Building variables with variables

Hi All
Here's a quick run down of what I'm trying to do to better
understand the
issue I have.
I'm building the body of a response email for after a
I've created two functions like so:
<cffunction name="createFormVar" access="private"
<cfargument name="one" type="string" required="yes"
<cfargument name="two" type="string" required="yes"
<cfargument name="thisIndex" type="numeric"
required="yes" default="">
<cfargument name="three" type="string" required="yes"
<cfset newFormVar = one & '<cfoutput>##' &
two & thisIndex & three &
'##</cfoutput>' />
<cfreturn newFormVar>
<cffunction name="createRegistrantEmailContents"
<cfargument name="i" type="numeric" required="yes"
<cfset var.newFormVar = "" />
<!--- <cfsavecontent variable="newFormVar"> --->
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("First Name:
", "FORM.P", i, "_Fname") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Last Name:
", "FORM.P", i, "_Lname") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
", "FORM.P", i, "_Address") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
", "FORM.P", i, "_City") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
", "FORM.P", i, "_State") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Zip: ",
"FORM.P", i, "_Zip") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
", "FORM.P", i, "_Phone") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
", "FORM.P", i, "_Email") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
License ##: ", "FORM.P", i, "_LicenseNumber") & Chr(10)
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("License Type:
", "FORM.P", i, "_LicenseType") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Desired Course:
", "FORM.P", i, "_Course") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Date: ",
"FORM.P", i, "_CourseDate") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Location: ",
"FORM.P", i, "_Location") & Chr(10) />
<cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar & "
" & Chr(10) />
<!--- </cfsavecontent> --->
<!--- <cfset myResult=newFormGroup> --->
<cfreturn var.newFormVar>
Then I've calling the createRegistrationEmailContents
function from within a
loop like so:
<cfset Request.NewRegisteredStudents = "" />
<cfloop index="c" from="1" to="#Client.TotalRegistrants#"
step="1" >
<!--- <cfdump var="#createRegistrantEmailContents(c)#"
label="createRegistrantEmailContents(c)" /> --->
<cfset Request.NewRegisteredStudents =
Request.NewRegisteredStudents &
createRegistrantEmailContents(c) />
<cfsavecontent variable="Request.EmailContents">
<cfoutput>Transaction ID: #Request.TransactionID#
Total number of successful registrations
Registered by:
#TRIM(FORM.Pay_Fname)# #TRIM(FORM.Pay_Lname)#
#TRIM(FORM.Pay_City)#, #TRIM(FORM.Pay_State)#
Fullfillment Amount:
Registrant Details:
<!--- #createRegistrantEmailContents(c)# --->
The problem is my form variables are returning like code
rather than their
values. like so:
Transaction ID: 0
Total number of successful registrations 1.
Registered by:
Bill Betournay
P.O. Box 41
Echo Bay, Ontario 12345
Fullfillment Amount: $ 25.00
Registrant Details:
First Name: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Fname#</cfoutput>
Last Name: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Lname#</cfoutput>
Address: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Address#</cfoutput>
City: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_City#</cfoutput>
State: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_State#</cfoutput>
Zip: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Zip#</cfoutput>
Phone: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Phone#</cfoutput>
Email: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Email#</cfoutput>
Electrical License #:
License Type:
Desired Course:
Date: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_CourseDate#</cfoutput>
Location: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Location#</cfoutput>
First Name: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Fname#</cfoutput>
Last Name: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Lname#</cfoutput>
Address: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Address#</cfoutput>
City: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_City#</cfoutput>
State: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_State#</cfoutput>
Zip: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Zip#</cfoutput>
Phone: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Phone#</cfoutput>
Email: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Email#</cfoutput>
Electrical License #:
License Type:
Desired Course:
Date: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_CourseDate#</cfoutput>
Location: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Location#</cfoutput>
*********************************************So my question
is, how do I get
the values of the form variables or what am I missing??Maybe
I'll try using
an HTML email and see if I can get that yo work. Although,
this problem must
be something simple that I'm just not seeing.ThanksBill

In addition, the form is created dynamically by the number of
registrants that the user needs to enter. The from gets
created using a loop
so once the transaction has been successful I then have to
loop through the
FORM var to get all new registrants. There is no database
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi All
> Here's a quick run down of what I'm trying to do to
better understand the
> issue I have.
> I'm building the body of a response email for after a
> transaction.
> I've created two functions like so:
> ****************************************
> <cffunction name="createFormVar" access="private"
> <cfargument name="one" type="string" required="yes"
> <cfargument name="two" type="string" required="yes"
> <cfargument name="thisIndex" type="numeric"
required="yes" default="">
> <cfargument name="three" type="string" required="yes"
> <cfset newFormVar = one & '<cfoutput>##'
& two & thisIndex & three &
> '##</cfoutput>' />
> <cfreturn newFormVar>
> </cffunction>
> <cffunction name="createRegistrantEmailContents"
> returntype="string">
> <cfargument name="i" type="numeric" required="yes"
> <cfset var.newFormVar = "" />
> <!--- <cfsavecontent variable="newFormVar">
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("First Name: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Fname") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Last Name: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Lname") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Address: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Address") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("City: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_City") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("State: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_State") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Zip: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Zip") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Phone: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Phone") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Email: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Email") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
> License ##: ", "FORM.P", i, "_LicenseNumber") &
Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("License Type:
> ", "FORM.P", i, "_LicenseType") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Desired Course:
> ", "FORM.P", i, "_Course") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Date: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_CourseDate") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar &
createFormVar("Location: ",
> "FORM.P", i, "_Location") & Chr(10) />
> <cfset var.newFormVar = var.newFormVar & " "
& Chr(10) />
> <!--- </cfsavecontent> --->
> <!--- <cfset myResult=newFormGroup> --->
> <cfreturn var.newFormVar>
> </cffunction>
> ******************************************
> Then I've calling the createRegistrationEmailContents
function from within
> a loop like so:
> ******************************************
> <cfset Request.NewRegisteredStudents = "" />
> <cfloop index="c" from="1"
> step="1" >
> <!--- <cfdump
> label="createRegistrantEmailContents(c)" /> --->
> <cfset Request.NewRegisteredStudents =
> Request.NewRegisteredStudents &
createRegistrantEmailContents(c) />
> </cfloop>
> <cfsavecontent variable="Request.EmailContents">
> <cfoutput>Transaction ID: #Request.TransactionID#
> Total number of successful registrations
> #Request.TotalRegistrants#.
> ====================
> Registered by:
> #TRIM(FORM.Pay_Fname)# #TRIM(FORM.Pay_Lname)#
> #TRIM(FORM.Pay_Address)#
> #TRIM(FORM.Pay_City)#, #TRIM(FORM.Pay_State)#
> #TRIM(FORM.Pay_Zip)#
> Fullfillment Amount:
> $#NumberFormat(TRIM(Request.TotalFee),'999999999.99')#
> ====================
> Registrant Details:
> <!--- #createRegistrantEmailContents(c)# --->
> #Request.NewRegisteredStudents#
> ====================</cfoutput>
> </cfsavecontent>
> ******************************************
> The problem is my form variables are returning like code
rather than their
> values. like so:
> ******************************************
> emailcontents=
> Transaction ID: 0
> Total number of successful registrations 1.
> ====================
> Registered by:
> Bill Betournay
> P.O. Box 41
> Echo Bay, Ontario 12345
> Fullfillment Amount: $ 25.00
> ====================
> Registrant Details:
> First Name:
> Last Name:
> Address:
> City: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_City#</cfoutput>
> State: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_State#</cfoutput>
> Zip: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Zip#</cfoutput>
> Phone: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Phone#</cfoutput>
> Email: <cfoutput>#FORM.P1_Email#</cfoutput>
> Electrical License #:
> License Type:
> Desired Course:
> Date:
> Location:
> First Name:
> Last Name:
> Address:
> City: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_City#</cfoutput>
> State: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_State#</cfoutput>
> Zip: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Zip#</cfoutput>
> Phone: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Phone#</cfoutput>
> Email: <cfoutput>#FORM.P2_Email#</cfoutput>
> Electrical License #:
> License Type:
> Desired Course:
> Date:
> Location:
> *********************************************So my
question is, how do I
> get the values of the form variables or what am I
missing??Maybe I'll try
> using an HTML email and see if I can get that yo work.
Although, this
> problem must be something simple that I'm just not

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    # ChangeLog
    # v0.3 2004/08/19 - Mircea Ionut Bardac (IceRAM)
    # Updated the PKGBUILD for autodetection of the kernel version and kernel revision
    # v0.2 2004/07/23 - Wojciech Szlachta
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    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel and modules"
    getvar() {
    old=$(cat Makefile | grep "^$1")
    echo $(echo ${old/"$1 ="/} | sed -e "s/[ ]*(.*)[ ]*/1/g")
    return 0
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/linux-$pkgver
    # apply patches here
    # patch -p1 < ../patch1
    # get rid of the 'i' in i686
    carch=`echo $CARCH | sed 's|i||'`
    cat ../config | sed "s|#CARCH#|$carch|g" >./.config
    # make changes in kernel configuration
    make oldconfig || return 1
    cp ./.config ../../
    #use the following line instead of the 2 lines above for default config
    #yes "" | make config || return 1
    # set EXTRAVERSION to create unique /lib/modules/ subdirectories
    _ker_extraversion=$(getvar "EXTRAVERSION")
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    _oldline=$(cat Makefile | grep "^EXTRAVERSION")
    if [ $kerrev != "" ]; then
    cat Makefile | sed "s|$_oldline|EXTRAVERSION = $_ker_extraversion|" > tmpMake
    mv tmpMake Makefile
    kerver=$(getvar "VERSION").$(getvar "PATCHLEVEL").$(getvar "SUBLEVEL")
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    # removing patches versions from the revision string
    _n1=$(expr match $kerrev '([.][0-9]*)')
    _n21=$(expr match $q '[.][0-9]*(.*)')
    _n2=$(echo $_n21 | sed -e "s/[0-9]*-/-/g")
    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel ($kerver) and modules - revision $kerrev / package version: $pkgver build: $pkgrel"
    echo "- Package information ----------------"
    echo " Package name: $pkgname"
    echo " Package version: $pkgver"
    echo " Package release: $pkgrel"
    echo " Kernel version: $kerver"
    echo " Kernel revision: $kerrev"
    echo "--------------------------------------"
    make clean bzImage modules || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/{lib/modules,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$startdir/pkg modules_install || return 1
    # create unique names in /boot/
    cp $startdir/pkg/boot/System.map26$kerrev
    cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage $startdir/pkg/boot/vmlinuz26$kerrev
    install -D -m644 Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/Makefile
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.config
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/boot/kconfig26$kerrev
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel
    for i in acpi asm-generic asm-i386 config linux math-emu net pcmcia scsi video; do
    cp -a include/$i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include/
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp -a scripts $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.tmp_versions
    cp arch/i386/Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/
    cp arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel/
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/`echo $i | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp $i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/$i
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include && ln -s asm-i386 asm
    chown -R root.root $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver
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    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src
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    1>  Deleting file "Win32\Debug\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.unsuccessfulbuild".
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    2>Build started 11-03-2015 19:04:35.
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    2>Build FAILED.
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    Hi Sayalee8333,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    Since this CMake is involved to the Extensions tool
    CMake - Cross Platform Make , this extension tool is
    out of support range of this forum.
    In order to resolve your issue better, I suggest you post this issue here,
    click “Q AND A”, you will get better support there.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x17d): undefined reference to `aa_close'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `draw_slice':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x325): undefined reference to `aa_fastrender'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x35b): undefined reference to `aa_render'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `draw_frame':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x44a): undefined reference to `aa_fastrender'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x4ae): undefined reference to `aa_render'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `preinit':
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    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xa8f): undefined reference to `aa_getfirst'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xaa2): undefined reference to `aa_displayrecommended'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xaa7): undefined reference to `aa_recommendhi'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xaae): undefined reference to `aa_defparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xab3): undefined reference to `aa_autoinit'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xace): undefined reference to `aa_autoinitkbd'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xaec): undefined reference to `aa_resizehandler'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xaf9): undefined reference to `aa_hidecursor'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xafe): undefined reference to `aa_getrenderparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xbdb): undefined reference to `aa_defrenderparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xbe6): undefined reference to `aa_defparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xbeb): undefined reference to `aa_parseoptions'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xc0b): undefined reference to `aa_defrenderparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xc26): undefined reference to `aa_defparams'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xc2b): undefined reference to `aa_parseoptions'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xc82): undefined reference to `aa_help'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xdea): undefined reference to `aa_close'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe28): undefined reference to `aa_displayrecommended'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe2d): undefined reference to `aa_recommendlow'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe38): undefined reference to `aa_displayrecommended'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe3d): undefined reference to `aa_recommendhi'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe48): undefined reference to `aa_displayrecommended'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xe4d): undefined reference to `aa_recommendhi'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `printosdtext':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xf0b): undefined reference to `aa_printf'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0xf67): undefined reference to `aa_printf'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `flip_page':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x105e): undefined reference to `aa_flush'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x11bd): undefined reference to `aa_puts'
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x11f9): undefined reference to `aa_puts'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `check_events':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x137f): undefined reference to `aa_getevent'
    libvo/libvo.a(vo_aa.o): In function `resize':
    vo_aa.c:(.text+0x1817): undefined reference to `aa_resize'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: *** [mplayer] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    Can someone help me out here? I imagine the answer is simple, but I can't get past this stage.

    diff -ur MPlayer-1.0pre8.orig/configure MPlayer-1.0pre8/configure
    --- MPlayer-1.0pre8.orig/configure 2006-06-11 20:35:47.000000000 +0200
    +++ MPlayer-1.0pre8/configure 2006-06-13 12:43:01.000000000 +0200
    @@ -4137,6 +4137,8 @@
    _def_aa='#define HAVE_AA 1'
    if cygwin ; then
    _ld_aa=`aalib-config --libs | cut -d " " -f 2,5,6`
    + else
    + _ld_aa="-laa"
    _vosrc="$_vosrc vo_aa.c"
    _vomodules="aa $_vomodules"
    This patch will help.

  • LabVIEW 8.5.1 Build Problem With LV2010 Installed

    I am experiencing a problem when building an application installer using LabVIEW 8.5.1. I have built this application many time before but since installing LabVIEW 2010 I can no longer build the installer.
    I have tried to buiuld the application on a Windows 7 PC and a Windows XP machine. My minimum requirment in my build options was Windows 2000, I changed that to XP but it made no difference.
    I get the following error message: >> >> >> >>
    Loading product deployment information
    Adding files to installer
    *** WARNING ***
    Cannot enforce the requested minimum operating system restriction because the deployment engine only supports Windows XP or later. Resetting minimum restriction to Windows XP or later.
    Done adding files
    Preparing to build deployment
    Copying products from distributions
    *** Error: Fatal runtime error. (Error code -10)
    *** Error Details:
    Error in MDF API function: _MDFDistCopyList_GetCount
    Access violation! Structured exception code 3221225477
    *** End Error Report
    Done building deployment
    Has anyone else come across this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Andrew.
    It didn't help.  After three days of trying, I did get one system to build without error. I'm currently trying to get another system to build.
    It looks like the Access violation is caused by the deployment utility not asking to change to DVD 3 for CVI after the product caches has been cleared (To fix the error code -40 problem).  Restoring the CVI runtime (NI LabWindows_CVI 2009 Service Pack 1 Run-Time Engine [9.1.1450]) to the Product Cache seems to fix the problem.
    The status log doesn't show enough information to figure out the problems.  Looking at the end of the Detailed_Installer.log is pretty much manditory.
    My recomendation is to build first with "Install TestStand Engine" and the various "Driver and Components..." turned off and then slowly enable the ones wanted. 
    Also, it saves a lot of pain and suffering to do at least one deployment with "Copy Installers to Product Cache by Default" turned on before doing an upgrade so you don't have to go search for old DVD's.
    After a lot of trial and error, I believe these are the steps I went through to finally get it to work:
    1. Close TestStand, LabView, and Deployment Utility
    2. Delete all in C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\ProductCache, except the CVI Runtime
    3. Delete all in  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache, except runtime 7.1.1
    There seems to be something wrong with the .NET language pack installation.  It always seems to generate errors.
    3. Run DotNet20x86langpack.msi  on the Device Driver DVD at Products\DotNet20langpack_x86_Installer\ and uninstall.
    4. Run DotNet20x86langpack.msi  and install.
    5. Put DVD 1 back in.
    Got an error with the .Net installer so. . .
    6. Uninstall at D:\Distributions\LV\Products\DotNet20_x86_Installer\DotNet20x86
    7. Install at D:\Distributions\LV_SE\Products\DotNet20_x86_Installer\DotNet20x86
    8. Again Install  at D:\Distributions\LV\Products\DotNet20_x86_Installer\DotNet20x86
    9. Run TestStand, LabView (if using VI's), and the Deployment Utility.  
    Runtime 8.5.1 should install automatically and ask to reboot the system.  Go ahead reboot and run Teststand, etc. again.
    10. In global settings, 'clear prompt before'. . . , and select 'copy installers to product cache by default'
    11. On Installer Options tab, clear "Install TestStand Engine".
    12. Build - ALWAYS 'remove all files from this folder before building'
    It "should" build.  If not, fix any errors.
    12. Select Install TestStand Engine.
    13. Select Engine Options... and clear all check boxes (except runtime 7.1.1)
    14. Build again (make sure DVD 1 is in)
    15. Install other Engine Options, Drivers and Components.
    16. Build again (make sure DVD 1 is in)

  • How can i build table with two user name columne  ?

    How can I build view with two columns for user name ( one create and the other
    Can change also ) 
    And to display full name ( the user name is the key but not display  ) ?

    Creating View
    •     From initial screen of data dictionary(T.Code: SE11), enter the name of object i.e. view.
    •     Select view radio button and click on the push button.
    •     Dialog box is displayed for types of views.
    •     Select the view type.
    •     On the next screen, you have to pass following parameters.
    •     Short text
    •     In the table box you need to enter the table names, which are to be related.
    •     In join table box you need to join the two tables.
    •     Click on the TABFIELD. System displays the dialog box for all the table fields and user can select the fields from this screen. These fields are displayed in the view fields box.
    •     Save and Activate: When the view is activated, view is automatically created in the underlying database system. As long as the table exists in the database, the view also exists (Unless you delete it).

  • Process flow for Maintenance Event Builder integrated with PS

    Dear EAM  Master ,
    Good Day. Can anyone show me how's the process flow for Process flow for Maintenance Event Builder integrated with PS.
    Thank you.

    [SAP Help|]

  • Comunication and events: Flex Builder 2 with Flash CS3

    Hey hello...well, my question is: how can i comunicate Flex
    Builder 2 with Flash CS3?
    this is my code on Flex Builder 2:
    import mx.controls.*;
    public function CargaCompleta(e:Event):void
    catch(er:Error) {,"Error"); }
    public function uno(e:Event):void
    s1.source = null;
    s1.source = "recursos/reactivos/208M-1R.swf";
    catch(er:Error) {,"Error"); }
    <mx:SWFLoader id="s1" width="278" height="251"
    and when it change from one file to another, on the event
    "Complete" for the SWFLodar, an error happend
    TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una propiedad o
    a un método de una referencia a un objeto nulo.
    at 208M_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    Hope somebody can help me...for your time thanks...

    "Jorge EdOardo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gfcfcr$9s2$[email protected]..
    > Hey hello...well, my question is: how can i comunicate
    Flex Builder 2 with
    > Flash CS3?
    > this is my code on Flex Builder 2:
    > <mx:Script>
    > <![CDATA[
    > import mx.controls.*;
    > import*;
    > public function CargaCompleta(e:Event):void
    > {
    > try
    > {
    > }
    > catch(er:Error) {,"Error"); }
    > }
    > public function uno(e:Event):void
    > {
    > try
    > {
    > aliza"]);
    > s1.source = null;
    > s1.source = "recursos/reactivos/208M-1R.swf";
    > }
    > catch(er:Error) {,"Error"); }
    > }
    > ]]>
    > </mx:Script>
    > <mx:SWFLoader id="s1" width="278" height="251"
    > complete="CargaCompleta(event)"
    > source="recursos/interactivos/208M-1I.swf">
    > </mx:SWFLoader>
    > and when it change from one file to another, on the
    event "Complete" for
    > the
    > SWFLodar, an error happend
    > TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una
    propiedad o a un m?todo
    > de
    > una referencia a un objeto nulo.
    > at 208M_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    > Hope somebody can help me...for your time thanks...

  • Build finished with ERROR - Failed to pack public part

    I am getting an error when I try to build a Development Component in CBS. This is what the build log says:
    Ant build finished with ERRORS
    Failed to pack public part: Failed to get InputStream for resource D:\usr\sap\PVD\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\CBS\2\7\.B\3570\DCs\\general\rimp\preq\preqform\preqcreate\_comp\src\configuration\Components\\CreatePurchReqCompView_Create_Purch_Req_IF.xdp
    Error: Build stopped due to an error: Failed to pack public part: Failed to get InputStream for resource D:\usr\sap\PVD\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\CBS\2\7\.B\3570\DCs\\general\rimp\preq\preqform\preqcreate\_comp\src\configuration\Components\\CreatePurchReqCompView_Create_Purch_Req_IF.xdp
    Build plugin finished at 2008-10-02 15:31:45 GMT12:00 (NZDT)+
    Total build plugin runtime: 31.769 seconds
    Build finished with ERROR
    Could you please tell me why I am getting this error, and how do I resolve this one?

    Was never able to find an answer for this on SDN and haven't had the issue in a long time so I'm closing question.

  • Install problem JDeveloper 12c ( (Build 6668) with Generic Installer on windows

    I am trying to install JDeveloper 12c ( (Build 6668) with Generic Installer on windows .
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin>java -jar C:\jdev_suite_121200.jar
    I get the following error :
    Extracting files................................................................
    Unsupported platform (unable to determine the startup directory location).
    The Oracle Universal Installer failed.  Exiting.
    When I try with windows install ( right click jdev_suite_121200_win32.exe and "run as administrator") , I get the following error:
    ERROR Launch:No such file or directory
    In the discussion ( , it is said to be solved by "running as administrator" but it didn't work for me ...
    Thanks ...

      Can you please tell whether you are using 32-bit or 64-bit windows.
      If it is 64-bit then you must run as administrator. In Windows 7x64, just right click on the jDeveloper exe and choose "run as administrator..."
      Remove the existing Oracle folder and restart the system.
      Try to install in new drive.
      Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle JDeveloper - 11g Release 2 ( Hope this link will give you more idea in installation.
    Message was edited by: d6866663-7e0d-4497-89df-99f670c41872

  • Problem building GTK with jbuild on Mac OS X

    Hi everyone,
    I don't know if this is the right place to ask my question...
    I cannot build GTK with jbuild on my Leopard 10.5.8 system.
    I have deleted the Leopard built-in Python 2.5 folder (At that time I didn't know that deleting the default system Python is not good....) and I have installed Python 2.7 (from the .dmg file).
    I also Installed Apple Developer Tools, which I guess should be XCode 3.0.
    On the terminal I verified my Python version:
    $ which python
    Then I followed this guide to build GTK:
    which is basically the same as the one in Gnome site:
    I followed the first guide, but it gives me some errors:
    macbook-pro-di-zhu-francesco-yangfan:~ francesco$ curl -o
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  3716  100  3716    0     0   1612      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 1814k
    macbook-pro-di-zhu-francesco-yangfan:~ francesco$ sh
    Checking out jhbuild (2.32.4) from git...
    From git://
    * tag               2.32.4     -> FETCH_HEAD
    Installing jhbuild...
    Installing jhbuild configuration...
    Installing gtk-osx moduleset files...
    PATH does not contain /Users/francesco/.local/bin, it is recommended that you add that.
    macbook-pro-di-zhu-francesco-yangfan:~ francesco$ PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
    macbook-pro-di-zhu-francesco-yangfan:~ francesco$ export PATH
    macbook-pro-di-zhu-francesco-yangfan:~ francesco$ jhbuild bootstrap
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/francesco/Source/jhbuild/jhbuild/", line 212, in load
        execfile(self.filename, config)
      File "/Users/francesco/.jhbuildrc", line 90, in <module>
        _xcodeversion = xcode_ver()
      File "/Users/francesco/.jhbuildrc", line 89, in xcode_ver
        return float(exp.match(_ver).group(1))
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
    jhbuild: could not load config file
    Anyone can tell me why I got this error?
    It seems that jbuild doesn't see my xcode version? But I did install it!
    It's very strange because I succeeded to do 'jbuild bootstrap' before when I used to have Python 2.5, although I got stuck for other commands more forward.
    Thanks everyone.

    You may want to also post over in the Developer forums...

  • Building application with microsoft agent

    Can someone clarify if there is anything different that needs to be done while building a stand-alone application that includes VIs that use the MS agent voice VIs (for example MSagentTTS.llb) along with CGI VIs? I have been able to build applications with only CGI VIs but failed while adding MS agent VI functionality. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    "Belur" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > Can someone clarify if there is anything different that needs to be
    > done while building a stand-alone application that includes VIs that
    > use the MS agent voice VIs (for example MSagentTTS.llb) along with CGI
    > VIs? I have been able to build applications with only CGI VIs but
    > failed while adding MS agent VI functionality. Any help is greatly
    > appreciated.
    You'll need to install the Microsoft Agent parts on the target computer.
    They are:
    MSAgent.exe - the core components
    actcnc.exe - MS Speech Recognition Engine
    tv_enua.exe - MS Text To Speech engine
    Merlin.exe - or any of the available different voices
    Theses are available for downl
    oad from

  • Building Emacs with Xft on Arch64

    When I try do build Emacs with Xft (I tried both the source and AUR) I get the following error:
    make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib64/crt1.o', needed by `temacs'.  Stop.
    On my machine crt1.o is in /usr/lib not in /usr/lib64.
    Probably there is an easy way to solve this.
    Thanks for any help,

    try adding --libdir=/usr/lib to the configure options.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Best configuration to extend wifi with Time Capsule & Airport Express

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  • Can there be models on corporate order that's not in TABook?

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  • Noise level core i7 "loaded" 27" 2011 model?

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  • Sync with both Mac os 10.4 AND Windows XP at the same time?

    After much research AND much frustration with my Moto Q... I have decided on a Palm Centro (the prodical is returning home --- i used to use Palm all the time) Here is my one question... I use Outlook on my computer at work (XP - office suite) and I