ZumoCast goes away?

ZumoCast on my phone goes away then magically re appears days later. This has happened twice after my Bionic seems to die except this time (the second time) it has not come back yet. This app is not on the market so how do I get it back. This is a selling piont of this phone. Works good when the app is on the phone. I am here because I do not understand what is going on and hopefully someone out there does. Maybe a Verizon\Motorola Tech that care about what is going on in the real world.

Hi Check777,
Zumocast is a pre-loaded application with the Bionic, so it will not be in the Android Market. Please try powering off the device and removing the battery, then powering back on. This should resolve it for you. 
I did want to let you know that there is an update scheduled for the Bionic, coming out from Motorola. When it is available, our customers will be notified through our normal channels. 
Thanks so much, 

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