which will be having value SHOW, change that value to DELE and press the pencil button in the extreme right to that field.This changes the contents of CODE from SHOW to DELE. Now press F8.
    Now in application toolbar 'Delete entry' button will appear with navigation keys.
    So now buddy you need to delete that record by pressing that button and navigate to next record  and delete that and so on,one by one. after you have deleted all the required record press the BACK button, you again come back to list display of records, press refresh and all the deleted records will disappear. Keep on eye on the Message bar while deleting.........
    Reward points if useful, get back in case of query...

  • Need to display value from ztable to a free field in a standard tcode...

    Hello Experts,
    I have a requirement wherein I need to get some data from a custom table and
    need to display it in one of the free fields of transaction FBL1N(Vendor line item display).
    I really do not have any idea how to go about this. Hope you can help me guys.
    Thank you and take care!

    You will have to look for an appropriate user-exit (if there are any) for transaction FBL1N. In the user-exit you can fetch the data from the custom table and populate the fields of the std transaction. Alternative - The fields in FBL1N are populated from the FI documents. So you can create a substitution rule (using a user-exit) and populate the field in the FI Doc. For this you might require the help of your functional consultant.
    Hope this helps

  • Fetching Email-Id from ZTABLE.

    Dear All,
    I have a requirement in which i have to fetch email-id of users from a Z-table based on workcenter (for Tcode IW31/32) value.
    The Z-table contains the Workcenter - Email Id combination.
    I have the work center value in my workflow container using the BO BUS2088, now how to fetch the email-id from the Z-table at runtime?
    I thought of using a rule which in turn would call a FM and in FM I was fetching the value, but the Email-ID fetched is longer than the standard return parameter - ACTOR_TAB-OBJID (only 12 characters long).
    How can i achieve this feature of dynamic assignment of email-id based on the value from Z-table ?
    Kindly assist.

    Could you please explain what is PA0105-USRID_LONG ??
    And i am trying all sorts of approaches to pass data from WF container to my task, but not getting success.
    I even created a class YNEWCLASS with a method YGETDATA and 2 parameters- ACTUALLYPROCBY to take workcenter value from task to method and EMAIL to send the value back to task. but while putting the value for OBJECT CATEGORY for task ( where I select ABAP Class and give class and method name) it gives an error - Interface implementation IF_WORKFLOW does not exist.
    I tried using the BOR object method also but in that I am facing type mismatch while binding the task and WF.
    Any helpful material from where I can learn how to pass data between WF container and task and vice-versa.

  • Transfering data from ztable across the r/3 systems by using change pointer

    hi all,
    what we have to do at the field of domain level when we are transfering data from custom table across the r/3 systems by using change pointers.

    Hi Deepak,
    Check this blog.. it gives a very good explanation on extraction of data through function modules...
    Hope it helps..
    Message was edited by:
            Manickavasagan M

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