CL20N can not display added fields in the search result ?

In needs of displaying storage location for each material in the transaction CL30N , we use the user exit CLCLRS01 and CLCLRS02 to add new field. But after that the added field is not displayed
Have you ever tried this ?

Please find below the code for adding the fields. This code is present in the FM 'EXIT_SAPLCLRS_001'.
If the field added is from database, then the field needs to be added in table 'LT_ONLY_THIS_FIELDS'(see below FM). Else, the fields needs to be added in the table 'ET_FIELDS' as shown below.
                I_STRUCTURE         = 'MARC'
                I_LANGUAGE          = I_LANGUAGE
                ET_FIELDS           = ET_FIELDS
                ET_FIELDS_TEXT      = ET_FIELDS_TEXT.
                I_STRUCTURE         = 'DRAW'
                I_LANGUAGE          = I_LANGUAGE
                I_FIRST_CALL        = 'X'
                ET_FIELDS           = ET_FIELDS
                ET_FIELDS_TEXT      = ET_FIELDS_TEXT.
Here a field which are not from a database table is added

Similar Messages

  • Adding Fields to People Search Results Page

    Working in SharePoint Online, I've been able to add a few fields to the People Search results page successfully:
    Office Locator
    Office Location
    Work Phone
    Mobile Phone
    Home Phone
    Work Email
    All of the above fields are working and display on the People search results page.
    I tried to add these and they simply do not display.  There is no error:
    University Email
    I set them up the same way.  I created the Property in the User Profile area.  I then populated the data for each user.  I then added the property as a Managed property (search schema) linked to the Crawled property from the People category.
    Made sure that they were query able, retrievable, searchable, etc.  Then I edited the People Search code and then I waited over the weekend for the search to pick them up.  I came into work this morning and they still do not display.  Here is
    my code, just in case I missed something.  Thanks.
    <html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
    <title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
    <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
    <mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101002039C03B61C64EC4A04F5361F385106603</mso:ContentTypeId>
    <mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','UniversityEmail':'UniversityEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','Assistant':'Assistant','CalendarScheduling':'CalendarScheduling','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string"> Templates/Search/UIF_Item_Person.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
    <mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
    <div id="Item_Person">
    if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
    var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
    var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
    var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
    $setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
    var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
    var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
    var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
    var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
    var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
    var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var has_universityemail = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
    var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var has_assistant = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
    var has_calendarscheduling = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
    var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
    var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
    var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
    var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
    var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
    var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
    var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
    var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
    var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
    var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
    var delimiter = "";
    var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
    var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
    var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
    var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
    var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
    var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
    <div id="UserPersonaContainer">
    <div id="UserPersona">
    <div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
    <div id="UserInfoContainer">
    <div id="ContactInfo">
    <div id="NameField">
    var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
    var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
    <div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
    <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
    if(has_jt == true) {
    <div id="JobTitleField">
    var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
    <div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
    if(has_dp == true) {
    <div id="DepartmentField">
    var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
    <div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> <b>_#= displayDept =#_</b> </div>
    if(has_org == true) {
    <div id="Organization">
    var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
    <div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
    if(has_bolocation == true) {
    <div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
    var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
    <div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
    if(has_wphone == true) {
    <div id="WorkPhone">
    var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
    <div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_mphone == true) {
    <div id="MobilePhone">
    var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_hphone == true) {
    <div id="HomePhone">
    var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
    <div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_email == true) {
    <div id="WorkEmail">
    var encodedemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var displayemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkEmail");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayemail)) { displayemail = encodedemail }
    <div id="WorkEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedemail =#_"> <b>Foundation Email:</b> _#= displayemail =#_ </div>
    if(has_universityemail == true) {
    <div id="UniversityEmail">
    var encodeduniversityemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
    var displayuniversityemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "UniversityEmail");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayuniversityemail)) { displayuniversityemail = encodeduniversityemail }
    <div id="UniversityEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodeduniversityemail =#_"> <b>University Email:</b> _#= displayuniversityemail =#_ </div>
    if(has_assistant == true) {
    <div id="Assistant">
    var encodedassistant = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
    var displayassistant = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Assistant");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayassistant)) { displayassistant = encodedassistant }
    <div id="AssistantValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedassistant =#_"> <b>Assistant:</b> _#= displayassistant =#_ </div>
    if(has_calendarscheduling == true) {
    <div id="CalendarScheduling">
    var encodedcalendarscheduling = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
    var displaycalendarscheduling = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "CalendarScheduling");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaycalendarscheduling)) { displaycalendarscheduling = encodedcalendarscheduling }
    <div id="CalendarSchedulingValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedcalendarscheduling =#_"> <b>Calendar/Scheduling:</b> _#= displaycalendarscheduling =#_ </div>
    if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoShort">
    if(has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_sch == true){
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoLong">
    if(has_abme == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(isSelfSrch == true) {
    <hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
    <div id="SelfSearchInfo">
    <div id="Heading">
    <a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
    <div id="Frequency">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
    <ul id="FrequencyCard">
    <li id="MonthlyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    <li id="DailyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_query == true) {
    <div id="Keywords">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
    var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
    var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
    Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
    <div id="LastModifiedTime">
    <span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
    <span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
    EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
    var getUserPersona = function() {
    var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
    renderCtx.Templates = {};
    renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
    var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
    var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
    var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
    var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
    if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
    personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
    if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
    if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
    ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
    ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;

    According to your post, my understanding is that you have an issue about adding fields in people search results page.
    Per my knowledge, there is no issue in your steps, and the issue may be related to the search crawl in SharePoint online.
    For SharePoint server on-premise, we can start the search full crawl, however, for SharePoint online, we could not start the search full crawl manually.
    You can wait for some time to complete the search full crawl in SharePoint online, then check whether it works.
    As this is the forum for SharePoint server on-premise, I’m not familiar with the SharePoint online search crawl, for this issue, I recommend you can post a new question in the forum for Office 365/SharePoint online.
    More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to SharePoint Online.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Display folder path in the search result page

    I learnt that to customise the search results page, we need to change the SearchResultLayout set . Is there a command that I can add to the "command list" to display the folder/file path in the search results. Any suggestions in this regard is highly appreciated.

    Hi Sreeram,
    Pls check this thread..
    hope this helps.

  • Can't display three field in the ALV report

    hi all,
    i have made a report ALV in which i have to display these fields:
    BANFN,EMATN,TXZ01,MENGE,NETPR,EBELN,BEDAT,LIFNR,NAME1 and the table which im using are EKKO,EKPO,LFA1.
    Actually only three fileds i-e (EBELN,LIFNR,NAME1) are not displaying in the report.
    I can't understand what is the problem in the coding.
    This is the PERFROM ORGANIZE DATA coding:
      form organizate_data.
      data: lv_index type sy-tabix.
    loop at itab_main.
        move sy-tabix to itab_main-sno.
        clear itab_ekpo.
        read table itab_ekpo with key ebeln = itab_main-ebeln
                                      ebelp = itab_main-ebelp.
       loop at itab_ekko where  bedat = itab_main-bedat.
      clear itab_main.
      loop at itab_ekpo.
        move sy-tabix to itab_main-sno.
        clear itab_ekko.
        read table itab_ekko with key ebeln = itab_main-ebeln binary search.
        move-corresponding itab_ekpo to itab_main.
        move-corresponding itab_ekko to itab_main.
        append itab_main.

    form organizate_data.
      data: lv_index type sy-tabix.
    loop at itab_main.
        move sy-tabix to itab_main-sno.
        clear itab_ekpo.
        read table itab_ekpo with key ebeln = itab_main-ebeln
                                      ebelp = itab_main-ebelp.
       loop at itab_ekko where  bedat = itab_main-bedat.
      clear itab_main.
    CONCATENATE 'No.' itab_lfa1-lifnr  'Name:' itab_lfa1-name1 INTO itab_main-n3 SEPARATED BY space.
      loop at itab_ekpo.
        move sy-tabix to itab_main-sno.
        clear itab_ekko.
        read table itab_ekko with key ebeln = itab_main-ebeln binary search.
        move-corresponding itab_ekpo to itab_main.
        move-corresponding itab_ekko to itab_main.
        append itab_main.
    endform.                    "organizate_data
    continued from here...

  • Display of files in the (search) "results" box

    I'm using Adobe Reader XI, version 11.0.09 (pre-installed in my computer, which is using Windows 8.1)
    When I use the advanced search to look for recurrence of a word within several .pdf files in the same folder, at the end of the search, the box "Results" is reduced to a very small line, the height is less than one printed line, and it is impossible to see the list of found files.

    Thanks for responding Alexandre.
    Yes its Opportunity Application CRMD_BUS2000111.
    In the application layout of the above application.
    OPP_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULT field group was assigned to
    Event INIT  , FOCUS_CHANGE_SRES  and SAVE  with element SRES and Position 2.
    OPP_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULT_CREATE field group was assigned to
    Event  CREATE_FOLLOWUP  and CREATE with element SRES and Position 2.
    In the activity  Application element--> field group
      the above two field groups have 20 in the last 2 columns.
    Still in the PCUI Im getting only 5 lines.
    Am I missing any thing ?

  • Can not see Characteristics fields in the output option of VC

    Any body know why is the characteristic fields of a BW query shows only in the input parameter and not shown in the output option when we model BW query in VC?

    Hi Maureen,
    right click on query "Test data service" then excute the query and click on generate.
    Best Regards,

  • After updating to Mavericks, I can not display what is on the desktop to a projector.  What adjustment do I need to make?

    After updating from Lion to Mavericks, I am unable to see what is on my desktop through a projector connected to my Mackbook Pro. Where do I make a change to a setting that will accomodate the use of a projector?

    Once again, Apple has decided they know the way you want to do this, and you will have to dig in the preferences to turn off these so-called "enhancements".
    If you need an app window to span multiple displays [or work the way they used to work] deselect the option "Displays have separate Spaces" in the Mission Control pane of System Preferences.
    OS X: Using multiple displays in Mavericks

  • Append text in one of the fields of the search results using ResultScriptWebPart

    I have extended ResultScriptWebPart and would like to update the fields with a constant value based on a backend logic.
    QueryIssuing -> Event
    // After ExecutyQuery()
             var resultTables = resultTableCollection.Filter("TableType", KnownTableTypes.RelevantResults);           
                foreach (ResultTable item in resultTables)
                    int count = item.Table.Rows.Count;
                    DataRow row = null;
                    for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
                        item.Table.Rows[i]["Flag1"] = "This field is updated."                    
             e.Result = resultCollection
    In my search display template, I added "Flag1" into my ManagedProperty mapping but the value still blank. Can it be done this way? 
    Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    I am trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to further look at this issue. There might be some time delay. Appreciate your patience.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Adding field in the standard report

    Hi ,
    i have added the one field in the standard transaction VL06 , in the outboud deliveries report according to the Note 605460. I have to add the field in LIPOV structure.
    after adding that field(include structure), in output i am not getting that added field.
    please help me .
    ajay reddy

    Ajay reddy wrote:
    > hI,
    > i got the one more note to display added field in the report . (Note : 128154)
    > thanks for your tme
    > regards,
    > Ajay  reddy
    Hi Ajay,
    I have the same problem. I have added the field in the field catalog and the field in the final internal table also.
    But sometimes its displayed and sometime not.
    Looking forward for some help here.

  • How to display the detailed navigation with the Search Results

    Hello Gurus,
    I was able to display the search results in the same frame rather than opening the new window and getting it displayed. Now when the search results are displayed, my detailed navigation and portal favorites etc.. all the iviews are automatically suppressed.
    Please help me displaying the search results with Navigation Panel.

    Hi Vaibhav,
    What do you mean by suppressed?
    Is it gone, or just closed?
    If it is just closed, you can try 2 things:
    1. Check if the property "Initial State of Navigation Panel" of the page has any influence.
    2. There is a javascript method that opens it.
    You can see it by importing the file '<b></b>'.
    Navigate to
    System Administration -> Support -> Support Desk -> Portal Runtime -> Browse deployment
    then the folder
    and press download.
    Import from par to Developer Studio, and check the javascript files under dist/PORTAL-INF for a function called something like 'expandTray'.
    Hope that helps,

  • Strange scenario,Oracle can not display the data in mysql correctly

    I use Heterogeneous Service+ODBC to achieve "oracle access mysql"(any other method?),and now i find Oracle can not display the data in mysql correctly:
    mysql> create table tst(id int,name varchar(10));
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> insert into tst values(1,'a');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from tst;
    | id | name |
    | 1 | a |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show create table tst\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
    Table: tst
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `tst` (
    `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    -------------oracle ------------------
    SQL> select count(*) from "tst"@mysql;
    SQL> select * from "tst"@mysql;
    SQL> desc "tst"@mysql;
    Name Null? Type
    id NUMBER(10)

    You can make the following query on the result page:
    "select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?"
    then you set movietitle and cinema to those which the user selected. If the resultset contains more than 0 rows, that means the movie is available.
    Below is the sample code, it assumes you have a connection to the database:
    PreparedStatement stat = myConnection.prepareStatement("select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?");
    stat.setString(1, usersMovieTitleSelection);
    stat.setString(2, usersCinemaSelection);
    ResultSet res = stat.executeQuery();
    if ( {
    out.print("The movie is available");
    } else {
    out.print("The movie is not available");
    }Now just add that to your JSP page. Enjoy ! =)

  • I have a problem with my iPhone 5 stopped working the sleep / power and simultaneously refused to obey the HOME button. I can not use either one or the other. I can not enable or disable the device, display lights up when you plug the charger. same displa

    I have a problem with my iPhone 5 stopped working the sleep / power and simultaneously refused to obey the HOME button. I can not use either one or the other. I can not enable or disable the device, display lights up when you plug the charger. same display works fine as it is surprising. or maybe someone knows what is the reason for this? is there any way to solve this problem?

    More than likely its a hardware issue, I have never encountered such a problem and best bet is to just go get it replaced. If you have insurance on your device apple will replace it as long as there was no water damage, if you dont have insurance they will charge $200 more or less. Hope you get it fixed

  • "iTunes can not run because some of the required fields are missing.  Please reinstall iTunes."  What the ****?!

    "iTunes can not run because some of the required fields are missing.  Please reinstall iTunes."  What the ****?  Please help me figure this out.  I already removed quicktime (as another thread suggested).  I can't get in!

    i get same error.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled more times than i care to count. but still i get
    itunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing.

  • ITunes will not display my iPhone on the device tab, message appears saying error in reading iPhone what can I do to correct this, I have tried everything suggested in apple support

    iTunes will not display my iPhone on the device tab, message appears saying error in reading iPhone what can I do to correct this, I have tried everything suggested in apple support

    - Try restoring on another computer.
    -  Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Error:some of the items in itunes can not be added...

    We recently bought another ipod. We are using the same computer and the same accounts since we listen to the same music. My husband tried to add some music that I downloaded from the itunes store to his ipod and this is the message that he's getting "song of the items in the itunes library can not be added your ipod because you are not authorized to play them on this computer."
    And it follows with a list of all the songs he can't add to his ipod, and they are all songs that we have downloaded with itunes.
    Yes, we have played them on the computer itself to "authorize" them, I've read the FAQs, we just can not figure out how to add the songs to his ipod, and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I have the almost exact issue.  Been using my iPod touch for a few years and recently have started to see that not all my video podcasts will update.  I have tried tagging them as watched, unwatched, delete, download again, and nothing is working.  I just want to watch my video podcasts.  If you hear of or find a fix let me know, cause it is driving me nuts.
    iPod Touch, Windows 7.

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